Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 174 Chapter 173 Fierce Ghosts

Chapter 174 173. Fierce Ghosts

Xia Mi: "Good night, senior brother."

"Good night."

"That, brother..."


"I love you."

Lu Mingfei was discouraged. His hard, tired heart seemed to have cracked open, and emotions as thick as blood poured out of it.

"I love you too." He whispered.

Xia Mi finally smiled, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, her tiger teeth were shining with white light, her delicate nose wrinkled, and then she turned her face to the side to get closer to the camera.

"Hey, senior brother, I have to forgive you before we even kissed you." The girl's voice was sly, and her tone was somewhere between coquettish and cute.

Lu Mingfei blushed, hesitated and pouted at the camera.

"Shamefully shy." He covered his face, and his depressed mood just now actually calmed down a bit.

"You shy girl, I am your girlfriend, okay!" Xia Mi put her hands on her hips, her cheeks puffed up, and her round eyes stared at Lu Mingfei, looking confident and confident.

Suddenly she became serious again, her pupils shimmering, like a very alert kitten, or like the silence of a lioness before hunting.

"Hey, Lu Mingfei." Xia Mi narrowed his eyes slightly, conveying a dangerous signal to Lu Mingfei.

"If you dare to touch the Shangshan family, be careful, I will report you to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for molesting children." Xia Mi grinned and warned Lu Mingfei through the screen of his mobile phone.

"How is that possible!" Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, "Am I that kind of person in the eyes of junior sister?"

"Huh huh." Xia Mi snorted.

"Okay, I'm tired, please step back from the path." She waved her hand, her face looking tired.

"Good night, junior sister." Lu Mingfei said after being silent for a few seconds.

"Good night, senior brother." Xia Mi said.

The room fell into silence again and only the sound of rain could be heard, and even the drunk Russians stopped making noises.Lu Mingfei stretched out slowly, feeling a little lighter.

He didn't know why this happened, because the pressure of carrying a mountain on his back had already penetrated deep into his bones. At this time, he actually had the illusion that he was as light as a swallow.
Big raindrops fell on the rain cover of the ramen shop and splashed into pieces. From inside the shop, it was seen that the street was flooded.Everything was as hazy as a mirage, pedestrians and vehicles disappeared, and heavy rains like this were rare even in the city of Tokyo.

The Tokyo Meteorological Bureau is busy changing weather warnings for the next few days, but many companies in the city are enjoying a rare break.

In front of Minamoto, there was the restaurant's signature chicken cutlet ramen, and a bottle of Yamazaki whiskey taken out of the trunk of Sakura's Hummer. He sipped on the chicken cutlet while looking at the rainy scene outside in a daze. .

"Young Master, are you worried about Miss Eriki?" When Sakura spoke up, she stood up and filled the wine glass for Minamoto Chisheng.

In front of her is also a large bowl of chicken cutlet ramen, which is a specialty of this store and is very famous in the neighborhood. It is said that only one hundred copies are sold every day. Some people are waiting in front of the store at four in the morning to buy one.

However, the master ramen chef used to be a member of the nearby mountain group, and he was still receiving subsidies from his family. After learning that the head of the Minamoto family was coming, he broke his own rules without hesitation.

"To be honest, I'm more worried about the safety of this city than Eri Yi..." Yuan Zhisheng picked up the wine glass and took a sip. His eyes couldn't help but wander to the low building across the street.

It was the hotel where Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi were staying today.

Naturally, the Sheqiba family could not safely let a monster like the head of the Shangshan family, who could cause the destructive power of an atomic bomb in the urban area, wander outside without supervision, so after Lu Mingfei took her away from Tianyuanji Heavy Industry, the Japanese underworld The eyes of the organization that looks like the center of the empire are fully operational.

The people responsible for remote monitoring and protection of Eri are divided into three groups. They are all elites of the family. They can ensure the safety of Eri even when facing the same number of Self-Defense Forces.

But after finishing his official duties, Yuan Zhisheng asked Ying to drive here. He said he was a little hungry and wanted to have a midnight snack, but in fact he was just worried.

"Although I am not opposed to giving Eri more freedom, I don't agree with Mr. Masamune's philosophy." Minamoto said calmly. There were no other customers in the store except them, and the boss also knew that big shots were chatting. When I should avoid it, I went to the back room.

