Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 153 152 Japanese 3-person group

Chapter 153 152. Japanese trio

"Young Master, why are we treating this new commissioner differently?" The man, who was as strong as a polar bear, walked to the top of the flood embankment with a struggling sack on his left and right shoulders. , slamming the sack with the contents under his feet, stepping on the fine crocodile leather shoes, and making inarticulate groans from the bag.

The polar bear was wearing a white shirt and a black suit. The top buttons of the lining were unbuttoned, revealing the tattoos of a cyan crow ghost and a female ghost underneath. It was so messy that it reminded people of Ukiyo-e paintings. His lower body was wearing thin woolen trousers that rustled in the wind. At first glance, He's not something to be trifled with.

"Scum! Stop fucking screaming, I'll send you down to feed the sharks right away!" This guy seemed to be annoyed by the people in the sack, and started to kick him with the toes of his leather shoes. Blood seeped out of the sack and stuck to it. Men's trouser legs and crocodile leather shoe uppers.

"That's it. It won't help if you torture them. Just kill them and throw them into the sea." The other man was wearing the same style of lining suit and windbreaker. He was much thinner, his skin was cold and pale, and he had slender skin like a human. Wearing glasses, this one looked much smarter and more resolute than the previous one. As he spoke, he pulled out the Glock pistol from his waist, installed the silencer, and wrapped the muzzle with a wet towel soaked in water. Holding two sacks, he fired more than a dozen shots in succession.

Blood flowed out from under the sack like a rising tide, and the stronger man shouted, "Crow! You soiled my new leather shoes!"

"Damn it! Just leave your shoes alone, okay? Besides, I was there when you bought that thing. Are they still new leather shoes after half a year?" Crow's eyes twitched.This guy has a real name that is far more majestic than a crow, Ryuji Saeki. To be honest, this name even sounds more domineering than the young master Yuan Zisheng, so he never mentions his real name in front of others.

The man in front of him is Yaksha.

"The special team dispatched by the headquarters this time is not the ordinary ones before. I don't feel confident leaving it to you." A young man in a long black trench coat leaned on the anti-fall railing of the coastal embankment, holding a lit cigarette in his mouth. , the end of the cigarette is always bright, and it also illuminates the slender eyes that are obscured by the shadow of the forehead.

He is a very handsome man, with his lining buttoned to the top, his skin is clean, healthy and white, but has a texture of marble. Some cyan blood vessels under the skin can be seen through the faint light of the cigarette butt.

Slender, feminine and handsome.

This is the first impression this man will make.

He is the son of Minamoto, the head of the Minamoto family of the Snake Qihachi family, the director of the executive bureau of the Japanese branch of Kassel Academy, and the future supreme leader of the Japanese underworld.

"I can cover their naked bodies with fish, and then take photos and videos, and threaten them to behave honestly when they are in Japan, and to keep their tails between their legs and not cause trouble." Yasha kicked those two and killed them with a sack. The dead guy went into the sea. The sea water carried a scary tidal sound at night. After the rain, the clouds had not dispersed. Only the faint light from the lighthouse in the distance provided a visual aid in this direction. The yaksha and the crow were heading towards Looking below, the wild beast-like waves crash against the canine-shaped tidal wall, and the fine white foam breaks apart. With a thunderous roar, the brightly lit Tokyo is far away.

"That's what I'm worried about. There are three commissioners in the headquarters this time. You probably don't know much about the outside world, but I can tell you that one of them comes from the most prominent nobleman outside the sphere of influence of the Snakesaki Eight Family. He himself He is a very outstanding warrior, and he is also like the godfather of most of the European underworld. In a sense, he is another ghost slayer who is not inferior to me. I have seen the video of his battle, and in a short period of time, I have not seen him. Find a way to defeat him." Yuan Zhisheng shook the cigarette butt in his hand, then left it on the salt flat, stepped on it, and crushed the cigarette butt with his toes.

"With your methods and abilities, you will probably be subdued the first time we meet, but don't worry, these two are not perverts like you, Yasha. The good news is that your nude photos will not appear on my desk. The bad news is that I may have to send someone to retrieve your bodies from Tokyo Bay."

"Fortunately, I was just buried in Tokyo Bay. I thought I was going to be stripped naked and hung on the Tokyo Tower." Yasha patted his chest and seemed to feel really lucky.

"The world is not full of perverts like you." Crow kicked Yasha on the butt.

"There are quite a few perverts like me, such as the two just now." Yasha curled his lips towards the bottom of the embankment.

What are the names of these two people, Junichiro Uehara?Masahiro Katsuda?Or Numata's Moment?No matter what, this kind of person's name doesn't deserve to be remembered at all.

