Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 155 154 Little Monsters and Little Monsters

Chapter 155 154. Little monsters and little monsters
"Lu Jun, please respect yourself!" Sakura hid Eriyi behind her back with some vigilance. After what had happened, the assistant lady immediately realized that she could not let the situation continue to develop, so she grabbed Lu Mingfei's wrist and pulled it He pulled away a little, completely blocking Eri Yi with his body, his dark eyes full of alertness.

It's just that the three of them were too close. Lu Mingfei could even smell the slightly cold plum blossom-like fragrance on this girl's body, but this slightly cold plum blossom-like girl was determined and refused to move away.

"Sorry, I lost my composure." Lu Mingfei raised his hands to show his palms, indicating that he had no wrong intentions.

At this time, a cute little face poked out from beside Sakura's shoulder, and Eriki stubbornly wanted to squeeze Sakura away and return to Lu Mingfei's side.

In fact, Lu Mingfei had already confirmed the fact from the moment she showed herself the words in her palm. Like him and Nono, Eryi was also a person who returned to the past from the end of fate.

He was a little distracted for a moment, not knowing how to face Eri Yi.

He didn't know what time it was when she came back. Was it when she was getting her signature signed at Sensoji Temple?When that street artist painted their portraits?Or when eating with uncle and aunt?Or was it when he was chased by thugs that night?At the beach in Umezuderamachi?Or……?The deep guilt was as thick as the pus and blood squeezed out from the cracked gap in his heart. Lu Mingfei returned to reality after experiencing the joy of reunion, but he only felt that his fate had been confusing.

"Miss Eri, please stop acting out of character..." Sakura wiped the cold sweat from her smooth forehead. Many large black umbrellas surrounded them to cover them, so that the thin rain could not Then it landed on the heads of three people, "The young master is coming in this direction from Kanagawa Prefecture. If you insist on continuing like you just did, the young master will probably be very unhappy." She said.

Eriki lowered her head to write something in the small book in her hand. She completely ignored Sakura and showed the small book to Lu Mingfei.

"Is Sakura's name Lu Mingfei?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly remembered that many years ago, they walked into Umezu Templecho Station at a dusk that still seems to be so close to this day. At that time, the old-fashioned D51 steam locomotive towed the new-style carriages, and the train During the start-up, thick white steam was sprayed out, flowing like clouds on the platform. Lu Mingfei and Eriyi looked at each other through the car window. It was exactly like they were looking at each other at this moment, the girl's eyes were so long, soft, sad and so Nostalgic.

Lu Mingfei said don't be afraid of Hui Liyi. The train will go to Songshan City and your brother will pick you up.

Eriyi wrote in the notebook, "Will you not accompany me?" Sakura.

Lu Mingfei forgot what he said. He only remembered that Eriki hugged the furry teddy bear and lowered her head. The sadness at parting filled the car that was about to start, like fog or tide. In Eriki's eyes, Lu Mingfei was also being taken away by the fog, which was the white steam emitted by D51 when the train started.

For many years to come, Lu Mingfei was proud of the escape plan he made in those few days. When Caesar put the Desert Eagle loaded with Philosopher's Stone bullets in Lu Mingfei's hands, He only felt darkness in front of him, but how could he send such a girl who trusted him to the core to the gallows? When the gun was placed in his hand, he only felt the metal texture chilling his heart. He wanted to paint Liyi It's like a little tail that will only follow you. She will believe whatever you say. How could you have the heart to hurt such a girl? Even a bad boy has someone he wants to protect.

On the day of separation, the last words Eriri wrote to Lu Mingfei were "Who is Sakura? Where can I find you in the future?" She pasted the small book on the glass and leaned against the window. His face was full of panic, like a kitten about to be abandoned by its owner.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that he was distracted. In just a few seconds, the memories from many years ago had passed through his mind. It was like a ghost rediscovering the traveler who passed through the cemetery after so many years.

"Yeah!" Lu Mingfei nodded heavily.

He looked at the girl again. At this time, Eri was tilting her head to look at him. Her eyes were dancing with sparkling waves like the lake surface blown by the breeze in the sun. Her long eyelashes were trembling in the wind. The fingers that hold the notebook are long and slender, white and clear.

Her eyes were so clear, as clear as a mirror, reflecting Lu Mingfei's face that actually looked a little panicked, but why was he panicked?

