Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 123 122 Old King’s Coffin, New King’s Throne

Chapter 123 122. The old king’s coffin, the new king’s throne

Lu Mingfei sat in front of the principal's expensive redwood desk. He skillfully took black tea from the tea cabinet and brewed a cup for himself and Xia Mi. After the tea fragrance spread, he picked up the teacup and poured his own He drank the cup in one gulp, then sat down silently, and quietly smoked the 2000 edition limited edition cigar. The white smoke rose slowly, blurring his vision.

The office is very quiet in the morning, and the birds that are common near Kassel College do not get up early this season. The skylight is open, and the only sound is the rustling of leaves in the wind.

The tiny arcs of light that came in through the skylight were like the catkins of a beautiful woman, falling on the side of Lu Mingfei, creating a thin and straight shadow on the spines of old books all over the wall.

Xia Mi held her chin, sitting on the sofa and staring at Lu Mingfei's profile. A faint blush slowly rose on her face. The sun shone on her hands, and her fingers were white and trembling slightly.

"Junior...Junior sister, thank you for always staying by my side." Lu Mingfei said softly. He was still smoking. Xia Mi felt that his face, which had not shaved for some time, seemed to have become a little weathered.The vicissitudes of life were profound, and suddenly the child she had watched grow up became mature.

The end of all destiny in the world, the enemy of all life, the Black King Nidhogg. This is such an appalling secret. When Lu Mingfei thinks of the great Supreme Being dormant under the ice of the Arctic, he gets all excited. Tremble.

"What are you talking about? We are brothers and sisters." Xia Mi tilted his head, his eyes widened, like a kitten that suddenly jumped on your lap and stared curiously into your eyes.

The girl thought for a while and then said with a smile, "If you go to heaven, I will go to heaven with you. If you go to make a fortune, I will live in happiness. If you kill the god, I can take selfies on the god's body and post them on friends." "

"What? You just want to take advantage. There are so many people who can go to heaven, and there are a lot of rich and handsome people in the academy. Can I really kill gods?" Lu Mingfei smiled tiredly.

"If it were you, senior brother, I would go to hell with you." Xia Mi suddenly said seriously.

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He slowly turned his head to look at Xia Mi's eyes. Those eyes were like water with a golden shimmer, and they were breathtakingly beautiful.Xia Mi still held her chin up, and the faint blush on her face was like the color of the thin clouds in the sky being dyed by the rising sun.

She suddenly met Lu Mingfei's eyes. Both of them were stunned for a moment, and Lu Mingfei quietly turned his head.

Xia Mi's eyes were rolling, and the girl's cunning was in the depths of her eyes.

Lu Mingfei exhaled another puff of white smoke, moved his eyes, and suddenly saw the photo frame on the table.

Lu Mingfei then took a deep breath. A certain memory from the last time and space pierced into his soul without any warning. He had also sat in the same position and stared at the same photo from the same angle.

In the photo frame, seven people are holding each other's shoulders and laughing and joking in front of the gate of the University of Munich, with summer vines hanging down above their heads.

The beautiful and shy Indian girl wore a white sunhat, and her bright eyes stared vaguely at a Chinese man who looked somewhat similar to Lu Mingfei in the morning light. The man wore a long suit and had a haircut. The braids of the Qing Dynasty, Meineke Cassel, who was quite famous among the elders in the academy, grabbed the braids of Chinese men.The girl's name in the team is Gui, and the man is Lu Mingfei's ancestor Lu Shanyan a hundred years ago.

Next to them there were two men as majestic as a liger and holding two shotguns, namely the tiger and the chief. Next to these two men was a thin man smoking a cigar solemnly. He was the ashes.

Angers, who was still young and even a little immature, stood side by side with someone in the corner.

He was a very handsome young man, wearing a straight white hunting suit and a pair of eyebrows flying like swords.

Friedrich von Long.

The traitor who betrayed the original Lionheart Society, the enemy Angers has been pursuing all his life.

Some people are really born to bear their fate. They should carry a mountain of hatred and obsession on their shoulders, a long road of thorns at their feet, and their own grave at the end of the long road.

But what about me, what kind of coffin should I have in my tomb, and whose name should I write on my tombstone?

Lu Mingfei laughed silently.

At this time, the already quiet office seemed to be retreating away from the world. The rustle of the leaves in the wind disappeared, and it finally became lonely.

