Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 141 140 Miss Xia Mi’s Final Strategy

Chapter 141 140. Miss Xia Mi’s final strategy (3)

Section [-]: Ghost
Gaojing Station on Line 101, number [-].

This is the West Mountain. At night, the mountains look like the corpses of dead giants, magnificently hidden in the thin mist.

This subway station was built according to war preparation needs. It is completely different from the structure of the passenger station. In the past, it was heavily guarded and quiet.

The high dome, the simple white walls, the rough cement floor, and the cold incandescent lamps swept through the shadows of no one over and over again. The nearly one kilometer cement ramp climbed to the exit of the ground, like an evil ghost. The nest is so dead.

Today, this place is taken over by a special department that is not affiliated with the government. All the power has been mobilized. The roar of the engine is as deafening as a thunderstorm in the sky. The helicopter's rotor tears apart the long silence, and the strong wind set off by the rotor sweeps away the mist like a violent wave. .

There are as many as eleven black helicopters hovering in mid-air, with huge metal containers connected to each other by thick steel cables underneath each two helicopters.

The Rolls-Royce lit up its fierce headlights, and a black figure stood in the lamppost. No one could see his face clearly, and no one could see his eyes clearly. Only two faint golden spots could be seen. It was looming on that person's face.

The container lowered slowly, landing on the uneven ground and sputtering large amounts of dust. The man put his hands into his trouser pockets and held an expensive Cohiba cigar in his mouth. The brown lenses reflected unpredictable light. .At this time, more equally sharp light pillars pierced out from behind him!

It turned out that he was not alone. The roar of engines sounded from behind the man one after another, like a sleeping liger waking up!
It was an entire motorcade, each vehicle covered in thick bulletproof armor, as ferocious as an evil spirit about to rise.

Manstein walked to Angers side with a solemn expression. His speech spirit was hidden by the school, and it was a rare rule-based speech spirit.He can open any door in the world, conceptual doors, even those belonging to the king's kingdom of the dead.

The container suddenly opened in front of the two people. Manstein touched his bald head, looked inside, and sniffed at the same time.He smelled a disgusting smell of decay, a smell that was unsettling, like the smell of death.

In the final analysis, Manstein is just a new generation in Cassel College. Although he has a father in a high position, that father is a bit unreliable. If nothing else, he should have never thought about going with him. My precious son shares the secrets of the secret party that have been hidden for hundreds of years.

The so-called monsters under the ice and the so-called ghosts of the past actually have a real and legendary title in the Camarilla system, "Immortals"!
The outer wall of the container is about ten centimeters thick, but it should not be made of solid metal. It is probably filled with other high-toughness and high-strength materials. Otherwise, the weight of this thing would be astonishing. It was foggy inside, and there was a cold air mixed with the dead people's blood. The smell of decay hit his face, and even with Manstein's eyesight, he couldn't see anything.

But he could smell it, smell the bloody, decaying smell.

"The smell of ghosts." Angers flicked the cigar butt behind him, sparks bursting out and then being swallowed up by the dust.

"Our Immortal has been sent to the battlefield."

"Immortals?" Manstein was horrified by this taboo word. The ancient Persian Empire once formed a legion called the Immortals. Their number was maintained at [-]. Every soldier was an unkillable monster. However, the secret party's information records that they were actually dead warriors made from corpses by ancient alchemists. They were loyal to the Persian Empire and killed everything that threatened the empire on the battlefield.

It was a very evil technology, and it would take five or more people to be killed to create one immortal.

Angers took a tablet from the hood of the Rolls-Royce behind him. He entered his password in front of Manstein, logged into his permission interface, selected the file at the top, and soon there was a quick Flashing pictures and images flowed on the screen, and noisy but extremely formulaic male and female voices came out. It was obviously all the information of a top-secret plan, including all the audio and video left by the participants who executed the plan. All documented.

But the borders of those images quickly turned into a dazzling red as they flashed. The corners of Manstein's eyes twitched slightly, realizing that it was not something that a person of his level could see, but his strong curiosity prompted him not to leave. .

The pictures that appeared later were dominated by text and symbolic symbols unique to alchemy. In the center of the picture was an X-ray scan of a mutated human body.

The X-ray scans of each mutated human body are weird and ferocious, like aliens in movies. Some skull protrusions are obviously brain mutations, some have completely degenerated from the elbow joint down into biological weapons like the forelimbs of a mantis, and some have orders growing on their backs. Human's incredible wings are like a group of demons dancing around.

