Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 128 Chapter 127 Confrontation

Chapter 128 127. Confrontation
The knife slowly cut through the dense steam, and the white mist flowed along the lines on its surface, as if it were lifting mountains and rivers.

The blade was like a mirror, reflecting the boy's eyes that were burning like fire.

Kriska suddenly held her breath. She raised her eyes and looked at the boy with such droopy eyebrows but such stern eyes. There was curiosity almost overflowing in his cat-like eyes.

She saw those eyes.

That was probably a treasure she had never seen before, that was her real partner. When she saw him, Krisja knew that she had finally found her kind.

The loneliness she was carrying from nowhere was about to be torn apart.

For a moment, the girl's mask of strength, originally used to hide her cowardice and sorrow, seemed to be about to break.

When the little man next to her didn't see it, Kristka hid her face in the shadow of a curtain, and her expression seemed to be throbbing.The pair of iron-gray eyes, which were originally as deep as the mountains in a heavy rain, also showed slight fluctuations.

The atmosphere at the scene became quiet and strange. The men who were originally unscrupulous in the noisy city of Rio de Janeiro were cut off by an old man to maintain their fragile and brave guns and weapons. The boy moved forward with the knife and asked about the boar Neo. The sound was resounding, lazy yet carrying the weight of a thousand pounds.

There were only two people standing in front of them, but they showed an aura like a thousand troops. Their golden eyes were so bright, as dazzling as the morning star appearing in the east at the end of the most prosperous night.

The Central Station was silent except for the sound of gas pouring from the steam train. The white steam flowed like water on the marble floor tiles of the platform and separated along the feet of Lu Mingfei and Inuyama Ga, which made them look like they were in the same body. In the clouds.

"Our lovely college secretary Norma has sent the information about Boar Neo and the thugs around him to your mailbox. Dear head of the Inuyama family, the gangsters who are qualified to appear in this building are all worthy of death. Sinners, the vast majority of them are not mixed-races. The few mixed-race blood levels are pitifully low, and they are not even enough to be considered by Cassel College and entered into the files." Lu Mingfei's voice was slow and gentle. After asking that question, he seemed to have no more thoughts of communicating or communicating with the boar Neo and his thugs.

"We are not fighting alone. Mr. Henkel and Principal Angers have already brought their men to the vicinity of this building. If we can't deal with them, maybe those two old guys can't wait to rush in and chop off the end. The boar's head, and then laughed at us fiercely," Lu Mingfei said.

Inuyama He was slightly startled when he heard this. He grabbed the collar of the long black windbreaker he was wearing, and exerted force on his wrist. The black windbreaker was like a huge raven floating on the white steam, and then slowly fell down. .

"Jun Lu's reputation is so great that even in the Japanese branch, you can often hear rumors about him. It is my honor to fight alongside you." Although Inuyama Ga's expression did not change, it was condensed from the blood and fighting. The majesty that came out made his face become ferocious at this moment, with lines of rage beating, and the pair of old and cloudy pupils glowed with a terrifying golden color.

Norma's intelligence system is complete and powerful. If she determines that the trading partner of Boar Neo is indeed a big shot in the Japanese branch, then this matter must be true.

Ever since Masamune Nagatachibana, the head of the Sheqi Eighth Family, came to power, the behavior of the entire family has changed again and again. They are no longer the same Heqihachi Family as they used to be. Today's Heqihachi Family upholds true righteousness. Every man from the Snake Qihachi family should die in the war with the fierce ghosts.

During his time at Kassel Academy, Inuyama Ga had already learned all of the crimes of Neo the Boar. Not to mention the trafficking of illegal drugs and arms smuggling, he sold naturally awakened wild hybrids from South America and New Mexico through human-snake ships. However, Japan is an act that is absolutely not allowed by the Abrahamic blood contract.

The Sheqi family was originally the supreme leader of the Japanese underworld. From the very beginning, they made a living by squeezing the people at the bottom. From the very beginning, they collected protection fees from fishermen at the dock, then later became involved in the skin and meat industry in Tokyo, and now almost the entire The Shaqihachi family can be seen in all gray industries in Japan.

Everyone in this family is guilty. Although the noble royal blood flows in their veins, they are accompanied by sins that have lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

They have committed illegal drug trafficking, arms smuggling, and even more serious crimes.However, human trafficking is an absolute taboo in mixed-race societies. Whether it is the Abrahamic Blood Contract in the West or the Qin Shijin Human Rights Law in the East, they all have a zero-tolerance attitude towards this crime.

This is because most of the human trafficking of mixed-race people will ultimately involve horrific human experiments.

