Chapter 178 177. Fingel

"Long legs, what do you think the boss means?" Su Enxi sat in the middle of a very elegant big bed, with soft and comfortable Egyptian long-staple cotton sheets under her butt. The furniture was quite simple, but the cabinets The decorations are handmade solid gold Easter eggs by Fabergé, and the original paintings by Rembrandt Harmansson van Rijn are hung on the wall. In short, the things here are enough to attract world art when they are packaged and sold. It was a sensation in the collection world, and the funds withdrawn were probably enough to revitalize a large enterprise that was on the verge of extinction.

Potato Chip Girl was shaking the cocktail with ice in the tulip glass with one hand, and was swiping on the tablet with the other hand to completely grasp the changing trends of the Wall Street stock market. She was actually only wearing loose Snoopy pajamas, and her hair was only tied up with a hair tie.

At this moment, the ivory window screens are undulating, letting in clean and transparent light. From a distance, you can actually see the famous volcano Mount Fuji.

Mai Shutoku was leaning to one side. Her high bun and dark cheongsam cut so far that her thighs were barely visible made her look more like a Shanghai socialite than a Japanese woman.

"I don't know, isn't the boss crazy? Can we guess the thoughts of a crazy person?" Mai Shutoku looked at the Tokyo city spread out on the horizon. Her long and narrow eyebrows were so sharp even without any emotion. It's the blade.

The sunshine is indeed perfect today, and the wind blows from the end of the long street. When the maple leaves fall, the decayed stems make a rustling sound when they break.

Probably because it was past the rush hour, pedestrians were not in a hurry, but the country was like a huge machine, with everyone functioning as a small screw in an orderly manner, which made it seem a bit monotonous.

"I have retrieved Fingel von Flins' information and sent it to you. This guy has a lot of secrets." Su Enxi said, without any intention of raising her head.
"We are just employees anyway. Since the boss wants us to keep an eye on him, then we should keep an eye on him."

She shrugged nonchalantly, obviously not embarrassed by this kind of action. The long-legged girl's Yanling Mingzhao could perform the tracking mission in most situations.

Mai Shutoku opened her mailbox and saw the packaged information inside.

Born in Germany in 1984, he studied at the Brandenburg International School in Berlin when he was a teenager. In the fall of 2001, he entered Kassel College and was rated as the best A-level by pedigree. In the same year, he participated in the Greenland operation organized by the school. The operation failed. Only Fingel and Schneider, who was the executive director of Kassel College at the time, survived.

"To this day, still studying at Kassel College, rated..."


Jiudoku Mai's originally indifferent eyes suddenly widened. She raised her head and looked at Su Enxi in confusion.

"Is there an F level for hybrids? I always thought that D level was the end."

"The school board will set up a separate classification for Fingel. Generally speaking, if the pedigree rating is lower than D, it will not be recognized as a mixed race." Su Enxi said.

Mai Shutoku thought thoughtfully, "So, this guy has been in the academy for six or seven years?"

"I suspect that his repeating the grade was premeditated. It's impossible for an A-level hybrid to not complete enough credits. He probably accepted some secret mission."

"But if this dear friend repeats the grade for a few more years, can he stay in the S grade?" Mai Shutoku said, "Maybe this is Fengel's own plan. By repeating the grade, he can disguise his bloodline. Elevate to S, so that his authority can be elevated to the same level as that of the school board in the secret party."

Su Enxi: "Don't make trouble."

Mai Shutoku shrugged and sipped the champagne in her hand. The sunlight filtered in through the gaps in the screen window, making her cheeks rosy.

"But if the boss asked us to monitor this loser, shouldn't we go to Chicago? Why are you still here now?" she asked.

Lu Mingfei asked Mai Shutoku to monitor Tachibana Masamune, and the boss asked them to monitor Fingel. In fact, these two orders did not conflict, and they could divide their forces into two groups.

"Angers issued an internship assignment to Fingel in the name of the school board, requiring him to serve in the Japanese Executive Board in the near future. If he can pass the assessment at the end of the semester, the college can issue him a diploma as an exception." Su Enxi explain.

Kassel College actually doesn't have many secrets for their organization. Before every action taken by the old guys on the school board, a detailed action plan white paper will be placed on Su Enxi's desk.

