Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 131 130 Miss Kriska

Chapter 131 130. Miss Kriska
The return journey was quite bumpy. Hermes Airlines was a group controlled by the college, and Cassel College undoubtedly inherited the style of the Camarilla perfectly in terms of transportation requirements.

In addition to those corrupt big shots, the hybrids who are committed to the cause of dragon slaying are still keen on faster, larger, and stronger vehicles, such as the principal's exclusive Gulfstream "Sleipnir."

All aircrafts owned by Hermes Airlines naturally inherit this sturdy style. They are usually not delayed due to weather conditions, and their speed is about half faster than similar aircraft. Just to achieve this purpose, their noise It was simply difficult to sleep, and equally difficult to resist the strong opposing air currents.

After Lu Mingfei got on the plane, he put on his ear and eye masks and plugged in his earplugs and fell asleep.The confrontation with the boar Neo didn't make him very tired, but then the senior sister and Xia Mi dragged President Lu to participate in the remaining two days of the carnival. The girls were full of energy and a little unfinished. Lu Ming Fei felt that he was so exhausted that he almost collapsed in Mr. Henkel's Aston Martin.

According to the provisions of the plan white paper, after completing the assigned tasks, the college commissioner should immediately return to the college execution department headquarters to report on his work. However, this time for the boar Neo and his criminal group, the college implemented a voluntary registration model for all employees in the school. Those who participated in the operation The number of students was so large that almost all members of the Dragon Society, Lion Heart Club and Student Union signed up. Later, the school had to set a maximum number of students.

But even so, more than forty students participated in the operation this time. These young hybrids were excited and ready to show off their skills. However, they were a little confused when they learned that the fallen hybrid they were going to deal with had been killed.

This feeling is like the warriors running out of the Novice Village happily to fight monsters, upgrade, defeat the Demon King and save the world. However, when they reach the entrance of the village, they see a man carrying the Demon King's head back to the village.

The academy has made a lot of preparations. They have carefully studied the combat capabilities of Neo the boar and believe that this is a guy who can explode to the super-A level under extreme conditions. In addition, Rio de Janeiro is his hometown, and they are not prepared to be the first. Caught him at the first meeting.

As a result, Lu Mingfei was unreasonable and knocked him over with a headbutt.

This gave the school a bit of a headache. The students had all gone out and it was hard to go on a public-expense trip and then go back. So they reissued the task and asked the students who participated in the operation to form a team to clean up the boar Neo in Rio City. The remaining forces and rescue those captured wild hybrids.

It was under this circumstance that Lu Mingfei was given a leave by the principal and the girls dragged him around Rio for two days.

There was a buzzing in his ears, and Lu Mingfei felt a slight pain in his temples. It was probably due to the pressure on his eyeballs while sleeping on his stomach. When he opened his eyes slightly, his vision was a little blurry, and the whole world was jolting with the buzzing like a swarm of bees.

He patted his cheek and tried hard to open his eyes, feeling a little sore in his shoulders.

Lu Mingfei turned his head carefully. Xia Mi was leaning on his right arm, and Nono was leaning on his left arm. Their skin was white and they were breathing evenly. They were sleeping deeply on their stomachs, with their sleeping postures like two little ones. cat.

"They woke up twice. Miss Xia Mi asked for a cup of hot milk and two slices of toasted bread with butter from the flight attendant." A cold girl's voice sounded from the end.

The girl named Chrisja was wearing a khaki woolen coat, very tight jeans and black long-heeled boots. She was slender and slender, with a waist that seemed to be full and her calves were tight and straight.

Kriska leaned against the porthole with her chin in one hand, the corners of her narrow eyes raised slightly, like sharp knives, but her gaze crossed the Nono between her and Lu Mingfei and landed on Lu Mingfei's still hazy eyes. .

This is a girl who doesn't want to be approached by strangers. She has been following Lu Mingfei for the past few days, but she has been quiet and quiet. She is a bit like Zero. She looks cold to everyone.

She probably hadn't rested since she got on the plane, and she hadn't moved around. She was a little tired at this time, and the golden sunlight fell on her face, which turned out to be transparent and pale, with a hint of blush in the paleness.

This Miss Chris Jia can definitely be ranked in the second echelon in Lu Mingfei's beauty rankings. She has a cold and royal sister style, but for some reason she is also a bit silly and adorable.

"Junior sister is just a pig." Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows at Chris Jia.He knew that the senior sister and junior sister were actually awake and were just pretending to sleep. Xia Mi's cheeks were as red as a ripe fruit.

