Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 125 124 Sakuraampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampampamp

Chapter 125 124.Sakura& Eri

Standing outside the Norton Hall where it was about to rain, the girls from the Dragon Blood Club suddenly felt the cold night wind and shivered uncontrollably.

They have never experienced a real battlefield, nor have they had the experience of fighting dragons. Many of them were still girls studying etiquette in aristocratic academies six months ago, so they behaved so badly.

This is why Lu Mingfei insisted on having almost half of the members of the Dragon Blood Society follow him.

He already knew who the person coming from the Japanese branch would be. The old man might not be as good as him in blood, but at his peak, he could even push the powerful word spirit named "Setsuna" to the ninth level.

It was extremely fast, so fast that it seemed like it could cut off time.

Lu Mingfei is immune to Time Zero, but he cannot resist Setsuna. Inuyama Ga is one of the few humans who can pose a threat to him in a head-on confrontation.

Inuyama Ga is a person who has been fighting evil spirits since 1950 and is still alive today. Although his eyes are calm and clear, the bloody smell on his body is as thick as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Standing in front of such a person, just looking at him will give you chills all over your body.

The members of the Dragon Blood Society sat down in the lobby of Norton Hall. Fingel was tied up and his mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth. He was writhing on the bench like a maggot.

Although this guy has a very bad reputation in the academy and is considered a complete loser, he is also a behind-the-scenes figure like Hannibal of Carthage who lives in seclusion and strategizes.

This reclusive style has become even more serious since the Ministry of Information, under his leadership, expressed through the Night Watch Forum that a good bird chooses a tree while a good minister chooses the master and follows suit, and decisively left the student union and joined President Lu.

Of course, from Lu Mingfei's point of view, this may be more because Fingel holds the handle of most of the cadres and members of the student union. He is the undergraduate student who has been studying in the college for the longest time. I have photos of almost all the student council members running naked, including Caesar.

But when Fingel himself first joined the student union, all the photos of him streaking during the induction ceremony were kept in the hands of students from the same class as him.Besides, there are probably not many people who would keep this kind of thing for such a long time, which means that the student union has no control over Fingel at all.

Or maybe it was nothing embarrassing for Fingel to send nude photos of himself to the mailboxes of all the girls in school.In short, the student union really has nothing to do with this guy who is as thick-skinned as the Great Wall.

So the reason why he rarely goes out is probably because he is afraid that he will be killed and silenced.

The door to the conference room slowly closed in front of everyone, and Xia Mi peeked in. Lu Mingfei could guess that she would definitely do this without even turning around, so he stepped aside to completely block her view.

The person who entered the conference room with him was neither Nono nor Xia Mi, and certainly not Qilan and the others. Lu Mingfei had thought about letting Fingel accompany him, but he was too involved in the drama. It would be difficult to use him for a while, so he asked Shutoku Aki to come with him.

After all, Aki-senpai is a native Japanese. Although she is not of pure Japanese ancestry, and her bloodline is not the White King line to which the Snake Qihachi family belongs, she is still from the same country. If she is here, her communication with Inuyama Ga will probably be better. Be simple.

Lu Mingfei had only known about the existence of such a person before, and his knowledge of Inuyama Ga was limited to the files. He only knew that he showed amazing talent in the duel with Anger, pushing Setsuna to the unprecedented ninth level.

You must know that the Silver-winged Baron Charlotte, who famously suppressed almost all depraved hybrids in Europe in the [-]th century, did not advance this Word Spirit to the eighth level until later. Even so, he could already evolve this Holy Word into The more mythical Time Zero.

Probably Inuyama Ga could do it, but for some reason he didn't do it.

Senior Aki is very different from the past. She is now tall and slender, and looks a bit like her older sister. Although her eyes are still gentle, there is an imperceptible edge hidden deep in the gentle waves.

But at this moment, the man named Inuyama Ga didn't say a word or make a move, but she felt like a lamb being held down by the claws of a fierce lion. Let alone resisting, even struggling was in vain.

He didn't even light up his golden eyes, and just looked at Lu Mingfei and Shuude Aki quietly. Shuude Aki felt like he was being watched by some kind of ferocious beast.

This feeling was not washed away until Lu Mingfei stood in front of her.

A great sense of shame arose for a moment.

Where Shuode Aki couldn't see, a blazing will-o'-the-wisp seemed to be burning deep in Lu Mingfei's eyes!

The Japanese who have received traditional education believe in an absolute Yakuza culture. The weakness in their bones makes them extremely humble towards the strong and vicious and violent towards the weak.

