Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 170 169 Eriyi’s Autumn Strategy

Chapter 170 169. Eriyi’s Autumn Strategy (2)

"Girls are like this, naive. Ever since you can remember, she has been following you like a little tail and calling you brother. If you ignore her, she will look at you aggrievedly with tear-filled eyes. You If you ignore her, she will circle around you with the game console and ask you to play games with her. But they will all grow up one day. The Eriyi who has been following you asking your brother to let you play games with her has already Now that she has become a tall and graceful girl, we have imprisoned her for many years in the name of love. We should also use the name of love to let her pursue her own light, even if this ray of light is just a faint ray of morning star in the long dark night. "

An old man in a white gown and a young man in a black suit sit side by side at a small table in a tea shop. This is the Oda Tea House. In fact, the only people who come here to drink tea are old people. The aroma of tea permeates the air, escaping. go out.

Tachibana Masamune opened the food box in front of him and pushed it to Minamoto Chisheng.

"Try the macarons made for you by the girl from the Sakurai family who loves you. You are already very old, Zongsheng, and you haven't fallen in love yet. In fact, it's time to think about the future. This The girls from the Sakurai family are very beautiful and virtuous."

Yuan Zhisheng did not touch the box of delicate and beautiful macarons. He just looked into the distance. The autumn sunshine in Chiba County smeared in his slender black eyes, as if the glass was plated with a layer of silver. Thin layer of gold.

"Dad, is it really a kind thing to let a person who was born in darkness chase the light? You always say that we should achieve great righteousness and be able to sacrifice everything for it. You also always say that we should be beheaded. The knife that cuts off all sins, hurts others and hurts oneself, is as hard as an eternal rock." This tea shop is actually just in a small and deep alley, and the sunlight can only cast shadowy spots through the big trees at the entrance of the alley. These spots of light shone on the body of Yuan Zhisheng, who was sitting upright. He faced the light and looked at the backs of the boy and the girl in the distance.

"But why? Why were you able to hand over Eri's clothing to that man with such confidence?" Minamoto looked into Masamune Tachibana's eyes.

He was suddenly stunned for a moment. For many years, Tachibana Masamune was full of energy every day, as if he was full of fighting spirit and full of hope for the future.Yuan Zhisheng has been used to his hardness, tenacity and generosity, but today this old man's skin is so pale, his eyes are bloodshot, exhaustion is written in his eyes, and even his temple hair is stained with gray. gray.

Tachibana Masamune laughed silently.

"Every man is heading towards a destined war. In order to cope with this war, we are fully armed and put on indestructible armor. I have made myself as hard as the thousand-year ice of Siberia, but every man Every man should have the last bit of softness left in his heart. Look, Zhisheng, I left the knife and sword to you, because you are destined to set foot on the battlefield and become the last person alive, and leave that last bit of softness to you. I left it to her, Eri Yi, my daughter. We all know that those who trek in the darkness will eventually die, but we still hope to see a trace, even a trace of morning light, before we die, at least in this way we I once had hope." The old man's voice was hoarse, and fatigue surged up like an uncontrollable tide.

He stared into Minamoto's childlike eyes: "If Eri's death is inevitable, then I hope that she can be as free as a bird while she is alive, at least in the last period of her life."

Yuan Zhisheng remained silent.

He suddenly sighed very deeply.

"You're tired, Dad." Yuan Zhisheng said.

The core affairs of the Snake Qibachi family all fall on Tachibana Masamune's head, and of course on Minamoto Chisheng's head. He knows more secrets that other family heads don't know.

For example, why do we know that there is a dragon embryo in the Abyss? What kind of hell is the seabed where the embryo is located? Another example...

God's return is near.

Tachibana Masamune said that Eriki had reached the end of her life, which was actually a fact. The family originally supported her for that day.

Just like the lamb destined to be brought to the altar on the day of the sacrifice, Eri is this beautiful little lamb.

She cannot be absent from the battlefield with God, nor can she be spared. She will always die there.

