Chapter 130 129. Funds
Ireland four time differences away.

The strong wind blew up the showers, and the waves as high as a person were like black cavalry charging from the end of the sea into Dublin Bay, smashing into pieces on the breakwater, and the tide roared like wild thunder.

This bay is adjacent to the east coast of the island of Ireland. Its original name was Beleasacres, which means "fenced ferry town".In Irish, it means "black pond".This is because the River Liffey, which flows through Dublin city, carries a huge amount of peat from the Wicklow Mountains, giving the river flowing into the bay a deep black color.

The majestic castle made of huge rocks stood like a mountain in the wind and rain. The green, white and orange Irish flag was planted on every tip of the castle. It was blown up by the fierce wind and then buzzed, like an eagle chasing the direction of freedom and flying to the sea. .

Across the Atlantic, Rio de Janeiro is immersed in carnival revelry, while Ireland, the westernmost island in Europe, is shaking under heavy rain.

Dublin is the name of the capital of this country. It is located in the easternmost part of the island of Ireland. It has the oldest library in Europe. The Guinness Brewery in the southwest of the city is famous for brewing dark beer, so today the distinguished guests at Dublin Castle specifically asked the waiter to go there. Bought a new brew of dark beer to cheer up.

This castle is one of the landmark buildings in Dublin. In 1169, the Anglo-Normans landed in County Wexford, Ireland, and controlled Dublin ever since. One day 30 years later, King John of England signed an order. , asking his subjects to build him a strong castle to store his precious jewels and other possessions and to serve as England's base in Ireland.So Dublin Castle was built.

For hundreds of years, this was the absolute core area of ​​the English's colonial rule over Ireland.

The envoy of the British king knelt on the ground to listen to the king's voice, and his knights wore heavy armor to implement the bloody rule on the earth.

As a result, this city once became the top priority target for attack by the Irish when they became independent.

It is a fortress that has withstood the blood and fire of war. Now it has become a very important place for state activities. The presidential inauguration ceremony, state banquets to welcome foreign heads of state or government, etc. will be held here.

But Dublin Castle was finally born from the flames of war. Every rock piled into a high wall is rugged and vicissitudes. The traces left by wind and frost bear witness to the changes of time and history. Even if its responsibilities have changed now, it still stands like a loyal warrior. In Dublin Bay, defending a city that no longer needs it.

Robert Anson Heinlein is the temporary manager of the castle, and his studio provides services to guests who rent the castle.

This is the time when the weather has not yet warmed up, and few tourists will deliberately go to Dublin Castle. In order to save high maintenance costs, the government will temporarily close the castle's viewing services.If there are no visits by heads of state or other large-scale state events at the same time, Dublin Castle will be loaned to those in need.

The cost is high, and Dublin City Council does not sign long-term lease contracts with tenants, so there is usually no one to do this kind of thing.

Robert rarely really had to work.He is very old and has provided services to Her Majesty the Queen. When he was young, he also worked for the royal family in Spain.

The old Spaniard worked hard to straighten his back, neatly styled his hair, and wore a decent tuxedo, white shirt and custom-made handmade leather shoes.It was said that the guests who had recently rented Dublin Castle were of high status and must be treated with the highest standards of etiquette, but Robert did not care.

He has worked in this castle for 13 years, and even met the President of the United States here. Even the tenants who are not on state visits are either rich or expensive, such as the young boss of an oil exploration company and the Hollywood star who is popular half of the world. , a famous artist who is said to be as famous as Van Gogh after his death...

The last lessee was a crown prince from the royal family of Saudi Arabia.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spent a high price to obtain the right to use the castle from the Dublin City Council for two weeks.During this fourteen-day period, this distinguished gentleman indulged himself in the castle. Every day, different luxury cars with different beautiful women came in and out. Fireworks parties and champagne swimming pools created an ambiguous atmosphere. The melodious music floats from the depths of the castle to Dublin Bay.

Robert walked along the base of the high wall of Dublin Castle. Under his feet was a violet-patterned wool carpet, and above his head were magnificent and magnificent Celtic murals. The most famous chapter is probably King Arthur and His The Sword in the Stone.