The half-Indian girl sitting by the window has a pair of bright eyes like stars. She is not much older than Lu Mingfei, less than 20 years old, but has a cold temperament, as cold as A clear pool deep in the bamboo forest.

Kristina was brought to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from the Indian reservation in the United States by the boar Neo seven years ago. When she first came to this big city, she was still a dirty yellow-haired girl who didn’t understand anything. Be curious about everything.

The little man who calls himself Boar Neo is by no means a good guy, but he also gives Krisja the most favorable living environment and the most basic quality education. Sometimes this guy comes back after taking drugs outside. He goes crazy and beats his servants who are responsible for daily life with a long whip dipped in water. Only Kriska can stop him at this time.

Sometimes Kriska almost thinks that the man really thinks of her as his sister.

Neo the boar had even seriously considered asking this girl, who was not even an adult yet, to share the affairs of the gang for him, but it was a pity that Krisga was not interested in those things.

She had no feelings for the boar Neo, although the guy sometimes asked her to call him brother, and she would do it.

There was one thing that Krisja had kept in her heart and never told anyone. Not even the boar Neo knew about it.

Seven years ago, Neo and his gang chased a desperado who dared to smuggle their goods to the small town where Krisja was located. They stayed in the city for two months and found the unruly guy. and killed him.

But that man was actually Chris Jia’s biological brother. He hacked the goods so that he could save money for Kris Jia to leave the United States. He read in a book that the Netherlands is a beautiful country with a very fast pace of life. It's slow, the public security is good, people receive the best education, and no one will call Kristina a freak anymore.So he stubbornly wanted to take Kristina to the Netherlands and Amsterdam.

Her brother is the only person in the entire family who can make Kriska feel loved. Her mother and other family members will despise her, fear her, and even whip her sometimes.

Only this brother, who has not gone to school for a few days and has not read a few books, will protect Chris Jia. Even if his mother drives him out of the tribe and there is no place for Kris Jia in the entire Indian reservation, his brother will still protect her. Go with her to the outside city and find an equally small hiding place for the little girl.

When he was very young, when his mother would whip Kristka with a whip, his brother would rush forward and hug his sister tightly. At that time, he would curl up and wrap Kristka completely, as if he was trying to build a building with his own body. A high wall, gritting his teeth and being whipped with a whip without making a sound.

When the angry mother saw her brother doing this, she had no intention of continuing to beat him.Later, Krisga was expelled from the tribe, and her brother left the place that people often called home with her without hesitation.

Dependent on each other, they trekked through the wilderness and dense forests and came to a small city in New Mexico.But my brother had never read a book and was an Indian. He couldn't find a decent job in the city that could support two people, so he joined a gang and started doing illegal activities.

However, Kriska knew that her brother would never participate in the gang's illegal carnivals. He would never participate in theft or robbery with other gangsters. This somewhat naive big boy was usually responsible for acting as a gang thug. .

To this day, Chris Jia still remembers that rainy night seven years ago. She returned home as usual, and the smell of blood hit her face like the wind. Everything in front of her made the girl forget to speak and scream. Yelling, she only had time to rush forward and hug her brother's limp body on the ground and cry silently.

She never cried loudly because her mother hated hearing crying. In the past, if Krisja cried loudly when she was being beaten, her mother would beat her even harder, so she learned to restrain herself when she was very young. own cries.

But when she saw the man who had been standing in front of her like a mountain to protect her from the wind and rain, lying on the ground covered in blood and powerless, Krisja had never hated her mother so much before. .

She hated that woman for depriving her of the right to cry, as if she had nowhere to vent her sorrow.

The main culprit that made my brother look like this was a penetrating wound in his abdomen. It was a wound left after being hit by some kind of bullet. It was scorched black and bloody, and about one-fifth of the organs in the abdominal cavity had been destroyed. Completely damaged, it was a miracle that she was able to survive until Krisja returned home.

Krisja still remembers her brother’s hands that were getting colder as he held her in so many late-night dreams.

He said Krisja, you are not a cursed child.He said Krisja, you must love yourself. Only those who love themselves will be loved by others.He said Krisja was sorry, I can no longer grow up with you.

His voice became softer and fainter, his pupils gradually dilated, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

Krisja was still crying silently, with tears falling in large drops. The depth of her throat hurt like a knife, but she couldn't make a sound, and the huge sadness rushed to her face like a strong wind.

When her brother really died, Krisca felt as if she could finally cry, so she burst into tears.

