Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 136 135 Fate and Destiny

Chapter 136 135. Fate and destiny

Purple-white lightning tears the dark sky, and mountains and seas of golden fire are reflected in the rain curtain. It is Odin's golden one-eye that appears in every drop of rain. The overwhelming rain is the window of the Nibelung, and God passes through the world. The gap between the world and the world looked at Lu Mingfei.

There is no doubt that only Lu Mingfei can see this magnificent and strange scene, with the fire swaying and the rain pouring down.

At the end of the red carpet, the three people each picked up a glass, clinked the glasses and drank the liquor in one gulp. The ice cubes crunched between Lu Mingfei's teeth.

Lu Mingfei patted Chu Zihang on the shoulder. Chu Zihang understood and continued to discuss in a low voice with Caesar the details of the next operation of the King of Earth and Mountain, surrounded by dozens of umbrella flowers blooming like black dahlias. As they walked in the direction of leaving, the rain splashed under their feet, which looked like stirred lava in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

Odin's power is getting closer and closer to its peak. It can even be said that he has never been more powerful than at this moment during his battle with Lu Mingfei.

The Nibelungen invasion of reality is becoming more and more serious. God is staring at Lu Mingfei, and Odin is using this method to silently send out death threats.

Lu Mingfei stood in the majestic heavy rain. He lowered his head quietly. The raging rain curtain had wet his forehead, which made his hair look shiny and smooth, but also made him feel cold at the moment. It was as sharp as a sword unsheathed.

The servants of the Gattuso family surrounded their young master and his friends farther and farther away. The large shadows and the light from the high-power flashlights in the hands of the men disappeared in front of Lu Mingfei, until that The man who was standing in the corner walked to him holding an umbrella.

"Mingfei, are things going well for you in Oslo?" The principal's voice was still gentle, and sounded as the rain curtain suddenly moved away.

The old guy was wearing a black suit, but with white flowers on his chest, as if he was going to bury an old friend, and there was even an unconcealable sadness in the corners of his eyes.

Lu Mingfei raised his eyes, veins popped out on the hand holding the shoulder strap of his backpack, but his voice was calm and low, "It's not going well. We didn't buy the tickets to board the ship, so we have to wait until next summer to make up for it." Going on a trip to the North Pole." He said, and at the same time he saw the ancient silver ring on the index finger of Angers hand holding the umbrella handle. The ring reflected the electric light, and the edges were as sharp as a knife.

"Caesar and Zihang both went there with you. They explained to the college that they accepted the invitation to conduct an inspection of the waterway between Oslo and Greenland. I personally signed the application for leaving school for the three of you." The principal. After stubbing out the cigarette in his hand, the remaining cigarette butt was bounced away and rolled into the rain curtain that looked like the inverted sky. He was hit by countless raindrops and lost the power to continue rolling forward, falling wetly.


"Young people must have some secrets of their own." The principal laughed, but there was an imperceptible determination and helplessness in his voice.

Angers held up an umbrella, and both of them seemed to be more silent than usual. They also seemed to be holding swords tightly. In the divine light of the sky, the blades were looming in their respective cuffs.

They walked a not too long distance, and Ange led Lu Mingfei to a black Rolls-Royce parked on the dedicated ground shuttle lane inside the airport.

Angers and Lu Mingfei got into the driver's seat and passenger seat respectively, lust clinging to Lu Mingfei's forearm, and the folding knife that could kill the Dragon King also clung to Ange's forearm.

The slot next to the driver's seat of the Rolls-Royce that should have been a bottle of Coke with ice instead contained a bottle of golden champagne, and a short-bladed champagne knife was placed casually on the side of the slot.

Angers raised his head and rummaged through the document storage bag on the roof of the car, found a hand-rolled cigar without even a brand or origin, lit it for himself, took a deep breath, opened the window, and lit it for himself. Smoke puffed into the dark sky.

Lu Mingfei watched all this silently, and then Angers reached out to take back the champagne and the champagne knife. It seemed to slide smoothly inadvertently, the oak stopper had been cut, and the gin was already tumbling and bubbles. Pour into a tulip cup.

