Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 126 125 Boar Neo

Chapter 126 125. Boar Neo
Rio de Janeiro has never been short of wild and unrestrained emotions.Wearing revealing dance skirts, pink stockings, 15cm high heels with water platforms, and trailing huge feather tails behind them, the girls dressed like flamingos twisted their graceful figures in the samba. Show yourself at the dance carnival.The men lit cigars and cigarettes and put them into their mouths, and exhaled large clusters of white smoke from their mouths and nostrils. The smoke surrounded the flamingo girls, half-covering their youthful and energetic bodies.

When the floats carrying the Samba King slowly drove into the crowd, and dozens of bright light bulbs of various colors threw brilliant and dizzying light in all directions, the carnival atmosphere immediately reached its highest point.

Gorgeous costumes, powerful music, fiery samba dance and beautiful flamingo girls, this is the Brazilian Carnival that took place in Rio de Janeiro in February.

The carnival heat wave started from the moment when the mayor of Rio de Janeiro handed over the golden key to the previous samba king. The joyful and hot atmosphere swept the entire Brazil in one day, and everyone rushed to the scene like a spring tide. The streets are full of carnival all day long.

Amidst the sound of strong music, clusters of gorgeous fireworks with thunderous explosions illuminate the night sky into day. The sexy and enchanting Samba dancers twist their waists and kiss their hips, flying passionate kisses to the people near the float. Every man, their makeup is bright, and they are tied with flamingo-like feathers, and their tight thighs are stretched out under the feathers. Olive oil is evenly applied on the smooth skin, which shines brightly under the light of the colored lights, and their faces are red. Men from all over the world cheered and raised their oversized beer glasses high. Hundreds and thousands of glasses collided with each other in the air, and the beer overflowed.

This is truly an unforgettable time. Rio de Janeiro’s Samba Carnival always attracts hundreds of thousands and millions of tourists. During this time of year, Brazil’s security police are extremely busy and dark. Breeding in the shadows illuminated by colored lights.

"People are really crazy today, have you seen it, dear Kristka, this city is burning," the thin man sat on one side of the long table placed in the center of the waiting hall of the Central Station. , the Indian girl named Chrisja sat on the other side, each holding champagne in their hands, while beautiful and sexy girls were waiting around in three-point bikinis.

The man had a thin mustache, wore a colorful suit, his hair was tied into a ponytail, and his fingers and neck were covered with diamond jewelry.He doesn't look like a big shot, but like one of those dirty rappers on the street, full of obscenities and supposed to have innocent blood on his hands.

A larger cluster of fireworks exploded above the transparent glass dome of the central station, and the colorful light overwhelmed the dim lights in the waiting hall.

"It's very beautiful, but I don't like it here. It's too noisy, and evil things are floating on the surface. It's like hell is covering the world." Kriska sipped champagne. She was a very beautiful girl, wheat-colored. Her skin, collarbones and butterfly bones are all smooth, and her facial features are as delicate as those princesses in diss cartoons.She is not Brazilian. Chrisja is from New Mexico. Her mother is Indian and her father is Brazilian.

The boar Neo discovered her in the American Indian reservation. At that time, she was wearing men's clothes that didn't fit well and had two long braids. She was thin and small, crouching in the dark, but the girl's hand was always holding her The loaded revolver was a big thing with a lot of recoil. Even an adult man would have to spend a lot of effort to fully master it. But when Kriska was found, she attacked the male with this gun. Pig Neo.

The bullet grazed the man's scalp and almost killed him, and then he took her with him, because the boar Neo saw his former self in Krisja's body.

Neo the Boar, a name that every big shot in Rio de Janeiro should know, sells illegal drugs to every rich man in the city and weapons to the crazy little bastards in the favelas.He has no nationality or any identification, and no one knows his real name. He said that he wanted to be a happy boar, so people called him Boar Neo.

He appeared in Rio de Janeiro ten years ago. This little man was as fierce as a veteran who had survived a battlefield in the Middle East. He led a group of American criminals who fled to Brazil and destroyed what was still known as the control of Rio de Janeiro at the time. The Russian gangsters nailed the godfather, who looked like a thug in a suit, to a cross in a church with rusty iron nails.

Neo the boar is sometimes cruel and cruel, sometimes humorous, and generous to the poor. He is very popular in upper class society and the slums. Even the police chief will visit the house with gifts before taking office, hoping to improve his career. During his tenure, the boar Neodo took care of him.But he is actually a complete devil. Over the years, he has killed countless people in Brazil because of those drugs, and there are hundreds of mixed-race people who have been packaged and shipped to Japan from his hands.

But he was very kind to Kristina, and even Kristina didn't know what kind of bastard Neo the boar was until now.