Eriyi smiled happily. When she laughed, Lu Mingfei understood why the ancients said that looking back and smiling, the six palaces of pink and white are colorless. When she smiled, it was as if she wanted to dispel the gloom in Tokyo and even the sun would shine. Out.Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand, and then retracted it a little awkwardly. Miss Sakura's eyes were very unkind. Although she was the one who prompted Eriki to come to receive Lu Mingfei, it was obvious that the assistant lady did not think of the two. The relationship between them would be so close, so close that she was a little shocked, and her scalp was numb at the same time.

Minamoto will not tell Crow and Yasha what Eriki is, but he will never hide this kind of thing from Sakura. In Sakura's opinion, Miss Eriki is best as long as she maintains a peaceful and slightly positive mood. , her bloodline is very dangerous, compared to the so-called emperor Yuan Zhisheng, she is the most powerful ghost in the world, and can destroy Tokyo within 24 hours if she loses control.

"If the director of the Japanese branch executive bureau is rushing here, does it mean that he has received the other two commissioners sent by the college headquarters?" Lu Mingfei looked at the person standing between him and Eryi and refused to step back. Looking into Sakura's eyes, which were equally firm and stubborn, she only felt a faint headache.

"Young Master has received the headquarters commissioners from Kanagawa Prefecture who entered Japan through night skydiving. They have also received the heavy equipment dispatched by the headquarters. Now they are rushing here and are expected to arrive in another hour." Sakura said , she showed Lu Mingfei a photo of a document titled "List of Students at Kassel College Headquarters for Advanced Study", on which the names of Chu Zihang and Caesar had been signed in Chinese and Latin on the signature column of the students. .

Caesar is usually not very dramatic, but he is actually a person who follows aristocratic etiquette and ancient family rules. Using Latin signatures on official documents is one of the Gattuso family's family rules.According to Caesar's own statement, he could memorize more than 80 family rules, while his father Pompeii Gattuso was said to be able to memorize more than 300. "But I suspect that those so-called family rules are all made up by the bastard father, because I have never found relevant records and information in family documents." These were Caesar's original words.

"Do I also need to sign this document? I would like to ask the Japanese branch if they can help us buy insurance or something. After all, we are new here and we are not familiar with the place. It is easier to work with peace of mind if we have insurance." Lu Mingfei said, now The situation was that Sakura was holding Eriki's left hand and standing in the middle of the two people, with a posture that said don't even think about getting close to the head of the Uesugi family while I'm here. Lu Mingfei felt that his behavior just now might have left something for Sakura. Not a good impression, so I decided to speak first to break the awkward atmosphere.

The guy holding the umbrella next to him looked like an Eastern version of RoboCop, his face expressionless throughout.

"Every distinguished guest needs to sign that document. We must ensure to the headquarters that the commissioner has indeed arrived at the agreed location on time, and that the Japanese branch has received everyone as soon as possible." Sakura said, "The insurance is from the family. The financial department is handling it, and all of this will be available. Every time a head office specialist comes to Japan, we will buy appropriate insurance for him from a regular company."

"Does it include transporting the body? When I enrolled, the principal told me that this is one of the most considerate services of the college."

"The branch also has this service. Later, someone will come to Lu Jun to register your basic information so that we can accurately send your body back to your hometown after an accident." Ying said, and the girl was very excited when she said this. Qingyundan obviously didn't think it was unlucky to talk about body transport services in front of others.Lu Mingfei nodded, and then the atmosphere became even more awkward. It could be seen that Yingying didn't want to have too much contact or communication with him.

She was originally a taciturn person. Sometimes following Yuan Zhisheng would make people subconsciously ignore the existence of this girl. But in fact, she is clearly such a dazzling person. She is as beautiful as a kendo girl from a comic. main character.In fact, if anyone really knows Sakura, they will think that she is very similar to Zero. She is stubborn and will definitely do whatever she promises. She is Yuan Zhisheng's assistant, so she will definitely do what Yuan Zhisheng tells her to do to the best of her ability. , this is what Sakura promised to Yuan Zhisheng.But at the same time, Sakura is also the person whom Yuan Zhisheng trusts most, and she can even put her life in the hands of the girl.

She told Yuan Zhisheng that Hui Liyi was very fond of Lu Mingfei, so Yuan Zhisheng asked Hui Liyi to receive Lu Mingfei; she said that Miss Hui Liyi had grown up and was no longer the good-for-nothing person she used to be. Little girl, you understand. Yuan Zhisheng really didn't read the letter written by Eryi to Lu Mingfei, nor did he ask about the gift that Lu Mingfei brought back to Eryi.

