Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 184 183 Aunt-like Diao Chan

Chapter 184 183. Aunt-like Diao Chan
"Is the matter settled?" The VIP elevator went directly down to the lobby on the first floor. Lu Mingfei stepped out of the elevator door. Chu Zihang's voice immediately came from next to him. He leaned against the wall with his arms folded and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei nodded.

Nowadays, the ground part of Genji Heavy Industries, except for the floor where the Snake Qihachi family places Kaguya's main machine and the strategic department, the other floors are basically unobstructed and undefended for Lu Mingfei.After visiting Miyamoto Fallen Leaves, he found Yabuki Sakura. Accompanied by Miss Sakura, he went to see Eriki. They played two games and whispered some words together, so they delayed some time.

Before leaving, Lu Mingfei repeatedly promised that he would come to pick up Eli Yi this weekend and go out to play, so the little girl finally let him go.

Caesar squeezed through the crowd and came to them. He glanced at Chu Zihang and then at Lu Mingfei: "Did you get any useful clues?"

Lu Mingfei was not the only one who was suspicious of the provocative behavior of the Sheqi Bajia Kanto branch against Yuan Zhisheng and Chu Zihang's team that night.The people who got into that car were at least A-level mixed-races. They had received the best education, had insight into people's hearts, and were familiar with politics. The first question they thought about after encountering such a thing was obviously whether there was something hidden in it. , and then you will think about what the purpose of the Kanto branch is.

So when Lu Mingfei proposed to meet alone with Miyamoto Luoye, who was still receiving treatment at the Sheqi Eight Family Medical Department, neither Chu Zihang nor Caesar, nor the heads of the Sheqi Eight Family, had much objection. .

"There are no clues at all. The power structure of the Kanto branch is a typical pyramid structure. Although Miyamoto Luoye and Miyamoto Xiaoyu can be regarded as the top layers of this pyramid, they are far from being able to touch the core affairs. "The situation." Lu Mingfei shook his head regretfully, "But I went to see Eri Yi and she is in good condition. She should be allowed to go out again soon."

Caesar whistled.

"I didn't expect that the relationship between you and the head of the Uesugi family would develop so quickly. By now, you can already call each other by his first name." He said with a smile in a low voice.

Chu Zihang gave them a cold look.

Caesar shrugged. Although Chu Zihang was nominally the leader of this study group, in fact his ability to control the group members was pitifully low. It could even be said that there was no superior-subordinate relationship at all.Both Caesar and Lu Mingfei have a high level of autonomy in all their actions in Japan.

In a sense, if they wanted to, they could even start a war between the Secret Party and the Snake Qiba Family just by relying on their own efforts.

Of course, there is no need to say more about Caesar. Behind him is the entire Gattuso family. Now the most prominent wealthy family in the Camarilla, even if they face the Sheqiba family alone, they may not be much weaker, not to mention that there are many members of the school board of directors. The young man is a staunch supporter of the Gattuso family.If Caesar, as the established successor, encounters some unfair treatment or is persecuted in Japan, the Camarilla may really launch an attack to hold him accountable.

After all, the Snake Qihachi family had already shown its desire for independence many years ago. Under the leadership of Tachibana Masamune, this powerful family had already begun to be unwilling to be controlled by the secret party.All those who hold high positions in Japanese mixed-race society and European mixed-race society know that war is imminent, and the current calm is just the last peace before the storm.

If Caesar had any problems in Japan, the Gattuso family would definitely not mind starting this war in advance.

As for Lu Mingfei, behind him are Angers and the elders. Moreover, he can be called an army in his own right. He can even reproduce Angers' feats in Japan through infiltration, assassination and subversion.

"If you still want to go out with the head of the Uesugi family, then I suggest you go to Hokkaido. The beaches there are very clean and the sunshine is very warm." Chu Zihang said expressionlessly.

He is a very decisive person. Since he agrees with what Caesar said last time, he will naturally not interfere too much with Lu Mingfei's affairs.

Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I've finished the matter with Genji Heavy Industries. Do we have any other plans for tonight?"

