Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 152 151 Uesugi Eri

Chapter 152 151. Uesugi Eri

Miss Xun actually sent Lu Mingfei to the lobby. When she said goodbye, the expression of this pretty Japanese girl was quite cheerful.

Sometimes when he sees her, he doesn't know why Lu Mingfei suddenly thinks of Aso. However, many years have passed and he has almost forgotten about the girl who saved money to go to college. He only remembers that it rained heavily that day and that Caesar His pride was shattered.Later, they tacitly agreed not to mention this matter. Just as Lu Mingfei never talked about Xia Mi in front of Chu Zihang, Chu Zihang also never talked about Eli Yi in front of Lu Mingfei.

"Mr. Lu is indeed a very important customer. The company specially assigned me a temporary task and asked me to send you to a girl named Yabuki Sakura." Xun's age is probably not too old, and his skin is still glowing. The girl's fair complexion, after changing into a short skirt, T-shirt and wearing a baseball cap, her youthfulness and vitality immediately hit her face.

Airlines have no rules or precedents for letting flight attendants accompany passengers after the flight lands. Lu Mingfei dragged the silver suitcase in his hand with a polite smile on his lips, "Your company is really humane."

"I was also a little surprised. When I first joined the company, I thought it was a little-known small American company. But after checking it online, I found out that it actually cooperates very closely with almost all airlines. It is a rare hidden leader in the industry. "Yes." Miss Xun said with a smile, she was also dragging a small suitcase, which contained some of Lu Mingfei's luggage.

"Um...which airline is it?" Lu Mingfei was a little stunned. Norma helped book his ticket, and the ticket stub didn't show the company.

"Hermes." Miss Xun said.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, thinking that it was this Hermes again. No wonder the treatment on this journey was not something that could be enjoyed on a civil airliner. No wonder the flight attendant specifically asked the flight attendant to send the luggage out.No wonder he was the only first-class guest

His grandma's power was really all-pervasive.

"Have Miss Xun considered..." Lu Mingfei hesitated for a while, then finally sighed,
"Have you ever considered changing your job?"

Hermes Airlines is the property of the academy, and most of its employees are probably real hybrids. A harmless girl like Ayanokouji Kaoru spends all day in the dragon's lair. It is difficult to guarantee that nothing will happen. .

"Actually..." Xun considered his words, pursed his lips and said with a chuckle, "Although I don't know why you said that, Mr. Lu, but I do have the intention to change my career. Being a flight attendant is a bit tight, and my father and mother are both here. You’re urging me to find a boyfriend.”

In fact, the academy rarely invites ordinary people without blood to join any of its industries. It is probably because the manpower is not enough.

"If you leave here, what are you going to do next?"

"My father used to be a manager at Narita Airport. Although he is no longer here, he still has some prestige. He said that he could arrange a job for me at the airport, probably a job like passport control during entry. "Xun said cautiously.

"Japan's economy has been relatively sluggish in recent years, so it is important to find a suitable job." Lu Mingfei said.He didn't deliberately want to strike up a conversation, nor was he interested in being merciful, but he just happened to be able to keep company during this journey and give him some good advice.

He is 19 years old this year, and he is not really old enough to have experienced all kinds of life in the colorful world, but Boss Lu also had his days of success in the past.At that time, this man was the president of the Kassel Student Union, the prince of the college, the dragon of the executive department, the illegitimate son of the principal... The combination of many titles would put even Caesar to shame.

In the year since I returned from Tokyo, I have participated in countless balls held by big shots. At the balls, I have seen the romance of French girls, the enthusiasm of Spanish girls, the melancholy and elegance of British girls, and beautiful girls with various characteristics from all over the world. I walked around with the boss, but I didn't see him being lustful. Now he is already past the age where he can't walk around when he sees a pretty girl.

After going through something, it’s really hard to be tempted again.

"If you, Miss Xun, are not used to being at Narita Airport, you might as well try your luck at Genji Heavy Industries in the future. At that time, you can call me and I will ask a friend to help you arrange a job in Kyoto that is idle and well-paying. "

"Mr. Lu is a very good person." Ayanokoji Kaoru said with a smile.