The old man walked quietly without making a sound, and the maids serving on both sides of the corridor or in every corner of the castle also deliberately lowered their voices when talking, so that this magnificent and huge ancient city seemed as quiet as It's a deserted canyon.

Robert was followed by two young attendants in black suits. They pushed an exquisite dining cart. On the dining cart were sterling silver dinner plates. On the plates were grilled foie gras with matsutake mushrooms, pan-fried veal steak with rosemary, and potatoes. Braised lamb tenderloin and Arctic cod sashimi.

Potatoes are definitely an indispensable and important ingredient in life for the Irish. Since this cash crop was introduced to the European continent from the American continent by the Spaniards, the Irish have completely changed their eating habits. Their staple food has become a staple food in many countries. From soybeans and wheat to potatoes in a short period of time.At the same time, the country is surrounded by sea, and seafood is also a source of protein everywhere.Therefore, the Irish people’s dining habits for entertaining distinguished guests have inherited the style of their ancestors, and potatoes and cod are essential.

It was already very late at night in Dublin at this time, and the distinguished guests seemed to be night owls who were used to staying up late. At this time, they still had the appetite for a sumptuous meal.

Robert is definitely a very good castle manager. He will never refuse any request from his guests, whether reasonable or unreasonable.So after being woken up by the bell, I immediately went to knock on the chefs' door.

The butler was indeed a bit old, and the dining room and kitchen of Dublin Castle were still quite a distance away from the palace where the distinguished guests rested. Robert was out of breath when he left, but he still remained calm and composed.

This castle has many bedrooms, each with a different decoration style. The one where the distinguished guests stayed was designed and built by the Irish government in the 19th century after the Buckingham Palace where George IV stayed.The current Queen of England once rested on the velvet bed in that room, and the guests had slept with Her Majesty in the same bed, which was a bit sweet to think about.

The dormitory was at the end of the corridor, with candles burning slowly. The candlelight was dim but enough to illuminate the entire wide corridor.Schubert's serenade flows like a gurgling stream from the open door.When he finally reached the door of the palace, Robert waved to the attendants behind him to stop, then he tidied his collar and hem meticulously, and then rang the dinner bell at the door.

"If you don't mind, please help us push the dining car in." Robert was stunned for a moment, because from the sound of his voice, this distinguished guest seemed to be a very young lady.He rarely sees such a situation. Most of the people who have strong capital to come to this castle are leaders in the business world. These people usually have huge business empires under their names, and the working capital they handle every day is tens of millions. Even hundreds of millions of dollars.Or they are members of the Middle Eastern royal family. These wealthy Middle Easterners control 70% of the world's oil reserves. Their wealth is enough to buy the entire Dublin.

"Yes, today's supper is Scottish Highland Potato Stew, freshly killed Irish lamb tenderloin, low-fire pan-fried fresh top-quality steak flown from Hokkaido, Japan, Danish matsutake with top-quality French foie gras, and fresh cod flown from Greenland. Sashimi with Japanese Kobe Sichuan spicy mustard." Robert lowered his head, took the dining cart from the attendant, and carefully pushed it into the palace.

He thought that maybe this young lady was actually the girlfriend or some other relative of the real guest.This situation is not uncommon, no one would rent such a huge castle alone.

But there are only two figures behind the silky gauze curtain. They are both blurry but graceful and slender, so beautiful that it is almost impossible to take your eyes away.

Robert had also received porn stars who were the most beautiful in Europe, but even with his experience and vision, he had to admit that even through two simple and vague silhouettes, these two girls had already defeated everything he had ever seen. Any woman.

This old man who had been working in Dublin Castle for many years and met many important people suddenly realized that these two young girls were probably his distinguished guests.

They checked in three days ago, and the person who escorted the guests to the gate of the castle was an extended Lexus.

Robert had never seen the guest's face or heard the guest's voice before today.He felt a little emotional in his heart, but still pushed the dining car behind the curtain, and then retreated to the door of the palace with his head lowered.

