Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 146 144 Stories

Chapter 146 144. Story
"...Anyway, this is the end of the story."

"Fenrir, the king of the earth and mountains, woke up from his slumber. He put golden armor on his body and rode a horse named Wuzui in history."

"Fenrir and Odin each established their own kingdoms in the Nibelungs. Their majesty echoed on the four walls, and gods were fighting each other. Lu Mingfei and I were shocked when we arrived. What happened was more epic than any words can describe, and until then we had no idea how brutal the war between dragons could be."

"Our appearance broke the balance between them, and the charge between the two sides turned into a melee between the three parties. It turns out that the dragons and the dragons are not in the same camp. They do not distinguish between good and evil, good and evil, good and bad, only different positions. "

"Every person and every dragon stood firm at the beginning of the story. If they refused to waver, they would start fighting in the myth until they fell without saying a word of repentance."...

As Angers began to tell a generous and tragic story that happened in the Nibelungen of the BJ subway, white steam slowly rose from everyone's teacups and filled the small tea room.

Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other silently, and then their eyes intertwined. For just a moment, everyone saw the confusion and confusion in the other's eyes.

According to Angers' wishes, he, Lu Mingfei and the Immortals entered the Nibelungs ahead of everyone else, and encountered Fenrir, the King of the Earth and Mountains, who had awakened in the Nibelungs, and those who were rushing to the Nibelungs at this time. When Odin was about to devour Fenrir, the three parties started a fierce melee. The legion of immortals sent by the academy was destroyed, Fenrir was killed, and Odin fled.And because of the death of the leader of the Nibelungen, the country of the dead, which existed based on the twisted subway lines, began to fall apart. They couldn't even take away Fenrir's Dragon Bone Cross and left there in a hurry.

The water in the teapot was bubbling and bubbling after it boiled. Chu Zihang crossed his arms while Caesar carefully looked at the old man sitting in front of him.

The story told by Angers was undoubtedly full of loopholes. First of all, they had carefully studied the fighting abilities of Lu Mingfei and Angers, and concluded that under extreme conditions, the two of them could work together in a short time. Fighting with the Dragon King would never kill a true monarch.

In Angers' words, there was no doubt that they killed one of them and expelled the other when facing two dragon kings at the same time.

When did the Camarilla become so badass?Does a thing like the Dragon King also kill on demand?

The second doubt is the disintegration of the Nibelungen. If it had been before last year, neither Caesar nor Chu Zihang would have doubted Angers' statement that the country would immediately fall apart after the leader of the country of the dead died. But just last year, Kassel College took over the Bronze City under the water of Kuimen in the Three Gorges. Even if Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, died completely, the Nibelungen lasted for three months before gradually starting to collapse from the inside.

It was rumored that the key to unlocking all Nibelung roots was placed on the throne of the King of Earth and Mountain. There was no reason that Fenrir's domain would collapse so quickly.

Although they did notice the disappearance of the Kingdom of the Dead that almost overlapped with the subway at that time, and Professor Manstein also said that he had lost his perception of this Nibelung, there were so many doubts in it that the whole incident seemed like It's a conspiracy.

But Chu Zihang and Caesar really have no position or qualification to doubt the man in front of them, because his name is Hilbert Jean Angers. If there is only one person left in the world, he will hate the Dragon Clan. Man, then this man must be this old guy.

"You mean that after a arduous and arduous war, you and Lu Mingfei joined forces to kill Fenrir and then drove out Odin?" Caesar considered his words and added the words arduous and arduous. Stressed.

Angers nodded with deep understanding and took a sip of the Ceylon black tea in the cup.

"But principal, you... seem pretty good." Caesar said hesitantly.

Angers' condition was not only good, he was simply refreshed and energetic. He looked even younger than before he performed the mission. His eyes were full of energy and his whole person was full of energy.

It didn't look like he had just experienced an arduous dragon-slaying battle, but he looked like he had just taken Lu Mingfei for a complete horse-killing and chicken-slaying service. At this time, he was wiping his wet hair and his face was radiant.