Lu Mingfei had never seen a truly righteous Japanese, and even Yuan Zhisheng felt a little contempt for him in his heart.

The turtle wanted to be a righteous friend but was always bound by the righteousness of his family and could only be trapped on his Pinta Island forever.

Inuyama He only saw that the young girl who came in was frightened in his sight, and some contempt immediately rose in his heart. He originally came to contact the secret party on behalf of the Japanese branch and even the entire Snake Qihachi family, and of course he would contact the secret party at any time. Release your own majesty and put pressure on anyone who appears in front of you.

Naturally, Inuyama Ga also carefully studied the video of Lu Mingfei's battle. He thought that he would not be able to sustain a round when facing Odin, but looking at the state of the child in the video, it was definitely not something that could be easily inspired.

He felt that the S-class student might be strong, but not so strong that he couldn't compete.So Inuyama He put on such a posture because he really wanted to see Lu Mingfei's quality.

But when the pair of dragon-like red golden eyes lit up in the shadows, Inuyama He immediately realized that he had made a big mistake.

The person standing in front of him was not a young student, but the slayer of the King of Bronze and Fire.

If that kid is willing, he can destroy and reintegrate the entire Japanese underworld just like Angers did in the past. He can even do better than Angers.

Lu Mingfei slowly raised his head, his drooping eyebrows relaxed, and the majesty of a god and a demon emanated from his pair of brilliant pupils.

Inuyama Ga's Adam's apple rolled. If Aki Shutori felt like he was facing a beast when he faced him, then when he faced Lu Mingfei at this moment, he felt like he was facing an evil ghost waking up from his sleep.

"Head of the Japanese branch, the head of the Inuyama family?" Lu Mingfei led Shutoku Aki and sat down opposite Inuyama He. Senior Aki was stunned for a moment because the man did not speak Japanese, but directly used the words in today's mixed-race society. Common language Chinese.

She immediately reacted and realized that Lu Mingfei had won the invisible confrontation just now, and now it was Inuyama Ga who had taken advantage of him.

Senior Aki quickly leaned forward slightly, knelt down and sat on the right rear of Lu Mingfei, and translated President Lu's words to Inuyama He.

The wind picked up, making the leaves outside the window rustle.

Inuyama He was shocked by Lu Mingfei's majesty, and his back straightened involuntarily.He is considered a very powerful person in the Japanese branch and even the entire Snake Qihachi family. Except for a few, few people can suppress him in encounters.

But at this moment, the old man felt that he was not much of a threat to the boy.

"It's me, I've heard about Mr. Lu for a long time." Inuyama He didn't need Shutoku Aki as a translator. He himself is an excellent China expert. He has always recognized the influence of China's ancient culture on his country, and worked closely with Mi The party has close ties, so it is natural to put a lot of effort into this official language.

The atmosphere became somewhat silent.Lu Mingfei knew the purpose of the academy calling the Japanese branch ministers to come to the academy. Compared with the action against the boar Neo, Odin and the Dragon King were obviously more important.

But because of Lu Mingfei's personal intervention, the college paid more attention to the boar Neo. Since that wild boar was doing business with the Japanese, they would directly join forces with the Japanese to kill him.

Shutoku Aki hid in Lu Mingfei's shadow. Although she was tall, she was still a girl after all, and her body shape was not comparable to Lu Mingfei's, so this action was not difficult.

So it seemed that only Lu Mingfei and Inuyama He were left in this large conference hall.

Lu Mingfei chuckled. He thought the Sheqiba family would send Yuan Zhisheng over, but it turned out that it was Principal Ange's old student who came.

He sat on the chair directly opposite Inuyama Ga, with Aki Shutori hanging his head beside him, and behind him was the window stained with rain.

The young man lit a cigarette. The brand of the cigarette was Gentle Seven Stars. Inuyama Ga knew that this kind of cigarette was not suitable for men in terms of temperament, because it was the one that Gen Zhisheng, the young master of the Snake Qiba family, smoked most often.

But Lu Mingfei just lit it, but didn't smoke it. He let the cigarette burn slowly, and the flame points spread along the end of the cigarette toward his fingers, and the smoke went up to the roof in a thin line.

Inuyama He was completely oppressed by the young man's momentum. He sat back in the corner and stared up at Lu Mingfei, who was sitting quietly.

He quietly observed this young man who was said to be even more powerful than the young master. He had a thin face, a tall but powerful figure, red golden eyes that looked like flowing lava, and slightly messy black hair. .

He is a person somewhat similar to the young master.