Kristina is a very sensible child.She understood that from that day on, the only person who loved her in the world also died, right in front of her.

The last thing that person said to her was Krisga, you have to love yourself.

So Kristina walked away from the bloody Changfeng that her brother loved most, took the revolver from the drawer that her brother used to defend himself and deter the enemy, and then knocked on the wall of the house and dug out what her brother buried. Inside is an exquisite dagger forged from pure gold.

The gold for forging this dagger was obtained by his brother with the money he sold from the goods he hacked the boar Neo.

He said that when Krisja gets married in the future, he will sell the gold and buy her a very big house in the Netherlands, Russia, or Germany, so that Krisja will never have to live in this world again. Wandering in despair.

Kristka remembered her brother saying that as long as a person stopped wandering, he would no longer be a desperado.Kristka still remembers that she was very young at that time and didn't know what it meant to get married.Her brother told her that getting married is to find a boy who loves you very much and you love him very much. You will live together until death, and then be buried in the same grave. Your two names will be written on the tombstone, and the four seasons will be in front of the tombstone. All have white flowers.

Kristina said, brother, I want to marry you.After hearing this, my brother burst out laughing and then touched her little head and said that he can't stay with you for that long and you will meet someone better than him in the future.

Kriska sometimes feels that this world is really sad. Before you can learn to love someone, the only person who loves you is already dead.

Over the years, the boar Neo was indeed very kind to Kriska. She probably had a really cold temperament, but she didn't hate him.

But it's hard to say that there was any emotion in it. She was indeed a very sensitive girl, and Kriska could feel that Neo was using her.

Her word spirit is a blood-based knot, and its effect is that it can detect hybrids that have awakened or have not yet awakened within a certain range. This special ability once made Krisja think that she had found the same kind.

But every time she talked about this matter with the boar Neo, the same kind that vaguely appeared in her perception quickly disappeared.

Later, when they grew up, Krisja knew that they were captured by the boar Neo. What would happen next? They might be killed or imprisoned, but Krisja knew that she She made a mistake and she shouldn't have told the man those things.

So she has never used her abilities since many years ago.

Until that day, when I met Lu Mingfei for the first time.

The high-pitched chant seemed to be recited directly by her soul, and the blood knot opened automatically and uncontrollably. In Krisja's perception, Lu Mingfei was like a warm bonfire, as if as long as she was close to him, everything would change. Loneliness and coldness were driven away.

"The test results have come out. If you look purely at the purity of the dragon blood in your body, your bloodline is far superior to that of the boar Neo. Someone will give you guidance when you enter school." Lu Mingfei lowered his voice and said Chrisja communication.

It is very simple for Norma to investigate someone's criminal record. Neo the boar and his henchmen are not very clean. The crimes committed by any one person are enough to put him in jail for a lifetime.

On the contrary, this Indian girl seems to have never participated in any illegal or criminal activities or even violated the Abrahamic blood contract. She is clean and tidy.

Coupled with her surprised performance when facing Lu Mingfei, who could actually look directly into the pair of golden eyes that turned red when lit, the academy decided to admit her as an exception if she met the standards after conducting a blood test.

Kriska didn't have much objection to this. She was originally homeless, and it wouldn't be a bad thing for her if she could finally find someone of the same kind.

But if you want to enroll, you have to wait for the next class. In the past six months, you can only study in the Valley College preparatory class with Constantine.

"How are those people captured by Neo?" Kriska asked suddenly. She crossed her arms and her eyes were still cold, but there seemed to be a little unnoticeable panic buried in the deepest part of her dark brown pupils. .

"Some were sent to mine, some were sold as sons, and some were engaged in telecommunications fraud in Africa. Basically, they are still alive, but they are living a more difficult life. We are doing our best to rescue them." Lu Ming Fei hesitated for a moment when he answered, but in the end he didn’t tell Krisja the truth.

The truth of the world is absolute darkness, the so-called justice does not exist, and happy endings only exist in the stories made up by writers.

But Lu Mingfei still didn't want Miss Krisja to be exposed to the dark side of the world too early.She had a very unhappy childhood. She lost her father and brother, was not accepted by her mother, and lived with her enemies for several years. The girl's life was already very sad, and there was no need to make her feel what she had never experienced before. The guilt I felt, even if it was a lie.

Lu Mingfei knew that feeling, the feeling of going crazy with guilt.

He had the same dream for a long time, and it always ended in tragedy.

