Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 172 171 Eriyi’s Autumn Strategy

Chapter 172 171. Eriyi’s Autumn Strategy (4)

Some people live numbly, and time and destiny are meaningless. Living is ultimately just to wait for the inevitable death.

But one day that person will encounter a light that she cannot forget for the rest of her life. That light will shine so warmly in her eyes that it will dispel all the numbness.

Like the wind coming from the Western Mountains, it stirs up the morning mist on the river.

There are not a few people paying attention to this date, those burly men with Shura tattoos exposed on their arms, those slender girls with charming eyes, those children with fierce eyes but still childish features, and those who should have fallen in love but died because of death Brothers who had to shout and fight against each other due to fate.

All the tyrants in the shadows of Japan look down at the men and girls standing side by side under the ignorant sunshine in the late autumn. When their hearts beat, they set off a raging frenzy in the dark side of society.

Everyone's hands are stained with blood, and they are crawling forward in this lie full of justice.

The fire of greed burned the hearts of these people, and they looked at the girl who seemed to be shrouded in light, as if looking at the Holy Grail of God.

But no one dared to look at the man next to her, because he was too tall, too ferocious, and too majestic. Although he did not carry a weapon with him, it made people feel like he was holding a sword to kill the king.

Greater violence lies at the center of this storm, threatening everyone, and everyone knows...

Whoever moves will die.

——Eri Yi was a very quiet girl in front of Yuan Zhisheng. She just sat quietly, her eyes were beautiful but dead, like a lake covered with fog.

But in front of Lu Mingfei, she seemed to be endowed with spirituality, and her eyes were shining.

The sunshine is no longer so strong. On the roadside, there are maple and ginkgo trees whose leaves have been blown by the wind. The red and yellow leaves cover the long street outside the employee gate of this paradise, so dense that you can't even see the road.

"Two years ago, the city government planned this place to be a commercial street, but there was probably a funding problem and the plan was shelved, haha." The uncle who sent them to this hidden entrance was a Disney employee who had been working there many years ago. I work here, my hair is gray and my belly is round.

The uncle is a very talkative person. He helped Eryi carry the cage containing the small stone turtle and walked at the front. He swept the fallen leaves aside as he walked forward.As expected, this is a street that people often pass by. The underside of the fallen leaves is actually very clean and dry. It should be because people often walk on it.

"My uncle was also a resident here before, but we have moved away. At that time, I was selling oden in that location and have been in business for more than ten years."

The uncle pointed to the bottom of a ginkgo tree on the corner of the street. All the stores there had been closed, and the rolling shutter doors were covered with densely packed advertising signs.

"For people like me who have never gone to college or studied technology, it is really difficult to find a decent job in Chiba Prefecture, so I came back here to work for the boss here. There was still construction in the first two years after I came back. The team would come in and out, but then the construction stopped and there would be no one here. Even the city government’s cleaning team would not enter this street. When winter comes, the street will be full of dead branches, and we will step on the middle of the dead branches. Make a way out and use forklifts to shovel them all out next spring."

"I can't tell that uncle used to make oden." Lu Mingfei smiled, his tone was gentle, and his body was filled with the fresh air of some unknown plant. Eriyi clasped his wrist with one hand and held it tightly. Leaning against the man, he held the Rilakkuma doll in his other hand.

"Young people can't tell, right? Uncle, my relatives used to have a lot of fishermen, and my grandfather would bring fresh kombu and sea fish every week. Our soup base was the most delicious on the street." The uncle helped us. Mingfei and Eriyi opened the back door.

"Come on, come on, come on, this place is usually not open to tourists, but this time I will go out of the way to show mercy."

"Okay, thank you, uncle!" Lu Mingfei smiled and offered a cigarette.

The old man did not refuse, took the cigarette and pinned it to the lining, and sent the two of them out of Disneyland with a smile.

"Did you have fun?" After the uncle left, Lu Mingfei touched Hui Liyi's head and said. He was holding the cage with one hand. The dusk sunlight fell slantly on his cheek from the shade of the trees, and the light and shadow changed. It seems to have a hazy golden halo.