Inuyama Ga quickly commented.In fact, Lu Mingfei nowadays rarely shows his true self hidden deep in his soul. He buried the poor child in the unbearable past. Today, he is the dragon of the execution department who holds the sword tightly.

When he is calm, he is like a stone, but when he moves, he has the aura of a beast. He is indeed a replica of Yuan Zhisheng.

But it was different. Inuyama He had carried out dangerous missions with the young master. He knew that the young man, not much older than Lu Mingfei, was still a little naive and had unrealistic justice hidden in his heart.

The man sitting there in front of him was like a steel wall spread out, indestructible, but also seemed to have an imperceptible tenderness.

That tenderness was not for him, Inuyama He, but it did exist.

What's more important is that this child named Lu Mingfei is so tired, and he hides his weakness deep in his eyes.

Almost exactly the same as Yuan Zhisheng.

They are all people who are carrying something, something that weighs as much as the mountains.

Inuyama Ga's question was finally answered. Such a powerful person is born to be majestic, and is born to shoulder a destiny that others cannot touch. He has witnessed dragon slayers one after another, Angers is like this, Yuan Zhisheng is like this, Lu Mingfei is still like this today.

But the old bastard named Uesugoshi is probably an exception. He seems to be a heartless thief.

Silence, a long silence, but after saying hello, neither of them spoke.

This was indeed the meeting that Lu Mingfei had expected. Of course, neither the guests nor the host would have a good time, because everyone knew what this meeting meant. It meant that the secret party was uncovering the scars of the Shezaki Eight Family, and their people If they make a mistake in Mexico and their hands cannot reach that long, then the secret party will take action to correct the mistake, and the person responsible for this matter is Lu Mingfei himself.

Of course Inuyama Ga will be hostile to him. Japan is a small country with a shallow civilization, and the people there are born with low self-esteem. Even the descendants of the White King are infected by the low self-esteem.Not only did Lu Mingfei want to get rid of the boar Neo, but he also had to do it in front of Inuyama He, which made him feel insulted, like a family scandal being publicized.So when they first met, there was only a hostile gaze between them, like a reunion between wild beasts.

"I'm very happy that the Inuyama family master came to this appointment with such a clear sense of justice." Lu Mingfei spoke slowly, "Actually, we all know that your original purpose of coming to the academy was not because of that crazy boar. , but more important things. Of course, to complete this mission, we do not need the help of the Japanese branch with our strength, but I hope Inuyama-kun can appear at the mission site and prove with actions that you and your family are responsible for The lack of knowledge about this matter convinced us that those missing hybrids did not end up in the mouths of the Snakesaki Hachi family."

Inuyama Ga's expression was originally as hard as a rock, but now it was even more cold.

Lu Mingfei's words had clearly shown the secret party's distrust of the Japanese branch, which was a naked insult to him.

"Please tell me your answer as soon as possible, before this cigarette burns out." Lu Mingfei's eyes were very thick, and after the pair of golden pupils were extinguished, they completely covered his eyes, which made Inuyama He unable to see his eyes. .Lu Mingfei's tone was light. He always spoke like this after he came back. It was like the wind blowing through the treetops and rustling. He was neither sad nor happy. He only expressed it when facing so few people. Come with your own emotions.

Inuyama Ga's pupils shrank.

Of course he believed that Lu Mingfei would not attack him here, but this was obviously the secret party forcing the Shezaki Eight Family to express its position. Perhaps the ancient elders were using this method to test whether the Japanese branch was still the same as it had been in 60 years. So loyal before.

If he chooses to refuse, then Kassel Academy will gradually lose trust in the entire Japanese branch, which is very fatal at this point. As one of the heads of the Snakezaki Hachi family, Inuyama Ga naturally knows the family's loyalty to the secret party. In fact, it cannot stand the slightest test at all.

At this time, Lu Mingfei started to smoke the half-burned cigarette. The rising smoke hid the boy's hard face, and only the pair of eyes hidden under the thick eyelids still reflected the glimmer of light.

People often ignore Lu Mingfei's actual age because of his performance. Although he often makes people think that he is a man who is as strong as a mountain and can support everything, but he actually just celebrated his birthday and is not even close to 19 years old. Half a year, he is still just a half-grown child.

At this time, Inuyama He saw that Lu Mingfei's appearance seemed to be much softer, and he really became like a child.

He suppressed his anger, his eyes were dark, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

The half of the cigarette was finished quickly if he took a big puff, but Inuyama Ga didn't say a word.

