Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 163 Chapter 162 Kanto Branch

Chapter 163 162. Kanto Branch
Rain clouds had already enveloped Tokyo, but it probably wasn't Odin who had extended his Nibelung roots. The city was already rainy, and this season had a rainy climate.

The gull spread its wings against the strong wind, swaying in the strong opposing air currents, but still flew towards Tokyo Bay.

After eating grilled fish, Yuan Zhisheng asked Sakura to drive the Hummer to pick them up, but neither Crow nor Yasha accompanied them.Since the young master needs to accompany the distinguished guests to eat, drink and have fun in the city, then the subordinates should assume the responsibility of the director of the executive bureau. Men in suits with big tickets will run around in various cities in the country, hunting down those who Fallen evil spirit.

Speaking of which, Crow is indeed worthy of being a naive dog-headed strategist. He can always take care of many things in an orderly manner. Although this guy is a street gangster, but unlike Yasha, who has a brain full of muscles, Crow is better at it. Use your own intelligence to solve problems.

Sometimes the Executive Board works even more effectively in his hands than in Yuan Zhisheng's.

The rain has started, and Tokyo seems to suddenly quiet down from the noise and then immediately boil again.This kind of weather is not strange, Yuan Zhisheng is used to it, but Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang look worried.

"The Tokyo Meteorological Bureau said that a typhoon is approaching us, and the rainy season will continue for a long time." Minamoto said, "In fact, sometimes I like rainy days. The air in this city will be much cleaner, and it will rain heavily. If so, the traffic will be more or less affected. Many people will take a break at this time to relax themselves. This is true for office workers and students. Even many criminals with dragon blood flowing in their bodies do not like to go out on rainy days. .This way I will be free and have time to do my own things."

"My own business?" Lu Mingfei said.

"Well, I actually like playing games. Do you, Street Fighter distinguished guests, know that?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.

Caesar looked at Lu Mingfei beside him with confusion. Lu Mingfei nodded, "I play often."

"In addition, I can go back to the countryside. Mr. Masamune likes to forge knives very much. When we are free, we can forge knives together." Yuan Zhisheng said, "He said that he has been trying to forge a sword that can be used all his life. A famous sword for slaying demons and subduing demons.”

Yuan Zhisheng didn't say a word. Sometimes he felt that he was the good knife in his father's hand that roared and cut off the heads of monsters and ghosts when it was unsheathed.

Chu Zihang was silently looking out the window. His eyes, which had no ups and downs after wearing contact lenses, reflected the dim lights in the rain curtain, like mountains and seas, and like mirror flowers and moonlight.

Hearing what Yuan Zhisheng said, he turned his attention to the co-pilot's seat, "Yuanjun, you seem to be very knowledgeable about knives."

Yuan Zhisheng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked into Chu Zihang's eyes through the rearview mirror. He frowned and looked away.

He didn't like the hollow, deep look in Chu Zihang's eyes after wearing contact lenses. He looked like a dead person or an evil ghost whose soul had been lost. It was so dark that even the reflected light made people shudder.

But then Yuan Zhisheng remembered that the weapon Chu Zihang often used was also a Japanese sword.

In fact, the person in this team who uses Japanese swords is Lu Mingfei, but from the information provided by Princess Kaguya, it seems that the most powerful S-class in history is better at using double swords.

"The family's sword museum and Mr. Masamune's private collection include more than [-]% of the famous swords that have appeared in Japan's thousand-year history. I am not a sword master, but I do have some knowledge." Yuan Zhisheng answered Chu Zihang.

He handed his sword and its scabbard to Chu Zihang from the gap between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. After Chu Zihang took it, he drew the sword out of its sheath. For a moment, it seemed as if metals with uneven surfaces were rubbing against each other. A harsh low scream echoed in the car's cabin.

"It's like an evil ghost is crying." Caesar's eyes were solemn, and he also looked at the knife. The cold light shone so brightly in the darkness, as if it was the cold moon that suddenly lit up in the night sky.