"Excuse me, Mr. Butler, how cooked is the steak?" Just as Robert was about to leave quietly, another girl suddenly stopped him.

"We don't know the taste of our guests, so we fry the steaks until they are medium rare." Robert responded respectfully.

"Please tell the chef for me and ask the chef to cook me another well-done steak." Su Enxi said.
"The boss doesn't like to eat medium-rare steaks. He said that it reminds him of the days when he was on the ice. At that time, he ate raw steaks because he couldn't make a fire and had to survive." Mai Shutoku said. With her long legs crossed on the back of the chair, she leisurely picked up a glass of champagne and clinked glasses with the girl opposite. Golden hops overflowed and the foam in the hops disappeared in an instant.

A music box from a very old age was spinning and playing Schubert's serenade. The girls were wearing moon-white silk nightgowns. Their beautiful waists and slender and tight calves exuded soft fluorescence, revealing their smooth, delicate and white shoulders outside the bathrobes. There is a slight red color in it.

"But why do you ask the chef to deliver food for three people to us every day? Breakfast, dinner, and even midnight snacks. The boss clearly said that he will not have too much interference in this trip to Ireland." Su Enxi wrapped her bathrobe tighter, and her fingers restlessly roamed Jiude Mai's thighs. After scraping her nails, a small layer of skin appeared on her long, tight, white and jade-like thighs. Goosebumps.

A classic Brazilian movie was playing on the huge screen in front of them. The name of that movie was Central Station. The place where all the stories in the movie took place is today's joint boar hunting between Kassel College and North American Mixed Breeds. Neo's location.

The soft, slightly yellowish light shone on the girls' faces. Mai Shutoku retracted her thighs in disgust, then bent her knees and hugged them, curling up into a small ball, like an alert but still elegant cat.

Su Enxi chuckled, holding a corner of a tablet computer with her left hand, and a bag of unopened cucumber-flavored potato chips with her right hand.

"The boss is a person who gets nervous all the time. He might knock on our door at any time." Mai Shutoku's eyes reflected wandering light, her chin was pointed, leaning on her knees, but Less like a cat and more like a fox.

Su Enxi was stunned, and then she stopped talking.Their small team is actually very interesting. Her Royal Highness, who is so repelled by the cold wind of Siberia, and a certain guy made a vow never to break.Long Legs, who acts decisively, tenaciously and powerfully, has some unspeakable feelings buried in his heart.As for herself, Su Enxi feels that she is really a little lunatic, and actually wants to destroy the world with her boss, because in this way, her name will be remembered by many people, and those who are high up and those who once overlooked her will all die in the end. shouted her name hatefully in the flames.

The room fell silent for a moment, leaving only Central Park, which was still playing quietly on the screen, and the melodious serenade flowing from the music box.

Su Enxi lay back on the big velvet bed, found a more comfortable position for herself, tore open the package of potato chips, and turned the tablet over.

She had already eaten the late-night snack brought by the butler, and the potato chips were just for fun at this time.The large velvet bed was so soft and comfortable that it almost enveloped Su Enxi's entire body.

A relatively complex statistical program is running on the tablet, a program written by Su Enxi herself. It is used to count the regions where the accounts of the current leaders of the Far North, Vincent and Boar Neo, come from.

On the linear statistical chart, red, blue and yellow lines intersect, which means that the regions represented by these lines occupy equal proportions in the statistical table prepared by Su Enxi.

If you continue to pull the statistical chart to the bottom where it cannot even be displayed on the screen, you will find that there are hundreds of lines of colors almost clustered into one.

The proportion of these lines in the statistical chart is very small, which also means that the share of anonymous accounts from the regions represented by these lines is also very small.

