Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 175 Chapter 174 Shutoku Mai

Chapter 175 174. Mai Shutoku
Mai Shutoku's ability to talk about spirits is a very rare kind of ghost. The academic community can't even define whether it belongs to the Wind King series or the White King series. However, there are speculations that the ghost should be an advanced state of words and ghosts.

Relying on this word spirit, coupled with Shutoku Mai's ninjutsu, she can undertake almost any infiltration task in the world, so monitoring Tachibana Masamune is not a difficult task.

The sound of wind and rain was like a distant nocturne, and the hazy light deep in the rain curtain was enough to help Lu Mingfei see many things in the darkness.The soft sound in the ears can make people's hearts beat like an elk in the forest, but it can't touch the depth in his eyes.

Lu Mingfei casually took his cigarette and lighter from the shelf beside him, lowered his head slightly, and a bright blue pillar of fire rose one centimeter. The end of the cigarette curled and burned, and then he was sucked in hard, and the ashes fell down. The rising white smoke covered the man's dimmed eyes again.

He watched the huge black umbrella walking along the long street in the rain, until it disappeared into the night, and then finally turned around.

The slender legs are crossed, and the black stockings actually faintly reflect the dim light in the rain. The girl wearing a dark red Prada professional skirt holds her chin with one hand and emerges from the shadow like a sketch stroke. The corners of her narrow eyes are slightly raised and sharp. And with some playful teasing.

She just looked up at the man's silhouette, which was haloed by the hazy light. Her eyes were like water, and her cheeks were slightly flushed. She was tossing a black hard USB disk in her right hand and carrying a pair of them in her left hand. Exquisite black high-heeled shoes that can be seen in the light, and a cold fragrance blows towards your face.

"It looks like Sister Mai, you just walked down from an important business meeting." Lu Mingfei shook the ashes from his cigarette, and his tall shadow almost completely covered Jiude Mai. He lowered his voice and even chuckled. It is whistling away together with the wind outside the window.

No matter how cute and cute Eri appears, she is, after all, a super hybrid that is even on the same level as Lu Mingfei in terms of bloodline. Even if she has not received relevant training, her hearing ability should be far stronger than that of ordinary people. .

Shutoku Mai stood up, the wind blowing through the window fluttering her skirt, her legs were tight and slender, flowing with beautiful fluorescence.

She stepped on her high heels and leaned against Lu Mingfei's chest in a lover's posture. In this way, even if someone was monitoring from the window, they could only see Lu Mingfei's back.

In fact, Mai Shutoku was definitely a tall girl. She was so dressed up today and had her long hair tied into a high bun, so she wasn't much shorter when she stood next to Lu Mingfei.

The fragrance of the girl's long hair was as refreshing as the cold spring wind wrapping the petals of young cherry blossoms. Lu Mingfei didn't react for a moment. He was actually at a loss and his body was a little stiff.

"Little White Rabbit, you seem to be very nervous. What's the matter, are you afraid that your sister will eat you?" Jiude Mai's neck was as long and clear as a swan. She was close to Lu Mingfei's chest. Her breath was like orchid, and her eyes were like water ripples. It's the rippling lake surface, and the eyebrows are no longer sharp but are rather attractive.

"Haha, Sister Mai, you are joking again." Lu Mingfei laughed dryly. He and Mai Shutoku deliberately lowered their voices. Apparently Sister Mai also knew about Eri's situation.

"Your heartbeat is very fast." The girl had a sly smile on her lips, and Lu Mingfei immediately looked embarrassed.


The small hard object was handed into the hands of Lu Mingfei, who was still ready to explain. He lowered his head in astonishment and met the teasing gaze of Mai Shutoku.

"He's quite handsome, but it's a pity that he's too fussy and not my sister's cup of tea." The girl tapped Lu Mingfei's forehead with her slender fingers, and then stepped away as lightly as a cat. When Lu Mingfei reacted, she Already tidied up clothes and appearance.

Lu Mingfei glared, obviously he had a lot of opinions on Mai Shutoku's evaluation, but the girl seemed not to care about his opinion at all, just her skirt was wavy and her smile was bright.

"There are dozens of pairs of eyes staring at you around here. Little White Rabbit, you'd better not have any strange thoughts about the head of the Shangshan family." Mai Shutoku folded her legs and sat down on the sofa, patted her side and signaled the way. Mingfei is also sitting,

"Otherwise, you might be shot in the head with a shotgun before you even take off your pants."