"It smells fishy," Lu Mingfei said.He has a very keen sense of this smell. It is the smell that comes from a weapon that has killed many people and drank a lot of blood. It is very light, but it cannot be washed away.

"Yes, this knife has been fighting incredible things for thousands of years. It has killed evil spirits and gods." Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head.

"It is a very precious ancient sword. Some collectors will spend a lot of money to buy it. It is too luxurious to use as a weapon." Chu Zihang said.

"The Snakekihachi family collects more than 500 billion yen in offerings from gangsters across Japan every year, and its industries will also provide hundreds of billions of output. We are not short of money. On the contrary, if a knife is placed on the sword Isn’t the original wish of the person who forged it lost in the museum?”

"That's it." Chu Zihang said, then put the knife into its sheath and gave it back to Yuan Zhisheng.

"The origins of such ancient swords should be recorded in the Sheqiba Family's database, such as the last owner and so on." Chu Zihang asked.

"Yes, this is a very important inheritance." Yuan Zhisheng said.

"Please help me look at this knife. I really hope to find its origin through the power of the Japanese branch." Chu Zihang handed the tennis bag he originally carried to Yuan Zhisheng, and Yuan Zhisheng opened the bag. I saw the black sheath inside.

The dangerous aura hit his face, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

No matter who forged the knife here, the person who used it had definitely killed far more dangerous things than the demons Spider Che had killed.

Lu Mingfei silently looked at the scabbard in Yuan Zhisheng's hand. The knife was Murasame. It was broken by Jörmungandr, the King of Earth and Mountains, in the BJ Nibelung in the last period of time and space, leaving only a few pieces. fragments.

This time it was still intact.Because Jörmungandr was really not interested in Murasame who broke Chu Zihang, and he only wanted to find opportunities to overthrow Senior Brother Lu.

Lu Mingfei asked Chu Zihang about his father, but his senior brother didn't know any more details, or even his origins. He thought that a famous Japanese sword like Murasame should have a complete record of its inheritors.

"You should have added the blade yourself later. It didn't exist originally. It's a sacred sword. But the strange thing is that it doesn't have a sword inscription. I can't see where this sword was originally enshrined." Childish said.

Goshen swords are swords enshrined in shrines in Japan. Since they are generally not used in actual combat, most of them do not have sword tangs.The reverse blade used by Himura Kenshin in Rurouni Kenshin is also the Goshin Sword.

"Looking at the texture and material, this sword should be forged from smelting iron. The hamon is called 'Inazuma', which is a crease in the shape of an electric light. This technology has been rarely used in forging since 300 years ago. The craftsmanship of the sword is excellent, which means that the shrine that can enshrine it has a history of at least 300 years. There are not many shrines in Japan with a history of 300 years. We can narrow down the search scope, so that we can easily find the origin of this sword. Where." Yuan Zhisheng continued to analyze.

"Mr. Yuan is indeed a very knowledgeable sword master." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly.Obviously, this embryo-killing man intended to compliment, but he really didn't understand the essence, so the compliments he said became neither salty nor bland.

"It's ridiculous... However, I can feel a very weak resonance when I hold this knife. I guess it must be an ancient alchemy knife, right?" Yuan Zhisheng asked.


"Alchemy ancient knives will have their own characteristics. For example, my Spider Cut will become extremely sharp when fighting against targets with dragon blood. What are the characteristics of this knife?"

"When you wave it, dew will appear on the blade and blade, which can wash away the contaminated blood." Chu Zihang said.This is also the reason why Lu Mingfei has never smelled fishy smell from Cun Yu even though he often touches Cun Yu.

"Is this Murasame? But that knife is fictional." Yuan Zhisheng was a little confused.

Murasame appears in "The Legend of the Eight Dogs Nanzong Satomi" by Ma Qin Quting.When this knife is pulled out to kill, dew will appear on the blade with murderous intent. After killing, water will flow from the blade to clean the blood.

There were actually rumors in history that this sword actually existed, and it was said to be a sword passed down from generation to generation by the Hojo family. However, as the young master of the Snake Qihachi family, Minamoto Chisei could confirm that this legend was false.

