Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 180 179 Friends’ Luncheon

Chapter 180 179. Friends’ Luncheon

"Destiny has changed due to his intervention, brother, but this is not necessarily a good thing. Besides, do you really think Fingel von Flins is with us?"

The little devil stood behind Lu Mingfei. He gently put his hands on the man's shoulders, so that they really seemed like brothers.

Brother and brother.

"The implementation of the Jiyuan Plan not only means that the power of the academy has officially begun to set foot on this land, but also awakens the evil buried deep in the soul of a certain evil ghost."


"Would he give up such an opportunity, would he give up such an opportunity to become a god?"

Lu Mingze's voice was light and very magnetic. Lu Mingfei turned around and looked at him. The little devil stood in the slanting sunlight and stretched out his hand. The white and delicate palm pressed against the man's eyebrows, as if the emperor was conferring victory. A knight with a noble title.

The boy's body began to rise slowly from the sun, like the legendary moment when Jesus returned to heaven.

Neither the glass curtain wall nor the frozen ginkgo trees could stop him from leaving. Then the wind picked up, and the Florentine black striped suit turned into flying flowers in the wind.

The wind passed silently through the long streets of Shibuya, Tokyo, and the white clouds lazily followed the wind from west to east again.

The power that made this world pause turned into discrete fragments of rules like a collapsed mountain. The wind stirred up the sound of swaying and colliding copper bells, and they merged into one, as if the whole city was playing a song that the ancient king had listened to. of tune.

In the sound of the wind, the devil's voice came down from the sky: "Struggle and roar, you desperado, but even if you set out with thousands of troops, you will inevitably go alone in the end!"

The dust swirled aimlessly in the beam of light, and the proprietress who was serving the grilled eel from the back kitchen was all smiles. The alluring aroma of meat rose with the heat on the plate.

Lu Mingfei looked at Eli Yi. The girl smiled and held her chin, as if she had been looking at him forever.

At this time, the leaves outside the window were swaying in the wind, and the sunlight was dappled, shining on the girl's crystal white skin, as if even the light had a shape at this moment.

Those dark red eyes as deep as wine were filled with beautiful golden patches.

Lu Mingfei smiled silently. He stared into Eryi's eyes. No one knew what kind of decision he was making in his heart.

"Excuse me, this is your eel rice, please use it slowly!" The landlady's voice is soft and has the charm of a mature woman. She looks like she is the same age as her aunt, but she doesn't have the mean and mean menopause. The woman's face is actually a breath of fresh air.

Lu Mingfei nodded to the landlady: "It smells delicious."

The landlady was quite flattered: "Ah, thank you!"

"My brother used to eat eel rice with me. It was delicious, but then he rarely took me out anymore." Eliyi wrote to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei nodded: "If you want to eat Huiliyi, I will pack a portion for you every day." Although the Sheqiba family will restrict the little monster's travel, it should not refuse Lu Mingfei's visit. After all, a stable and positive mood also helps keep the dragon blood in Eri's body in a low-active state.

As for the eel rice mentioned by Eriki, Lu Mingfei had actually heard Sakura talk about it not long ago.

The little girl used to eat the Michelin-titled Arashiyama Hirokawa eel rice, probably treating it as a canteen.Occasionally, Minamoto would take her to the century-old restaurant "Kyogoku Yuko" in an alley next to the Kamogawa River near Sanjo, Kyoto, which is known as Japan's best eel rice shop, but usually at that time the family would clear out the entire nearby alley.

But since he wanted to eat Kyoto eel rice, Lu Mingfei felt that of course he couldn't go to those prestigious stores. Not to mention the long queues at the door every day, and the taste was actually quite average - the most typical example is China's Quanjude Roast Duck.

This small shop in the alley of Shibuya District is not bad. Boss Lu has done big data coordination through Norma. According to word-of-mouth, it will definitely be ranked among the top ten in Tokyo.

