Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 124 123 Japan Branch

Chapter 124 123. Japan Branch
The Dragon Blood Society is a new fraternity. They have a large number of people and select the best among the elite. Although many members are freshmen of this class, following Lu Mingfei's footsteps, they have the courage to stand proudly on the student union and the Lions Club. Declaring one's sovereignty in front of one's heart.

Because this time the winner of the Freedom Day was the Dragon Blood Society, and this victory also won them the right to use the Norton Pavilion.

This is a very unforgettable building. Its shape seems to be modeled after the Cologne Cathedral in Germany. Every turret looks like a sharp sword rising from the ground.

It is definitely one of the core venues of the entire academy. The only places that can rival it are probably the Hall of Valor and the underground Watt Alheim.

Since the founding of the school, the Lionheart Club has occupied this majestic building. Until a few years ago, with the addition of Caesar Gattuso, the student union rose strongly and won this honor from the old fraternity.

But today this honor belongs to Lu Mingfei.

His body was still exhausted, but with the help of Yan Ling. Redemption, and thanks to the college's complete and excellent medical department's treatment plan, the injuries that were originally enough to kill an ordinary person dozens of times have been completely healed.

Originally, due to Lu Mingfei's current physical condition, the college would not allow him to be discharged from the hospital, but under special circumstances, an important guest came to visit, and that guest came for him, so he had to receive him in person.

But before that, someone was already waiting at Norton Pavilion.

——"So why do I have to be with you? You heroes who have the world in mind and risk their lives, you can spare a passerby like me!" Fingel was tied to a wheelchair with a restraint belt and was pushed by Qilan Move forward.

"Lu Mingfei said he could close the door and let Fingel go if necessary. You are not a passerby, you are the crucial one." Qilan answered seriously.

Along with them were other members of the Dragon Society, Pierre, Sanel... almost all the elite students among the freshmen appeared here.

Lu Mingfei did not intend to participate in the actions of Neo the Boar alone. Behind him stood the Camarilla and many ancient dragon-slaying families that made up the Camarilla. Only when the power of these families converged like hundreds of rivers into the sea could they show their ability to compete with Japan. The power to contend with the underworld king Sheqi Bajia.

The Dragon Blood Society is the prototype of such a force.

The sky is quite low. Spring in Illinois is pitifully short. It seems that summer has just passed after the harsh winter, and the city of Chicago has really entered the rainy season.

Today is a day off, and the students who were running at night or going out for late-night snacks looked curiously at these guys wearing the crimson uniforms of the Dragon Blood Society. They quickly recognized the man who was walking at the front and surrounded by several girls. who.

Some people exclaimed in low voices, while others lowered their voices to talk to their companions.

They were not mistaken, that was indeed Lu Mingfei, the man who had entered Cassel Academy for only half a year and had already left a glorious record in the history of dragon slaying.

Lu Mingfei himself was not as majestic and as sharp as a knife as others imagined.

On the contrary, he even felt a little lackluster. He was shaky, but he stood upright, like a pickled cucumber that had been frozen hard in the freezer.

Lu Mingfei was sandwiched between Nono and Xia Mi. Neither girl looked good, but they still stretched out their hands to support Lu Mingfei, who was still a little tired and weak.

"Well, senior sister, I want to say..."

"There are also junior sisters!" Xia Mi was furious.

"Okay, Senior Sister, Junior Sister," Lu Mingfei helplessly held his forehead, "What I want to say is that my body has fully recovered, but my spirit is still a little sluggish, so I look tired and weak. You guys can go. If you are busy with your own business, there is no need to accompany me to meet with the representatives of the Japanese branch. You have never been to Japan, so you don’t know how perverted those little dwarfs are. It would be bad if I offend you."

"It sounds grand, but Lu Mingfei, can you really hide your worries in front of me someday?" Nuonuo raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Lu Mingfei was even more frightened when he saw her smiling like this. , for a moment I felt that I might not die soon.

"Senior brother, you are quite concerned about the people coming from the Japanese branch. Yesterday, the big shots on the school board wanted to meet you and had to make an appointment. Today, when the principal said that the people from the Japanese branch would meet with you at Norton Hall, you couldn't wait. Right?" Xia Mi hummed, not knowing where the little girl learned the strange yin and yang aura.