"It's like someone opened the door to hell and let out all the evil spirits inside." Manstein whispered.

"This metaphor is very vivid. This is indeed the gate to hell. We have stopped making immortals since 1950. This is the last batch. They are difficult to control and are far more dangerous than A-class fallen hybrids. One alone They can tear apart an attack team composed of executive department specialists in a frontal battle. If they cooperate with each other, only two or three can hunt down the most common fourth-generation or even third-generation species on the dragon-slaying battlefield." Angers Said, "These things are double-edged swords. In 1911, the secret party launched a hunt for the next generation on the banks of the Nile River and dispatched twenty immortals. They failed to kill the prince. Instead, they lost control and were controlled by the desire to kill. By the time we got the situation under control, six villages had been devastated, the bodies of the dead were piled on the ground, and the flowing blood dyed the Nile red."

Manstein shuddered. He was not a combatant and rarely came into contact with those inevitable deaths. But when Angers said this, he could still imagine the smell of blood rising on the banks of the Nile, and the resentment of the dead seemed unfathomable. mountains.

Angers displayed the immortal's information in front of him, which was really an ancient and sophisticated technology.On these things, the alchemy that humans can master has been brought to its extreme. When humans entered the industrial age, the secret party reshaped the old people who were frozen in ice. Today's immortals are almost human science The highest product in history that combines genes, physiology, chemistry and technology.

Manstein's expression was somewhere between panic and uneasiness. He took the tablet from Angers' hands and scrolled down the information about the immortals. The number of recorded immortals was close to that. Three digits, the degree of distortion and the location of distortion are different.

This top-secret file states that the Camarilla's history of creating immortals can be traced back to the Middle Ages. It was a desperate era when the throne of the King of Earth and Mountain swept across Europe, leaving behind a group of dragons that were resurrected.

Even though the majestic emperor was finally overthrown from his throne, the rising dragons still suppressed the Camarilla and humans until they could barely breathe.Coupled with the raging Black Death and the witch eradication campaign launched by the church, the Camarilla was in such a difficult situation that it once disappeared from the dragon-slaying battlefield.

It wasn't until someone found out from ancient books how the Persian Empire had created an army of immortals that the Camarilla was finally able to fight back fiercely, creating a creature that could recite words and spirits, and whose physical capabilities were infinitely close to those of pure-blood dragons and could be defeated by them. The Deadpool Legion under his control.

This taboo technique has been used by the secret party based on the Abrahamic blood contract for hundreds of years. It essentially deviates from the core of the contract and undoubtedly tramples on the bottom line of the contract. Therefore, from the blood contract society From the time of the Camarilla to the present day of Cassell Academy, the leaders of the half-breed world have avoided speaking of the existence of the Immortals.

The more Manstein looked back, the more frightened he felt, because these artificial Deadpools were more dangerous than the real Deadpools.They have distorted proliferative organs, their five senses have been enhanced to the limit of human beings, and can even be close to dragons. Their bones have also been reorganized. Some immortals even have thousands of bones in their entire body. That is already Lu Mingfei and Yuan Zhisheng. What an S-level or even super-S-level hybrid looks like when it turns on its keel state.

What's even more terrifying is that the vitality of immortals is extremely tenacious. They are just like zombies in movies. As long as their spine and heart are not damaged, even if all the organs in their body fail, their actions will not be affected.

"Their brains retained specific areas when they were transformed. Any immortal who completely loses their restrictions will set off elemental turbulence like a pure-blooded dragon waking up from sleep. Those preserved brain areas make these The ghosts of the old era can even use the spirit of speech." Ange fanned his palms to ward off the white cold air coming from his face.
"Of course, relying solely on these, they are just enhanced versions of A-level hybrids. The reason why these things are truly called the ultimate power is that their brains can be connected in series through some special brain waves, and they can jointly chant the black The Supreme Exclusive Word Spirit, the Emperor."

Manstein was immediately awe-struck. The Emperor was the first in the list of words and spirits. It was exclusive to Nidhogg. In that era when the Black King ruled with destiny, this word and spirit was often recited by Nidhogg. Any dragon that hears it falls to its knees.Their strength, their bloodline, and even their control of authority will be suppressed to a certain extent. The purer the dragon's bloodline, the stronger the suppression.

