Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 132 1318 Brother Po

Chapter 132 131. Senior Brother Eighth Po
Looking at Chu Zihang was really an extremely annoying thing and a terrifying experience.His eyes were frighteningly bright. This guy didn't often walk with his head held high. Compared to Caesar's high profile, he was more reserved and often looked at the road with his head down.

If a senior brother wants to look at someone, his eyes will slowly roll up from below, and then focus on that person's face very loosely.

His pair of never-extinguishing golden eyes and this awesome look in his eyes make him unstoppable in the academy. It makes people think that the tennis bag on his back must contain a long knife at any time. Pull it out and chop yourself to death, although this is not really an illusion.

In short, even Caesar, a person who only admits that he is the best in his life, is sometimes shocked by Chu Zihang's eyes when he looks at him. It is enough to see how sharp Chu Zihang's eyes are. He is simply born. A character like a gangster.

In fact, Chu Zihang is also quite troubled. He doesn't really want to find someone to kill him on the road. It's just that he has a bit of astigmatism. In addition, he usually wears too many contact lenses and often suffers from keratitis. It makes his eyes uncomfortable to see things occasionally. There will be obstacles.It wasn't that his eyes were sharp, but because he couldn't see clearly who was in front of him, so he had to look hard. Astigmatism and corneas turned the good young man into a murdering maniac.

So when Chu Zihang stared at Mingfei at the end of the runway prepared by the Oslo branch with a look that seemed to kill him, he just thought he should bring some eye drops to his senior brother.

"Oi! Senior brother!" Lu Mingfei walked up and gave Chu Zihang a huge bear hug. However, senior brother's body was really hard, and his strong chest muscles and biceps made Lu Mingfei hurt. .

Chu Zihang was still calm. He stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, looked at Lu Mingfei's whole body, and smiled, "You made a lot of limelight in Rio de Janeiro. The night watch forums are all discussing the beautiful girl you brought back from Rio de Janeiro." Girl. What’s that girl’s name?”

"She's not very beautiful. In my eyes, junior sister is more beautiful." Lu Mingfei scratched his head.

It was already May, but Chu Zihang was still wearing a velvet woolen coat. He and Lu Mingfei walked side by side and led Lu Mingfei out of the airport.

Only then did Lu Mingfei realize that the airstrip probably did not belong to the jurisdiction of the Oslo government. It should be an asset of the college. It was specially built for private planes. It was very small, and there were no tourists coming in or out, and there were not even many flight attendants.Most of the ground staff who were busy inside and outside were strong men close to the size of Dwayne Johnson. They were all heroes with arms that could run horses. At a glance, it was obvious that they were from the same background as the janitors of Cassel College.

They are probably all experts recruited from retired special forces members from all over the world. Each of them is an all-round talent. If one of them is selected to engage in espionage work, he will probably be an ace agent like James Bond.

It’s not particularly cold in Oslo in May, but the wind from the Arctic is still a bit bit cold.

It happened to be morning when Lu Mingfei arrived here. The sun hung high in the eastern sky, like a warm boiled egg. The sunlight fell on his body, but it was unexpectedly warm and soft, as if it made every pore of his body dilate. open.

The roots of the towering trees were intertwined and clustered together, forming small settlements one after another on the frozen soil outside the airport. When Chu Zihang led Lu Mingfei past these settlements, the sun shone through the leaves of the trees. It fell on the bodies of the two people and on the ground next to them, like the gods from the sky scattering a handful of fine gold into the world.

Lu Mingfei put his hands on the back of his head, holding a stick of maltose in his mouth, and didn't know where his eyes were looking.He breathed in the cold fresh air to relieve the fatigue from the journey, and the coolness from his lungs soon filled his whole body.
"Caesar and I have both read your mission report in Rio de Janeiro. Junior brother, you are very strong, stronger than before." Chu Zihang said, "We have often interacted with the branch chief of the Oslo branch during this period. He told Caesar and I that the members of the Abrahamic Committee generally believed that the boar Neo could be regarded as a high-risk fallen hybrid after using the taboo technology that could increase the concentration of blood and make people temporarily break through the critical blood line. He couldn't stay sane for too long in that state, and he couldn't get out of that state before his physical strength was exhausted. If he was allowed to run rampant in that city, it would probably cause unimaginable losses, and the threat level would even exceed The fourth generation of out-of-control species.”

