Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 179 178 The Desperate Goes Against the Current

Chapter 179 178. The desperado goes upstream
Shibuya can also be called a very unique area in Tokyo. Not only is it a sleepless street like Shinjuku, it is also the fashion center of Asia. Turning into the alley, there are yakiniku, sushi shops and oden on the street.

Young people were sitting under the temporary awning of a mobile food truck, drinking with the sound of wind blowing leaves. But even when they were happy, they suppressed their emotions. Everyone was quiet, and everyone was worried that they would disturb those around them. people.Japan is indeed a country that is extremely strict in its small righteousness.

The leaves of the ginkgo tree flew down and hung on the boy's shoulders and the girl's hair. Lu Mingfei reached out to help Eliyi flick off the apricot leaves hanging on her hair, and the two of them smiled at each other.

They entered a shop specializing in eel-yaki, and the shop owner immediately brought them sake before the meal. The landlady walked over with her waist twisted, and before she could speak, she saw the young man pointing out four fingers, so she understood and added two more for them. Cutlery set.

"Don't be unhappy after Eriyi returns home. I'm very close to you. If you're scared, just send me a message." Lu Mingfei helped Eriyi pour wine. Of course, this kind of sake from a roadside shop It's not as good as Black Dragon Daiginjo, but Boss Lu isn't someone who has to put on airs, and Erii can't taste the difference at all.

"I'm not afraid." Eriki's eyes sparkled, "You will come to pick me up and play with me, right?"

"Well, I will stay in Japan for a long time. During this time, I will come to see Eryi often. When I leave, I will take you with me and leave here." Lu Mingfei sipped the low-quality sake. From time to time, his eyes looked outside the glass wall to see if two familiar guys appeared again.

Those gray buildings towered into the clouds under the sun. Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that this city was really depressing and so strange. Looking up to the west, it seemed that he could only see the shadows of giant-like tall buildings.

He imagined the little girl curling up and hugging herself. She was wearing a red and white miko costume, sitting on the tatami, with Rilakkuma, Kodak and Ultraman Barbie enjoying the beauty of being placed in her lap like stars holding the moon. around.

The girl can only see the world through a small window. From a very young age, she can see the buildings around her growing towards the sky day after day, like dense bamboo forests. One day they will grow as big as Sky connection.

How lonely.

I am so lonely that I want to destroy the world.

"Brother, are you starting to feel lonely too? This is good, so that when you are alone in the end, you won't feel abandoned by the world." Someone said next to Lu Mingfei,
"Because after all, when that day comes, you will actually abandon this world."
Lu Mingfei's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he took a long breath, as if he was finally relieved, but the muscles all over his body were tense, and he seemed to have changed from a lazy cat to a hunting liger in an instant.

The devil is coming...

How can we not be more vigilant?
The boy wearing a black Florentine striped suit and a white bow tie was sitting at the table next to them. It was far from dinner time and there was no one there.

He was facing the direction of the rising sun. There were many tiny flying dust swirling in the light falling from the gaps between the buildings, and the boy's back seemed to be immersed in a long and narrow shadow.

The great rules seemed to fall from the sky, and the time of this world stopped. The flying dust dancing in the beam of light was suspended in the air, and the heat rising from the plate in the hands of the landlady who was coming up from the back kitchen with the eel grill also solidified.

Lu Mingfei looked at Eli Yi. The girl's eyes were clean and bright, reflecting his face like a calm lake under the sun.

"You haven't appeared by my side for a long time. I even lost news about you during this time." Lu Mingfei drank all the sake in the cup.

"Hell also has performance appraisals. After working with you for so many years, I haven't even benefited at all. Satan has to come back to me to report on my work." Lu Mingze turned around and looked at Lu Mingfei aggrievedly, " Brother, you live a very lewd life every day, with soft jade and warm fragrance hugging each other, and three wives and four concubines tied up. After I crawled out of the oil pan and learned about these things, my nose became crooked. I said, why are you always carrying a heavy burden to move forward? , It turns out that someone took care of my time."