Even noble monarchs will be suppressed by the spirit of the emperor, and their power will be suppressed to the level of the next generation for a short time. Even just for a moment, it is enough to create a chance for Angers to kill with one strike.

A moment later, someone carried a heavy box and descended through the rope ladder suspended from the helicopter. He jumped down from a height of three meters. After landing, his legs were slightly bent and he stood in front of Angers and Manstein.

He was a young man who couldn't tell whether he was cold or gentle. He had blond hair and one eye was covered by his forehead. He bowed to Angers and said, "Hello, principal."

"Are you the Gattuso's secretary, Patsy?" Angers raised the corner of his eye.

"Yes, Principal, I have been dually assigned by the School Board and the Council of Elders to transfer control of the Immortal to your hands."

The suitcase was opened in front of Angers, and two well-muscled hands held the upper and lower parts of the opening respectively. Inside the suitcase was a sophisticated instrument, forged from ancient silver and brass, densely twisted. The alchemical matrix was engraved by laser engraving technology on this instrument.It is driven by an alchemical matrix and driven by precision gears. The method of transferring authority is classic electrical technology, fingerprint verification and iris verification.

According to the regulations of the academy, this kind of thing is of great importance, so it needs to be verified by the academy agent and the person in charge of the task at the same time before it can be opened and the operation authority is transferred.However, considering that the school rules of Kassel College were originally formulated by Angers, and he was also the agent and task leader of the college, only Angers' fingerprints and irises needed to be verified.

"Get ready to open the Nibelung Gate." Angers said to Manstein beside him. Manstein looked solemn and immediately walked into the subway station. Behind him were four executive department specialists wearing black windbreakers. Following quickly, each one was holding a heavy weapon, and the magazine was loaded with mercury core alchemy armor-piercing bullets that could cause fatal damage to dragons and deadpools.

When the prince posted a bounty on Fenrir, the King of Earth and Mountains, on the hunter website, hybrids from all over the world gathered in this city.But they didn't know that a huge thing that had been dormant in the darkness for hundreds of years was slowly stretching its body, its bones crackling like mountains and rivers collapsing.

Watching Manstein disappear around the corner at the entrance of the subway station, Angers let out a deep sigh. He seemed to glance at Patsy meaningfully, and then the folding knife engraved with crazy patterns slipped from his sleeve. Out.

The old guy stepped into the cold current of the container in front of him. The smell of decay like death and the cold wind on the glacier seemed to be cut by sharp blades, flowing outward along both sides of Angers, but could no longer touch the old man. Every cent.

Alchemy is based on the spirit, and fingerprints and irises are just tools to transfer authority. Angers can already feel the control over the immortals, but this control is very laborious, like...across the mountains.

Patsy lowered his eyes and followed Angers. He was wearing a waiter-like tuxedo, but the gap in his forehead that covered one eye oozed a sinister light like an evil spirit. It was an inextinguishable golden pupil. , his bloodline is even more dangerous than Chu Zihang, who is now on the verge of corruption.

"Why did Frost send you here?"

"My actions are not based on Mr. Frost's orders, but are directly ordered by the head of the family." Patsy brushed her forehead hair to cover her evil eyes.

Ange suddenly drew his knife, and the folding knife tore through the white cold current, causing ripples. The arc light was a cold color.

The owner of Time Zero itself is far stronger than other hybrids in terms of physical ability and reaction speed. Angers is the leader among Time Zero users. When he used the knife, Percy didn't even have time to react. The cold light almost cut off the vision in his pupils.

The threat of death was approaching at an incredible speed. When he realized that the blade was almost grazing his throat, there was already a crisp cracking sound in the container.

In Patsy's exposed ice-blue eye, the pupil suddenly shrank like a needle.

The fear of the brush with death finally arose. The secretary of Gattuso's family had already pressed his right hand on his chest. It was obvious that a deadly weapon was hidden there.

Ange's target is not him, otherwise Patsy would have died. His bloodline is very strong, perhaps even far beyond Chu Zihang, but Ange's speed is too fast, so fast that even the phantom cannot be traced, as long as he touches it slightly , Patsy's throat will be cut, and he will be unable to resist.

The folding knife had already penetrated the huge wooden box in front of him.

This box is reminiscent of those inferior coffins, in which unwilling ghosts sleep. The souls of evil ghosts are filled with hatred for the human world, and the smell of decay bursts out along the cold wind.

The folding knife easily cut off one of the wooden boards that made up the box and pierced something inside. Then with the bright car lights, both Angers and Passi saw what the thing was.

