Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 173 172 Miss Xia Mi’s amazing assist

Chapter 173 172. Miss Xia Mi’s amazing assist
This hotel is really not a luxurious place to stay, but Lu Mingfei took a long time to choose it before he fell in love with it.

Because it is almost next to the love hotel that still lingers in the memories of Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi. Opposite is the capsule hotel where Lu Mingfei, Caesar and Chu Zihang once squeezed in and used binoculars to monitor Eli Yi. .

Although it is not a big hotel, the landlady is indeed a very nice person. You can probably tell from her face that she has a gentle temperament. When she saw Lu Mingfei and Eriyi staying in the hotel together, but they also had two rooms, they looked more at Lu Mingfei. With two eyes, they arranged a suite for them.

It is the kind of room with a balcony connected together. The two rooms share a balcony and can be interconnected.

The floor of the room is covered with a very clean, lavender-scented diagonal striped black and white carpet, the wall lamps are bright, and the curtains are made of white gauze.The furnishings in the room are all simple and modern furniture. Compared with other hotels, Lu Mingfei feels more comfortable. Especially the mattress is so soft that you feel like you are being wrapped when you lie down on it. It is even covered with gorgeous silk sheets, which makes it look like It's a very high-end European hotel bed.

It's a pity, probably because it is an old house that has experienced decades of baptism like the love hotel. Even if the hotel specially installed soundproofing panels, the effect is still not good. There are slight but frequent footsteps in the corridor.

There are probably a few Russians staying next door. I heard from the landlady that they have been staying here for a few days. They check in at various tourist attractions in Tokyo during the day and drink endlessly when they come back at night. They drink vodka, sake, champagne, everything. , I would arm my arms and sing old songs loudly when I was drunk. However, in recent days, business has not been very good during the rainy season and there are not many customers, so it did not affect anyone.

Lu Mingfei sat on the bed and burped, while using the remote control to change channels out of boredom. The light and shadow of the TV changed, leaving colorful lights on his face, but no sound came out.

The sound of rain outside the window gradually became louder, and the Russian singing next door was rough, messy, but actually a little old, so old that it reminded people of certain times that they had experienced.

A replay of Tokyo Love Story was being played on TV, which made Lu Mingfei begin to wonder if Lu Mingze's shadow was at work in all this.

In the rain curtain, only the Tokyo Sky Tree, which is undergoing a trial operation of the lighting system, has a thin light. Looking from this direction, you cannot see the flashy night view of Tokyo, because this building is low and looks like it is blended into the mountains. among elk.

At this time, this scene actually made Lu Mingfei feel inexplicably relieved. He sometimes thought about his past on rainy nights, the past that had nothing to do with dragons or this world.

When Lu Mingfei was very young, Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini were still with him. At that time, they lived in a very old family compound with a zigzag structure. There was a rusty basketball stand downstairs, next to the basketball stand. It's a tall, rusty, dim street lamp.

Of course, there were many people living in the family compound. It was not the same as it is now. Young people still had the enthusiasm to serve the country. It was an era when faith was greater than personal desires. Everything was growing rapidly, and there was no place to start a business. The homeless men gathered in the old house next door, working hard during the day and drinking at night, hugging each other and singing drunkenly.A group of drunkards hugged each other and sang from Xinzhe Chang's "Over the Top" to Jacky Cheung's "A Thousand Reasons to Be Sad". Late at night, they actually sang "The Internationale" in unison.

At that time, when it rained, Lu Mingfei would sit on the bed and watch the dim street lamp like a lonely candle in the middle of the basketball court. He would listen to the rain and listen to music. "The Internationale" was really a powerful and upright song. At that time, Boss Lu also There were some people who once wanted to dedicate their lives to international communism, but unfortunately they later joined the Communist Party and instead joined the Kuomintang.

But this feeling is not bad.

The unfinished sake was placed on the bedside. Lu Mingfei sipped from the bottle, quietly listening to the sound of rain and the tune of the lyrics that the Russian men next door couldn't understand at all.