"Ah... yes, this suit of clothing was handmade by me in London. For this reason, I added an extra budget of 20 pounds to the annual report of the college to the school board at the beginning of the year." When talking about this, the old guy seemed to Started to get excited.

Angers actually has no property in his name, but since the beginning of the last century, he has been relying on funding from the school board to maintain a decent life. Cassel College receives a huge amount of funds from the seven school directors every year. A significant portion of these funds ended up in his pocket.

He obviously misunderstood what Caesar meant, or perhaps deliberately misunderstood.

"No, I mean, principal, you didn't seem to be injured in the battle with the Dragon King." Caesar hesitated, and finally decided to skip the budget cost in the college's annual report, even if Angers removed it from the school board of directors A large part of the money received came from the Gattuso family.

This was actually not a big deal, and although Frost often used this kind of thing as an excuse to criticize Angers at school board meetings, the school board members didn't care.

A leader with desires is better than a leader without desires.

Moreover, Angers needs money, and they happen to have money. If they can exchange Angers' support with such a trivial benefit, it will only be good for the school board, and there will be no harm.

The moment Caesar finished speaking these words, the atmosphere in the tea room seemed to freeze.

Obviously, even though Angers is now the leader of the Camarilla and their principal, Caesar and Chu Zihang still hope that he can give a reasonable explanation.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t explain it, the seeds of doubt will be sown.

"Mingfei is the most powerful hybrid I have ever seen. I even suspected that he was actually the Dragon King who was undercover among us." Ange's expression became solemn, and he went through the steam rising from the tea cup. Looking into Caesar's eyes, those iron-gray eyes unique to the Aryans did not show any emotion at all.

"Killing Fenrir is more of Lu Mingfei's credit. The timing of our arrival there is very important. Both the King of the Earth and the Mountain and Odin were injured. They are all in bad condition." Angers actually started. explanation, but the story coming out of his mouth was completely different from the truth.

"Of course we were seriously injured, but don't forget what Mingfei's speech spirit is. The college's evaluation agency named that speech spirit salvation, and it can even snatch people who are dying from the hands of death. We were My condition is not good, but with the help of this spiritual spirit, I can return to my peak condition in a short time." Angers took out the cigar box from under the table, pried it open with a folding knife, then took out one and cut off the end. , lit it with a match and held it in his mouth.

The steam merged with the smoke, and Ange's face was looming.

"So, this is the mission report you are going to write." Angers said, "Fenrir fell, the God Killer..."

"Lu Mingfei."

In the mist, Caesar couldn't see Angers' face or his expression clearly, but a faint hint of gold flashed in the depths of his ice-blue eyes.

"But Lu Mingfei was performing a top-secret mission during this operation. I don't think that mission was related to Fenrir. With our authority, Caesar and I are unable to modify Norma's mission record." Chu Zihang said, he said When he said these words, he still looked like a ruthless killer, but his eyes were lowered, and the shadow covered the pair of never-extinguishing golden eyes.

He had obviously realized something, but Chu Zihang thought that no matter what the principal wanted to do, it would probably make Lu Mingfei innocent, and it might even be of great benefit to Lu Mingfei.

If this is the case, then he is willing to help.

"In Norma's system, the permissions of the black card are in the first echelon, and the black card belonging to the principal has permissions above the first echelon. It doesn't matter, I can change Lu Mingfei's mission record." Ang Re narrowed his eyes, seemingly immersed in enjoying the cigar.

"Last question, principal, why isn't Lu Mingfei with you? There are also Chen Motong and Xia Mi. We lost contact with the three of them at the same time." Caesar looked at the Ceylon black tea in his hand, and then sipped it. .

"Didn't they tell you? Xiao Xia Mi's favorite band held a concert at the Workers' Stadium in the evening, and Lu Mingfei and Chen Motong went there together." Anger was obviously stunned.

Caesar raised his eyebrows and looked at Chu Zihang beside him.

"Junior sister's favorite band is Mayday. I didn't know they would come to BJ to hold a concert at this time." Chu Zihang was also stunned for a moment.