"I'm really a little tired, Zongzi. I'm really going to retire in a while. I really want to go back to my old house in the countryside to live for a while. I miss the days of fishing there." Tachibana Masamune also looked at it very much. At the far end of the street, Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi gradually disappeared into the halo of shadows,
"During this period, I always feel that I am falling into the abyss when I go to bed at night, and some human things are gradually leaving me, those soft things, those things that are opposite to coldness, I seem to be becoming like It's a dragon that thinks like that." Tachibana Masamune said softly.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression turned serious for a moment. He grabbed Tachibana Masamune's wrist and felt his pulse.

"Your heart rate is normal. This is not what it was like before you fell." He said.

The Snake Qiba family were originally descendants of gods. The probability of a super hybrid species that could break through the critical blood limit among them was much greater than that of other descendants of the Dragon King. However, correspondingly, their probability of degeneration was also much higher than that of their relatively mediocre peers.

There have been precedents for the head of the family to degenerate into a deadpool in the past. What Tachibana Masamune said was very similar to a call for a man who was about to degenerate.

"No, I'm not going to fall, I'm just a little tired." Tachibana Masamune shook his head, "I really want that child named Lu Mingfei to try and try to see if I can give Eri a complete life, even if not much hope."

Gen Zhisheng let go of Tachibana Masamune's wrist, and he picked up the boiling tea and drank it in one gulp.

"I still have official duties, let's go back." He stood up and said.

But suddenly Tachibana Masamune grabbed his hand, very tightly, as if he was about to crush a rock. His eyes were red and bloodshot, and his body seemed very weak.

"If Eriki doesn't want to go home, leave her alone." The old man's voice was almost pleading, "Her body can support her for seven days, and it doesn't matter if she stays outside for two or three days."

Minamoto Chisheng looked down at Tachibana Masamune's eyes. Behind him was the overwhelming sunlight, which made this young man seem to be glowing with golden flames.

"Are we still adhering to our own righteousness, Dad?" he asked softly.
"Tokyo Tower is also beautiful. I'm very happy to walk on this road with you again." After only Lu Mingfei was left, Eriki seemed to let go of her restraints. Her eyes were bright, reflecting the autumn scenery. The sun is like a sparkling lake.

Lu Mingfei gently dug into Hui Liyi's palm with his fingers. He smiled and felt that this moment was like a dream.

After the Tokyo Tower was erected, the Sky Tree was no longer the tallest building in the city. Eriki actually knew about this landmark building from postcards, but she had never seen it, or she only saw it from a distance. A distant glance.

On the way Sakura drove to Chiba Prefecture, Eriki sat next to Lu Mingfei. The tall metal object slowly walked out of the gray-white buildings. She finally saw the legendary Tokyo Tower, which has been mentioned in countless lyrics. A place that has been mentioned over and over again.

"But I still prefer Tokyo Sky Tree, because we have seen it at its most beautiful together." Eriki wrote a new note. Pedestrians on the road stopped because of the girl's reserve and beauty. This place was originally designed to pursue beauty. In this country, boys fantasize about passionate stories such as knights rescuing a princess kidnapped by a dragon, while men still enjoy those unattainable dreams when they were young when they were drunk.

The clouds after the rain are gradually dispersing, the sky is getting brighter, and the sunshine is shining unscrupulously. The buildings on the street and the lanes between those buildings are lit up in turn. From a distance, the baroque European retro station is standing in the soft but still somewhat dazzling sky. The sunlight looks like a museum or library.

"We still have a lot of time. We can go wherever Eryi wants to go. We can go to see the sea or where the big clusters of begonia flowers are blooming, as long as you want." Lu Mingfei said.

Because it had just rained, the temperature in Tokyo even dropped to about [-] degrees, but at this time the sun was shining, and the sunlight was actually warm on the skin.

Hui Liyi suddenly hugged Lu Mingfei's arm. Her mental age was probably not very mature, but her development was normal. At this time, the warm fragrance of nephrite suddenly lingered around her, and Lu Mingfei's cheeks turned red and hot.

