Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 148 Chapter 147 This City

Chapter 148 147. This city

Nuonuo is indeed an authentic BJ girl. She seems to know this city from the bottom of her heart.

This is actually a very old city, and people walking on the streets of Guomao feel as if time has intertwined.

Nuonuo led her junior brothers and sisters around the city, and asked Lu Mingfei to drive a Toyota Highlander she borrowed from a friend from the underground garage of Guomao. Compared with the red Ferrari, this Toyota could only be regarded as It is the most common toy, but it has a large space. My senior sister's friend has modified it, including a separate wine cabinet, ice machine, and a small projector.

While Lu Mingfei was driving the car, Nono and Xia Mi took out iced Coke from the clanking wine cabinet and drank while looking at the street scenes on both sides.

Before leaving the most prosperous area in the city, tall buildings like black obelisks stood on all sides of the intersection. The surface of each building was covered with black mirror glass. The feasting and entertainment in the CBD area were separated from the outside by these tall buildings. The world is completely isolated.

"Senior brother, senior brother, don't you have anything to say?" Xia Mi gently pushed Lu Mingfei's seat in the back seat. When the little junior sister snickered, she revealed two pointed tiger teeth, which seemed to reflect fluorescence. The eyes also reflect fluorescence.

Lu Mingfei hummed a few words, but he didn't even hear what he was saying clearly.

"Dare to speak, dare to admit, dare to act and dare to take responsibility is what a man should do, Lu Mingfei, you won't take what you say as a joke." Nuonuo drank Coke and burped, sneering in the rearview mirror. Look into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

Lu Mingfei shuddered.

"Um..." President Lu scratched his head a little. This was a very different scene from the showdown he imagined with Xia Mi. Nono was like a divine eagle sandwiched between Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu. Her presence.

But thinking about it from another angle, this seems to be not bad, at least it alleviates the awkwardness of hero Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu when they are alone.

Boss Lu really has no experience with girls. Let alone an intimate relationship that requires kissing, hugging, and lifting up, this guy has very few opportunities to be alone with girls.

Between the two periods of time, there are only a few girls who are close to Lu Mingfei, such as Isabella, Su Xiaoqiang, Nono, Xia Mi, Ling, and so on...

Thinking of the last name, Lu Mingfei's eyes dimmed for a moment.

The girls used as examples are actually quite good, but Lu Mingfei has never thought about developing a closer bilateral cooperative relationship with them... Actually, it's not impossible.Lu Mingfei thought a little sarcastically.In the past, he wanted to eat the flesh of a swan and the heart of a bear, and he had the courage to eat the heart of a leopard, and he had unreasonable desires for his moral sister-in-law. In fact, he really wanted to kiss Nono's Fangze.

But at that time, people like him posed no threat to Caesar Gattuso. They didn't even look at him seriously, so he was exempted from the punishment of three swords and six holes.

As for Ling and Su Xiaoqiang, Lu Mingfei has always regarded these two as buddies, but one is a buddy who is a good partner, and the other is a buddy who can make unlimited meals.The contact with Isabella was entirely due to work needs. The two of them respected each other as guests. Although there were many scandals in the college, no one responded directly.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Mingfei's life for decades has been quite a failure. Fate has played many jokes on him. He doesn't love the girl who loves him, and the girl he loves doesn't love him back.This time he had made the most important decision in his life many years ago, but accidents always happened one after another.

The junior sister's love was expressed nakedly, and it was more turbulent than the waves that swept in from the outside of the bay in Hawaii in September. Boss Lu had no power to fight back, and he squirmed on his little sampan like a funny fitness actor. With one click, the whole person fell into the ocean of love.

Senior Sister's loving company from beginning to end also made Boss Lu's heart throb like the undercurrent of the ocean under the glacier.

The world is so fucked up, and in comparison, things like failing to love something seem like no big deal.

