Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 162 Its a quiet day

Chapter 162 161. It's a quiet day
"Chisei, what do you think of these young people?" Regardless of position or status, Tachibana Masamune is far more important than Minamoto in the Sheqihachi family, not to mention that in a sense, Mr. Masamune is the adoptive father of the head of the Minamoto family. , so when they need to take action, Tachibana Masamune must always stand in front of Minamoto. That is the position of the leader and the position of the barrier.

The girls closed the screen, and Xingshen Temple disappeared from behind them. Yuan Zhisheng took a step forward with a calm face, "If they were enemies of the family, they would be very dangerous, but I don't seem to have the desire to be friends with them. Even though the members of this team have participated in many dragon-slaying wars, I think they are still unreliable kids. Caesar Gattuso is a little too unstable, and Lu Mingfei seems to have other plans for us. He hid his secret very well, but he couldn't hide his murderous intention towards someone. I always felt that when we met for the first time today, he had the urge to pull out a knife and kill someone."

"In comparison, I'm more optimistic about the guy named Chu Zihang. Although it seems that his bloodline is unstable from the college's files, and he is an absolutely violent person, always using the most cruel means to deal with those who A fallen hybrid, but he is very calm and calm. I have been observing them. Among the commissioners, only Chu Zihang began to examine the surrounding environment when he entered Xingshen Temple. I often do this when facing unfamiliar environments. Do it to avoid encounters and being unable to find a way to escape immediately when you are at a disadvantage." Yuan Zhisheng was actually quite optimistic about Chu Zihang. In fact, he was right. The reason why embryo-killing was embryo-killing was because It is because Chu Zihang is always prepared to be killed when he is preparing to kill. He has performed several times more dangerous tasks than Caesar. He has faced many threats that can endanger his life. If he does not want to be killed, he must be enough. cautious.

"Having said that, they are actually very good kids. I think maybe one day we will have the opportunity to fight side by side."

Masamune Tachibana said in a deep voice, "Caesar Gattuso represents the Gattuso family behind him and almost half of the secret party. As the leader of the group, Chu Zihang should represent Kassel College. Their bloodline is all They are A-level, and even among the family, only a special being like you can suppress them."

"Dad, you said these two people represent the Gattuso family and the academy respectively. What about Lu Mingfei? Although I didn't see from the attitudes of the three commissioners who they were centered on, but judging from past information, they He is indeed the most powerful among these people." Yuan Zhisheng asked.

"Angers, I think he is here on behalf of Angers." Masamune Tachibana pressed the down button of the elevator, and the display above began to show that the VIP elevator began to climb up from the first floor.

"He is a young man with great potential. He is very powerful. He may be able to truly end the old era... I am thinking that if the Sheqi Eight Families want to become independent from the Secret Party, it may be difficult in the era of his rule. .”

"I'm not afraid of difficulties." Yuan Zhisheng pulled out his saber. At this time, with a ding sound, the elevator door opened in front of him. A cool breeze blew from the inside out, and pink and white cherry petals fell. The blade was gently shaken off by Yuan Zhisheng, and a dazzling cold light flowed on the blade.

There is something fierce in the Spider Mountain at night!

If Lu Mingfei were here, he would recognize this sword, the Spider Kiri, a famous sword that has been passed down in Japan for thousands of years. The holders of past generations have used it to kill all kinds of incredible things. The last two users in the last period of time and space were respectively It was Yuan Zhisheng and Chu Zihang. After the Battle of Tokyo, the Japanese branch gave this knife to Chu Zihang in accordance with Yuan Zhisheng's last wish.

"The rules in this world have always been set by real violence. Dad, you are still very young. One day, our family and I will become the roaring famous sword in your hand. Although I hate to say it, the royal blood flows in my body. We who are bloody are the real violence..." Yuan Zhisheng's slender eyes were reflected in the cold sword light. He breathed deeply, and unparalleled power flowed in the blood along this man's veins. As the atrium contracts, it is pumped toward the limbs.