At this time, there was a rhythmic knocking sound on the wall behind him. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment while drinking, and then he also knocked on the wall.

"I can't sleep." Hui Liyi sent a message to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei could even imagine the girl curled up in the quilt, breathing like blue, with rosy cheeks, and the light of the mobile phone should be reflected in her clean crimson eyes, deep in her pupils, she was looking forward to her reply hopefully.

Lu Mingfei continued to sip sake. There was no light in the room, but the curtains were only half-closed. With the flickering light and shadow of the TV, it didn't appear dark.

"What's wrong with Eri Yi?" He swallowed the sake and finally wrote back to Eri Yi.

But at this moment, another interface suddenly popped up from the phone screen, and the melodious ringtone tore apart the silence. The sound of rain and singing seemed to have become a dispensable background.

A... video call.

It's Xia Mi.

Lu Mingfei pressed the volume button and the ringtone disappeared immediately. He stared at the phone without moving for a long time, but his slightly trembling eyelashes showed that his mood was not peaceful at this time.

The caller ID of the video phone came on for about a minute until it almost turned off automatically, and he finally pressed the answer button.

The moment the phone screen changed, the man's originally expressionless facial features suddenly twitched, and he actually squeezed out a smile that was not much different from the past.

"Hey, senior brother, what are you doing? Why are you picking up the video so late?" A girl's face with a facial mask appeared on the screen. Xia Mi was sitting in front of the dressing table in some pajamas, seemingly getting ready to sleep.

The girl's big black eyes rolled around, as if she wanted to check the situation on Lu Mingfei's side through the video.

"Why don't you turn on the lights in the middle of the night? You're afraid I'll check the guard." Natsume's cheeks were bulging, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and although there was still a smile on his lips, it was clearly a very dangerous expression.

Lu Mingfei chuckled and said, "No way. Didn't you just turn off the lights and prepare to rest? It's so late and you haven't slept yet. Staying up late is not good for your skin."

"Senior sister has a former friend who is a little fat man. He just treated us to hot pot and is just going home now." Xia Mi seemed to be carefully looking at Lu Mingfei's surroundings and hummed, "I'll give it to you during the day. If you don’t reply after sending messages, honestly are you flirting with women?”

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment and glanced to the side.

"Where's Senior Sister? She should be with you, right?" He tried to change the subject.

Xia Mi didn't care and stepped aside. Nono appeared in the camera wearing red silk pajamas and half lying on the bed playing with his iPad.

"Hey, bro." Nuonuo also had a mask on her face and waved to Lu Mingfei without raising her head.

Lu Mingfei raised his eyes and said, "We haven't seen you for a few days. Senior sister has become thinner... By the way, junior sister, are you ready to go back to school?" he asked.

Xia Mi held her chin with one hand and looked up, as if she had really thought about this issue seriously.

"Maybe..." She was a little unsure.

"What should it be?"

"I'm not sure if I want to come to Tokyo and bite you to death first." Xia Mi clicked his fingers together, and opened the corners of his mouth to reveal two small tiger teeth that shone fluorescently under the light.

"Junior sister, why did you say this!" Lu Mingfei leaned back tactically.

"Here, senior brother informed me that you are very lucky in Japan, my dear." Xia Mi took off the mask, with a smiley expression on his face, and he groaned angrily with his arms folded, and followed a little pig Same.

"Junior brother, you don't have to hide it. We all know that that little girl is the head of the Uesugi family of the Snake Qihachi family. We also know that her name is Uesugi Eri." Nono's little head poked out from behind Xia Mi, her eyes twinkling. With a cunning light.

"Okay, Chu Zihang, you guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes can be so insidious. When I get the chance, I will definitely take photos of him having fun and drinking in front of Tamamo to Sister Su Qian!" Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xia Mi and Nuonuo. attitude, they didn’t seem angry.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat again, and he thought to himself, "Oh!"Why would he care about his senior sister's feelings?
"Bang bang!"