Su Enxi's brows furrowed together. There were a total of 1100 million bank card accounts that sent money to Vincent's account and Boar Neo's account. They did come from all over the world, but the three regions with the largest number were different. They are Sweden, the Republic of Pez and the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Sweden is a permanently neutral country, especially founded on the banking industry. It protects the privacy of its customers very strictly, and even the artificial intelligence secretary of Kassel College would find it difficult to invade.The Republic of Fiji has appallingly low internet coverage, as well as low usage of electronics like cellphones and computers, which means that an AI like Norma can barely spy on that country in the same way it can spy on other regions.

As for the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, it is a Caribbean island country. Su Enxi had not even heard of this country before.Its national population is only tens of thousands, but it has issued millions of passports, turning this federal country into a paradise for tax avoiders.Every day, countless amounts of money flow to the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, and from St. Kitts and Nevis to the entire world.Not even the most powerful artificial intelligence on the planet can accurately track every flow of money.

The guy hiding behind the scenes is a very smart person. He used this method to avoid any possible tracking. Even if Su Enxi rented a supercomputer from the Irish Advanced Computer Research Department to trace the origin of these 1100 million bank accounts, it would be difficult to get rid of the cocoon. Find out the truth hidden behind the scenes.

But the person who hid himself still neglected something. Su Enxi, who was responsible for this matter, was not just a housekeeper. Her words and deeds were very rare.This spirit that often appeared in ancient priests and astronomers gave Su Enxi an unusual talent for mathematics, and she became extremely sensitive to any form of numbers and statistics.

Slender white fingers swiped across the screen of the tablet, and the statistical chart with three-colored lines intertwined was swiped to the bottom.

Hundreds of lines were split in Su Enxi's eyes, dense digital cursors flashed in her pupils, and complex mathematical formulas rushed back and forth in her thoughts like a wave.

Originally, Su Enxi's two fingers were constantly expanding a certain point on the statistical chart to separate the lines that were almost clustered together, but suddenly at a certain second, her movements stopped.

The beautiful girl sat up straight and stared at the bottom of all the lines.

Even compared to all other regions with extremely low shares, the area represented by this line has very few bank accounts.Among the entire 1100 million accounts, this line always accounts for only 0.01%, almost completely coinciding with the bottom coordinate axis.

Su Enxi held her breath. She quickly swiped the entire statistical chart to the right. The thin line with a light pink color that would have been almost ignored without careful inspection finally found its source. The two characters were located there. Those two The characters represent the area represented by the line itself.

That country is,

Su Enxi immediately felt as if she was hit head-on by the ice and snow of winter. The extreme cold rose from the depths of her heart, and flowed along the blood in her body to her limbs, and the beating of her heart became excited.

The people or organizations that provide funds for the Far North and Neo the Boar are indeed cunning hunters, but as long as they do it, no matter how cautious they are, they will always leave clues.Apparently, whoever he was was being too cautious, which made him want to completely erase the true source.

But this left a loophole.

Su Enxi has access to many things that ordinary people cannot. She knows how many secrets are hidden in the country where she was born, and how many things related to dragons are accumulating power in the dark corners of history to subvert the world again.Su Enxi would not be surprised at all if the person who provided funds for the Far North and Neo the Boar was a pure-blood dragon or some evil hybrid organization hidden in China.

From ancient times to the present, the war between humans and dragons has not been the main sociological relationship in this land.

It would be impossible to find him out.

At this time, the violent sea wind blew fiercely up the high wall, and thunder ripped through the night across the sky. The heavy rain seemed to be more intense, mixed with the sound of waves, as if a shocking war was coming, and the gods came down from the sky and came up from the ground. All the ghosts were fighting each other, and the collision of the weapons in their hands tore out huge lightning.

"I have some clues. The organization behind the scenes that provides support to the Far North is probably in China, so I'm going to make a trip in a while, probably to a big city in the north." Su Enxi suddenly raised his head and said confusedly After saying this to Mai Shutoku, she randomly stuffed a few potato chips into her mouth and glanced at the movie that was about to end.

"Are you going to have a BJ?"

"How do you know?" Su Enxi's eyes widened.

"Otherwise, will you go to Heilongjiang?" Mai Jiudoku raised her head and looked out the window of the heavy rain. She took a deep breath, "Our little white rabbit has probably successfully captured the wild boar by now, right? I don't know. Will there be any accidents?"