Lu Mingfei quickly became aware of the silence.

He slowly raised his head and turned his face. Xia Mi was no longer here. There was only a small, pale boy sitting in the girl's place.

Sure enough, it was the little devil Lu Mingze, but Lu Mingfei, who should have been panicked when he saw him, actually breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, are you worried about me?" The little devil imitated Xia Mi's movements, holding his chin and tilting his head, blinking at Lu Mingfei with his big eyes.

Lu Mingfei walked up to the little devil and stretched out his hands to ruffle his carefully taken care of hair. Lu Mingze looked aggrieved, like a puppy who had returned home after being beaten outside.

"No, aren't you a devil? Devils still need to worry?" he said.

In fact, I was really worried. The last time Lu Mingze appeared, he was injured. He was injured while blocking Kungunir for Lu Mingfei. Even Lu Mingfei would be frightened to see such an injury. He felt like a little devil. It seemed like he would die at any moment.

But how could he admit it? It's like if a good friend has cancer, even if he is about to die, you still have to hold back your tears and send him off with a super ugly smile.

These are good brothers. If you cry and cry, you are not a brother, you are a gay friend.

Today, Lu Mingze was wearing a black suit and a plain white tie. He originally looked dignified and reserved like an adult.But Lu Mingfei messed up his hair, making him look like a child again.

Lu Mingfei deliberately ignored the clothes Lu Mingze was wearing. They were for funerals. He had seen the little devil wearing them many times before. Every time this kid appeared in front of Lu Mingfei like this, it must mean something. A tragedy happened.

"Why are you looking for me again? I have no intention of trading with you. My life is precious." Lu Mingfei was wary.

Lu Mingze pitifully tried to smooth his messed up chicken coop. He looked at Lu Mingfei and said, "Can't you chat with me if you have nothing to do? Brother, you really prefer junior sisters who are cute on the outside and domineering on the inside. A bad woman, you can’t look down on me, who is like a ruined flower and a fallen willow.”

"Your mother's appearance is a woman's. Although you are not very developed, I guess you are not a man, but you are still a pure man, right?" Lu Mingfei said coldly.

"We devils don't have to have gender. If you have an idea, brother, I can't turn into Lilith and break into your dreams to spend the night with you." Lu Mingze said coquettishly.

Lu Mingfei retched, "Go, go, go, you dare to come into my dream and I will strangle you to death." Lu Mingfei didn't think the little devil was joking. This guy is really capable of doing such a thing. Think about it in his dream. Lu Mingfei got goosebumps for no reason as she was having an affair with a pure man.

Oh my god, President Lu has been considered a big shot in his life. He has cheated all the way from high school to today and has charmed countless girls. But until now, he is still a big boy. He can't be fooled by Lu. Woe to Narusawa.

As for Lilith, she is the succubus king, who is said to be able to drain the strongest men dry in one night.In Jewish folklore, she is considered to be the first wife of Adam, the human ancestor in the Old Testament. She was created by God from the same clay at the same time as Adam. She left the Garden of Eden because she was dissatisfied with Adam and later became a temptation. Humans and she-devils who strangle babies.

Lu Mingze stuck out his tongue and suddenly looked out the window.

Lu Mingfei also looked over and was immediately stunned.

"That's right, brother, we were supposed to go to the funeral. The old king has passed away. Don't you go to express your condolences?" Lu Mingze was solemn, but there was a smile on his lips. At this time, the little devil looked more like a young emperor.


Lu Mingfei straightened his collar expressionlessly. He knew that Lu Mingze said he was going to a funeral, so there must be a funeral waiting for him somewhere, but whose funeral was it?

He didn't know, he had no memory, and had no idea what to do. He just remembered that there were so many dandelions flying outside the window that it looked like it was snowing, but the snow season had ended in Illinois.

Lu Mingze came up behind him and put him in the same black suit and plain white tie. The two of them walked out of Norton Hall side by side. The campus was filled with candles under the night sky.

Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze stood up at the same time, because the singing of girls could be heard outside. Lu Mingfei looked out and saw a group of young girls holding Bibles, wearing shield-shaped school badges, and wearing nun uniforms.

“Life flows like the wind, and the world is immortal like solid rock;
Dear, you leave us now and drift away with the wind. Your holy soul will be gently caressed on the shoulders of the Lord..."