Lu Mingfei raised his head in confusion. It turned out that Xia Mi was tapping the screen of his phone with his fingers, showing a confused expression. "Senior brother is a philanderer, I'm going to knock you to death." Xia Mi looked serious, as if he could really knock Lu Mingfei's head out by tapping on the phone screen.

Nuonuo looked at the silent Lu Mingfei with a rather strange look. She opened her mouth and probably wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. She just made a cute face at Lu Mingfei where Xia Mi couldn't see.

Lu Mingfei looked at Xia Mi's angry face. He suddenly thought that his junior sister was indeed a very good girl, good-looking and gentle. Of course Lu Mingfei would be happy to be with him, but that was really unfair to Xia Mi.There are always [-] people in this world that you will fall in love with. Without him, Lu Mingfei would still have Li Mingfei, Su Mingfei and so on.

"Junior sister, I'm sorry." Lu Mingfei said suddenly, and even he was stunned for a moment when he said these three words.At this moment, the rain outside the window was louder and the wind was howling. Xia Mi stopped in shock and looked at Lu Mingfei, who had serious eyes and a serious expression.

She hummed twice.

"Where did you go wrong?" The girl turned her face away. Under the light, her skin was as white as transparent, her neck was as white and delicate as a swan, and her collarbone was clear and moist.

It was clearly a feint of anger, but the expression on his face clearly said, "Please beg me. If you beg me, I will step down for you."

But Lu Mingfei was just sipping sake. The Russian people next door seemed to have finally calmed down a bit. The chorus faded away, and now only one man was left singing.

Lu Mingfei happened to have heard that song, which had the unique Russian sadness and heroism. "Умри,еслименянелюбишь", translated into Chinese, is "If you don't love me, then die".

For a long, long time, Xia Mi slowly put down his posture and stared directly at Lu Mingfei's eyes on the screen. There were many things in those eyes, majesty, confidence, anger, hatred, stubbornness, and even exhaustion. and weak, but she had never seen such a strong...


"I was with Eri Yi during the day." Lu Mingfei said. The man had probably finally made some determination in his heart, and his eyes gradually became firm. But when he suddenly saw Xia Mi's expression, he immediately became cold. His eyes were cold.He had never seen that kind of expression on Xia Mi's face, that kind of calm and ferocious expression.

The light and shadow of the TV flickered in Lu Mingfei's eyes, and various thoughts wandered in his mind, which made him feel confused for a moment.But neither he nor Xia Mi turned away, as if this was a war of advance or death, and neither of them had reasons why they couldn't retreat.

During the stalemate, Lu Mingfei's expression was almost unbearable. Finally, Nono, the other end of the communication, brought Xia Mi a strawberry cake. The girl seemed to have immediately forgotten what had just happened, and her eyes seemed to really shine with pink. Heart-shaped, "Thank you, senior sister, I just want to have a midnight snack!" Xia Mi said.

Nono touched Xia Mi's head and suddenly winked at Lu Mingfei.

"It's okay, senior brother, we already knew it. You went to Tokyo just for Sister Eri." Natsumi held the plate and buried his face in it to eat the cake. The corners of his mouth were covered with strawberry jam. Then he tilted his head and used a small fork to fork. A small piece of cake came out and was raised towards Lu Mingfei, "Senior brother, open your mouth and I'll feed you."

"I'm also with Eri Yi now." Lu Mingfei said suddenly. He looked away, not daring to look at Xia Mi.

At this time, the corner of the girl's mouth on the screen slightly raised and then dropped immediately. She turned back and nodded to Nono, and the senior sister opened the door and left the room while slapping some kind of skin care essence on her face.

It wasn't until the sound of closing the door came from the other side that Lu Mingfei looked at Xia Mi. He watched helplessly as the girl's expression froze and then cooled down little by little, as if the winter had suddenly descended on Siberia. In those beautiful eyes All are blowing the golden cold wind.

"Humph, senior brother, you are making rapid progress." Xia Mi pouted, looking very cute, like an angry kitten.

Lu Mingfei chuckled.

"We didn't do anything. Junior sister, you know who I am," he said.

