Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 145 144 True Odin

Chapter 145 144. True Odin
Although I don't know exactly what is going on in front of me, I don't know why those monsters under the ice that are called immortals and were released by the academy are following Odin.

But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, as long as they block our way, as long as they hurt those who love us... kill them all!
Let's kill them all!
The wind roared like a horn, and the wind was filled with a biting chill, sweeping back and forth throughout the tunnel.Lu Mingfei's forehead hair was lifted up, revealing his golden eyes that looked like flowing lava. Iron-green scales grew all over his body, and his knotted muscles undulated under the scales.

The sound of the bones in the man's body exploding was deafening, and the sword he held in his hand buzzed and trembled, roaring like a wild dragon.Expensive suits and expensive trench coats were ignited by the flames of the royal realm, and the fire was like an unwilling soul entangling the thing that was as ferocious as an evil ghost at the moment.

He seemed to be standing in a throne of flames, motionless, blocking the entrance to the gate of hell. Behind him was the good world. He was burned by karma and was so painful that he gritted his teeth and could not let the things in the door escape!
Lu Mingfei slowly took off his windbreaker that was riddled with holes, and the tenderness belonging to the boy in his eyes disappeared like the tide.He grabbed the windbreaker as if he were holding a blazing flame, holding his right hand flat, and the howling wind dragged the swaying flame as far as two or three meters away.

Dozens of meters behind him, gods and gods stood side by side. They slowly rode their horses and turned around. Xiong Kui each had a wound on his chest. The dark golden armor was torn open by sharp weapons with shocking cracks, almost injuring him. and the flesh and blood in it.

The eight-legged horses looked up to the sky and let out a majestic roar. These monster-like beasts snorted, spewing thunder and lightning debris from the eye holes and mouth holes on the iron surface, and restlessly pressed the cinders on the ground with their front hooves. The friction actually caused sparks to burst out.

Lu Mingfei slowly let go of his hand, and the windbreaker in the fire was picked up by the strong wind like an eagle and rushed towards Odin and their throne.

The gods raised their weapons in mid-air, and the two twisted spears collided fiercely. The heavy metal roar made people's eardrums hurt!

The mountains and seas of blazing light that rippled around the bodies of the gods suddenly began to boil, as if someone had added diesel fuel to the raging fire.

All the light converged towards their hands, spreading upward along the twisted spears, and the dead darkness completely flooded every other corner. Only the intersection of the iron spears dragged out a dozen or even dozens of meters of fierce light. battle flag.

High-pitched chants echoed in the air, and the gods recited a spirit together. As the spirit was recited, the pattering rain once again covered the tunnel behind them, and the black shadows in the dark and deep rain curtain slowed down. Slowly standing up, they raised their pale, weird faces that seemed to be a fusion of humans and pythons, and will-o'-the-wisp fluorescence ignited in patches in the vertical pupils of the heroic spirits.

And, more!
Dense drumbeats came from the immortals who were suspended in the air with dozens of evil crosses. In the chanting of God, the power buried deep in their blood suddenly boiled, and their hearts had to work at a higher level. To operate with the highest efficiency, it became the drumbeat of gathering.

From the direction where the wind comes to the direction where the rain falls, the powerful heart beats loudly, like a roaring war drum. Power is poured into the bodies of every immortal and heroic spirit as life burns, and their limbs and bones are blazing. The heavy rain evaporated as it fell, and a thick fog filled the air.

Every immortal stopped reciting the emperor's words at this moment. They raised their heads silently, and the sounds of cracking bones combined were deafening!
The dim light in pairs of pupils in mid-air suddenly burned brightly, like a weak candle turning into dozens of lights lighting up the wilderness!

Yanling. Attendant of the King!
In ancient times, God used this word spirit to bless the humans and beasts who surrendered to the throne of God, making them fearless of death and making them like dragons!
At this moment, two first-generation species chanted this spirit at the same time, and the servants under their thrones were able to enter the twilight of the gods!

But Lu Mingfei just walked slowly towards Xia Mi, who was so weak and kneeling in the cinders. With every step he took, the dragon transformation phenomenon on his body became further, and one person's heartbeat surpassed that of all immortals and heroic spirits. Heartbeat, the whole world is trembling with this rhythm.