"Oh, it's nothing. Miss Xun, you are a bit like a friend of mine. She is also from Japan." Lu Mingfei smiled. He tightened the shoulder strap of his hiking bag, obviously aware of the airport's The atmosphere was a bit weird, "She is a very gentle girl, very tall, she is saving money to go to college, and she has a grandma at home."

"A friend?"

"Yes, speaking of which, we first met at a comic shop. There were two gangs outside preparing for a fight. The cadres of Genji Heavy Industries placed a knife between them, so dozens of men stood down I dare not move in the rain." Lu Mingfei scratched his head, "Miss Xun probably doesn't know about Abelul. My friend who looks a bit like you later fell in love with someone who bought a figure of Abelul from that store. The noble Italian prince, the noble prince is also my friend."

"Sounds like a story about Cinderella and a prince." Ayanokouji Kaoru lifted her hair from her temples, so that Lu Mingfei could see that she was indeed a very pretty girl, although she couldn't compete with the girls in school. Compared with Xiaolong people, but among the Japanese, it is indeed first-class.

"What happened to them?"

Lu Mingfei lowered his eyes, then raised them again. At this time, his mood seemed to be very high.

"What else can we do? Your young master has returned to Italy and traveled around the world with his fiancée. My friend also saved enough money to go to college and studied abroad," he said.

He wasn't telling the truth because happy family endings were never mainstream.If there is someone who really treats this world as a book to write down the torrent of destiny, then this person must be an out-and-out devil.

No beautiful thing can be kept, only the mountains of cast-iron mistakes and the raging hatred will last forever.

"What? I thought it would be like the ending in a fairy tale." Miss Xun didn't look very satisfied. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and touched the hiking bag on his back, but said nothing more.The world of ordinary people is inherently gentler than that of mixed races.

After that, the two of them didn't speak much anymore, they just walked side by side quietly. It was just a chance meeting, but they took time to breathe in the lonely gap.

Lu Mingfei quickly saw the men in suits who were driving the guests in the terminal into corners. Each one of them had a burly figure with his hands on his waist, and his eyes were so sharp that he seemed to want to kill everyone who passed by. .

Ayanokouji Kaoru obviously did not expect such a situation. He immediately turned pale with fright and pulled Lu Mingfei's wrist to retreat. At the same time, he anxiously searched for his mobile phone in his pocket to call the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

But she didn't expect that this man who didn't look strong and could even be said to be a little thin actually contained such a huge power in his body. She was caught off guard and not only failed to pull Lu Mingfei away, but she collapsed herself. I almost fell down.

Lu Mingfei patted the panicked Gao Mei next to him, shook his head gently, and said, "It's okay, Miss Xun, just come here, those people are here to pick me up."

"Isn't this your first time in Japan?" Xun suddenly asked.

"No, it should be considered the second time, but the last time I didn't enter Narita Airport, I took a private plane." Lu Mingfei scratched his head and said.

"We have left our contact information. If you need help with anything in Tokyo, you can call me."

"Okay, I will definitely do it." Lu Mingfei smiled.

He is now a monster who can fight against the Dragon King, and he even has Jörmungandr, who sits on the throne of the King of Earth and Mountain, as his girlfriend. There really shouldn't be anything in the world that can stump him.If even Lu Mingfei couldn't solve the problem, Miss Ayanokouji Kaoru couldn't solve it either.

When Lu Mingfei thought this, he became a little distracted. The airport hall was silent at the moment. The men in black suits stared at Lu Mingfei and Ayanokouji Kaoru as they dragged their luggage from the security checkpoint with cold and solemn eyes. , the guests whose movements were restricted and driven to the wall were also looking at them.

The vicious gangsters used efficient means to control the entire Narita Airport. All the police forces of the Metropolitan Police Department were diverted away. The guards who were supposed to protect the safety of the guests were trembling under the eager gaze of a group of thugs. This situation makes people discerning. Everyone could tell that this was probably a figure like a gangster godfather who was about to come to Narita Airport, so the local gangs were clearing out the unstable factors in the area. The two young people actually walked into the place cleared by the gangs so calmly. In the field.

"Mr. Lu, please don't worry. Although we can't get help from the Metropolitan Police Department, this is the territory of Japanese customs. They don't dare to do anything to us, otherwise they may attract the Self-Defense Forces to dispatch." Xun said cautiously, this was quite Some pretty flight attendants were as scared as a quail about to cower, but they still comforted Lu Mingfei beside her. She thought that Mr. Lu was so young that he probably couldn't attract so many gangsters to pick him up at the airport. , maybe something happened. Looking at the eyes of those men in suits, it was as if they wanted to kill here tonight.

