Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 140 139 Miss Xia Mi’s Final Strategy

Chapter 140 139. Miss Xia Mi’s final strategy (2)

The Hummer off-road vehicle with its body painted as smooth as a mirror was driving on the way to the airport. The brightly lit city was left behind. It was like a shadow from the other side of the world slowly completely submerged this expensive big toy. The engine roared. The sound was like the roar of a beast trying to tear apart the towering wall between the worlds.

The driver of this car was so aggressive that he actually increased the speed to 120 kilometers per hour on such a lane that was controlled at all times. He almost used this expressway as a highway, but there was no speed measuring device on this car. When activated in front of you, it is like the emperor's car, and all rules must give way when its majesty comes.

The back compartment of an off-road vehicle is a private space that is completely isolated from the driving position. Some rich people who own this kind of vehicle will use it as a RV. Beauty and wine are inseparable themes, and the decoration of this vehicle is The main tone is cherry wood and burgundy lamb leather, which is not extravagant but rather low-key.

It’s hard to imagine that someone who drives such a car ostentatiously would choose to use such dark-toned and rather charming decoration in the car.

The constant-temperature wine cabinet is always stocked with the world's most high-end red wine. Crystal goblets or tulip cups made of yellow mulnow are slightly colliding due to the shaking of the car. Two slim figures are sitting on the leather sofa with their knees bent, looking up. The Science and Education Channel's Arctic Exploration program is being played on the 42-inch built-in TV.

"I think that boy recognized me." Mai Shutoku took off her disguise and spread out her red dress. She was as gorgeous as the imperial daughter who stepped out of her painting.

Su Enxi took out a bottle of Coke from the wine cabinet and filled it for herself. She picked up the ice cubes with tweezers and threw them into the glass. Dense and refreshing sparkling wine burst out from the surface of the ice cubes.

"Tear...ha..." Su Enxi let out a contented moan, and the tree straightened its arms and legs, stretching like a cat.

"If you recognize it, you will recognize it. What does it matter?" Su Enxi said. She wore black plastic-framed glasses, and her long chestnut-dyed hair hung down to cover half of her face, but she could still see that her face was plain and elegant. A little bit of baby fat, but also a first-class beauty.

"What do you mean, boss, asking me to fly all the way from Oslo to China with those little bastards just to pretend to be a passerby and say a few words to Lu Mingfei?" Mai Shutoku frowned and couldn't help but complain. .

"Who knows, he is a lunatic to begin with. Who knows what a lunatic thinks. Maybe one day he will let us be Lu Mingfei's bed-warming maids." Su Enxi shrugged nonchalantly.

Mai Shutoku still frowned. She looked in the direction of the airport, but she still didn't understand the boss's intention.

Could it be that just these two sentences could make that bad boy stand up and be a good man?

At this time, there was already a Gulfstream G650ER waiting at the Capital Airport. The plane that originally sent Mai Shutoku and Su Enxi to BJ was a Bombardier global express xrs, but Su Enxi would never take the same plane on a round trip or business trip. So Bombardier has been driven away.

This Gulfstream is definitely the king of private jets. It was painted pure black and took off directly from Moscow. When it slid lightly onto the runway, it looked like a black falcon.

The Hummer entered the airport directly through a special passage. The staff enthusiastically opened the car door for the two ladies. After Mai Shutoku jumped out of the car, she stretched her graceful body as much as she could to relieve the fatigue of the journey.

She is indeed a girl with a devilish figure. Even if she is just a silhouette under the dim light, every stretched curve of her body is reminiscent of the auroras streaking across the sky in the far north.
Section [-]: The oath between us
Nuonuo said that he should take a good look at the place where she lived before the college erased everything that the phantom named Xia Mi had ever owned.Lu Mingfei didn't want to come originally. For him, it would be a place that evoked memories. Those memories were beautiful, but the ending of the story was not happy.

