Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 129 128 Tombstone of Summer’s Mourning

Chapter 129 128. The Tombstone of Summer’s Mourning
Every day, a classic Aston Martin car that has been repaired by dedicated personnel runs wildly in the darkness, carrying dust and smoke towards the city. This big, ancient and expensive toy has obviously just been waxed, and the body of the car is illuminated by fireworks blooming in the sky like a flower field. Looks radiant.

Large fields of alfalfa passed quickly on both sides of the deserted road. Angers was sitting leisurely in the passenger seat. He was wearing a black suit and windbreaker, with a dark red rose on his chest, and holding a tumbling bubble and a golden bag in his left hand. Glossy champagne, holding a lit black gold Cohiba cigar in his right hand. The white smoke was like a stretch of silk, spit out by the old man and then rose up, only to be blown away by the oncoming wind.

Henkel, who was sitting in the driver's seat, filled the revolver named Western Watch with gunpowder with one hand. After compacting it silently, he filled in gunpowder one by one, the tip of which was blunted, and then carved with complicated patterns. Sterling silver bullets.

This car is his treasure. Old Han Gao has no heirs. Apart from a few friends, there are really not many precious things to him. This Aston Martin can definitely be ranked among them. .

"After so many years, Fidelis, can you still hold on to your Western Watch as well as you did in the past?" Angers stretched his body comfortably. This highway between urban and rural areas is not recognized by the revelers, so It's surprisingly quiet here today.

The old guy seemed relaxed and comfortable, but in fact, the muscles in his whole body were as tight as steel. In this state, he was fully focused, and the realm of time zero was stirring on his surface all the time, and those ancient languages ​​were silent deep in his throat. , can be recited at any time at a speed exceeding human limits.

Federis von Henkel, this is a name that is well-known even in the entire mixed-race world. Hundreds of years after Columbus discovered the New World, the Mayflower brought the first European mixed-race to the United States. They are definitely the most legendary ones.In the era of development of the far and vast West, young Henkel was the toughest cowboy. He was able to track down a resurrected pure-blood dragon from Washington to Chicago.

He was both a brave and courageous pioneer and a bloody dragon slayer.In that chaotic era, most of the Deadpool group and pure-blood dragon clan that once ravaged the entire American continent suffered a bloodbath from Henkel and his forces.

The legend of Henkel can be heard everywhere in the wilderness of the Great West and under the neon lights of Chicago. He and his Western Watch left the fiery dragon's blood on every inch of the United States.

Henkel's word spirit is a rare holy sect. The serial number of this word spirit in the periodic table of word spirits is not lower than time zero. It is also one of the few that can pose a fatal threat to the owner of time zero in a fight. Yan Ling.

Compared to Setsuna, which can also threaten Time Zero's status, Holy Judgment is obviously more deadly and dangerous to Angers.

100 years ago, Angers and Henkel were the most dazzling mixed-race stars emerging in Europe and North America respectively.

They admired each other and were eager to defeat each other. Finally, by chance, they became partners who could trust each other. However, Henkel betrayed Ange's trust. When Ange turned around, he used the Holy Judge to shoot at his back. Shot in the back, the silver bullet almost penetrated his heart.

After that, Angers never turned his back on Henkel again. He didn't trust that profit-seeking... businessman.

In a sense, Fidelis von Henkel is indeed a businessman. He and his family, as well as all the North American hybrids who are attached to the Henkel family, do not absolutely hate the living dragons like the Camarilla. Those dragon individuals who cannot suppress the urge to destroy the world usually only have the second generation of prince level.

Henkel has never seen the first generation species, nor has he had any contact with the supreme kings of the Dragon Clan. He does not know whether there are some cognitive differences between the kings and the second generation species.

But when facing those third-, fourth- or fifth-generation species that can communicate with humans, have reason, and can restrain themselves, Henkel doesn't mind showing his goodwill or even talking about cooperation with them.Although many pure-blood dragons have a low status in the world of dragons, they retain the precious knowledge of the dragons in their minds, including even priceless alchemy theories.