Lu Mingfei shook his head, and he led Ayanokou Luxun to stop in the center of the hall, raising his eyebrows slightly and scanning the surroundings.The principal said a long time ago that the purpose of Lu Mingfei being assigned to Japan was not some ridiculous academic mission, but to serve as an imperial envoy to defeat the Shezaki family. He was just here to cause trouble, and of course he had to appear in the most domineering way. , it’s useless for anyone to try to show off to him, everyone can only talk to him grovelingly.

Just like the young Hilbert Jean Angers many years ago.

There was deathly silence in the hall, only the sound of heavy breathing and heartbeats. People looked at the men in suits with serious eyes in horror, obviously thinking that they would not let go of the provocative behavior of the young man in the center of the hall. There were several kind-hearted people The lady also whispered in Japanese to try to dissuade the man who was like a high wall around her from getting angry.

"Lu Jun!" The crowd separated from the exit. To everyone's surprise, what appeared in the crowd of men was a beautiful girl wearing a black suit. She was a rare thin and tall girl with long black hair. With her hair styled into a high ponytail like a kendo girl, and her facial features as delicate as if they were drawn, such a girl should be very popular among young people in a country like Japan.

The person who came to greet Lu Mingfei was, as Ayanokouji Kaoru said, Minamoto's assistant Miss Yabuki Sakura.It had been four months since we last saw each other at Kassel College. From Lu Mingfei's point of view, Sakura didn't seem to have changed much.

"Isn't Yuan Zhisheng here?" Lu Mingfei frowned. He took out his passport holder from the outer pocket of his backpack, "Follow the rules and enter Japan through normal channels. This is my regular visit on behalf of the college. , there is no action that would violate Japanese law that needs to be carried out.”

"The other two commissioners of this department, Gattuso Jun and Chu Jun, also arrived in Tokyo today, and the young master went to pick them up at another airport." Ying had already walked quickly to Lu Mingfei, but she didn't notice because Lu Mingfei He was annoyed by calling Yuan Zhisheng by his first name, but immediately explained to him the whole story.Then the assistant lady smoothly carried the suitcase in Lu Mingfei's hand, and then reached out to take the suitcase in Ayanokouji Kaoru's hand, "You must be Miss Ayanokouji Kaoru, thank you very much for your kindness to our distinguished guest along the way. Take care of me, I am Yabuki Sakura who is receiving the reception in the mission manual, do you need to see my ID?"

"The company requires... let's take a look." Xun was actually quite scared, but she still mustered up the courage to respond to Sakura's question.

The two quickly confirmed their identities and handed over their documents. Sakura carried all of Lu Mingfei's luggage, so that he was completely handed over to the Snakesaki family.

Apparently the Japanese branch had conducted a detailed investigation on Lu Mingfei. They knew exactly what was in the mountaineering bag on the back of this young S-class who was said to be no weaker than Angers, so they had no intention of helping to take it over.The Seven Deadly Sins have become Lu Mingfei's signature weapon, and no one would be interested in trying out how heavy this mythical weapon is.

Lu Mingfei turned around and waved to Xun, "Goodbye, Miss Xun." "Mr. Lu, if you visit Tokyo, you must come to see me!" Ayanokouji Xun's face turned red.


Watching Xun leave, Lu Mingfei took a deep breath. He glanced at the gang members who were still gathered and said, "Let these people disperse. It's not good to block other people's roads."

"Disperse." Ying dragged her luggage and walked behind Lu Mingfei, coldly ordering her subordinates, and the men in suits slowly retreated out of the airport in an orderly and silent manner.

"My parents are very concerned about Lu Jun's feelings, so we have specifically asked us to entertain you with the most solemn etiquette," Ying Xiao ran to follow Lu Mingfei, "I apologize if it has caused you any trouble!"

Lu Mingfei waved his hand. Japan is indeed a very busy country. The gangsters had just dispersed, and the crowded crowd crowded into the slightly empty hall, so they could only go out against the crowd.

