Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 154 153 Psycho combination

Chapter 154 153. Psycho combination

2010, May.

The prince of the hunter website posted a bounty to kill the Dragon King Fenrir. The mixed-race world entered a state of war preparation. Kassel College was temporarily suspended. Senior students and professors went to the execution departments of various branches to report and prepare to enter the crisis caused by hybrids or dragons at any time. Fighting and turmoil do not require that this chaotic state be maintained within a small range.

This situation lasted until Angers announced that Fenrir had been killed, the Nibelungs collapsed, and the Legion of Immortals that the Camarilla had accumulated over the years was completely wiped out.

These are all news that Lu Mingfei knows.And in the corners he didn't know, more terrifying things were happening quietly.

On the first day that Kassel College announced the suspension of teaching, a lobotomy was carried out on Neo the boar in Kassel without any notification to the principal, vice-chancellor, school board and elders. Conducted in a sanatorium outside the college, on-site evidence shows that the operation was very successful.But then, including the boar Neo and the other 37 wards who were depraved hybrids, the entire sanatorium was bloodbathed. After the investigation, no one survived, and the number of dead reached [-].This incident shocked the entire Camarilla. The school board and the Senate were united in an unprecedented way. They angrily tried to find the murderer, but in the end found nothing.

Almost at the same time, another vicious incident occurred at the Chicago International Biological Research Center under the name of the Camarilla. The largest investor in this research institution is the Gattuso family, who pour more than $[-] million into it almost every year. .

The Chicago International Biological Research Center recently received a task from the secret party to dissect a corpse, and required that the corpse be analyzed from many aspects such as biology, genetics, physiology, brain research, spirituality, and alchemy. The most complete analysis.

In this vicious incident, 12 researchers responsible for this research were brutally exterminated, and all data and backups related to this research were completely deleted. Even the war personality EVA of the college's artificial intelligence secretary could not restore them.

The body that was delivered to the research institution was the clone of Ye Sheng who was killed by Jiude Aki during the Kuimen Project.

These two vicious incidents happened on the same day, causing panic within the Camarilla and even half of the mixed-race world.Because even with the capabilities of Cassel Academy, it is impossible to find the murderer in a short time, which means that something standing opposite to the Camarilla is coming out of the darkness.

These two vicious events that occurred almost simultaneously with the resurrection of Dragon King Fenrir were not deliberately concealed by the secret party. Even Lu Mingfei, who was far away across the ocean, quickly got the news.

He realized that Odin gave up the best opportunity to kill Fenrir and Jormungandr, and also gave up the Dragon Bone Cross of the King of Earth and Mountain.But as a price, he almost completely erased all the clues in Lu Mingfei's hands that might be able to deduce the burial place of Black King Nidhogg.

First, the nuclear-powered icebreaker YAMAL sailing in the far north of Oslo, Norway, passed them by, and Lu Mingfei was almost certain that this ship would not appear in anyone's sight again in a short period of time.

At the same time, Odin and the forces behind Odin also took advantage of the emptiness inside Kassel College caused by Fenrir's resurgence to silence Boar Ni and completely eliminate the hidden dangers left by Ye Sheng's clone. In one year, Lu Mingfei recovered and eliminated all the clues he got from them.

In this way, the situation of both parties is back to the starting point.Lu Mingfei almost completely lost control of the developments in Nidhogg's Burial Ground.And the organization trying to steal the Black King's throne can no longer kill Dragon King Fenrir and steal Fenrir's Dragon Bone Cross through the hands of the secret party.

However, this situation is obviously more serious for Lu Mingfei. He has saved Xia Mi and Fenrir, and is also accompanied by Constantine and Angers, who has inherited the throne of the Wind King.

Although everyone's state is a bit strange, Xia Mi is still in a juvenile state, and there is still an unknown distance to go before he can grow into Jörmungandr; most of Fenrir's body is trapped in the seal, maybe that The stone wall is his cocoon. He is only in a half-hatched state at this time, and this person's IQ is really not high, so there is no need to count him as a complete combat power; although Angers inherited the first place in a special way, The throne of King Vidfolnir, but the authority of the Wind King is never complete in his hands, otherwise he would not have said that he could not defeat Jormungandr and Fenrir; the former Fire King Kang Standing has lost his power and is left with only strength. In this state, it's unclear whether he can be considered a king or not. It's probably hard enough to beat Odin.

After all, Lu Mingfei is relatively stable. Although he is weak, he is really weak. But after all, Boss Lu is a ruthless person who can risk his life. He can really beat the brains out of a dog. This young man said he can pull a dragon king. be made a scapegoat.

In short, the current situation is like this. With Lu Mingfei as the link, the twins of the King of Earth and Mountain have temporarily become allies with Angers, and some information can already be shared.As for Constantine, Angers had never mentioned him to Lu Mingfei. The old man who inherited the throne of the Wind King seemed completely unaware of the king who had lost his power right under his nose.

