Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 147 1461 The promise is irresistible

Chapter 147 146. Once a promise is made, nothing can stop it

Xia Mi and Nuonuo wanted to leave before the concert was over.

Mixed breeds are originally like this. Loneliness permeates their bones. They always prefer silence and hate noisy.

Near the Workers' Stadium is Chaoyang District, which is one of the richest districts and counties in China. Many big figures have settled here, including wealthy businessmen, politicians, educators, academicians of the Academy of Sciences...

Of course, there are also those big figures from the mixed race hiding here, pretending to be harmless to humans and animals.

Lu Mingfei actually didn't have many opportunities to come to this city before. Although it was actually not that far away, it only took a few hours to ride back and forth on that second-hand bicycle. He only remembered that there was something there in Fengtai. There are two jujube trees at the entrance of the farmhouse. The dates will be ripe when autumn comes. He has beaten dates there before.

But that was a long time ago, and my memory is a bit fuzzy. I only remember that my father and mother had not gone abroad yet. Lu Lincheng and a certain director of the institute were drinking with the sound of wind blowing leaves. See the lights of swords and shadows of adults.

That is probably what is called society.

In fact, society also comes from the Jianghu. Everyone has practiced magical skills that they think are invincible in the world. They happily took the rusty iron sword from the old blacksmith, said goodbye to the green flowers at the entrance of the village, and started to travel around the world on donkeys.Some people smoothly learned the Great Shift of the Universe and became the leader of the Ming Cult. Some people went astray and learned the Sunflower Manual and became the Invincibles of the East. However, more people ended up becoming those passers-by A, B, and C who were accidentally hacked to death by the heroes in the wine shop. .

At that time, Lu Mingfei thought that he would be a hero like Guo Jing in the future. When he was alive, he would fight with Huang Rong, but when he died, he would defend Xiangyang and loudly tell the Mongolians in the city that he was from the Song Dynasty.

Today he is not only Guo Jing, he is simply Ultraman from M78.

It was already dark when we left the Workers' Stadium, and the colorful neon lights had been lit since early in the morning, and the traffic flowed through it like a long river of light.Xia Mi kept saying that he wanted to eat sesame sauce hot pot or Chaoshan beef at night. Nono was chewing a piece of lemon-flavored bubble gum. The mouth-watering sour aroma always teased Lu Mingfei's sense of smell. A very old driver They were sent to Guomao. There were cars and people everywhere. When you looked up, you could see the glass curtain walls and billboards. The towering office buildings formed two towering walls. The night sky was like a line that was very far away and thin.

They seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the city, stopping wherever they went, but Lu Mingfei only felt confused. He suddenly felt as if he was lost in this big city.

Or maybe he wasn't lost in the streets of Chang'an.

But lost in the torrent of fate.

"I used to be an alumnus of the Affiliated High School. I am a student in the preparatory class, so I am quite familiar with this place." Nono was wearing tight jeans that showed off her long legs, and a T-shirt with a slight waist-shrinking effect and a small jacket on her upper body. She is still a young and energetic beautiful girl.

"Yes, yes, I grew up listening to the legend of Sister Nuonuo." Xia Mi's eyes seemed to have little stars popping out. The girls held hands and seemed to have completely forgotten that there was Lu Mingfei and Lu Ming next to them. Feiye didn't feel distressed at all. To be honest, he didn't know how to deal with his relationship with Xia Mi. Although he said those words in the Nibelungs, he never had the chance to be alone with his junior sister after he came out...

Moreover, Lu Mingfei had no idea when the relationship between senior sister and Xia Mi became so close.

There was a bustling crowd, and the travelers seemed helpless and lonely. All the sounds in the world were gradually fading away, but a smile appeared on Lu Mingfei's face.

Xia Mi and Noonuo, who were walking in front and chatting quietly and looking behind them from time to time, passed by men in suits and leather shoes, chatting and laughing, and the girl whose plaid skirt was lifted by the wind, revealing her slender and beautiful legs...

All the people in this world who can share warmth with each other suddenly seem to have turned into the ink of a painter's pen. From the outline to the colors that fill them, everything is slowly fading away.

Until the end, the whole world was silent, those huge glass curtain walls, those billboards that appeared in every corner of the city, those big screens standing in front of duty-free shops to promote their new products...

