Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 161 160 Tachibana Masamune

Chapter 161 160. Tachibana Masamune (3)

The Tachibana Masamune in front of him was almost the same as the Herzog who was good at disguise in Lu Mingfei's memory, but he didn't seem to care whether Eri was in his hands.

Could it be that the White King's holy remains have not yet been found and Herzog is not completely sure that he can ascend the throne as the new White King?

Tachibana Masamune actually lifted up his sleeves, stretched out his withered but still strong palms to clasp Lu Mingfei's wrist, and started talking in a low voice.

"Lu Jun looks like a young and promising young hero. Do you have any relatives at home, and where do you work?" Masamune Tachibana took Lu Mingfei's hand affectionately, as if he was an elder he had not seen for a long time. Ask about the current situation of the juniors.

Lu Mingfei felt more and more absurd.

"If Mr. Masamune is talking about relatives in our world, my parents are indeed of mixed race, but I don't know where they work, and I haven't had any contact with them for a long time." He answered calmly, wanting to come to Orange Zhengzong would not care whether his uncle, aunt, Lu Mingze and others were considered close family members to Boss Lu.

There is a charcoal stove on the Taichi stone table, and a Kansai iron kettle is placed on the stove. It seems that the tea in the tea cup in Tachibana Masamune's hand comes from this Kansai iron kettle.

"I have been paying attention to Mr. Lu since the Kuimen Project was implemented in the academy. I have repeatedly watched your fight with that god. I am quite impressed by the young man's high spirits and the successor of the dragon-slaying career. I often regret that I gave birth to dozens of children earlier. Nian, you can't follow Mr. Lu." Masamune Tachibana felt a little emotional, as if he really valued Lu Mingfei and admired him very much.

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, and his facial features were as sharp as a knife, but his eyes were bright when he said these words.

Lu Mingfei looked at Caesar and Chu Zihang helplessly, with a hint of help in his eyes.

But Caesar and Chu Zihang both sat with their heads bowed and knelt down. They were not nervous among the several family heads. They were all murderers, so there was no such thing as nervousness. At worst, they would draw their swords and attack them.However, these two people had no intention of helping Lu Mingfei. They just stared at the cup of hot tea in front of them.

Before participating in this meeting, or even before setting off for Japan, they had already made some guesses about the current situation.

There is no doubt that Lu Mingfei, who has shown the strongest strength, will receive the most favorable treatment in the Japanese branch. This is due to the respect and even awe of the Sheqi family for the strong, even if the academy clearly designated Chu Zi in the mission report Hang is the team leader, and they will probably still regard Lu Mingfei as the core of this operation.Therefore, neither Chu Zihang nor Caesar was surprised by the situation at this time.

At this time, everyone and the distinguished guests were chatting happily. Out of courtesy, the others actually had no intention of interrupting or interrupting. The fire was burning more and more fiercely, crackling, and the cool breeze blew from the direction of the bay. There were some low black clouds.

"Mr. Masamune's reputation is so well-known. We often hear about your deeds in the academy." Lu Mingfei said with a dry smile. He had an inexplicable feeling. The Herzog in front of him seemed to be far better than the previous one. It was easier to deal with and get along with him this time, and he even allowed Lu Mingfei to take Eryi away.

You must know that Eri is the most important key to opening the White King's treasure house. Without her, even Herzog would not be able to filter the White King's fetal blood.

"Oh, is it true?" Tachibana Masamune's face showed a look of confirmation and a little bit of expectation,

"I don't know what deeds a person like me can do that can be spread in the academy."

Lu Mingfei leaned back tactically, thinking to himself, hey old man, why don’t you play according to the routine now? Shouldn’t there be a round of business exchanges at this time? Mom, it’s too weird for you to ask such a question. Bar!
Seeing that the commissioner's expression became awkward and awkward, Yuan Zhisheng cleared his throat and shouted softly, "Dad!"

Tachibana Masamune laughed, he did have a very charming personality and quite a bit of leadership, "Lu Jun, don't be cautious, I just asked out of curiosity, Lu Jun, you are now famous in the secret party, I don't know what you will do after graduation. Don’t you have any plans?”

"There's no plan, right? People like us can't do anything but fight and kill, so we can't go home and open an electronics factory." Lu Mingfei said, "Maybe join the executive department and slay dragons all over the world or something. But Many people in the school said that I might be the principal's illegitimate son, and I thought maybe he would pass on the principal's position to me."

"If you join the executive department, your life will be very insecure and unstable." Tachibana Masamune frowned, "On the other hand, it's not bad to stay in the college and work there. It's safe and secure, and there's a secret party establishment, plus your prestige, Mr. Lu. , maybe I can really become the principal."