"Confidence is never a shortcoming, but you have to remember, Xiaosheng, we are the children of gods, and so far two gods have fallen into the hands of Mr. Lu." Masamune Tachibana stood facing the closed elevator door, He leaned against the metal plate as smooth as a mirror to gaze into Yuan Zhisheng's eyes.
"Norton, and Fenrir."

The ancient name was recited from the old man's mouth, and Yuan Zhisheng immediately stood in awe. It was the throne that had ruled the world in ancient times, and it was the new god created by the Black Supreme after the White King.

"So what you mean is..." Yuan Zhisheng frowned, "We should surrender to Lu Mingfei just like we surrender to Principal Ange?"

"That's not the case. The Sheqi Hachi family will not bow to anyone. I just think that with his status and strength in the secret party, he may be able to completely solve the hidden dangers in Eriki's body in the future. Look at the one named Chu Zihang's child, the file said that his bloodline is extremely unstable and there is a risk of losing control at any time. The golden eyes that represent the bloodline can no longer be extinguished. Today, he may have used some means to change the color of his eyes, so he is not like that The eternal golden eyes were exposed, but I can still tell that he is not violent, his thinking and logic are very stable, and there is no risk of losing control at any time. I think that is probably because the academy has found some method that can completely stabilize the bloodline. , the cost of this method must be very high, because even in the family, you are the only one with a stable bloodline and the ability to break through the critical blood limit. If Angers can create people like you in batches, then he will definitely not I will hesitate." Tachibana Masamune said.

Yuan Zhisheng remained silent.

The elevator went down, and a feeling of weightlessness swept through the whole body. The man wiped his saber silently until the winch stopped working. The elevator completely stopped on the underground floor. Yuan Zhisheng finally sighed, "This is what you allow me to draw, dad." The reason why Riyi and I went to Kassel Academy together and agreed to Sakura's plan to let Eriki go to Narita Airport to meet Lu Mingfei is that you wanted to heal her through the power of the academy." He said.

Tachibana Masamune said nothing.

"But why, except for the Uesugi family head himself, all the family heads should know the meaning of her existence. One day we will really find God. If I don't come out alive from the battlefield, Eri will be killed. Throw it in, she is actually the weapon used by the family to kill gods." Yuan Zhisheng already knew this cruel fact, he just didn't want to say it.

He was very kind to Eriki, and it was actually as if he was trying to make up for an old friend he had lost, but that silly girl never appeared in the life he planned for himself.Yuan Zhisheng has never told anyone that his dream is to go to a nudist beach in France to sell sunscreen. He has saved a sum of money for himself, which is enough for him and his possible family to live a prosperous life abroad. In that kind of future, Sakura and Tachibana Masamune may appear, and even Crow and Yasha were once taken to France by Minamoto's imagination, but he never thought of taking Eriki with him.

Because she is the family's weapon, she is falling towards the abyss every day. One day, the will of the dragon will completely devour this girl, and she will become an evil ghost that kills everyone.

It seemed that because Yuan Zhisheng asked a question that was somewhat difficult to answer, Tachibana Masamune stood in front of the elevator door for a long time, until the metal door slid open to both sides, and then he reached out and patted Yuan Zhisheng on the shoulder.

"I raised Eri Yi. Although I may not have much time to spend with her, I still feel that I am a father. How could a father watch his daughter die? All fathers love their daughters. I used to When I was not a big shot, I often thought that if someone wanted to hurt my daughter, I would fight to the death with that person. Even if my bones were broken, I would send a bullet into that person's heart." Outside the elevator is a long corridor. , the four walls are covered with hard alloy, as smooth as a mirror,

"Later, I became the head of the Sheqi Hachi family, and Daiyi would occupy a higher position, so I agreed to the family's plan to raise Eriri as the ultimate weapon. But if she really has the possibility of being cured, Even if it’s just a slim chance, I won’t give up no matter how much I sacrifice.”

"I understand." Yuan Zhisheng said.Their footsteps echoed in the metal corridor, lonely and distant, as if these two men were the only ones left in the world.

"Children." Tachibana Masamune looked at the young man beside him. He suddenly felt a little emotional. It turned out that the half-grown boy was so powerful today. He could even stand in front of him with a knife and said that he would help him fight against the academy. talk.