On this breezy summer night, the letters "GG" were displayed everywhere. It seemed that the whole world was celebrating Lu Mingfei for playing a good game. He made a desperate comeback. He won beautifully and his opponent was convinced. , the whole world will cheer for him.

"Brother, your luck has gotten better very rarely." The little devil held a bag of fried chestnuts in his hand. The sweet smell hit his nostrils, and Lu Mingfei finally laughed out loud.

"So this is the only HE ending in the Minotaur Labyrinth of Destiny, right? In fact, the principal was not prepared to kill Xia Mi and Fenrir from the beginning." Lu Mingfei reached out and touched Lu Mingze's hand head, and then took a chestnut from his bag.

The sugar-fried chestnuts taste a bit like taro, and a bit like sweet potatoes cooked with brown sugar and white sugar.

Lu Mingfei actually doesn't like eating this kind of food that much. If it's too sweet, it'll be too sweet. If it's too much, it'll make it boring.

"How could it be? The reason why a maze is a maze is because it has only one exit. Only if you make all the right choices can you see the ending you have now." Lu Mingze stuck out his tongue. He saw Lu Mingze Mingfei sat down on the curb, so he also sat down. The faces of the two people were actually somewhat similar, and they looked like real brothers.

Maybe Lu Mingze didn't lie to him, Lu Mingfei thought to himself, this boy was really his brother.

"If you had chosen Junior Sister from the beginning, what would you have done? Brother, aren't you afraid of yourself who would be ruthless? A true desperado, a gambler who puts his life on the chips, what would you do? Did you kill Ange in that car?" Lu Mingze gnawed chestnuts like a hamster.

Lu Mingfei suddenly shuddered.

The person who knows him best in the world is Lu Mingze, just like the person who knows Faust best is never himself but the devil who lured him into hell.

Things that come out of hell are always better at discerning people's hearts.

Lu Mingfei knew that he was indeed a person who occasionally went crazy.He always has drooped eyebrows and drooped eyes, so no one can see his eyes. This is because he is a naturally good actor and is good at hiding everything about himself.

I don't know since when, those eyes have a lot more emotions, and they have become weaker, more tired, and more crazy than before.

In a sense, Lu Mingfei is the real madman.

If Lu Mingfei had made a different choice on that stormy night, Angers would have become his enemy.And since experiencing the Tokyo incident, he has become accustomed to leaving no room for himself or the enemy. Only one person can survive in that Rolls-Royce, and there must be death between him and Angers. one.

Lu Mingfei did not firmly believe that the person who survived must be himself.Although he carried a mountain-like weight on his shoulders, why wasn't the wildfire of hatred dancing in the principal's eyes?

They were both S-level and could easily enter the third degree of violent blood state. Lu Mingfei was not sure whether the principal could advance the road to becoming a god to the unprecedented fourth degree like him.

If a conflict really breaks out between them, the conflict may eventually turn into a fight between the King of Sky and Wind and Lu Mingze.

That would have untold consequences.

"The King of Sky and Wind, who once went by the pseudonym Xiang Yu in China, has brought great progress to Hilbert Jean Angers." Lu Mingze said, "The relationship between them should be very close at this moment, and they can even be together for a certain period of time." Sharing memories and emotions to a certain extent. I remember that guy is the closest to humans among the four monarchs except Jormungandr. Brother, neither you nor I know what happened in their thoughts. But those deep-rooted hatreds are gradually being uprooted from Angers’ soul.”

"Is his real name Xiang Yu?" Lu Mingfei looked at the night view of the city, as if there were a thousand or ten thousand starlight points twinkling in his eyes.

This was probably a dream-like space created by Lu Mingze, but the traffic lights were still running regularly, quiet but monotonous, which made Lu Mingfei feel very comfortable.

"You may have heard of his honorable name. In Norse mythology, his name is Vidfolnir, the eagle that lives at the top of the World Tree." Lu Mingze said in an understatement about the history of the hybrids. Unknown secrets.

As expected, it did not exceed Lu Mingfei's expectation. The little devil was probably an ancient dragon clan that had survived from the ancient times.

Perhaps he is one of the very few beings in the world who has experienced the glorious era of dragon civilization.

