Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 183 182 Fallen Leaves

Chapter 183 182. Fallen Leaves (2)

The Jakiki Hakka Medical Department has two locations, located on the fifth floor of No. 20 of Genji Heavy Industries and the underground research institute of the shrine in the mountains of Saitama Prefecture. Usually the medical department is not open to ordinary yakuza members, and most of the treatment targets are family heads or family members. Members of various departments whose function is to fight and kill.

Although the Kanto branch violated the family's rules and the injuries were not due to official duties, the injuries suffered by these people were too unbelievable.Thinking about it, it is difficult for ordinary people to still be active and active when their skulls are shattered, and it is also difficult for ordinary people to slowly start to recover in just a few days when their hand or leg bones are broken.If such an injury appeared at the University of Tokyo School of Medicine, there would be a risk that the secrets of the Dragon Clan would be leaked.

Therefore, Akechi Asaya and his team leaders were placed in their own medical department for treatment by the Sheki Hachi Family.

Lu Mingfei did not kill the lunatics of the Kanto branch. Only three people could be truly seriously injured, including Kotetsu, whose chest was collapsed and his heart was compressed, and Akechi Asu, whose skull was cracked by a heavy blow. vector, and the body fracture rate exceeds 30.00% of five fallen leaves.

The twin sister named Luo Ye.It was actually beyond Lu Mingfei's expectation that he would receive such a heavy blow.

Her word spirit is Ghost Katsu, which can completely eliminate the body's perception of pain. She is not afraid of death in battles and killings. When she collapses completely, she is completely incapacitated.

When Lu Mingfei decided to visit these challengers who had been beaten by him until they could no longer take care of themselves, Luo Ye was the only one left who was still recuperating in the medical department.

Compared with the disgusting and even disgusting hobbies of other lunatics in the Kanto branch, fallen leaves with sexual orientation issues are actually the cleanest.

This girl is actually quite popular among the various functional departments of the Sheqiba family. It is said that she and her younger sister Xiaoyou are two completely different extremes. The younger sister is lustful and neurotic, but the older sister is quite quiet. When fighting with others, she is like a Opened Wushuang.

The Medical Department occupies three floors of Genji Heavy Industries. The person in charge here originally opened two wards for the Kanto branch to accommodate the men and women in the branch. The others were quickly discharged. Kotetsu and Akechi Asuya were After being transferred to an ordinary nursing home in Edogawa, Luo Ye became the last person left.

Visitors were not originally prohibited here, but the Kanto branch leaders headed by Akechi Asuya obviously did not have many friends in the Snakekihachi family, and these people all had serious character flaws, so when they were still in bed and resting No one came to visit them at that time.

And when there were only fallen leaves left, people actually began to send flowers to this beautiful woman whose whole body was wrapped in bandages.

The Japanese love chrysanthemums even more than the Chinese love peonies and the French love roses.But whether it is wild chrysanthemums or cornflowers, the colors are obvious yellow and white. They are neatly stacked at the foot of the bed by strict executives, which actually makes the fallen leaves have the illusion that they will not be alive soon.

After Luo Ye regained her will, people from the law enforcement team and the Executive Bureau would come here every day to interrogate and question her. Obviously, the family heads did not completely believe Akechi Asuya's words: "I just want to challenge the strong even if I am beaten to the limit." I still have to do this even if my head is wrapped" is the second grade rhetoric.They believe that all this is an extension of political means. There is a big figure in a certain family standing behind the Kanto branch and ordering them to challenge the commissioner of the headquarters.

But no one knows what the big man means by doing this, and no one knows who the big man is.

Akechi Asuya and his team leaders are all madmen who have been struggling on the edge of life and death for a long time. Each of them has studied for a doctorate in psychology at the University of Tokyo, and their ability to tolerate pain is also ridiculously strong. Conventional Interrogation methods are basically ineffective against these people.

Moreover, Akechi Asuya did not actually attack the young master of the family and the commissioners from the headquarters. From the beginning to the end, they were very restrained in their attacks. This is simply unbelievable to the Kanto branch. In the past, they almost never Know what forbearance and restraint are.But this kind of restraint also prevented the commissioners of the law enforcement team from detaining the Kanto branch at Genji Heavy Industries for a long time.

It is now close to the middle of August. Luo Ye has been lying in the intensive care unit for more than a week. The recovery ability of her mixed race is slowly repairing her broken bones. Every day, this young woman can feel that she is close to being discharged from the hospital. One step closer.