"I guess the guy you mentioned who blew my head off with a shotgun must be named Yuan." Lu Mingfei casually closed the curtains to block outside sight.Naturally, there were some pinhole cameras and the like in this room, but with Boss Lu's current ability, he could easily find them and destroy them one by one. He didn't have to worry about being discovered by the Snake Qiba family. I quietly met a mysterious Japanese woman.

"I really don't have any strange thoughts about Eriyi as you said. Even in the adult world, sex is definitely not the only way to express love." Lu Mingfei said it very frankly. He couldn't help but be honest. Demayi is several years older than Boss Lu. According to Lu Mingze, this ninja lady has been monitoring and protecting him since he was very young.

Once, Lu Mingfei even saw a shameful photo of himself swimming in a river, naked buttocks, when he was eleven or twelve years old, from Mai Shutoku's photo album.

I think Lu Mingfei can be regarded as the number one person, but to Shutoku Mai, he really doesn't have many secrets about him.

"Okay, okay, although Potato Chip Niu'er and Sanwu Niu'er, I, and I are actually quite interested in your private life, but this time it's a big deal, so I'll save the gossip for another time." Dema Yi waved her hand and took out the Moët & Chandon champagne from the wine cabinet nearby and poured it for herself. She looked at Lu Mingfei, who shook his head and said he didn't need it.

"I often hear you talk about Sanwu Niuer, Sister Mai. Who is she?" Lu Mingfei was curious.

"Hoho, that's serious, it's a long story...so I'll leave it for next time." Mai Shutoku blinked.

Lu Mingfei covered his face.He knew that Lu Mingze had a team of his own. The core figures of this team were three girls, namely Mai Jiude in front of him, Su Enxi, the potato chip girl in charge of financial management, and the three girls he had never met so far. No girl.

The person who had the most contact with him was Jiude Mai. Su Enxi's words were only heard on the phone, and Sanwu Niuer seemed to have no trace of this person.

"After you said it, I immediately started monitoring Tachibana Masamune. For this reason, we also used some hidden clues buried in the home of Snake Qihachi." After drinking champagne, Mai Shutoku licked her lips, which was quite tempting. , but Lu Mingfei's attention was not focused on it, he just wanted to know what she heard.

"It's pretty normal. He eats, drinks, sleeps with women, and always likes to make knives by himself. He is a very ordinary old man." Mai Shutoku commented.

"Wait a minute, please elaborate on the part about sleeping with women." Lu Mingfei looked serious.

The little feet wrapped in stockings came over and kicked him on the waist. Mai Shutoku rolled her eyes and said, "If you are so interested, go find your little dragon girl to show you."

Lu Mingfei didn't dodge, and Sister Mai didn't use any force, so it didn't hurt.

It’s really inappropriate to say that Xia Mi is a Jörmungandr is a huge secret. There are quite a few people who know about it, not to mention Lu Mingfei, the trio of Angers and Lu Mingze, Maybe Chu Zihang also had some guesses.

"In short, from my perspective, Tachibana Masamune is a normal person from all aspects. He is not a very qualified leader. His current performance is even a bit mediocre. However, it may be because he is older and has less ambition. It's no longer as lofty as it used to be." Mai Shutoku concluded. "But it is not without suspicion. There is an elevator in his office that leads to the basement of Genji Heavy Industries. It is very heavily guarded. In addition to optical sensors, there are also thermal sensors. I can't sneak in."

"Sister Mai, are you sure that the passage is in Tachibana Masamune's office?" Lu Mingfei's expression suddenly became serious.That should be the underground entrance where Tachibana Masamune kept Deadpool. If he could confirm this, he could overturn some of his previous guesses.

"We have a high-status hidden line in the Sheqihachi family. Through these people, we can get the original drawings of Maruyama Construction Co., Ltd. when they designed this building. At least judging from the existing floor layout and design drawings, Genji Heavy Industries is not There should be an elevator passage like that." Mai Shutoku changed her posture, but she didn't care that her movements almost completely displayed her beautiful figure in the eyes of the man in front of her.

"I have only seen him enter once, and I don't know if there is any pattern. In addition, our expert team suspects that Masamune Tachibana may be suffering from some mental illness or neurological disease." Mai Shutoku frowned slightly, looking good. His eyebrows and eyes have become sharper,
"He needs a lot of sedative drugs to fall asleep, and he has certain cognitive impairments. During the surveillance, I found that he had the habit of talking in his sleep. In his dreams, Masamune Tachibana would think that he was a Russian or a German. "

Lu Mingfei's body suddenly tensed up, and he almost instinctively held Shude Mai's shoulders, staring at her and staring into her eyes.