In short, these are two perverted murderers who roam around Kagoshima and commit crimes. They like to follow handsome men who are alone to violate and kill. Originally, this kind of thing should not be dealt with by this family, but these two are distant relatives of the Miyamoto family. With thin divine blood flowing in his body, Yasha led the elites of the Executive Bureau to chase them for two weeks before catching them. When they were caught, they were actually in Tokyo.

"Speaking of which, young master, you only mentioned two of the three headquarters commissioners. Where is the other one?" Crow wiped the muzzle of his gun with a towel and stood in the distance and looked up at Yuan Zhisheng.

"That's the truly dangerous guy. He has killed gods." The sea breeze ruffled Yuan Yu's childish forehead, and his pair of evil eyes that were originally captivating seemed to flash a dim golden color in the depths.

Crow and Yasha looked at each other.

God such a thing...

Can it really be killed?
But Yuan Zhisheng didn't explain too much. Crow and Yasha's status in the family was not enough to know more secrets. Telling them everything about Lu Mingfei would probably only increase their troubles.

"If you encounter the first two, they will be buried in Tokyo Bay. If you encounter the latter, we will probably only be able to erect a tomb for you." He said.

"Young Master, you said we would receive the first two today?" Yasha scratched the back of his head.

"Yes, they took off from Chicago in the United States on a private plane. The private plane carried a lot of prohibited items, so they couldn't go through the normal customs channel. They had to pick them up here. Our people would pick up the plane a few hours after it landed. Come here and unload all the goods." Minamoto said in a low voice. He looked at the brightly lit city in the distance. As expected, the rain clouds also began to disperse in that city. In this case, the Sumida River Fireworks Festival would be The meeting will be held as scheduled.

In fact, Yuan Zhisheng is not a person who likes quiet. He likes lively places and watching fireworks. His dream is to go to a nudist beach in France to sell sunscreen, and by the way, he can apply sunscreen to those naked girls. on the back.

However, people like him are destined to miss the excitement of the world in this life.Ghost slayers must always run in the darkness and walk with evil spirits.

This is the outskirts of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo.A large area of ​​the surrounding area is an uninhabited coastal area. Even fishermen are unwilling to come here to work because a chemical plant is planned not far away. The discharge of toxic substances has deposited many carcinogens in the fish caught here. Some Many of the children who used to live in this neighborhood did not live past the age of 30.

The salt-alkali flat below them used to be much higher than the sea. When Japan was still underdeveloped, many fishermen lived here. Now their houses are submerged in water, and the pier where fishing boats are parked has also been completely abandoned because it has been abandoned for too long. Disappeared in the erosion of sea water day after day.

Crow looked around. There was neither a navigation tower nor a ground control in this ghost place, but there was actually a runway half hidden in the sea deep in the salt flats. It was built using cinders. It was very stable at that time, and even now it seems to be barely usable, but the technical requirements for the driver should be very high.

"That was a runway built by the government in World War II in response to the Pacific War. It was built probably before 1945, when the sea level was not high. Later, during the Pacific War, many Kamikaze fighter planes took off from here carrying explosives. Crash on an American aircraft carrier." Yuan Zhisheng said that before coming here, his assistant Ying taught him the posture of this runway. "My dad said those people deserved it." Crow shrugged.

Yuan Zhisheng also shrugged.

Not far from here is the aircraft cemetery from World War II. It is full of cheap Zero fighter jets. They have long been unusable after being corroded by the sea wind. Even if they can be used, today's Japanese government will not pull out those old antiques. I ran twice in the sky.

When Yuan Zhisheng passed by there, he felt the loneliness of the times rushing towards his face, but he did not feel any regret.

When they arrived, they were riding in a high-power Hummer. At this time, the car was parked at the end of the runway, with its headlights bright, like a beacon guiding the way.

Even the power of the Snakesaki Hachi family still did not want to create a barrier with a behemoth like the Japanese government, so they were not so arrogant as to directly let the Gattuso family's private plane loaded with light and heavy weapons land at Narita Airport, but chose to do so at Narita Airport. landing in a deserted area.

"Young Master, you said that the commissioners coming from the headquarters this time are all guests who need to be treated with caution, so are we a little too hasty? Otherwise, I will make a call and ask the gangs in Kanagawa Prefecture to send some people to support the scene. ?" Yaksha said while peeing into the wind at the bottom of the embankment.

"The family prepared the grandest welcome banquet for them in Tokyo. This kind of place is really not suitable for gathering too many people, and it can easily arouse the suspicion of the Metropolitan Police Department." Yuan Zhisheng said, "As for those gang members... they still count. No, they will only cause trouble."

In fact, the future supreme leader of the underworld does not have much confidence in the underworld gangs under the jurisdiction of his family. This is indeed the case. The underworld is actually a society for the weak. If he is really strong, he will have good grades when he is studying. Who would want to join the underworld when they can get ahead in society?

