Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 135 134 Angers

Chapter 135 134. Angers
At Tianjin Binhai International Airport, a heavy rain suddenly came. The crackling raindrops fell on the blue glass dome, causing huge splashes. Purple-white lightning flashed across the dark sky without warning, easily tearing apart the high wall-like rain curtain. , illuminating this large seaside airport pale.

The rain came out of nowhere, even in a season like May.

Just an hour and 32 minutes ago, the real-time weather forecast system from the capital sent the airport the weather conditions for the next 48 hours, which were very suitable for flights to take off. There was no obvious gathering of rain clouds in the troposphere. .The expert team has begun to consider whether there is a problem with the weather satellite and is preparing to call satellites from neighboring provinces and cities to re-forecast the city's weather.

But only Lu Mingfei knew that the rain was directed at him, like an evil ghost chasing someone returning from hell, with almost endless malice that was completely undisguised.He is probably counted as someone who once broke into Odin's Nibelungen, so he always carries a sign that allows the god-king, the black dragon's mortal enemy in Norse mythology, to find him.

Odin's Nibelung roots use rain as a medium and can come to almost any corner of the world. The little devil said that the power of Odin and Kungunir is not at its peak, and the gods cannot guarantee that they can kill their prey. , so Odin will not attack Lu Mingfei again without touching the bottom line.

Evidence from all aspects shows that Lu Mingfei's pursuit of the Far North has touched Odin's bottom line, when he appeared at the Oslo branch, and even when he was preparing to board the nuclear-powered icebreaker named YAMAL. At that time, God, who had always hidden himself behind the scenes, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The information about the awakening of the King of Earth and Mountain is undoubtedly related to Odin. Lu Mingfei remembers that the last time the hunter website in time and space released this bounty was about half a year later, but this time and space was several months ahead of schedule.

There are not many things in this world that can force Lu Mingfei, who is gradually approaching the truth and the ultimate mystery of the world, to leave Oslo, but the resurrection of the King of Earth and Mountain is definitely one of them.

The only person who can see through the king is the king. The throne of the King of Earth and Mountain is being spied on. Ordinary gods or conspirators cannot do this. The one who dares to spy on the throne must be another supreme being who is not inferior to the King of Earth and Mountain. .

Apart from Odin, Lu Mingfei really couldn't think of any other possibility.

The passengers on the plane could not be said to be in high spirits. The style of the Hermes flight followed the Camarilla. This Boeing 747 was by no means comfortable, and was even quite bumpy. The German woman in the front row looked dangerous even to Caesar. I felt a bit airsick and had vomited three times. I was about to land now, and I was leaning against the porthole with a lifeless look on my face.

Passengers waiting in the T1 terminal were noisily crowded into the waiting hall, and the airport management staff were extremely busy. The air was filled with the humming and almost inaudible sounds of hundreds of people talking in low voices. Intermittent rainstorms.

The smell of instant noodles, perfume and leather are mixed together. The air conditioner is blowing a cold wave that makes people shiver. Mothers whisper to comfort their sleepy children in their arms, and the boys sit on the hard benches. On the top, girls wearing plaid skirts leaned on their boyfriends' shoulders.This rain looks like it will last for a long time. These two days are just when the May Day holiday is over and the airport is full. Passengers who have already entered the terminal just want to get on the plane and leave the city. People who did not enter the airport before the heavy rain was shut out, and this closed space was filled with anxiety.

At this time, some people were surprised to hear a sound like thunder exploding in their ears. Their eardrums were hurting. The children were awakened and started crying. Some people began to curse. A little Bavarian boy and his mother were lost. Crouching in the corner and sobbing.

The airport ground handling lady who was coming to help from afar was pestered by a Scottish aunt. The aunt's accent was very thick, with a strong smell of potatoes. The ground handling lady couldn't understand it, and her forehead was sweating anxiously.

The child's cry probably made the already agitated man next to him even more uneasy. His face was dark red and he smelled of alcohol. The rainstorm came so fast that there were loopholes in the airport's security system, allowing a drunkard to wander around. Come in.

"Can you please be quiet!" The man cursed and pushed the child. Although his hand was still somewhat measured, the Bavarian boy was still frightened and cried louder.

Alcohol will not make people lose consciousness, but it will amplify people's evil thoughts. The drunk man stood up as if he was ready to give the disobedient boy a hard slap, but his raised right hand was cut off by another hand. His hand grasped his wrist.