Eliyi's expression didn't change much, but the smile and joy in her eyes couldn't be hidden. She wrote quickly in a small notebook and then showed it to Lu Mingfei.

"I'm happy wherever I can be with Lu Mingfei."

Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat. The bustling Disneyland behind him seemed to be slowly fading away, and the bustle of people turned into the clicking sound of the clock's second hand moving forward in the quiet room.

He said to himself, little girl, please be more reserved. You are really easily kidnapped, you know. How can you hit the ball so easily?

Kehui Liyi is originally such a girl. She wants to express her love for someone because her life is so short. If she doesn't express her love quickly, the person she likes will probably never know about it.

"Hui Liyi will be happy every day from now on." Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand to push aside the maple leaves that fell on Hui Liyi's head. The leaves were rustling when the wind blew, and there was already a bit of coolness in the autumn evening.

Eriki nodded seriously. She hugged the man gently, then immediately separated, and carefully placed her hand in Lu Mingfei's hand.

Over the years, today is really the happiest day for Erika. After the last separation, even a stupid person like her could have thought that she would never be able to go out with Sakura again.But fate was kind to her after all, allowing her to meet the child who clumsily hugged her at the bottom of the sea again.

They went to a haunted house together, to Cinderella's castle, to the theater show of Beauty and the Beast, and also rode a roller coaster and a Ferris wheel.

Eriki is no longer afraid of the haunted house, she can bravely face the things that used to scare her; Eriki is no longer afraid of the staff dressed as monsters in Cinderella Castle, because Lu Mingfei is there beside her.

The last time they didn't go to the roller coaster, this time Eriyi insisted on trying that dangerous project. During the process, Lu Mingfei was always paying attention to her mental condition. Although the girl was screaming, she was not timid and just wanted to be free. And pleasant.In the late autumn when they were retreating rapidly on the roller coaster, they looked at each other in the interplay of light and shadow, as if they were meeting across a sea of ​​people.

They also looked at the panoramic view of Urayasu City from the Ferris wheel. The gray-white buildings extended towards Tokyo in the west and bordered another urban agglomeration, which seemed to be endless.

From this direction, you can see both the mountains and the sea. The clear light falling on Eli Yi's body makes Lu Mingfei almost lose track of time.Xia Mi said that this was a holy place for boys and girls to date. At that time, Eriki's eyes were also shining with the light of love, and lightning almost burst from the synchronization of heart and heart, but they just looked at it quietly. Tokyo in the distance.

There was a moment when Lu Mingfei was sure that his heartbeat was speeding up. It was not just one moment, but many moments. This feeling was not like or love, but what could it be.

But he didn't just have feelings for Eriki. This feeling was really strange and made him very angry.

"What would Hui Liyi want to eat tonight?" Lu Mingfei stood on the street and stretched. He took out his mobile phone and called Chu Zihang, but there was always no answer or the line on the other side of the phone was busy.He is not worried about the danger that the two senior brothers will encounter in Japan. Chu Zihang and Caesar, who accepted the Nibelung Plan, are both extremely capable heroes if taken alone. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, they are at least as good as Chang Banpo. The characters of Zhao Zilong's class are full of courage. Even a super hybrid like Yuan Zhisheng can't defeat them if they combine their swords together.

What's more, Chu Zihang has the violent blood skill in his hand. Nowadays, the burden on him to activate violent blood is no longer so serious. The erosion of dragon blood on him in the past has also been eroded. If he really can't beat the third degree of violent blood, he can only use less than half of it. There is no problem in fearing a fierce ghost.

I didn't check my phone much all day, but there were a lot of unread messages. In the morning, there were messages from Chu Zihang and Caesar. In the afternoon, there were basically only official reports from the Dragon Blood Society and messages from Xia Mi and Nuonuo. Barrage.

Lu Mingfei's expression froze for a moment. He quietly clicked out the unread messages on Xia Mi and Nuonuo's avatars, and then turned off the screen of his phone.