Angers waved his hand,

"There is no need to stay with an old guy like me all the time. Caesar, Zihang, if you want to go, go. Young people should be with young people. You haven't reached the age where I am keen to sit in the office and drink on any afternoon. Tea age." The old guy finally laughed out loud.

Watching the young people getting up in front of him, turning around and leaving, the door of the tea room was pushed open, and the May sunshine was like the wind, blowing in through the open door and falling on Ange's face, turning the old man's face away. A ray of red appeared on his face.

He is really old, almost dead.

If he hadn't won the favor of the Wind King, he probably wouldn't have had the confidence to reach the day when Ragnarok came.

The world has always been the world of young people. Ange's smile comes from the heart and he is willing to return the world to its rightful owner.

At the same time, he is not entirely lying, such as the sentence "Everyone stood firm at the beginning of the story, and if they refused to waver, they fought each other until they fell, without saying a word of repentance."

What is the position of Hilbert Jean Angers?
His wildfire hatred pitted him against the dragon, but what if that hatred finally found its source?

"Caesar." He called to the boy who had already stepped into the sunshine, and Caesar also looked back at Angers.

"If you get a chance, say hello to Pompeii for me and tell him I will pay him a visit."

Caesar hesitated, "Although I rarely see him, I will tell you."

The leaves of the sycamore tree outside the door were falling like snow. Chu Zihang carried a tennis bag and leaned against the very old and large sycamore tree to wait for Caesar. Then the two of them walked side by side among the fallen sycamore leaves. A few leaves fell on On Caesar's hair, a few leaves fell on Chu Zihang's shoulders.

The girls passing by cast curious glances at these two rather attractive guys. Some students who had passed the 3E exam recognized that these two were Caesar Garrison, the president of the Cassel College Student Union. Tusuo and Chu Zihang, the president of the Heart Society, were hesitant to come up and have a chat. Maybe they could get in touch with these two big figures in the college, and their college time would be much easier.This is the affiliated middle school jointly run by Peking University and Kassel College. The Chinese preparatory class of Kassel College is in this school.

The teahouse was left over when Angers first came to China many years ago. It is a bit old, but quite clean. It retains the style and appearance of the year. There is no dust in the room. The windows are probably stained with paper. It is replaced every year, and the pattern on it has neither become full of holes nor faded. It is still brand new. When the sunlight comes in, it looks hazy like a girl's gauze skirt. The Tyndall effect allows Angers to see the light beams coming through the paper window. Countless dust was suspended inside, being swept up in a small cyclone by the wind outside the door.

The old guy smoked a cigar and watched the young people go away until the two figures could no longer be seen.

The door was quietly closed by the commissioner waiting outside, and the light rain that hit his face slowly shrank, from occupying almost the entire tea room to only covering the tea table with light, and finally leaving only a thin crack. Up and down along Ange's eyebrows, in the end nothing was left, and all the noise and restlessness disappeared from the old man's side.

He drank tea quietly until he finished all the tea in the cup, then gently picked up the teapot, refilled it for himself, and finally pulled out an envelope from under the teacup with slightly squinted eyes.

The folding knife quietly cut open the corner of the envelope, and he poured out the letter paper from the envelope. There was only a person's name and a place name written in ink on it. The person who wrote these words must be restrained and deep, because those words It's as restrained as carrying a mountain on paper.

It was only two lines of words, but with an inexplicable smell of blood, it went straight into Angers's nostrils, and then rushed into his mind. Something called anger and hatred overflowed from his eyes almost uncontrollably.

"Friedrich von Long".

"Fenglong Hall".
There were people in all directions, crowds of people piled on top of each other, and the noisy sound seemed to reach from the human world to hell. A huge projection screen covering the big curtain was erected at the end of the sports ground, and a few small figures were jumping around on the curved stage. Jump.

As a sharp whistle sounded, the people in the stadium audience suddenly fell silent for a few seconds. At this time, the curtain slowly opened behind a few small figures.The monster and stone holding the guitar, Martha holding the bass, Guanyou sitting among the electronic drums, and the lead singer Ashin who is always a little baby fat, the members of Mayday appeared on the big screen, and everyone looked towards Waving in all directions, everyone still has the same high-spirited smile on their face as they did ten years ago.