Those girls were probably invited by the church to sing the choir, because the church at Cassel College has only one part-time pastor all year round, and that pastor is Professor Manns. There is no such thing as a choir.

They sang this song over and over again in the depths of the fog, their voices as ethereal as those of stray birds.

Yes, when did the fog start?
Lu Mingfei didn't know, but Lu Mingze suddenly took his hand. The little devil raised his head and smiled sweetly. He didn't say anything, he just opened the door of the principal's office and walked along the solemn path to the church. The songs of those girls accompanied them and followed them. Although they were melodious and melodious, they made Lu Mingfei feel a little chill down his spine, as if he was being watched by lonely souls wandering in the cemetery.

Finally they arrived at the church.

It was not the chapel in Cassel College at all, but a huge building with a strong late vertical Gothic style. It looked more like St. Mary's Church, the main church of Cambridge University.

The church was also full of candles, mountains and seas of candlelight. This was probably the most candles Lu Mingfei had ever seen in his life. Those small burning pillars stood in every corner or on the ground, like clusters of trees. Thorns, the ends of thorns are burning with light fire, clustered together like a gorgeous galaxy.

Candlelight surrounded Lu Mingfei and Lu Mingze, and at this time, an organ somewhere began to play low mass music.

Lu Mingfei finally saw it. The cross-shaped coffin lay flat in the candlelight. The coffin was made of black steel, with ferocious copper locks hung on the gaps.It doesn't look like a funeral, it's clearly a ritual to seal the devil!

The little devil suddenly let go of Lu Mingfei. He laughed happily, but tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes. He crawled on the coffin, feeling its temperature, touching its edges and corners, and watching the slender white wax around it slowly The ground turned into candle tears that condensed on the dark red carpet.

"It's been a long time since I saw you again, my dear servant. When I saw you again, you were already dead." He said softly, his voice low and slow, as if he was praying for the deceased, but also as if he was sentencing the enemy to death.

Lu Mingfei suddenly felt sad for no reason. He reached out to wipe the corners of his eyes, but felt a little moisture.

How could it be, how could it be, why am I sad, who is this funeral for?That servant, he should be really good to Lu Mingze, his loyalty would never be betrayed, and his waiting would remain unchanged for thousands of years.But he is dead.

It was so silent.Lu Mingfei slowly raised his head. His eyes were so brightly illuminated by the candlelight, as if huge torches were lit in his pupils.He saw a pattern of the Virgin holding the Son in her arms on the mosaic glass windows under the dome that was tens of meters high.

The sky was dark, the patterns illuminated by the bonfire outside.

At this time, a pastor came onto the stage and began to recite the eulogy in a low voice, but Lu Mingfei suddenly had a splitting headache because he seemed to have heard the pastor's voice in a very, very far away dream. Or maybe in some hallucination, he tried hard to straighten his ears to listen, and tried hard to open his eyes to see. The pastor's face gradually became clearer, and his voice became soft and graceful.

She is Yu, the next-generation species who embraced him in the sea, rain, and wind.

Her expression was sad, and her eyes showed a dull golden color. She chanted, "What comes from dust will return to dust. May the love of the Lord be with you forever, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit..."

Lu Mingfei looked at Lu Mingze blankly, and he suddenly realized that there were people standing around him. Those people had their heads lowered, and the little devil also lowered his eyes like everyone else, showing an expression of mourning.

When the priest finished reciting the eulogy, everyone looked up. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but the depths of their eyes were dotted with bright gold.

Lu Mingfei wondered, could the devil also mourn?
It turns out that the devil also has... a heart?

The pastor then knocked the last nail in the coffin and said, "Amen."

The organ suddenly changed its tune, and the sadness on people's faces disappeared. The girl named Yu took off her priest's clothes and put on clothes that looked like a pope. At this time, everyone held hands and sang. , Lu Mingfei had heard of the song. The tune was "God Save Our Emperor Franz", but the lyrics were in very ancient classical Chinese.

“God bless my emperor, may your virtue be long and prosperous.

The country will be long-lasting and have good fortune.

The emperor's legacy will last forever and everything will be glorious.

The Lord of all peoples has no borders with his country.

Only talents can be promoted, and only sincerity can help.

The world admires him, his virtue spreads across the sky.


At this moment, the atmosphere in the church suddenly relaxed, and the sad guests had smiles on their faces, but the atmosphere remained solemn.Lu Mingfei couldn't help but be a little surprised. He also knew that according to Christian teachings, after death, only the soul goes to heaven, where relatives and friends will eventually be reunited.