"I want to eat sukiyaki and drink some sake tonight. I hope to buy some dried mango and potato chips when I go back." Eriyi seemed to have already thought about what she wanted to eat, and wrote in a small notebook Write these words to show Lu Mingfei.

"Okay, then Eri, do you want to go home tonight?" Lu Mingfei skillfully looked at the sukiyaki restaurants with takeout delivery services in Shinjuku, Chiyoda and Sumida districts of Tokyo from the Amap map.Tokyo Sky Tree is located in Sumida Ward.

It is now August 10. The Tokyo Sky Tree has been completed but not yet open, but its light show can already be seen.I think Eri would be happy if she could see the lights blooming.

"If you don't want to go home, I have already sent a text message to my brother." Eryi squeezed Lu Mingfei's wrist tightly. At this time, the wind suddenly started blowing, coming from the direction of Tokyo Bay. It was probably because the rainy season was not over yet and the weather was nice. It's time to leave.

Lu Mingfei put on a straight face and stretched out his hand in front of Eri Yi. Eri Yi bit her lips and looked up at him pitifully.

"Bring me your phone and take a look." Lu Mingfei said.

Eriki hugged his arm tightly and swayed vigorously, making a coquettish nasal sound. "Forget it, I'll call Yuan Zhisheng later. If he doesn't agree, I'll accompany you home." Lu Mingfei couldn't stand this and could only compromise.

At this point in time, Herzog had no reason to take action against Eriki. She would be safe if she stayed at Genji Heavy Industries.

"Brother will agree!" Eliyi showed Lu Mingfei what she had written. Lu Mingfei pinched the girl's cheek: "I think so too, but even if I don't have to go home at night, Eliyi can't sleep with me. one room."

The girl's eyes blinked and her lips pursed.

"There's no point in being cute." Lu Mingfei turned his head away from looking at her.
"I didn't expect that the leaders of the Fierce Ghosts would be two such young people..." Caesar hesitated and raised his eyebrows, "The Fallen." His Desert Eagle was pinned to his waist, and his short hunting knife Dick pushed Taya carries it with him.Similarly, Chu Zihang can be considered fully armed. He is originally equivalent to a humanoid self-propelled mountain cannon. The alchemy ancient sword Murasame is a weapon that is not inferior to Dictado in terms of craftsmanship.

In this way, two people holding swords should not be afraid wherever they go. What they should really fear is their enemy.

The very handsome, even somewhat beautiful man was sitting on the tatami opposite them, still wearing a bloody kimono, and his swan-like clear and white neck was simply not what a man should have.Kazama Liuli's posture was casual, playing with the cup filled with spirits in her hand. The atmosphere in the room was not solemn, and the smell of incense was elegant and distant.

As "Ryuma", Sakurai Kogure changed into a close-fitting black suit and skirt. She has a high bun, a slim figure, and bright eyes. A faint fragrance wafts towards her. She is also a leader among the fierce ghosts, but she quietly Kneeling and sitting behind Fengjian Liuli, her bright eyebrows were lowered, like a flower in bud.

"Actually, it is more appropriate to say that we are evil ghosts. The fallen are at least still in the world, but the evil ghosts can only howl in hell." Fengjian Liuli's voice was clear and gentle, and her voice and intonation were different from Yuan Zhisheng. But I don't know why Chu Zihang always felt that this person's voice was somewhat similar to Yuan Zhisheng.

"As for youth, both Gattuso and Chu are very young. They are so outstanding and powerful that even behemoths like ours have to bow before you."

With a soft snap, Caesar slapped the desert eagle on the table.This metal weapon shone with a ferocious cold light under the dim light.

The depths of the man's ice-blue eyes seemed to be seeping with golden stars. The stars gathered together like a long river. The golden pupils were lit up in one second and then extinguished in the same second. Caesar let out a long sigh of relief.

"Don't play tricks. I want to know what your purpose is in bringing us here." His voice was calm, but it contained anger and irritability. Neither Caesar nor Chu Zihang had ever thought that ordering takeout could be drugged. , and it is an anesthetic that can stun elephants.