The second violent blood, open.

Three times of violent bloodshed, turned on.

Four degrees of bloodshed...

The man's heartbeat became faster and heavier, and finally turned into the sound of waves at the end of the sky and the sea, and even the gods trembled at the sound of waves.

In the end, he became a towering human figure in the brilliant light. His facial features and expressions could not be seen clearly, but there were two blazing golden-red glows. The light from the pair of golden dragon pupils spread to the corners of his eyes and the scales on his face, like... The river of fire is flowing.

The fire burned the man's shirt, and the strong wind blew his suit pants to one side. He was ferocious and slender, and the growing scales snapped together one by one with a clear roar, and the muscles slowly undulated under the scales.

They looked at each other in the middle of the battlefield with gods and demons. Jörmungandr's majesty faded from the girl's dark eyes, leaving only the stubbornness when she pursed her lips. Xia Mi finally fell down, all the grievances could be said. When she came out, all the sadness was gone, because the person she was looking forward to came.

He's here for an appointment.

Lu Mingfei had a bright light on his head, like a devil coming to the world.

They stared, surrounded by the roars of monsters, and the violent wind and rain roared back and forth, but it was dead silent.

The raindrops fell on Lu Mingfei's body, and after evaporating, they turned into white mist, which was blown toward God by the wind.

"I'm not lying to you, junior sister, I'm here." Lu Mingfei slowly leaned down and touched Xia Mi's head, as if he were petting his own kitten.

The sound of the howling wind faded away, and Xia Mi stared blankly at that hard face. This face had appeared and disappeared so many times, and she finally realized that she would no longer be trekking alone in this millennium.

That sentence was probably the last human language that Lu Mingfei could speak at this moment, because the last words had completely turned into a low growl deep in his throat.

"It's not enough, it's far from enough! Four times of violent blood is not enough for you to kill the god, brother!" Lu Mingze walked out of the gap between light and flame. He was wearing a beautiful evening dress, and the collar stood up as if to resist the tunnel. The strong wind is everywhere.The little devil looks really great, personable, and quite cute. When such a twelve or thirteen year old boy appears anywhere, he will become the focus of everyone, but his sudden appearance on the battlefield of gods and demons only makes people angry. People find it scary.

Anything that can intervene in the war between gods and demons must also be gods and demons.

"Stop talking nonsense, you won't know until you've fought enough!" Lu Mingfei roared, "If it's a gift, then hurry up, if it's a trade, then don't talk about it!" To this day, he has already expressed his disapproval of Lu Mingze's so-called exchange of lives. I have some speculations about the trick, but I don’t know if those speculations are correct, but no matter what, Lu Mingfei will not sell his soul again unless he is desperate.

"How can I always give out benefits? Brother, you should occasionally take care of my performance. Even the little witches in hell look down on your brother and me. Now that you are hugging me, you can't just forget about my brother." Lu Ming Ze said pitifully. He reached out and rubbed Xia Mi's head, messing up the beautiful black hair before finally stopping and looking up at Lu Mingfei.

"But it just so happens that I don't like that guy who hides himself behind the Odin mask, so I'm going to lend a helping hand to you. Brother, you have to help me beat them up!" Lu Mingze said viciously, his cute little face There was ferocious anger and hatred on his face, and for a moment he really looked like a terrifying evil ghost.

Lu Mingfei raised his golden-red eyes and looked at the little devil. The two people's golden pupils were almost the same color, and the light reflected each other, and the flame of the soul seemed to be flowing in the eyes.Then, a smile suddenly appeared on Lu Mingze's face.

"That's good, brother. You are gradually learning to use power and power. Only those who possess power and power are qualified to be enemies of fate!"

The next second, the door to heaven opens!Dazzling white light falls from the sky!The light tore through the darkness of the entire Nibelung with devastating force, and easily overwhelmed the brilliant light above Odin's throne!
Lu Mingze suddenly appeared in the sky. He opened his arms fiercely in front of the majestic light, like a suspended cross. He faced the place where the light fell, with a ferocious expression like an evil ghost.

