Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 171 170 Eriyi’s Autumn Strategy

Chapter 171 170. Eriyi’s Autumn Strategy (3)

In the deep autumn season, the roads in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture are lined with lush red maples. There is a rustling wind, and the swirling and falling maple leaves are like red snow, falling on the shoulders of boys and girls.Eriyi carefully held up the still-blooming maple leaves and raised her head in the dappled sunlight that fell through the gaps between the leaves. Her moist eyes were like graceful gems under the light.The trees on both sides of the road stretched out branches like giant arms, intersecting above her and Lu Mingfei's heads. The grand autumn pressed on the heavy maple branches, and the tree shadows enveloped the city.

The little stone turtle poked its head out of the cage, stretched its neck to grab the fluttering maple leaves, but couldn't catch any, so it stupidly retracted its head to sulk.

This city has not left the shadow of Tokyo. It is still prosperous, but it is no longer a cage-like world.Although it is not so radiant, you can see the sky.

Tokyo is full of Montblanc, Ermenegildo Zegna and Armani, while Chiba Prefecture is full of yakiniku restaurants, sushi shops and oden.Compared to the former, Eriki obviously prefers Yakiniku restaurants and Oden.

Probably because Crow and Yasha had already conveyed the news that their whereabouts were exposed to the family, Disneyland actually jumped in line from the VIP channel with a high standard and welcomed Lu Mingfei and Eriki in. Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh surrounded them and stepped out. Enter this place that has only been buried in memories for many years.

The dazzling float passed in front of them, and the enthusiastic girls acted like princesses in fairy tales. They sat on the roof of the float, exposing their slender and tight calves and swaying, reflecting the bright lights. white light.

Lu Mingfei could feel that Eliyi, who was holding his arm, suddenly hugged her even tighter. He looked down and saw that the girl was wrapped in a faint golden color in the sunlight, and the cat ears on the hood of the sweater were all exaggerated with wandering thoughts. light and shadow.

The lines of her cheeks were so soft, with a hint of crimson in the healthy whiteness. Her eyebrows were slender and curved into a beautiful arc, and her eyelashes were slightly trembling, pointing in a certain direction along with her water-cut eyes.

Eriki suddenly raised her head and met the fiery yet calm gaze of the man next to her, but she was not shy, and her eyes actually jumped with deer-like joy.

She let go of Lu Mingfei's arm and took two quick steps in the direction she was looking. The tight arcs of her calves against the tight jeans were so beautiful that it was heart-warming.

Eriki turned around, the cat ears on the back of her head jumping. She tilted her head and looked at Lu Mingfei with a smile, then lowered her head to write something.

Lu Mingfei just looked at her quietly, and for a moment he felt that something like a plant emitting the fragrance of roses was piercing his heart and growing wildly.

She was truly a dazzling girl. The luster of her clothes could not be concealed, her skin was moist, her eyes were shining, and her red hair was as smooth as bundled seaweed.

She stood in the direction where the wind blew. The girl's faint fragrance was like an elf embracing Lu Mingfei. Then the fragrance flew away like a white bird, and the high clouds were drifting from one direction to another. The light of the sun is like a goddess in the clouds showing off her skirt.

"Look, ice cream." Hui Liyi finally showed the written note to Lu Mingfei, who smiled silently.

There is indeed an ice cream truck in the distance, not far from Cinderella Castle, and the copper bell is swaying as it slowly leaves farther away.

"What flavor does Eliyi want to eat? Just wait for me here and I'll buy it for you." Lu Mingfei strode up to Eiliyi and pinched her nose.

Eri wrinkled the tip of her nose. She was clearly a tall girl, but she looked a little cute.

"This time I want to eat vanilla flavor, let's go buy it together." Hui Liyi wrote, she reached out towards Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and took the girl's soft and cool palm.

He remembered the first time he and Eri came here many years ago, and Eri wanted to eat ice cream just like today.

That day, the mobile ice cream truck shook its bell and ran farther and farther away. Lu Mingfei ran wildly to chase it, but by the time he caught up with it, it had already run a long way away.

That time he bought strawberry-flavored cones for Eri and vanilla-flavored cones for himself.Eryi was waiting for him, sitting obediently on the bench in the gap between the crowds, her hands folded on her knees, her skirt and hair flying in the wind. At that time, Lu Mingfei wondered who would have the heart to let him go. How about she face this sad and lonely world alone?
Later, as long as they were still together, no matter what Lu Mingfei wanted to do, Hui Liyi would always stay there and wait for him, seemingly not feeling the passage of time at all.