"According to the records of the Ice Sea Fragments, there were two rebellions in the history of the Dragon Clan. The first was the White King's Rebellion. This war ended with the end of the White King. The Black Emperor devoured the White King. Everything, including her blood and bones, and the right to control the spirit. The second time was when all the dragons and humans in the world joined forces to overthrow the Black King's rule." The little devil's expression rarely showed a trace Sadness, a trace of remembrance, and a trace of vicissitudes that were completely contrary to his face at the moment.

"But in fact, there was a rebellion between the two wars. After the death of the White King, Nidhogg created a new monarch after himself. When he created the new king, he was on the throne of the mountain. At first sight, As soon as he reached the boundless sky, he erected the throne of the sky. This is how Vidfournir was born.

When he created the first monarch, Nidhogg had little experience, so Vidfornir was the most powerful of the four monarchs. His power was reflected in many aspects, and he could even Fight against the Black King.This new king of the sky and wind once knew some secrets from ancient times, and thus started a civil war that swept half of the ethnic group. The Black King easily won the war, but he failed to kill Videver Ernier, instead let him escape to ancient China. "

Lu Mingfei's thoughts were a little confused.

In the Nibelungen, three Odins stood side by side, and Sleipnir's roars came and went, just like thunder ringing at the end of the world.

The elements and rights controlled by the two Odins who appeared at the beginning belong to wind and water respectively.

The word spirits they master respectively are Time Zero and Liguo Pure Land. The wind-type Odin who controls Time Zero under the mask is Chu Tianjiao, Chu Zihang's father, but the water-type Odin who masters Liguo Pure Land cannot identify his true identity. .

Until now, Lu Mingfei still didn't know what method the real Odin used to upgrade the puppet to the combat power of the first generation species.

In other words, the situation at that time was very critical. Lu Mingfei used 50% fusion, four degrees of violent blood, and the keel state to fight against the two first-generation puppet Odin and the real Odin who was far stronger than the puppet and even suspected of being a supreme being. Man.

It's a dead end!

Even if Supreme Norton, who has devoured Constantine's power, reappears in the world, it may be difficult to resist such a lineup.

What's more, there was an anxious Anger who didn't take action. Lu Mingfei was even ready to sell a quarter of his life in exchange for Lu Mingze's complete fusion.

Unexpectedly, Anger did take action, but it was not to kill Xia Mi or to force Lu Mingfei to side with him.

He stood beside Lu Mingfei and rode a tall horse to confront Odin.

That's really...


Then there was the confrontation and hostility with no one willing to give in. Lu Mingfei couldn't see much emotion in Ange's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking. But thinking about it now, the old guy would probably be attracted by the young man. Be moved by love.

It's really ridiculous to say that even Lu Mingfei himself doesn't believe this statement. Can a person who has carried a century of hatred really believe in such a thing as love?

People like Angers should move forward and commit all kinds of horrific atrocities for revenge. The so-called love is just a dazzling stone on the road that must be passed.

"Speaking of brother, why did you change your mind at that time? We don't know what Angers thinks. What if you made the wrong choice? Are you really going to flee with Jörmungandr?" Lu Ming Ze suddenly looked at Lu Mingfei. The little devil's eyes were actually very clear. Without the golden dragon pupils, he just looked like a child.

Lu Mingfei laughed silently.

"Many people used to say that I have grown a lot, but in fact, Lu Mingfei is still the same Lu Mingfei. I haven't changed much. At that time, I just suddenly felt that many things were still strong. I felt that everything was clear once the agreement was made, so there was no obstacle. Leave yourself a way out. If you are on the run, then you will be on the run. Anyway, people like me have been running towards the grave all my life, just to know whose name should be engraved on the tombstone after I die." When he spoke like this He looked like a real man, with a low and hoarse voice, and eyes so deep that even Lu Mingze couldn't understand.

"What about the little monster? You took your junior sister on the run, what will she do?"

Lu Mingfei looked up at the night sky with no expression on his face, "It doesn't matter. If I am destined to die on a certain road, then I will definitely rush into Genji Heavy Industries. I will kill anyone who blocks my way. Herzog, Tachibana Masamune, Yuan Zhisheng, or Crow Yasha Sakura, I will kill whoever gets in my way, and then I will take her with me to escape. The world is so big, there are always places where the secret party cannot find us."

 That’s all for today. It’s probably Sanyang. I’m feeling a little down and out. I don’t know what I wrote. I’ll go back and revise it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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