Those hybrids who are regarded as goods will be sent to the operating table, their bodies will be dissected, their organs will be exposed to the air, their blood, their skin and flesh, their muscles and bones, every inch of value will be squeezed out .

The Sheqiba Family is an organization that absolutely opposes human experimentation.In contrast, if the information given by Norma, the secretary of the academy, showed that the trading target of Neo the boar came from another Japanese mixed-race organization, the Fierce Demons, Inuyama Kato would not be so angry.

"So today, can I kill them?" Inuyama He asked in a low voice, his voice was as low as a liger, his brows were frowning, and the mountain shape between his brows seemed to be sharper.

The old man slowly rolled up his sleeves, and the unknown ancient alchemy knife seemed to be making a metallic roar like a dragon's roar.

The little man who called himself Boar Neo was suddenly stunned. He saw something on the wrist of the Japanese old man in front of him, which was part of a certain tattoo.

There is a complete painting tattooed on Inuyama Ga's back, and what extends to his wrist is only a part of the tattoo.

This is the tradition of the Japanese underworld. The higher the status, the more complex and gorgeous the tattoos are. For example, Principal Angers, who once ruled the entire Japanese underworld after World War II, had the highest-level tattoo on his back, the Wrath of the Worlds, among the underworld.It was a battle between countless Yakshas and countless tigers in the clouds of fire. It was the legendary war between the kingdom of Yakshas and the kingdom of tigers.

The tattoo on Inuyama Ga's back is not as high as the Wrath of the Worlds, but it is also respected in the order of tattoos. Only the most noble and powerful generals are eligible to receive such tattoos.

The old man was wearing a silk-textured lining, and the fabric was tight. As he slowly moved his shoulders and back, and his muscles stretched, it seemed as if some savage beast had awakened on his body.

Before Minamoto's appearance, some people said that the most promising person in the Japanese branch to challenge Principal Ange was Inuyama Ga. His word spirit is a powerful instant, which can increase his own speed in a short period of time to a level comparable to that of use. The level of Angers after Zero.

Although Time Zero is Setsuna's superior Word Spirit, Setsuna is also the only one among all Word Spirits who can counter-restrain Time Zero.

When Inuyama Ga uses the ninth level moment that he has never experienced in his life, even Anger will be intoxicated by the star-like sword light.

"I have said that all the people who appear here are burdened with sins that are enough to kill them ten or even a hundred times. These people have committed heinous crimes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and every one of them has stains on their hands. He shed the blood of innocent people." Lu Mingfei's voice was cold. The secret party has never been a charitable organization. Although their behavior has indeed become much gentler in recent years, once someone really touches their bottom line, they will realize How big a mistake I made.

Apparently, Neo the boar made such a mistake.

Once captured, he wouldn't even have the chance to be sent to a small island in the center of the Pacific Ocean for rest. The only outcome for this little man would be to be sent to the gallows.

The entire conversation between Lu Mingfei and Inuyama Ga was in Chinese. Boar Neo once studied at Kassel College, and his Chinese level is not weak, so his face is getting darker and darker, and a certain terrifying aura is following him. The beating of his heart was pumped to every drop of blood in his limbs.

"As you heard, Boar Neo, maybe today is the day you die. Don't threaten me with Brazilian laws. I know that you are good friends with the mayor and prosecutor of Rio de Janeiro. But you should I know that in such a country, the secret party has long held special law enforcement powers granted by the central government, and we can replace the law enforcement agencies in Rio de Janeiro to impose any form of criminal punishment on you. Before coming here, I had already seen the Brazilian law, the death penalty It still exists, although under the influence of many drug traffickers, it was last executed in 1876 and has been effectively abolished. But as long as this criminal law is still written in the provisions, that is what we can use Tool. If you kill you, you will be the second Brazilian to be executed since 1876."

Lu Mingfei flicked the arc of lust, and the crisp metallic buzzing sound vibrated and spread, and the cold knife light split the white steam, shaking the boar Neo so hard that he could hardly open his eyes.

"Of course, you still have a second option. From now on, you can cooperate with us and help us find out those things standing behind you." Lu Mingfei's droopy eyebrows suddenly relaxed, and his originally droopy eyes The already majestic golden eyes bloomed with light that looked like a god and demon at this moment.

Everyone who saw those eyes stepped back involuntarily. They timidly lowered their heads and looked away, not daring to look into those god-like eyes, except for one girl.

Lu Mingfei lit a cigarette for himself.

He understands human nature too well and understands people's hearts too well.

First show your majesty and terror, and let the interrogator see that death is right in front of them.Then throw out the hope of living, and you will be able to get a lot of the information you want.

This is the most commonly used interrogation technique.