Lu Mingfei did not show regret or anything else, and stood up and went out, "If the Inuyama family is willing, you can stay in Norton Hall during this period. I will request a new school board meeting and apply with my S-level authority. Activate Norma's war personality EVA and launch a full-scale attack on your Kaguya. EVA's ability is several times greater than Norma's, and in a few days, Kaguya will completely lose control of Japan."

Shutoku Aki quickly followed.

Just when they were about to step out of the door, they suddenly heard the very soft and distant old man's voice coming from behind, "I know your actions. Principal Angers has told me that for such evil degenerates, As a demon slayer, I also feel hatred and anger, so I will participate in your mission and request that I cut the throat of the wild boar with my own hands."

"The head of the Inuyama family is indeed a person who can sacrifice a lot for the family's great cause." Lu Mingfei didn't look back.

"Yes, including my life and my honor."

"But I want to remind you..." Lu Mingfei's voice was very soft. He sighed deeply and felt that there was silence outside and the rain was falling.

Inuyama He suddenly raised his head, what did Lu Ming have to say to him?
Suddenly, the rolling thunder came from far away, and the first spring thunder in Illinois sounded at this moment, as heavy and majestic as a roaring copper bell.

The door directly leading to the back of Norton Hall on the other side of the conference hall suddenly opened. At this moment, the purple electric snake tore through the night sky, and the pale light was released throughout Cassel College.

Lu Mingfei and Inuyama He looked over at the same time. A dark figure stood at the door. The wind sounded like a lion's roar. The candles in the church were dwarfed by the strong wind. More than half of the flames were extinguished the moment the door opened.

The strong wind blew up the man's long hair and the hem of his windbreaker. He was slender and tall, and his eyes were dotted with beautiful golden flowers.

Lu Mingfei and Inuyama Ga did not move, but Shutoku Aki showed an ocelot-like vigilance in this sudden change. The short arc knife crossed on his waist slipped into his hands and pointed directly at the black figure.

She learned her fighting skills from Lu Mingfei, so she also uses a short arc knife as a weapon.

Senior Aki didn't ask questions, nor was she prepared to ask questions. As long as the black shadow showed any signs of attack, the girl would cut his throat without hesitation.

At this time, Norton Hall has been cleared, and the college has directly issued a ban. No unrelated students will be around. The only intruders who appear at this time are high-ranking people in the college.In contrast, Shutoku Aki thinks it is more likely to be the former.

After the wind passed, the candle flames rose again.

The conference hall became brighter again, and the dark figure that suddenly broke in stood in front of Inuyama He. His long black hair was rising and falling in the wind, and his light clothes were also rising and falling in the wind. Under his feet was the overflowing rainwater. , she is so slender and slender, but holding the blade in her hand, she is like a rose in full bloom among thorns.

What appeared in front of everyone was a woman so beautiful that people almost forgot about time.

Long black hair, white porcelain skin, slender eyebrows that add to the beauty, and slightly pursed lips.Lu Mingfei momentarily thought of the cherry blossoms in their prime, like snow, weighing heavily on the branches and about to fall at any time.

So did she.

Because that woman's name was Sakura, and she was the female ninja who had been following Yuan Zhisheng. Lu Mingfei had never taken a closer look at that girl's appearance, nor had he noticed that she was such a beautiful person.There is gentleness in the sharpness, and the eyebrows seem to be full of sadness.

Ying stood there, she put away the knife, her face was calm, but she was looking for something in her pocket. When she saw Lu Mingfei looking at her, she smiled.

Lu Mingfei was suddenly stunned. Something seemed to trigger a switch in his memory. In a daze, he seemed to see the girl in front of him, as beautiful as a cherry blossom, standing on the top of the Tokyo Sky Tree. He took off his poncho and jumped up to wave to him far away.

At this time, the girl's face gradually overlapped with Sakura's at that time, and that smile was really familiar.

The Sakura in my memory bowed deeply with her hands on her knees in the rain, and said "ありがとうございます" to Lu Mingfei in the scope of the sniper rifle with her lips.

"I didn't hear the conversation between the Inuyama family head and Lu Jun just now. I watched in the rain and waited until you finished talking before appearing outside the door." Sakura said softly.Inuyama He didn't speak, but his expression was a little ugly.

Lu Mingfei, on the other hand, smiled.

"It doesn't matter. It's not a shameful thing. It doesn't matter even if Miss Sakura hears it." He said.