"I understand. The boss suspects that Fingel will be our enemy. In order to prevent him from sabotaging our operations in Tokyo, we have to monitor him." Mai Shutoku suddenly realized.

Nowadays, Japan is in troubled times. The fierce ghosts have restarted a large-scale movement back to Tokyo. Undercurrents are surging within the Snake Qihachi family. There are also things suspected of being gods slowly awakening under the abyss.Maybe next year this island country, which is rich in Yamato Nadeshiko and romantic action movies, will have sunk into the trench.At this time, it is indeed necessary to eliminate all risk factors.

"One more thing, I have handed over the audio you brought back to professionals for analysis, and the results should be out soon," Su Enxi said.

Mai Shutoku nodded, "Both the boss and Little White Rabbit are very interested in the Sheqi Hachi Family," she said.

"Speaking of which, Long Legs, you are also Japanese, and the blood of the Sheqiba family should also flow through your ancestors. Didn't your parents tell you about the family?" Su Enxi was curious.

It is not unreasonable for her to have this doubt. No matter from the history of humans or dragons, she can't find any mention of any one of the four monarchs ever stationed in Japan.

It seems that the beginning and origin of the entire Japanese mixed race is the Snake Qihachi family that has not yet merged in ancient times.

In this way, all pure-blooded Japanese, as long as they are mixed-race, must be the blood descendants of an ancestor of the Snake Qihachi family.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. My father was just an ordinary person who opened a convenience store in Kanagawa Prefecture. Although my mother's surname is Miyamoto, her bloodline is very low and is not even recognized by the family. With my background, my family There can be no classics passed down from generation to generation." Mai Shutoku said calmly.

She and her sister Shude Aki are indeed considered branches of the Snake Qihachi family, but neither of them is willing to admit this fact in front of outsiders.Because the family never provided any help or assistance when they were still weak.
Eriki was actually quite disappointed with Meiji Shrine. She had only heard from Minamoto that many people who liked each other would hold weddings here, so she had always been looking forward to it.

Before setting off, Eli Yi even had some girly pink mood in her heart. She felt that she was going to a sacred place with Lu Mingfei. Men and women who went to that place to perform a certain ceremony would live together forever. .To this day, she still doesn't quite understand the meaning of weddings and marriage, but she has some hopeful expectations amid ignorance.

As a result, when I came to Meiji Jingu Shrine, I discovered that it was actually a shrine.

Eri was very familiar with the subject of shrines. She was originally a shrine maiden in the shrine where her family worshiped all the family heads and ghost slayers. The wedding held at Meiji Shrine did not feel very sacred or romantic to Eri.

In fact, she has always hated things related to Shintoism, but she just didn't want to express it. Besides, the family didn't care about her feelings. The family heads only cared about whether Miss Eriki was still in their hands.

Lu Mingfei could see Hui Liyi's emotions, which was not difficult to do.

The girl's pupils would shine brightly in the sunlight. Huiliyi originally had a face without sadness or joy, but only showed smiles or sadness in front of Lu Mingfei.

If Minamoto was born here, he would probably observe Eri's eyes. If she liked this place, her eyes would be more vivid, and she would act like the girl next door for a few moments.But if she doesn't like it here, her eyes are like smooth mirrors, which will only show different changes due to different reflected light.

Eriyi actually seemed quite happy along the way, but that was not because she came to Meiji Shrine, but because Lu Mingfei was by her side.

The girl actually covered her mouth and chuckled because she came here, but it was when the trainee priest showed them the signed poem by Lu Mingfei Qiu.

When he came out of Meiji Shrine, it was far from lunch time. Lu Mingfei was really in trouble. Although he knew a little about the local situation in Tokyo and had learned Japanese language and culture, he was not a real Japanese after all. After leaving Meiji Jingu Shrine, I felt that people were coming and going when I looked to the left and people were coming and going when I looked to the right. I had no idea what other good places there were around here.

As for Eri, there is no need to say more. The little girl has never been out of Genji Heavy Industry a few times since she was a child. The time spent in Tokyo can only be counted as the time spent with Lu Mingfei in the last period of time and space. runaway.

"Can Mingfei take me to buy some CDs about that TV series?" When Eriyi tilted her little head and looked at Lu Mingfei, they were squatting on the curb eating two hot dogs drizzled with ketchup. Li Yi had been peeking at the man next to her, as if she wanted to memorize every detail of that profile. At the same time, she felt deeply that there were indeed boys with perfect looks in the world.
"Tokyo Love Story."