The signature dish is the tamagoyaki eel rice bowl. Since Eriki and Lu Mingfei don’t eat eggs very much, they ordered two charcoal grilled eel rice bowls.

The eel from Lake Hamana in Shizuoka is slightly charred on the surface after being smoked over charcoal fire. It is soft in your mouth and has the feeling of eating Wagyu beef that melts in your mouth.The rice grains are large and plump, and taste sweet when topped with eel sauce.

It probably suited Eri's taste, and the little girl ate it very quickly.In addition, her appetite was not small to begin with, so Lu Mingfei ordered another portion in addition to the portions given by Caesar and Chu Zihang.

Lu Mingfei had something on his mind, so he ate a little absent-mindedly. He was still thinking about what Lu Mingze said.

"What is Mingfei thinking about?" Eri Yi's plain white hand waved in front of Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei suddenly realized and smiled: "No, I'm just a little dazed."

When he saw rice stained on the corner of Eriki's mouth, he took out the paper, folded it, and reached out to wipe it off for her. The girl's eyes flickered as she looked up at the man's face.

At this time, someone pushed the door open and came in, "We need to start studying the task tomorrow." Someone said lightly, "If you have handled your personal affairs with this... the head of the Uesugi family."

Apart from Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi, there were three or five people in the store. Now everyone was looking in that direction, obviously very interested in the meaning of this sentence.

The term house master is rare even in Japan, and couples are curious about what kind of old guy would use the title house master.

Warm air filled with the aroma of grilled eel flows in the small shop, as if someone has opened the lid of a steamer, and the cool wind flows in with the smell of leaves and the hustle and bustle of the city.

Both Caesar and Chu Zihang were wearing the uniforms of senior cadres of the Sheqi Eight Family Executive Bureau. The suits were open, the sleeves were rolled up, and the lining patterns were flashy and crazy, like ronin from the Warring States Period coming to modern times.

The two of them were side by side. Chu Zihang was wearing huge sunglasses and holding a guitar case in his hand. The half of his exposed face was expressionless, but Lu Mingfei was sure that his senior brother was looking at him.

There wasn't much pyrotechnics about him, like a cold knife.

The person who spoke just now was Chu Zihang, and he was speaking in unskilled Japanese, which he had obviously learned temporarily.

Caesar's blond hair was tied behind his head and simply tied up with a rope. He was originally checking the world time watch on his wrist. At this moment, he looked up and saw Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi looking over, with a smile on their faces.

Everyone was shocked by the aura of these two people.The people who can eat here are not the rich and wealthy capitalist class. We are all working people, but we can also see that the two foreigners are not cheap, with their coquettish postures and expressions and a look of scorn on their faces. The look is probably something only a class enemy can produce.

Normally everyone should curse secretly in their hearts, but the image of these two people really makes it hard for people to feel bad about them.

Needless to say, Caesar was born with the look of an idiot and a middle school student.Chu Zihang was originally only 20 years old. Although he had facial paralysis, he could still be called a pretty boy. He actually looked a bit toothy when he wore this outfit.

It took a few seconds for the landlady to react, and she trotted up to meet her, shouting "いらっしゃいませ" while looking hesitantly in Lu Mingfei's direction. She didn't lead the two pretenders over until she saw him nodding. Their table.

Wanting to see how Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi were dressed, the proprietress was probably not sure that the two young men dressed in gangster clothes in front of her were the ones traveling with the couple.

Eri Yi actually had an impression of these two guys. It seemed that the memory of the previous time and space was at play, but it probably wasn't a good impression. The little girl was frightened by the aura of those two guys and ran to sit next to Lu Mingfei. Then he hid next to him and poked his little head out from his shoulder to look up.

She did meet Caesar and Chu Zihang, but it was only after they parted ways with Lu Mingfei from Umezu Temple Town.

There were some things that Lu Mingfei didn't know before, and Eryi wouldn't tell him because she was too stupid and didn't know how to express them.Chu Zihang and Caesar would not tell him, because it would be meaningless and would only increase their sorrow.