"Long Legs, you have some confidence in the little white rabbit. That stupid pig was barely classified into the B-level bloodline when he entered Kassel Academy, but it is actually not much better than the C-level. Even if he uses the strengthening potion, it is the most If he can defeat those scoundrels under Odin, he will be unlucky when he meets the little white rabbit." Su Enxi trusted Lu Mingfei. In fact, she was right. Neo the boar was the best thing Lu Mingfei had encountered in recent times. He was a weak enemy. With his bloodline, even if he used forbidden techniques and strengthening potions that could temporarily allow him to break through the critical blood limit, he would not be able to pose any threat to Lu Mingfei.

"When the lease contract here expires, Long Legs, you are going to go to Oslo and open up the situation there first. I have prepared [-] million US dollars for you. When the nuclear-powered icebreaker docks, you will board it as a passenger. ." Su Enxi's thoughts turned quickly and she began to arrange the next tasks.When the boss is away, she is the brains of the team. Basically, she is responsible for the follow-up arrangements of the mission. Mai Shutoku and Zero usually only need to execute orders.

"But you have to be careful. The boss said that there might be something amazing hidden on that ship. The boss is already a devil himself. The only things that can be praised by devils as being amazing are things like gods. When the ship reaches the high seas, I will send another big ship to follow it. The ship will be silent on all channels, as if it is invisible on the high seas. If you are in danger, jump into the sea immediately, and the ship will send The search and rescue team is here to support you." Potato Chip Girl is such a mean-spirited person. She seems to be reluctant to part with her copper coins, but in fact, every mission is carried out with dollars, and everything is done before the mission begins. Preparation for retreat after failure.

"Yeah, yeah, I remember, I remember." Jiude Mai's two long legs were intertwined, lying next to Su Enxi, gently rubbing Potato Chip Girl's cheek like a kitten.

"Speaking of which, there should be no need to hide these things from Lu Mingfei. According to the boss's wishes, he has the right to know." Su Enxi hummed and said, "In this way, you also have a strong ally. As long as you send that kid on board, Even if there is an emergency, you don't have to actually touch the dangerous nuclear reactor. In a sense, our little white rabbit is a walking nuclear bomb."

When Su Enxi said this, she was actually thinking about how great it would be if Lu Mingfei followed every mission in the past. Then with the short sword in hand, he could cut from Hokkaido to Tokyo Bay without taking a break. There is no need for them to work so hard to do dirty things.

"By the way, our insider at Kassel College said that neither Chu Zihang nor Caesar was involved in this operation against the boar Neo. They have a good relationship with Lu Mingfei and were entrusted to go one step ahead. I went to Oslo, what should I do if I encounter them there?" Jiude Mai suddenly remembered this matter and looked up at Su Enxi.

Su Enxi pondered for a moment, "Kill them!"

"Hey, I don't look like an old witch who would kill a beautiful boy, girl!" Mai Shutoku protested. In fact, she wasn't really sure about the two Cassel exes.

Mai Shutoku's word spirit is Mingzhao, which can distort the light around the body to achieve the purpose of invisibility. It is a very powerful assassination word spirit, but Mingzhao has no effect in front of Caesar. The Gattuso family The young master himself is a famous sharpshooter in the academy, and Yan Ling is a kamaitachi with extremely enhanced hearing.

Although Mai Shutoku can adjust her voice to the lowest level and even suppress the frequency and sound of her heartbeat, she really can't say that she can assassinate the owner of Kamaitachi.

As for Chu Zihang, he was an emotionless killer. Mai Shutoku doubted whether her charm would be effective on that guy.

But thinking about it, Su Enxi was just joking. Think about it, if the established heir of the Gattuso family and the young master with whom they had the highest hopes were stabbed to death at the gate of the Oslo branch, Frost and those hiding in the ultramarine How angry the old guys in the temple would be. This overwhelming anger could even set the entire mixed-race world on fire.Even the Laurent family, which seems to be no less powerful than the Gattuso family on the Cassel College Board of Directors, was personally admitted by Dame Elizabeth Laurent that the Gattuso family is the uncrowned king of today's mixed-race society, and they control the supreme power. Powers that, when exposed, can overturn a country.