But every day, people from the Executive Bureau and the Law Enforcement Team would take turns to conduct interrogations, giving her no chance to rest at all.This is of course not allowed in many countries. Seriously injured people should enjoy basic human rights, but this is Japan, and it is Japan's darkest society, the Jakihachi Family. The big shots only care about the result of one thing, not the process.

For this reason, even Crow and Yasha came several times, and Sakura also came to visit with orders from Yuan Zhisheng, but there was not much useful information.This was also expected by them. The status of the twin sisters Xiaoyou and Luoye in the Kanto branch was not high. Akechi Asuya would not let them come into contact with core affairs and secrets, even if the attack really hid something else. Luo Ye is probably completely unaware of the secret.

The sun is very bright. Genji Heavy Industries is the tallest building in Shinjuku, and there are no other buildings nearby to block it. So at dusk, the warm and old-colored light fills this ward through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that open the window screens. .

This place was probably originally an office. The floor-to-ceiling windows almost formed the outward wall. From here, you can overlook half of Tokyo, with people passing by and lights gradually lighting up from the darkness covering the distance.

The last batch of executives and commissioners who came to conduct the interrogation poured a cup of hot water for Luo Ye and helped her put away the flowers she received today. Then they closed the folder and tucked it under their arm, stood up and left with a smile. The place became quiet again. open.

Luo Ye slowly supported her body to sit up. She looked up and saw a guy in a black trench coat, ignoring the regulations of the medical department and standing in the dusk coming from the floor-to-ceiling window, smoking a cigarette.

It was the headquarters commissioner who single-handedly defeated the Kanto branch. Luo Ye knew his name.

Lu Mingfei.

Luo Ye curled up and hid under the quilt, but still quietly observed the dangerous man without making a sound.

The Kanto branch is a department composed of young people. Some of them have studied at Kassel College and have retained the way of social contact between the secret party and other mixed races. Therefore, for the famous dragon-slaying hero Lu Ming in the past year Not unfamiliar.

But Akechi Asuya said that he was a lucky young man who was pushed to the table. The dragons were killed by Angers and the equipment department's new weapons, and he just took the credit for them.The reason why the Camarilla did this was to cultivate an iron-blooded leader after Angers.

He said that as long as we defeat him and make him kneel before us, we will become the heroes of the family, and fame and wealth will follow.Akechi Asuya has always been a very provocative guy, and it is said that he reads the book "Mein Kampf" every day.

The team leaders screamed like crazy and wanted to beat down the commissioners of the headquarters, then take off their clothes and hang them on the Tokyo Tower.

But the subsequent facts gave the entire Guandong branch a resounding slap in the face. Not only did they fail to defeat Lu Mingfei, they were not even qualified to stand in front of him.

The powerful young man came in with the law enforcement team, carrying apples, tangerines and pears in his hands. He really seemed to be visiting the patient's family members.

Silent and independent, these are probably the best rhetorical devices Luo Ye can think of. After Lu Mingfei came in, he picked a chair by the window and sat down. He took out his mobile phone and buried his head in it, probably chatting with someone. Occasionally, he would take out tangerines from the bag and peel them and eat them himself. He never communicated with anyone, except for the girl named Sakura who whispered to him when she came in.

Luo Ye was busy dealing with the interrogation of the law enforcement team. When he was exhausted mentally and physically, he would look in the direction of the man. His eyes were empty and deep, like a long valley, reflecting the changes in the sunlight at different times of the day.

What a strange person.

But very powerful.

Being strong is enough.

Seeing Lu Ye looking towards him, Lu Mingfei nodded to her and then picked up the fruit from the chair next to him and walked to the bedside.

"Do you still remember me? I was the one that night..." Lu Mingfei made a gesture of wielding a knife, and Luo Ye nodded: "Commissioner Lu Mingfei, we have all heard about your deeds, and we didn't believe in the world at first. There are such powerful people in the world, but we learned a lesson that night.”

"I've seen your information, Miyamoto Luoye, right?"

"Yes, my sister is Miyamoto Xiaoyou, and we joined the Kanto branch six years ago."

"Okay, Miss Miyamoto, do you want to eat pears?"


"I said you want to eat pears?" Lu Mingfei repeated. He picked up the fruit knife from the table and took out a pear from his pocket. He picked up the pear stem with one hand and moved the knife skillfully in circles. The pear skin fell softly.

In less than a minute, the peeled pear was handed to Luo Ye's hand.

