Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 150 149 Trip to Japan

Chapter 150 149. Trip to Japan (1)

Tokyo, Shinjuku.

The black Lexus sedan, protected by a luxury convoy of eight Hummers, flashed past the colorful city streets at night like an enchanting young woman.

The prosperity of Tokyo is not inferior to any other international metropolis, and it can even be called the most crowded city in the world.

But what is very strange is that the young man wearing a white lining with a black suit and a simple black trench coat looked far away from the back seat of this Lexus, but he only felt that the building was like the adjacent mountains reaching into the sky, blending into the sky. It doesn't look out of place against the background of the night sky.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak, so the car seemed particularly quiet, leaving only the orchid-like fragrance emanating from the girl who was driving the car smoothly through the traffic, rolling like an oncoming cloud.

The traffic lights changed color silently, and the Lexus was like a big black fish gliding and slowing down on the streets of Tokyo after the rain, until it came to a complete standstill.The crowd that was originally waiting silently on the street for the signal light to change had already accumulated more and more. They immediately walked quickly and orderly in front of the bright headlights of the stationary vehicles, casting shadows in the stagnant water. Like a dancing devil.

When the green light came on, the traffic flow was like a flood rushing out of the embankment after the gate was opened, running in different directions along their respective predetermined tracks.New groups of people slowly gathered under the traffic lights.

It’s such a depressing city, and it seems especially so after the rain.

It's probably the rainy season, and Tokyo seems extremely humid during this period, and the air is also a lot fresher, with a slight fragrance of earth after the rain and a seaweed-like smell drifting from the direction of Tokyo Bay.

Office workers wearing suits and ties and white-collar workers wearing OL skirts seemed to be in much better spirits. They even felt more energetic when squeezing the subway.

The driving skills of the girl in the front seat are nothing to say. She didn’t feel any bumps along the way, and there were no sudden braking or speed increases. The temperature and humidity in the car were adjusted to the most suitable standards, and the noise reduction effect was also very good. From Hokkaido Driving all the way to Tokyo, Yin Yuan's childish and vigilant personality actually fell asleep for a while, and now he just felt a little heavy in his chest.

"Did the Tokyo Meteorological Bureau say how long this rain will last?"

"I read in the news that this is a warm and humid airflow from the Pacific Ocean that is controlling the climate throughout Japan. That airflow has just passed through, and the rain will probably continue for two weeks." The girl as beautiful as a cherry blossom in the front seat answered truthfully. Her voice turned out to be cold, yet gentle and calm, which is rare for Japanese girls.

Yabuki Sakura, she helped Lu Mingfei and Eri deliver letters. What Eri sent to Kassel College were two photos, and Lu Mingfei’s gift in return was a plastic little yellow duck.

"Rainy days are not a suitable time to receive visitors." Yuan Zhisheng rubbed his eyes gently. He saw his own eyes through the rearview mirror. They were a pair of frightening evil eyes. Even evil spirits would look like this. trembling under the gaze of his eyes.

With such an indifferent person and such frightening eyes, Yuan Zhisheng is the kind of person who will feel like he will be cut to the sword immediately if he looks at anyone.So he often avoids looking at people, he doesn't want to cause trouble to others.

"You mean... those exchange students from Kassel College?" Sakura's eyes flickered, reflecting the brilliance of the city, and even the girl herself became radiant.

"I think with your identity and status, young master, you don't need to be too concerned about them. Just leave these little things to Crow and Yaksha to handle."

"The exchange students this time are different from before. I'm worried that Yaksha and Crow won't be able to handle the relationship with them, but will cause mutual hostility between us." Yuan Zhisheng turned to look out the window, the black single-sided glass reflected The dim light also reflected his face, which was as sharp and hard as a sword. People on the street moved forward quietly, and the darkness fell from the sky like an inescapable net.

"Do you even find it difficult for me, young master?"

"Yeah." Yuan Zhisheng said. He hesitated and then said, "I have read their information. Sakura, you have been to Kassel Academy twice, so you are probably no stranger to them."

"Those three people are Caesar Gattuso, the president of the student union, Chu Zihang, the president of the Lion Heart Club, and Lu Mingfei, the only S-class member in the department."

Sakura's expression became more solemn.