In these troubled times, if the Gattuso family is really prepared to deal with their small group with all their strength, it probably won't take much effort.

"You don't need to pay attention to them. Caesar Gattuso and Chu Zihang don't know you, and they haven't heard of your legend. Even if they meet them, the most they can do is stimulate the minds of the young people in Huaichun." Su Enxi shrugged, not paying much attention to this matter.

"The boss said that these two will not pose a threat to our plans for the time being. If we can let them board the ship, they may be able to become our allies at a critical moment." She said.

"We have completely investigated the intelligence of the Far North. This well-structured organization similar to the Camarilla is actually very weak. There are only a hundred or so uneven mixed-races. The number of A-levels is not much. If Without any other accidents, the three of us can completely destroy their lair." Mai Shutoku said confidently.

Su Enxi covered her face, "Let's not be tempted to resort to violence, long-legged girl, have you been with the boss for too long? You have been infected by that bastard."

Apparently there was not much respect for the mysterious boss from their mouths. In comparison, the relationship between the girls and the boss seemed to be quite equal.

The dense rain was picked up by the sea breeze and slapped against the huge carved glass window of the palace. Mai Shude looked towards the brightly lit Dublin in the rain curtain. Her sight seemed to pass through the entire island of Ireland and the Atlantic Ocean, and she could see Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Everything that is happening.
The boar Neo finally calmed down, and the low growl that had been suppressed in his throat completely disappeared. This was because his vocal cords had been completely destroyed by the violent dragon transformation, and the scales growing on his throat were even rooted in the throat bones. The little man's vocal organ was destroyed. He and Lu Mingfei were almost facing each other, but his body was hunched over. The burning cigar was put into his mouth by Lu Mingfei's palm, burning him. of the oral cavity and tongue.

At this moment, he slowly stood up straight.

Although Boar Neo's vocal cords were damaged and he was unable to roar or produce human sounds, the high-pitched and ancient chanting still sounded like a bellows being pulled.

A certain spiritual spirit was being chanted, and the muscles all over the little man's body were undulating. Every inch of his skin and every scale turned into a bronze-like color and texture. The huge power made him look like a liger. .

"Senior, have you mastered this word spirit to this extent? The Bronze Throne can actually make your body appear a color similar to metal texture." Lu Mingfei sighed in a low voice, and he suddenly stopped talking.

Lu Mingfei stared intently at the ampoule in Neo the Boar's hand. That thing had been carried by Neo the Boar, and it was actually well protected and had not been broken just now.

The liquid in the bottle was black, but it was flowing with a rainbow-like shimmer. The subtle light color made Lu Mingfei seem to recall something that had long been lost in the deepest part of his memory.

"You people are always so high-sounding, but you don't know how much we reptiles in the shadows also yearn for the world in the sun!" Neo the boar struggled to spit out these words. He raised the ampoule and exerted slight pressure on his fingers. ——


The black liquid splashed everywhere, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground was heard, and the white steam boiled like sea water stirred by whales.

Lu Mingfei covered his forehead and spat.

When the boar Neo was about to crush the ampoule, he hit his forehead with his forehead. In that moment, he started to bleed violently.

Therefore, the boar Neo, who was blessed by the bronze throne that claimed to be able to elevate the user's body to the strength of a pure-blood dragon in a short period of time and was strong enough to tear steel, was immediately knocked unconscious by Lu Mingfei's headbutt.

If you're lucky, it's just a mild concussion; if you're not, you may need skull repair surgery.

"After finishing the work, I will take the Inuyama family leader away because he is in trouble." Lu Mingfei waved his hand towards Inuyama He, who was still charging into the crowd in the distance.

Only then did he finally realize that there was a very beautiful girl staring at him in front of him.

 8000 words, 7000 to go
(End of this chapter)

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