The black falcons were stumbling in a hurry to return to their nests in the heavy rain. Their anxious figures were reflected on the edge of the huge glass dome. The endless rainstorm dragged the brave birds to the ground, and they flapped their wings vigorously and flew to high places.

The lightning that passed through the sky cast the shadows of these soaring predators into that corner. The drunk man suddenly became more awake. His wrist was so painful that it almost split, and his eyes suddenly became bloodshot and blurred, just like an illusion. He saw two dots of golden eyes like evil spirits flickering and dimming on the face of the figure in front of him.

The person holding the hand was actually a very upright old man with silver hair, but he was still wearing a suit from Florence and wearing leather shoes that might have been handmade in an old tailor shop on the streets of Paris.

With a gentle smile on his face, the old man let go of the man's hand, handed him a glass of iced black tea, and patted him on the shoulder. "It's not something to be proud of doing something to a child. Sir, you drank too much."

The man suddenly staggered. The old man just patted his shoulder, but he felt that his bones were about to break, and the black tea in his hand was almost unsteady.But the coldness conveyed by the glass cup still slightly dispelled the man's irritability. He realized that he had almost made a mistake, and his face was already red, and now it became even more ugly.

The old man leaned down and stroked the boy's head, and found a small handful of mint candies with a dated packaging from his coat pocket. "Child, don't cry, how can your tears be shed in such an insignificant place." His voice was gentle and soft, made of merino wool, but it seemed to be admonishing, with the bitterness of Scotch whiskey.

The mother who finally found the child almost cried with joy, but she was attracted by this old man. Although he seemed to be over a hundred years old, he was still handsome and beautiful, which reminded people of the gurgling stream under the Alps, quiet and soothing. People yearn for it.

"Excuse me, you, you..." The mother holding the boy wanted to ask the old man's name, but felt it was a little abrupt, so she stuttered. The old man waved his hand, "As you can see, madam, I am a Educator, my friends call me Angers.”

The roar was getting closer and closer, like a huge wave falling directly from the sky, and the exclamations spread throughout the hall, and everyone looked in the same direction.

A sky blue Boeing 1 actually landed on the runway outside the T747 terminal!

Both the captain and the control officer who allowed him to land are crazy!Even the most famous ace pilot would never think of forcing a civil airliner to land in such weather. The risk factor is too great, and the grip caused by the friction on the ground may not be able to stop the high-speed aircraft safely. .

The bright lights stung the eyes of people looking at the plane. The Boeing 747 suddenly turned on all the lighting systems on the fuselage, and for a moment it was like a sun that broke through the rain and fell in front of everyone.

When everyone's vision returned, they were surprised to find that the plane had actually stopped at the end of the runway, but the engine seemed to still be roaring. An elevator had been pushed to the side exit of the plane, and dozens of lifts had been lifted. Men wearing black umbrellas stood silently on both sides of the elevator. Those with sharp eyes could see that those guys had foreign faces.At the same time, rapid footsteps sounded in the hall.

Men in black suits squeezed through the crowd. Each of them had a serious face, but they were polite to everyone. People only thought that they were the security force of a certain big shot or fans of a certain star, and they were just a little curious. , but it did not cause panic.

"Principal, as per your request, we intercepted Lu Mingfei who was about to leave directly from the airport fence. He was accompanied by Master Caesar and Chu Zihang." The little Japanese man with a round face came over from the crowd. Men in suits squeezed out, with expressions of fear and flattering smiles on their faces.

"You call Caesar Young Master." Angers raised his eyebrows. The mother and son were frightened and hurriedly left here with Angers' help.

"Fujiwara Shinnosuke, when did you start to be loyal to the Gattuso family?" There seemed to be a golden glimmer in the principal's eyes.The Japanese man named Fujiwara Shinnosuke nodded and bowed. Although his tone was extremely humble, his words did not show weakness, "I have always been a member of the family, principal. Didn't you see it when you taught me?" He looked up to Angers. The eyes of the two people looked at the people on the mountain from the bottom of the mountain. There was a faint golden color in the eyes of both people, but the non-existent whistling wind blew through Fujiwara Shinnosuke's soul in an instant. He turned back suddenly, already soaked in cold sweat. With his body, he seemed to see the strong wind falling from the sky taking away all the roofs, and the knight standing in the clouds slowly approaching. The knight's body reached the sky and the earth, reminding him of the law of heaven and earth in Chinese mythology.

But that was just an illusion, there was nothing behind him.

