Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 164 163 Akechi Asaya

Chapter 164 163. Akechi Asaya (1)

A man and a woman wearing windbreakers standing in the violent rain high-fived each other, with wild laughter on their faces and a will-o'-the-wisp golden light in their eyes. They each opened the trunk of their car and pulled out a knife box that was either quaint or weird.

The helicopter hovering at low altitude stirred up strong winds like waves, blowing away the heavy rain curtain, and huge spots of light followed Lu Mingfei's steps on the road.

The roof of the million-dollar luxury car was fully opened, and the torrential rain washed away the interior without restraint. Heavy metal music sounded from nowhere and roared back and forth on the road, as if demons and monsters were walking through the wind and rain.

Even through the violent wind and rain, Lu Mingfei and the others could smell the smell of blood in the air. It was obvious that the team leaders of the Guandong branch had just killed someone, and perhaps the bodies were still scattered in the trunk of the car.In addition, there is a strong smell of tobacco and a pungent smell of alcohol. Alcohol abuse and injection of addictive drugs are not a big problem for these people.

In fact, excessive gambling and alcoholism are definitely not bad habits in the Kanto branch. This branch is completely different from the mature, stable and powerful Kansai branch composed of senior elite commissioners. The leaders of the Kanto branch are absolutely Geniuses, every one of them is like a slightly weakened version of Chu Zihang. They risk their lives when fighting. Their physical fitness and reaction speed are at the top of the hybrid pyramid.

But at the same time, these people and their team members are also complete lunatics.

Each of them has more or less quirks that are intolerable to normal people. They are violent maniacs who like to chop their enemies into pieces, perverts who are keen on collecting the eyeballs of evil spirits, and bisexuals who are almost all men, women, old and young.

Akechi Asaya threw away the umbrella in his hand. He held a long knife and tilted his head to look at the young man walking towards him step by step.

His features were slender and his face was cold. Although his body was slender, his muscles were taut. His blood had already boiled, and when rain fell on it, it immediately turned into white steam.

As a super pervert in the entire Kanto branch who can subdue all perverts with his strength and skills, Akechi Asaya's quirks are equally disgusting.

He purchased corpses from illegal sources and dissected the muscles and bones piece by piece in his "operation room".

In ancient China, there was a cook named Cao Ding who killed many cows and became familiar with the muscles, bones, skin and flesh of the cows, and could cut off every inch of the muscles and joints with one knife.The same is true for Akechi Asuya. He is a true fighting madman. He dissects corpses to better understand the structure of the human body, so that he can kill with one blow in battle.

The two groups of people looked at each other through the rain. Only Lu Mingfei moved forward step by step. He walked without any panic. As he walked, he wiped the blade of lust with his fingers, and there was a metallic roar.

He stood in the heavy rain, less than ten steps away from Akechi Asuya, who stood out from the crowd.

Asuya raised his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, and the golden light was shining with power. He slowly stood up straight, raised his head, took a deep breath of the coldness in the wind and rain, listened to the constant sound of rain, and at the same time slashed, that It is actually an extremely long Chotachi, a very rare weapon even in Japan. The samurai during the shogunate period used this weapon to fight against the shogun's cavalry.

The wind rustled his coat, and the team leaders of the Kanto branch took out the ancient alchemy knives from their respective knife boxes. For a moment, the cold light seemed to split the heavy rain curtain. Behind Akechi Asiya, they burst into wild laughter, It's chilling.

"I am Akechi Asuya. I also studied in the academy, A level."

Akechi Asaya licked his lips. He opened his mouth to breathe, and his teeth were actually sharp. The rainwater flowed in and out, crazy and uncontrollable.

He opened his arms in the direction of Lu Mingfei, "Your Excellency is the legendary...

S level? "

His tone was contemptuous and arrogant, and the people behind him burst into sharp laughter again.Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and wiped the rain off his face with his sleeves.

He is now more convinced that these people in front of him are just idiots who are being taken advantage of. The Japanese are a nation that respects the strong, but all Japanese who have received traditional education have a kind of despicability from the bottom of their hearts.

Although he was never proud of this, Lu Mingfei already knew that his name should be remembered by the entire mixed race world.The secret party has never set foot in the king's domain for many years, but in just one year after his joining, Kassel Academy already has the power to compete with the king.