"You haven't called me by my name in about 90 years, you old bastard." Henkel was suddenly stunned for a moment, then he laughed and cursed.

Henkel and Angers are usually called by their surnames. They are the leaders of the Camarilla and the North American hybrids respectively, which usually means the top of the military force in the entire hybrid world.Many times the attitude between them means the attitude between the two mixed race groups.

Compared to the secular faction headed by the Henkel family among the North American mixed race, the Camarilla is obviously a more iron-blooded organization.Angers and Henkel were often incompatible. They disliked each other and sometimes even looked like they wanted to kill each other with their own hands.

Some say that Angers and Henkel were old enemies and one of them was destined to kill the other.

But in fact, only the deepest parts of their hearts know that, of course, they are political enemies, but they are also the few remaining friends in the ravages of time.

"Even if people like us are to die, we will die holding a sword. When I am liquidated, the Western Watch will press my chest and will never be left aside." Henkel said softly,

"After living for so long, don't we only ask for a few things? What should we write on our tombstones? Hilbert Jean Angers, do you still remember your friends, Menique Ca? Serge, Lu Shanyan, and the other members of the first generation of Lionheart Club, whose names are written on their tombstones right now?" Henkel looked up at the night sky with fireworks in full bloom, and his turbid and old eyes suddenly became clear. The abyss-like pupils were lit up with a golden color.

"Of course I remember that I was the one who collected their corpses at Cassel Manor. My name is written on all their tombstones. Those coffins buried in my memory are always burning. Look at my eyes. , there is a wildfire of hatred in it." Angers laughed silently.

"You asked me to go to Rio de Janeiro's Central Station together. That sinner named Boar Neo, what did you see in him, what were you worried about, or what were you looking forward to?" Henkel re-organized his Casting his gaze to the end of the long road, this desolate road spanning large alfalfa fields seemed to be paved in an abyss. At the end of the long road was a big city that seemed to be burning.

They were walking into the city called Rio de Janeiro, which was brightly lit today.

With a snap, a thick stack of documents was thrown in front of the driver's seat of the classic car.

"Boar Neo is a student of Kassel College. Norma has been paying attention to his movements for a long time after he left the college." Angers' voice was as cold as the thousand-year-old ice in Siberia.

"This is as it should be. All students who are expelled for violating school rules will be closely monitored by Norma after leaving Kassel College. This monitoring will continue for 5 to 10 years until we are sure that the student will not Until it causes harm to society. What Neo violated was not the school rules, but the more sacred Abraham blood contract. We did not send him to the prison in the center of the Pacific or execute him directly, just because he violated the Abraham blood contract. It's not too serious, and he was only 19 years old at the time." Angers hesitated, "We always show extra kindness to young people."

Henkel did not continue to answer. He knew that what Angers was going to say might be beyond his expectations. The guy who called himself Boar Neo was very likely to be involved in more than just the betrayal of a big shot in the Japanese branch. .This matter may have touched Angers' nerves, and he couldn't help but want to personally interrogate the little man.

"It wasn't until not long ago that I started to re-investigate his file. But someone deleted his information from Norma's information database. In the third year after Neo the Boar was expelled from school, his name, His life and his existence have been completely cut off, and neither Norma nor any existing system at the college will continue to pay attention to him," Angers said.

This situation is very incredible. Norma is the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world, and her storage function can be said to be incredibly powerful.Everything that can be recorded in existing writing on earth can be entered into her storage system. Even if a student is expelled from school, Norma will not marginalize everything about this student.

It felt like there was an invisible big hand controlling everything. That big hand didn't want Ange to pay attention to a small character like Neo the boar, so it kicked the small character aside.

"But I still found some clues through my own information channels. When he first came to Rio de Janeiro, he was just an ordinary gang member, and he gradually climbed from such a small role to his current status, even with his mixed-race status , it also seems a bit incredible." Angers took a deep breath of his cigar and said,
"I have accurate information. Neo the Boar met a German-Chinese man who called himself Lin Fenglong many years ago. The Chinese man was very old. According to insiders, he was at least over 80 years old. You should know that I Reminding me of someone." The old guy blew out the cigarette fiercely, his eyes really burning with hatred like wildfire.