Lu Mingfei still had drooped eyebrows. The matter of the boar Neo didn't really interest him much.

The interrogation of Boar Neo by the School Board and the Senate did not take place in the college, but Lu Mingfei could only imagine what cruel methods would be used on that little man who had committed heinous crimes.

That guy was indeed a tough guy. Until the day Lu Mingfei boarded the plane and left Kassel College, he didn't reveal any valuable information.

What Chu Zihang said is indeed correct. The boar Neo in a violent state is already equivalent to a Transcendent A-level hybrid. If paired with his Bronze Throne of Word Spirit, which can be called a weakened version of the Hulk, and that dose of Shang Without understanding the efficacy of the enhanced drug, that guy would probably transform into a humanoid tyrannosaurus and run rampant in the city of Rio de Janeiro. At that time, he would probably let others call him Tyrannosaurus Neo.

The armed police in Rio de Janeiro could not pose a threat to Boar Neo at all, and in that violent state of dragon blood, no one could maintain their sanity for too long. If Lu Mingfei or the academy loses track of Boar Neo, , allowing a completely out-of-control and irrational hybrid to enter the city will cause a terrible disaster.

But it doesn't matter, these dangers have been nipped in the cradle by Lu Mingfei.

The salty sea breeze blew from nowhere and lifted Lu Mingfei's forehead. He and Chu Zihang stopped at the same time.

There was a blue Porsche parked on the roadside, like a ray of blue light in this monotonous world, so bright that it was dazzling.

That was obviously the car that Chu Zihang drove to greet Lu Mingfei.

"Let's get in the car first. Caesar booked a venue at a strip club in the city. He said he would show us a lot of things." Chu Zihang said.

"Okay, senior brother, I didn't expect that a guy like you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would be willing to accept Caesar's suggestion to book a strip club. See if I don't tell senior Su Qian when I get back!" Lu Mingfei winked and said, he opened it first. In the back seat, I threw the mountaineering bag on my back, turned around, got into the passenger seat, and fastened my seat belt.

Chu Zihang is a carpenter who loves to drive fast. He once even had the experience of driving his father's Panamera in reverse for several kilometers along the ring road at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour during the peak traffic period.

Compared with his senior brother, Lu Mingfei actually prefers that his driver is the old guy from the principal. Although Angers also likes to drive fast, his speaking ability is zero. In the eyes of others, a Porsche with a speed of up to 200 kilometers per hour is in his eyes It was as slow as an old man riding a mountain bike, still going uphill.

"It doesn't matter, so Caesar and I both feel that we need to bring you with us so that there will be no leaks between us." Chu Zihang got into the car with an expressionless face, turned the car key, pulled the handbrake, and shifted gear. The Porsche's engine roared like low muffled thunder.

It was still calm outside the car window, but Lu Mingfei felt that at a certain moment, time seemed to fly by, and there was a vicissitudes of life, and a man was shouting in the fate that had been pierced by something.

"Caesar said that we should do things together if good brothers fall apart. When we were in middle school, we climbed over the wall and went out to fight online. In college, we ran naked on the mountain road together and everyone kept photos of each other. After graduation, we went to work and played games together."

"Have you seen "The Battle of the Cash Trucks"?"

"No." Lu Mingfei really had never seen it. In the last period of time, he and his cousin Lu Mingze lived in a room with only one computer, which was not enough to play games. He had no time to watch movies.During this period of time and space, Lu Mingfei gave up a lot of things. To kill time, he had not done anything like touching the computer for about four years.

"The plot is very simple. Five people robbed a cash transport truck. One robber killed a homeless man, and the other robber was unwilling to continue. Then the robber who was unwilling to continue was killed by the brothers." Chu Zihang said lightly.