The two tulip glasses were filled with gin. Angers handed one of the glasses to Lu Mingfei, and then did not clink the glasses. Instead, he drank his own glass in one gulp.

Lu Mingfei took a small sip.

"Hey principal, our China is different from yours in the United States. Drunk driving is punishable by law." He muttered quietly, but he was not unaware that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the car at this moment.But since everyone is sharpening their knives, why not say some bad words to liven up the atmosphere before the fight begins. What matter cannot be resolved peacefully?

Ange was suddenly stunned when he heard this, "To be honest, I don't have a deep study of the laws of this country, but..." The old guy actually scratched his hair. At this moment, he actually looked like an older version. Lu Mingfei.

"But it doesn't matter, I didn't have a license plate, and the city didn't have a police car that could catch me," Angers said.

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes and said to himself, "Okay, if you don't tell me about drunk driving, you still have no license on the road, right?"

"Do you still remember the first time we met at the Chicago train station, Mingfei?" Angers refilled himself with wine. He moved his sight away and turned to look at the heavy rain outside the window, but his eyes were filled with tears. The scorching golden light was like the cold glow that could not be concealed when a sword was unsheathed, reflecting through the car window and illuminating the small space inside the car.

Lu Mingfei was slightly absent-minded. He began to recall that almost a year ago, he first boarded a plane to Cassel College and waited boredly at the Chicago train station for the companion Norma had arranged for him.

The companions were Zero and Xia Mi, but they didn't expect Angers to be among them.

"Actually, it was not an accidental companionship, but a fateful encounter. I took the lead in all this happening because I couldn't trust you." Angers said calmly, but Lu Mingfei's expression did not change much.After many years, he is no longer the innocent child he was back then. All the accidents and encounters in his not-so-long life are the history put on the table by a certain person or a certain group of people, and are the result of careful calculations. .

The big shots behind the scenes have already placed a clear price on the people Lu Mingfei will meet on behalf of fate. When the price reaches a certain level, they will buy something from Lu Mingfei.

Nuonuo was the first person to raise the price, and fate took away a quarter of Lu Mingfei's life through her senior sister. Chu Zihang was the second one, and the price was also bought from Lu Mingfei's body. A quarter of life.

Originally, there was another girl who had accumulated enough value for herself, but when fate asked Lu Mingfei to make a choice, Lu Mingfei hesitated. After that moment, that girl and the values ​​in her body that represented Lu Mingfei's life were all gone. The smoke disappeared.

"Your parents are honorary alumni of Kassel College. Their blood level is much higher than Caesar and Chu Zihang, and they are the same S-level as you. To this day, I still have high hopes for them." Angers seemed to be Use a melodious tone to tell some past events that interest Lu Mingfei, as if you are playing a ballad that is gradually receding in the wilderness on a bagpipe.

"I remember you told me when I entered school that I was the only S-level student at Kassel College in the past 40 years. I have seen my father and mother. Even if dragon blood can slow down the aging rate of hybrids, I am convinced. They will never be 40 years older than me." Lu Mingfei said lightly.

"Yes, there are none among the official students, but among the honorary alumni and a hidden list, the number of S-class hybrids is not more than you imagine." Angers said, "With your authority, you can view these lists. But I think you have been very busy since you came to school, so you probably don’t have time to see the deeds of these seniors."

Lu Mingfei's heart moved. He thought that his senior brother's father, the man named Chu Tianjiao, should also be on that list. He could allow such a powerful S-class hybrid to give up everything and live anonymously in such a small city for more than ten years. In [-], there was probably only the Camarilla in the entire world as a hybrid organization with this kind of energy. "I don't quite understand why the topic between us suddenly turned to them, principal. Is the reason why you don't trust me because of their sensitivity to their identities?" Lu Mingfei said, he didn't really want to mention his parents. , including the last period of time and space, he has not seen them for many years, and has almost forgotten their voices and smiles.