"Yes, my dad said it's called Murasame." Chu Zihang said.

Now even Caesar was interested. Of course he had investigated Chu Zihang's background, but he had never found any information about his biological father.Chu Zihang's information showed that he came from a reorganized family, and his parents were both very pure humans. Presumably, his bloodline should come from his biological father.

To be able to give birth to a son with such an amazing bloodline, I think the father must also be a very powerful hybrid.

"Chu Jun's father..."

"He is dead. I really want to know what kind of person he is." Chu Zihang said, "So I entrust Yuan Jun to help me investigate."

"Please keep it with me." Yuan Zhisheng patted his chest and handed Murasame back to Chu Zihang. "There should be no famous swords in Japan that I can't find."

The corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched. He probably really wanted to complain, but in the end he suppressed the possession of the god of complaining.

Yuan Zhisheng said "There should be nothing I can't do in Japan" is just like Cao Mao during the Wei and Jin Dynasties who said "There should be nothing I can't do in Wei". The difference is that Cao Mao knew that he was just a puppet. , and Yuan Zhisheng really thought that he was a figure like an emperor or prince in the shadow of Japan.

"I heard that Mr. Lu is also a good swordsman. Your sword is the weapon from the Bronze Purgatory. The Seven Deadly Sins. It must be a very powerful ancient alchemy sword that can even kill gods." Yuan Zhisheng probably didn't want to be left out in the cold. In fact, among these young people, Lu Mingfei was the most valued by the Sheqiba family, so they brought the topic to him.

Lu Mingfei froze for a moment.

"I'm good at using ribs, and my sword skills are a little different from yours," he said.

"I've heard a little bit about this. I heard that your best swordsmanship is the Niten Yishi, which has been lost in Japan." Yuan Zhisheng said, "I sometimes use two swords to fight against the enemy, one for offense and one for defense. It usually works wonders on the battlefield.”

"No, I usually don't guard much." Lu Mingfei changed himself into a more comfortable position.

He pulled out the hidden lust from his waist. The sword light was cold and the dragon roared, as if a bolt of lightning instantly tore through the dead silence in the car.

Sakura's hand holding the steering wheel was a little unsteady, and the car swayed slightly for a while.

"Lust among the Seven Deadly Sins is my favorite weapon. It's very handy, but I'm not used to it because I only have one." Lu Mingfei said, but he did not put the knife into Yuan Zhisheng's hands.

The Seven Deadly Sins are weapons with souls, and now Lust is no longer willing to be held in the hands of anyone except Lu Mingfei.

In other words, the blood requirements for its holders appear to be rising.

The men all stared at the sword, as if looking up at the throne under the sky. Minamoto said, "If necessary, you can choose one from our sword museum. I think Mr. Masamune will not be stingy with an alchemy sword." Ancient sword." "Okay." Lu Mingfei said.He did have this idea. Even if Yuan Zhisheng didn't say that he would definitely take away his favorite weapons from the collection of the Snake Qiba family if he had the opportunity in the future.

At this time, Caesar's expression suddenly changed, his brows furrowed, his hands stretched into his arms, and his deep blue eyes stared at the rain curtain that was blurred by the light and fire.

A certain area opened up unbridled. The rain curtain around the Hummer speeding in the traffic trembled violently, and then burst into pieces. Shock waves invisible to the naked eye spread out at a speed of more than 300 meters per second. The monsters in the wind were in this man's eyes. Awakened by the call.

"Kamaitachi." Yuan Zhisheng's pupils shrank slightly. The Kamitatsu domain used by Caesar was far more powerful than what was recorded in the data. The elves in the wind were flying around, and everything around him was captured by him.

A Kamamaitachi of this level can probably be pushed to the level of a vampire scythe, right?

"What happened? Sakura!" Yuan Zhisheng immediately realized that Caesar would never open his own domain for no reason. His body tensed up and he had already grasped the handle of Spider's knife.

