Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 176 Chapter 175 Divine Inspiration

Chapter 176 175. Divine revelation
As expected, the kind-hearted lady boss at the front desk soon brought Lu Mingfei warmed milk packed in an insulated bag, along with packaged oden, canned Coke and a portion of five-eye fried rice.

The oden and canned cola were brought for Eri. They were the girl's late-night snacks. I guess the little girl was already prepared to fight all night long, so she probably wouldn't need hot milk for a while.

Lu Mingfei ordered the five-eye fried rice for himself. To be honest, he was a little hungry after several hours.This is the disadvantage of hybrids. Strong body functions inevitably mean accelerated metabolism. They are always more likely to feel the fatigue caused by energy consumption.

For example, Susie, although her sister-in-law usually looks gentle and gentle, in fact, when she works hard, she can eat enough to kill a strong man.

When the proprietress handed the things in Lu Mingfei's hands, she also said earnestly that young people should control their diet and be careful about fatty liver if they eat too much at night. It seemed that she was also experienced.

When Lu Mingfei opened the door, Eriyi was wrapping herself in a quilt and watching TV seriously with her eyes wide open. Her red hair was coiled on the velvet quilt like silk.

The heavy rain outside the window is still there, but it can be seen that the rain clouds have become much thinner. The dusk skylight penetrates the clouds and falls with every drop of rain. The dripping water in front of the eaves is like a dense silver curtain.

There was no light on in the room, but through the light path of the TV, Mingfei still saw that there were white pajamas piled on the parquet carpet, like some kind of furry animals. The man's expression changed and he stood at the door without going in. .

Eriki looked up at him, her eyes sparkling.She was originally shivering and shy when she came from her room, and the cold wind made her skin look a little pale, but in just half an hour, she seemed to have had a good rest all day, and her skin became rosy.

"You're back." The girl stretched out a white and warm palm and showed the written note to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei nodded, put the plastic bag containing hot milk, oden, five-eye fried rice and Coke on the ground, and pointed to the pajamas on the ground that Eri had taken off.

"You get dressed first, get up and have midnight snack, and then I'll play games with you." He said, then turned around and closed the door.

Leaning against the hotel bedroom door, Lu Mingfei exhaled a long breath. He lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. The white smoke curled up, and the scarlet light spots were really dazzling in the darkness.

Looking out from here, this street is actually not prosperous, and even has a sense of age.It was probably an old street that existed before the development of Tokyo. The land was too expensive and developers couldn't afford to buy it or thought they wouldn't make much money from it, so they kept it.

Single-family Japanese-style houses are still the mainstream on the street, but they are not those made of traditional wood, but probably made of cement and steel bars. On some road corners, there are telephone poles with countless small advertisements posted on them, and hangings on the top of the cement poles. I was wearing a carp streamer left over from the Spring Festival to pray for blessings, but it was already riddled with holes.

The blue batik banners are still hung in front of many businesses. Clusters of late cherry blossoms are planted between the buildings, and maples and ginkgo trees alternate at the door.

When the weather is nice, there should be a lot of people here. Small vendors will sell oden and shaved ice from mobile carts in the alleys. Young people who come from other places or the countryside to work in big cities like to enjoy cheap food in this kind of place.

Eriki was a child who grew up in Japan, but when she was young, she experienced some hardships with Herzog, who had not yet mastered the Snakekihachi family and the fierce demons. She was always locked in a cage and did not know her age. More birds.

She must have been to many places in Tokyo, but she had never been to a corner like a village in the city.

Although it is an old part of the city, it is also very quiet. Only the wind can be heard in the rain. The Russian people next door must have been tired of singing, and it was completely quiet at this time.

The Tokyo Sky Tree in the distance stands in the rain curtain. Although the lighting system is basically close to completion, the overall color has not yet been painted. The cold light of steel escapes, like a hazy giant skeleton deep in the mirage.

Lu Mingfei was staring blankly into the rain, thinking that there were probably countless sniper rifles aimed at his heart and head at this time, but he was not timid and fearful, and just smoked silently.

The hardest part of a mixed race is definitely the skull. The old man named Inuyama Ga in the last time and space even lasted for half a minute during the suppressive shooting of two heavy machine guns. More than ten kilograms of warheads were embedded in his body. After the shooting, his will was still clear. of.

At this time, there was a soft clicking sound from the wooden door behind him. It was Eryi who was knocking to tell Lu Mingfei that she was dressed.

Sure enough, after entering, the girl had already got herself into the pajamas, knelt down on the tatami, her back straight, and her beautiful body curves were fully exposed in Lu Mingfei's eyes.

"Eri Yizu must learn to protect yourself and not expose your body in front of any man." Lu Mingfei taught in a relatively relaxed tone. He lifted the plastic bag from the ground, sat down opposite the girl, and touched it. Touch her head.

Eriyi tilted her head.

"Can't you do it in front of Mingfei?"