There were layers of applause, cries, and cheers, like ocean waves surging in all directions.

Hundreds, maybe thousands, of glow sticks were swaying in front of Lu Mingfei. A girl was riding on the neck of a character who was probably her boyfriend, and together they pulled out a huge banner. On the banner was written "Stone, I love you." ” or words like “Come on Mayday”.

Very few bands can remain popular from before the millennium to today in 2010, especially in today's mainland. The era of traffic seems to have begun to take shape, and people have begun to get used to those little fresh meats that are just passing by. There are fewer and fewer musicians who are praised as big names, such as Mayday, and there are still girls cheering for them to this day.

Lu Mingfei was squeezed into the crowd, with Xia Mi and Nuonuo on the left and right respectively. The junior sister put her hands together in a trumpet shape and shouted loudly, "Axin, I love you!", and Nuonuo was hugging him tightly on his right side. Holding the man's arm, he waved the light stick vigorously with his left hand.

The senior and junior sisters were laughing and muttering together just now, with shy looks on their faces. Lu Mingfei felt a little isolated, so he stood aside to eavesdrop, but Nuonuo discovered it, and the two stopped. During the conversation, one person grabbed one of the guy's ears and pinched it hard. At this time, the ears were still burning.

It had rained heavily a few days ago, so the air in the city was exceptionally fresh today. Even the May sunshine was as beautiful as if it were in a filter. The sun slowly moved towards the western skyline of the city, and then disappeared. Behind the Western Mountain, only the clouds that seemed to have been burned through by fire remained on the horizon, and the night gradually enveloped it from the east.

Countless fluorescent sticks were lit around the stadium, like countless fireflies chasing the music.
Perhaps what they are pursuing is not music, but the unforgettable time and years since the millennium.

"Good evening to all my friends who have come from afar."

"I am your Ashin." "I am a stone." "I am a monster." "I am Martha." "I am Guanyou."

"We are Mayday!"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. We are very happy to meet again..."

Lu Mingfei didn't have much trouble in his heart. He actually didn't like rock music very much. Even when listening to exciting songs, he would choose piano accompaniment.

However, he has always admired those who dare to stand in front of many people and show themselves. They are very confident, and confident people are warriors.

Lu Mingfei remembered something he forgot to hear from a friend. The first time Ashin sang on stage was in 1997. At that time, he wore very tight narrow-leg pants. The judges were all there when his legs were shaking in the pants. Laughing, so he later preferred to wear a black dress suit and jeans.In this way, not all brave people are born brave, some people's bravery must be squeezed out from the bones.

At this time, the big boy named Ashin raised the microphone high above his head, and the two guitarists played an almost roaring intro. The electric drum beat also sounded, and the lights fell from the sky, hitting the five men.

"Tonight's first song, we will bring you -"

""You are not truly happy"!" Ashin roared at the top of his lungs.

The audience became more and more excited, the girls screamed, and the men stood up and leaned forward. The night fell completely at this time, and the world became silent and lively.

Lu Mingfei squeezed into the corridor quietly, so that he felt much better and could breathe again. Xia Mi and Nuonuo were jumping up and down with joy, their black eyes and crimson eyes were like The most beautiful gemstone in the world, its surface reflected countless stars, which were the glow sticks waved by people in the venue.

Lu Mingfei took out a pack of cigarettes he bought that morning from his lined pocket. There was only one cigarette left in the box. There were thin shreds of tobacco hidden in the folds of the tinfoil, and scattered light fell in. From the cigarette box, Lu Mingfei took out the last cigarette. He hesitated but did not light it. He just clamped it to his ear.

He thought that one day in this life, people would learn to drink, and one day they would learn to smoke. Smoking and alcohol seemed to be able to anesthetize the sadness and desolation.