"What the hell is nephrite and warm and fragrant? Can you tell me about it? It's the right thing!"

"We haven't seen each other in a few months. Let's have a fight to liven up the atmosphere." Lu Mingze awkwardly moved his buttocks to the chair next to Lu Mingfei and sat down.

"Dear sister, if you want to liven up the atmosphere, you should find a female devil with big breasts, big hips, big waist and long legs to do pole dancing or something." Lu Mingfei said angrily.

Lu Mingze looked shy: "Brother turns out to like this kind of tone. If you are willing to sell me a quarter of your life, I can't turn into the kind of female devil you mentioned and develop a forbidden love with me. of."

"This is a little outrageous, brother." Lu Mingfei covered his face, "Let's talk about something quickly. It's not too late to fight again in the future."

"I see that you have high morale and it's hard to offend my brother." Lu Mingze spread his hands and said,

"Actually, it's nothing serious. I just saw that you seemed lonely, so I came to chat with you."

"Hey, how did you know that I'm lonely? Brother, I'm eating well now. I feel so good and have a great body. I can't stop walking with beautiful women. The word loneliness has nothing to do with me." Lu Mingfei The words that came out of his mouth were quite lewd, but his voice was very calm.

Lu Mingze smiled, then turned to look at Eli Yi opposite.

The little devil reached out to touch the girl's hair and pinched her cheek. "It's so beautiful," he said softly.
"Brother, do you like the master of the Shangshan family?"

Lu Mingfei's expression finally changed. He looked at Lu Mingze coldly, as if he would draw his sword and cut the little devil in two in the next second.

"Okay, okay, no one in this world can pretend to be me. Brother, please don't look at me like that." Lu Mingze made a pitiful expression.

Lu Mingfei poured himself another glass of wine: "This is the territory of the descendants of the White King. There are many members of the Sheqiba family who are good at using spiritual speech spirits. It is difficult for me not to doubt you."

The little devil once walked through Lu Mingfei's memory and experienced almost all the things he had experienced completely again. Whether he likes Eli Yi or not does not seem to be a problem.

"Because your behavior is so strange. You seem to be very close to her, but there always seems to be a thin veil between them. I have always said that feelings are the wine used by the devil to bewitch humans. Brother, do you know another devil? ?" Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei with the same resentment in his eyes as when his wife caught her husband fooling around with his mistress in the hotel.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Lu Mingze would actually ask this kind of question... which seemed so petty compared to the things the little devil always talked about, such as destiny, power, and the future.

"I know what you want to say, and you don't need to explain anything to me. I'm just curious, brother, what choice you will make in the end." Lu Mingze smiled a bit lewdly, and Lu Mingfei waved his hand. He was really not interested. Dig deeper on this topic.

"Although I don't know why you suddenly became an emotional mentor, if your purpose of coming to me is to save a quarter of my life, then save it. I've been living a pretty good life recently, so I won't go there for the time being. Plan to die." Lu Mingfei said.

"Look at what you said. Brother, you are someone who wants to live to see the completion of the four modernizations. How can I always think about killing you? I came here because I actually have something to tell you. "Lu Mingze took out some lemon-flavored ice cream from somewhere, handed one to Lu Mingfei and kept the other for himself.

"Is there such a good thing? Is it free information again?" Lu Mingfei was suspicious. He suddenly realized something. When he returned to this time and space, he had actually encountered it more than once that might endanger his life or even cause physical threats. The opponents of millions of life-level natural disasters. Odin, who is still mysterious so far, and Norton, who has become supreme after devouring Constantine's power, are no weaker than the most dangerous enemies Mingfei has encountered in the previous period of time and space. The New White King Herzog.

But until today, Lu Mingze had not really asked to exchange even a quarter of his life with him.

Not only that, Lu Mingze often even provides some nominal customer feedback. He has used the word "something for nothing" unconditionally several times, and it also helped block Odin's Holy Spear Kungu, which is said to be able to directly pierce destiny. Neil.