"None of this has anything to do with their identity and status, it's just about... bloodline." Ange poured the wine in his hand into his mouth again, "Mingfei, your dragon genetics is very good, I think you should understand the two things. How likely is it that the child born from the union of a hybrid close to the critical blood limit will not be human?"

It is said in dragon genetics that when the proportion of dragon genes in a certain individual exceeds that of human genes, they will have an obvious 'dragon transformation' phenomenon, and at this time they will be more like dragons than humans.Lu Mingfei could imagine that if it was true as the principal said, he should have gone through a meeting that decided his life before he was born, and the final vote in this meeting determined that he was finally qualified to be born.

If Lu Mingfei himself encountered this situation, he would probably make the same decision. He used to be an emotional person, but this emotion made him hurt many people even though he seemed to have gained something.

Lu Mingfei is rational enough today.

Because in that case, even the most senior professor of genealogy didn't know whether the child, which was still an embryo, would be a real dragon.

"I understand this kind of behavior very well." Lu Mingfei's drinking movements were wider, his Adam's apple was rolling, and the smell of alcohol came up.
"Although the committee decided that your birth is legal from the perspective of the Abraham blood contract, our predecessor is the Camarilla. The Camarilla's consistent style is to eliminate all risks related to the resurrection of the Dragon Clan, so your first half In fact, life has been spent under our surveillance. This is the era of big data. Your big data is updated every moment and is made into a portrait by Norma and presented to me, but I am still worried and distrustful because The dragon clan is such a cunning clan and deserves to be treated with the most caution." Angers seemed to be silently observing Lu Mingfei's expression when he said this, but unexpectedly, Lu Mingfei seemed to have already guessed this, and his expression showed no signs of it. There was no change at all, and his eyes did not sink.

"Actually, our life trajectories are very similar. I was born in Yorkshire, England, where there is a small city called Harrogate. I spent my childhood and adolescence there. It's different from what you might imagine. , not too happy, even by nineteenth-century standards. My adoptive parents adopted many children and trained us to beg. At the age of 12, I showed an amazing talent and learned Latin and Greek. Wen, the local bishop admired me very much and thought that I would become a big shot one day, but only if I got enough education, so the bishop provided an annuity for me to study in London, so that I could have the opportunity to enter the university. Cambridge University, to this day I am still grateful to that respected gentleman, but I can no longer find him, and I don’t even know where his grave is." Ange’s eyes flashed with memories of the past, Lu Ming Fei listened quietly, as if listening to the sound of wind blowing from the other side of the river, distant and profound.

In fact, he didn't have much feelings, because Lu Mingfei felt that his childhood was pretty okay. At that time, Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini were still around. Although they were not rich and powerful, they were still pretty good, except for his poor performance. There is nothing wrong with having some special talent but being a bit useless.It was indeed a bit unfortunate when he was a teenager. Lu Mingfei could feel that his aunt's disgust for him came from deep in her heart. This disgust was more filled with resentment and resentment, as if she wanted to take into account all the injustices the world had done to her. On Lu Mingfei's body.She may have wanted to blame Qiao Weini, but unfortunately, Lu Mingfei's mother was considered an unattainable figure in front of housewives like her aunt. She couldn't see her for several years, so she could only look for Lu Mingfei's. trouble.

"We are all people who grew up eating a lot of food, and we can't hide the cowardice in our eyes." Ange suddenly said, his eyes were still flowing with brilliant gold, but at this moment he looked at Lu Mingfei, " Although you look very strong, from your will to your body, your eyes are unshakable. Some people say that there is a lion hidden there, and some people say that there is a mad dragon that is about to get angry. But I only see one. The cowardly child who put on a hard shell is almost identical to the cowardly child Hilbert Jean Angers who was still begging on the streets of Harrogate." Baijiafan means this family. Eat a meal, eat a meal at that house, to describe the miserable appearance of children without parental control. Lu Mingfei had mentioned this word to Ange some time ago, and he didn’t know where he heard it from this time.At this moment, the old guy's gold-framed brown glasses seemed to be an invisible abyss. Looking into his eyes, Lu Mingfei felt as if he was staring into the eyes of Herzog, who had already ascended the throne of the White King.