Sakura glanced at him in surprise, and then she took out an envelope. It was just a very primitive letter bag. It could only contain a few pieces of letter paper at most, but she held it in her hands and raised it above her head, like an ancient official. The jade seal that holds up the country will be handed over to the next emperor in power.

"This is..." Lu Mingfei's pupils shrank slightly, and his voice had a subtle tremor.

His sense of smell is very sensitive, even better than that of dogs. When the envelope was taken out, he smelled something that haunted him. It was a biting fragrance like the autumn wind, and it always appeared in his dreams every time. Accompanied by hysterical sadness.

It has a faint scent of sandalwood, which is what she always smells.

"The young master conveyed Mr. Lu's greetings to the head of the Uesugi family. In return, the head of the Uesugi family prepared some small gifts for Mr. Lu." Sakura still raised her hands above her head, her eyes lowered, her beautiful eyes seemed to be caught by It was covered, but Lu Mingfei could not confirm that she was quietly looking at him.

Lu Mingfei's Adam's apple rolled, and he rubbed his cheeks hard, causing his cheeks to become a little red and his eyes to be a little red.

"Okay, I understand. Please inform me before you leave Kassel Academy. As a man, it would be very impolite if you don't reciprocate a woman's gift. I hope to prepare a meaningful gift for the head of the Uesugi family. A gift." Lu Mingfei suppressed the trembling of his hands, walked forward with heavy steps, and carefully took the envelope with his hands, as if he could still feel the girl's body temperature still remaining on it.

so good.

The ups and downs along the way, the suffering and torture along the way, and the roars against fate along the way seemed to turn into springs gushing out from the bottom of my heart at this moment.

The hot and gentle spring flows from around the red shadow on the clouds in the dream.

"Okay." Sakura watched as Lu Mingfei pressed the envelope against his chest, and suddenly there was such inexplicable sadness pouring out of the boy's body.

"None of us have seen the contents inside. The head of the Uesugi family secretly gave it to me before departure. Maybe Miss Eriki is also curious about Mr. Lu." Sakura's eyebrows relaxed, and she looked like a sea of ​​flowers when she smiled. Blooming in the sky.
Feng broke in from outside the door, and Inuyama Ga and Sakura left through the back door together.

Lu Mingfei sat at the end of the long table, his eyes dimmed by the candlelight. His expression was between surprise and sadness, and he looked as timid as an old farmer from northern Shaanxi with a towel wrapped around his head on the field.Probably the cowardly Lu Mingfei from many years ago was not dead yet, and his soul hugged him hard from behind, trying to squeeze that cowardice into his bones.

But Lu Mingfei slowly closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his back was as straight as a sword, and red golden light was flowing in his eyes.

The man opened the envelope very carefully along the seal. Every time he tore it open, he carefully checked whether it was torn or not. It was as if what was in front of him was a precious ancient document rather than an ordinary yellow envelope that cost dozens of copies.

There are only two photos inside.

The first photo is of a cherry blossom in full bloom. The petals fall like snow, landing on the water of a gurgling stream, and they look like the boat frames of many little people.It's probably not a postcard, because the photographer's technique is very immature and some places are very blurry.

Lu Mingfei looked at the second picture, his eyes widened, and the world seemed to suddenly become quiet.Because it was a photo of Eri Yi, he gently touched the girl's face in the photo, his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

The girl in the photo is like a ball of light, illuminating the shrine in the haze.She no longer seems to always wear a miko uniform like Lu Mingfei remembered. In the photo, Eri is wearing a white cashmere coat and white lambskin gloves. The silk embroidered long skirt is probably from Tokyo. The craftsmanship of a top tailor, she wears deerskin carved high-heeled boots, a delicate little hat with a pink and white bow, and a long white gauze dancing in the wind.

It was so beautiful, just as beautiful as he remembered. Lu Mingfei touched the photo tremblingly, but couldn't help laughing. Then he finally tried to maintain a calm expression on his face and turned around the two photos.

There is a small label on the back of the photo of the cherry blossom tree.

The calmness that Lu Mingfei tried to maintain was shattered, his body trembled violently, and tears could not help but overflow from the corners of his eyes.

He turned over the other photo and was stunned for a long time.

Then this man who had always been as hard as a rock in front of everyone finally held his head and cried silently.

Those labels all just say the same words,
"Sakura& Eriyi".

 Brothers, give me some help. If my average subscription can reach 800 after the National Day [-]th, this book may reach Qianjun in the future. Then I will be a Qianjun boss who can brag about it. I wrote every day, every day, day and night.

  Well, in short, I still ask the brothers who read this chapter to order it in full.

(End of this chapter)

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