Nowadays, Lu Mingfei really doesn't know how to get along with Xia Mi and Nuonuo. On the one hand, he always believes that a person's heart is only so big, and he can only hold one loved one from beginning to end.But on the other hand, I feel that I really like my junior sister, and I still have the same longing for my senior sister.And the little monster who was still waiting for him.

Lu Mingfei has read many theories and books about timelines or parallel worlds. Some books say that everything you experience may be different from another world, and even you are different.

Thinking about coming back from the other side of fate to the present, this kind of thing would be unbelievable even to a little devil.Maybe there really is something in this world that can change the cause and effect, but even if the cause and effect is changed, it should not be reflected in the subjective observation of a few people going back in time.

It seems that only the parallel world theory can explain the current situation. Lu Mingfei came to the current world from another world.But it seemed that he was not the Lu Mingfei he knew.

There are countless Lu Mingfei in countless worlds. Some Lu Mingfei are still the bad boys in the past, unable to love; some Lu Mingfei and his senior sister have come to the end; and some Lu Mingfei may end up with Ling and Su Xiaoqiang. He even got together with girls like Chen Wenwen and Liu Miaomiao.

Maybe Lu Mingfei in a certain world did not hide himself in the wine cellar of Takamagahara on that rainy night. That kind of Lu Mingfei was really great and brave. He risked his life to fight with Herzog. Fighting, taking his girl upstream from the torrent of fate, and later actually went to South Korea to eat strawberry-flavored and vanilla-flavored ice cream together under a huge crabapple tree.

There are 1 Lu Mingfei in 1 worlds, but in Lu Mingfei's opinion, every one of them should always retain certain characteristics.

That trait is "If he has the opportunity to develop with many girls, will he be able to retain the ability to like someone seriously and carefully, will he still feel sorry for the pain of others, and will he be able to love someone he really cares about?" People risk their lives."

Lu Mingfei was very scared today. He felt that he had really become the kind of person that even he would hate.

He has always been an indecisive person. The Nibelungen Plan strengthened his body but failed to strengthen his soul.

If he had decisively pushed Xia Mi away on the Freedom Day, maybe everything would have been different and his destiny would have returned to its proper trajectory.If he had resolutely rejected his senior sister's love on board the Monyach at Kuimen in the Three Gorges, perhaps the senior sister's character would have prevented her from still being by his side so silently to this day.That would be great, then only Eri would be left.

Now that cowardly soul finally made him pay the price, and the price was that he lost himself.

This Toyota, which was not really a luxury car, seemed to be driving too fast. The lights outside the window turned into silhouettes reflected in his eyes. Lu Mingfei let out a deep breath.He did want to talk to Xia Mi, but he didn't know where to start or where to go.

"Senior brother, you like me and you said you want to be with me." Xia Mi suddenly said, getting straight to the point. Lu Mingfei's hand holding the steering wheel shook.

This sentence brought a great impact to him, no less than when Zhou Zhiruo said to Zhang Wuji in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slaying", "We had a marriage agreement before, but my husband is dying now. In addition, I did not hurt your life today. Others will definitely say that I still have my old feelings for you. If I invite you to help me again, all the heroes in the world will accuse me of being shameless and wanton." Zhang Wuji said anxiously, "We only need to have a clear conscience. Why should others care about what they say?" And Zhou Zhiruo said. But when he said "What if I have a guilty conscience?", Zhang Wuji was shocked.

Zhou Zhiruo's words about "I have a guilty conscience" made Zhang Wuji unable to speak. When Lu Mingfei saw this, he already knew who it was that had a guilty conscience.

Now the junior sister's body is slightly leaning forward, and the fragrant fragrance is teasing the heartstrings. What she says is not the doubts and desires of the girl when she is reserved, but a statement that means "Actually, we all know the answer."

She said, "Senior brother, you like me, that's a definite promise that can never be taken back."

Lu Mingfei drove quietly. The sound of the air conditioner running and the sound of the bearings rotating under the car converged and buzzed, making the space in the car seem a bit hot and cramped.