Later, Lu Mingfei realized that she was not willing to stay where she was and wait for others, just because she was waiting for him.

And it wasn't until today that Lu Mingfei suddenly understood that perhaps what Eryi liked more than waiting was... companionship.

The guy who drove the ice cream truck was a very honest young man, probably a high school dropout. His face was actually a bit raw. In the rearview mirror, he saw a man and a girl running and chasing each other under the dappled sunlight. , then he stopped the car while shaking the bell.

"Oops, I didn't see the two customers. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." The younger brother got out of the car and apologized a little shyly. Eriki opened her big round eyes and looked at the ice cream flavor sign behind him. The little brother quickly moved to the side.

"The two guests are really talented and good-looking. Even in places like Disneyland, it's rare to see such a perfect match and beautiful lovers like you." It seemed that he was still a talkative person. He pointed at Eriyi. After making vanilla ice cream and strawberry ice cream, she talked to Lu Mingfei.

But Lu Mingfei was not fooled. He saw that the kid's Disney staff uniform was lined with Ukiyo-e prints, and the tattoos of evil spirits and tigers were faintly visible on his exposed wrists.

At first glance, he is from the same family.

Sure enough, Minamoto Tachibana and Tachibana Masamune chose to give in and allowed Lu Mingfei to take Eri away, but after all, she was the most important asset of the Snake Qihachi family, and in the eyes of the family owners, she was still the most unstable weapon of mass destruction. Of course, the strictest surveillance will be used to ensure that the girl's physical and mental condition does not suddenly get out of control.

Although it is a society in the shadows, the Snake Qihachi family is also the maker and follower of order after all. If something as dangerous as Eri is allowed to run around outside, it may cause horrific casualties if it gets out of control, and things will get into trouble. If it is too big, even the secrets of the dragon clan may not be able to be hidden anymore.

"Haha, we are not lovers, we are good friends." Lu Mingfei smiled heartily. He realized that there may be more than one or two people paying attention here at the moment. Maybe the Snake Qiba Family, the Fierce Ghosts and the Academy are all watching. them.

This is actually an undoubted fact. All forces interested in getting involved in Japan's territory will not miss such an opportunity.

Although Chu Zihang's team has not received any news, it is clear that a stirring undercurrent has begun to wash over the entire hybrid world, and the center of the undercurrent is this small island country.

"Is that so? But the guests really seem to match each other!" The boy handed the vanilla ice cream and strawberry ice cream to Eliyi and Lu Mingfei respectively, and gave Lu Mingfei a thumbs up.

"Eliyi and Lu Mingfei are a perfect match." Eiliyi licked the strawberry-flavored ice cream and carefully showed the note to Lu Mingfei, as if she was going to show the man the biggest secret in the world, which can only be revealed He saw.

Many years have passed, and Eriki has grown up a lot compared to the last time. She actually understands a lot of things, and she also knows the differences between men and women. Eriki has not changed clothes in front of Yuan Zhisheng for many years.

In the past, she didn't even know what boyfriend and girlfriend were, and her understanding of love was just the ignorant starlight entering her eyes through mountains of dark clouds. Today, she already knows what it means to love someone.Even if she expressed what she wanted to express carefully and even if she was shy and reserved, in fact, in Lu Mingfei's eyes, it was like thunder exploding on the ground, like the afterglow sinking in the wasteland.

Lu Mingfei covered his chest with his right hand.He smiled, pinched Eriki's face,

"Eri is a very beautiful girl. You will be a good match for anyone." He said.

But there seemed to be a slender girl standing in the tiny sunlight that penetrated the eyes. She put her hands behind her back, jumped to his side, stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek, and her breath was like a girl's angry voice, "Senior brother, are all the things you said before lying to me?"

That was Xia Mi's silhouette, breaking into his soul so unscrupulously at this time.

He promised Xia Mi that he would always be with her. Once the agreement was made, nothing could stop him. Even if the world was destroyed, he would not break his oath.

His heart may have become less like a human heart, and the dragon's soul and faith may have filled everything in him with the flow of boiling blood, but he wanted to prove that he was still Lu Mingfei.

In 1 worlds, there will only be one Lu Mingfei.

He didn't want to prove it to anyone else, he just wanted to prove it to himself.Prove to that bad guy who doesn't even trust himself, that even if he has become very awesome, even if there are countless girls around him, he can still give everything to a certain person.