The huge cross shadow was projected towards the heroic spirit and Odin, and those golden pupils that reflected Lu Mingfei's back suddenly dimmed for a moment!
"Something for nothing, 50% fusion, all the power and power in this world will be unlocked for you!" He was clearly saying this to Lu Mingfei, but it was almost like he was giving an order to the entire world.

And the effect is exactly the same.

Lu Mingfei, who was in the fourth degree of violent blood state, was comparable to Jörmungandr who had just fought Odin. At this moment, greater power fell from the sky.

The gods realized something. On their iron faces, hot lava spewed out from their mouths, and their roars were majestic and distorted, like golden horns that were blown and burning with scorching flames. They were the gods' roars when the war between gods began. Lament.The immortals and the heroic spirits moved almost at the same time, like a black tide overwhelming the sky, and the ferocious golden dragon eyes were like the unquenchable thunder in the dark clouds coming from all directions.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, his reason was still there, and his golden eyes were as bright as a beacon that never goes out in the wind and rain.

The power of the little devil fell from the sky and entered his body, so the body that had already transformed into a dragon actually began to expand and deform to the next level. When the muscles and bones grew, they made a crisp sound like crystals bursting, and sharp bone spurs appeared one after another. It protruded from the surface of the body without warning, bringing up a shower of hot blood.

Those subway blue scales that were dozens of times harder than steel peeled off quickly, and then the more indestructible black scales protruded from the body surface. Each black scale was like an abstract leaf painted by the top painter with freehand techniques, and even The veins are clearly visible.

When the black scales grew out, they were like open shells, trembling slightly, and then snapping shut loudly the next second!
Lu Mingfei could feel the changes in his body. He suppressed a roar in his throat with joy, but he could feel the shifting and recasting of his bones. Every joint opened like a valve, and an unparalleled torrent of power washed through him. The blood vessels and nervous system reach every corner of the limbs and bones.

Different from before, this time Lu Mingze strengthened him by 50%, so an even more incomprehensible force broke into Lu Mingfei's mind. Countless words and spirits echoed in his mind and in front of him, and finally he was struck by a A fiercely protruding fist was crushed in the void.

"Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!" Lu Mingfei turned around and roared. He could feel that he and Lu Mingze seemed to be integrated now, but it didn't seem to be the case. He seemed to have just taken back the power that belonged to him.

The first roar of cancellation shattered the spirit of speech that the immortals worked hard to maintain. The emperor, the air wall that could suppress all dragons or creatures with dragon bloodline shattered and disappeared!

The second revocation violently tore apart the royal realm built on the basis of the Li Zuo Pure Land. It was easy, and the light and fire flew everywhere like a burst incandescent tube.

In the third revocation sound, the blessings from the ancient throne that echoed in the souls of the immortals and heroic spirits were burned completely, and those burning golden eyes became dim again!The realm of the King's Attendant was not able to sustain it for even a second.

After obtaining this level of fusion, Lu Mingfei's body is completely comparable to that of the Dragon King, and his ability to control elements is far superior to that of the Dragon King!
The man looked at his hands with joy.

Right, that is it.

This is the sweet taste of power!

Fall in love with it, enjoy it, embrace it!Brother, do you want to indulge in it too...

"That's enough! Lu Mingze!"

"Enough!" Lu Mingfei roared low. He did not ignore the coming danger. Everything around him seemed to be slowing down in his eyes, and even Odin's movements seemed to be analyzed frame by frame.

The sword case of the Seven Deadly Sins was on his back. At this moment, it was unhooked and placed in front of Lu Mingfei. He turned his back to Xia Mi and inserted Lust and Gluttony into it. Then he pulled out the sword and started roaring to cut it off. What a rage!
"Brother, why are you angry? Look at the front, there are thousands of troops, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you have grasped the power and power. At this moment, God will fight alone in front of you."

"Because, even though there are tens of millions of people,"

"I'm going!" Lu Mingze's voice sounded directly in Lu Mingfei's mind. The man took a deep breath. He slowly raised a hand and looked at the frenzy that was about to sweep him and Xia Mi over. The monsters were expressionless——


As the ancient character of the command was spat out of his mouth, there was a breeze caused by the gentle waving of his fingers, as if chasing away a fly.