However, I think that the fierce ghosts or the Kazama Ruri in front of them should have no ill intentions towards them, otherwise the short period of time when they were unconscious would be enough to kill them.

"The information you got from Princess Kaguya about Ji Yuan is incomplete." Kazama Liuli stood up, and the scarlet kimono reflected in the eyes of Caesar and Chu Zihang seemed to be exaggerated with blood. He came step by step At the window of the Japanese-style room, he pushed open the screen and opened the curtains, and then opened the window. The oncoming wind lifted his long hair, sleeves, and hem.

The young white birds spread their wings in the strong wind, while the rain clouds piled up like towering mountains in the low sky.

got windy.

It's going to rain again.

Chu Zihang and Caesar both looked over and knew where this place was.

Ginza, Kabukiza.This building is a landmark like the Notre Dame Cathedral here. It has a strong Momoyama period style. The purple cloth is not only hung on the lintel, but also hung in front of every Japanese-style room.

The calm between Chu Zihang and Caesar could not last long before it was broken by Caesar's curse.

"These bunch of losers in the branch, no matter what information can be seen by outsiders!" Caesar scolded, if such a mistake happened to the Gattuso family, Frost would definitely be furious, and then find the person who leaked the information. Come out and pick off his tendons and hamstrings.

"Please don't blame those poor ordinary people, Mr. Gattuso. How can they have the power to resist when facing people like us." Kazama Liuli leaned against the window and turned to look at Caesar. He did this At this time, she actually covered her mouth and smiled softly. Her eyebrows were slender and the exposed corners of her mouth were as bright as cinnabar. She looked more like a beautiful woman.

"The college's actions are far more dangerous and difficult than you think, because there is no doubt that we will not record all the information in the same document."

"First of all, we ignore the accuracy of the information from the fierce ghosts. Secondly, we ignore the real purpose of the fierce ghosts contacting us. Finally, we have no intention of sneaking into the bottom of the abyss. Even if there is danger, what can we do? Time has passed. Changed, strong fire strikes beyond visual range can work wonders when facing enemies that are difficult for us to reach, no matter what kind of danger will be wiped out in a covering fire strike." In contrast, Caesar Undoubtedly, he understands the operating style of the college's equipment department better than Chu Zihang. In the past two years, Chu Zihang has been more frequently in contact with the executive department headed by Schneider rather than the equipment department headed by Director Akadulla and Deputy Minister Karl.

"I think the college's battle plan is to throw a tactical nuclear missile or something like that into the abyss and then let it go, right?" Kazama Ruri's eyebrows were filled with smiles, although she was not in Kassel College. Although he had studied in a high school and had not come into contact with too many students who graduated from the academy, the Menggui were able to organize a strong counterattack despite the perennial strangulation of the eight Sheqi families. Their intelligence capabilities were very strong.Therefore, Kazama Ruri is actually as familiar with everything in the academy as the Japanese branch, such as the equipment department that is full of lunatics, the mysterious school director, and Hilbert Jean Ang who single-handedly made the entire Japanese mixed-race society surrender. hot.

Chu Zihang and Caesar looked at each other, and both saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Of course this trick works against ordinary dragon embryos, and it might even be effective against ancient dragons like the Four Monarchs, but do you two know what is hidden underneath?" Kazama Ruri said. In the dim light, he appeared in front of the two people, somewhere between a plain-white boy and a pale, beautiful girl. He was beautiful but weird. His smile was as clear as the wind, but for some reason, it always made Caesar feel like he was Looking at a ferocious ghost.

"If it is an ancient dragon that is more dangerous than the four monarchs... do you want to say that it is Nidhogg's egg?" Chu Zihang's voice was slow and cold, and his hand never moved from Murasame's knife handle from beginning to end. Move away.

Lightning that twists and turns like a silver dragon splits the mountain-like clouds in the sky at this moment. This ancient name carries great majesty and hammers into everyone's heart. Fengjian Liuli's complexion changes slightly.