Xia Mi's eyes narrowed.What Lu Mingfei said was indeed right. She knew who he was and could make the man Jörmungandr fall in love with enough restraint. Moreover, according to the elder brother, the head of the Shangshan family seemed to be mentally immature. If the elder brother Why don't you do whatever you want to do to others...

No, no, no, I can’t think about it anymore, it’s not suitable for children to think about it anymore.Xia Mi reminded himself quietly in his mind.

"So what do you want to say, have you found true love? Do you think the relationship between us shouldn't start so unclearly?" The girl snorted coldly.

"I don't think our beginning was unclear, and I don't think I have found true love, because I knew I loved you from the moment I made up my mind to stand by your side." Lu Mingfei's voice Inexplicably hoarse, his voice was really soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing his sleeping heart.

"Then...what do you want to say?" Xia Mi said softly.

"I want to say that Eriki Uesugi is someone I must protect, and I have never backed down on this matter." Lu Mingfei also said softly.He was probably showing off his cards, his soul was already exhausted, and he didn't know how long he could hold on like this.

Xia Mi is still alive until now, Fenrir has not been killed, and fate has been proven to be changeable.In this case, he must correct the mistakes that once made a mountain of iron.

Xia Mi looked at Lu Mingfei. She no longer went to eat the strawberry cake, but just looked at the boy who lowered his head as if he had made a mistake.

"So you want to break up with me?" Xia Mi said coldly.

Lu Mingfei finally showed a surprised expression, and then he seemed to be a little relieved, and his tense body suddenly relaxed.


"Lu Mingfei!" Xia Mi interrupted what he wanted to say. Her expression was more serious than ever before. She leaned forward again, her shoulder straps hanging on her crystal-clear jade shoulders, her eyes narrowed into the shape of willow leaves,
"Don't put on that relieved expression. It's like you really made up your mind and made a big sacrifice. Why don't you ask me what I think before you do something or say something?" Woolen cloth?"

Lu Mingfei said nothing, he just didn't know what to say.

"If you really dare to talk about breaking up, you're dead!" Xia Mi bared his teeth and hummed.


"It's nothing good. I told you a long time ago. I don't care how many people you like or how many people you have liked. I am Jormungandr. In the end, only we can embrace each other in 1000 years." Sleep forever." Xia Mi said condescendingly, golden flames burning in her eyes, like a sharp sword piercing through space, she said,
"You've been deceiving yourself, haven't you? I've known for a long time, Lu Mingfei, that the soul you have is far greater than you imagine. Such a soul should be able to accommodate more people. You can't love anyone more than you. Anyway, you will only love me in the end, so I don’t care.”

She was clearly still a cute junior sister at this moment, but she was so majestic. She was as majestic as an imperial daughter sitting high in the clouds, wearing a gorgeous dress and a golden crown, overlooking her servants.

"Now!" Xia Mi's voice seemed to be conveying an order, but it was clearly a bit charming. The girl extinguished the lava-like golden color in her eyes, and she just stared at Lu Mingfei through a thin layer of glass. The corners of his eyes are serious and solemn. Even the most determined devil will fall under such a gaze.

Lu Mingfei slowly sat up straight. For a moment, he was suppressed by the inexplicable surge of momentum from his junior sister, and felt that he should act more seriously at this time.

"Kiss me, senior brother..." It was as if the Siberian winter had passed, and the ice that froze Lake Baikal was shattered by the warm current. Suddenly, the girl's majesty disappeared in front of him, her voice became aggrieved, and her eyes were red. Teeth nibbling at lower lip.

"Girls have to be coaxed. If you kiss me, I will forgive you. How can you be such a boyfriend..." Xia Mi's soft voice made Lu Mingfei tremble slightly. He thought The barrier that loneliness built in my heart disappeared at this moment.

 My mind is spinning. This chapter is actually just an outline. I haven't had time to polish it yet, so I posted it first. If readers have suggestions and comments, you can post them directly in this chapter. I will take the time to review and make corrections.

  That's it for today.

(End of this chapter)

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