But she also listened to what Yuan Zhisheng said. Yuan Zhisheng said that the situation of the head of the Uesugi family was very unstable. She must watch over her and not let Lu Mingfei have too much contact with her. Then Sakura must do it, even if she knew she was standing beside her. The two people beside him are a super hybrid who can kill gods and the strongest ghost among the descendants of the White King who has reached the ultimate bloodline and will not back down even half a step.

At this time, there was such a girl standing between Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi, which made his already anxious mood even more annoying. He simply didn't know what to do now.

But soon someone helped him do what he needed to do.

Eryi had her head buried in a small notebook and was writing something very slowly. At this time, she finally raised her eyes. When she raised her eyes, the lights in the distance bloomed in her eyes. She looked past Sakura to Lu Mingfei. He turned his face sideways, then firmly broke away from Ying's hand, came to Lu Mingfei's side, stretched out his right hand and clasped Lu Mingfei's wrist.

Sakura stood in shock. Ke Huiliyi looked at Sakura's eyes, then at Lu Mingfei, and then showed Sakura what she had written.

"I'm not afraid of my brother. I won't let go."

It turns out that she has been writing this kind of thing. It turns out that she just wants to tell Ying and Lu Mingfei that no one can take her away from someone anymore, even if that person is Yuan Zhisheng.

She looked up at Lu Mingfei's eyes with her crimson eyes. Although she was still as clumsy as before, she seemed to have become very stubborn, so stubborn that her brows furrowed slightly.Lu Mingfei's heart moved slightly, thinking that this is how a girl who knows nothing behaves when she likes someone.At one of the most important times in her life, she met a boy who would take her to play, take her to the house, take her to see the sea, and take her to hug that gentle world, and she would truly love without hesitation. Fuck that boy.

Lu Mingfei exhaled a long breath. He knew that Eryi would never let go, not even to death this time.

He saw the deep things he had seen in those eyes, which were love, liking, trust and unconditional attachment. He didn’t know what to do or what to say, he just let it go. The warmth of the palm clasping his wrist was transmitted to his heart, and the pulses of the two people seemed to be synchronized at this moment.

But it happened so fast. Lu Mingfei felt confused and numb. He felt like there were ten thousand bees buzzing in his ears. He just felt... panicked.

But what can you do, Lu Mingfei, and what can you do, where is Xia Mi?Have you forgotten Xia Mi?
I haven’t forgotten, how could I forget, I will be with her throughout the 1000 years of loneliness, we will stay together until death, and we will embrace each other when we die...

What about her?What about Eriyi?How are you going to face her?How do you tell her that you are no longer the lonely person you used to be?How could you bear to leave her alone and let those dark things pull her into the abyss?

Shut up, shut up, shut up!Lu Mingze, shut up!
Unfounded anger and ferocity flashed in those eyes that originally looked very lethargic. Sakura was a very sensitive ninja, and she immediately noticed this, and was shocked by the majesty at the same time.

But Eriki's eyes were brighter. She didn't feel that the look was ferocious or majestic, she only felt warmth and a great sense of security.

Probably because she had seen that look before. On a rainy night, or maybe two rainy nights, the boy in front of her had roared angrily and showed this look in front of Eri, but every time it was for protection. She will be hurt a lot every time.

Once upon a time, Lu Mingfei was just a weak kid who would only cry and complain to his brothers and sisters when something happened. At that time, he was so weak and cowardly, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him, as if he could only rely on himself to do anything. Less than anything.But this world is so cruel, and everyone is not going into battle lightly, but is trekking with a heavy weight on their backs.The world will not be particularly kind to you just because you are weak, incompetent or cowardly. There is no such thing as a protected novice period. The cruelty of the world is like a torrent flowing out of the river of fate. As long as you are still accepted by fate. To master it, you must go to the battlefield, even if you are unarmed, even if you are ragged.

When Lu Mingfei was still in the second grade, there was an elder brother named Liang Wendao who was on the street. He often hooked up with girls in front of Shilan Middle School, but he never succeeded. Lu Mingfei was lucky enough to treat Brother Dao to drink two bottles of Nutrition Express. I have been online several times, and Brother Dao is naturally a senior fan of StarCraft and highly respects Lu Mingfei's skills, so for a long time, Brother Dao has been very close to him.But I heard that Brother Dao later entered a juvenile detention center and was never seen again.