Rubbing the arm of the man next to her like a kitten, Eliyi raised her head to look at Lu Mingfei's profile.

"Lu Mingfei is prettier than brother." Hui Liyi suddenly showed him the note she had already written.

"Hahaha, no..." Lu Mingfei looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Yuan Zhisheng was not following him secretly.

This guy looks calm on the surface, but in fact he is quite smug, thinking that my appearance is considered to be above average.

"What kind of sports does Hui Liyi want to play?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Eriki tilted her head and thought, the cat ears on the hood on the back of the sweater swaying from side to side, looking a little cute.

"I want to eat ice cream, ride a roller coaster, go to a haunted house, and ride a Ferris wheel." Eliyi stopped and put a small notebook on Lu Mingfei's shoulder and wrote.

"Girls, don't always think about things like roller coasters and haunted houses. I think projects like Snow White Castle and Winnie the Pooh and Friends are perfect for the two of us." Lu Mingfei touched the tip of his nose and thought to himself why Every girl I meet, whether she is a lolita, a queen, or a cute girl, all like high-risk entertainment activities like roller coasters. Can you learn from me and Chu Zihang, and why don’t we go have a cup of tea with Winnie the Pooh?

"I want to go to a haunted house, I want to ride a roller coaster." Eryi reluctantly dangled the note in front of Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei covered his face and did not look at the girl's aggrieved expression. Those pleading eyes did not look at the note dangling in front of him.

"Okay, okay, I lost to you..." he said.

They called a taxi and arrived at the entrance of the rather spectacular Disney Castle. After getting off the bus, just a few hundred meters away was the Disney Hotel, which was built in recent years.

This huge building that looks like the Palace of Versailles casts a huge shadow in the sun. The first thing Eryi did when getting out of the car was to hug Lu Mingfei's arm tightly, and then looked around, as if curiously watching this strange world. kitten.

Lu Mingfei's ears suddenly moved with alarm.

Places like Disney usually have a large flow of people, and it is sunny after the rain. It can be called a sea of ​​​​people, but the atmosphere in some details is very strange.

There were actually groups of young men lining up at the entrance of the castle to check their tickets.

Do men really go to Disney together?Moreover, there are obvious traces of tattoos on those guys' arms. Although their faces are not extremely evil, they are definitely not the type to be trifled with.

Is he someone sent by the Sheqiba family to monitor?
Or is it another hybrid organization in Japan, the Fierce Ghosts?

Lu Mingfei frowned slightly, and Eri Yi had already grabbed his wrist and ran towards the entrance of an alley, which was actually in the opposite direction to Disneyland.
In the shade of the trees at the entrance of the alley, a burly man wearing a straw hat and a mask was sitting on the ground with his bare arms and without concern for his image. He was irritatingly fanning the cattail leaf in his hand to drive away the mosquitoes nearby.

In front of him was a small open space at the entrance of the alley. A small group of children, their parents, and couples in twos and threes gathered next to the open space.

This is a stall that plays ring games, but the boss is obviously a little distracted. He casually hands the colorful plastic rings to the customers around him, takes the small stack of bills from the customers’ hands, and stares at the entrance of Disneyland.

There are many plush toys on the stalls, including Rilakkuma, hello Kitty, Jingle Cat, Crayon Shin-chan, and even Ultraman and cute little monsters.

The children's voices were quite noisy. The tall and tall father stretched out his upper body and put the plastic rings on the bodies of Doraemon and Crayon Shin-chan. The stall owner took out two identical plush toys from the suitcase beside him. Throw them to their father who trapped them.

The children who got these little things cheered and looked at the tall man next to them with admiring eyes. The wife picked up the children and kissed their faces.People are bustling in the autumn sunshine, the world is noisy, but Yaksha only feels lonely.People like them are a group that is tortured by Blood Mourning. Loneliness is loneliness. You may seem to be walking with others and you may seem to be in the same light, but in fact you are still lonely.

