Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 122 121 Hilbert Jean Angers, King of Sky and Wind

Chapter 122 121. King of Sky and Wind——Hilbert Jean Angers
Lu Mingfei found his suit and windbreaker on the hanger next to the hospital bed. The college had funded a custom suit according to the original size and fabric.

He wears a suit and tie, but when he runs he looks like a poor, weak child.

Lu Mingfei held Xia Mi's wrist tightly and walked all the way from the school medical department across half of the mountaintop college to a small building.

This small building is located in the woods and is the principal's office. The morning star has already appeared in the east, and there is still a slight whiteness in the sky.

To Lu Mingfei's expectation, it was not late at night, but dawn.

Lu Mingfei stumbled into the building, and every door made a clicking sound. Norma opened all the roads for him one step ahead.

Xia Mi said nothing and just followed silently.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that Lu Mingfei was holding her wrist. It was she who was supporting Lu Mingfei. However, the boy's desire to go to a certain goal was too strong. Even though he was weak and tired, his eyes were full of child-like fear. Still always ahead.

Lu Mingfei's face was frighteningly pale, and the evil ghost named weakness was still dormant in his soul and body after many years.This made him fearful and angry for no reason.

The door to the principal's office was open to them, and the books on the bookshelf were spotless. The squirrels who had gotten up early ran boldly in and jumped up and down the stairs and bookshelves. They didn't line up and hurried until Lu Mingfei opened the door and broke in. He hurriedly ran away through the open skylight.

The furnishings here clearly exude a British style of laziness and warmth.

This was the atmosphere that old Hilbert Jean Angers loved. Only here did he feel that he was really alive. What Angers thought was his best time was spent in Cambridge.

But there was a smell of wine, a strong smell of wine.

Lu Mingfei slumped on the bench. He turned around and looked at the dead corridor, his eyes frightened and timid, as if he was being chased by an evil ghost.

He held Xia Mi's wrist harder, and the girl suddenly hugged him. She was standing, but Lu Mingfei had sat down because of fatigue, so that their postures were like a mother hugging her child.

"Senior brother, I'm here, senior brother, I'm here." Xia Mi's voice was panicked. She thought Lu Mingfei might have had a terrible nightmare.

Lu Mingfei buried his head in Xia Mi's arms. His body was trembling slightly and he had a splitting headache. The terrifying truth prompted by a little devil violently washed away his will after the danger was temporarily out of the way.

The Black King's cocoon, in the North Pole!

"They are looking for him, they are looking for him." Lu Mingfei said softly, he raised his head and the corners of his eyes twitched.

When he was attacked by Odin, he had no time to care about other things except himself, but after everything was settled, the information given by the little devil was too shocking.

The reason why Odin ambushed Lu Mingfei was that he was investigating the Far North, and the Hybril he was pursuing in the Far North might be the burial place of Nidhogg!

That is the ultimate darkness, the beginning and end of all history, the great fear that is destined to kill all dragons and humans in the prophecy.

The secret party must know about this matter!
Lu Mingfei was groping for something under the principal's desk. It was a small box containing a Partgas commemorative edition cigar produced in 2000, a top-quality product that could not be purchased in Cuba.

He lit a cigarette for himself with a slight trembling, not knowing whether it was because of the pain in his body or the trembling of his soul, and then he blew out the green smoke towards the roof.

"Who is looking for whom? Senior brother?" Xia Mi had a look of confusion on his face.

"Nidhogg." Lu Mingfei's voice was as cold as a knife.

The expression on the girl's face froze, as if there was some emotion called fear flowing in her eyes.

"Please wait a moment, Lu Mingfei, the principal is on his way back to the office. It is estimated that he will have to wait for 10 minutes." Norma's voice came through something under the table.
The child's request temporarily terminated the meeting, which was jointly held by the Senate and the School Board, two institutions with the greatest power in mixed-race society.

After experiencing the Kuimen Project, the Chicago Six Flags Amusement Park incident, and the Cassel College CC100 train attack, although there are still no explicit regulations, there is no doubt that Lu Mingfei’s importance and priority are already among the secret party. The highest level ever.All his demands will be met, all his authority will be released, and he will undoubtedly become the uncrowned king of the mixed race society in the next hundred years after Angers dies.