Once after playing Star Wars, Brother Dao invited Lu Mingfei to eat grilled sausages at a roadside stall. At that time, it cost one yuan, two skewers, two yuan and three sausages. Brother Dao bought three sausages and gave one to Lu Mingfei, and the other two each. After taking a bite, he looked back at the crowded school gate and said to Lu Mingfei, you still have to study hard and stop messing with me. Lu Mingfei asked why, Brother Dao said that one day in a long, long time, you will understand the reality of this world. We are all involuntarily, and there are many things that can overwhelm us. Fate and life and death are of course very important. The long-awaited reunion in the Chambord Islands cannot be ignored, but things like money and power cannot be ignored. It also apparently could easily crush us all to death.

After Lu Mingfei finished chewing the sausage in his hand, he looked at the remaining half of the sausage in Brother Dao's hand, and said eagerly that there is a beautiful girl who likes us and likes us.Brother Dao handed the remaining sausage to Lu Mingfei and said, yes, there is a beautiful girl who likes us and likes us, so you have to study hard to avoid being crushed to death. Money, power, beautiful girl, brother, as long as you make a difference. They will all be there, and they can no longer suppress you.

Lu Mingfei deeply agrees with this statement, and has been quite tenacious for a long time. However, he was not a smart person in the first place, let alone in an aristocratic school like Shilan Middle School. All the hard work and tenacity of the previous number one person were wiped out by the words of the dean after an exam: "Lu Mingfei, you are the Dinghai Shenzhen in our class. It is only because of your average score in our class that you can't raise it." broken.Then Brother Dao was caught and sent to the juvenile detention center.

In short, what Brother Dao said really makes sense. Lu Mingfei actually yelled angrily many times in the past, but no one cared. Who would care about the roar of a bad guy, even if he actually killed Norton and Fenrir? They are all bad boys in everyone's eyes.

Sometimes Lu Mingfei was actually very grateful to Lu Mingze because the little devil took away his soul, but in exchange for his justice.

Yuan Zhisheng and Caesar are both people who pursue justice, but Lu Mingfei is also pursuing his own justice.

Eliyi's eyes reflected the lights of the city, and the hazy water mist filled her eyes. She held Lu Mingfei's wrist harder and harder, and her knuckles were turning white.She liked Lu Mingfei's look very much, that look of a desperado, the look that seemed like he would risk his life to kill someone who wanted to bully her in the next second.

She also only liked Lu Mingfei's look, because for such a long time, Eryi was always reliving what they had experienced together over and over again.

Chu Zihang said that the human brain is an unreliable hard drive that will always be slowly degaussed.Keeli has solidified some things on this hard drive again and again until she will never forget them. She is such a stupid and stubborn person. She thinks back and chants that ridiculous pseudonym over and over again. Sometimes she would laugh softly just thinking about it. Yuan Zhisheng was always curious about what she was happy about, but she never said anything.Because Eriki was waiting for the person who had agreed to help her kill Ultraman to pick her up.

The wind brought cool rain, and the raindrops fell on Lu Mingfei's face through the gap between the umbrellas. In Sakura's silent but cold eyes, he stretched out his other hand and touched Eli Yi's head.

Lu Mingfei didn't think about anything when he did this. He just thought that this girl really liked him and was easy to deceive. He was ignorant. Sakura said I will definitely come to you. She was in that little girl. I waited in the Japanese room for several years, waiting and waiting, like a little mushroom growing carefully after the rain.

Eriyi's hair was very soft, and Lu Mingfei didn't stop for a while. When he realized this, he saw Sakura's eyes that seemed to be murderous. He wanted to retract his hand as if he was electrocuted, but Eriyi leaned closer. As she got closer, she still raised her head and stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes with those bright crimson eyes.I don’t know why Eriyi is obviously a big girl, but today she seems so small, like a very small girl. She grabbed Lu Mingfei’s hand, and then gently touched it with her delicate face. Rub his palm gently.

Sure enough, it seems like a cat that trusts you very much, as if it can trust you with everything.

Some people love their cats very much and will fight anyone who hurts their kitten. Lu Mingfei may be one of those people. He will fight anyone who hurts the people he cares about.He thought of a rainy night. Perhaps Eliyi also thought of that rainy night when Lu Mingfei showed that ferocious look just now.