"What's the matter, dad?" Yuan Zhisheng slowly sheathed his sword. Although he could bring weapons when he visited the Yanliu Research Institute, Yuan Zhisheng would never show these bloody things in front of the researchers. s things.

"I said that if anyone wants to hurt Eriki, I will fight with him. If anyone wants to hurt you, I will risk my life." Tachibana Masamune said.

"Yeah." Yuan Zhisheng responded softly.

Nowadays, Minamoto is an adult. He has become the head of the Minamoto family of three of the eight families in Sheqi a long time ago. He is a powerful figure who can speak in all of Tokyo, but he is still the stubborn one. Although the boy in the mountains still feels a little sensational when his heart stirs, he has passed the age where he can cry to death when watching Qiong Yao dramas.
"The grilled fish here is great. I have only brought Sakura here to eat twice. Even Crow and Yasha have never known this place." Yuan Zhisheng sipped the chilled sake.

He originally said he was going to take Lu Mingfei to a grilled fish shop, but it turned out that it was not the case after he came. Instead, he was making robatayaki. Before leaving Tokyo, the shop opened on the side of the road to Kanagawa.

It is indeed a very small shop, with not many counters and not many customers. They are all middle-aged people wearing suits and weathered faces.

The landlady is indeed a rare beauty. She is wearing a denim jacket and bell-bottom pants that have been stained by washing. Her eyebrows have the gentle sadness of a Showa beauty.

It was evening at this time, and the number of guests gradually increased, and they were all obviously regular customers. Everyone greeted the boss and his family. A fire was lit in the middle of the barbecue table, and sliced ​​beef, pork and bird hearts were inserted on the bamboo skewers next to it. There are also radishes and mushrooms. Several people sit together, and the air conditioner on the ceiling blows out cold air to dissipate the heat of the fire and at the same time let the aroma of the food hit our faces.

"Although it's not a very luxurious meal, the food is really good... To be honest, sometimes I even want to drive here very late at night and have a big meal, but I give up in the end." Yuan Zhisheng said. . "Why gave up?" Caesar was concentrating on dealing with a bass with Chu Zihang when he suddenly raised his head and asked, "You are a very important person in the Sheqi family. Even if there is a traffic jam, I can arrange a helicopter to airlift you here, or directly Invite the boss and his family to Genji Heavy Industries to become your exclusive chefs, and you can eat whenever you want."

"Because I am the head of the Yuan family and the director of the executive bureau, I have a lot to do. The prestige of the eight Sheqi families is often shouldered by me alone. Usually I am not as leisurely as the distinguished guests seem to be. Sometimes It takes a month to return to Genji Heavy Industries and settle down." Genji said, taking a sip of sake.

"Many people in this world are burdened with mountains of things. You are burdened with responsibility, but some people are burdened with destiny." Chu Zihang said suddenly. Caesar and Lu Mingfei both looked at him, wondering why this guy At this time, he suddenly said such heroic words.

"But even those who are burdened with fate will not always be so tense. They will always find some leisure time for themselves between wars. Just like William IV would take a dip when Germany and Poland were at war. Natural hot spring." Chu Zihang continued.

Yuan Zhisheng hesitated, then used chopsticks to fork a piece of grilled fish for himself, and silently looked at this unsmiling man, "I can't relax, there are some things you don't know."

Caesar finally killed the bass and wiped his mouth, "Yuanjun, you know that I come from the Gattuso family, and I must know what this family means."

"Yes." Yuan Zhisheng didn't know what Caesar wanted to express, but he still responded to his question.

"My father is an irresponsible bastard, so the position of acting head of the family falls on my Frost. He also often said that he wanted to go back to the old city of Rome and ask for food in the tavern on the street. A glass of rum, watching the beautiful strippers show off their figures to their heart’s content, but they are always busy. Today I have to meet with the financial giants on Wall Street, and tomorrow I will visit the Italian Royal Air Force Headquarters and give advice to the generals. Order a small gift, and I will go to London the day after tomorrow to meet Her Royal Highness the Queen and talk to the British Prime Minister about our business in London..." "Senior brother, your uncle is really old-hearted, but if you really want to see a stripper next time, please be sure to leave a photo. Let us criticize and criticize." Lu Mingfei spoke sternly, Caesar shrugged,

"But in fact, these things can be left to others. We have a corresponding team that can handle any emergencies, but my uncle is always happy to do it. I don't think he is forced to do so, but I like this feeling, I like this feeling of being in control of everything, I like this feeling of being on top.”