In this case, the hero who fell into a coma due to severe injuries and blood loss shock after fighting with dragons, the first thing to do after waking up is to meet the contemporary dragon-slaying leader. Who can ask for such a trivial request? Will you refuse?

When Principal Angers mentioned this matter, all the four members of the Elder Council and Dame Elizabeth Laurent and Miss Charlotte Gautingen on the school board almost simultaneously expressed their concern for Lu Mingfei and expressed their willingness to temporarily Terminate the meeting.

Make some time alone with Angers for the hero whose name will shine throughout the history of dragon-slaying.

Real dragons will carve their history on copper pillars that stand in the sea of ​​ice and reach the sky.

Every dragon inscription on those copper pillars is soaked in blood, every word is filled with blood and cruelty, and every record is filled with respect and fear for the powerful.

In the world of the Dragon Clan, those who can gain power are always those individuals who have power. Because they have power, they can hold power.

Power and power have always been symbiotic and indivisible.

The hybrids inherited the blood of dragons and their powers, bringing the dragon's heart into the human body.

Although the powerful and iron-blooded secret party has formulated laws to restrict the behavior of hybrids since ancient times, in essence they still fear and respect the strong like the real dragons.

Lu Mingfei has the ability to fight against Dragon King-level targets. He is a ruler on the battlefield and will leave an indelible chapter in a certain period of history. For him, the Elders are actually willing to sacrifice their precious time in a meaningless battle. While waiting, Frost even generously expressed that the Gattuso family was willing to provide Lu Mingfei with the world's most advanced medical equipment and the best medical team.

However, Angers declined the proposal and said that the Kassel School Medical Department is the best team in the world. They even used targeted therapy to treat Mr. and Mrs. Curie who had been exposed to radioactive substances for a long time.

Frost deeply regretted this, and at the same time implicitly stated that Lu Mingfei's genetic sample was an important research object for the Camarilla.

Angers just pretended not to hear.

——The morning star is still twinkling, but the sun has already risen and is spreading golden light to Angers’ feet.The principal's face was serious, and every step he took was big and fast, as if he couldn't wait to see Lu Mingfei.

But he was stroking the ancient silver ring on the index finger of his right hand, and a trace of imperceptible confusion flashed in the depths of his iron-gray pupils.

Is the time...has it?
The realm of time zero unfolded silently like ripples of water, as if high-pitched chants from ancient times echoed on the quiet Cam River. Thick fog rolled and was shrouded by the invisible realm, and the boundary seemed to be boiling.

This spiritual world is built based on Meineke's memory, is stable, and abides by fixed rules, so the spirit of speech can actually be used.

Ange suddenly stood up straight, and the world fell into absolute silence. The folding knife, which was only 20 centimeters long, slowly hung down by his side. The posture was like those Japanese folding knives that are over 100 centimeters long.He stopped breathing, his racing heart slowed down rapidly, and he lowered his head to look at the shadows underground, his eyes bursting with dazzling light.

The dragon-slaying folding knife, which was forged with the red Philosopher's Stone, was based on the broken fragments of the alchemical Atkan sword originally held by Meineke Kassel. It flew like a butterfly in Angers' hands.

Angers can use the mythical spirit of Time Zero to slow down the flow of time between him and the space he is in by two hundred times. As an S-class old guy, his body's reaction speed is at least four times that of an ordinary hybrid.

That is to say, when he releases Time Zero, in the most extreme state, Angers speed can even exceed two hundred times that of ordinary people.

In history, people who possess this word spirit are all born assassins. They slit the target's throat with a short knife in a very short period of time, and then escape without anyone noticing. Angers is definitely the best among them. one.

The Time Zero released by him can even affect the near-supreme Lord of Bronze and Fire Norton.

Everything around him seemed to be still. The thick and moist white mist condensed into tiny crystals and suspended in front of Angers. The gurgling water supporting the white-sailed boat floating on the Cam River became as sticky as asphalt.

Angre looked up to the sky, and something crystal seemed to slip from the corner of his eye, and it was immediately evaporated by the rapidly rising body temperature.