It was not in Hongjing, but in a certain alley. There were many people who were wielding machetes and were much more powerful than Lu Mingfei at that time. They wanted to take away the girl in his arms. She was worth tens of thousands of gold, and in the eyes of many people He has no strength to resist and is an easy prey.But she trusted and relied on Lu Mingfei so much, curling up in the man's arms like a little baby and trembling with fear.That was the first time that Lu Mingfei, who had always behaved like a little white rabbit in front of Eriyi, showed a devilish and ferocious look, but it was this devilish ferocious rage that made Eriyi hold him tighter. Because she knew he was still with her.At that time, Lu Mingfei was very cowardly and weak, and Eriyi probably knew it too, but when a fool falls in love with someone, he will think that person is perfect, so Eriyi always believed in Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei was very glad that he was such a person. He once had such a timid side, but he always believed in the right things.

He is always able to tolerate and convince himself, but he always has his own bottom line. When he retreats to the bottom line, he will not retreat at all. Whoever forces him again, he will fight with his life.

"Eriyi, listen to Miss Sakura, I won't go away." Lu Mingfei leaned down slightly so that he could be at eye level with Eriyi. He gently scratched the girl's nose with his fingers, and then from She took a small book in her hand and wrote this on it with a pen.

Eryi held the small book in her hand and read it for a long time before turning the page. Finally she released her right hand that had been holding Lu Mingfei's wrist and wrote "I will be obedient, and Lu Mingfei won't leave", and then Showing these words in front of Lu Mingfei, the eyes that looked into his eyes were a little cautious and full of deep and completely undisguised attachment.

Lu Mingfei felt an electric shock all over his body. His arrector pili muscles trembled and bulged slightly, and all his cold hairs seemed to stand on end.

Sure enough, I knew it.Lu Mingfei sighed in his heart.Playing with fate will really lead to being played by fate.

He is no longer the lonely bad boy now. Lu Mingfei is the man of Dragon King Jormungandr, but he doesn't know how to tell Eryi. This is such a cruel truth, and Eryi may not understand it yet. What does this mean, but one day she will know that the lovers who have established a relationship will eventually go to a palace called marriage. In this palace, there are only husband and wife, and they will live together, while everyone else will be Shut out.

Another voice said in Lu Mingfei's mind: "What are you worried about? Junior sister has already said that she doesn't care anymore. Can't you see it? Lu Mingfei, what are she and Nuonuo thinking about? Can't you really see it?" ?
Lu Mingfei said that I hope that all 1 Lu Mingfei in the 1 worlds can keep things that truly belong to Lu Mingfei. Human hearts are small, how can they hold so many people?

Why don't you knock on your chest? Why don't you open your chest and see how big your heart is? Why do you want to deceive yourself?Isn't that electric feeling love?If it doesn’t count, you’re kidding yourself!Isn’t what you feel for Xia Mi love?If not, then you are an absolute asshole!Do you really not love senior sister either?If you really don't love her anymore, why are you still unwilling to be alone with your senior sister?
Get out, get out!
Lu Mingfei was in a state of confusion. He thought that he might really be a very bad person. Maybe his heart was really bigger than others and could really hold many people.

But he doesn't like himself like this, he hates himself like this.
The black Lexus was parked in the water on the road outside Narita Airport. There were luxury cars in front and behind. The luxury cars and luxury cars together formed a luxurious fleet. There was a man in a suit standing next to the driver's seat of each car. The men, with their serious eyes, opened their arms, revealing the tattoos of fierce ghosts and yakshas on their chests. There were black handbags placed in the middle of the back seats of these cars. The zippers of the handbags were opened, and the handles of knives or swords were exposed from inside. Pierce it out.

This convoy was dispatched by the eight Sheqi families, not the Japanese branch.Such a convoy size and welcoming team not only illustrate the importance our family attaches to Lu Mingfei, the number one dragon-slaying hero of the secret party, but also the importance Yuan Zhisheng attaches to Eri Yi.

The cadres of the family were leaning on their cars, smoking and talking to each other in low voices. No one dared to look at them twice or stay here for a while. After all, they were dangerous gangsters. No one knew whether they would suddenly go crazy. , those members of the family holding umbrellas returned to their cars, and only a few of them were still clustered around Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi, as if the whole world suddenly became brighter, and as if the wind suddenly got bigger.