"The academy is going to work with the North American mestizos in Rio de Janeiro to launch an eradication operation against a human trafficking organization controlled by degenerate mestizos. I am the main executor of this operation. We have very reliable intelligence sources and can confidently grasp this criminal group. There is a close connection between the fallen hybrid and a big figure in the Japanese underworld. It just so happens that the envoy from the Japanese branch has been in the college these days. Isn't it normal for us to have contact?" Lu Mingfei tried his best to quibble.

Fingel, the thief, was probably not far behind Lu Mingfei and heard what he said. At this time, he started to shake his messy long hair, closed his eyes and yelled that he would not listen or listen to the bastard chanting sutras.

The faces of Nuonuo and Xia Mi were visibly darker. The two girls stood at the same time, grabbed Lu Mingfei, and then used the corners of their eyes to look at the people in the Dragon Blood Club behind them.Qilan's Adam's apple rolled back, and he took Fingel's wheelchair and took a few steps back. The atmosphere froze for a few seconds before Nono and Xia Mi escorted Lu Mingfei to the Norton Pavilion. Go.

"I heard that the Japanese branch sent a girl here this time. Maybe she is the person someone is dreaming about?" Nono seemed to say casually, but her eyes were clearly narrowed. A cat-like gaze came through the cracks.

Lu Mingfei was almost petrified.

"Yes, yes." Xia Mi nodded vigorously and hummed, "That girl's name is Eri. I heard she is a very gentle person. Unlike us, she only bullies her brother..."

Lu Mingfei covered his face: "Please ignore me."

Nuonuo knew that Eliyi was almost certain. They had discussed this issue many times, but every time Lu Mingfei was unwilling to talk in depth.As for Xia Mi... Lu Mingfei had heard her talk in her sleep when she was in the hospital. After all, she was the Dragon King, so she could have guessed it.

Three days ago, two days after the Odin ambush at Kassel College.

The conference hall of the Hall of Valor was as silent as a cemetery shrouded in cold fog. The great figures who had wielded power and power from the age of gods to today were as silent as death. The huge pendulum clock swayed left and right on the high wall at the end of the long table, emitting a metallic sound. With the roaring sound, time passed by, and Angers' footsteps never sounded at the end of the corridor. The golden sunlight swayed in from the door that had not been closed since he left, and was reflected by the smooth mirror-like marble floor. It was reflected into the conference hall and fell on the faces of the senators, dizzying the pale blood.

After Angers left, the night watchman sat down on the chair reserved for the principal of Cassel College. The legs of the chair were tilted back, and his feet were crossed and swayed on the conference table.

He explained his plan in detail, from seeking help from Chen Motong to hinting at Lu Mingfei, to secretly seeking help from Watt Alheim and temporarily strengthening the effect of the alchemy matrix within the academy.

The counter-ambush plan was not unreasonable. The CC1000 train that day carried a hero who could fight the king in a short time. He was fully armed, and the weapons in his hands were even enough for Lu Mingfei to enter the White House single-handedly, and also There are absolute elites among the students on standby in the academy and in Chicago, who can arrive at the battlefield within 10 minutes.

As long as they can delay for some time, the carrier helicopters that can form an aviation group will carry almost all the execution department specialists that Angers can mobilize in Illinois to the battlefield.

As long as that kind of military power is not up against the first-generation species like the King of Bronze and Fire, which is naturally capable of restraining thermal weapons, they would even have the confidence to challenge the Dragon King.

Odin arrived as scheduled, his majesty overshadowing the mountains towering into the sky. The horse under his seat spit out torn lightning. The power when he wielded the giant sword was frightening and heart-stopping. I have seen the stories of Lu Mingfei and Odin. After the holographic replay, no one present was confident that they could do better than that child.