One of the most dangerous word spirits that can be mastered in human history, serial number 111, the bloodline White King,
Lu Mingze opened all the other speech spirits for Lu Mingfei except those on the speech spirit list with serial numbers 112 and above, so the door of death for the evil ghosts was opened!

The gentle wind blew slowly past. The wind was not violent, even gentle, but everyone had to tremble in front of this wind, because the wind carried the ultimate command of death, a death command issued to the world. Everything was Those who are blown by the wind, regardless of friend or foe, will all die!

Before the heroic spirits even had time to scream, the power of judgment had already passed through their bodies as they rushed forward. The pus-filled blood was wrapped in the wind and spread like a blood-colored tide towards the immortals and gods.

Those ghosts of the old era, after being strengthened three times, their bodies at this moment should have surpassed Deadpool and were comparable to real pure-blood dragons. Their scales swayed in the wind, and then they were uprooted by the bloody breeze, and their flesh and blood began to morph. The bones were cracked and the bones were ground to pieces. The world obeyed Lu Mingfei's order, and death really came.

The bloody wind swept across, and God's thousands of troops were indeed gone. In the dead silence, there was a brilliant light that tore through the bloody tide. The dull sound of horse hoofs sounded. Behind the breeze set off by the judgment, the sound of iron spears hitting each other was heard. It was as if it rang directly in Lu Mingfei's ears.

The man felt unparalleled anger. He was thinking, how dare he rebel?How dare you rebel!

Then the monster-like thing roared like a landslide, breaking the sound barrier in an instant!
The bloody wind automatically dissipated in front of Lu Mingfei. His hands were extended upside down and the fury that could really kill the dragon was more threatening than the gods coming down to earth. He had already seen them. The monsters and gods charged against each other. , the horse spitting out thunder and lightning neighed, seeming to be excited about this fight that was comparable to a divine battle.

The judgment did not fail to hurt Odin. On the contrary, they were scarred, with horrifying wounds all over their bodies. Red-gold blood flowed all over the ground, gathering into streams in the cinders, and then the blood was like magma. Burning like that, the monstrous fire is the background of God's charge.

Lu Mingfei is not afraid. People who give up everything don’t know what fear is. Not only do desperadoes have no way to retreat, they always have no choice but to move forward!

But for a moment, his pair of golden-red golden pupils, which were more magnificent than Odin's single eye, turned into horror!
It's lightning!
A twisted spear thrust out from the gap between Odin and Odin with the entire tunnel illuminated in an instant and accompanied by the roar of thunder!

Without a sound, the third god joined the battlefield. He rode the real Sleipnir, held the real Kungunir, and swayed lightning and thunder to deal with those who stood opposite them in this battle between gods. Man launches a fatal blow!
That is……

The real Odin!
Lu Mingfei was shocked, furious and swept away Kungunil's spearhead, then flew back in mid-air at supersonic speed!The blade of the long knife slashed across the chests of the two puppet Odins, and they used the power to jump forward fiercely!

Huge cracks appeared on the ground, centered around his feet, and red-hot magma gushes out of the cracks.

"You are the real Odin! Who are you!" Lu Mingfei roared, the bones in his back cracked, and he spread his huge black wings. He had no chance of winning against three, but he still had the last trump card.

But at this moment, behind him, the sound of horse hooves, far more profound than Sleipnir's, seemed to be coming on the waves, and the world between heaven and earth became lonely and solemn!
 The next chapter is about to start Dragon [-]. The Dragon [-] line will not be written here anymore. You can imagine how Jackie Chan [-] will be connected to the beginning of Dragon [-].

  The last person to appear in this chapter is Angers, who has been playing soy sauce. This part of the plot will appear in the memories of Caesar or Chu Zihang. There are not many sugar-making links, and there are not many fighting links. It just reveals Odin He and the King of Sky and Wind have already guessed each other's identity, and the battle between the two will move from the open to the dark.

  Of course, if you have any good suggestions you can put forward in the group I created today, I will join the group regularly.

(End of this chapter)

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