Lu Mingfei knew that the principal came to the airport to pick him up this time, probably not to reminisce or talk about his past. Faintly, he realized that he was standing at the fork in the road of fate that the little devil said, and soon he would have to Seeing the forked road lined with swords and guns, if you make a wrong step, you will be doomed.

"Actually, I'm luckier than you, principal." Lu Mingfei thought for a moment, hesitated, and scratched his hair, "I have parents, I'm not an orphan." He did not deny Angers' Those words.

To be honest, even Lu Mingfei himself could sometimes feel that the cowardly child had not completely left. He was hiding inside this hard armor, tapping in his heart. The child was weak and often helpless. He looked at the world, but he stayed on the edge of the cracks buried deep in Lu Mingfei's heart that even he himself was not aware of. It seemed that once something touched those bottom lines, the child would burst out with a stream of continuous dragons. I will also get crazy with fear.

"That's good, Mingfei. I always hope you can live a better life than me." Anger just laughed softly. When he said this, Lu Mingfei couldn't laugh anymore.

It was rare for someone to say something like that to him, even if it was just a passing compliment.

"But sometimes I feel that there seems to be deep fatigue in your eyes, as if you are burdened with a lot of things." Angers added, he lightly tapped the wall of the tulip cup with his index finger, and there was a crisp buzz. The chime sounded, mixed with the sound of rain outside, and it actually sounded like passionate music.

Lu Mingfei's breathing suddenly became heavy, and he looked at Ange suddenly, but the principal no longer looked into his eyes, but the folding knife in his hand was flying like a butterfly, with a series of phantoms.

"I know that kind of exhaustion very well, because I can see those tired eyes in the mirror countless times every day."

"When I was still weak, I was a member of the first generation of the Lion Heart Club. Meineke took good care of me and thought that I would be a more suitable successor to the Lion Heart Club than them. So after they died, I took on the responsibility of revitalizing the Lion Heart Club. The two responsibilities of meeting and revenge are my life. I live and die for what I shoulder, but I still feel tired. You give me the same feeling, Mingfei, I don’t know where your fatigue comes from, but you are carrying out political activities among students that are not very clever, and your attempts to integrate the students of Kassel Academy are not subtle. And your display to the Japanese branch Although the hostility that comes out is well hidden, it is not perfect." Old people who have lived for many years always seem to be good at discerning people's hearts, especially Angers, who prides himself as an educator.

Lu Mingfei's left hand drooped, and his palm had already grasped the handle of Lust's knife.

It seems that the time for Tu Qiong Dagger to meet is coming.

"No matter what you want to do, my college and I will do our best to support you. Believe me, Mingfei, you are ours and we will always stand together." Angers no longer played with his sharp folding knife. The knife was gone, but there was a bright fire in his eyes, staring into Lu Mingfei's eyes through the reflection of the front windshield, "This is my promise, the promise of Hilbert Jean Angers, but... …”

"I hope you can stay away from this action against the resurrected king."

When Ange said the last sentence, he slowly closed his eyes, and Lu Mingfei also lowered his eyes.

There was a moment of dead silence, and the entire Rolls-Royce frame fell into a dangerous silence. Two slow and heavy war drums roared at the same time. It really seemed like the war drummers of the two warring parties were competing with each other in an ancient battlefield. The drumbeats became denser and louder, and finally the entire Rolls-Royce was vibrating with the drumbeats.

That was the heartbeat of the men. The hot dragon's blood flowed in the veins of Lu Mingfei and Ange, washing away the muscle tissue that originally belonged to humans, and began to slowly change everything about them.Such violent anger turned into monstrous flames and flowed out from the gaps in Lu Mingfei's closed eyes. Ange and Lu Mingfei opened their eyes almost at the same time, their golden pupils burning, and a terrible change seemed to be about to happen to them. on the body.

But when Lu Mingfei almost roared and pulled out the lust that was clinging to his forearm, Ange actually spoke again.

His voice was gentle, not like a monster activating dragon blood, nor like the violent emotion when using the violent blood technique, just a very ordinary old man.