"Is the head of the Snakesaki Eighth Family Masamune Tachibana?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, have you heard of Mr. Masamune? Our parents have often talked about you in front of several other family heads recently, saying that you are the next generation leader of the secret party and will do more than Principal Angers." Excellent." Sakura said.

"Well, I've heard people talk about him. I heard that Mr. Masamune is not a pure Japanese." Lu Mingfei shrugged and asked seemingly casually.

"I don't know about this. I am the young master's retainer. It is not allowed to inquire about the private affairs of your parents." Sakura's voice was hollow. Even if she spoke Chinese, her words were fluent. Even Lu Mingfei couldn't recognize Japanese. Come on accent.

The sound of rain disappeared at this moment, and the rain clouds that originally covered half of Tokyo seemed to be blown away by the wind. Lu Mingfei helped Ying squeeze through the crowd and stood at the exit of Narita Airport's T1 terminal, on the not-so-high steps. People were crowding up, and the expressions on each person's face were different, but each one was anxious and impatient, as if the rain in July could not extinguish the fire in these people's hearts.

Lu Mingfei looked towards Tokyo. The lights in the distance and nearby gathered together as if the tide would surge over at any time.

Those lead-gray buildings stand quietly in the night, like many dim mountains. The shadow of a mountain falls on another mountain, making it appear brightly lit and shadowy. In such a city, there are many loving people embracing each other. There were also many people who were in love that they missed. Lu Mingfei just looked at them quietly, and Ying didn't seem to disturb him.Perhaps the so-called majestic temperament has really been cultivated in this man over the years. The crowded crowd automatically dispersed in front of them. Sakura silently held up a black umbrella behind Lu Mingfei, as if Nono met for the first time in the freshman sorority a long time ago.

Very thin and sparse raindrops fell on the umbrella, causing small splashes. A distant whistle came from the depths of the city, and a faint blue light rose from the ground far away, hanging alone. In the night sky where there are still no stars, there are high-pitched explosions, and the crowd seems to have suddenly stopped. People who were originally anxious looked back and raised their heads. Huge golden and red flowers bloomed in the eyes of those who looked up at the night sky.

Someone actually set off fireworks in the city.

Then came the second ring, the third ring, the fourth ring...

Hundreds of fireworks fuses were lit in the city, and they were like thousands of shooting stars shooting into the depths of the night sky. The bright fireworks bloomed in today's rainy night, like the sky in Tokyo. In the flower fields above the city, light is projected from the sky in all directions, and the deafening sound of fireworks explosions also spreads in all directions.

Those beautiful, sad flowers bloomed and withered, failed and flourished again. Sakura stood quietly behind Lu Mingfei holding an umbrella.

The crowd was completely still, and the fireworks in the sky were reflected in everyone's eyes, as if roses under the sun were blooming in everyone's eyes.

In the center of the crowd, a boy opened a velvet jewelry box under the light of fireworks. The diamond ring reflected the bright light. The girl beside him seemed to have expected it and just looked at him affectionately. The boy knelt in front of the girl's dress. Proposed to her, each of them was as beautiful as a picture.People from all over the world shouted for them to be together in languages ​​​​from all over the world. The French man who brought champagne shook the bottle and sprayed the champagne out, but no one was angry, because the boy and the girl were already embracing each other in the sky. .

"Let's go." Lu Mingfei said, and then walked toward the depths of the crowd. Sakura said, "Today is the last Saturday in July. Lu Jun, you are here at the right time. The Sumida River Fireworks Festival will be held today. "

Lu Mingfei smiled silently. As he walked in the crowd, his ears were filled with the cheers of men and the screams of surprise from girls. People were still excitedly talking about the romantic proposal under the sky full of fireworks, but the crowd would eventually Go in your own direction, the same is true for this world, everyone has their own place to go.Lu Mingfei knew where he should go.

They were moving in the opposite direction to the crowd, and everyone cheered in unison from behind.

There were also people singing in a strange tune. It was probably a very old Scottish folk song. The song was clear and gentle, with a touch of sadness, like the tears shed when old friends reunited after a long separation.

The singing and the cheers of the people were like a sea tide, rising slowly to drown this misfit Lu Mingfei.

But he suddenly stopped.