The eyes of every cadre were quite cold, but Lu Mingfei didn't feel much hostility towards him. Instead, more eyes fell on him. He obediently let go of Lu Mingfei's wrist and followed him like a little tail. On Eriki next to him.Of course he knows what Eri means to the Sheqi family. It is a ghost more powerful than the emperor, the ultimate weapon of the family, and something like a strategic nuclear missile. On the battlefield with God, if the source If the child cannot come out alive, the operator who takes over will throw Eriki into the battlefield, which means that she is something that can kill gods in the eyes of the house owners.

But in the same way, the out-of-control Eriki is also an opponent that is no less than a god to the Sheqi family. There are really not many opportunities for her to go out. In the past two years, the number has suddenly increased, and she can even occasionally have sex with Minamoto. We go to some foreign-related activities together, but every time we go out there is a whole team following us.

These people were undoubtedly arranged by Minamoto. They didn't care about the close relationship between the head of the Uesugi family and a man of unknown origin. Anyway, the little girl wouldn't live for many years. What they cared about was the physical condition of Eriki Uesugi.

In a sense, the cadres of the family who formed the convoy at this time were actually the "wrong people" prepared by Minamoto for Eri.

When necessary, they will kill her, no matter what the price, this is the confidence that Yuan Zhisheng will let Eli Yi receive Lu Mingfei almost alone.

"The young master said that he will return directly to Shinjuku area and wait for you, Mr. Lu, at the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo where he is staying. Your companions are also there." Sakura got into the driving seat of the Lexus, and Eriki sat in the two seats. The girl, who was tall and slender but far inferior to Sakura in temperament, sat down behind the driver's seat under the guidance of her.Lu Mingfei's original intention was to go to the co-pilot by himself, but he was really not a person who could harden his heart. He was quickly defeated by Eri Yi's watery and aggrieved eyes, and stood up to Sakura. His eyes sat next to Eriki.

"Do my two senior brothers want to tell me something?" Lu Mingfei asked.

He had not had time to contact Chu Zihang and Caesar until he got off the plane. He heard that they were flown into Japan using the Gattuso family's private plane, and they also airdropped a lot of important equipment weighing several tons. He wanted to come Although the academy did not use emails to transmit information through Norma, it must still have assigned them a very important task, and those devices may be incidental to completing this task.

Lu Mingfei thought that he would never dive into the trench again. Even today, he still has lingering fears about his last diving experience.

That was the real place of death. The three of them were abandoned by Yuan Zhisheng and almost died in the sea.Although he didn't say it, in fact, because of this incident, Lu Mingfei had always had a grudge against Yuan Zhisheng in his heart.However, after Yuan Zhiming died, and he died together with Yuan Zhimu, Lu Mingfei never mentioned this matter again.

But if the college arranges for them to explore submarine embryos again this time, Lu Mingfei will have to drag Yuan Zhisheng along with him, otherwise he will not get on the submarine at all.

Herzog wanted to take this opportunity to kill Lu Mingfei, Caesar and Chu Zihang, but he couldn't just watch Yuan Zhi live and die down there, right?

"Jun Chu asked me to tell you that junior sister asked you to bring you some seasonal clothes from the academy." Ying said.

Lu Mingfei held his forehead. Huiliyi had been peeking at Lu Mingfei. At this time, his eyes were shining. The lights flashing outside the window after the Lexus started seemed to light up in those eyes.

"Junior sister?" Eryi wrote in a small notebook.

Lu Mingfei's Adam's apple rolled, and he was feeling a little on pins and needles.He now very much doubts that Xia Mi, or even Nono, will be on the list of the next batch of students coming to Japan to study. This is by no means a very difficult thing for them. The fact that Xia Mi is Jörmungandr has already been solved. Frankly speaking in Ange's eyes, the principal and the junior sister are now allies. If we really talk about their relationship and take the throne of Vidfornir, Angers can say that he is Xia Mi's big brother. If the junior sister wants to come to Japan, The principal will never refuse.

Lu Mingfei even thought that the old guy might not have been able to hold it in right now, and was thinking that if he and Xia Mishengmi could cook a meal, it would be best to fast forward to getting married and having children, so that Jörmungandr could really be tied to humans. A chariot is on board.

There are still many challenges on the road ahead. Perhaps one day the four monarchs will turn into old titles. If the end of fate is the return of Black King Nidhogg, he will inevitably share his genes with many things. At that time, the title will be Increasingly worthless, Angers needs to find more trustworthy allies for himself.

Then again, Lu Mingfei always felt that the two girls Xia Mi and Nuonuo had formed some kind of strange offensive and defensive alliance, and were watching him all the time.