At this time, the rainwater under the eaves almost formed a dense curtain, and the red maple leaves were swaying in the wind and rain, like sad snow.

Several black high-powered off-road vehicles slid out from the depths of the rain curtain silently. These vehicles all passed in front of Yuan Zhisheng. The wipers were turned on, and a man in black could be seen sitting upright inside.

The men opened their arms, revealing the ukiyo-e lining and the ferocious tattoos on their chests, and the short swords in the white sheaths hung on their waists. Even in the car, no one spoke, except for a slight nod when their eyes met Minamoto's.

This is the security team coming to change shifts. Judging from their aura, you can tell that they are definitely elite soldiers. They follow orders and prohibitions, and they are very powerful.

But I think these people must be so fragile that they could break in front of the two people staying in that hotel.

Minamoto Chisheng still remembers the scene where Lu Mingfei defeated the Kanto branch. It was really shocking. You must know that Akechi Asuya is one of the strongest men in the Snake Qihachi family, but he doesn't even have the strength to resist.

Sakura ate the ramen in small bites, chopped up the large chicken steak with chopsticks, and poured some soy sauce.

"Did the people in charge of the other two commissioners of the headquarters report any abnormal situations?" Yuan Zhisheng asked suddenly.He thought those two lunatics were probably blowing away bottles of sake in a nightclub at the moment.

"Gattuso-kun and Chu-jun remained in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture until nearly noon. They were probably conducting surveillance missions on Lu Mingfei. Although they didn't know what their purpose was, this surveillance did not last long. , then the two of them drove to Ginza, and are now taking shelter in Kabukicho." The whereabouts of Chu Zihang and Caesar are not a secret in the eyes of the Snake Qihachi family, but the people they are responsible for monitoring these two are probably not The die-hard members of the family did not convey real information to Sakura. At least Minamoto was not aware of the existence of Kazama Ruri and Sakurai Kogure at this moment.

"They would actually go to that kind of place..." Yuan Zhisheng suddenly felt a little confused.

Although the Chu Zihang trio’s transportation was provided by their own family, the heads of the Sheqiba family were not stupid to come to the Sheqiba family. The students of Cassel College have excellent anti-surveillance capabilities, let alone the best in the college. Or, so there is no signal transmitting source installed on the Lexus.

"From the information, neither Gattuso-kun nor Chu-kun are people who appreciate kabuki." Sakura said, she has always been the smartest person around Yuan Zhisheng, and can handle almost everything by herself.

"However...it is said that Gattuso-kun has always loved the highest level of enjoyment. Crow even mentioned that he was planning to invite us to the top Cowherd restaurant in Tokyo to enjoy it."

"Cowherd's shop?" Yuan Zhisheng was astonished and a little frightened. He thought to himself that no wonder Caesar Gattuso was not only nervous but also quite arrogant. He turned out to like men.

"Yes, Gattuso-kun probably means that he is a man accustomed to enjoying the top-notch Maple customs in various cities. After all, cowherding is also a special industry in Japan, so it is not surprising that he would invite us to that kind of place. "Sakura said.

Gen Zhisheng breathed a sigh of relief, "In that case, Kabuki is also a very famous Japanese tradition. It is not surprising that they would appear in Kabukicho." He almost understood Caesar's thoughts. It was nothing more than rich. Typical thinking of the second generation.

As expected, they were the type of people he hated the most.

"You can put aside the matters of the commissioner of this department for now, but there is another matter that is a bit tricky." Yuan Zhisheng frowned, and he slapped the stern ancient sword with the black sheath on the table, and there seemed to be a tide of blood in a trance. The smell came rushing in.

The spider cutter is indeed a good knife for killing many evil spirits. The smell of blood soaked in it over the years is lingering on it.

Sakura stopped eating noodles. She knew that Yuan Zhisheng had something serious to say.In contrast, it is not incomprehensible that Yuan Zhisheng prefers to take Sakura with him instead of Crow and Yasha when doing things.Although Wu Wu still had some brains and could barely be called a strategist, the two of them were street gangsters and were good at fighting and killing, but their ability to read words and emotions was far inferior to Ying's.If those two idiots were here, they would probably finish their noodles first before talking about anything else.