Even the Japanese branch and the Snake Qihachi family, which have always been unruly and often abused the commissioners of the headquarters, were faced with the arrival of their action team. The family heads even used their words when facing Lu Mingfei. Sincerely, not daring to show any disrespect.Obviously, in the eyes of today's Snake Family, Lu Mingfei's threat level is not inferior to Angers, or even worse.The real high-level officials have all watched the video of Lu Mingfei's battle with God, and have led themselves into his opponent, and finally concluded that there is no chance of winning.

Not all hybrids have received education from Kassel Academy, and not all hybrids clearly understand the positioning of dragons and humans.

For those hybrids who have not studied in the academy, it is not a big deal that they do not know the power of God, but Akechi Asuya, the head of the Kanto branch, once left a reputation as a demon sword in the academy. Red Kassel College Alumni.

It is impossible for such a person not to know what the Dragon King means, but even though he knew how powerful the Dragon King was, he still unscrupulously chose to challenge Lu Mingfei, who had defeated the Dragon King before.

Either he's very confident in his own abilities, or he's an idiot.

Or maybe it’s both.

"I haven't heard of your name in the academy. Maybe you were too weak and were quickly forgotten." Lu Mingfei said softly.His voice was low, but extremely penetrating, and the sound of tearing through the wind and rain clearly reached the ears of the entire Kanto branch.

"Lu Jun... it should be fine, right?" Yuan Zhisheng hesitated whether he should step forward to help.Of course he knew that Lu Mingfei was a dragon slayer who was not inferior to him, but the Kanto branch was not weak either. In the few years after its establishment, it had established great achievements in the ghost-slaying business.

"I have always suspected that even the principal is no match for him." Caesar patted Yuan Zhisheng on the shoulder. The implication was that in the eyes of the commissioners of the headquarters, the so-called Guandong branch was just a rabble like chickens and dogs. Boss Lu was How could such a little guy hurt someone who was on the same level as Angers?

"Maybe you should remind Lu Jun not to kill people on the streets of Tokyo, young master." Sakura whispered to Yuan Zhisheng's side. She is the one who knows Lu Mingfei's strength best among Yuan Zhisheng and those around him. , the more you know about his strength, the more worried you are about whether he will go on a killing spree here and directly help the Sheqiba family to clean up the family.

To be honest, the Executive Directorate and the Kanto Branch are not very close. Not only that, there are even many gaps.Although they are all nominally affiliated with the Jakiki Hachi family, Akechi Asaya actually has a lot of autonomy and is arrogant, often contradicting the family head in meetings.

But they are the armed forces directly under Tachibana Masamune, and even Minamoto Chisheng has no right to attack them.

If Lu Mingfei really confiscated it, it wouldn't be a bad thing for Yuan Zhisheng, but it might lead to a war between the college and the family that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Now the Sheqi Ba family is at a critical node. This node is very important. All living forces must be dispatched. There is no more energy to deal with a powerful secret party.Lu Mingfei had no intention of angering Akechi Asuya and the Kanto branch. Judging from his calm expression, it was obvious that he was just stating a fact.

The fact is that Akechi Asaya is too weak, so weak that he doesn't even deserve to be heard.

The team leaders of the Kanto branch all roared angrily. The slim girl who had just acted as the driver for Akechi Asuya was so angry that she almost jumped with anger. She was a little girl, the most beautiful woman in the branch.

She is also the most slutty woman, and has an unexplainable relationship with almost all the men in the branch. Only Akechi Asaya is not interested in her.Although he pursues power and is keen on dissecting corpses, he is a man with a mysophobia.

But Akechi Asuya did not show an angry expression, nor did he make any strange screams like the team members. On the contrary, his expression became rarely solemn. His body that was originally standing upright was slightly bowed at this moment, and his right shoulder Lean forward slightly, hiding the long knife on the left side of his waist. The veins in his hands are bulging, and his knuckles are white from exertion. He is holding the handle of the knife fiercely.

There was some indescribable majesty as the man named Lu Mingfei approached, as if the wind, rain, thunder and lightning were leaving him, and a wild beast from the mountains was strolling towards him.

Lu Mingfei stood in the dark rain. The headlights of all the luxury cars focused their beams of light on him, like an evil ghost in the abyss who was directly illuminated by eternal burning flames. His eyes were so brilliant that they even suppressed more than a dozen people. car headlights.

Cold sweat broke out on Akechi Asaya's forehead, and suddenly his sanity seemed to return.

"I rarely fight against weaklings like you, but if you want to..." Lu Mingfei inserted his left hand into his hair and pushed all the hair back, so that his forehead and eyes were exposed. Evil Ghost His golden eyes scanned everyone, and even the perverts from the Kanto branch couldn't help but take two steps back.