Thinking of this, Yasha felt a little throbbing, and his heart suddenly twitched, because even someone with such a humble bloodline would feel so sad and lonely, so... where is Miss Eriri?
"Would you like some oolong tea?" Crow, who was also dressed in the same clothes, walked out of the alley carrying steaming oolong tea. He squatted down next to Yasha and looked at the hot trap business.
"This low-energy game is so popular. In the future, we can find some work when we retire."

"The young master said that he is going to France. As retainers, of course we have to go with him," Yasha said.

Crow glared at him, "Do you believe that the young master will only take Sakura with him?" he said.

Yasha scratched his head and thought it made sense, so he said no more.

"I saw the young lady and the boy named Lu getting out of the car. They seemed to be walking in our direction." Crow suddenly said.

Yasha shrank back, "Are we exposed?" he asked.

"It's very possible. It is said that Lu Mingfei is the most elite student in the department, and his anti-reconnaissance awareness may be stronger than that of professional special forces." Crow is not sure either.

"Then what do we do?"

"If he is recognized, we will kill him and deny it. This is our territory anyway, and he has no evidence." Crow stared at the man and woman crossing the zebra crossing.

The sun fell on the girl wearing a cat-ear sweater. She was slender and her skin was so white that it was almost transparent.

She is indeed a beautiful girl. No wonder the young master has to knock on the door even when he enters her room.If Lu Jun can bring happiness to the lady, it doesn't matter even if they are together, right?
Crow thought.

Under the mask, his expression changed slightly, because Miss Eriyi pulled Lu Mingfei and really rushed in this direction.

"What to do with the crow!" Yasha shouted in a low voice, but his hands were not idle and he was still collecting money and shipping goods.

Crow opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, he saw the young lady holding Lu Mingfei's wrist and jumping into a nearby pet store.

"It's okay, it's okay, they didn't find us." Crow patted his chest.

Mr. Saeki Ryuji thought that it was okay to get through it, but the mission arranged by the young master almost went to waste.But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Eri Yi, who had finished shopping from the pet store, with bright eyes holding the box and pulling Lu Mingfei to walk in this direction.
"Why do Eriyi want to buy a turtle?" Lu Mingfei lifted up the cage containing the little turtle and shook it in front of him. The baby turtle poked its head and looked around, twisting its butt left and right.

This is a Japanese stone turtle. It is very small, probably only a little bigger than a coin. At a time when I am curious about the world, I am not afraid of the sun but rather lively.

"My brother is always watching science and education programs recently. He seems to like turtles very much. I will buy one for him to take home." Hui Liyi wrote a small note and showed it to Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei touched the girl's head and thought to himself After experiencing so many things, Eri Yi has grown up a lot, and she can actually think of bringing gifts to Minamoto Chisheng.

"My brother will be unhappy if I don't go home at night. If I bring him a gift, he will be happy." Hui Liyi wrote something again and showed it to Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed silently.

"He will definitely be very happy. As long as it is a gift that Eryi brings back, he will like it very much." Lu Mingfei said.

Eriki raised her head and looked into the man's eyes, "Why?" Stars were shining in her red eyes.

"Because it was given by Eri Yi. Just like me, I will like anything related to Eri Yi." Lu Mingfei said seriously. He could feel the heartbeat of the girl holding his wrist suddenly. Speeding up, a very light blush slowly climbed up Eri's fair neck.

"Rilakkuma!" Eriyi lowered her head and wrote to Lu Mingfei. She pointed at the street stall at the entrance of the alley. It was a game stall for playing hoops, and the prizes were various plush toys.

Even Eriki would be shy and reserved when facing the boy she likes after the joy of reunion. She probably didn't know what it felt like to be shy in the past.

Now suddenly talking about the stuffed toys on the street stall is obviously diverting attention.

However, Lu Mingfei didn't feel it was out of the ordinary. He was just very relieved. He thought this was good. Eryi was growing up.

Lu Mingfei stood next to Eli Yi, and they joined the crowd of onlookers. The boys around them always cast their eyes over intentionally or unintentionally, because their combination was so sparkling.

Like the sun setting among the stars.