At this time, a thunderous roar came from the end of the sky, and the expressions of Crow and Yasha changed. From the sound, the thing was definitely not a simple private plane. The sound of the roaring engine was comparable to the U.S. military base in Okinawa. Fighter planes, something in the dark clouds is approaching like a dragon flying in the sky.

But it had no intention of landing. The roar of the dragon came from far to near and then from near to far. It hovered above the head for a moment, and then disappeared into the sky behind it.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't know what to say for a moment, "Maybe it's because we just finished a supersonic flight and couldn't land on such a short runway. This is normal. It's unlikely that the pilot of the private jet originally served in the Royal Italian Air Force." "The ace pilot." This explanation didn't work, because the plane, which could only see all the lights shining brightly like a star, even stayed above their heads for a few minutes. It had obviously exited from supersonic speed. after.

The crow was looking up at the night sky, its mouth slightly open, looking shocked.

"Young Master, I saw an angel." Crow said.

"I seem to have seen it too, a fit angel with big chest muscles." Yasha also looked at the sky.

The corner of Yuan Zhisheng's mouth twitched. He suddenly had a bad premonition and turned to look at the sky. Huge umbrella flowers opened above their heads, one after another. Two very young umbrella flowers hung under the first two. The men, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, were all wearing suits with the same style as the Executive Bureau, but the strong wind pressure pressed the clothes on the men's chests, so Crow and Yasha could see how amazing the blond guy's chest muscles were. It's so wide that it can run a horse.

When Yuan Zhisheng raised his head, Caesar and Chu Zihang were only about 200 meters away from the ground. The landing speed did not exceed four meters per second, so that in less than 1 minute, the specialists from the headquarters could land perfectly by parachuting. The Japanese branch prepared for them...on the airstrip.

Yuan Zhisheng silently raised the phone to his ear, "Hey, Master Feng Mo, yes, it's me, Yuan Zhisheng, um, I have something to trouble you, yes, it's related to the commissioner of this department... They adopted We will come to Kanagawa by airdrop, but a lot of those supplies will fall into the sea, so we probably need not only reloading trucks, but also two salvage ships."

"Oh ho ho!" At this time, the skydiving guys were waving to him. Obviously, the two lunatics couldn't see the mobile phone in Yuan Zhisheng's hand and only thought he was greeting them.

"Then...are those really strong men from this headquarters?" Crow Crow looked at Yuan Zhisheng suspiciously, "Young Master, is your intelligence correct?"

"If nothing else, yes." Yuan Zhisheng covered his face.

"Friends from the Japanese branch, how are you? I love you!" The one who shouted these words was the blond man with big muscles. The guy had a smile on his face and shouted "Oh yeah" amidst the roar of the wind. !", it was like the sun falling from the sky, but unfortunately, when the white umbrella flower was about to land in front of Yuan Zhisheng, a strong wind blew in the face, and both the person and the umbrella were blown into the shallow sea next to the salt-alkali beach. Here, the big muscled angel's cheers immediately turned into screams.

Another Umbrella Flower followed closely behind. He looked like a Chinese. His face was pale and he looked like he was about to faint. Yuan Zhisheng thought to himself that this was Chu Zihang. He seemed to be taciturn and a reliable teammate... …

"I love you too." It seems that he misunderstood the meaning of Caesar's words. This guy thought that the Japanese greetings were "I love you", which was a slightly open and even lewd word, although he was a little embarrassed to say it. However, he still said it with determination and solemnity.

Then another gust of wind blew over, blowing this taciturn and reliable teammate in Yuan Zhisheng's eyes into the shallow sea.

Crow and Yasha were stunned, Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a few seconds, and then kicked one of them away. Only then did the two guys realize that something bad had happened!I jumped into the sea without even taking off my clothes and swam towards the waters where the umbrella flowers were in full bloom.

The head of the Yuan family sighed deeply. He suddenly felt a little helpless. Standing alone on this salt flat, it was actually a little cold...

At this time, his phone vibrated, showing that it was a MMS message from Sakura, the kind with pictures.

"Young master, you have to be mentally prepared. What you see may make you deeply touched, but you must exercise restraint and control your emotions. Don't be tempted to draw a knife and kill people." Sakura texted Li said.

Yuan Zhisheng chuckled, thinking that I have been greatly touched tonight, what else can continue to touch me?
He clicked on the MMS message, read it silently, and then silently turned off his phone.

In the shadows, brilliant golden light slowly flowed from the depths of the pair of slender eyes. The light shone on Yuan Zhisheng's face, and the veins on his forehead could be seen popping.

 So much today, seven thousand tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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