Caesar sneered. If what Fengjian Liuli said was one of the four kings, he would still be a little confused or even doubtful. But what he heard from this weird man was such a great thing. He is now They have begun to doubt what the real purpose of the fierce ghosts is in finding them.

His fingers had already touched the loaded Desert Eagle. He and Chu Zihang never trusted Kazama Ruri and Sakurai Kogure.

Before entering this Japanese-style room, they passed through a winding corridor. Dozens of men in black suits stood silently on both sides of the corridor. Each of them had a "Ghost" badge with the word "Ghost" on their chest. The texture is brass, shining brightly in the dim light.The Sheqi family has been suppressing the power of the demons, but this organization composed entirely of evil demons has become so powerful that it has penetrated into the city of Tokyo. They are well-trained warriors who solemnly serve around the throne.

This was not a fair negotiation or deal from the beginning. The fierce ghosts hijacked Chu Zihang and Caesar from Kassel College. Everyone knows that if the negotiation breaks down, it will be a sword-to-sword confrontation. If the opinions are destined to not be reached, Why not just expose the hostility to the air!
Because of this, only in this way, they will have no psychological burden when they roar to kill each other!
"I didn't make up a lie, because in the abyss is the kingdom of God." Feng Jian Liuli's voice was solemn, and the strong wind blew his long hair, making him look like a demon on a rainy night.
At this time, Lu Mingfei and Eriyi were eating sukiyaki. Enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, radish, cabbage and green onions were piled on top of each other. Fresh fat beef was spread out on the surface, like a beef version of Mount Fuji that was ready to go. The hot soup is constantly boiling, and the secret Sukiyang soup made from various main ingredients perfectly blends with the deliciousness of the ingredients, and the meat is fragrant.

Seeing the beef gradually changing color, the rich aroma invaded the two people's noses, Eliyi's eyes seemed to reflect the golden light of food, and she knelt on the tatami in front of Lu Mingfei, with two delicate white and warm toes. Fighting behind the butt.

"I'm starting!" Huiliyi showed the note to Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei also looked pious, and then two pairs of dark chopsticks rose and fell.Although most of Eri's canteens are restaurants with three Michelin stars, she has obviously eaten sukiyaki before. Her long fingers are very skillful in using chopsticks, picking up the delicious fat beef and dipping it with some... It can be called the best CP sterile egg liquid. The warm meat slices are wrapped in raw eggs and put into the slightly opened mouth. The white steam immediately overflows from the corner of the girl's mouth because of the boiling heat.

Lu Mingfei smiled, and he secretly glanced at his phone. On the screen was the content of his chat with a certain guy.

"Hey, Minamoto, the head of the Uesugi family isn't going home today."

"oi Lu Mingfei, you soul! What do you want to do! If you dare to do anything to Eriyi, I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

"Wait a minute, what are you thinking! We won't sleep in the same room!"

"Then you must go home tomorrow night! Later I will send you two separate videos to check the ward! If I find out..."

Holding the phone screen down, Lu Mingfei's nose shrugged.

The light secret soup stock, the fragrant chili sauce, and the fragrant and mellow cheese shreds are perfect for warming up in such weather.

Not long ago, a heavy rain hit Tokyo as expected. Before the rain came, the maple trees all over the street were dancing wildly, and their red leaves were picked up by the wind and hovered in the air. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was miserable and rainy outside.

They rented a new room near the Sky Tree. Lu Mingfei also took the time to buy a toothbrush, towel and pajamas for Eriyi. By this time, the girl had already changed into her pajamas, her collarbones were slender and lonely, and she drank one glass after another with him. The chilled sake brought a hazy mist-like light to his eyes, and his plain white face became slightly flushed.

Lu Mingfei bought Black Dragon Sake through takeout. The last time he and Eliyi drank it for the first time under Lu Mingze's arrangement, he was very impressed. It was refreshing and mellow, not harsh on the throat.

There is no wind coming in, so the steam rises straight up. In the rising steam, the eyes of the girl and the man always intersect inadvertently, and they dodge like shy kittens in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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