He was struggling with how to answer Eriki's question when Sakura spoke again. She looked at Lu Mingfei through the rearview mirror. There was not much expression on her face, but there was a hint of playfulness at the corner of her mouth.

"Mr. Gattuso also asked me to tell Mr. Lu that Miss Kristina has something to tell you. There is a letter that Mr. Gattuso should personally hand over to you." Sakura's voice was calm, and the corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched. , I just feel that the rainy Tokyo is really a bit cold for no reason.

"Who is Kriska?" Eryi wrote in the notebook again. This time the girl tilted her head and looked at Lu Mingfei, her big eyes full of curiosity.

"A girl is very pitiful. Her family no longer wants her, so I brought her back to the United States." Lu Mingfei hesitated and told her these things in the same way as Eryi.

"Why did her family reject her? Is it because she is disobedient? Eriyi will be obedient. Sakura, don't let Eriyi go." Eriyi wrote quickly, and Lu Mingfei's heart beat unexpectedly. Speeding up, something soft deep in his chest was touched. He touched Eriyi's head, "No, no, Kriska's family is dead."

Krisja's brother was killed by the boar Neo, and this was the only family she considered her family, so there was nothing wrong with Lu Mingfei's words.

"Then Lu Mingfei won't let Hui Liyi go, right? Because Lu Mingfei won't die." After Hui Liyi finished writing, he blinked and looked up at Lu Mingfei.

The corners of Sakura's eyes twitched. She had forgotten that Eriyi was actually a young white flower who had never experienced many things, had not received gender enlightenment education, and had never been in love with a boy. In front of her, she talked about her acquaintance with Lu Mingfei. The other girl cannot play any role at all.

"Everyone will die, whether they are killed or sick, but I promise you, Hui Liyi, Lu Mingfei will not stop Hui Liyi before I die," Lu Mingfei wrote.He had made a similar promise before, but he couldn't keep it that time, and he won't do it this time.

Eri Yi was very happy. She took out a small Master Yoda doll from somewhere and put it in Lu Mingfei's hand. This was probably a way for her to express that she liked someone, that is, to put it in Lu Mingfei's hand. Share what you like very much with that person.Eriki likes her dolls very much, because these little guys have always been with her during those lonely days.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the little Master Yoda in the palm of his hand. He was actually wearing a pink Barbie skirt. The contrast was huge, ugly, and a little cute. This kind of thing would not even be placed on Lu Mingfei's mind. He was playing with it in his hands, but he solemnly put the cute and cute Master Yoda in a skirt into his hiking bag.

"It's Eriyi wearing a skirt. When Lu Mingfei can't sleep at night, he puts Eriyi next to the pillow, so that he can think of Eriyi by your side." Eriyi's eyes sparkled, she The intention was obviously to let Lu Mingfei regard Master Yoda as herself. Lu Mingfei was a little moved. He wanted to say that Master Yoda was not as beautiful as Eri Yi. Master Yoda with a lightsaber was just about the same. He wore a pink Barbie. The Master Yoda in the skirt is not even as good as the Tiga figure.

But he didn't say that he realized something.

Eriyi actually doesn't like Master Yoda. She prefers Rilakkuma or Little Yellow Duck. She doesn't share those dolls she likes more with Lu Mingfei because she regards them as Lu Mingfei's substitutes. , in those lonely nights, the little girl curled up in the white velvet quilt, and the little yellow ducks and Rilakkuma leaned on the pillow to accompany her to sleep. In Eriyi's imagination, every little yellow duck and every Rilakkuma even has Lu Mingfei’s face.

The Lexus slid silently into the traffic. Lu Mingfei was originally looking at Eryi, but now his eyes slowly moved towards this city that seemed to suddenly come alive at night.Many people know that Tokyo is an orderly city. Everyone operates like the most precise gears. The traffic flow is orderly. Every car stops neatly with the change of traffic lights, and the crowds of people rush by. The streets spread out along their own tracks, and traffic resumed immediately when the lights changed again.It reminds me of another well-organized thing that has been arranged on a fixed track.

That thing is destiny.

Lu Mingfei was lost in thought as he looked at the scenery outside the car window. The endless traffic was reflected in his pupils.

The girl's breathing was steady, and she looked at the boy in front of her who had been thinking about it for a long time. Although there was no traffic in her eyes, she was so bright that she seemed to hold the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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