"I can accept your challenge." Lu Mingfei said, and at the same time, his right wrist shook, lust shaking the surrounding rain curtain, the blade seemed to flow away from the light and shadow of the entire city, with a scream that tore through the air and rain , pointed forward without any fancy, the tip of the knife was aimed at Akechi Asuya's heart.

Akechi Asaya didn't reply, but the muscles all over his body were faintly rising and falling like a tide.

"I heard that the Guandong Branch are all combat geniuses. The ghosts you killed in three years are half the workload of the Executive Bureau in ten years." Lu Mingfei sneered, "I would like to learn how to use your swords. So you can come together."

The wind and rain seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then the members of the Kanto branch, who were almost crazy at first, became excited. They waved the famous swords in their hands, and their golden eyes lit up one after another.

Like a candle suddenly lit in the dark depths of the wilderness.

The young men and women all turned their attention to Akechi Asuya, who was facing a formidable enemy. The latter laughed perversely, and the laughter spread far away with the wind.

"Okay!" he yelled.

Immediately, a burly man rushed toward Lu Mingfei, brandishing a long knife and crushing the water like a polar bear. The guy had a scar running through his entire face, and his lower jaw seemed to have been removed. , the metal jaw was installed, looking ferocious and terrifying in the cold light.

It took the man almost a second to reach Lu Mingfei in just a dozen steps. His voice was rough and hoarse, and he was still yelling, "Please enlighten me, Commissioner!" At the same time, he raised his long knife high above his head. The blade cuts the air downward.

But Lu Mingfei just raised his hand gently, and the blade of lust brought up a fierce hurricane, like a rising arrogance, scattering the heavy rain falling from above. In line with the blade of the long knife, sparks splashed in the heavy rain. It was immediately extinguished. It was clearly Feng Qingyundan's sword swing, but the long sword in the man's hand could not move even an inch, and even his palms were trembling violently!

This man's name is Kotetsu. He is a crazier warrior than Akechi Asuya. At this moment, he suddenly met the eyes of the man in front of him. For a moment, he felt like thunder was exploding in his head, and he had a headache. Almost torn apart.

But he still refused to give up and fiercely pressed down the long knife in his hand!

But Lu Mingfei reached out his left hand and pressed it on his chest.Tapping his fingers, Kotetsu's movements stopped at this moment, accompanied by a clear roar.

Power comparable to that of a pure-blooded dragon gathered on those two tapping fingers, acting on Kotetsu's sternum. The sternum immediately collapsed, compressing the heart. The blood loss and lack of oxygen after cardiac arrest made this dangerous lunatic teetering on the verge of collapse.

Lu Mingfei pushed him gently, and Hu Che fell to the sky.Lu Mingfei grabbed the knife from this guy's hand and threw it down hard without even looking at it. The tip of the knife was inserted dozens of centimeters into the road. The upper part of the knife trembled and buzzed even with the handle. , swinging away the falling raindrops.

The helicopter was still circling. Lu Mingfei stood in the circle of light and clapped his hands, looking indifferently at the other members of the Guandong branch.

"Too weak," he said.

For a moment, the momentum of the Guandong branch was taken away, and no one dared to continue to step forward.

Behind Lu Mingfei, Gen Zhisheng's eyes were bright. He finally realized what Masamune Tachibana meant when he said that he could protect Eriki.

Kotetsu's combat prowess is definitely top-notch even among the Sheqiba family's combat corps. There are probably only a few family heads who can defeat him so easily. From this, it seems that Lu Mingfei's reputation is not groundless.

"That knife is too dangerous." Yuan Zhisheng pulled out the spider cutter from the scabbard and put his hands into Sakura's hands. "Although it is very impolite to disturb Mr. Lu during the battle, I still ask you to use this knife." Put the knife in his hand so no real killing is done.”

Although Lust is the weakest sword among the Seven Deadly Sins, looking at all the ancient alchemy knives in the world, it is definitely the best among all.

Moreover, Norton's creations always have a bloodthirsty desire, and Minamoto Zhisheng is also very worried that Lu Mingfei could not hold back and cut Akechi Asuya's neck with a knife.

"Yes!" Sakura bowed slightly.

"Please bring my knife with you. He is a wielder of two swords. It's unfair to use only one knife to fight against the enemy." Chu Zihang unzipped the tennis bag, took Murasame out and handed it to Sakura's hand. .

 A bit busy, four thousand words
(End of this chapter)

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