But this song doesn't look like something you would sing at a funeral, but it sounds like...

"The new king ascends the throne." Lu Mingze said to Lu Mingfei, "This is the norm in the world of dragons. The death of the old king means the rise of the new king, and people will no longer grieve for the passing."

The guests were all gathered around, and they suddenly separated on a road. The road was a dark red carpet with black war horses painted on it.

A young man walked out. He was so majestic and yet so loving. He was wearing a magnificent and elegant imperial robe and walked towards the coffin step by step.

In the silent church, under the mountain of candlelight, everyone retreated, leaving only the young man facing the coffin alone.

There was Lu Mingfei, who was also standing on that road, but the young man bypassed him and continued towards the iron coffin.

There lay a certain former emperor whom he did not recognize.

Sadness emerged from Lu Mingfei's heart like a nameless root and sprouted.

"Farewell, my servant." He said softly, and then walked out along the dark red carpet. Even he himself didn't know why he said these words.

When he walked out of the candlelight, Lu Mingfei suddenly turned around. He looked at the young man who was stepping on the coffin towards the throne that had appeared at an unknown time. The young man also looked back at this time, the eyes of the two people Collide at this moment.

Lu Mingfei was stunned.

He knows that person.

He had seen him on the principal's desk as the young Hilbert Jean Angers.

"Brother, let's go forward. You are about to tread on that thorny road. The horn of Ragnarok is about to sound, and the old king will put down his crown to welcome the new king." Lu Mingze whispered to Lu Mingfei Said, "You have already made a decision, haven't you? To make everything about the Black Supreme known to the public, to bring the final war to the world, the gods or kings will not be able to sit still. There are many pairs of eyes on both sides of the long river of destiny. Looking at you."

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened. He was still thinking about what Lu Mingze said. Everything around him was spinning. Lu Mingze was still smiling. He waved to Lu Mingfei, and then he actually said it properly. He gave a military salute to Anger, who was standing on a coffin in the church.

The dream was shattered.
"Mingfei, your body is still very weak. It's best not to run around at this time. If you want to see me for anything, you can tell Norma." Ange was not satisfied that Lu Mingfei had touched his tea leaves and cigars. They were not surprised or angry. Even in the first semester of the first year, Lu Mingfei and Ange had already met in the principal's office more than once.

There was even a mean old guy on the Night Watch forum who swore that Lu Mingfei must be Angers' illegitimate son.But later this person was confirmed to be the vice principal who had been living in the bell tower.

The senior students of Kassel College - such as Fingel von Flins, who is in the same dormitory as Lu Mingfei - have always known that the vice-principal has some ambitions to kill Angers and come to power. Not that this Tutor Flamel, who has a high reputation in the mixed-race society, intends to get involved in the position of leader of the Secret Party of Angéna. In the final analysis, this is just the vile idea of ​​the night watchman to hold an annual swimsuit competition in the college. This has been going on for 13 consecutive years. He was rejected by the principal of Angers in [-]. For this reason, the vice-principal often sighed and lamented that the old guy in Angers did not know good and bad, and threatened that sooner or later he would take off the first word of the title of vice-principal.

Lu Mingfei knew that the night watchman was almost from the same era as Angers. Principal Angers was still in high spirits and his soul was as young as an energetic young man.The vice-principal is a bit hard to describe. Although some aspects of his energy and obscene thoughts are indeed as young as a middle-aged hero with excess energy, whether it is eating habits or daily routine, this person is obviously unable to compare with Principal Angers. compared to.

Judging from the age and performance of the vice-principal, he will never be the principal in this life.

Lu Mingfei hesitated whether to tell Angers what he originally wanted to tell Ange, but the little devil's words still seemed to echo in his ears.He looked at Xia Mi, who was sitting upright and acting rather unnaturally, and then looked at the photos of the first generation members of the Lion Heart Club placed on the table. The first ray of sunshine in the morning finally fell on the side of his face, and Lu Mingfei was deeply moved. Take a breath.

"It's Henkel. Mr. Henkel invited me to act with the armed forces of the North American mixed-race species and participate in a mission to capture the fallen mixed-race species." Lu Mingfei said softly.