"Thank you... thank you." Luo Ye said with his head lowered.

The ward was very quiet at the moment. Lu Mingfei wiped the pear juice on the fruit knife with paper and watched the girl in front of him take a bite of the pear in his hand.

Luo Ye is actually a very beautiful girl. Compared with her younger sister Xiao You, she looks more delicate, cleaner, tall and slim.

Lu Mingfei crossed his arms and leaned on the back of the chair, his dark eyes staring at the girl's fair side face.

Before coming here, Lu Mingfei had already asked Ying to help him investigate the backgrounds of all the members of the Kanto branch.Generally speaking, the identity information of combatants like Akechi Asaya is highly confidential in the Snake Qihachi family. Not to mention the commissioners from the headquarters like Lu Mingfei, even if the family owner wants to access it, he needs to go through layers of approval. .

But the situation of the Kanto branch is special. Theirs is a very sharp double-edged sword for the Eight Sheqi families. Although it is powerful, it cannot be completely controlled in their hands. Its nature is more like Tachibana Masamune's personal armed force.

In order to appease the anger of a dragon slayer who was no less dangerous than Ange, handing over these people's information to Lu Mingfei was not really a big deal for the Sheqi Ba family.

Luo Ye's father is a member of the Miyamoto family, and his mother is a mixed race from Korea.

Luo Ye and Xiao You, twins with very different personalities, like all other members of the Kanto branch, had a tragic childhood. Their mother was killed by the ghost slayers of the Executive Bureau because of their bloodline issues, and their father was a complete bastard. , were keen on gambling and drinking, and lost all their wealth when they were still young.

At that time, Luoye and Xiaoyou didn't show much talent and were not valued by their families. Even schooling and the most basic living expenses needed to be supported by the government's basic security fund and family funds.

Just like a very old story, although life is quite miserable, Xiao You still thrives under the protection of her sister Luo Ye. The girls' academic performance is very good and they can be among the best in the class. According to this trend, they will definitely be able to Get into a good university and then work in a functional department of your family.

But the turning point happened when Luo Ye was 16 years old. Her alcoholic father lost all his money, his house, and his younger sister Xiao You.By the time people from the family's executive bureau, led by Tachibana Masamune himself, found Xiao You, she had already been violated.

After this incident, their father was deprived of custody and handed over to the judicial authorities after another blood test and spiritual danger assessment. However, Xiao You's temperament has changed, and Luo Ye has also begun to be affected by this and is unable to recover.

"What do you want to know from me?" Luo Ye raised his head and looked up at the eyes of the man beside the hospital bed. Her face was expressionless, and her eyebrows were narrow and sharp when she narrowed her eyes.In fact, they all knew very well that Luo Ye was the last person to charge at Lu Mingfei that night. In the heavy rain, only Lu Mingfei, who was face to face with her, could see and hear what she was going to do and what she was going to say.

If he wanted to quietly deliver a message to someone like him who was under the surveillance of the Snake Qiba Family at all times, that kind of time would be the best time Luo Ye could think of.

She only said one sentence, and that sentence was "They are going to attack Mr. Masamune."

Lu Mingfei thought for a long time and was completely unable to parse out much useful information from this sentence.

"who are they?Why attack Tachibana Masamune?And Japan seems to be calm now, but in fact the storm sweeping everything began to brew as early as 1991.

Masamune Tachibana's true identity is a conspirator named Herzog. He secretly controls the Oni clan and the Snake Qihachi family for his own use in order to take away the power of God.If someone is really going to attack Tachibana Masamune as Miyamoto Rakuha said, then this person must be a conspirator no less than Herzog. His own strength and political means are strong enough to conquer the Kanto branch for his use.

But there were too many, too many puzzles, and the truth was like countless tangled threads. Lu Mingfei couldn't find the slightest clue.

Something had changed, at least in the last period of time and space, Lu Mingfei couldn't remember that there was such a conspirator hiding behind who could even compete with Herzog stirring up trouble in Japan.

The ownership of the Kanto branch is still a mystery. They surrender to the Sheqiba family and are dispatched by the Executive Directorate.He was also ordered by Tachibana Masamune, which was almost equivalent to his personal armed force. Even Akechi Asaya's nominal affiliation to the Jakiki Hachi family was largely due to Tachibana Masamune.

In the last period of time and space, after the death of Herzog's identity, the Kanto branch immediately betrayed the subordinates of the family's turning heads and fierce ghosts.