But the words of the girl in the red dress in the tavern made Lu Mingfei a little confused. Even though many old buildings around him were demolished by the construction team, Lu Mingfei still returned to the one hidden in the smoke and dust raised by the construction site behind the high-rise building. Old neighborhood.

It was already dark at this time, and the streets in the city were still bustling with people, but in places like this there were only old people walking and children playing wildly. There were also angry mothers carrying clothes hangers all over the neighborhood looking for their traitors. It seemed that tonight they were preparing to kill their relatives. Got it

Xia Mi's house is at the very edge of the side of the community. There is a sycamore tree that is almost dead and there is a basketball court surrounded by an iron fence but full of holes in the fence.Every time Lu Mingfei passed by there in the past, it was always dusk, and the basketball court was very lonely on rainy days. It was quiet with only the rustle of rain falling and splashing, which made him feel at ease; and if it was sunny, living in a community The children would play in groups on the basketball court, and the sound of their play could be heard from a few buildings away. It was very smoky, but Lu Mingfei didn't like that feeling.

The world was too busy, which made him seem too lonely.

Although the community is quite old, the greening is really good. Lu Mingfei stepped on the gravel path and stopped in front of the pavilion wrapped with grape vines.Not far ahead was the sycamore tree that impressed Lu Mingfei very much. It actually had buds and fat, round young birds standing in a row on the branches, sleeping soundly.

The girl's little home is in Building 31 of this community. It is an old building with red brick exterior walls. The paint and plaster on the exterior walls have fallen off, and the red bricks are covered with ivy that has gradually turned dark green.

The cement-made balconies and green-painted wooden windows all tell the story of the wind, frost, snow and rain that this building has experienced. No one can tell its age, but it is probably about to expire after its property rights, and it is slightly old and dim. The incandescent lamp was hung under the door of the unit, creaking in the night wind.

Looking from the direction of the pavilion, the corridor of unit 15 is only lit with dim yellow lights, has no windows, and is pitch black. Every wall, including the security doors of the houses in the corridor on the first floor, is covered with various stickers. Such small advertisements include "Unblocking Sewers", "Unlocking Security Doors", "Door-by-Door Recycling of Electrical Appliances"...

It was not too late yet. Lu Mingfei was standing in front of the pavilion. His grandmother and uncle were running past him, chasing the children who refused to go home. It was heartwarming, but Lu Mingfei didn't like it very much.The excitement only made him feel annoyed.

The air after the rain was filled with the smell of earth. Lu Mingfei walked past the chasing elderly and children, and passed by the middle-aged people returning home from get off work.

Lu Mingfei thought that maybe he should really say goodbye to that girl and go see the place where she lived.

He walked up to the second floor. It was a blue wooden door that was very old and even peeling off the paint. The sign of Unit 15, 201 was hanging on the door. A few rivets were still shining with brass color under the dim wall lamp. At the beginning of last year, when the neighborhood committee installed door signs for every household in the old community, it forgot to give Xia Mian. Because this room used to be a power distribution room, the neighborhood committee might not even know that a little girl actually lived in it.That day was Xia Mi's birthday. Lu Mingfei bought a fruit cake and called Chu Zihang to surprise his junior sister at night, but he didn't find her at home. He asked the aunt next door and found out that Xia Mi had been called away by people from the neighborhood committee. .

The street management in 09 was really a mess. The quality of the staff in the suburban neighborhood committees was mixed. The aunts in charge were holding tea cups and eating melon seeds. Three or five uncles gathered together to play chess. The one with his hair combed slickly looked quite a bit. The wretched director of the neighborhood committee was packing his things and getting ready to leave work.Chu Zihang went up to argue, but the greasy-headed man ignored him and said that he couldn't record the access control without the house number. The little girl would stay here for just one night anyway. Anyway, he was in the neighborhood committee where he could sleep well. His tone was impatient and condescending. Chu Zihang was so disdainful that the veins on his forehead jumped out of anger.

Lu Mingfei turned to look at the girl standing in the evening light at the door of the neighborhood committee, holding on to her clothes.