He is no longer an indecisive person. This is what a man should do when he grows up. Whether you are preparing to grab the sword and rush to the battlefield to die at the national border, or you are taking your wife and children, carrying your bags and running around, no matter how important the decision is, you should be making it. Make a decision when you finish your cigarette.

In fact, the little devil has always been quite reliable. Lu Mingfei has never suffered any losses from Lu Mingze, so he still decided to trust Lu Mingze this time.

Angers showed no expression on the surface, but he was relieved in his heart. He was also a little worried that the best S-class student in history was still obsessed with what happened that day, so he immediately showed interest.

After inheriting the throne of the first of the four great monarchs after the Black King and the White King, the world he saw was different, but he still hated the Dragon Clan, even more than ever before.

Angers even had a premonition that even now he could not pose a threat to Lu Mingfei. This premonition made his heart palpitate from the bottom of his soul. Even if he had a partial understanding of the origin of the child, he could not eliminate this feeling of palpitations.

"The location of the mission is Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Mexico, where there has long been a criminal group engaged in gray industries and led by a degenerate mixed race. The industries they are engaged in include arms trading, illegal drug trade and human trafficking. Among them The most serious thing is undoubtedly human trafficking." Lu Mingfei said slowly.

Boar Neo was an important breakthrough point for Herzog. Originally, he was planning to use this person to draw the forces of the academy into his camp against the entire Japanese Seraki family and the fierce ghosts.

After learning about the existence of Boar Neo from Henkel, Lu Mingfei also asked Noonuo if she had heard of this name in the air during the period she had experienced. Noonuo thought about it carefully at that time. He actually answered in the affirmative.

According to Nono, in the last period of time and space, Neo the Boar had a very large sphere of influence, covering almost the entire black and white circles of Mexico. Almost everyone from the Rio de Janeiro city government to thieves living in the slums were beholden to him.After the Tokyo incident, the academy searched for the information left by Herzog and integrated various clues. In the correspondence between Herzog and the boar Neo, Herzog called the latter "Hercules". Named after Herzog in Greek mythology, the college concluded that the poor student who was expelled from the college had at least some characteristics similar to Herzog.

However, Nono was not at the scene at the time and did not have the opportunity to participate in this mission, so he did not know much about the details of the mission. He only knew that Lu Mingfei personally killed the boar Neo, and the latter followed the mission given by the academy. The report marked it as an A+ level high-risk target.

That is a guy who can probably fight against the normal Chu Zihang. He has a very close relationship with Herzog. This can be Lu Mingfei's breakthrough point. If he can do it quietly without alerting Herzog, By subduing the irascible boar, he can penetrate directly into the heart of the Doctor's conspiracy.

"A depraved hybrid who traffics in human beings. His behavior has undoubtedly violated the solemn Abraham blood contract. This has challenged the bottom line of the academy. Any behavior of yours will be permitted, and the academy will dispatch an enforcement team to assist throughout the process." Angers didn't think this was a big deal. Every year, many hybrids who violated the Abrahamic blood contract were secretly executed. If Lu Mingfei just decided to participate in this operation, no one with his authority would have any reason to stop him.

"Please listen to me, principal." Lu Mingfei refilled his teacup with water, leaned against the desk, and raised his head to look into Ange's eyes. This made him look weaker and more tired, as if he might die at any moment. Fainting.

In fact, he is far less miserable than he appears.

But showing weakness at the right time is not a bad thing, especially now that the principal's face in Lu Mingfei's eyes sometimes looked like a kind old man, and sometimes looked like a majestic king who was about to ascend the throne on an iron cross coffin.

"The fallen hybrid is called Boar Neo by the locals. He has a long-term cooperative relationship with a big figure in the Japanese underworld. He searches for naturally awakened wild hybrids throughout South America and New Mexico, and brings these People are transported to Japan through smuggling. In a few years, the number of mixed-race people trafficked to Japan through the channel of Boar Neo is no less than 200, and some of them are even women who are about to give birth. And these people were sent to Japan After going to Japan, they all disappeared, and they can never be found in the world again." Lu Mingfei's voice was faint.

Angers expression turned serious.

He understood Lu Mingfei's hint.

“They will never be found in the world again.” What does this mean?

So it's human experimentation?Or some ancient forbidden ritual?

Ange's eyes were like swords, and he tapped the table with his right index finger. A trace of ancient silver flashed in the corner of Lu Mingfei's eyes. It was a very ancient ring.

"I'll be with you on that mission," he said.

(End of this chapter)

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