This interrogation has already begun since meeting the boar Neo.

"Tell me, who is the person behind you and your trading partner?" Lu Mingfei took a step closer again.

"The person behind the scenes?" Boar Neo shook his head, "I don't know what you are talking about, respected...Mr. Messenger of Cassel College."

Until now, he is still unwilling to betray the person who can bring him everything, or perhaps he does not have the courage to betray that person.

Compared with the punishment for betrayal, death is probably the best outcome.

Lu Mingfei smiled and said, "You and your guests are just gangsters. I know that gang members like you are only interested in profit and cannot satisfy your desires."

When he said this, he was undoubtedly alluding to Japan's Sheqihachi family, the largest gang in the world. The organization gathered together is the Sheqihachi family.

But Inuyama Ga's expression did not change at all.

The Japanese are such a strange nation, even Inuyama Ga, who is actually loyal to Principal Angers, is the same and highly respects the strong.He is extremely contemptuous of the weak.In their eyes, Lu Mingfei was undoubtedly an absolute strong man.

Even the most powerful hybrid of the eight Sheqi families, the true Amaterasu, and the only true imperial source in decades, would never be able to challenge the authority of the four monarchs, but Lu Mingfei did it .Then such a strong man is naturally qualified to criticize the Sheqiba family's style of conduct.

"The nature of gangsters is to fight without rules, eating the territory of their enemies and allies to strengthen themselves. If you are not greedy enough and eat fast enough, it may be your turn to be eaten by others. You are always eating the value of others, Like a ghoul on the dining table, but he doesn't know that his value has been clearly marked on another dining table." Lu Mingfei chuckled.

Boar Neo was obviously stunned for a moment. He heard something from this powerful academy messenger that he seemed to have heard from another person.

That person's name is Tachibana Masamune.

The real person in charge of the Sheqi Ba family is also his real trading partner.

But Boar Neo would never give Tachibana Masamune away.He is not afraid of that snake-like man, he is afraid of another force, another force that is controlling the direction of the world.

"I know who your transaction partner is, but that's not what I want to confirm. I hope you can tell me who is the person standing behind you and your friend." Lu Mingfei said slowly .

Boar Neo was shocked and frightened, but his face remained expressionless: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"It doesn't matter, I know you won't say it. But we have many ways to pry your mouth open." Lu Mingfei said coldly, "I studied under Principal Angers. In 1946, he forcibly removed the fallen Inuyama The family supported the most powerful family among the eight snakes and appointed Inuyama Ga as the first head of the Japanese branch. He was able to do this not because he gave any benefits, but because his sword was fast enough to kill. Every head of the Dead Snake Qiba Family. You and your partner are both rebellious people, people who can tame you. It is definitely not tempting with benefits, but..."

Lu Mingfei stretched out a hand and slowly clenched it in the air, "An iron fist!"

"iron hand?"

"Boar Neo, you and that friend of yours are just clowns in the foreground of something. Everything you do is in his calculations, and your destiny is written by him. You have no idea what you are doing, you You don’t know what the ultimate consequences of doing this will be. Maybe he promised you things like the throne of the world or eternal life on the other side, but those things are all illusory. Everything you do today is putting your The world is pushing into the abyss." Lu Mingfei said slowly. He was now standing in front of the boar Neo, looking down at the guy who looked like a hip-hop singer, and saw a hint of panic in his eyes.

"I must kill that friend of yours, but you, killing you will do no good to me. You can choose to cooperate with me, and together we will find out the iron fist hidden behind the scenes, and I can protect you. I can also promise what he promised you." Lu Mingfei seemed to have learned Lu Mingze's tone, and every word he said was full of temptation, just like the one who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. demon.

When he spoke like this, Lu Mingfei seemed to hear a boy laughing in his ear.

Neo the Boar suddenly laughed lowly.

His laughter gradually became wilder and more exaggerated. The gangsters who had been subdued by the power of Lu Mingfei and Inuyama Ga suddenly showed their fierce looks again.

The thugs threw away the split firearms, and after being stunned for a few seconds, they all grasped the daggers and pressed forward.

The wall of people was getting tighter and tighter, and Lu Mingfei was still smoking.

"Don't waste your efforts, brother." Boar Neo suddenly stopped laughing, his expression became hideous and disgusting, and now he looked like a real desperado who did all kinds of evil.

"We all know what the Secret Party and the Kassel Academy are like. Old guys like Angers and Schneider taught us that the weak will eat the strong, and also taught us that only those who hold power and power are qualified to carve up this world. Have a place in the craze of the world." Boar Neo's eyes were red. They were not pure red, but a dull golden color with red like Lu Mingfei's golden eyes.