"Tokyo is the stronghold of the family, and the area of ​​influence of the Fiend Demons is usually around Shikoku Island. But in recent years, they have begun to infiltrate the city, and members of the family often conflict with them. This year's execution The Bureau has executed many irrational ghosts." Yuan Zhisheng said this in a serious tone. He is Amaterasu of the Snake Qihachi family, a natural ghost slayer. He is the one who kills the evil spirits in the darkness. duty of.

Similarly, although the Executive Bureau is nominally affiliated with Kassel Academy, it is actually a violent organization that takes orders from the Snake Qihachi Family. As the director of the Executive Bureau, Yuan Zhisheng is more sensitive to the infiltration of the fierce ghosts.

The number of ghosts in Tokyo is undoubtedly gradually increasing. This is not a good sign. It means that a new war may be started again. "We learned some internal information about the Fierce Ghosts through the Feng Mo family's insiders. Today, I was originally going to lead the elite of the Executive Bureau to eliminate the leader of this evil organization that has been at odds with the family for a long time." Yuan Zhisheng hesitated for a moment. ,
"But the operation failed. When we broke into the shrine in the mountain, we found nothing. We only saw a blood-stained kimono with wide sleeves. At the same time, the floor where Genji Heavy Industries placed Kaguya's main machine was hit and destroyed by a drone. Although the host has been transferred in time, I think there may be some connection between the two things."

"Young Master, you mean... the fierce ghosts planned this attack?"

"The intelligence given by insiders said that Ryoma, one of the leaders of the Fierce Ghosts, has arrived in Tokyo. It is said that Ryoma is the person in charge of the center of power in this organization." Yuan Zhisheng sighed, "My original plan was to use Violent means were used to completely wipe him and his forces from the world, but obviously I underestimated the intelligence methods of the Menggui. They had already evacuated before the Executive Directorate started taking action." The lighter's flame rose with a click. , Yuan Zhisheng lowered his head to light a cigarette for himself, and the air in the store became a little solemn.

"For this reason, the family is preparing to carry out an internal purge operation, and I will be fully responsible for it. In this way, Sakura, your next task will be very busy." He said to Sakura.

"Internal purge... Are you preparing to start another war with the fierce ghosts?" Sakura's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Mr. Masamune insists on this. War inevitably involves bloodshed and sacrifice. Many people will die, and many innocent people will be harmed. However, for many years, the fierce ghosts have been fighting in a stalemate with our family, and we have paid a heavy price for this. price, so I decided to support him.”

"This..." The girl pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.On such an important matter, Sakura could not speak at all among the big shots of the Sheqi Hachi family. She was originally just an orphan brought back from the Middle East by her family and a retainer of Minamoto's child.

Sakura will do whatever the young master asks her to do, because she is a beautiful girl under Yuan Zhisheng.

Yuan Zhisheng raised his glass to Sakura, and then drank the wine in one gulp.

He actually lied. It was not Mr. Masamune who insisted on purging the family, but himself. However, whether to launch a war was still an unmentioned issue.

My father once taught Yuan Zhisheng that a samurai should not think too much. If he thinks too much, he will hesitate when drawing his sword. The mission of a samurai is to cut off everything that goes against the "Tao".

Minamoto had always wanted to be the sword in Masamune Tachibana's hand, and his scabbard should be named Taiyi.

But now Tachibana Masamune is too old, and his hair has all turned gray. It seems that he no longer has the ability to implement the principles and righteousness that this old man taught Minamoto.He could even let Eriki leave Genji Heavy Industries.

This is... incredible.

But it's okay, Dad, I'll do it.

Sakura also raised a toast, but the power suddenly went out in the store.

Yuan Zhisheng stood up suddenly. There was no sound from the boss's inner room. He was probably already asleep.The man's alertness did not last long. There was neither an enemy nor anything wrong in the darkness, but the eyes of the slender and tall girl in front of him seemed to be shining.

There was a violent storm outside the window, and the white lightning that tore the sky suddenly passed by, casting a naive shadow on the ground, followed by violent thunder.

Yuan Zhisheng stood in silence for a long time and sheathed the sword. The man silently put on the black windbreaker that was originally draped on the back of the chair.

"Actually, if you think about it, it would be safer for Hui Liyi and Lu Mingfei to stay together during this period." He said softly and walked out the door, his windbreaker fluttering like a big black flower.