Fujiwara Shinnosuke looked at Angers again, and the signature priestly and somewhat mocking smile on his face immediately froze before it spread.

What appeared in front of me was a pair of such dazzling golden eyes!
For a moment, Fujiwara Shinnosuke felt that he was about to be swallowed by the evil spirit of Mori.

"I'm disgusted with the behavior of you people, making a big fuss and making a big deal out of simple things. I just hope to have a private chat with our dragon-slaying hero, not to eradicate rebellion." Angers said coldly, and then left with a puff of sleeves.
When he walked out of the cabin, Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He put his hands on his head to protect himself from the rain, and looked back at Caesar and Chu Zihang who were also almost soaked in the rain.

"Two rich brothers, did you ask your family to pick you up at the airport?" Lu Mingfei's eyes were suspicious, and for a moment he was a little hesitant to walk down the elevator.The mixed-race people who can take such a red-eye flight to China don't look like old gentlemen with wealthy families, but there are really two rich second generations in their trio.

Below the ladder is a red carpet soaked by the rain. Dozens of tough men in black suits are waiting on both sides of the carpet holding huge black umbrellas. The intersection of the black umbrellas almost forms a long and narrow corridor. At the end of the long corridor is a There was a stretched Lincoln that looked quite expensive. There were three goblets on the front of the car. The glasses were filled with still bubbling spirits, and ice cubes were floating in the golden liquid.

Caesar shook his wet forehead and was a little surprised. Among those people, he saw his uncle's secretary, a guy named Patsy who always made him a little disgusted.

"First of all, I don't admit that I am a rich man." Chu Zihang actually brought an umbrella and held it up immediately after walking out of the cabin. It just covered the three people. They blocked the door of the cabin, but other passengers There is no rush. There are very few people in today's mixed-race society who don't know Lu Mingfei. Everyone is willing to give this future Hilbert Jean Angers face, even if he doesn't pay attention to such trivial matters at all. It doesn't matter.

"Secondly, my father's business is a hardware factory. I've never seen him hire so many..." Chu Zihang hesitated, and finally thought of the right word, "thugs."

The men in suits all looked fierce, with their hands on their waists. No one knew whether there was a slashing sword or a Thomson hidden there. To the real big shots, the airport security system was nothing. Those people looked real. Like a desperate thug, his hands were stained with blood, and a faint evil spirit was rising in the rain.

"No one who is kind or good comes. I brought the Seven Deadly Sins with me. Chu Zihang, you can carry a Panther. Caesar, you can be used as Ip Man. I can barely be considered a Captain America. If not, we will cut them down and kill them." Get out." Lu Mingfei made a fierce look, and threw the huge mountaineering bag from his back to the front of him, looking quite eager to try.

"I am just an ordinary strong human being, right?" The veins on Caesar's temples were pulsing. The term "strong human being" was really too ridiculous. Even though it was blurted out, even he couldn't help but feel a little bit. I wanted to laugh, but seeing the serious expressions on both Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang's faces that seemed to show some recognition, I couldn't laugh anymore.

"I think Lu Mingfei is right." Chu Zihang said.

Caesar covered his face and said in his heart that if you kill an embryo, you should stop expressing your opinions, okay? Is there really anything in the world that you can't solve with a sword?

"Those people should be from our family, and I saw Patsy inside." Caesar's eyes twitched, stopping Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang from conspiring loudly.

"Senior Brother Caesar is mighty." Lu Mingfei complimented him politely, but he actually guessed it.The Gattuso family has its own properties all over the world, except probably Japan, and Caesar, as the heir who has high hopes for the Gattuso family, naturally treats him with very high standards.

Three people squeezed into the same umbrella and were pushed off the plane and onto the red carpet.

Caesar and Chu Zihang whispered something in a low voice and walked forward, but Lu Mingfei suddenly stopped. The rain falling on the black umbrella above his head made a splashing sound, and the guys in suits on both sides looked at each other. Bi Guanxin obviously didn't pay attention to Boss Lu.

He looked in the other direction as if feeling something. At this moment, the rain curtain was illuminated by purple-white lightning, and Lu Mingfei saw the figure standing there.He was holding the same black umbrella, wearing a Florentine suit, custom-made leather shoes, and a white flower on his chest.Angre smiled and nodded at Lu Mingfei in the pale electric light, and then the light faded.

Lu Mingfei did not look away.

The next second, a small flame appeared there, and then another light point flickered.

Angers lit a cigarette for himself.

 That’s all for today, take a rest

(End of this chapter)

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