It's just that his golden eyes are completely incomparable to Lu Mingfei's, more like a cruel little kid trying to compete with an adult with a wooden stick.

"Don't talk about the jungle. Senior, there are always some people who want to stand in front of the weak, and there are always people who want to pick up knives and attack the strong. We are this kind of people. If you think you are the weak, then stand in front of the weak. Behind me, if you think you are strong, then stand next to me. If you stand on the opposite side of me, then you are my enemy, and my enemies never have a good ending." Lu Mingfei said .

"You know I won't say it. We are destined to be enemies. You kill me or I kill you." Neo the boar also lit a cigar. He probably wanted to give himself some relief at such a critical time. Zhuangzhuang, the hand holding the cigar was obviously shaking, but he still stood upright in front of Lu Mingfei.

"There won't be any consequences if I kill you, but if you can really kill me, senior, then you probably won't be able to walk out of Rio de Janeiro alive." Lu Mingfei smiled.

In fact, he rarely kills people. After accepting the Nibelungen Plan, Lu Mingfei's methods were gentler than those of previous student union presidents.

But when he faced his real enemy, he would become madly angry. Those who were actually killed by him were so horrible that the college even had to ask teacher Masashi Toyama to evaluate Lu Mingfei's psychology.

"So be it, what I pursue is indeed the ultimate throne in the world. There are not many thrones. Everyone who wants to get the crown must be prepared to sacrifice his life. I have already given my soul, even if I deserve to die." Neo the boar finally lit the cigar and shakily put the cigar into his mouth.

All the cowardice he showed was actually an illusion. Boar Neo had two large-caliber modified revolvers stuck in his waist. Even an African elephant would be killed on the spot if hit head-on by these pistols.

But just when he was about to pull out the two guns, a ghostly hand had already removed his guns.

At the same time, the other hand slapped the burning cigar hard, and slapped the whole thing into his mouth.

The palm also covered the mouth of Neo the boar to prevent him from wailing.

Such an attack is not enough to kill the boar Neo, but it can anger him and make him feel humiliated.

This is exactly what Lu Mingfei wants.

He will not take any enemy lightly, even if he is now able to fight head-on with the Young Dragon King without losing the upper hand despite the fourth degree of bloodshed.

Enemies in an angry state may lose their minds, and an irrational hybrid is not much more powerful than a beast.

Unexpectedly, Neo the Boar's real weapon is not the two large-caliber revolvers, but a black spur hidden behind him!
The little man spun around the moment he was attacked and slashed with his sword.

This is actually a rare and extremely authentic "reverse cassock"!
Neo the boar is actually barely a master of swordsmanship. He is very talented in close combat weapons, but his unique speech spirit makes him dislike using weapons.

But both Lu Mingfei and Inuyama Ga were too powerful, so powerful that Boar Neo didn't even know if he could compete with either one of them.

So he didn't hold back at all and used the sword skills he learned from that evil man in Japan!
The "reverse cassock" of the Japanese sword is a sharp and fierce left oblique cut that is difficult to defend against.

Neo the boar almost risked spraining his arm and slashed with all his strength.

Dense sparks splashed out from the spurs, and Neo the boar's voice was a bronze throne, which not only increased his ability to resist blows, but also increased his strength exponentially.

But even with such appalling power, he was unable to repel the attacker even half a step!
Boar Neo glanced at him with fierce eyes, but he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

He saw his enemy clearly again. The expressionless Chinese boy's hands were covered with iron-green scales, as hard as cold-forged steel, and the military spurs struck those scales without any success.

Lu Mingfei looked at the boar Neo silently, the light in his eyes was so dazzling.

He had grasped the little man's wrist, and Neo the Boar's strength was almost completely unable to help him break free from this restraint.

This is simply the gap between heaven and earth.

And that Japanese old man, that Inuyama Ga whom the boar Neo had actually heard of, had turned into a sharp light and swept over the minions who had rushed here to support their boss, setting off a scarlet wave in the crowd. of hurricane.

"You probably have a way to temporarily break through the critical blood limit, but I suggest you not to do that." Lu Mingfei said softly,
His eyes were really filled with murderous intent at this moment, as if the boar Neo would have his head chopped off if he made even the slightest movement.
"Because then I might have to kill you." Lu Mingfei sighed.

He could feel a surging force flowing through the boar Neo's veins to his whole body. This kind of force was really familiar.

That's a method similar to violent blood.

"Stop fucking nonsense, do you think you can catch me now?" Boar Neo's eyes were red and he roared in a low voice.

 Six thousand words, I owe six thousand words

(End of this chapter)

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