Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 151 150 Trip to Tokyo After many years

Chapter 151 150. Trip to Tokyo (2) After many years

The sky-blue civil aviation Boeing flew across the night sky over the sea with huge engine roars and screams of air like meteors. The signal recognition lights on both sides of the wings flashed regularly, and the cabin was filled with an unsettling atmosphere. A sleepy buzz.

This is a Boeing 747 large civil aviation aircraft that can carry hundreds of passengers, but the capacity of the first class cabin is pitifully small.

Not only is it equipped with luxurious single beds and 42-inch closed-circuit televisions, but the in-flight meals also provide fine champagne, wine, thick-cut steaks, and pan-fried French foie gras.

In addition, there are the most beautiful flight attendants who are half-kneeling on one knee and are always waiting for guests to be dispatched.

Lu Mingfei sat cross-legged on his own single bed covered with a velvet blanket, with an open laptop on his knees. After connecting to the plane's network, he logged into the internal operation interface of Kassel College.

The lighting here was originally a beautiful dark red, but after thinking about it, Lu Mingfei felt that he was really not a stylish person. It would be better to ask a beautiful flight attendant to have a drink with him in such an ambiguous atmosphere. He prefers to drink wine from the Bordeaux wine region in France and have a large glass of Coke with ice, and then log on to the Night Watch forum to chat with the brothers in the club.

So the lights were adjusted to bright yellow with some warm tones, and the girl in the flight attendant uniform sat slant-legged on the fixed chair at the door.

She was the most beautiful girl on the entire flight. She was actually a very rare tall girl among Japanese people. She had a slim figure, slender fingers, straight and tight calves, and a waist as graceful as a tulip flower.

Those beautiful dark brown eyes looked curiously at the young man who was quietly staring at the computer screen.In Ayanokouji Kaoru's eyes, he was actually more like a child who had matured prematurely. Although there was some fatigue and bumps in his eyes, his facial features were still obviously childish.Ayanokouji Kaoru is a girl who knows how to watch people's emotions. While she quietly looked at Lu Mingfei, she was thinking that this guest might have something on his mind.

His eyelids and eyelids were slightly lowered, his brows were slightly drooped, and the shadow of his forehead hair completely covered his eyes. Just sitting there quietly, it seemed as if there was a slight sadness rushing towards his face.

When Lu Mingfei was still a young boy, he didn't believe that there was such a thing as temperament in this world. At that time, he thought that temperament was just the nobility that the officials in Tianjie used to decorate themselves with gorgeous clothes.Until the things on his shoulders become heavier and heavier, until there are more and more names that have gone away that he needs to remember, the sadness that overflows all the time, the uncontrollable exhaustion that comes from the depths of his eyes, It also gave him a layer of sadness in the eyes of others.

Although this guy still likes to wear big pants and flip-flops and go to the cafeteria for late-night snacks, his bad-tempered temperament has never come back.

"That," the tired-looking guest raised his head, yawned, and then shook the empty cup in his hand towards Ayanokouji Kaoru.
"Can you please Miss Xun and get me another Coke?"

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Lu."

The beautiful Japanese girl Tingting stood up and looked back at Lu Mingfei, "Do you have any other needs? We can also provide other catering services for our guests."

“What’s on the plane meal today?”

“There’s filet mignon with rich onion soup, pan-fried cod with smoked Moscow sausage, and thick-cut salmon with nori sushi.”

"Then please bring me a filet mignon. If I want a Coke, I'll forget about the onion soup." Lu Mingfei wrinkled his nose. He used to hang out with Ling. He did eat a lot of Russian signature delicacies, but It’s true that I’m not used to eating red sausage, but I think this kind of airplane food should be pre-made food. The so-called red sausage is repackaged after being smoked by Northeast ham.

As for the thick-cut salmon, Lu Mingfei decided to forget it after thinking about it. He had eaten so-called thick-cut salmon before on another flight, but it turned out to be rainbow trout, and it didn't taste very good.

Coke and filet mignon were quickly delivered to Lu Mingfei. At this time, the news on the Night Watch Forum that the three major clubs of the college will conduct a six-month exchange and further training in Japan next semester has been thoroughly spread. opened.

Qi Lan tactfully expressed her concern for Lu Mingfei in her message, and expressed her belief that Lu Mingfei, the only S-level student in the academy, would be able to escape from Japan.Pierre from the Cadmus family excitedly asked Lu Mingfei if he could temporarily take over the position of the president of the Dragon Blood Society and live the life of a leader if he lost contact in Japan.

Although I don't know what the situation is like with Caesar and Chu Zihang, I guess it's not much better than mine. Lu Mingfei smiled silently and closed the notebook.