After returning to Shinjuku from Umezuderamachi, Lu Mingfei still had to work hard at the Cowherd shop to hide his identity. He needed to earn a lot of flower tickets to stay, otherwise he, Sakura, would have no choice but to wander around outside. Getting by.At that time, Boss Lu was still a bad boy. Someone told him that in one year, Lu Shaozi would transform into the Chairman of the Executive Dragon Student Union and the Prince of Cassel. That Lu Mingfei definitely didn’t believe it.

One time, Lu Mingfei happened to be away. The girl in a dress got out of the black Lexus with the help of the maid and walked through the crowded crowd in the Cowherd store. A feminine man with an expression as if he was going to blow up Takamagahara was standing not far from her. Take a soft seven star.

Eriki sat down at the table with the "Reserve" sign in the front, and wrote a check of [-] million yen to the waiter, saying that she wanted to keep Sakura. She bought [-] flower tickets.Then she got up and left, because Chu Zihang and Caesar were already approaching her against the crowd.

Their looming murderous aura hadn't dissipated yet, and Eriki was actually a very sensitive person, so she began to panic.The girl stood in the heavy rain, hesitating left and right under the traffic light. She was terrified and didn't know what to do, when a black umbrella hit her head.

Chu Zihang, who caught up, stopped the taxi with standard waiter actions, opened the door and sent her into the car, looked at her coldly, and said "Don't come again" in broken Japanese.

In Eriki's mind, the blond man stood in the rain smoking a cigar and looking at his brother, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

To this day, Eri Yi still remembers these two people because they are Lu Mingfei's friends and they look weird and vicious.

Caesar, who was trying to put on a gentle smile to make himself look more approachable, didn't know yet that the little girl had already given him the same label as Chu Zihang in her heart. If she knew, he probably wouldn't be able to smile now.

"I ordered Tamago-roasted eel rice bowl for you. It's the signature here." Lu Mingfei helped the two senior brothers take out their chopsticks. Chu Zihang and Caesar sat across from them in a majestic manner. Subconsciously, he deliberately did not look at Eli Yi. Instead, he looked carefully at Lu Mingfei, who was looking around and unwilling to look at them.

"In good taste," said Caesar.

Chu Zihang finally took a serious look at Eli Yi who was hiding next to Lu Mingfei. He looked at her silently for a few seconds and then nodded silently.

"I'm talking about eel rice, which is dozens of times better than what I had in Chicago." Caesar commented.

The corner of Chu Zihang's mouth twitched, and he threw the guitar case on the table with a bang. "Where did you go yesterday and this morning?" Chu Zihang crossed his arms, took off his sunglasses and looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes with a rather cold look. He was obviously much shorter than Lu Mingfei, but at this time there was The illusion of being in a condescending interrogation.

"I went to Disneyland yesterday and Meiji Shrine in the morning." Lu Mingfei drooped his head. He couldn't stand up in front of Chu Zihang. Caesar bumped Chu Zihang's waist with his elbow and lowered his voice. "That's almost it. Didn't you already know where they went?"

Chu Zihang didn't say anything and poured himself a glass of wine. Caesar laughed and looked at Lu Mingfei: "We went to Ginza to watch Kabuki yesterday, but we weren't particularly interested in these things at first, so we didn't understand much. , Speaking of which, this person is..."

Caesar turned his attention to Eriyi, hesitating whether to shake hands, but Eriyi obviously only remembered that the blond man had fought with his brother, and shrank behind Lu Mingfei in fear.

"Eli Yi, my friend." Lu Mingfei said. He glared at Caesar. What he meant in this look was that you don't know who she is, so why are you asking at this time?

Caesar winked, meaning he had to find something to talk about. Brother, look at Chu Zihang's nose, which is almost crooked with anger.