Her small and plain white face was a little narrow, and her black forehead hair hung down to cover her slightly red eyes. The evening breeze gently lifted the hem of her white skirt with a faint floral fragrance that came from nowhere, like It was a white tulip in full bloom, and the tight calves under the skirt were straight and slender, seeming to be shining with flowing fluorescence in the afterglow.

But Lu Mingfei didn't remember that. He only remembered that for a moment, the wind lifted Xia Mi's forehead hair, and her eyes looked at him as helplessly as a child, or like a panicked kitten.In fact, she was also a child at that time.

Anger immediately surged up, and the sound of howling wind sounded from behind Chu Zihang. Before he could even stop him, Lu Mingfei punched the oil-headed man who had already picked up his briefcase and was about to leave, and then " "I'm a murderer, please help me." He held Xia Mi's hand and ran away while screaming miserably.

To this day, Lu Mingfei still remembers how soft the dusk was that day. When the last ray of sunlight disappeared, he looked back at Xia Mi. The light was slowly fading from Xia Mi's eyes. The clouds on the sky were like flames. Color, the girl's pupils are also the color of flames, the night is falling unstoppably, but the eyes that were originally as alert as a cat are brighter than ever.

In fact, Lu Mingfei should have realized at that time that that bright light was the emotion called love. Perhaps that emotion had been growing slowly in the junior sister's soul like a vine wrapping around an ancient tree from a very early age.

——There are two keys to Xia Mi's house. One is in her own hand, and the other has been placed with Lu Mingfei from a long time ago. He inserted the small metal thing into the keyhole and turned it slowly. .

With a clicking sound, the lock tongue separated, and the door creaked open. The scent of shampoo and shower gel that Xia Mi often used came on board. Mingfei's whole body was wrapped in it.When the door closed behind him, there was overwhelming darkness.

It's so lonely.

Lu Mingfei stood quietly in the fragrant darkness. He had no reason to think of a sentence written by Marquez in "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

"The past is all false, memories are a road with no return, and all past springs cannot be restored. Even the most passionate and steadfast love is, in the final analysis, nothing more than a fleeting reality, and only loneliness is eternal."

Yes, only loneliness is eternal.

The girl's death was inevitable in his destiny, and at this moment he was just remembering the traces of her existence.

Lu Mingfei groped her way through this small room. The furnishings in the room were exactly the same as in the past, as if dragons were nostalgic creatures and were afraid that someone she cared about would walk in and no longer recognize this place.

He finally reached the window and opened the ivory curtains. The half-covered moonlight swayed in from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, as if everything was plated with silver.

Next to the floor-to-ceiling window was a vertical clothes rack, on which hung the dark green Kassel College uniform that Xia Mi brought back. It had probably been hand washed and neatly ironed, and it still smelled of lavender. Lu Ming Fei stood silently in front of the dress and looked at it for a long time until his eyes and nose were sore.

But what can we do? How can people fight against something like fate?

Not knowing when it started, Lu Mingfei was shocked to realize that he had also been defeated by the tide of fate.

The order in which people appear is really important. The person who drinks with you cannot take you home.Xia Mi drank a glass of fragrant wine with him, but she was not the one Lu Mingfei chose to send him home.

He began to walk around the room expressionlessly, slowly walking across every floor tile that Xia Mi had walked on, feeling what the girl who had lived alone in this world for more than ten years had felt.

Until he saw the serious-looking Rililakkuma sitting on the corner of the large and comfortable bed.The last time I saw it, this guy still had the girl's sky-blue stockings on his ears. This time, he was lying on the bedside, leaning on the soft white pillow. The soft quilt was pulled up to cover its whole body, only one part was exposed. Big head.

Lu Mingfei pulled back the quilt and wanted to take the bear away, but he suddenly froze. The sour liquid could no longer hold back and slowly flowed from the corner of his eyes.

There was a little bear lying next to the big bear. The little bear looked familiar. Lu Mingfei also had a similar one. It was given to him by his junior sister when he first entered the academy.