In addition, although the little devil still kept secret about telling Angers about the burial place of Nidhogg, he could still give some hints.

such as……

The real war is coming, and there is a behemoth organization hiding in the dark side of the world, a level that even the Secret Party cannot fully access.

Coupled with Odin's control over the immortals who were regarded as ghosts of the past by the Camarilla in BJ Nibelungen, Angers was sure that the organization had penetrated its influence into the Camarilla, and This penetration has been going on for at least 150 years!

A lot of intelligence gathered and the crisis was imminent. After dealing with the resurgence incident of the King of Earth and Mountain, Angers immediately rushed back to Kassel College and showed his iron-blooded methods and style to stop the Golden Saint plan that was about to be implemented. Plan, and directly advance the Nibelung plan to this period.

The special substance extracted from the dragon bone cross of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire, was only enough for two people at this time. Lu Mingfei rejected the suggestion made by the school board that the Nibelung Plan should be implemented on him first, and turned to And passed this opportunity to Chu Zihang.

By now, Lu Mingfei already knew how dire Chu Zihang's physical condition was. During the long-term and frequent use of violent blood techniques, Chu Zihang's body had been riddled with holes by the violent dragon's blood. , if he forgets this technology from now on, he may live to be 30 years old, but if he continues to use violent blood in battle, he may soon degenerate into Deadpool and completely lose his will as a human being.

Chu Zihang did not fall in the last period of time entirely because he was bathed in the dragon blood of Jörmungandr. It was the fetal blood when the Dragon King was born. It was the noblest type of golden holy fluid and completely helped Chu Zihang stabilize his bloodline.

But this time, the junior sister was still jumping around. Lu Mingfei expected that Xia Mi would be jumping around like this for a long time in the future. Chu Zihang should have no chance to bathe in Jörmungandr's fetal blood again. In this case, he could The only thing that saved him was the Nibelungen Plan.

So in mid-May of this year, the Nibelungen Plan in this period of time and space was implemented ahead of schedule. The implementation target was changed from Lu Mingfei to Caesar and Chu Zihang. Their bloodline was originally in the A-level He is also considered the best among hybrids. Once the plan is implemented, he will probably eventually become a warrior who can stand firm on the dragon-slaying battlefield.From mid-May to late July, Lu Mingfei stayed in China to receive online education, Xia Mi and Nono also stayed in China, and Chu Zihang and Caesar have been receiving follow-up special training on the Nibelungen Plan from the academy. , the people who taught them were Angers, Beowulf and Cadmus.

On this trip to Japan, the student combination of Kassel College is definitely the strongest in decades. Lu Mingfei is far different from the bad guy last time, and Caesar and Chu Zihang are also far better than the last time. If I have another conflict with the emperor, who is known as the strongest hybrid in this country, it shouldn't be as difficult as the last time.
"I have never experienced night skydiving before, and this is my first time." Caesar wrapped the dry towel from the somewhat feminine Japanese man's hand around his soaked blond hair, and rubbed it vigorously a few times. I wiped away some of the sea water, and then used the same towel to wipe my upper body carefully.Yuan Zhisheng leaned quietly against the bumper of the Hummer, holding a rekindled soft seven star in his mouth, narrowing his eyes slightly and looking in another direction.

These two commissioners from the headquarters are obviously all-round experts. Not only did they not suffer from muscle cramps when they fell into the shallow sea while parachuting, they immediately made the most timely and correct response, using the knife they carried with them to cut off the shoulder strap of the parachute bag. They swam to the shore on their own. The two idiots Crow and Yasha couldn't see clearly at night. People had already come ashore and were still groping for fish under the two blooming umbrella flowers. The expressions on their faces alternated between horror and surprise. They felt like they couldn't find the commissioner. He committed suicide by committing seppuku.

Chu Zihang fished out his and Caesar's luggage from the sea. At this time, he had almost packed it and put on clean clothes. Then he threw a backpack in a waterproof bag to Caesar.Caesar threw away the towel, took the backpack and stretched, then got into the Hummer and put on a pair of trousers. The upper body was Arc'teryx's new lightweight black windbreaker.Young Master Gattuso often warned himself to be courteous to corporals. Obviously, in Caesar's view, the Japanese branch was the corporal who wanted to be treated virtuously. In front of the corporal, if it was not a very formal occasion, of course it would be better to wear shoes and civilian clothes. Get involved with them.

Obviously, in the eyes of Young Master Gattuso, there is probably no more popular brand than Archaeopteryx.

After getting dressed, Caesar pushed his hair back and got out again.

"I think I saw two people jumping into the sea." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly. He also threw his luggage into the car, "Do we want to help?"

"Don't worry about them, you'll get up after just two puffs." Yuan Zhisheng exhaled a puff of smoke, feeling a little tired. At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and he skillfully pulled it away in the eyes of Yuan Zhisheng, who was a little stunned. The gentle seven stars in his hand.