Sakura quickly followed, and the moment she opened the door, the black umbrella covered Yuan Zhisheng's head.




There was a gentle knock on the sliding glass door of the balcony bay window. There was no rhythm in the sound of wind and rain, but Lu Mingfei stood up immediately.

He wasn't in the habit of sleeping naked and was wearing pajamas, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.The only person who would come from the balcony at this time was probably Eri Yi.

The lights were immediately lit, and Lu Mingfei patted his cheek gently. He realized that she had not replied after he had sent a message to Eri just now.

Maybe it’s because I don’t like using mobile phones, but I still think it’s more convenient to chat in person.

The curtains were opened, and the sliding doors gave way from both sides. What came face to face was the moist wind and the blurred Tokyo night view in the rain curtain, followed by the refreshing fragrance of the girl. Lu Mingfei was originally drunk. The slightly confused mind immediately sobered up.

His Adam's apple rolled, his heartbeat quickened, and his face was extremely hot.

The girl in white silk pajamas is standing timidly outside the door. The wind is pressing on the pearl-like dress, which shows the exquisite relief of the body. Every curve is exquisite and tight, with a voluptuous waist and long and tight calves. , the interlocking bones are also lonely and graceful.In the light, the girl's skin seems to be flowing with flowing light and shadow.

Eriki's eyes were wide open, shining like rubies, but her hands were twisted in front of her body, and the fingers clenching the corners of her clothes showed that the girl was not as calm as she appeared.

Lu Mingfei grabbed Eli Yi's wrist, pulled her into the room, and quickly closed the glass door.

The girl was wearing hotel slippers, her ankles were delicate, and her skin was as white and clear as newly opened jade, but it was probably a little pink due to the wind.

Eliyi shivered slightly, hugged her shoulders tightly, and naturally got into the bed where Lu Mingfei was lying, looking at him unblinkingly with her big round eyes.

Lu Mingfei stood by the bed and stared at her. Finally, he didn't hold back and sighed, "Sit down first and I'll warm you a glass of milk." He said.

"I want pizza for late night snack." Eriyi held up the small notebook, obviously having already written the contents.

"Are you the God of Cookery?" Lu Mingfei complained.

"I'm not the God of Cookery, but I hope Mingfei can play games with me." Eryi wrote seriously.

"Okay, if your Highness the Princess has any other needs, please let me know. I will go and buy them for Your Highness." Lu Mingfei covered his face.

Erika giggled, and then she herself was stunned for a moment, probably because she had never laughed like this before, but then the girl seemed to be happier.

"I also want to drink Coke, eat oden, and moreover, Hui Liyi also wants to sleep with Mingfei at night." Hui Liyi wrote to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei touched her head and helped her pull up the quilt to cover her beautiful body. He smiled and said, "Okay, Hui Liyi will sleep on the bed tonight, and I will make a bunk on the floor."

In fact, he didn't worry about letting Eri sleep in a room by herself. After all, he was a little monster. There was no guarantee what would happen. It would be better if he could keep an eye on her.

He walked to the living room and ordered takeout on his mobile phone, including pizza, Oden and Coke. The weather was really difficult in this kind of weather and the store could still deliver, but the cost was a little higher.

A terrifying lightning tore through the sky. Lu Mingfei was looking at the Tokyo Sky Tree in the rain from his bedside, but suddenly he saw the door of the ramen shop across the street opening from the inside through the light of lightning.

A handsome, feminine man walked out of it holding an ancient sword. The rain poured down on him in an instant. The man was hot, and white smoke rose up when the rain hit him.

The moment Lu Mingfei saw him, Yuan Zhisheng also looked at Lu Mingfei, and their eyes were filled with hot lava.

The two of them looked at each other through the heavy rain, silently, until the next second, the black umbrella blocked Yuan Zhisheng's sight.

Lu Mingfei watched them wading through the rainstorm streets and disappearing into the darkness. He smiled silently, revealing his deep white teeth.

In the darkness behind him, a faint heartbeat was captured, and shadows rolled like mist.

"Sister Mai, have you found that guy's secret?" Lu Mingfei said softly. When he came out, he closed the bedroom door. There was a storm outside the window, so there was no need to worry about being discovered by Eli.

"Little White Rabbit is so perceptive." The enchanting voice sounded like it was close to Lu Mingfei's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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