"Mr. Gattuso, your uncle is really a..." Yuan Zhisheng thought for a few seconds and found a suitable word, "an ambitious person."

"Yeah, actually what I want to say is, if you really want to take some small gaps in your busy time to do what you want to do, then you can definitely do it. Everyone is like this, I have seen Everyone here calls you Young Master, and even the family heads who call the shots in the Japanese underworld must be respectful in front of you. You are the one who can do whatever you want here. In fact, it’s not that you are too busy to have grilled fish, it’s just that The ambition is so big that you cannot relax, and you are worried that once you relax, it will not be difficult to satisfy your ambition." Caesar frowned and said.

Yuan Zhisheng remained calm and just drank.

"That," Lu Mingfei said quietly.

Yuan Zhisheng waved his hand, "Everyone, tell me, Mr. Lu, that you can pick up the head of the Sugi family from Yuanshi Heavy Industries after tomorrow."

The corners of Lu Mingfei's eyes raised, and Yuan Zhisheng added, "But I have a bottom line. She can't stay out overnight and must go home at night."

"I'm just going out for a walk, I won't stay overnight." Lu Mingfei said.

"You have no idea what you are doing. I do not support your decision." Yuan Zhisheng's expression became more solemn.

"I don't understand what you mean." Lu Mingfei said.

He raised his head and drank the sake in the cup, and then refilled it for himself. "There are some things that we cannot share information about, but the head of the Uesugi family is a very dangerous person. Her bloodline is not stable. Maybe It will get out of control, and it will be difficult to control it when it is out of control.”

This time everyone was just silent.

But it is clear that both Chu Zihang and Caesar are very interested in this matter. They have obviously noticed that Uesugi Eri is not simple, especially after meeting other family heads, such as Fuma Kotaro, Ryoma Genichiro and Inuyama Ga are both people with enough prestige and qualifications, so that they can serve as the leaders of a family safely. The actual age of Uesugi Eriki is probably about the same as Lu Mingfei, and the mental age is like that of a girl. .

How could such a person be the head of the Uesugi family, one of the three Sheqi families?

Minamoto was also silent, as if hesitating whether to tell the people in front of him something. Finally, he sighed, "Our expert team said that the head of the Uesugi family will probably die within a few years, or become a deadpool. But she is the last descendant of the Uesugi family, and we have no way to execute her. If we kill her, the Eight Snake Qi family will be renamed the Seventh Snake Qi family."

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other. They both saw a hint of worry in each other's eyes, and then looked at Lu Mingfei at the same time.

Unexpectedly, there was not much change in the expression on his face, he just continued to sip the sake.

"It doesn't matter. If she really falls, I'll be here." He whispered, the corners of Yuan Zhisheng's eyes twitching, "You have no idea what you will face at that time!"

Lu Mingfei said nothing, but looked up at the man in front of him. He suddenly laughed silently,

"Yuanjun, you don't trust my power."

"Sorry, that's not what I meant." Yuan Zhisheng said. He picked up the wine glass and raised it towards Lu Mingfei, indicating that this was an apology. Lu Mingfei shrugged, "You drank so much. Can I really still drive later?”

"Actually, it's no problem for me, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Transportation Department will be troubled, so I asked Sakura to pick us up." Minamoto Chisei said, "There is something going on at the Yanliu Research Institute today, so please Your guest, please visit Genji Heavy Industries tomorrow. The underwater robot you want is already being completed. The technology provided by the academy is actually very complete. We only need to be responsible for the assembly."

 I originally planned to write [-] words today, but I went out and had no time to write, so I will write [-] words tomorrow.

  This plot passed quickly, and the plot of the trench will soon follow.

  Herzog will be officially launched in a few chapters, but not in a very flashy way.

(End of this chapter)

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