"The academy has a stronghold in Edogawa, which is also our safe harbor. This safe harbor has now been exposed, but it still retains the function of the station." Chu Zihang said, "According to the academy's mission manual, we need While performing the task, go to any college station within the specified time period to report on the progress.”

Lu Mingfei knew about this provision in the mission manual, but when he was the president of the student union and worked for the executive department in the past period of time, he rarely implemented this part of the mission.

Because most of his tasks at that time were immediate and usually did not last long.

"Then let's go to Edogawa now?" Lu Mingfei looked at Chu Zihang and then at Caesar.

"I heard that the nightclubs in Edogawa are very famous. After reporting on the progress of the mission, we can go and have fun." Caesar looked forward to it.

Lu Mingfei bumped him with his shoulder, with a smile on his face that all men knew.

Chu Zihang said: "But as far as I know, the nightclubs in Edogawa are not high-end places. There are many traditional Japanese girls with buck teeth and bow legs mixed in there."

"I have to say it's really disappointing." Caesar raised his eyebrows, and then he showed his face, "But it doesn't matter, the bow-legged and buck-toothed girl may not be extremely enchanting. Maybe we can meet our respective springs there."

"Come on, senior brother, I don't want my spring to be a bow-legged Yamato Nadeshiko." Lu Mingfei said.
As Lu Mingfei expected, the college's safe haven was still an Internet cafe, but it was not Mambo, but another one with the name "Yiwei".

Compared with the slightly pornographic accommodation Internet cafe that Lu Mingfei accidentally visited a long time ago, the college's station seemed ordinary.

The person guarding the door was a tall, plump and energetic aunt who spoke Japanese with a Kagoshima accent and was scolding the waiter who had just made a mistake.

When Lu Mingfei opened the door, he thought he had come to the wrong place. He originally thought that the head of the college should be a burly man who had been fighting for a long time. He retired from the executive department and lived in seclusion in the corner of the city. He is elegant in suits and leather shoes, but he often hides a loaded shotgun under his desk.

Taking a step back, it should be that the commissioners of the Executive Department are on duty in turns. They wear black trench coats on the outside and suits and linings on the inside. They have the school badge of Kassel on their chests, wear a pair of sunglasses, and always carry Kassel College in their hands. Weapons box provided by the Equipment Department.

And it is definitely not an ordinary or even somewhat unattractive aunt guarding the door.If this is the disguise of a certain ace commissioner, then Lu Mingfei can only say that senior sister is about to accept your magical power. You are not just a disguise, you have completely integrated into the character, okay?

When Chu Zihang's team pushed the door open and came in, the aunt didn't even raise her eyes. She was still chattering and scolding the waiter who was about to cry. The broom in the boy's hand was shaky and seemed to be unable to hold up and was about to break.

Caesar looked at Chu Zihang. Chu Zihang understood, took something out of his arms and waved it in front of the aunt. The aunt immediately became serious and waved away the timid-looking waiter.

"What is the cafeteria chef's favorite dish?" The aunt's eyes were quite murderous. She put her hand on her waist and turned sideways to make a warning gesture. Lu Mingfei looked at the part that was comparable to a bucket in confusion, wondering if it could be hidden there. Weapons are deeply suspicious.

Chu Zihang had already reached into his tennis bag. He took off his sunglasses, and his golden eyes flashed away. The aunt blinked, and the young man had put his sunglasses back on.

"Pork knuckles, all kinds of German-style pork knuckles, roasted pork knuckles with sauce, stewed pork knuckles with pickled vegetables." Chu Zihang said coldly.

Lu Mingfei covered his face.

"The answer is correct!" The aunt twisted her waist to get out of the way. Her round and round face, which was tight just now, now beamed with joy.

"I am Reiko Kobayakawa, the person in charge here. I graduated from the Alchemy Mechanical Department of Kassel College in 1986. The execution department number is B870349. The mission code is Diao Chan. You can call me by my name or my code name."