He didn't smoke this cigarette because it wasn't Mild Seven Star. Lu Mingfei learned to smoke after returning from Japan, but apart from cigars, he only smoked Mild Seven Star.

This is what the brothers smoked.The younger of the two brothers died betting on him to win.

It was indeed a great song. Lu Mingfei was leaning against the railing of the aisle. A security guard was about to scold him, but his companions stopped him.The uncle's companion is a very trendy young man with yellow hair. The young man is probably a bad student who dropped out of school very early to work hard. The expression on his face is carefree and unruly, but after all, he is still somewhat discerning. That well-dressed guy had the kind of attire that could buy the life of either of them in this country.This does not mean that the transaction of human life is beyond the law, but that if the two of them have an accident while working for Boss Lu, the clothes can be used as compensation for one person.It's better not to mess with such people.

Xia Mi leaned out and took Lu Mingfei's hand. The girl's body was filled with a faint floral fragrance, like the smell of tulips, and like the fragrance from far away in memory. The junior sister's hands were soft and white, slender and a little cold. , the little face is still a little flushed.

"Senior brother, senior brother! What are you thinking about!" Xia Mi asked in a loud voice.

"Maybe I'm thinking of a certain eldest lady named Uesugi!" Nono actually leaned out and took Lu Mingfei's other hand, and the girls pulled Lu Mingfei back together.

Lu Mingfei smiled silently. He thought that he had done something wrong again, and that people would misunderstand him and involve him.

At this time, the song Ashin sang had reached its climax and ended. Its ending was the same as the intro. Lu Mingfei was suddenly stunned. He looked far into the distance, and his eyes seemed to be filled with stars twinkling. The big screen Huge fireworks were blooming above, and the world seemed to be shattered at this moment.

"...I stand on your left, but it's like I'm across the Milky Way

Do you really have to hold on to regrets until you are old and then regret it?
you deserve real happiness

you should take off the protective colors you wear

Why would you be punished if you lost it?
Can we just let all the sadness end at this moment
Start living again——"

The deafening high notes made Lu Mingfei want to cry. Until the end of all the accompaniment, the line "Start Living Again" still gushed out with a clearly passionate but inexplicably sad ending.

Directly behind the stadium, that is, behind the stage and the big screen, the roar of fireworks and a long whistle suddenly started playing before the singing ended.

Bundles of fireworks were actually launched on this May summer night, like streaks of retroreflective meteors streaking across the sky. Probably dozens of boxes of fireworks were lit at the same time, and the light falling from the sky illuminated the entire stadium.Xia Mi and Noonuo looked up at the same time, while Lu Mingfei looked at Xia Mi and then at Nono.

A whole field of flowers seemed to be blooming in their eyes.

The girls’ profile faces glowed faintly under the light of the fireworks.

"It's so beautiful." Lu Mingfei said softly. He stopped looking at the girls around him and looked up to see the bustling fireworks in the sky like them. He hadn't experienced such noisy beauty for a long time.

In the soft light like skirts, the girls' eyes met in the stream of light. The cheeks of Nono and Xia Mi were alluringly blushing, their eyelashes were trembling, and their skin was white. The light of the fireworks was not as shy as the girls. One tenth of the beauty.

The soft thing gently touched the man's cheeks at the same time, accompanied by the fragrant fragrance that made him dizzy and the girl's slightly low and messy breathing.

The gentle kiss flashed by, like morning dew or sunset. You doubted whether it had really happened. Lu Mingfei stood there blankly, as if he had practiced some kind of immovable martial arts.

Xia Mi and Noonuo giggled and hugged his arms. At this time, Lu Mingfei's face suddenly turned red from bottom to top, as if it was painted with a layer of red ink, and his ears almost popped out. Steam comes.

"Senior brother, you are really worthless." Xia Mi whispered to Lu Mingfei.

 In fact, some aspects were not written out. For example, after the Nibelungen Incident, the relationship between Xia Mi and Nono became very good. They both knew that the other party liked Lu Mingfei and that Lu Mingfei had feelings for both of them.

  But there are still some things about daily life, so I will write the next few chapters slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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