The fallen leaves that day could remind Lu Mingfei of this incident, which means that the Kanto branch, from Akechi Asuya down to any team leader, may have begun to work for someone far more powerful than Tachibana Masamune, and they were ordered to test Lu Mingfei's strength was also ordered to delay the birth of Lu Mingfei and Yuan Zhisheng, but why did this person do this?
In addition, why did Miyamoto Luoye choose to talk about this matter to Lu Mingfei? Was it because she trusted the department?However, a search of Norma's student status showed that although the sisters studied at the college for a period of time, they were expelled for violating school rules in their sophomore year. How could they trust the secret party?

There were so many questions that Duodu Lu Mingfei didn’t even know where to start.

"I just want to chat, why did the Guandong branch block our way that night?" Lu Mingfei asked casually, while looking around carefully.

The number of monitors in this ward reached four, and there were almost no blind spots. There was no doubt that whatever Lu Mingfei and Luo Ye talked about would be heard by people from the Sheqiba family.

"Not all of us want to do this. Asuya used his power as a minister to issue orders to the team leaders." Luo Ye answered fluently. Apparently similar questions had been raised before Lu Mingfei Many people have come to ask her.

Attacking the commissioner of the headquarters, and the commissioner who has the power to start a war between the Sheqiba family and the secret party. In the Warring States Period, this kind of thing would have been a serious crime that required suicide by disembowelment. Even today, people in the law enforcement team would not dare not take it seriously.

"How did Akechi Asuya know our movements?" Lu Mingfei asked with a smile, leaning on the back of the chair to find a more comfortable position for himself.

"Young Master Yuan's childish movements are not a secret in the Sheqihachi family. Kaguya will always update his position on the family's intranet." Luoye said.

"Your minister, Akechi Asuya, what kind of person is he?"

Lu Mingfei was deeply impressed by this head of the Kanto branch, whose name was Akechi Asuya and who was obviously not affiliated with the family.That was a very powerful guy. Although the strength he showed when fighting Lu Mingfei that night was a bit disappointing, Lu Mingfei knew that it was because he briefly turned on the Dragon Bone state.

There shouldn't be any hybrid in the world who can fight Lu Mingfei in this state.

Akechi Asuya's actual combat effectiveness should be slightly inferior to that of Chu Zihang and Caesar when they did not participate in the Nibelungen Plan. He is the best in Class A. If he joins the executive department of the academy, he will be considered an ace.

This person was considered to be one of Herzog's chess pieces in the mission report of the previous period of time and space. He first surrendered to Tachibana Masamune and then to the king. He is powerful and insidious, and he is a two-faced villain.

"In the Guandong branch, he has a very strong personality, but in the eyes of others, he is a real madman, paranoid and powerful. He doesn't care about his loyalty or who he is loyal to." Luoye She said that when she said these words, she was only stating a fact objectively, without even the slightest change in the expression on her face.Lu Mingfei nodded slightly, acknowledging this evaluation.

The Kanto branch has never been an organization that can be said to be united. Akechi Asuya can control it because he has enough power, but the team leaders are definitely not convinced.

Luo Ye's words were neither complimentary nor derogatory, and it didn't matter even if they were being monitored by the Sheqi Eight Family.

"You are from the Miyamoto family, have you ever had contact with the head of the Miyamoto family?" Lu Mingfei asked, as he began to peel the second pear, his eyes seeming to scan the woman's face casually.

Luo Ye lowered her head, as if reminiscing, and after a few seconds she said: "Rarely, Miyamoto Shio doesn't deal with family affairs very much. Sometimes we feel that he values ​​the Yanliu Research Institute more than the Miyamoto family." Take it seriously." She directly called the head of the Miyamoto family by his name, with her dissatisfaction with him clearly written on her face.

This is no secret. Luo Ye believes that the tragic experience of himself and his sister Xiaoyou is inseparable from the inaction of the Miyamoto family.

"Mr. Shixiong is indeed a person who is very keen on research and work." Lu Mingfei said with a smile. He did not hate Miyamoto Shixiong. This rather weak family head actually had a very strong determination. In the last period of time and space, he was in Tokyo. He played a heroic role in the incident.

It's just that he is a little too strict. He actually carefully reviews and approves the experimental reports and papers submitted by Chu Zihang's team, and is very concerned about the progress of the Alchemy Magic Gear course.