The Japanese branch's students and commissioners at the Kassel College headquarters say that the evaluation is not very good or even bad. In a sense, the relationship between the eight Sheqi families and the college is more similar to the mixed-race society and secret society in China. The relationship between the parties is that they are actually two equal organizations, but they are more inclined to cooperate and win-win.

Moreover, most Japanese people advocate Yakuza culture. They respect the strong but despise the weak.In the past, most of the commissioners dispatched by the college would suffer personal insults and discrimination in Japan, and would eventually be left with severe psychological trauma.Even some people who have completed their mission and left Japan for more than half a year will subconsciously bow deeply when they argue or are scolded.

In short, from the perspective of members of various clubs in the academy, it is most likely that Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and Caesar will go to Japan in bad luck. Of course, many people think that this training group can calmly deal with the challenges brought by the Japanese branch. threaten.After all, any one of these three people has the ability to lead an era in Cassel College, but they happened to enroll at the same time, which made Caesar and Chu Zihang lose their limelight to Lu Mingfei. suppress.

However, Lu Mingfei is someone who knows the inside story. He thinks that the Japanese branch's Minamoto and Inuyama Ga are also extremely vigilant towards their training group. After all, it is well known in the entire mixed race world. Although others don't know the value of Lu Mingfei, the dragon-slaying hero, Yuan Zhisheng knows it better than anyone else.

In the last period of time and space, Yuan Zhisheng chose to give the action team headed by Caesar a showdown and let the principal's private plane Sleipnir land on a long-abandoned saline-alkali runway in the World War II aircraft cemetery. The actions of contempt for the lives of both parties were used to warn the action team that Japan is not a place where they can act arbitrarily.He didn't know who would greet him this time, or whether he would want to intimidate him, the imperial envoy who came all the way from the Kassel Academy headquarters, like he did in the last period of time.

But it doesn't matter, this time he had no intention of living peacefully with the Japanese branch.We are not friends in the first place, so why bother pretending to be brothers and sisters? Anyway, in the end we have to chop each other with knives to see whose knife is sharper.

"Miss Xun's accent doesn't sound like she's from Kyoto." Lu Mingfei adjusted his appearance according to the reflection of the hanging window glass.

"Mr. Lu can actually hear it... I actually grew up in Kochi Prefecture on Shikoku Island. My father opened a fishery shop on the seaside. When I was a child, I often came into contact with customers from Kyoto, so I probably don't have much of an accent. Yes." Xun was indeed a little amazed at Lu Mingfei's sensitivity. She had been working here for several years, and even those serious Japanese people rarely could tell that her accent was not from Kyoto.

"The pronunciation of some of your words is closer to ancient Japanese. I am relatively sensitive to language and characters, so I can hear subtle differences." Lu Mingfei pointed to his ears, "I have a friend who is from Kyoto. As time goes on, I can often hear Kyoto locals talking."

The friend he was talking about in Tokyo was of course Crow. Although he started out as a gangster, he later became a number one with Yuan Zhisheng. He was one of the few Japanese people who had the qualifications to get close to Lu Mingfei and the others. .

"Did Mr. Lu go to Japan to visit that friend?" Xun asked cautiously.

Lu Mingfei hesitated and didn't know how to answer. The purpose of his trip to Japan was indeed to look forward to a certain friend, but that friend seemed to others to be a mute who couldn't speak.

Eryi's dragon bloodline is very unstable. The word spirit she possesses is the judgment that Lu Mingfei used after fusing 50.00% of the power with the help of the little devil. It is the word spirit that issues death orders to everything. Her bloodline It is so powerful that every word spoken is regarded as reciting dragon text, so talking to people is equivalent to issuing a death command to someone.

"If it's not convenient..." Xun is indeed a girl who is very good at observing words and emotions. She probably saw Lu Mingfei's hesitation, so she immediately found a step for this young man.

"No, it's nothing inconvenient." Lu Mingfei waved his hand, "Miss Xun, have you heard of Genji Heavy Industries? It's that building in the most prosperous area of ​​Shinjuku District. Another friend of mine's family is in charge of that building. , but her family is very strict, so it is difficult for my friend to go out to play. And because of family inheritance, she does not have the ability to communicate with others through language. I went to Japan this time just to see that friend. See if she is doing well, see if she has been wronged at home." As a flight attendant who often stays at Tokyo Narita Airport, Ayanokouji Kaoru certainly knows that building that is quite famous even in Japan, that is Shinjuku. The well-deserved throne of the district, the fifth and sixth floors were even used as the base for building elevated highways, which shows how stable it is.

"Mr. Lu is really young and promising, and he actually became friends with such a person." "

"It is indeed a gang, but this kind of association is not legal in Japan." Lu Mingfei shrugged. He remembered his reaction when he heard that the Japanese branch was actually a gang organization, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Nowadays, even all the underworld godfathers in the world combined can't make Lu Mingfei panic, but there is also a lot of novelty on this road, probably because walking the road he has traveled before will only make him sentimental.