She may have made some mistakes unintentionally, and someone has to be responsible for these mistakes, but in the final analysis, the initiators of the pairing are the boar Neo and Herzog. Lu Mingfei has already caught the former, and I think his ending will be worse than death. miserable.As for Herzog, he must kill him with his own hands.

Someone has to be responsible for the mistakes in the world. If you make mistakes but don't have to pay the price, then Lu Mingfei will feel that justice is really gone, and then he will enforce justice himself.

Krisja's expression didn't change much. She just picked up the orange juice in front of her and raised her glass to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei noticed the darkness in the girl's eyes, but said nothing more.

Judging from all aspects of the information, she is a smart girl. She may be able to hear some clues from Lu Mingfei's words and guess the ending of those people.
"I will come to see you often, dear Chris Jia, Xiaokang is our friend. If you encounter any difficulties here, you can go to him. I believe he will definitely help you solve your problems!" Lu Mingfei Chao He waved vigorously while looking at the rearview mirror of his Maybach. A boy wearing a dark green Valley College uniform and a dark scarf also waved at him from behind the slowly moving Maybach.

"I will definitely take good care of Sister Kriska, don't worry, senior brother!" Constantine said happily.

He has stayed at Valley College for a long time, and has become a famous figure here. He has the energy to rise up like a male protagonist in urban novels. However, although this kid has a good character, he is still a bit shy. Until now. I haven't made many friends so far.

Constantine was indeed a little excited when he knew that there would be a very good-looking girl who was going to study in the preparatory class with him. After all, she was someone that her senior brothers and sisters knew, so that meant she was someone he knew.

Lu Mingfei's Adam's apple rolled, his eyes were frightened, and he looked as panicked as a little white rabbit being held down by a lion.

"'I will come to see you often, dear Miss Kriska' -" A hand suddenly stretched out from the seat in the back row and pinched Lu Mingfei's ear. Xia Mi snorted angrily, "Senior brother You are very good at flirting with girls. Why didn't I see that you had this ability before? Those words you didn't say to me were just lies to me, right?"

"No way, junior sister, you have to trust my character, senior brother. I think Caesar was planning to give me the position of president of the student union, and even his beautiful girl dance troupe. Faced with such temptation I haven't been tempted at all, so how could I change because of Krisja at this time?" Lu Mingfei vowed, clenching his fists in his chest.

"Wow, it hurts, it hurts, junior sister!" Xia Mi grabbed one of Lu Mingfei's ears with each hand and twisted it hard, causing Lu Mingfei to grimace in pain.

When both ears were red, Xia Mi let go. Lu Mingfei looked in the rearview mirror and felt that he had a big red light bulb hanging on both sides of his face.

"Junior sister," Lu Mingfei wanted to cry but had no tears.

Xia Mi crossed his arms and glanced at him from the corner of his eyes while humming.

Lu Mingfei suddenly stopped talking. He realized something and fell silent. However, his cold look and two big red ears were really funny.

"I know that you are a gentle person, senior brother." Xia Mi said softly. She suddenly stood up and squeezed into the passenger seat. The slender and graceful girl's body was like a beautiful snake sliding across the corner of Lu Mingfei's eyes, with a touch of delicate fragrance.

"But it's really easy for girls to misunderstand you if you do this. You know, of course I'm not afraid of competition, but senior brother, aren't you afraid that your creditor will come to your door one day if you carry some romantic debt?" She rested her cheek with one hand. He closed the car window, but his eyes were looking straight at Lu Mingfei. His long and thick eyelashes were blown by the wind outside the window, like swaying willows.

Lu Mingfei's face felt a little hot. He recalled how his junior sister had gone crazy when he met Odin that day. Suddenly, he felt that his heart seemed empty, but also seemed to be filled again. It was a strange feeling.

He grasped his chest very hard, and the sounds around him seemed to completely disappear at this moment.

There was something close to the heart. It was very thin and not hard, but it seemed to have pierced Lu Mingfei's heart with a thick layer of armor.

These are the two photos that Eri asked Miss Sakura to send.

"Junior sister, I will go to Oslo next month. When I get back, I will prepare to leave for Japan. The principal has always wanted me to visit the Japanese branch." Lu Mingfei suddenly said something carelessly.

He carefully used the corner of his eye to observe Xia Mi's expression and eyes, but what greeted him was only a faint "Oh".

 There's almost a week left to finish the storyline before Long San, and we'll be traveling to Japan in a week. I've been really tired from writing lately.

(End of this chapter)

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