"Perhaps you can become the leader of this city in the future, maybe you can change this city, Kristina, bring those poor children into the classroom, let the old people living on the streets live in nursing homes, the glory of the Lord will always shine Looking after you." Neo the boar was actually a devout Catholic. He stood up and refilled the champagne for Kristina, but the girl noticed that this man who had always behaved with ease almost at all times seemed to be trembling slightly.

It might be fear, or it might be excitement, it's hard to say why.

Two days ago, Neo the boar received a postcard from a university in Illinois, USA. It is impossible to know what was written on it, but Krisja saw the signature.

There were two badges, the first one was a flourishing World Tree.The second medal is a sword crossed horizontally and vertically. A long dragon pierced by thorns surrounds the cross of the sword. Blood drips from the blade and forms a circle inside the medal.

Then the boar Neo's state became very strange. He became panicked and the sword never left his body. All the thugs in the gang were summoned to one place and gathered around him.

He seemed to be worried that something was going to kill him.

Neo the boar knew that his worries were by no means unfounded.Ten years ago, he was a member of Kassel College, even considered an elite. His pedigree level in the entrance assessment reached level A. Although he was demoted to level B in the 3E exam, he was still recruited by the student union.At that time, he was still a young man determined to protect the world.

But later, he violated the Abrahamic blood contract due to something. Although he saved his life, he was expelled from school. Kassel College funded and sent him to MIT for further study. After three years of memory erasure, he was expelled from school. Brainwashed people always have some mental problems. It stands to reason that students who graduated from MIT can find a decent job in places like Wall Street, but Neo the boar ended up living in Rio de Janeiro.

Perhaps because of his special bloodline, a few years later he gradually remembered the forgotten three years.He was too embarrassed to mention the past and never told anyone about it.He is a powerful man in the underworld in Rio de Janeiro, living a life of spending money like water every day, but deep down in his heart he is still afraid of the college and will never allow people named Angers and Schneider to appear in his gang.

But when that postcard appeared on Boar Neo's desk, he was still trembling with fear. He knew the badge of the World Tree, which was the school emblem of Kassel College. Boar Neo knew Kassel We know what kind of organization the college is and what a prestigious reputation it had in the past.

That is by no means a charitable righteous sect. The predecessor of the academy is the Secret Party and the Blood Pact Society. They are good at using iron and blood methods to eliminate all threats. As long as the person they want to kill is the person they want to kill, it will be useless even if they hide in the ends of the earth. The academy The hound is everywhere and omnipotent.

So Neo the Boar honestly followed what the postcard said, cleared the Central Station on time and waited here.

He actually didn't recognize the second badge on the postcard. Neo the Boar had seen the badge of the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club, including the logos and totems of all other Cassel College affiliated institutions. He kept them in mind to avoid One day, I accidentally provoked those crazy people.

But since it can appear next to the Kassel College badge, it should also be an extremely violent institution.

That was actually the badge of the Long Academy. Lu Mingfei did not participate in the design, otherwise it might have been uglier based on his appreciation.

"Dear Neo, you seem...very scared." Krisja's expression remained calm and unchanged, but there was a faint arc of golden light swirling in her eyes.There is no doubt that she is also a mixed race, but her blood level is not high, and her speech spirit is probably not that great.

"Yes, we will have a distinguished guest soon."
Large machinery like a steel forest flashed past outside the car window, stained with rust, like the skeleton of a giant. They were abandoned infrastructure tower cranes, more than ten of them, standing or collapsed, towering and desolate, and the tragic wind blew across the surface of those steel skeletons. , making a whirring sound.

The green train slid slowly into the station, milky white steam flowing like water on the platform paved with marble floor tiles.This is a rare steam train that only runs in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Rich people love old objects, and the steam engines of the last century are obviously also in this category.

The platform had been specially cleaned and cleaned, and Neo the Boar had even polished the marble floor tiles.With more than a billion dollars in liquidity in his hands at all times, it couldn't be easier to do these things.

The people waiting to pick up the bus became commotion, and some people jumped up and waved the silk scarves in their hands. For a few moments, it made people mistakenly think that they were back in the glitzy London of the 60s. The men waving silk scarves greeted the people waiting for them at the station. Wife or best friend.

But that guy is obviously not the kind of warm-hearted person. He is a big man with a sinewy face. Although he is squeezed into a black suit, you can still guess that he is probably an underground boxer or something based on those undulating muscles. Role.

Lu Mingfei looked out the car window. Dozens or more men in suits were standing on the platform with solemn expressions. Opposite him, Xia Mi was lying on the car window, his eyes flashing with surprise. .

Nuonuo and Xia Mi were sitting together. They applied to accompany them, and Lu Mingfei had no objection.

There is no doubt that there will be no danger in the capture of the boar Neo. Cassel College and the North American hybrid have fully reached a consensus, and Lu Mingfei is authorized to kill the wild boar if necessary.

It may be difficult to capture a crazy hybrid, but killing a crazy hybrid is not difficult for Lu Mingfei.