At this time, Eriyi rubbed the back of Lu Mingfei's hand like a cat. Her skin was smooth, like a rare gem. When she raised her head, her eyes only saw the boy who reached out to touch her cheek. Her pupils were as alert as a cat. Shining with hope.

In the past that this ignorant girl has not yet known, fate has completely closed the door she was looking forward to.The warmth she could feel at this time was just the faint light coming from the crack of the door.

But even that glimmer of light made her... feel that her world had become so bright.

In a daze, Lu Mingfei seemed to hear it. He heard a boy's voice like the wind in the deep valley. The boy was laughing unbridled, laughing at his stupidity, laughing at his sadness, laughing at his... painful unwillingness.
The black Lexus silently shuttled through the traffic, and the strange thing was that the whole world seemed to be making way for it. This car was like the car of a king, and it could go everywhere without any hindrance.

It is indeed the king's car. There are two real rulers in the shadow of this country, one is the orthodox Snake Qiba family, and the other is the fierce ghosts who can compete with the Snake Qiba family.

Sitting in the driver's seat at this time was actually a graceful and luxurious girl. Her eyes were as charming as an ancient fox demon, reflecting the light in the sky. The mottled sunlight filtered through the fleeting maple leaves on the pair of bright eyes. Beautiful light and shadow remain in the eyes.

The girl's long black hair was tied up, and a branch of an unknown flower plant was stuck sideways. She was wearing a black dress and stiletto high heels. She looked tall and beautiful even when she was sitting.

This is a very slender but very plump girl, with a soul-stirring charm flowing between her brows and eyes. The white-sheathed wooden sword lies horizontally on the pair of slender and tight thighs.

The real king is beside her, who seems to be a rather flamboyant singer. He sits upright in the passenger seat, with a straight body, thin and long eyes, and gentle eyebrows.

He wears a blood-colored wide-sleeved kimono draped over his shoulders, embroidered with gods, demons and ghosts like ancient events. The ferocious and sacred seem to coexist. Under the kimono is actually a clean shirt. He is clearly a man, but his collarbone is delicate and lonely, and his skin is healthy and fair. The neck is the color of white jade.

The kabuki's hair was simply tied up with a band, and the hazy fragrance of cherry blossoms was exuding from her body. The wide-sleeved kimono was as red as freshly shed blood, which complemented the man's white skin.

He touched the long knife in the scarlet scabbard in his arms, as if touching the skin of a lover, and lowered his eyes, hiding them in the shadows.

"The distinguished guests should have woken up a long time ago." The man still lowered his head and slowly wiped the blade of the unsheathed long knife. There seemed to be a chuckle in his tone. His fingers were white and slender, but a truly powerful person could feel it. It seems that there is amazing power hidden in that seemingly thin body, and it may even be able to tear apart a liger with its bare hands.

"The dose of the medicine is not large. Even a person of humble origin like me should have regained consciousness by now." The woman in the driver's seat said.

The man is the "Dragon King" with a high status among the fierce ghosts, which is equivalent to Yuan Zhisheng's status in the Sheqiba family. He has two names.

wind glass
as well as……

The source is childish.

And that charming girl, she is Sakurai Kogure, Ryoma among the fierce ghosts, and also a leader who gives orders.

Sakurai Kogure's voice was cold and light, like the wind blowing over the pond deep in the bamboo forest, with a slight chill like the cold wind in winter.This slightly cold sound echoed in the car, in tune with the sound of wind caused by the car cutting through the traffic.

Amidst the roar of the wind, the sound of a long knife being unsheathed and a bullet being loaded suddenly sounded in the back seat of the car like muffled thunder on a calm summer night.

The bright mirror-like blades reflected the men's ferocious golden eyes. Their eyes opened at the same time, like two sleeping dragons supporting each other waking up at this moment, their ferocious hearts roaring like war drums.

That is something far more dangerous than the fierce ghosts...

They are simply monsters!

"Haha..." Kazama Ruri let out a wild laugh. He cut his sword in front of his eyes and used the reflection of the blade to look at the two men who were aiming their knives and guns at him and Sakurai Kogure respectively.

"Jun Gattuso, Jun Chu..." He slowly put the knife into its sheath, showing enough kindness,

"I've admired him for a long time!"

 This chapter is a little short, but I'm so sleepy that I need to take a break.Let's continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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