There were veins pulsing on his forehead, and the ferocious Shukutori Mai, who felt the blood supply from a certain blood supply organ in his body through her shoulders, could also detect how excited the man in front of her was.

"Little White Rabbit, you pinched me." The girl showed a rare soft side, and Lu Mingfei retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted.

His breathing was originally completely disordered, like a liger's suppressed roar deep in his throat before attacking, but now it was actually calming down at an alarming speed.

"He doesn't have cognitive impairment, but he is really a German from the beginning." Lu Mingfei said softly.

He lit a cigarette again, his fingers still trembling slightly.


I got you.

"How is that possible! Our information shows that he is from Russia! He even served for the Soviet government for a long time!" Mai Shutoku looked slightly surprised.She has always been very confident in her intelligence network, and perhaps even Cassel Academy cannot match their exploration of the world's secrets.

Lu Mingfei waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, that's enough. Sister Mai, please continue to pay attention to the internal intelligence of the Sheqiba family. Tachibana Masamune himself can stop monitoring for the time being." He said.

Herzog is a very cautious person, but human habits are difficult to change. He may have always had the habit of talking in his sleep, so he has been using sedative drugs to quickly enter deep sleep.

But it was thought that Mai Shutoku happened to bump into him once, which allowed Lu Mingfei to determine the fate of the long river. It did not turn into a chaotic whirlpool because of the appearance of this big fish. Masamune Tachibana was still Herzog.

This is good.

The information gap allowed him to win this game beautifully.

However, now that Tachibana Masamune is confirmed to be Herzog, Mai Shutoku should not conduct dangerous direct surveillance. After all, this is the headquarters of the Jakiki Hachi family, and Genji Heavy Industries is also heavily guarded. Even a place like this is a real ninja. It is also difficult for the king to ensure that he will not be discovered.

Mai Shutoku's bloodline was pretty good, but she thought there was no way she could escape from a place like that. After all, she wasn't a word spirit capable of large-scale destruction like Jun Yan.

"Is this the information that Sister Mai has obtained in the past two days?" Lu Mingfei threw away the things in his hands, but he was thinking about how to deal with the old dog Herzog.

Everyone is walking on a road full of thorns. You know that this road may never end. You know that after walking through the thorns, you will be bruised and bruised. But you have something that you cannot let go of, and you must move forward, even if you die on the road.

The end of destiny has been seen, and those tragedies will never happen, because the fugitives are invincible.

Lu Mingfei knew that he was someone who would risk his life for certain things, and he was the biggest desperado in the world.It doesn’t matter if the person standing in front of you is a god or demon, Herzog?Just a despicable villain.

Let me save your life first and wait until I come and chop off your head.

"Well, there are some video materials in it. I copied a copy because the source of the sound was Masamune Tachibana's sleep talk and I couldn't hear it clearly, so I planned to take it back and let professionals extract it." Mai Shutoku said.As expected of an expert in infiltration, he really covers everything.

Lu Mingfei gave a thumbs up to Mai Jiudoku, "Sister Mai is awesome."

"You little brat, your mouth is quite sweet." To Lu Mingfei's surprise, just these words could make a flush appear on Shutoku Mai's face.

"The things you explained have been initially completed. The boss said that we should stay in Tokyo for now. He has found more professional people in Oslo to handle it, so I will continue to closely monitor the senior leaders of the Sheqiba family." Jiudoku Mai rubbed her calf, her movements were quite seductive, but Lu Mingfei watched with eyes, nose, nose, and heart unmoved.

"I've asked the front desk to heat up the milk for your little girlfriend, and it will be served soon. The potato chip girl also asked someone to deliver the main supper for the Shangshan family. It should be here soon, so that's it." The girl stretched out her arms. He is lazy and moves like an elegant big cat.

Lu Mingfei touched the tip of his nose. He had almost forgotten about ordering takeout for Eryi.

"Thank you, Sister Mai." he said.

"There's nothing we can do. Who said we are a team of hard-working nannies?" Mai Jiude stood in front of Lu Mingfei, reached out and patted the boy's cheek gently, and then suddenly she lay on his shoulders, close to him. The breath she exhaled close to her was a cold fragrance. She almost touched Lu Mingfei's earlobe, and the warm air teased the man's hair.
"If little white rabbit really wants to thank her sister, then come and warm her bed."

"Ah haha, I will definitely do it next time." Boss Lu ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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