Lu Mingfei wiped his forehead.

"Okay, I understand. I will go to that strip club with you. But I have to declare in advance that this is unethical behavior in China. Senior brother, we will be dipped in a pig cage. We can't stand even if we die. Monument." Lu Mingfei said awkwardly.

"If you don't do the depraved things together, you will really be silenced by your brothers. Junior brother, do you want to be soaked in a pig cage after being discovered or do you want to be silenced by your brothers in advance?" Chu Zihang said seriously.

"I swear on the lives of my uncle's family, senior brother, you have to believe me!" Lu Mingfei raised four fingers.

"Since the beginning of this century, Norway has been a country rich in strippers. The girls here are passionate, beautiful and bold. They are more popular with men than traditional British or French girls. As a Norwegian The girls in the capital, Oslo, amplify these advantages, and almost all of the best striptease clubs in Western Europe are concentrated here." Chu Zihang said, "That Indian girl named Krisja, do you like her?"

Lu Mingfei had just unscrewed a bottle of iced black tea when he suddenly heard his senior brother say this. His heart rate suddenly soared. Before the expression on his face could change, he spit out a mouthful of old tea.

"Senior brother, you really lived up to my impression of that rigorous and paralyzed persona. Caesar said he wanted to invite you to a striptease club. You immediately understood what striptease was through various channels. No wonder you were in When you were in high school at Shilan Middle School, could you be called the first brother of Shilan Middle School?" Lu Mingfei covered his face, "Also, senior brother, you look like you want to kill me for gossiping about whether I like a certain girl. , is this really a manly thing? If you don’t say anything, I will think you are tortured to extract a confession or something."

Both Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei's way of thinking is a bit out of the ordinary. Chu Zihang's is because he seldom communicates with others and lacks the basic logic to communicate with others.Lu Mingfei, on the other hand, was jumping around like a crazy frog purely because of his thoughts.

"Lancelot showed me a photo of that girl. She is indeed beautiful and has a great figure. She is in line with your taste, junior brother." Chu Zihang hesitated, "And someone complained to me that you left with her. We are very close, and the titles you use to each other are also somewhat affectionate."

"Hey, senior brother, I guess this person must be Xia Mi, right? It must be Xia Mi, right? Besides junior sister, who else would you use the term "complaint" for?" Lu Mingfei shouted, but suddenly became depressed again. .

He lowered his eyes and buried himself into the leather passenger seat of the Porsche.

Chu Zihang glanced at Lu Mingfei in surprise. The guy next to him was clearly well-dressed and carrying a dragon-slaying sword wherever he went. But Chu Zihang just felt that at this moment he didn't look like the Lu Mingfei he knew. , more like a child who is at a loss.Lu Mingfei actually didn't want to mention Xia Mi. Almost no one knew about his visit to the Oslo branch this time. He left the school quietly. The only people who knew about it were his senior sister and the principal. In addition, only Chu Zihang and Caesar knew about his itinerary. .

Although there was an intention to keep it a secret, it was also to avoid Junior Sister.

Of course, the junior sister is a very good girl. She is cute, beautiful and affectionate. She is obedient and well-behaved and will cook a lot of delicious food for Lu Mingfei. More importantly, if Lu Mingfei needs it, she can also perform a beauty-rescuing-hero show. A good show.

Lu Mingfei even had no doubt that if one day he stepped onto a lonely throne, with a forest of thorns behind him that he could not retreat from, and the whole world was lined with sharp swords and guns to kill him, then his junior sister would not hesitate to do so. Hesitantly stood beside him.

Is there a better girl than Xia Mi in the world?Lu Mingfei probably couldn't imagine it with his shallow knowledge.

In fact, sometimes even Lu Mingfei hesitates. He thinks that maybe he really fell in love with his junior sister, just like he once fell in love with his junior sister.