"Actually, in Japan, we ordinary people still avoid dealing with people in the underworld." Xun said with a chuckle, but she didn't seem to be nervous because Lu Mingfei had a friend in the underworld. It’s rare to find trouble with someone like me.”

The Japanese yakuza is indeed a very strange organization. Unlike the yakuza in other parts of the world, the yakuza here have always followed the rules of a huge force in the shadows from ancient times to the present. That force is the Kassel Academy in Japan today. Collaborator Snakezaki Hachike.

Like the Genji Heavy Industries that Lu Mingfei and Ayanokouji Kaoru mentioned just now, that building is actually the property of the three upper Snakesaki families. The Genji family holds the largest share. Judging from the information given by Norma, the Snakesaki Eight The mainframe of Kaguya, the super artificial intelligence independently developed by the family, is hidden in the computer room of Genji Heavy Industries. It is not only the center for dispatching the entire Snakezaki family's active forces, but also stores information on almost all yakuza gangs in Japan. Most of them Recognized gang members are registered here, while those who are not registered are considered sinners who do not follow the rules of the Yakuza Supreme Snakesaki Hachi Family. They will not be accepted by any gang, nor can they be accepted anywhere. Protection fees, if you dare to engage in business that has already divided your respective shares, you must be prepared to have your fingers chopped off.

Regarding the underworld, Lu Mingfei and Ayanokouji Kaoru didn't really have much in common to talk about. Lu Mingfei smiled and stopped talking.They met by chance. Although Miss Xun is indeed a very rare beautiful girl with the imperial sister type, Lu Mingfei is not Caesar or Fingel after all. The former is an Italian nobleman who grew up with the idea of ​​​​a stallion. He is merciful and makes people feel sad for him. , the latter is purely a lustful person. Although he especially likes Kim Kardashian, he is not unable to accept tall Japanese girls like Kaoru Ayanokouji.

Mingfei didn't get much rest along the way. He had to deal with emails from all directions and reply in time. He ignored the greetings and blessings from the brothers in the college for the time being. He had to attend the professors' online post-class assessment on time, and Finger. Er Na Si was bombarded with information like a machine gun. Just to borrow some money to tide him over, Lu Mingfei transferred two thousand US dollars to him, but he was not prepared to let this loser brother pay it back.

In fact, these are not the most important. The most important thing is Xia Mi and his senior sister. After they sent Lu Mingfei to Tianji International Airport, they took Constantine back to BJ and entered the Nibelungen to accompany Fenrir. As if she was worried about her wife whose philandering husband was hanging out outside, the junior sister sent messages every five minutes to warn Lu Mingfei not to hook up with the pretty young lady on the plane.

The senior sister's attitude really made Lu Mingfei a little frightened. She mainly asked her junior brother not to mess around after going to Japan and to pay attention to his health. Lu Mingfei felt for a moment that he was a bit like a poor man who said goodbye to his wife and went to Beijing to take the exam. Scholars and newlyweds are eagerly looking forward to their husband's return home. Before going out, they also deliberately tell them to forget about temperance when they go to the capital, and to put their body first.

At this time, the text message column became quiet. After asking, I found out that the plane was preparing to land. It was normal for the signal to be poor.

Lu Mingfei asked Miss Xun to turn off the overhead lights, and the cabin immediately became dark.

But the plane started to get a little turbulent, which meant it was landing, even below the clouds.

Lu Mingfei opened the visor of the porthole window, and the rain slanted across the night sky, hitting the porthole window with a splashing sound. Tokyo in the rain curtain was a blurry expanse of bright lights, even though From the plane, you can't see the end at a glance. The lights are one after another, swaying dimly in the rain, like mountains and seas. It makes people inexplicably think of an ancient city called Chang'an, and also reminds people of those in Chang'an. A shrine that was once worshiped by the empress and whose lights are constantly lit.

Not far below is Disneyland. The huge Ferris wheel is still rotating slowly on rainy days. The flashing lights of different colors are lit on the Ferris wheel, bringing a sense of coolness to the people who look up in this cool Tokyo. Some warmth.

Lu Mingfei sighed deeply. He remembered a fragment from a movie, "Love Before Dawn", "Jessi and Seline boarded the famous Vienna Ferris Wheel and kissed for the first time in the car." That's it. A flashback in his mind made him deeply moved.

Speaking of which, President Lailu is no longer the bad boy who never even held a girl's hand. He has ridden on the Ferris wheel many times. There are many girls riding the Ferris wheel with him, but there are probably only two people who have the deepest memory. .