"I don't have any big ambitions, and I'm not very interested in becoming a principal." Lu Mingfei took a sip of tea.

"Well, I just want to live a stable life. Dragon-slaying heroes like you, Lu Jun, are rare. They are not tempted by fame and fortune. This is good." Tachibana Masamune nodded, "I would like to ask if you have an engagement. here I am?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned.Chu Zihang and Caesar also obviously heard that something was wrong, and they both looked at Tachibana Masamune, and Yuan Zhisheng's eyes became erratic.

The previous questions could be regarded as pleasantries between the Japanese hybrid leader and the most powerful dragon-slaying hero of this century, but the last sentence almost said "Lu Jun, I think you will come and seduce the master of our house, Shangshan". "Bar" these words.

Lu Mingfei's cheeks twitched. He wanted to catch the little devil now and ask if it was all his fault and why Herzog was like this.

Damn, he looks like he's kneeling and licking him when he comes up. It's hard for me to kill him with a knife.

"For now... we don't have an engagement yet, but we are already dating a girl," Lu Mingfei said.

He regained his energy and alerted himself. Herzog was a cunning opponent like a fox, and he might be brewing some shady conspiracy.

"Ahaha, we're just dating. It's normal for young people to have a chaotic private life. I think I was in Shibuya when I was young..."

"Ahem!" Yuan Zhisheng coughed.

Tachibana Masamune patted the back of his head, "Oh, oh, oh, sorry, sorry, anyway, I have heard about the matter between Lu Jun and the head of the Shangshan family from the mouth of the child. As the head of the Sheqiba family, I am not aware of this matter. I object, I hope Lu-kun that you and Eriki can spend more time together during your stay in Japan."

Lu Mingfei sneered, avoiding the scorching gazes of several family heads and senior brothers around him, "But I remember the body of the family master Shangshan..."

"It doesn't matter, we will arrange palliative treatment as soon as possible, and she will be able to go out soon." Masamune Tachibana waved his hand.

Lu Mingfei's eyes suddenly fell on the stove in the center of the stone table, and his heart moved slightly.
"I have heard that Mr. Masamune is an excellent tea ceremony master, but I have never asked you for advice according to etiquette..."

"It's a myth, it's a myth, actually I don't understand the tea ceremony." Masamune Tachibana laughed heartily.Lu Mingfei nodded.

"We already know the purpose of Genji Heavy Industries through the academy. It is said that they are preparing to use the technology of the Yanliu Research Institute to improve underwater robots, right?" After exchanging pleasantries with Lu Mingfei, Tachibana Masamune sat up straight. , suddenly there was a faint aura of a leader spreading, "The Sheqi Ba family will provide the most complete logistics and support for all actions of the college. At the same time, we will also do a good job in security for all the commissioners."

"Although actually I think security work is completely unnecessary." Tachibana Masamune looked at Lu Mingfei and smiled.

"Mr. Masamune, you are overly praised." Lu Mingfei calmed down. He was now more and more alert. Herzog was the most dangerous and cunning enemy he had ever encountered in his life. Such an enemy must have his own purpose no matter what he did. , Lu Mingfei had seen his cunning, cruelty and despicability before, and he would never be fooled again today.

This cunning sand fox did not express its determination to win over Eli Yi at this time. Instead, he took the initiative to send her to Lu Mingfei. This had to make Lu Mingfei suspect that the old dog was trying to fight. own idea.

In fact, this is not impossible. Lu Mingfei holds the ownership of the dragon bone cross of Norton, the Lord of Bronze and Fire. There is a lot of evidence in the last period of time and space that Herzog's understanding of dragons is at the forefront of human history. Maybe he can judge from the video data that Norton has swallowed up Constantine's power and become another supreme and all-element controller after the Black King and the White King.

In this state, Norton is not inferior to King White in the crown, but he has not had time to grow, but his genes are perfect.Maybe Herzog has a way to ascend to the throne through other substances.

A visible dragon bone cross and a white king's holy skeleton that has not been seen for more than 20 years, obviously the former can also be used as a backup plan.

Lu Mingfei was still conceiving in his mind that several family heads had already started chatting with Caesar and Chu Zihang.

Although it is said to be a meeting, it is actually not formal at all. It can even be said to be very casual. The head of the Ryoma family, the Fuma family, and the Inuyama family seem to be very serious old people, but in fact they are all talkative, and they are not serious, and they often say interesting things. Come.