"The long time has changed many of us, Menike. I once witnessed the boy who slayed the dragon turned into a dragon. Today you have also become a dragon." The old man's voice seemed to have gone through vicissitudes of life, hoarse and low, like a throat. With steel in his mouth, he slowly lowered his originally raised head, "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

This sentence comes from [New Testament 1:9]. Angers was not a religious person, but he believed that Jesus Christ also left something useful.

Steam curled up from the corners of his eyes and cheeks. He put his hand on Menike's head and stabbed the man's heart with the knife with a fierceness that wanted to cut off everything.

When that strange face appeared in this spiritual world, Angers knew that his friend, his most proud partner, the man who was determined to make his name shine throughout the history of dragon slaying, was no longer there. He is no longer the same person as before.

He has fallen and joined the dragon.

Angers hates all pure-blooded dragons. This hatred cannot be erased by time, but will only become deeper and deeper.

Meineke, my friend.If you were young and saw yourself now, you would definitely cut your own throat with that Atkan sword, right?

Ange's eyes flashed with exploding golden light, and for a few moments he looked as ferocious as an evil ghost crawling out of hell.He is the most powerful dragon slayer in history, even when facing the most talented Menek Cassel of their time.

But with a crisp sound of "ding", a finger stood up on the path of the folding knife. The finger was so hard that it didn't lose any force when it collided with the metal. It was just slightly dented, and the extremely magnificent azure field was... The finger quickly expanded outward from the center, and Angers was shocked. He could recognize that area.

The realm of time zero!

A far more powerful Time Zero user than him!
"Your friend doesn't trust you. He even wants to kill you." The Chinese man who blocked Angers' attack with his fingers did not go any further. He just stood up and a mountain-like pressure swept over him, almost pressing Angers to the ground. , his teeth were chattering, but the folding knife in his hand did not fade at all.

"Then you win, Meineke Cassel. We have all seen his determination. The deal is done and you can die." The man laughed silently. He patted Meineke on the shoulder, and his pupils were filled with gods. The majestic golden color dispersed, and then he looked into Angers eyes.

"He is really an old man who is about to die. But it doesn't matter. As long as you are firm enough, the more unforgettable the hatred in your eyes, the stronger the wildfire will be. In the end, we can see that fire destroy the shackles." The shackles of abandoning the clan." He whispered, and the words and vocabulary he spat out became more and more majestic, as if he was walking a long road to the throne.

"I knew you would definitely attack me, Angers, good boy, I saw you right!" Unexpectedly, Meineke was not angry. He even looked a little happy, with an expression of relief on his face. , "Well done! The blood of the Lion Heart Club is still flowing in your heart, so I feel relieved!"

Angers sat down slowly and put away his pocket knife. "What do you want to do?" he asked.The most powerful Chinese person Ange has ever seen in his life is Lu Mingfei, followed by a man named Chu Tianjiao, but none of them can compare to the guy in front of him.

It was probably a real king, but I don't know which one.

"You already know my identity. I do occupy one of the thrones of the four great monarchs in the dragon world. The name of that throne is Sky and Wind. In the human world, I have had two identities. One identity has been so long ago that even I have begun to forget it, but you must have heard about the second identity." The Chinese man said with a smile. He got himself a glass of whiskey with ice, raised his head and drank it. Letting out a satisfied groan, his eyes suddenly became solemn, and he leaned forward,
"In ancient times, I was called...

King of Chu. "

Ange's pupils contracted. He thought of the ancient books he had read in a Chinese mixed-race family, and felt a little dazed for a moment.

In the Battle of Gaixia, King Xiang Yu of Chu was suspected of...

Lord of the sky and the wind.

"You should be dead. Only dragons that have not left a cocoon will become dragon bone crosses after death. This is because your power is left in your bones, along with your soul." Angers is definitely the most powerful person in the world. One of those people who understands the Dragon Clan.

"Almost dead, but I am the first king created by the emperor. He modeled me after himself and gave me power beyond other kings. I can almost completely control the sky and wind. My power is equal to The supreme of this lineage." Xiang Yu raised his head, and his gilded pupils seemed to have ripples of memories, "We abandoned tribes were created to trek to death. I witnessed that long migration, and no one knows it. What we are looking for, we don’t even know.”