"Yes, not even in front of me." Lu Mingfei said seriously. He untied the knot of the plastic bag meticulously, opened the oden and five-eye fried rice packed in biodegradable plastic boxes and placed them in Eriyi. and in front of myself.

The landlady prepared two cans of Coke for them, but Lu Mingfei only opened one for Eliyi and took the unfinished sake for himself.

Ultraman Tiga's tokusatsu drama was actually being played on the TV. Lu Mingfei knew that this drama was actually more like a horror movie for Eriki, so he frowned, stood up and turned off the power.

"Why turn off the TV?" Eriki wrote in her little notebook. She has indeed grown up over the years, but many things are still the same as before. Even now, Eriki still likes to watch TV while eating. I don’t care if it sends noodles up my nostrils.

"What's so good about that kind of tokusatsu drama? I'll show you American blockbusters." Lu Mingfei said, picking up his phone from the foot of the bed but suddenly paused.

He still doesn’t know when the girl next to him returned. Perhaps Eriki’s worldview is still chaotic. In her perception, Gundams and Lelouchs of all generations fought in the same time and space, and Saint Seiya and Ghost in the Shell It also exists at the same time. If Eriki is shown some more eccentric film and television works under this situation, will it make her world view more confusing?She was originally a child who lacked a sense of security, and had run away from home many times. Although she only walked to the intersection outside Genji Heavy Industries, stopped and squatted down to cry, but in fact she just always wanted to Verify whether the world you imagined is correct.

At that time, Eri was probably full of longing and fear for the outside world. Herzog regarded her as the Holy Grail when ascending to the gods, just a tool, and naturally he would not tell her what the world was like.Sometimes Minamoto Chisei dotes on her, but this kind of feeling is actually more to make up for something missing deep in her heart due to Minamoto Chissou's death. Eri Yi will represent everyone in the future Sheqi eight families. Looks more like a weapon than a girl.

Or maybe in Minamoto's eyes, not only Eri, but everyone, including himself, are weapons.

He was born for righteousness, and naturally he should die for righteousness. It is better to die as a weapon than to die as a coward.

Lu Mingfei's thoughts probably flew too far. The waterfall on the eaves made a distant roar. Eliyi didn't make any move. She just looked at Lu Mingfei who seemed to be stunned, with reflections in her eyes. The world outside was clear and bright, but with darkness as the background, it seemed that everything except him was blurred.

"Forget it, let's play games together after supper." Lu Mingfei smiled. When he came back to his senses, he saw the girl in front of him staring at him unblinkingly. Her pair of eyes seemed dull to everyone. Her ignorant eyes seemed as bright as the ripples of the lake under the moonlight. "Okay." Hui Liyi responded to Lu Mingfei with a note on a small notebook.

Lu Mingfei stood up and turned on the light. It was already very late at this time, and the people sent by the eight Sheqi families must have been drowsy. This warm light was so bright in the quiet long street.

Erika is a very simple-minded girl. When she says she wants to eat oden, she really wants to eat oden, but she is very reserved and elegant when eating, as if she is attending a very high-level banquet. , a certain maid was pouring wine, cutting beef bones and spreading napkins for her.

A can of Coke quickly entered the girl's stomach. Lu Mingfei opened another can for Eliyi and handed it to her. He sipped the sake and ate the fried rice with a spoon. Although he was with the girl Face to face, but his eyes and thoughts were not on her, he was just staring at the skylight that seemed to be getting stronger in the rain.

The rain clouds are getting thinner and thinner, and the stars must be tired of waiting.

But who knows what this man is thinking, maybe even he himself doesn't know, he is just tired, deeply tired.This kind of exhaustion was almost written on his face, and even he himself was not aware of it.

They were very quiet when eating together with Eriki. The head of the Uesugi family, who had received an education in aristocratic etiquette, certainly knew how to maintain the most elegant and courteous posture while dining. Boss Lu was not the mouthy bastard he used to be when eating. Boy.

——To be honest, even if it depends on his status, he is not worthy of Eri. Now Norton's Dragon Bone Cross is still in the ice cellar of the college. The file also states that Boss Lu killed Fenri, the King of the Earth and Mountains who had just woken up. Oops, the entire secret party and even the whole world have to accept his love. In this case, if Eri is really with him, it will be the upper hand of the Sheqi family.

In addition, Eriki's bloodline is not stable. She is the Tsukiyomi of the Eight Sheqi Family. Her bloodline is so good that every meaningful syllable she speaks is an ancient language of the Gods. Every word of the Gods becomes a part of her mouth. The medium that releases the spirit of speech.Eryi's spirit of words is judgment. Lu Mingfei once fought against the immortals controlled by Odin in the academy and the heroic spirits who came out of Odin's Nibelungs in Xia Mi's Nibelungs. I have used this word spirit.Its effect is death, absolute, pure death, and it is simply God's authority on earth to command death over anything.Ke Hui Li Yi is not proficient in mastering this power. She always hurts others unintentionally, so she never speaks.