"Army, there is an army approaching...it's the Kanto branch!" Sakura's voice was rare and cold. In Lu Mingfei's impression, this always calm and gentle girl never seemed to speak in such a tone, but today she It's as if his voice can turn into a sharp sword, and anyone can hear the meaning...

Killing intent!
"Dear guests, please don't panic. The Guandong branch is an organization under the family. They have no ill intentions. Mainly in Japan, we will ensure your safety..." Yuan Zhisheng drew his sword out of its sheath. His eyes were so cold and serious. Staring at the road ahead in the rain.

I don’t know when it started, but the number of vehicles around me has been decreasing. This is not yet the center of Tokyo. There are not many vehicles that would travel on such a rainy day. At this time, there is almost no sight on the road except this Hummer. other shadows.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped talking.

Because in just a short moment, the blazing golden light had illuminated the entire car, as if the sun was rising from behind him.

It was Chu Zihang. He took off his contact lenses, and his eyes like a dragon prince were nakedly exposed to the air.

"Hey, Mr. Yuan." Lu Mingfei let out a deep laugh. He crossed his arms and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you think it's unconvincing to say these words in such a posture? The Kanto branch... is not an organization that completely takes orders from the family, right?"

Minamoto was silent for a moment, and Sakura answered on his behalf: "Yes, they are an armed force directly affiliated with Mr. Masamune, but sometimes even Mr. Masamune himself cannot fully control them."

The sound of a bullet being loaded was clear. Yuan Zhisheng sat up straight in shock and looked at the back seat.

Caesar actually carried the two Desert Eagles all the time. At this time, these large-caliber violent weapons were completely ready, and the two guns intersected on the man's chest.

Those deep sky-blue eyes seemed to be burning with brilliant fire at this moment.

"The sound is very complicated, strong wind, engine, tires rubbing against the ground, swords clashing with each other, guns and bullets being loaded..." Caesar's expression was gloomy, and he looked at Yuan Zhisheng, "Young master... you are a bit of a failure."

"Sorry, please give us some time to communicate!" Sakura finally became anxious.

She is one of the people in the family who knows Lu Mingfei's fighting ability best, and she knows very well what the consequences will be if those lunatics from the Kanto branch anger him.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression was also a little stiff. He obviously didn't think about why the Kanto branch would appear here.

The members of this armed force are all lunatics. Although their bloodline does not reach the level of "ghost", they are no less than real ghosts in terms of their illogical behavior.

There are twelve groups, and the combat effectiveness of each group leader is amazing. The students who are at least A-level in Cassel Academy are all tiger-like guys.

"Kikuichimonji! Please reply if Kikuichimonji receives it!" Sakura contacted the approaching Kanto branch through the vehicle's communication device.

The leaders of the Kanto branch are all codenamed Koto, and Akechi Asuya, whose codename is Kikuichimonji, is the head of the Kanto branch.

"When dealing with disobedient subordinates, use a scolding tone. If they still don't listen, break their bones." Caesar said coldly.

Yuan Zhisheng frowned, "In terms of positions, the ministers of each branch and the heads of the families are at the same level. There is no superior-subordinate relationship between us. I have no authority to call or order them."

There was no reply from the other end of the communication. Yuan Zhisheng's cell phone rang, and his face immediately turned ugly after he picked it up.

"What's going on?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's Kaguya, she told me the purpose of the Kanto branch." Minamoto Chisei said after closing the call,
"Kanto Branch Head Akechi Asuya was once sent to the academy for further study. Among the students of that class, he was called the Demon Sword. He was a person like you, Lord Chu, who longed for power and pursued the strongest. He had it three times There were records that challenged me, but I rejected them all, because I don’t need to defeat him to prove my strength, and I also bear in mind Mr. Masamune’s teachings not to antagonize the family’s institutions.”

"So his purpose here is you?" Lu Mingfei said.

"No, to be precise, it's us." Gen Zhisheng sighed, "You are all the most popular figures in the academy. Since Akechi Asuya wants to challenge me, he will naturally not let go of those who can challenge you. Chance."