He turned it over tremblingly, and for a moment it seemed as if the tranquility of the world had collapsed.

"Rilakkuma by Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi".

Countless scenes overlapped in Lu Mingfei's mind, and he felt a splitting headache, because he had seen the same note behind the little bear that Xia Mi gave him.

"Brother is really kind."

"Thank you, senior brother." "Then, senior brother, will you always be so kind to me? When you go to the United States, will you be corrupted by the honey of capitalism and forget the pure revolutionary friendship between us?"

"Then what if one day I commit a big crime? The FBI, CIA, MI[-], Mossad, etc. all come to kill me? Will you still recognize me?"

"Lu Mingfei, you listen clearly now. I know you don't love me, but I love you. Whether you believe it or not, my love will be very long, until the end of human history. I will pursue you and I will accompany you." You, you will fall in love with me one day, and we will stay together until death."


Countless Xia Mi whispered in his ears, and each one of them smiled as pretty as a fairy. The whispers were ambiguous and charming, but every word was like a sharp knife piercing Lu Mingfei's heart. .

Until finally, all Xia Mi gathered into one, and she said, "Lu Mingfei, remember, you are mine."

Lu Mingfei fell down on the bed, gasping for air. His heart hurt like tearing, and his head hurt like tearing.

The overwhelmed man curled up slowly, as if trying to wrap himself up with his body, using those muscles and bones to isolate all the sadness.

The cold moonlight fell on him, like a child huddled in the darkness, and he held the little Rilakkuma tightly in his hand.

At this time, he saw the raw meat and vegetables in the shopping bags on the table that had not yet been taken out and processed, as well as a small pile of messy stacked papers not far away, each piece of paper reflecting light like glass.

Lu Mingfei supported his body tremblingly, and he reached for the papers. Each one was one-half cut from a certain photo, and each one was Chu Zihang's paralyzed face.

But what about the other half?

Lu Mingfei realized something. He stumbled up and brought down the old wooden table in a daze. Photos of his senior brother were scattered on the ground, each one with an expressionless face, as if mocking someone's incompetence.

The chest of drawers in the corner was filled to the brim, and skirts of various styles were folded neatly. Many of them were bought by Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi together, probably because the season was about to change, so summer All the clothes are in the opened storage box, while spring and autumn shirts, thick coats, and down jackets are stored in other boxes.The white and black stockings and long socks seemed to carry the body temperature and fragrance of a girl. They were packed separately in a large transparent bag. Next to the transparent bag were headbands, straps, and a beautiful silver bracelet. , thin and delicate, with a small silver maple leaf in its mouth, it was Lu Mingfei's birthday gift to Xia Mi last year.

He rummaged through all these things and finally found a thick envelope at the bottom of all the clothes.

The envelope was open. Lu Mingfei poured out the contents. They were all photos. The photos that had been cropped to only half were the photos that Lu Mingfei personally handed to Xia Mi the day before going to Kassel College. .

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. He suddenly felt like he was about to lose Xia Mi. The huge grief seemed to have found a hole in his heart and finally poured out.

Each of those cropped photos showed Lu Mingfei's own face, either expressionless, narrowed or smiling. It seemed that every expression was exactly what someone liked, so that person put it on his face. Every expression of her face was carefully cut out and left in the cabinet used to hide her most precious things.

The man's fingers were trembling and he could hardly hold the photos. He turned them over. Behind each photo, there was a love poem written by his lover in beautiful handwriting.

Shakespeare’s Sonnet, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

But you are cuter and gentler than summer. "

Gerald's "Not Spending Everything with You", "I have met countless creatures and seen countless beautiful scenery,

All this has not been spent with you,
This will all be my loss;

I want to spend these things with you,
All this will be my gain. "

Beauvoir's "Transoceanic Love Letter", "Only when you also want to see me, our meeting will be meaningful."