This feeling is really tearing, painful and confusing, like a lonely soul wandering in the gap of fate. You clearly know where you should go, but you see another destination on the way, and that destination is the arms of a certain girl. So Warm, so soft, it seems that as long as you are with her, you will not feel lonely even if the whole world abandons you.

In fact, Xia Mi was not the only one to find such a destination. Nuonuo's persistence had also shaken Lu Mingfei's determination, and he even began to gradually doubt what kind of person he was.

He was afraid that in a different world, Lu Mingfei would no longer be the same Lu Mingfei as before. He was afraid that he would become... someone he didn't even recognize.

Those torn emotions were entangled like chains that could not be broken away, always binding Lu Mingfei in the cracks of fate. Until that day, the girl who sat in a magnificent building in Tokyo and silently looked in this direction finally could no longer Unable to bear it, the first signal was given to him.

The appearance of those two photos made Lu Mingfei realize one thing. Since he and his senior sister could both be the ones to do it all over again, what about that little monster?What about Eri?Couldn't she be a desperado who returned from a stormy Tama River night?

"Actually, I know that you don't have feelings for Chris Jia. Junior brother, you are not the kind of person who can't move when he sees a beautiful woman. I just have something to say to you, but I don't know how to start." Chu Zihang probably really He is racking his brains to consider his tone and find some suitable rhetoric from his lack of vocabulary reserves.

The sun flickered on and off the faces of the two people. The road in the suburbs of Oslo was also very smooth, and the Porsche did not have any bumps.

Lu Mingfei sighed, "Senior brother, you can say it directly. Beating around the bush is not your strong point, and there is no need for us to mince words," he said.

"Xia Mi likes you very much. It started about four years ago, when she was still in the third grade of junior high school." Chu Zihang said with a critical blow at the opening.

Lu Mingfei was confused.

"I know that junior sister likes me, and I also know that she started doing it very early." He said with his head hanging down.

Some things can only be buried in the heart, and some things cannot be said to Chu Zihang. The world is so fucked up, and fate is always playing tricks on those who think they have seen through fate.

After President Talu came back again, he was regarded as the prince of Shilan Middle School in high school. His life was like cheating. He topped every monthly exam since the first year of high school. He taught himself and became proficient in English, Japanese, and Russian. , German and other seven written languages, plus the mother tongue can really make up the Eight-Nation Alliance. In the first half of the high school year, he showed his amazing musical talent.Her piano skills are not inferior to those of the beautiful girl Liu Miaomiao. At the May Day Gala, she performed "Schindler's List" with Chu Zihang, the last Shilan brother. The music was melodious and lingering. All the classmates and teachers below sighed. They are truly a golden boy and a girl made in heaven.At that time, they were the center and small forward of the school basketball team respectively. One was responsible for post-up singles and defense in the penalty area, and the other was responsible for breaking through the blockade and shooting from long range. Their powerful combination was unmatched and helped Shilan Middle School win several provincial school basketball championships. Tournament champion.

In Chu Zihang's memory, Lu Mingfei was a more popular boy than him in Shilan Middle School. They had such a good relationship at that time that they could wear the same pants. The grade director often lamented that our Shilan Middle School was really a battle between dragons and tigers, and the Chinese teacher How can we say that Mingfei and Zihang are close friends? It’s called Entering the Dragon. The dean of the school slapped his head and said, yes, look at my literary literacy. It’s the two dragons playing with the pearl. Mingfei and Zihang both It's a dragon. Our Shilan Middle School is the pearl.

In short, Lu Mingfei's life this time can only be described in two words, "awesome".

He and Chu Zihang combined were even more awesome.

In the last period of time, this guy was admitted to Cassel College beyond everyone's expectations and received a full scholarship. He was a strong man like a meteor, but he was always looked down upon by others and thought he was a loser who had stepped on shit. Although he is at the top of the list, he cannot be compared with Chu Zihang. Once his senior brother shows up, Boss Lu can only bow down to him.

But this period of time and space is very different.

There are probably more girls in Shilan Middle School who like Lu Mingfei than those who like Chu Zihang. These two senior brothers are both light and electricity. They appear in the most awesome manner when the girls are in love and firmly cast their shadows. Planted into the depths of their eyes that have never seen the world.