"It was after meeting the Chinese that our Mr. Neo began to prosper in Rio de Janeiro. Every year, he gets huge amounts of funds from millions of bearer credit cards abroad, even if Therefore, Norma's ability cannot find the source of those funds." Angers said, "I'm not feeling uneasy, I'm almost trembling with excitement, I seem to be about to find the person who killed my friends. people."

Angers took a long puff of his cigar, and the lines at the corners of his eyes were as sharp as swords.

"Old guys like us just live in memories, and those meaningful things are like floating shadows in the light, gradually fading as the years go by. But when I realized that the traitor who betrayed us is still alive In this world, the tombstones of my friends seemed to be calling me, and they asked me to pick up a pocket knife and cut his throat, chop off his head, and take his body to pay homage to their graves." He forcefully He blew out the cigar butt out of the window, raised his head and drank the champagne in his hand, his expression became ferocious.

"You are talking about Friedrich von Long. I know him. He was the guy in your small group who liked to be active outside the most. He was younger than you and was deeply trusted by Meineke. He was even trusted by Meineke. A secret mission to China was entrusted. To this day, we don’t know what the content of that mission was. It may have been buried in the grave with the passing of Kassel." Henkel glanced at Angers , he was active in the same era as the first generation of the Lion Heart Society. When Angers rose, he also rose. The two of them almost witnessed the prosperity of the entire Western mixed race world, so he was also one of the few who knew that Xia Xia One of those who mourned the truth of the incident.

Angers suddenly opened his arms. His back was straight. He didn't look like a 130-year-old man at all. His long silver hair was rolled up by the wind, like flowing clouds. He sang something loudly against the night wind and the fireworks all over the sky. The tragic old song is really tragic and heroic, reminding Henkel of the years when he spent his blood fighting dragons in the vast western wilderness.

Henkel could feel the past rushing towards Ange's face like the wind. The old guy next to him was naturally good at dying generously, even if he broke his own head.
"Senior, are you really going to... resist stubbornly?" Lu Mingfei's shoulders shook suddenly, and the long windbreaker left his body like a big bird taking off.

His voice was still very soft and lazy, but his eyes were already ignited with a golden luster that Boar Neo couldn't look directly into.

The short knife named lust drew a cold arc in the darkness, and the arc stopped at the tip of the little man's nose.

But Neo the Boar had no intention of retreating or dodging. He just laughed crazily and ferociously, and his body seemed to be undergoing some changes.

Something is spreading at high speed towards the ends of the limbs. Ordinary people would think that the poison is eroding the boar Neo's body.

But after a few seconds, tiny fuzz penetrated from under the man's skin, growing like a layer of iron-green moss on the surface of the skin.

And if it is under a microscope, after those "fuzz" are magnified hundreds of times, each one is shield-shaped, with lines like growth rings, and the front is as sharp as a sword.

These "swords" are piercing the boar Neo's skin, taking on the appearance of scales more and more obviously.

The method he used to break through the critical blood limit was even more extreme and dangerous. It actually started by changing the human shape, which was a sign of the third bloodshed.

Lu Mingfei realized that he probably didn't want to survive at all, so his expression suddenly changed.

For a moment, the boar Neo's body was dripping with blood, and the new hot dragon blood flowed along the new scales, and the ferocious blood was intertwined with the cold iron-green color.

Under the scales, muscles rippled like waves.

"You can't get me alive, either kill me or let me go!" Boar Neo's voice became deeper and deeper, and finally it was like a low growl suppressed deep in his throat.

The thugs obviously realized that something was wrong with the boss, and they crowded around and cowered back. However, the girl named Chris Jia still stood beside the little man with her head raised, her beautiful eyes always looking at Lu Mingfei's. Face.

 Four thousand words today, I owe ten thousand.

  I’m back from outside, and I can start making up the word count tomorrow.

  I won't make any changes, I will just add them directly to the existing chapters. Let's use [-] words as the base chapter. I will make up [-] words as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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