"A slovenly rich second generation, a violent maniac whose bloodline is on the verge of getting out of control, and..." Yuan Zhisheng's eyebrows frowned fiercely,

"A dragon-slaying hero."

Lu Mingfei's name is well-known in the world of hybrids. He has killed the second-generation species, participated in the killing of Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, and escaped from the attack of the unknown first-generation species Odin. Not long ago, he was killing the earth. Brilliant in the battle against Fenrir, the Mountain King.

Every item in his resume seems to have reminders such as "This person is not easy to mess with", "Don't become an enemy with him", and "He can kill the Dragon King".

Even Yuan Zhisheng was a little frightened when facing such a ruthless person.

There are very few cases of dragon resurgence in Japan. Even Minamoto Kasaki, as the director of the Executive Bureau, has taken over very few similar cases. The last time a pure-blooded dragon was hunted was just a third-generation dragon that fled to Shikoku Island from abroad. kind.He didn't have much experience fighting dragons, so he didn't know how strong the second generation was, let alone what the first generation meant.

But thinking about it, Dragon Kings are all things that can be called gods. The fact that such beings were killed shows how terrifying Lu Mingfei is.This is why Yuan Zhisheng is so cautious about this matter.

Japan originally respects the strong and despises the weak. Gen Zhisheng hates the rich second generation and hates violent maniacs. Of course, he also dislikes Lu Mingfei who made rude remarks to Eriki when they first met. But this guy is simply super. The strengthened youth version of Anger might be a ruthless character who can really defeat the Snake Qiba family by himself, so he has no choice but to treat it with caution.

"I had contact with Mr. Lu when I was in the United States. He is an easy person to get along with and doesn't care about the details." Ying said.

"But who is the most suitable receptionist?" Yuan Zhisheng's original intention was to do this in person, but he was really busy with official duties and couldn't get away.

"I can give it a try." Sakura hesitated, "Actually, there are more suitable candidates than us."

At this time, the car under them slowly stopped in front of the titanium black building, and men in black suits gathered around waiting on the roadside.

It was really a skyscraper like a peerless sword, thrust straight into the sky.

Most of the surrounding buildings and buildings are elegant gray buildings. This building wrapped in iron-black glass curtain wall is far taller and more majestic than them. It is like the throne of the mountains and the emperor of this city.

It stands in the most prosperous area of ​​Shinjuku. Everyone and all cars passing by will be shrouded in the shadow of this building, as if they have briefly entered the kingdom of darkness.

Sakura got out of the car first, trotted open the door for Yuan Zhisheng, and then followed the man into the building. "Who are you talking about? The head of the Inuyama family?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"No, it's Miss Eriki." Sakura lowered her head and whispered.

Yuan Zhisheng suddenly stopped, and the water under the man's feet was splashed like broken glass residue by the sudden stop of his steps, which showed how strong he was when he stopped.

Sakura couldn't see Yuan's naive expression, but she could feel the man's anger, but this anger was immediately suppressed, and she took a deep breath instead.


"Miss Eriyi may..."

Sakura hesitated for a moment, "I developed a crush on Mr. Lu at that banquet." She said it quite euphemistically. In fact, Sakura is a very sensitive girl. She felt that Miss Eriki might like the man named Lu. Ming Fei's boy.

However, considering that Wu Wu and Yasha often complained about the young master's sister-control attributes, she rationally chose to avoid the important and the light, so as not to irritate Yuan Zhisheng.

Veins popped up on Yuan Zhisheng's forehead, and his knuckles cracked as he pinched them.
"Senior brother, I also want to eat potato chips and drink Coke." The boy with delicate features and slender bones shook Lu Mingfei's arm with a wronged expression on his face.

The train shook, and the white gauze curtains also swayed slightly. The fiery light of the setting sun penetrated into the compartment through the gaps. Xia Mi, who was resting on Lu Mingfei's shoulder and was probably asleep, murmured softly in his sleep. Then he twisted his body against the man's arm.

Lu Mingfei touched Constantine's head helplessly, and spread his hands under the playful look in Nono's eyes.

"No, I really don't have any here. I'll buy it for you when I get out of the car." He said.

"Oh." There was a hint of sadness in Constantine's eyebrows.