"The Sheqiba Family is really a place where lunatics gather." Lu Mingfei smiled, "To challenge us, they actually mobilized so much force and even brought weapons."

Yuan Zhisheng's expression changed.

At this time, the strong wind blowing from the sky blew away the rain curtain in front of the Hummer. Looking up, you could see a black helicopter following them like a big bird, and at the same time, it locked the car with its aperture.

It was a military helicopter, and it definitely had a heavy machine gun on board.The relationship between the Kanto branch and the Air Self-Defense Force is very close, so it is not surprising that they can do this.

The dazzling lights pierced the violent storm, and they caught up from behind!Accompanied by the sound of an engine roaring like a beast.

The Hummer's body and a section of road in front are rendered in bright silver.

Caesar turned around and looked through the rear windshield. What appeared was a black Porsche 911. This ferocious dragon was approaching at a high speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour!The driver's seat was brightly lit, and with Caesar's eyesight he could see a slim shadow even through the rain.

"Stop the car, we can't outrun those lunatics." Chu Zihang patted the back of Ying's seat. The brake pads immediately bitten to death, and the tires screeched against the ground.

The Porsche caught up with them and overtook them. It slid past the Hummer's door and braked suddenly as it passed. Bright sparks splashed from the ceramic brake discs. It slid and turned 360 degrees in front of it, smashing into the rain curtain. , came to a hard stop, and the high beams fell on the body of the Hummer.

Lu Mingfei lit a Soft Seven Star and frowned slightly.

More cars passed them or stopped behind them. They were all modified high-horsepower sports cars. The owners were young people under 30 years old. Some men and women opened the sunroof and stood up straight in the heavy rain and waved. The long knife inside, the light of the knife reflected the dim light, like the flames jumping in hell.

More than a dozen headlights turned on, illuminating the center of the road. Kaguya's voice rang in the car, telling Minamoto not to be impulsive and wait for support. Executive bureau officials were rushing to the scene via helicopter.

Someone opened the door of every car, and black umbrellas bloomed under the rain. The rain washed down the road and accumulated like surging rivers. The rain hit those people's umbrellas and made a crackling sound.

"The head of the Yuan family..."

A cold man's voice came out of the car's on-board system, and at the same time a tall shadow emerged from the crowd. He got out of the back seat of the black Porsche 911, holding a slender knife, sharp and cold. ,

"Are you willing to accept my challenge today?"

He said.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression was uncertain, but Sakura still held the steering wheel and stared at the men and women in the light ahead.

"Do you want me to deal with them, young master?" she said.

"You can't do it, let me do it." Minamoto said. He put his hand on the car door handle, and Akechi Asuya suddenly sent a message to them through the car system again.

"And respected Mr. Lu Mingfei, I heard that you are the best student in this department and have killed gods. Could you please..."

"Don't hesitate to teach me!"

He was not asking, but almost roaring. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and both Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at him.Two seconds later, Lu Mingfei nodded, and the two opened the car door at the same time, letting in the wind and rain.The same black umbrella was opened above their heads. Lu Mingfei followed Chu Zihang out of the car. Yuan Zhisheng was standing in front of them, but now Lu Mingfei took a step forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The majestic majesty radiated from Yuan Zongsheng's side, and he suddenly shuddered, feeling that something comparable to a god or demon was awakening around him.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were dark, and he just silently drew his sword out of its sheath.

Lust waved a knife arc in the rain, and the light of the knife splashed the continuous raindrops.

"I don't believe he is here to challenge." Lu Mingfei said softly. He had no intention of meeting Akechi Asuya opposite him, nor did he have any intention of saying a few words to such a small person. He just walked out of the umbrella. , walked into the rain, and moved forward step by step. At the same time, in those black eyes, the flowing lava slowly filled everything up as if flowing from a crack deep in the ground.

 This chapter will have a flashback in the subsequent plot, and there will also be a flashback to write about another event that happened in another place at the same time. In other words, the purpose of the Kanto branch's appearance is to attract the academy and Sheqiha. To make it easier for someone to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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