Nuonuo poured himself another cup of Coke. The bubbles emerged from the surface of the ice cube and slowly rose in the Coke until the surface of the cup exploded with a soft sound that sounded in Lu Mingfei's ears, but it was like a violent explosion in Lu Mingfei's ears. Thunder is roaring.

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei replied softly.

"Then we are a couple now."

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei nodded without looking at the girl's expression in the rearview mirror. He was very afraid that he would accidentally see Nuonuo's frustrated eyes. Everyone had already talked about it, but Lu Mingfei had always been a A person who hates seeing others depressed.

"Senior brother, are you still thinking about Miss Uesugi and Eri Uesugi from the Japanese underworld?" "Yes." Lu Mingfei nodded and admitted.There is nothing to admit. Some kind of power gave him the opportunity to change everything. It doesn't matter if he takes this life. He has overcome a lot of things and admits that he likes Xia Mi, but a man like him will have to do it at some point. Desperately.

Lu Mingfei felt that the next time he had to fight hard would be in Tokyo.

Xia Mi was probably really a little angry, and she groaned like a little pig. She suddenly reached forward and twisted Lu Mingfei's lumbar muscle with one hand, and then twisted it hard, "Okay, you Lu Mingfei, are you thinking about other flower girls in front of your real girlfriend? Why didn’t I see that you are such a lustful child?”

Lu Mingfei grinned in pain, but remained silent.

He felt that he owed Eri a lot. If she had not gone through it all over again like him, this feeling of guilt might have been reduced, but like him and Nono, she had come back from a certain sad fate. people.

He felt that he had to go to Tokyo no matter what, to find her and tell her that she was actually a very good child. The last time the bad guy named Sakura didn't want to leave with her, it wasn't because he didn't like her, it was just because of the bad boy. Ai Zai is a loser with nothing, and Ai Zai is afraid that he can't protect Eri Yi well, and everything is Ai Zai's fault.

Xia Mi's hand loosened, but Lu Mingfei realized that something illuminated the inner wall of the car. It was the king named Jormungandr who had awakened in the girl's body, and the angry and proud emperor's daughter was Staring at the back of his head through those golden eyes.

But then the brilliant golden color disappeared again, "If I told you not to touch Uesugi Eri in the future, would you break up with me, you scumbag?" Xia Mi's voice could be heard to be a little angry, but also a little cute, but Lu Mingfei was really considering this matter seriously. It took him a long time before he said, "No, but I owe her some things and I have to pay them back. I can risk my life for this matter."

After a pause, he added, "Actually, I haven't seen her for a long time. Psychologically speaking, time and distance will cause people to have some illusion of liking or love for someone they often miss. Maybe I'm not Maybe I just feel guilty for liking her, but she didn’t know until I really saw E again.”

Xia Mi took off his deerskin high heels and stretched out his slender, warm feet to kick the back of Lu Mingfei's chair.

"You bastard, senior brother!" Xia Mi grinned, "But this is good. If you are not such a person, how can we like you."

Lu Mingfei was a little surprised by Xia Mi's reaction. He finally looked at her in the rearview mirror and stared at her blankly for a few seconds, "Junior sister, are you...so generous?"

"Have you forgotten who I am? I'm Jormungandr." When talking about this, Xia Mi suddenly seemed a little proud. She hummed and said, "Humans and dragons have different values. Who do you like?" It doesn’t matter, you’ll all like me in the end anyway.”

Lu Mingfei was stunned, and suddenly saw Nuonuo out of the corner of his eye.

The senior sister's expression was very strange. It didn't look like she was depressed or dejected or anything like that, but she looked like she was suppressing a smile.

Maybe it was really the things that happened in the Nibelungs. Now Xia Mi and his senior sister are really like sisters. Anyway, they have a very good relationship and probably hide a lot of secrets between girls.

"Senior brother, do you like senior sister?" Xia Mi suddenly asked confusedly.

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened.

The reserve and indifference that Nono had maintained in the rearview mirror suddenly broke. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks. He threw himself on Xia Mi and scratched Xia Mi's squeaky nest. Xia Mi giggled. Laughing and begging for mercy.

Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

"I should still like it." He said truthfully. Anyway, the conversation had already been said today, and Lu Mingfei didn't care how many dirty secrets would be revealed.

"I don't care anyway, and you have to find your ex no matter what, so why don't we three get together first." Xia Mi said with a smile.

"Well, this is not good...it goes against human ethics and ethics..."

The back seat suddenly became quiet, and Lu Mingfei was about to take a curious look, when an arm strangled his neck from behind in the next second.

Lu Mingfei's face was full of horror.

"I never saw before that you kid is so playful and wants to enjoy the blessings of others!" Nuonuo tried to pull back, and at the same time said fiercely, "What does it mean to violate human ethics? If it doesn't violate human ethics, Lu Mingfei, do you really want the three of you to be together?"

"No, no, senior sister, spare my life!" Lu Mingfei screamed strangely.

It seemed that good luck was on their side tonight. They were traveling smoothly all the way, and all the traffic lights turned green in front of this old Toyota.

Xia Mi and Nuonuo sent messages to Chu Zihang and Su Xi respectively, and agreed on a meeting place. Lu Mingfei stepped on the accelerator, and the evening breeze blew in through the skylight, and the girls' hair was lifted. Like seaweed swaying with the waves.

Although Lu Mingfei still doesn’t know what the future will be like.
They walked around the city, and finally walked out of the second ring road and then the third ring road, heading towards the suburbs. The buildings on both sides that seemed to never burn out gradually became sparse, and sometimes closed stadiums could be seen. , the boys wearing jerseys are sweating, and every time they score a goal, the girls sitting on the edge of the court wearing white skirts and ponytails let out cute cheers, youth is blooming in the BJ in May, everything is still beautiful. .

At this time, the wind was blowing, the moon and stars were sparse, and a long silver river hung above the horizon. The world seemed to be really round and round, with people crowded together and living in cage-like cities, and the sky was the lid of the pot.

The road to Xia Mi's house seemed to be endless as they walked. As they walked, they met Susie and Zero who were following the navigation system and waiting for them at the intersection. The girls obviously had a good day. The clothes on their bodies were so beautiful. Already replaced.Then I saw Fingel driving a BYD. This guy was eating grilled chicken wings while driving and gave a packet to each of Xia Mi and Nono.

Then they met Chu Zihang and Caesar, both of whom were dressed very casually. Xia Mi said that the senior brothers had just gone to the Workers' Stadium, but they missed it.Chu Zihang was still carrying the tennis bag, and Caesar actually had a folding fan that looked a bit antique.

The store that Nono took them to was actually a farmhouse with a pond. The gourmets' favorite food was the grilled bass caught from the pond. The store owner said that they had to catch it themselves and gave each of them a fish. pole.Maybe there really is such a thing as a novice protection period. The girls are very capable, but the boys are completely useless.

This is probably the best day this year, or for a long time in the future. Everyone gathered together and set up fishing rods beside the bonfire. The girls gathered together to whisper, and the boys surrounded Lu Mingfei. wink.

In May of 2010, Lu Mingfei thought about this time silently. He had a vague suspicion that maybe after today, his peaceful life would be far away from him.

"Junior sister." Lu Mingfei squatted on the concrete fishing platform and raised a can of beer towards Xia Mi, who was grilling chicken wings with Chu Zihang beside the campfire.

Xia Mi wiped the sweat from her forehead. The tip of her nose, forehead and cheeks were stained with black carbon dust. She raised her head and looked at Lu Mingfei.

"Let's go see your brother tomorrow. Get up early in the morning and let's buy some gifts."

Xia Mi's eyes were lowered, and his eyelashes trembled under the light of the bonfire. Then he suddenly raised his head and showed a beautiful smile. ,


Lu Mingfei's heart moved, and time seemed to stand still at this moment. She really was a fairy-like girl.

 I'm getting ready to leave for Japan tomorrow, but I'm still feeling dizzy and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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