"Mr. Masamune seems to be a native of Kyoto. Some of my friends are from Kagoshima and Hokkaido. Your accent is different from them. It is a pure pronunciation of modern Japanese." Caesar said.

Lu Mingfei suddenly raised his eyes. Fortunately, his hanging hair covered his eyes, otherwise everyone would have noticed how terrifying the young man's eyes were.

"Yes, Gattuso-kun is indeed as sharp as the legend says." Tachibana Masamune said with a smile, "I was born in Tokyo, but when I was young, I went to Russia, which was still Soviet at that time, and lived in Moscow. After a while, I returned to Japan and was recruited by my family to return home."

This is very wrong.

Lu Mingfei's fingers trembled slightly, but he hid them under the table to prevent others from seeing them.

The accent of Tachibana Masamune in the previous period had Slavic characteristics that could not be hidden. Even now, Lu Mingfei can actually distinguish the subtle special features.Tachibana Masamune's accent indeed no longer distinguishes between palatal and velar sounds.

Many things about a person can be deliberately hidden and disguised, including one's face, name and even behavior, but habits, especially those that are deeply rooted in the bone marrow, are difficult to change.

Lu Mingfei looked at the tall old man next to him, whose back was still straight even though he was aging, and huge doubts gradually emerged.

"Lu Jun seems to be preoccupied." Yuan Zhisheng was originally sitting on the right side of Caesar, but Chu Zihang learned that Inuyama Ga was a famous swordsman master in the Japanese branch, and he was very interested in exchanging kendo experiences with the head of the Inuyama family. , so he exchanged places with Yuan Zhisheng beside Inuyama He, so now it is Yuan Zhisheng who is sandwiched between Lu Mingfei and Caesar.

"I can't say that I'm worried, I just have some doubts about some things that I was originally convinced of." Lu Mingfei said lightly, and he suddenly looked at Caesar, "Brother, I want to eat grilled herring later, and wait for things to happen here. Let’s go for a walk outside together after it’s over.”

Caesar also looked at Lu Mingfei. His sky-blue eyes were as deep as the undercurrent in the depths of the ocean at a certain moment. After a few seconds, Caesar nodded.

"I just happen to want to try some of Tokyo's specialties, so I might give it a try," he said.

"Chu Zihang, what do you think?"

"I have no objection, just make your decision." Chu Zihang said, since Hui Liyi appeared, his senior brother's attitude towards Lu Mingfei has drastically changed, and some of his parents-in-law showed serious dissatisfaction after discovering that their uncle was messing around with women outside.

"I do know a very good grilled fish restaurant, but it's not in Shinjuku. It was the first restaurant I ate at when I first came to Tokyo many years ago. The proprietress is a very decent beauty. I can do it later. I'll take you to try it out." Yuan Zhisheng volunteered.

"Children, please come with me to the Yanliu Research Institute first. Since your distinguished guest has already made arrangements, let's not waste any more time. Let's go and make arrangements for things in the institute first. There are Patriarch Lao Fengmo and Patriarch Ryoma. The head of the Inuyama family will continue to stay here to drink tea with the distinguished guests." Masamune Tachibana stood up and left.

Chu Zihang's team also stood up and returned the greeting, and Yuan Zhisheng followed Tachibana Masamune out of Xingshen Temple with small steps.

"After our last farewell, I have been yearning for Lu Jun's style. I heard that you and Chu Jun are the two best swordsmen in the academy. It's a pity that we were not born in the same era, otherwise I would have to Please ask for advice." Inuyama Ga sighed to Lu Mingfei after Tachibana Masamune left.

"An old guy like you shouldn't seek out the bad luck of young people, Ah He!" the head of the Feng Mo family said with a smile. It could be seen that the relationship between the two was very harmonious, not at all like the incompatibility shown in the previous period of time and space.

"My yearning for the strong is not curbed because of my age." Inuyama Ga said, he scanned the group of three people with a scrutinizing gaze, and suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a gaze that looked like an evil ghost coming from his body. It flashed by, making him shudder.

Inuyama He looked at Lu Mingfei first, because according to his knowledge, the only one among these people who had the ability to threaten him or even kill him in an instant was Lu Mingfei, but this person was obviously not paying attention to him. Just looking at the tea cup in his hand in a daze.

Could it be...

The other two commissioners?

 That's all today, and tomorrow there will be [-] words. Masamune Tachibana's identity has not changed. He is Herzog. He has not been reborn and has no golden fingers.

  In fact, I had a vague hint about the person who led the Long San incident to happen in advance in this book. Actually, it is not a subtle hint. Anyway, it has appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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