Lu Mingfei knew that he might have incurred a lot of love debts unintentionally. There were quite a few girls who liked him. The ones nearby included Su Xiaoqiang who was as good-looking as his senior sister, Liu Miaomiao who played the piano well, and his former Bai Yueguang Chen Wenwen. But Su Xiaoqiang, Liu Miaomiao, and Chen Wenwen, Lu Mingfei never thought that it was a big deal to talk about them in front of him.

Because they will never be in the same world, Lu Mingfei is destined to fight against fate by holding a sword, stepping on thorns, and carrying things like mountains on his back. His world is the world of dragons, and his life is about constant fighting, falling, and standing. Get up until you have a premonition of your own death to find those things that should be written on your tombstone.Su Xiaoqiang and the others live ordinary lives. It doesn't matter whether they raise husbands and raise children or become queens in the workplace. They are all born to stand in the sun. Maybe one day the floor tiles under their feet will be Lu Mingfei's. tombstone.

Lu Mingfei knew that he would never have anything to do with them. All the yearnings he had when he was young would turn into fantasies when he was older. The appearance of those wandering boys was just the silhouette of someone in his memory, and that silhouette would not trap them for the rest of their lives.

He still doesn't know the truth: people are always trapped by the things they can't get when they are young.

But Xia Mi is different, very different. Junior sister is a very beautiful person. When they first met, Lu Mingfei fell in love with the beauty of mountains and seas. She was like an angel holding a laurel wreath and reaching out to you.Lu Mingfei's reaction was a little slow. When he realized certain things, fate had already played a little joke on him. Those things were irreversible. Even he himself almost indulged in that fateful fork in the road. mouth.

What Ke Hui Liyi sent made Lu Mingfei's heart as hard as steel.

But he, the loser of two lifetimes, is probably already trapped, unable to extricate himself, so he can only avoid it. It’s like he sometimes doesn’t know how to face his senior sister, so he pretends to be silent when he is with her. That is a kind of This is a very sad attitude, but it is also the only method that Lu Mingfei can think of with his limited knowledge system.

"I think many people should have known about it at that time, but then Junior Sister Xia Mi transferred to another school, and she was forgotten by many people." Chu Zihang added.

"Senior brother, what you say is really scary. The school rules of Shilan Middle School clearly state that you are not allowed to fall in love prematurely. How many people know that Xia Mi likes me and the dean is not allowed to talk to us? You see, we are like a golden boy and a beautiful girl. Damn it!" Lu Mingfei looked shocked, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on, it used to be known to everyone that he liked Chen Wenwen, but now there is a young junior sister who is as beautiful as an angel and likes him, making a big fuss.

"So junior sister transferred to another school. She kept in touch with me later on. Our relationship wasn't that good. She mainly knew about your current situation through me."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, "Is that so?"

Chu Zihang didn't answer.

Lu Mingfei opened the window. He didn't know what was going on, but he always felt that it was extremely hot in the car.

"Junior sister is a very good girl. Junior brother, I think you should seize the opportunity." Chu Zihang said. The paralyzed senior brother hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth, but did not say the next words.

"Senior brother, if you have something to say, don't you have any self-awareness about this delicate matter of being reluctant to speak?"

"Oh, I was watching "Carnegie's Art of Talking" recently, and I think this technique needs to be used to induce you to take the initiative when talking about some embarrassing topics and I need to make some constructive suggestions. Let me say it."

"I think you should stop being in contact with so many girls. Junior brother, Xia Mi and Chen Motong should be enough to meet all your needs for a partner. You only need to choose one of them." Chu Zihang said that he hesitated for a moment, "Of course, I personally am more optimistic about Junior Sister."

Lu Mingfei raised his forehead and said, "I don't know why, senior brother, I suddenly don't want to pay attention to you." He said.

"Good medicine tastes bitter, but good words hurt your ears, junior brother." Chu Zihang said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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