He carefully wiped the short-arc knife that had always been with him and the lust in the seven deadly sins. There was no change in expression on his face, and the light in his eyes was slightly cold.

The boar Neo is Herzog's partner and Lu Mingfei's enemy. He will never be merciful towards his enemies. He would cut off an arm or a leg when it was broken. If it was the neck that was broken, Lu Mingfei would not be too merciful. Mind chopping off the head of Neo the boar.

He is no longer the loser who makes a fuss and screams when he sees blood. The Deadpool who dies in his hands can form a strengthened platoon. The Dragon King who dies in his hands can subvert human civilization in another era through concentrated resuscitation. The number of hybrids in his hands must be in double digits.

Compared to Chicago, Rio de Janeiro is indeed a different world. People who have lived in Chicago all their lives can never imagine the noise and chaos in this city. Compared with Brazil, the crime rate in Chicago is simply paradise.

The Central Station is a very old building. At the end of the last century, some people said that it was a pearl made of steel in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

At that time the city was still the capital of Brazil.

This station is indeed an astonishing masterpiece. Although few rich people now come in and out through this transportation hub, it still accepts hundreds of thousands of ordinary people every day and transports them out or in. Xia Mi raised his head slightly and saw a huge steel dome covering the station like a turtle shell, with a skeletal iron frame supporting it. Under the dome were buildings made of marble and granite.

Far older, larger, and more oppressive than the Chicago train station.

"As agreed, Neo the boar is waiting for us in the waiting hall. He is surrounded by about 100 armed thugs, each of whom is equipped with automatic weapons. There are also a few hybrids among them." Lu Mingfei checked himself. Carry weapons so they don't fall off the chain in a pinch.

Modern warfare is different from the past. In the era of cold weapons, a dragon-slaying team composed of a few people can deal with an entire legion. Even if they cannot defeat the opponent, they can retreat calmly.But today in the industrial age, even an ordinary person with an RPG in his hand can kill an S-class, so Lu Mingfei cannot help but be careless.

However, there were only three of them taking this train through the railway tracks to the Central Railway Station. More combat forces were slowly approaching from all directions, including the sky. This was an encirclement with nowhere to go. The boar Neo didn't know yet, he There is no escape.

"What about the Japanese? Didn't he want to kill the boar Neo with his own hands?" Nono asked casually.

"He will act together with the principal and the others. To be honest, it is unnecessary to deploy such a luxurious lineup to deal with a fallen hybrid whose blood level does not exceed A. If we had not known our target in advance, I would have suspected that there would be a dragon in the station. Waiting for us." Lu Mingfei said calmly.

The lineup to deal with the boar Neo is enough to kill a distinguished pure-blood prince. In addition to Lu Mingfei, they also include the secret party leader Angers and the North American mixed-race leader Henkel. Obviously they are very interested in this matter, but Most of them probably appear on the battlefield as observers.

The head of the Japanese branch, Inuyama Ga, must show the loyalty of the Japanese at this time and want to take the lead.
The young and gorgeous flamingo girls lined up on the platform waiting for the distinguished guests. The white steam carried by the strong wind lifted up their short skirts, and they were suddenly in full bloom.

The distinguished Mr. Neo is a big shot in the whole of Rio de Janeiro. Even the mayor will become restrained when seeing him, but he is frightened in front of the upcoming guest, like a general who is about to meet the emperor.

The girls knew that the opportunity to change their destiny was probably right in front of them, so they all worked hard to prepare to perform hard tonight. If they could be noticed by the distinguished guest, they would immediately transform into sparrows, fly up the branches and become phoenixes.They don't care whether the customer is a fat, pot-bellied, bald man or an 80-year-old skinny old man. As long as it can help them change their destiny, it doesn't matter even if they make these girls kneel on the ground and beg for mercy.

Fate, everyone is resisting fate, but the fate of so many people is there. You can see the end at a glance. When you were young, you were a hot red card in the city. After the carnival, the bar paid a lot of money to hire a samba to go to the platform. Dancer, what happens when you get old?Just being thrown into the slums like garbage, without even waiting until they are old, most of the flamingo girls here will be fired in two years.

There are so many girls with good waists, legs and faces in this city. Being able to dance samba is not considered a talent. If you want to get ahead, you have to give up everything, even if you are a rich man's dog.

Brazil is a country with a huge gap between rich and poor. If you don’t work hard when you are young, you will wait to die in the slums when you are old. The public security there is chaotic. Girls like these have good waists, legs and faces. Once they go in, they will never come out again. .

The train finally came to a stop and the girls held their breath as the distinguished guest was about to come out.

Mountains and seas of murderous intent suddenly rushed towards them. The flamingo girls all turned their heads. They heard an almost uniform clicking sound. They knew what the sound was after having been in the underworld for a long time.

Someone pulled the safety on a gun, many guns at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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