"Hey Hui Liyi, do those two bosses look familiar to you?" Lu Mingfei suddenly frowned and was confused. Although these two people didn't show their faces, why did he feel a sense of shame whenever he saw them?

Crow, Yaksha: Danger!
Eri looked at the two straw hat men huddled together very seriously. At the same time, she pinched her cheeks to see if they were still a little hot. She wrote in a small notebook, "No, Eri doesn't know the boss." .”

Lu Mingfei showed a look of understanding and glanced at the two guys who wanted to curl up into a ball again with strange eyes, and then patted the back of the hand of the girl next to him.

"Eri, do you want to play? Don't you want Rilakkuma?"

"Can I take Rililakkuma back?" Eriki hugged Lu Mingfei's arm and showed him the note she wrote with a smile on her face.

"You can take anything back with you as long as you want." Lu Mingfei stretched out a finger to scratch her nose.

Erika looked happy.

In fact, she has always been such a girl, she likes what she likes and is passionate about the colorful world.She prefers milk tea, soda, fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers to champagne, red wine, truffle risotto and caviar; she might prefer strip clubs or something like whispering under candlelight in a three-star Michelin luxury hotel.

Because Eriki spent most of her short life alone and quiet, she wanted to see this lively world with the people she liked.

"Boss, help me get one." Lu Mingfei shouted to Crow and Yaksha. He used Chinese because he already recognized these two guys.

"Five thousand yuan, thank you for your patronage!" Crow shouted in a high-pitched voice. Lu Mingfei twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not expose them after looking at each other.

There are fifteen plastic rings in a handful, which is not expensive, especially on this kind of road, but in small cities in Japan, it is a very profitable deal.

"Well, Hui Liyi, why don't you try it first?" Lu Mingfei handed the ring to the girl next to him, and they stood outside a red line. Hui Liyi was holding the two rings but suddenly felt at a loss.

She is a very beautiful girl, and the boys around her have been paying attention to her. At this time, the blank look on Eriki's face is like a bullet that hits the hearts of Japanese otakus, making them almost unable to stand.

"I don't know how to play this game." Eryi looked up at Lu Mingfei in a daze. After thinking about it, she had never played such a civilian street game. She only felt that the quality of the ring in her hand was very poor. The quality is also very poor.

Lu Mingfei met those beautiful but somewhat dull eyes, and at that moment those eyes became full of energy.

"It's very simple. Eri Yi must be able to play well." He leaned over slightly and pinched Eri Yi's face. Their eyes were so close that Lu Mingfei could even see himself reflected in the girl's eyes.

"See those toys in front of you? Use this ring to put them on. You can put whichever one you like."

"As long as I get it, can I take home the things I like?" Eriyi's eyes sparkled, and the sunlight fell on her body, like a golden glow.

"Yeah." Lu Ming nodded. He thought that if Eriyi didn't succeed, then I would do it. If I were a sharpshooter on horseback, could I still fail to trap a Rilakkuma?

When thinking like this, the world seemed to have stopped at this moment, the crowd around them disappeared, and the man and the girl looked at each other in the dozens and hundreds of light beams falling through the leaves.

The girl's fragrance came to him, and Eriyi's hands almost hugged his neck. Her breathing was as constricted as the early winter wind, with a slight coldness and an erratic body fragrance.

Eryi did not write anything else on the note. She put the plastic rings of poor quality in her hands around Lu Mingfei's neck and refused to let go. Her expression was as stubborn as if she was holding on to her last Children who love toys.

As the man said, wear whichever one you like.Of course Eriyi will wear the one she likes.

It seems like time flies when spring and summer meet. After many years, I still like you, I only like you.

I hope you like me too.

When the girl looked up to him, she was looking up to her knight. Her eyes were so fragile and so passionate, like those dusk when the grass grows and the orioles fly, and the ignorant light and shadow of autumn.

——In the shadow of the big tree, the crow shook the soot on the trunk.

"Haha, you two are so serious." The man gently held his forehead with his smoking hand.

"I was so busy smoking that I forgot to smoke you."

 There is one more chapter in the guide

(End of this chapter)

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