Angers sat up straight again, holding the cup of coffee and saying nothing.

"Don't you want to know what happened? Let me tell you." Meineke laughed heartily, "I killed the only pure-blooded dragon in the commando team sent by the Qing government. It was a third-generation species. She is a female, but she is not violent, and is even a little gentle." Meineke actually only remembers her eyes.

Her eyes have a heavy, sad beauty, but are as firm as a rock.

"Her name is Yu. She has been sleeping for a second thousand years and has awakened again. Together with Li Wuyue, another monarch on the throne of the King of Sky and Wind, she will overturn this miserable world and rebuild the sacred empire of the Dragon Clan!" Menike Said, "But she is actually very pitiful. She only has a short time in her life to be happy, and spends more time in sadness and deception. Li Wuyue lied to her. He told Yu that he was Xiang Yu's Brother, he wants to continue on that great journey, but he didn’t say what he was going to do.”

Ange also knew some Chinese history and the relationship between Yu Ji and Xiang Yu, and made many associations.

"I killed Yu and was stained with her blood, so I was able to awaken Xiang Yu. The power the king showed after he woke up is incredible. I hope you can figure out the source of those powers." Meineke looked at Angers, and Angers glanced at him. He glanced at the king, but the latter seemed completely defenseless and didn't care what they were talking about.

"Then that's it. Yu re-formed the cocoon with the help of the monarch, and my spirit temporarily stayed in the keel cross. As the cocoon developed, we implanted the keel cross into it, but it can be taken out. He It cannot exist alone and must rely on the excellent 'Holy Son' to use flesh and blood to cultivate a new body."

"Parasite?" Ange's pupils contracted.

"It's not that low-level thing. In a sense, it's more like mutual benefit and symbiosis." Xiang Yu said.

"Am I your chosen Holy Son?"

"Originally it was another boy, but your brother thinks you are more suitable because your bloodline comes from mine." Xiang Yu complained quite a bit about this.

Angers didn't speak anymore. He didn't trust dragons, especially the Dragon King. He didn't trust them even more.


On the white-sailed boat on the Cam River, Meineke suddenly whispered. His voice was melodious and low, and a little hoarse, like the sound of a harmonium flowing with the wind on the river. "I have been waiting for this day for a long time. In comparison, You are the more suitable executor. A wandering soul like me should have gone to hell long ago, and my friends are still waiting for me in front."

At this moment, electric light silently crossed the sky, tearing apart the thick fog.

Ange's pupils shrank, he realized something, and reached out his hand to Meineke.

But the Dragon King held his wrist, and the hand that clamped down on him was so hard and powerful that it could tear mountains apart.

"This is his, Meineke Cassel's own choice. His life has come to an end long ago, and his soul should wither along with his bones. It was me who kept him, but I lost the bet we just made. I can no longer leave him on the boundary between life and death." Xiang Yu's voice was calm, he was just stating a fact, but his eyebrows were clearly smiling.

"Goodbye, friend," he said.

"Goodbye, friend," Meineke also said.

Menike's face was pale, with deadly blood red hidden in the paleness. There was a vague flame in his eyes, and the hand holding the cup was trembling.

"I know you don't trust him, you don't trust anything related to dragons, Hilbert, but I can see that the end of destiny is a black shadow, and the end is right in front of me. That day, all those who have anything to do with God Everything around you must carry a knife and go to the battlefield, you must have a pass." He held Ange's hand, which was as cold as a dead body.

Angers stared at those eyes that seemed to be burning, and after a long time he nodded slightly.

The king's heroic laughter echoed, seeming to drift away until it disappeared without a trace.

He then slowly turned around, and a huge mirror stood in front of him. The man named Xiang Yu disappeared, leaving only a thick fog.

The silent figure stood in the fog, the blue scales tore through the elegant British-style suit, and the surface of the scales was filled with fire like flowing clouds.

Ange only felt that the young face was vaguely familiar, and the ferocious and beautiful body seemed to have been familiar to him before. He reached out to touch his face, only to feel that the face was jagged and majestic.

What should I call him now?
Principal of the Kassel College Angers?
still is……

The King of Sky and Wind, Hilbert Jean Angers?

(End of this chapter)

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