There are also "Like moths flying towards the stars, like the night chasing the dawn.", "I fell in love at the first sight of you.", "He is my north and south, my west and east, my working day, my Sunday, my noon, my late night, my words, my songs. I think love can be immortal.”…

Many, many, there is a small phrase behind each half of the photo. They are not all poems, some are lines from movies or operas. With Lu Mingfei's literary background, he can only know a very small part of them. , but at the end of each phrase, in very small words, it says Lu Mingfei, I love you very much.

Lu Mingfei, I love you very much.

Just seven words, but it appears dozens of times, maybe a hundred times.

Lu Mingfei's fingers trembled even more, and he sobbed silently. The tears in the corners of his eyes were as hot as water droplets on a steam pot, slowly boiling and turning into upward white mist.

He looked behind the photos one by one, and every poem was filled with the girl's love for someone. She really liked him, down to her bones and into her soul.Lu Mingfei flipped through the pages faster and faster, and his eyes became more and more frightened. Finally, at a certain moment, he completely lost his strength. The envelope fell to the ground, and all the photos were scattered, except for the last one that was pinched on the ground. fingertip.

It was the only complete photo in the envelope. It was actually a very rare photo of Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi. Both were wearing the uniforms of Kassel College. They were standing very close to each other, and the dim sunlight illuminated the huge World Tree statue in the background. The shadow was cast across the entire campus, while the girl stood on tiptoes to look up at the boy's face, but the boy turned his eyes shyly and did not dare to look into the pair of cat-like eyes.

Lu Mingfei remembered that this was taken by Fingel at the end of the Free Day, but the resolution was not high, and it hung on the Night Watch forum for a long time.

Xia Mi probably asked someone to help her adjust the clarity, but it actually looked extra bright.

What is written behind the photo is not a short poem.

"I'm afraid of the dark."

"But you said you would always be by my side, so I'm not afraid anymore."

"Brother, let's be together."

Just three short sentences, but Lu Mingfei completely broke his guard. He covered his face and seemed to be crying, but he also made a low-pitched laugh-like sound, but his shoulders kept shaking, and his body gradually became shorter, until In the end, he knelt on the ground unable to get up, and white steam seeped out from between his fingers covering his face.

A man's voice whispered in his ear,
"Even if you are the enemy of the whole world, I will stand by your side."

It was his own voice.

Why commit if you can't do it?If you make a promise, you must keep it.

But this is fate, who can resist fate?
What a fate!People like me want to live against fate, right? Why don't I resist?

Someone else whispered in his ear, he said to Lu Mingfei, don't do things that will make you regret, don't make those who love you sad, because in this world, there are certainly very few people you love, who love you. There will never be many people.

He let out a low roar, like the roar of a wild dragon being suppressed between his lips and teeth.

Yes, yes, yes, Lu Mingfei, that's it. If this world wants to hurt those who love you, then let us burn the world.

Suddenly, golden-red light tore through the darkness, and those lights emerged from the man's fingers, like a group of unwilling snakes!
Lu Mingfei slowly put down his hands and looked up at the night sky outside the floor-to-ceiling window. He seemed to be calm, but there were flames flowing in his pupils, and the flames swayed out magnificent golden-red light.

The man breathed out a long breath, as if he wanted to let out all the sadness and despair.

He then lowered his head, and the fine scales slowly tore through the skin and emerged from the body surface. Those scales opened and closed, and each time they opened and closed, a large amount of steam was released from the bottom.

The golden-red light illuminated the man's extremely hard facial bones like a river of fire flowing on the surface of the scales.

He laughed softly and seemed to be crying because steam rose from the corners of his eyes.

Right, that's it.

Lu Mingfei, you have already made a mistake that cannot be repented of, are you going to make that mistake again now?
"Xia... Mi..." The man's voice broke intermittently, breaking the dead silence here.

 We had dreams then, about literature, about love, about traveling across the world.Now when we drink late at night, the clinking of glasses is the sound of broken dreams.

  ——Bei Dao "The Polish Guest"

  Looking back at Long Er, who first came into contact with Teacher Jiangnan, he was still a young man with a heart that was far away from home, but today he has gone through some vicissitudes.

(End of this chapter)

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