Most of them are just A-level bloodlines. Only a few old people who are so old that they are almost dying have pure dragon blood that is almost the same as Lu Mingfei and Ange flowing in their bodies. The churning blood is hot and full of vitality. Although the bodies of these people appear to be old and decayed, their muscles still contain the power to tear a liger apart.What really shocked and frightened the elders and school directors was that a second Odin actually appeared during the battle. It was something that was also far beyond the next generation and could even be called the Dragon King. Just one Odin was able to destroy the entire world. The world is turned upside down. If two dragon king-level gods have great hatred and malice towards human beings, they can even easily destroy a country.The even scarier thing is that there is a speculation that has emerged. The content of that speculation is that there may be far more than two Odins. Is there something more dangerous, the Supreme, or the Dragon King, hidden behind that mask? The well-known method creates one such powerful god after another.

Of course, the identity of the Dragon King who stepped in early and helped Kassel College to rescue the enemy was also discussed.

The elders directly confirmed the identity of Xiang Yu Dragon King without any hesitation.

There is no doubt about this. When the king on the cloud appeared, the two Odins were obviously panicked and afraid. They didn't even have time to kill Lu Mingfei and others who were close at hand. Instead, they chose to turn around immediately. The targets work together to deal with the new enemy.

Only the true Dragon King can do this. In addition, even the most powerful prince in history who is closest to the original species cannot compete with Odin.

That is at least a target at the level of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire. At present, this target seems to show goodwill towards the academy, but it is more likely that he and Odin are enemies of each other.In the world of dragons, vendetta against each other is nothing new. Kings and kings want to conquer and kill each other in an attempt to devour each other.

However, Tutor Flamel said that Odin had been using the Nibelungs to monitor the entire academy for a long time, which frightened the school directors greatly.

The Nibelungs are something that only exists in legends. People know very little about a world that is independent of the real world. But such a world is really frightening in the hands of Odin. It is as if he can be in space at any time. A crack was torn out, and the power of the Kingdom of God was projected to every corner of the world.

This is a dangerous association.

The real war seems to have broken out quietly like this. The powerful can no longer treat the battlefield as a chess game and send young warriors to their death. They can use hot blood to extinguish the king's anger and drown the king's life.Because if Odin can really appear anywhere at all times, with the power of that god, no one in the mixed-race society, except for a few people, can stop the assassination from the Holy Spear of Destiny.

Even if you are sitting deep in the palace, surrounded by tough guards, you still have to be prepared to die in battle!

The faces of the school directors were all ugly.

But the senators were solemn and majestic, placing their right hands on their waists, where their respective weapons were being sheathed, but they were always waiting to be unsheathed, and they were always ready to shine the sharp light.

These people have lived for a long time, and each of them has experienced the dragon-slaying war before the industrial revolution.

At that time, young people from the families of St. George, St. Cadmus, St. Siegfried and St. Beowulf each led iron-blooded and well-trained action teams. They drank strong drinks and traveled to Siberia for thousands of years. Thousands of years of ice built coffins for our companions, and buried the fallen friends in the bottomless crevices. He chased the dragons to their lairs without thinking about anything, stabbed them into their hearts with swords, chopped off their heads, and then used He bathed in the dragon's blood and played the harmonica next to the dragon's corpse. It was the mourning song of the senators. After playing the song, these people set off on their journey again.

You can imagine how tragic and tragic it was. Every young man had to die in the war. The members of the action team changed one after another. The hearts of the still young veterans at that time had been tempered as hard as steel.

They always stand outside the crowd, turning themselves into an unbreakable Great Wall. Their tragic death is their most longed-for ending.

Someone told these old guys today that a dangerous dragon is about to tear the world apart and come to them from the other side of destiny. The elders will only hold on to their swords and rush forward before the young people. If Odin really comes, either he will Their heads were chopped off, or he drove a spear through their hearts.

For a moment, a turbulent river seemed to form between the elders and school directors. It was a confluence of emotions, tragic and tragic, as well as fear and shock.

"I have a question, that Odin, how did he do it? Open the Nibelungen window in the Kassel Academy?" Dame Elisabeth Laurent looked around all the participants, her voice couldn't stop. Zhu trembled slightly, "Aren't we protected by the alchemical matrix? Moreover, can the so-called Nibelungs really put the power of God into any corner of the world?"