"Xia Mi, is he one of the twins of the King of Earth and Mountain, right?" Angers said.

Lu Mingfei let out a deep breath, and finally picked up his glass of champagne and drank it all in one gulp, as if to fill the helplessness in his heart with alcohol.Lu Mingfei was the only one who knew that Ange had inherited the throne of the King of Sky and Wind, so he had been wary of the old guy, but he didn't expect that he still noticed.

That's right, only an idiot like Xia Mi would be completely ignorant when meeting someone of his own kind.

"Yes." All the sophistry was useless in the face of the known facts. The muscles in Lu Mingfei's whole body were tense, and all he could see was blood!

There seemed to be a biting cold wind blowing in the car, and Lu Mingfei felt bitingly cold.

He didn't know if he could beat Angers today, but he had to try.

A wisp of white smoke floated over, and the smoke rising from the burning cigar flooded Ange's face. Lu Mingfei looked over and couldn't see his expression clearly.

"I am a lonely soul wandering the world relying on hatred to support me since 1900. It was the dragon that took away everything from me. My child, can you understand?"

"I see."

"Only by killing all the dragons can the wildfire hatred be extinguished. If possible, I really want to put a big Ivan in every Nibelung root, so that when the dragon civilization and everything are destroyed Then I can sit on the tallest bronze pillar that once belonged to the black emperor and watch the kingdoms of the dead die together with the dragons in them, so that a lonely soul like me can rest in peace." Angers's The tone was calm, but gradually became sharper, like a knife stuck in the throat, or like teeth biting steel.

"So Principal, do we really have to fight?" Lu Mingfei sighed, lust already appearing in his hands.

Time Zero has no effect on him, so without using other powers, Lu Mingfei is sure that he will at least be able to tie with this old guy.

"Of course I'm not going to fight you, Mingfei, you are a good boy, and I am an educator. How can an educator beat up a good boy?" Ange just raised his eyes slightly and glanced at Lu Mingfei, but his lips were no longer there. smile,

"But you have to make a choice, choose the Dragon King disguised as a human, or the things you shoulder."

Ange's whole body relaxed, and he leaned back quietly on the chair, as if he was not worried about Lu Mingfei's sudden attack.

And all the blood in Lu Mingfei's body seemed to be cold, and his eyes really flickered with helplessness. The ancient alchemy knife named Lust was dim at this moment, as if he felt the cowardice of the holder, and was no longer willing to be used again. He held it in his hand.

"What...what do you mean?" Lu Mingfei's voice was hoarse.

"You know, Mingfei, Kassel Academy once had two names, one is the Secret Party, and the other is the Blood Pact Society. We use the Abraham Blood Pact as the foundation, and everything related to dragons is Our enemy, if you make the wrong choice, you will undoubtedly be put on the wanted list. You may still be able to do what you want, but you will lose the support of the Camarilla and the whole world will stand by you. Your opposite, the people you want to save, and the things you want to change will all come true as expected!" Angers' voice was clearly calm, but every sentence was like a heavy punch on Lu Mingfei's heart. He couldn't hold it. Tight with lust, I felt that the old man in front of me at this moment was as ugly and ferocious as Herzog.

"This is a fork in the road of destiny. You have to make the right choice." Ange's last words were like the devil's temptation. Lu Mingfei's eyes widened and all the strength in his body seemed to disappear.

Fate seemed to be playing tricks on him again, this time directly lifting off his hard armor.

Lu Mingfei stumbled open the door of the Rolls-Royce and ran away. The image on his back was a dog with a drooped head.

Angers refilled himself with champagne, his body slumped slightly, and he sank into the soft seat. He sighed deeply, but his eyes stared at the dark rain curtain, as if he wanted to see through the high wall of the world. The god who hides behind these walls.

Then, the old guy raised his wine glass toward the black clouds and drank the liquid inside.

 Well, in order to prevent readers from having random thoughts, there is a slight spoiler. This plot does not mean that Dao Xia Mi is wanted, and Anger does not really want to stand against Lu Mingfei.

(End of this chapter)

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