One was Xia Mi. It was her first time riding the Ferris wheel. It turned out that she went with Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang. The weather was very good that day, so they probably went a little late. The car of the Ferris wheel It was already dusk when they climbed to the highest point. The three of them were all looking towards the sunset, their eyes so bright that they seemed to be on fire. In such a sunset, Xia Mi was cautiously close to Lu Mingfei, and the girl's breathing gradually became a little... It has lost its square inch, but still carries a faint fragrance.Lu Mingfei didn't think it was anything at the time, but now that he thought about it, he realized that his junior sister had hinted at him many times before, and even a killer like Chu Zihang, who could only think about fighting and killing, was aware of it.

The other one is Eri, the Ferris wheel that is slowly spinning in the rainy night in Tokyo.

In the car that I still don’t remember the color of the interior, Eriyi held up a small card. On the card was written in pencil, "Sakurua, can we take a photo here?"That was the first time Eriyi asked to take a photo with Lu Mingfei. I wonder how much courage the girl who was wary of everyone must have mustered up to make such a request. She probably rarely did so in her short life. I felt that feeling of rapid heartbeat.But Lu Mingfei rejected her.

After many years, Lu Mingfei had actually forgotten many details of that time, and even the parting that had appeared many times in his dreams had become a bit blurry, but he still remembered the surprise in the bathroom of the love hotel with the little monster. Hong glanced at the Tokyo Sky Tree that was suddenly lit up, and still remembered the Ultraman Tiga they watched together in that small pink room. Sometimes the tokusatsu drama came from nowhere. The theme song is like the wind blowing from the end of the sky and the sea, and he can hum a few lines along with it, but he has actually forgotten the words.

Human memory is like this. Many details are being forgotten, but there are always some illusory things that can emerge from the depths inadvertently. Just like when you remember a person, you don't actually remember the beauty of that person.To this day, if he hadn't seen Nuonuo's face that was almost the same as hers from time to time, Lu Mingfei wouldn't even be sure he could still remember Eriyi's appearance, but when he walked on the streets of Tokyo and saw them walking by When he saw the haunted house in Disney, the fortune-telling monk in Sensoji Temple, and the Miko girl from the Edo period in COS, he still remembered that there was a silly person beside him who foolishly wrote Sakura me on paper with a pen. I want to eat five-eye fried rice and tonkotsu ramen.

Lu Mingfei curled up and hugged himself tightly. He felt a little sleepy during the bumpy landing, so he closed his eyes.

I don’t know why my nose is sore. I still remember their parting in my memory. I forgot what song was playing, but Lu Mingfei put one earphone into Eli Yi’s ear and the other into his own ear. , they didn't speak for a few minutes while the song was playing, as if they all knew that this was the end of this grand escape.

The sea breeze was slightly cool that day, and Eriyi carefully nestled on Lu Mingfei's shoulder. She silently looked at the quiet sea level under the sunset, as if the Ferris wheel spinning in the wind cast a huge shadow on the sea of ​​trees.

That day, Lu Mingfei looked at her profile seriously for the first time, and he was a little nervous. It was only a long time later that he realized why he was nervous, because that day in Umezu Temple Town, Lu Mingfei realized a fact.It turns out that she is not some little monster, but really a very beautiful girl.

The tiredness accumulated along the way was finally released at this moment, and Lu Mingfei really fell asleep during the shaking of the landing.
In the misty and rainy sky, a continuous line of lights slowly opened its arms toward the sky-blue civil aircraft.

The departure hall of Narita Airport became agitated on this night, which was supposed to be as calm as before. The cries of children and the curses of men were heard.Dozens of men in black suits broke into the place. They formed a steel-like wall side by side, blocking all exits. Guests were not allowed to leave or enter. Someone called the police, but the police said Today's police force is stretched thin, and tourists and citizens trapped at Narita Airport need to wait patiently and calmly.

The black Lexus slowly slid into the waiting passage in front of the airport gate. People blocked at the door looked at each other, because more men in suits suddenly held up countless large black umbrellas, like black dahlias gathered together. The car surrounded it.

The woman with a voluptuous figure and slender waist wearing a black tights trotted to the seat behind the driver's seat, carefully opened the door for the people inside, and placed one hand on the door frame.

The crowd looked in that direction, curious as to what kind of person deserved such treatment by the underworld gang.

Under the waterfall of rain, people's eyes narrowed slightly as if they were illuminated by the sun.

A bright, wine-like red flashed through the gaps in the umbrella, and the white skirt bloomed under this red, like a flower field in full bloom.

Then the red was completely covered by the big umbrellas, leaving only the dreamlike wind and rain that still formed a curtain.Deep in the sound of wind and rain, the roar of the Boeing 747's engines as it landed was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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