Because he stood still, so did Sakura. Rain splashed on the umbrella, and the roar of the fireworks explosion was deafening. The skylight reflected the thin strands of water falling from the clouds, like a brilliant rain of fire.But Lu Mingfei felt that the world seemed so empty at this time. There was no singing, no sound of rain, no blast of fireworks. The sea, rain, sky and wind gradually became silent, and his ears became silent.

The crowd heading towards him was separated before his eyes, and everyone turned into a hazy mass, until all the light dispersed, and in Lu Mingfei's eyes, only the end of the crowd was left, the faint light. Crimson in the halo.

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He just made the strange move he had done in that Cowherd's shop. He gently pressed his chest to see what was inside. Are you still beating, trying to see if you are having a long dream like the past hundreds or thousands of nights?

He buckled and buckled, and suddenly he began to tremble violently.

At this time, we had probably reached the peak of the fireworks display. Hundreds of fireworks exploded in the night sky, and Lu Mingfei staggered a little.

He stood there for a full minute, then laughed silently.

She still had the same indifferent look, her eyes seemed to be filled with silent mist, her dark red hair fell softly on her shoulders, and she was wearing the red and white witch costume, white long clothes, and crimson hakama. With the lights on, the light like girl's skin flows on the white clothes.

When Lu Mingfei staggered and trembled towards her, the girl's eyes seemed to come alive and she saw him.

Her eyes were originally dull and magnificent, but now the fog in those dark red eyes dissipated, so bright, so bright, so bright, so bright...

I can only pretend to be the shadow of the boy at the end of the crowd.

All the fireworks bloomed, and Eri walked out of the shelter of the big black umbrella. She walked towards Lu Mingfei so firmly, then started to trot, and finally ran like a deer. The hem of the miko uniform rose and fell, Like ripples on the water.

Everyone realized that there was a boy and a girl running toward each other, so the crowd dispersed in front of them. They only had each other in their eyes. Even after many years of separation, they still remembered each other.

The water under his feet was splashed with small splashes. Lu Mingfei could hear his heart beating so powerfully. Finally, a faint fragrance rushed into his arms. The girl opened her arms and hugged his neck tightly. For a moment, all the fireworks were silent. This year's fireworks festival ended here. The overwhelming darkness swept over the sad city of Tokyo, leaving only the candlelight like a mountain of candles in the Buddhist shrine flickering slowly.

Lu Mingfei could feel the warmth of the girl in his arms. She was trembling slightly and sobbing softly, as if she never wanted to separate her hands.

He buried his face in his seaweed-like hair, sniffing the scent of the person in his arms. The corners of his eyes were sour and his nose was sour. They hugged each other in the crowd for several minutes before the timid girl finally let go of him.

Eriyi's eyes were so bright, like the surface of a lake under the sky, with layers of ripples blurred away, leaving only hazy mist.

She grasped Lu Mingfei's right hand tightly with one hand, and slowly opened her other hand in front of Lu Mingfei. There were faint handwriting written in the white and jade palm, which was probably washed away by sweat. , can only be vaguely distinguished.

Every word was like a sharp thorn, piercing Lu Mingfei's heart.

"Sakura, I miss you so much".

Lu Mingfei finally couldn't hold it back and hugged her again, crying silently.

He could tell that the handwriting was elegant and silly, expressing only one meaning.

He suddenly remembered for no reason the ending of the old version of Yitian Slaying the Dragon that he had watched.

At that time, Zhou Zhiruo took out a thin yellow paper book from her arms, along with the Yitian Sword that had broken into two pieces, and handed it to Zhang Wuji, saying that this was the martial arts handwritten by Guo Nuxia, and that all the essence of the sword and palm was contained in it. .

At the same time, he handed over Guo Xiang's suicide note to Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren. When the real person saw the suicide note, he seemed to see the bright and smart girl in front of him again.At that time, there were lotus boats floating under the distant bridge, pines and pine trees flowing on the Dai rocks, and pear pavilions on thousands of green mountains. Don't ask about the deep valley and the quiet space.

But that was 100 years ago.

Flowers bloom and fall, flowers fall and flowers bloom. Although this long-awaited reunion is not as old as Zhang Zhenren's experience, the man and the girl are speechless at this time, just holding each other tightly, very afraid of being separated again.

This lonely world of light and fire became quiet at this moment, and the sky and the earth became so distant.

(End of this chapter)

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