Miss Charlotte from the Gottingen family glanced at the night watchman, but the old bastard still acted like an old god, completely ignoring other people's thoughts. She then sighed, "There is one of the most outstanding alchemists in alchemy." Achievements, these achievements are recorded in different ancient books, may be the legacy left by the Dragon Clan, they are element replacement, spiritual recasting, concept arming, time counterflow, space opening, life creation and causal separation."

Charlotte hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and continued, "From the perspective of the Gaotingen family's understanding of alchemy, I think that god...I mean Odin, he has understood the space opening in the Seven Achievements, This allowed him to freely cut and seam space and even carve out some incredible custom spaces.”

The vice-principal finally opened his eyes and shrugged, "The little girl is right. Although the inheritance of the Gaotingen family is just like that, it still has something, but I can only say that there is not much. You can understand it differently. Way, that thing doesn’t have to take the path we want to take at all, and the doors or any physical space separation set by humans are invalid to Odin.”

"Flamel's inheritance has always been the most dazzling crown in the Alchemy Kingdom." The girl nodded slightly towards the night watchman.

"So even if we are here, we are not safe." Frost said, his eyes narrowed, and this feeling of being in danger made the old man's whole body tense and exude an aura of danger.

Looking at it this way, Frost Gattuso is by no means a weakling even in such a meeting.

"We are not afraid of going to war with gods or dragon kings. This may be the reason why he did not appear. Odin was not sure of killing us all." St. George said.

"In fact, that is not the case. Although I don't know the strength of the elders, it should be difficult to pose a threat to the first generation species. The reason why he does not appear is that the gate of this academy is not just in the physical sense." Charlotte said , "There is an alchemy matrix directly under Kassel Academy controlled by the Flamel mentors of all generations. It is probably the most powerful matrix in the world. It restricts anyone from using the word spirit here, and it also allows reconstruction Efforts in space are ineffective. It is obvious that a powerful enough alchemical matrix can construct a spatial barrier from circulation to block any efforts by Odin to invade the academy."

The vice principal pouted: "That old thing has been running for 100 years. I don't know how long this shield can last. And Odin can open the window here, we have no secrets from him."

"But it's safe here." One school director said.

"You are safe wherever you go. People don't look down on people like you here at all. Like me, like you St. George, and like you Frost. What qualifications do we have to let a god attack us?" The night watchman suddenly laughed. He patted St. George's shoulder and then Frost's shoulder. "Don't worry, as long as that old bastard Angers and that little bastard Lu Mingfei are not dead, we should all be safe." .And I have removed the beacon left by Odin in the academy, so he can no longer monitor us for the time being."

No one was angry at the Night Watchman's words, they were only slightly relieved.

"But it's best to call together the elites from other branches. Angers and I agree that a big era is just around the corner, and Kassel College must be prepared." The vice-principal picked his toes, "Let's start with the Japanese branch. Let's get started, let their branch chief appear here within three days, we need the power of the Sheqi Eight Families."

The elders and school directors were stunned.
Lu Mingfei finally endured all the way to Norton Hall. He reached out and pushed open the door of the conference room, and then froze.

The candle on the long oak table was originally extinguished. It had never been used. After all, this is the industrial age, and there are very few places where candles are used for lighting.

But at this time, the thing was lit. There was a silhouette as hard as a rock and as sharp as a steel knife sitting in the candlelight. In the candlelight, the old man was sipping edamame and drinking Japanese sake.He was a Japanese man, and he was actually wearing a long black trench coat. It was as dark as the night outside the window, but the family crest on the collar was eye-catching.

It was indeed the emblem of the Sheqi Eighth Family, engraved with a big white snake with eight heads.Lu Mingfei had seen Yuan Zhisheng's gentian ring in Japan before, and it had the same totem.

He even knew this man, who was undoubtedly the strongest man in the legendary Japanese branch besides Minamoto Chisei.

Congratulations to Inuyama!
This old man who looks as rough as a rock has a strong smell of alcohol all over his body, but his eyes are as clear as the sky that has been cut off from the clouds. His family crest is undoubtedly gold, with a golden mandala entwining it. There is a big white snake, and the sharp thorns are like radiating light.

(End of this chapter)

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