Lu Mingfei and Caesar cleared their throats at the same time, pretending to be nonchalant.Come to think of it, Chu Zihang is not an unreasonable person, so he would not attack Eli Yi in front of him at this time.

Boss Lu can almost understand the idea of ​​killing embryos. To Chu Zihang, Xia Mi is probably something like a younger sister. The fact that Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi have established a relationship is not a secret among them. Hui Liyi talks to you and me, obviously she doesn't take her uncle seriously.

Afterwards, several people became quiet. Chu Zihang and Caesar were still a little crowded when they sat together. Everyone's eyes were intersecting with each other, and their expressions were a little subtle.

Eriyi was still a little nervous, her little head lowered, and she grabbed the corners of the man's clothes next to her with both hands.

Lu Mingfei touched the girl's head, and Eliyi raised her head to look at him. When their eyes met, his heart suddenly trembled.

Those were the eyes of an elk in the forest, clear and innocent, panic-stricken. When the girl raised her eyes, the sun fell on the side of her face. Those dark red pupils were full of uneasiness. She grabbed the corner of Lu Mingfei's clothes and looked at her again. Hidden yourself deeper.

Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that the person sitting with him was not the assistant to the student union president like Isabella who could handle all kinds of things with ease; nor was she the carefree junior sister like Xia Mi who could deal with all situations calmly; let alone the friendly one. Her Royal Highness can respond to all questions with cold eyes and expressions like Zero.

She is just Eri, just that child who is actually very timid.

When he realized this, he still had time to make amends, so Lu Mingfei smiled silently, rubbed Erili's head, helped her smooth out a few messy hair, and at the same time held the two originally Helplessly, she squeezed the little hands on his clothes.

"They are also my friends, Chu Zihang and Caesar. You should have met them. Although they don't look like good people, they are actually trustworthy partners." Lu Mingfei said softly to Eryi.

Chu Zihang: "?"


The two people looked at each other with subtle expressions.

Caesar said in his heart, "No, brother, please tell me clearly. What does it mean to not look like a good person? I, Caesar Gattuso, have been in the social circle for more than ten years. I have received comments about being heroic and heroic, and I have also been called a passionate prodigal. But I am the only one This is the first time someone has said this to someone who rides a horse and does not look like a good person.

Chu Zihang's expression only broke through his guard for an instant, and then immediately recovered, and he raised his glass to Eri Yi from a distance: "Chu Zihang."

Hui Liyi looked at Lu Mingfei, who nodded. The girl dispelled the timidity in her heart and raised her glass to Chu Zihang.

Unable to speak, she wrote her name on the paper.

"Erika Uesugi."

Her eyes were big and bright, but they were too clean for her age. Chu Zihang stared at those crimson eyes for two seconds, and then drank the sake in one gulp.

Lu Mingfei knew that this meant that the matter with his senior brother was over. At least in a short period of time, he would no longer cause trouble for him because of Eli Yi.

Watching the man with a very cold expression drink the wine in the cup, the expression on Eriki's face changed slightly, like a stone thrown into a frozen lake, although it failed to break the solid surface of the entire lake. The ice is also making thin ripples under the ice.

The girl smiled cautiously and took a sip of the sake in her hand.

Compared to Chu Zihang, Caesar obviously knew better how to get along with a man and a woman who looked like a couple. Young Master Gattuso also filled himself up with sake, and then pushed the sake bottle to Lu Mingfei to signal him to fill it up himself.

"Take one?" Caesar raised his eyebrows.

"Senior brother, your Chinese is very good." Lu Mingfei said, then raised his glass and clinked it with him, "Eliyi won't drink anymore, I'll drink two glasses."

"Be honest!" Caesar shouted in a low voice.

The appetizing sake was forced into the form of Erguotou by this guy. I think he will probably have the image of a Beijing-style uncle when he gets older.

However, this kind of cheap sake on the roadside really didn't appeal to Young Master Gattuso. After only one drink, he felt sour and put down the glass.