"Mingfei seems to have something on his mind." Something was handed to Lu Mingfei, and he came back to his senses. Huiliyi was looking at him intently, and what was handed to him was a note.

"I'm not worried, I'm just thinking about where to take Huiliyi to play tomorrow..." Lu Mingfei smiled.

"I want to go to Meiji Jingu Shrine. My brother said that there are often weddings held by many lovers there. I want to see it."

"it is good."

After agreeing, he looked at the oden in Eri's food and clothing box. Her Royal Highness was indeed very polite when eating. Half of Lu Mingfei's five-eye fried rice was gone. She seemed to have just started, radish, shiitake mushrooms, fat beef and braised rice. The eggs are still steaming.

The rain outside the window slowly decreased. Lu Mingfei pointed at the oden in Huiliyi's bowl. Huiliyi took out a bunch of mushrooms and brought it to Lu Mingfei's mouth. Lu Mingfei opened his mouth and bit off one. Then give a thumbs up.

August is not really a rainy season, but if it is a heavy rain on a typhoon day, cold air will sweep across the city. The temperature outside is actually very low, only more than ten degrees Celsius, but it is quite warm indoors. The landlady is very considerate, not only They chose an air-conditioned room for Lu Mingfei and the others. There was actually a spider plant in the corner, and the whole room was filled with a light floral fragrance.

Eriki tilted her head and ate the remaining shiitake mushroom on the stick, her cheeks bulging like a hamster.

Lu Mingfei, on the other hand, held up his five-eye fried rice and showed it off, arching his back, his eyes peeking out from the rim of the bowl to observe the stunning girl sitting opposite him wearing only pajamas. She looked like a liger sitting on the ground enjoying its prey, but He just wasn't used to sitting on the tatami and eating.

Eriyi pushed the half-drunk Coke in front of Lu Mingfei, then took the small half bottle of sake from Lu Mingfei, sipping like he did just now.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, then buried his head deeper, and his movements and range of eating fried rice became wider.

That bottle of sake is actually a very high-end product. It can be sold for hundreds of thousands of yen on the market. As for how much it costs, Lu Mingfei doesn’t know. Anyway, it is higher-end than Black Dragon Daiginjo. It was sent by the person responsible for protecting Eri Yi from a distance.

The taste is quite good. It is refreshing and mellow after being chilled. It doesn't feel like anything when you drink it in your mouth. However, it has such a strong stamina that Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi had a hint of drunkenness on their faces without even realizing it.

It's not that he's drunk. After all, unless he really drinks 96-proof vodka on an empty stomach, the strongest alcohol in the world should only be regarded as an appetizing drink for hybrids of their level. Bai's face was slightly flushed. Compared with the delicate and cute face in front of Lu Mingfei and the cold and indifferent face in front of outsiders, Bai Bai's face was a little more charming and naive, which also added a lot of feminine charm.

Lu Mingfei has been looking at Eli Yi, and the girl is not shy. She just eats her own oden, sips sake, and occasionally secretly looks at Lu Mingfei who does not hide her gaze.

After eating, he burped to the side, then wiped his hands with toilet paper, and then touched Eri's face. For a moment, he felt that the girl's skin was as soft and smooth as white jade, "Eri is so beautiful." He said.

Eriki's eyes immediately shone like ice crystals on the treetops under the winter sunshine in Greenwich. The girl touched her hair, and then put her slender and soft palms on the back of the man's hand that was still touching her cheek, like It nuzzled his palm like a kitten.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized something, and he retracted his hand in a panic, but suddenly white lightning tore through the darkness in the sky, and the manic thunder sounded like divine punishment falling from the sky.

Eriki was startled. She covered her ears in horror, her expression frightened and dull.

Lu Mingfei was also startled by Eli Yi's condition. He immediately stood up and hugged the curled up girl.

Eriki was originally a tall girl, but now she curled up into a small ball, trembling slightly in the man's arms.

At this time, the sound of rain was louder. It was probably the last heavy rain. Eriki and Lu Mingfei both looked out the window because of the more fierce rainstorm. At the moment when their eyes moved into the darkness, the Tokyo Sky Tree suddenly lit up. got up.

It was twelve o'clock at midnight, and this was the time when the working group was inspecting the lighting system. The tall tower standing in the center of this huge city that seemed to spread between the horizon and the skyline lit up with pink light.

Warm light bloomed like flowers in the pupils of Lu Mingfei and Eryi at the same time. The girl's lips were slightly opened, and her face was more shocked than happy. Perhaps this scene brought back a beautiful moment in her memory.

For a long time, in the light and fire of the Tokyo Sky Tree, Lu Mingfei slowly let go of Eriyi in his arms. Their eyes slowly moved towards the same point, and soon there was only a warm halo like a divine revelation in his eyes. The other person is the same as in memory.

When their eyes met, Eryi's breathing became heavy, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes looked at Lu Mingfei without blinking.

She slowly put her arms around the man's waist and buried her head in his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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