"I often work in the branch, and I don't really know the heads of the family very well. If you plan to use me to find out the weaknesses or other secrets of the heads of the family, then you don't have to go to such trouble." Luo Ye also gave himself a message. Choosing a more comfortable position, she stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes. The lights in the ward were a bit dim. The moment the night fell and the light dimmed, Luo Ye's dark brown eyes suddenly turned.

Lu Mingfei's heart trembled. The peeling action was interrupted violently, and the pear skin also broke from here.

In espionage organizations, couriers usually use some code words or special actions to convey useful information. This is not an innate talent of human beings, but it is definitely a skill that anyone can learn and master.

Lu Mingfei and Luo Ye are both the best warriors. On the battlefield of dragon slaying, those who can be called excellent are all-round players. In the novel, it can be said that he is a contemporary king of soldiers.Lu Mingfei believed that the other party would not make such meaningless actions at such times and occasions for no reason, so this must have some special meaning.

But they had never cooperated before, and the only contact they had was a fight in the rain, so Lu Mingfei couldn't understand what Luo Ye wanted to say.

"It was Tachibana Masamune who brought you back to the family, you should know him, right?" Lu Mingfei said, now his thoughts are very flexible, people can't always act like they know nothing and hope others will solve the problem. , if you can’t understand, then continue to seek the answer to the question through other methods.

There would always be a chance for them to be alone together anyway, once she was out of the building.

"Yes." Luo Ye took a deep look at Lu Mingfei. Her eyelashes were very long, neat and curved, leaving beautiful shadows on her eyelids. At this moment, in the suddenly dim sky, the lights of the ward had not yet been illuminated. After adjusting, she actually looked a little weak.

Perhaps this is not a disguise, but what the real Miyamoto Luoye should look like.

"When Mr. Masamune brought me and Xiaoyou back to the family, we were still very young. Although he was the head of the family at that time, his prestige was far less than it is now. He even held the position of the Executive Directorate and often had to travel outside."

"Is Yuan Zhisheng with him?" Lu Mingfei asked suddenly.

"No, the current head of the Minamoto family was just a boy at that time, and I heard he was raised in the mountains." Luoye recalled, "Almost all the members of the Kanto branch have similar life experiences to us, and have received favors from Mr. Masamune. "

"You mean, there are so many A-level hybrids in the Guandong branch who escaped the family's blood test when they were young and had a bad childhood?" Lu Mingfei's eyes narrowed, and he thought about himself again Light a cigarette, and blue-white smoke rises like a line.

Smoking, drinking and making noise are usually not allowed in the medical department, but there is always such a thing as privilege in this world.There is no doubt that Lu Mingfei enjoys a high degree of privilege at Genji Heavy Industries.

The information of the Kanto branch was placed in Lu Mingfei's personal mailbox from two directions. They came from Kaguya and Norma respectively.

The bloodline of Japanese hybrids is the White King. Although their bloodline is generally better than that of European hybrids, they are not all Super Saiyan-like things like the Emperor.The rare A-level hybrids in Kassel Academy are much more present here, although they may be weaker.

But there is no doubt that the team leaders who make up the Kanto branch are all A-level.

Even in the Sheqiba family, this kind of bloodline will be valued and cultivated from an early age. It is hard to imagine that they will miss these excellent new blood.

Luo Ye said nothing, obviously acquiescing to this fact.Lu Mingfei had other ideas.

There are no such coincidences in the world. Everything the members of the Kanto branch encountered when they were young seemed to be moving in a direction that was beneficial to Tachibana Masamune.Except when playing cards, Lu Mingfei never believed in coincidences. He preferred to believe that this was all the work of Herzog. That evil ghost-like villain wanted to cultivate his power in Japan, and there was no doubt that the children who had not grown up yet is the most suitable choice.

"Okay, in this case I have nothing to ask. I wish you a speedy recovery." Lu Mingfei actually has a lot more he wants to know from this woman, but her situation is not good and she should be under surveillance. , maybe there are better opportunities to communicate.

He stood up and walked towards the door, his figure gradually disappearing into the darkness.

"Mr. Lu!"

Luo Ye suddenly stopped her.

Lu Mingfei stood at the door with his hands in his pockets and tilted his head slightly.

"My sister is not a slutty person. If one day you want to know her better, you can ask Xiao You to go to that place where there is no sky or earth. She will be very happy." Luo Ye's voice was light and soft, Inexplicably, there was a sense of relief.

Lu Mingfei's pupils suddenly shrank, he didn't say anything, he just turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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