Looking at it this way, Little Devil is really a conscientious businessman.

"Brother, you are different now. After all, we are grasshoppers on the same rope, and information sharing should be done." Lu Mingze sighed, "And you also look at me from the perspective of development. Ah, it’s been two weeks, can you be the only one who has changed a little?”

"So you're going to let me use that cheat code for something for nothing without any restrictions in the future?"

"That's not possible." The little devil flatly refused, "The speed of development is too fast. It is comparable to the evolution from Lafayette measuring China's material resources and the country's happiness to the state of being unpredictable. Brother, you should also consider it. Can I bear it?"

"Okay, okay, stop bragging and give us the information." Lu Mingfei said.

"That old Angers guy asked Fingel to come to Tokyo."

"Wow, what is this loser doing here? Are you here to give someone a head?" "Brother, please pay attention to your roommate." Lu Mingze took small sips of his lemon-flavored ice cream and looked up at Lu Mingfei. "He was the spiritual leader of the college when he entered school. Today, he is at least equal to Caesar and Chu Zihang combined."

Lu Mingfei was silent. He actually knew that Brother Baigou was also the number one figure. When they met Gao Ming and Wan Boqian in the Nibelungs in the last time and space, they talked about Fingel. It is said that this student among that class But the famous Transcendent A-level students got the highest scores in all subjects, and they also surpassed everyone in practical courses. They were truly all-round talents.

"But what kind of information is this? He will come as soon as he comes." Lu Mingfei said, "If it is the principal's mission, then maybe we will have the opportunity to go to the nightclub to blow the sake bottle together."

Lu Mingze threw a photo on the table with a clatter. Lu Mingfei picked it up and took a look.

It was a photo of a Beijing-style man practicing Tai Chi under a jujube tree in a courtyard. However, although the man was wearing exercise clothes, holding a folding fan in his hand and had a haircut, he clearly had an Aryan face.

"Who is this? Fingel's father?"

"Friedrich von Long, his current name is Lin Fenglong." Lu Mingze crossed his legs and looked at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei looked a little dazed. He remembered the photo of the original Lion Heart Club in the principal's office. The handsome young man in the corner of the photo was wearing a straight white hunting suit and a pair of eyebrows flying like swords.

"He was the one who betrayed Menieke Cassel at that time. Angers found him in China and led Fingel to attack that guy on the night you left from Nibelungen." Lu Mingze shrugged. , "But he failed and ran away."

"Don't ask me how Friedrich escaped. I'm just a devil, not God."

Lu Mingfei's eyes froze slightly.

"what do you mean……"

"That old dog should have come to Japan, and Fingel's mission is probably... to hunt him down." Lu Mingze nodded, "Obviously, Ange believes that Fingel will be able to kill him. Old friends will go to great lengths to do so, but unfortunately we don’t know why.”

"If that's the case..." Lu Mingfei looked serious and almost got up in arms, "I was the only idiot in the college before we started co-writing?"

"Theoretically, yes." Lu Mingze nodded in approval, "But brother, you can't think that way. At least you have the support of a principal who treats you as an illegitimate child."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't look at me with the eyes of a hero like you. You can't get past the idea of ​​Principal Taima's illegitimate son, right? And what does Fingel's coming to Japan to kill an old German bastard have to do with me? Relationship?" Lu Mingfei covered his face.

"It's very relevant. You should know that the reason why the academy formulated the Jiyuan Plan is actually because Norma discovered the existence of embryos from the database of the Snake Qihachi family when she penetrated Kaguya's firewall, right?" Lu Mingze's expression became unusually serious.

Lu Mingfei began to feel a little uneasy.

The little devil rarely showed such an expression. In his mind, he had seen it twice. One time was when he asked Lu Mingze to resurrect Eli Yi in the last period of time and space. The little devil clearly refused this exchange because he could not change what he had already done. Things that happened.

The second time was not long ago after successfully blocking Kungunir in the Kassel College CC1000 train attack.

Whenever Lu Mingze shows such an expression, it usually means that the development of the situation may be beyond his control.