After drinking and clinking glasses, it was time to get down to business, while Eri slowly ate eel rice with a spoon, her long eyelashes drooping down to cover her crimson eyes.

After the little girl was no longer so timid, she quickly let go. It was a bit inappropriate to say she let go, but it felt more like she was directly ignoring Caesar and Chu Zihang.This made Caesar begin to wonder if the aesthetics of this hellish place in Japan were out of touch with the outside world. Even if he and Chu Zihang ignored their personal abilities and only looked at their appearance, they were still the type to get along well in the upper class. I think There were also many countesses who eloped with him.

But in the eyes of the head of the Uesugi family, the two of them were like air.

Although she was eating in a very common restaurant, Ke Hui Liyi's waist was straight and she was chewing silently, like a swan that lowered its head to drink water. There was profound beauty hidden in every move.

But in Chu Zihang's eyes, the underworld princess named Eriki Uesugi stayed very close to Lu Mingfei even when eating, which was a symbol of insecurity.

There is really no need for her to be afraid. Even if Chu Zihang and Caesar don't know how much power is hidden in Eriki's body, even if she is just a frail and sickly ordinary girl, standing behind this girl is the shadow of all Japan. People looking for a living.

If she wants to kill someone, Eriki doesn't even need to do it herself. She just needs to express a little bit of disgust towards that person, and a wolf-like gang member will immediately pull out a knife and chop that person into pieces.

It seemed like she really trusted Lu Mingfei.

Chu Zihang thought to himself.

Moreover, the aristocratic temperament of this little girl actually made Chu Zihang think that she came from a nobler family than Caesar. This was really incredible.

The Gattuso family is already almost the most prominent family in the entire mixed-race world.

"Is it time for you to send the Uesugi family home tonight?" Caesar asked. He had already ignored Eri, because the other party might not respond anyway if he asked, and they were not familiar with her.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment: "Well, I will send Eriyi back to Genji Heavy Industries tonight. Her body cannot support outdoor activities for too long." When he said this, Eriyi's eating movements slowed down significantly. , obviously the girl still has great resistance to going home.

Lu Mingfei noticed this and tapped the girl's thigh with his finger.

"It doesn't matter, you go home and rest for a few days, and I will come to pick you up again and go out to play." He said.

Eriki's eyes seemed to become brighter in an instant. The girl nodded heavily and looked at Lu Mingfei with a silly smile.

"Our schedule will be busy next. After all, the school has arranged for us to come here for exchange studies. The study group sent to the college by the Japanese branch has already begun to study in class. Professor Schneider is not satisfied with our study progress. I am very dissatisfied with this matter." Caesar had to clear his throat to let Lu Mingfei return his attention to himself.

"Are we really here to exchange and study?" Lu Mingfei backed down tactically. He had no idea that a Japanese study group had arrived at the academy.

Chu Zihang looked serious: "I'm sorry to tell you, that's right."

"Tomorrow morning from [-] to [-] o'clock, we need to learn how to control the underwater robot and underwater manned platform at the Rock Flow Research Institute. I heard that the control manual is ten centimeters thick in total." Caesar said.

The corner of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched: "I hope the font on that thing is astonishingly large."

"I hope so too." Caesar nodded, "From three to five in the afternoon we will study the three-dimensional composition and theoretical knowledge of the Alchemy Magic Gear. It is a specialty of the Japanese branch and has only been excavated in Hokkaido so far. The ruins of the Dragon Age that preserve the complete ancient alchemical magic gears.”

"After seven o'clock in the evening, we will also have practical classes with the action team of the Executive Directorate. According to Professor Schneider, he is going to let Yuan Zhisheng give us marks in this class." Caesar shrugged after finishing.

"Then it's over." Lu Mingfei said with a grimace, "I'm going to fail the exam."

"It doesn't matter. The principal probably won't revoke your scholarship because of this matter." Chu Zihang patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder to express his sympathy.

(End of this chapter)

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