Caesar coolly threw the cigarette into the sea breeze, watching it float farther and farther away, the ashes spreading brightly, and then with a smile on his face, he patted the cigar in the aluminum tube into Yuan Zhisheng's hand: "Brother, don't thank me. , it’s better to smoke less of those cheap cigarettes, as they are more likely to cause lung cancer. Try this Cohiba made in aluminum tubes made in Cuba. It’s a serious high-end product. It’s only for the head and won’t hurt the lungs.”

The muscles on Yuan Zhisheng's face twitched, and he suddenly wanted to slap the aluminum-tube Cohiba in his hand on the stupid sun-filled face in front of him.

"The school said you will arrange our schedule, but I still hope to meet Lu Mingfei as soon as possible." Chu Zihang had already got into the car at this time, sitting behind the driver's seat and sticking his head out of the window. "Are you the receptionist? Let's go after the things here are settled. Norma said that the Metropolitan Police Department has discovered our illegal intrusion. Three police cars are approaching. We are still more than ten minutes away. .”

"Yes, after we find that kid, we will be sent to the top izakaya in Tokyo. You will go together today. I will pay for all the expenses... But the Metropolitan Police Department is nothing. The branch is the most famous yakuza in Japan. How many people can we deal with? A policeman sprinkled some water on me." Caesar said nonchalantly.

Before they set off from Kassel College, they had learned about the basic situation of the Japanese branch from various channels. Although they were somewhat surprised that there were still underworld elements able to form a Camarilla branch under Angers, Caesar and Chu Zihang is a person who is very good at making connections, so he only assumes that this is the situation in the country.

"No, it's not about sprinkling water." Yuan Zhisheng had the same expressionless face. He was originally going to spread a white napkin on the engine hood as Sakura suggested, place two tulip glasses, open the champagne and empty the glasses one by one. Fill it up, place a bunch of bright yellow tulips next to the wine glass, insert two small Japanese flags into the lime slices, and put the lemon slices on the rim of the wine glass.

This is definitely the most solemn welcome ceremony for Yuan Zhisheng. In the past, the commissioners from the headquarters were usually tied up and thrown into the trunk as soon as they got off the plane. How could they be treated like this?

But he was really shocked by these two lunatics, and for a moment he actually forgot Sakura's instructions.

But it doesn't matter, they look like they don't care at all. The big-breasted angel is now ready to go to the most luxurious and top-notch izakaya and blow the bottle of sake.

"Due to a trivial matter, the relationship between our family and the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department has been somewhat tense during this period. If we are caught, they probably won't let us leave for the sake of our family." Minamoto Chisheng said, he hesitated for a moment. , suppressing his already somewhat uncontrollable anger, he then sat in the driver's seat and looked through the rearview mirror at the two men already crowded in the back seat, while at the same time faintly revealing his somewhat oppressive pair of evil eye,
"Are you Caesar Gattuso and Chu Zihang, the students sent by our headquarters to the branch for training this time?"

"Yes, I am Chu Zihang, and this person next to me is Caesar Gattuso." Chu Zihang replied. In fact, Caesar is older than him in school, so it should be Caesar who responded, but the Gattuso family The young master rarely reported his name, so Chu Zihang took the initiative to take over this task.

Hearing Chu Zihang mention his name, Caesar's face showed an arrogant look, making people think that the cold-faced killing just now was probably talking about a certain big brother's name.

"There are a few documents that you need to sign later," Yuan Zhisheng glanced at Caesar's expression and felt even more unhappy. He wanted to teach the kid from the headquarters who didn't understand the rules, but for a moment he didn't know what to do. How to deal with a psychopath, so he could only say, "I am Yuan Zhisheng, the acting director of the Executive Bureau of the Japanese branch of Kassel College. Those two are Crow and Yasha, they are mine..."

He paused, "My friend is also a cadre of the Executive Directorate."

"I've heard of your name, Mr. Yuan. When you were studying at Kassel College, you were a man of the hour. Both the Student Union and the Lion Heart Club wanted to recruit you." Chu Zihang rubbed his eyes and said the same thing. I looked in the rearview mirror to see Yuan Zhisheng. He was wearing contact lenses today, so his pair of golden eyes that could never be extinguished could not illuminate the interior of this Hummer majestically.

"It's actually a bit shameful to talk about what happened when I was young..." Yuan Zhisheng noticed Chu Zihang's kindness, but at this time Caesar said, "Yaksha and Crow? The Japanese branches all call each other by nicknames. Really? Then can you call me James Bond? I think our visit to Japan in this way has a Kingsman-like feel."

The veins on Yuan Zhisheng's forehead throbbed again.

He was suddenly stunned for a moment. What was going on? Didn't he have more important things to do?Why are there two lunatics here?
 I'm still drinking with clients and waiting to go back to work on the manuscript in the evening. The remaining two thousand words will be left for tomorrow. I will have a rest tomorrow and publish an eight thousand word chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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