The vacation time of Valley College and Mountain Top College is basically the same. In mid-August, Constantine was packed up by the Academic Affairs Office of Kassel College and sent back to China by civil aviation.

Lu Mingfei received many scholarships in school and also received many benefits from the school board. He was considered a small rich man, so he financed the renting of a room for a well-off classmate in Xia Mi's community. During this period, he himself also Live there.I can also visit Fenrir from time to time.

Nono was not a good boy who liked to go home during the holidays. After the college arranged online learning, he and Xia Mi had been crowded in the same room. The relationship between the two people was really ambiguous to the naked eye.

The word "ambiguous" is indeed correct. Lu Mingfei sometimes feels that in comparison, he is like the third party sandwiched between his senior sister and junior sister.

But this was fine, he was happy and free. He had never been in love with a girl before, and he didn't know how to fulfill his responsibilities and obligations as a boyfriend.

"Children should eat less junk food, read more newspapers, play less games and sleep more, so that they can grow up and become useful pillars of society when they grow up." Nono said while chewing bubble gum, she said calmly He glanced at Xia Mi, who was sleeping with Lu Mingfei, and turned away without leaving any trace.

Constantine replied reluctantly and sat back down next to Nono. As soon as he sat down, a can of iced Coke was placed in front of him.

The little boy's eyes seemed to suddenly have light and became very bright. Lu Mingfei was a little surprised, but Nuonuo shrugged at him.

"When I was a child, I loved drinking soda. We didn't drink Baishi or Keke at that time. We drank Arctic Ocean, which cost one yuan a bottle. I have many brothers and sisters, and they all liked it. So did I, but my family didn't let us touch it. How can the distinguished Chen family drink from the Arctic Ocean? That kind of inferior stuff will only weaken our taste buds and prevent us from tasting the vintage of red wine." Nono said casually, "But you know people like me Yes, I would do something if others told me not to do it, so I sold the pendant my father gave me on a birthday, bought half a truckload of Arctic Orange flavored soda, and asked the driver to deliver it to us. Outside the manor in the woods, dozens of brothers were treated to a drink."

"Senior sister is really awesome." Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up. This praise really came from the bottom of his heart. This is indeed Nono's style, and it is indeed the Nono he knows.

"and after?"

"Everyone was punished. I was imprisoned for three days. When I came out, none of my brothers wanted to talk to me anymore." Nono said nonchalantly.

Lu Mingfei said no more.

This is not a beautiful childhood memory. On the contrary, this incident can be called a childhood shadow.

"We are going to Japan soon, are you happy?" The senior sister asked suddenly. They were on their way to Tianjin International Airport. Norma bought Lu Mingfei a first-class civil aviation ticket for tomorrow afternoon, direct flight to Tokyo.I heard from Ange that two groups of students will be assigned to this training mission. The first group is Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and Caesar. The list of the second group has not been released yet. If nothing else, it will be after the start of the next semester. Then set off for Tokyo.

"I can't say I'm happy, just a lot of emotion." Lu Mingfei answered honestly.

Too many things had happened before meeting Eri Yi. He had established a relationship with his junior sister and was still unclearly disconnected from her. Lu Mingfei really didn't know how he should face that girl.

He was very conflicted in his heart, but he didn't know how to relieve his anxiety.

Nuonuo seemed to be hesitant to speak. She had something to say to Lu Mingfei, but her eyes couldn't help but turn to Constantine beside her.

In the end, she didn't say anything, but patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder across the small table.

"Japan is not safe. Junior sister has planted a beacon on you. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, use that beacon to open the door to the Nibelungs. Although Fenrir's power has not been fully restored, But after all, he is the most powerful king of the earth and mountains among all monarchs, and he can help you solve many problems." Nuonuo said.

Xia Mi did plant a beacon on Lu Mingfei's body. Both she and Fenrir could find him anywhere through this beacon, but presumably there were certain restrictions, and the Nibelung Gate was opened in a different place. The consumption of the Lord of the Nibelungs was huge, and Lu Mingfei could not summon Fenrir to fight at any time.

I don’t know why Lu Mingfei always feels like he’s seen a Pokémon.

 The number of words today is slightly less, so I will think about how to expand on it later.

(End of this chapter)

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