The transparent ice is unimaginably hard. It seems to have been preserved at extremely low temperatures. No wonder it is also a cryogenic cargo hold. Those deformed monsters curl up and sleep in the ice.The distance from Illinois in the United States to China is not that close. If it weren't for the cryogenic cargo tank, the contents would have been released halfway there.

Thinking of the consequences, even Patsy felt frightened.

The Immortals are the top fighting force of mankind. They have approached or even completely crossed the critical blood limit. Some of them have grown wings. If these things are out of control, they will set off a terrible biological disaster. The secrets of dragons are also difficult to find. Continue to be hidden.

"It's so sad. When you were alive, you were treated as a hero. You killed one pure-blooded dragon after another on the battlefield. You can't rest in peace after you die. The corpse still has to fight for the living." Ange's expression did not change. Suddenly, his hand used force and hit the end of the folding knife's handle fiercely. The sharp weapon immediately penetrated the ice almost unhindered, and spiderweb-like cracks centered on the insertion point of the folding knife and spread to all sides.

There are a total of ten similar wooden boxes in this cryogenic cargo hold. Each wooden box contains ancient ghosts sealed in it. They have longed to die and have longed for too long. At this moment, the ice layer makes a cracking sound, and the ghosts in the cargo hold The cold air began to inhale, as if something huge was breathing here. Every time that thing breathed, it sucked in a large amount of air from the cracks in the ice. When it exhaled, the extremely cold air flow came from the cracks in the solid ice. flow out.

Patsy took a few steps back with a look of horror on his face, but Angers just took back his pocket knife and turned his head to look at the piece of ice with interest.

It suddenly fell apart, like a crystal that was broken from the inside. The thing inside used his hands to tear open the still cold thing. In just a few seconds, he went from deathly decay due to contact with the air. A wave of vitality was restored.

The violent wind pressure was kicked up around Ange, and the sharp pieces of ice were immediately crushed into powder when they came into contact with this layer of wind pressure, making Ange's shadow shine in the dazzling car light poles. Shine.

What looked like an evil spirit walked out of the broken ice. It could not be regarded as a human being at all. It was a beautiful and ferocious creature. Its muscles were like the root system of an ancient tree, and its bulging joints looked like a group of snakes under the water!
There are hard facial bones growing on his face. His facial features and appearance have long been unclear, and there is no expression anymore. There are hard and slender bones on his back, and the pair of wings that have been frozen for many years stretch out and smash the remaining ones. ice layer.

He probably finally discovered the smell of flesh and blood. His ferocious muscles suddenly bulged, like an angry liger, and his golden eyes lit up ferociously. The golden color was as bright as a god or demon, looking around majestically and ferociously.

Then he saw the calm expressions of Angers and the old man.In an instant, huge fear exploded like a blooming mandala in this thing's remaining sanity. It was like facing the god directly!
There was a sound of wind in the immortal's throat, and then he knelt down with a roar, a humble gesture of meeting the throne.

Percy looked at this scene in horror. He had never thought that someone could force the immortal to kneel down, but at this moment everything became a fact.

Heartbeats like war drums were ringing all over the world, and the sound of ice breaking was endless. The immortals opened their eyes again after a hundred years, and each eye was as red-gold as a mad dragon.

These violent things tore apart the metal outer layer of the cryogenic cargo compartment, and their wings pierced the back and spread out bloody Like rain.

"Mr. Passi of the Gattuso family, we are fortunate to witness this scene." Angers' voice was gentle, he opened his arms and smiled, "Witness the collapse of a throne."

In the dark shadows, in the phantom that no one could see or hear, a certain boy was laughing lowly. The laughter seemed to be mocking, but also seemed to be joyful, but no one noticed it.

All the xenon lamps suddenly shined into the air, and the bright beams of light burned pale circular spots in the mist-like gas.

Those things that looked like angels or evil spirits were suspended in the light spots, quietly lowering their heads.

Like a warrior guarding the throne of God.

 I'm a little busy today and don't have time to write. At the same time, I also feel that the ending of this plot requires some emotional consideration, some inspiration, and some settling, so I postponed the Dragon Second Line that was originally scheduled to end today for one day. Readers of this chapter, please forgive me. Let's just make do with it for now, tomorrow we will send Miss Xia Mi to the West... It's time to give Miss Xia Mi a complete life.

(End of this chapter)

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