Sure enough, love can make people stupid. She wasn't smart to begin with. If she were stupider, she wouldn't be able to hold anything in her heart except Lu Mingfei.

A long time ago, a girl wanted to know what the world was like. Then someone suddenly broke into her life, and she followed that person like a little tail.From then on, Eriki no longer cared about the truth of the world. She just wanted to follow him, because Lu Mingfei was the first person to make Eriki feel loved.She has lacked love since she was a child, so she will love whoever loves her, even if that person is a poor boy or a loser.

Lu Mingfei was looking around with a serious face at this time, and Eriki brainstormed that Sakura was actually the legendary ace agent currently performing a secret mission in Japan.Lu Mingfei said sincerely that Japanese girls are open-minded. The short skirt can't even cover the buttocks, but the legs are really thick and not my cup of tea.

When Eryi suddenly handed the note to Lu Mingfei, he was shocked.

"Why would you want to see something like that?"

"Because Mingfei told me before that it was a very touching TV series." Eriki's expression was serious. She was not stupid, but just ignorant. As long as she thought about it, her memory could be very good.

Lu Mingfei had boasted a lot with Eriyi before, some of which he had completely forgotten, but Eriyi still remembered them clearly, even when he said a certain TV series was touching.

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, then nodded and continued to deal with his hot dog.In fact, Lu Mingfei himself was not one of the first people in China to watch that TV series. Many years ago when "Tokyo Love Story" was broadcast, his aunt snatched his uncle's TV remote control every night. Lu Mingfei didn't like his aunt, so he joined the TV series. I don’t like this TV series either.

At that time, what Boss Lu really liked was "Young and Dangerous", "Jing Wu Tang", and men's movies in the style of "Swordsman in Two Flags".

Xiaolu, who has not experienced any emotional setbacks, just feels that all the tears shed because of love are just unnecessary moaning. Like all boys of the same age, he likes the vigor and drunkenness of the solitary smoke in the desert and the long river with the setting sun. Lord Grim, lying on the battlefield, laughs at the heroic spirit of several ancient battles. Of course, he also looks forward to eating big chunks of meat and gulping down drinks.

Later, I watched Japanese dramas after high school. It was natural that a literary girl like Chen Wenwen would not like Brother Wu Ji. Lu Shenren, who was still a young boy at that time, followed his likes and dislikes and made up for many Japanese dramas, including "Tokyo Love Story" 》.

Boss Lu, who was just starting to fall in love, discovered for the first time that a TV series could be so...delicate.

It’s as detailed as the character’s eyes and a teardrop, and as detailed as the heavy snow reflected in the pupils of a man and a woman smiling at each other in the cold wind in winter.

But it’s really not a Japanese drama with a happy ending for the whole family, but it doesn’t matter. Eriki is a big girl. She has to know that not all problems in the world have solutions, and not all stories have beautiful endings. ending.

After quickly eating the hot dog, Lu Mingfei pulled Eliyi to stand up. He turned on his phone and used Google Maps to navigate to see if there were any stores selling CDs nearby.

The Sheki Hachi family will not equip Eri with a computer. Keeping her in a cage is the best option. Being able to occasionally go out and walk around Tokyo is their biggest concession. Things like computers will make Eri Yi was exposed to too much information in too short a period of time, and it was difficult to guarantee whether the girl would lose emotional control under such a huge amount of information.So if you want to watch a TV show that TV stations almost never rebroadcast anymore, then CD is the best way.

Eriyi noticed that Lu Mingfei would take out his phone to look at it from time to time. She was very curious, so Lu Mingfei patted her on the head and said, "I have two friends who are coming to have dinner with us later. Those two friends are They are idiots, you don't need to pay attention to them.

Eriyi asked what a fool was, and Lu Mingfei wanted to say that he was the kind of person who did things based on emotion, a stubborn person who had to take a dead end with no future even though there were better options.

Eriki said that brother is also a fool.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

They finally bought the CD of "Tokyo Love Story" on the street at least two kilometers away from Meiji Jingu Shrine. Eriki seemed to be very interested in the adult discs on the shelf not far away, but for the sake of her own personal safety , Lu Mingfei quickly pulled her away from the store.

 A little less today, six thousand tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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