"Didn't it mean that Herzog's information was leaked and then accidentally obtained by Norma?" Lu Mingfei asked in a low voice.If there is someone in Japan who covets the authority of God, then this person is undoubtedly Herzog. This reasoning is completely valid.

Kaguya's computing power is far inferior to that of Kassel Academy's central control system, so it is not impossible for her to break through the firewall and steal some data.

"You have been ordinary for so long that you have forgotten that we were once the masters of this world." Lu Mingze touched Lu Mingfei's face and chuckled, "EVA is the one in this world who can control the entire information level. God, of course she can forge an attack log and convince the school board that her information comes from Kaguya, who has breached the firewall. Brother, we are the core instructions in the lowest command library in this system, obey and Protection, this is everything EVA does to you."

"As for the control over the academy's artificial intelligence, there are only two people who are on par with you. One is Hilbert Jean Angers, and the other is Fingel von Fur. Lins.”

"Wait a minute, I don't quite understand. I have a black card from the college, so my authority is very high, as high as a school director. But what you said about surrender and protection, that's nonsense! "Lu Mingfei yelled. When Lu Mingze said these words, he actually believed it.

But once he chose to believe this, Lu Mingfei felt a sense of urgency and crisis like being locked in a cage.

The central control system of Kassel College was only slightly later than the first large-scale integrated computer in the human sense. It would be incredible if Lu Mingfei had the authority to write to the system at this time. That was in the 80s of the last century. , Boss Lu at that time was not even a fertilized egg, and Lu Lincheng was probably still a young boy.

There is also another more likely conjecture, that his authority was implanted along with the artificial intelligence.Norma was created in 2003. According to that time, Lu Mingfei should still be under the surveillance of the academy. In this case, it is not impossible to be set as the person with the highest authority of Norma.

But once he accepted this setting, Lu Mingfei had to face a problem.

Is he a free monster or a captive monster?

"Mom, the mission they are performing is very special. That's why Anger gave you this authority." Lu Mingze narrowed his eyes.

Lu Mingfei patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"There are three people in the world who can view EVA's lowest-level logs. In the information world, Angers and we are almost transparent to each other, but at the same time there is a very special guy who cannot be seen through by us." The little devil frowned with his delicate eyebrows , obviously he doesn’t like this feeling of not being able to fully grasp things,
"You should know that EVA is actually a student in Kassel who once existed in real life. She was one of the victims of the Greenland ice incident and Fingel's girlfriend. She was used by her mentor Flamel in a special way. Keeping it alive became the academy’s central control system.”

"You mean Sister EVA is not completely restricted by the code, and may have certain independent powers? Is this really possible?" Lu Mingfei exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible in the world of dragons. Don't be surprised even if you see Nidhogg jumping out of the cemetery tomorrow." Lu Mingze curled his lips.
"I checked Norma's log, and I believe Angers did the same. She never got any relevant information from Kaguya's database. That information appeared out of thin air!"

"No matter how smart it is, it is ultimately just a computer. It may have a certain degree of self-awareness, but it is impossible to compile a completely non-existent and authentic data." Lu Mingfei said.

Lu Mingze snapped his fingers: "Bravo! Brother is so smart! It's impossible for Norma to get the information. The only person who can pass the information to the academy through Norma without exposing himself is Fingel!"

"What do you mean?" Lu Mingfei suddenly sat up straight, a chill running down his spine, as if he had thought of something terrible.

"You, senior sister and the head of the Uesugi family are not the only ones who returned to the past from a certain branch of fate, brother." Lu Mingze's voice was faint,
"Do you remember Fingel's ID on the Night Watch forum?"

"The Flame Dragon Slayer."

 I don’t like to leave too much suspense, so I’ll give you a little spoiler first.

  It's important to remember that Fingel is not a reborn person.

  Fingel's real purpose in coming to Japan is not the traitor of the Lionheart Society. Please contact the previous article to start the association.

  The number of reborns in this book is fixed and very few. Now basically all of them have appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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