"Well... B870349, I am Chu Zihang, this is Caesar Gattuso, and this is Lu Mingfei. I think the academy has conveyed the specific information of our mission to you. The main purpose of coming to the academy's Tokyo station this time is It is to report on the progress of the mission. It is now 18:59 in the evening. I need you to clear this place in 31 minutes. While expelling irrelevant people, you must also ensure that all communication channels except the college dedicated line network are closed." Chu Zihang hesitated. After a few seconds, he called out the executive department number of senior Diao Chan. Probably because he thought it was impolite to call him Reiko Kobayakawa, and he also felt that the name Diao Chan was a bit embarrassing.

"Of course I know everyone, Mr. Lu, Mr. Gattuso and Mr. Chu! The three legendary young men of Kassel College who were rumored to have turned out to be as beautiful as flowers and jade for the first time." Aunt Diao Chan cupped her chin and made a smile. She looks like a daughter, with her eyes turning round and round, as if there are little stars shining inside.

"Which one of us does Miss Lianzi like best?" Caesar asked with a smile.

Aunt Diao Chan looked at Chu Zihang with a charming look: "It is a proud man like Chu Jun that girls appreciate more."

"That's it. Lu Mingfei and I both have Chu Jun's sexy photos on our phones. We can give them to you with the signatures later." Caesar patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder vigorously.Chu Zihang's fist clenched loudly.

"Please take us to the liaison room." Chu Zihang said coldly.

"Oh, please come with me!" Aunt Diao Chan led the way with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the environment here is very similar to the dark Internet cafes that Lu Mingfei used to frequent in China. When he pushed open the screen between the computer area and the cashier area, a buzzing noise came out.

Apparently this Internet cafe, run by the college and once used as a safe haven, does not prohibit smoking, and the low fluorescent tubes are shrouded in choking smoke.Probably because the environment is a bit unbearable, there is not even a single girl in this huge Internet cafe. There are also very few young people. Most of them are middle-aged people wearing low-quality suits and putting their briefcases aside.But everyone was quiet, no one was making noises or cursing, and everyone was immersed in doing their own things.

When Aunt Diao Chan led Chu Zihang and the others past the middle-aged man with red eyes who was typing furiously on the keyboard and the bald man who lowered his voice in the chat room and exchanged heartfelt words with his sister across from him, Lu Mingfei It is quite emotional, and I feel that time is really a butcher's knife.

Sitting in the lobby, these bald men who numb themselves with cigarettes and only occasionally take time to relax in the Internet cafe were once teenagers who dreamed that they could save the world and win beautiful women.

Who can guarantee that Reiko Kobayakawa, who is now tall and round-waisted, was not as beautiful as Diaochan in 1987.

In short, the person in charge of this Internet cafe led them into the innermost private room. It was said to be a private room but its area was actually very limited. It was a small room of seven or eight square meters, with tatami mats on the floor and cornflowers hanging on the wall. There are oil paintings and thin-necked porcelain vases with plastic flowers that have become silky. Four computer desks are placed side by side against the wall. Several computers look very new, and they are probably maintained from time to time.

In addition, there is actually a cabinet in the private room. When the cabinet door is opened, the smell of mothballs comes out. You can see bedding and pillows inside. You can surf the Internet and sleep here like other most common Internet cafes in Japan.

Many Internet cafes in Japan have single rooms for Internet access, but the space is very small. Some travel friends or backpackers will choose to sleep in Internet cafes to save money.There are not many people who use Internet cafes as capsule hotels. It is very convenient and affordable. Usually such Internet cafes are equipped with vending machines, instant noodles, drinks, melon seeds and chicken drumsticks, and you can even buy various ultra-thin or even thickened condoms with bubbles. arrive.

After entering the box, Aunt Diao Chan said hello and then left quietly. It is very disturbing to disturb others in any form in Japan. I think Miss Reiko should be a very traditional Japanese at her age. The Western education I received from the Kassel Academy couldn't be changed.

After the person in charge left, Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other and nodded. Then they each found devices for detecting electronic equipment from different places. They held them in their hands and walked slowly along the wall of the room. They checked this several times. after times

Then he walked over to Lu Mingfei, who was already in the middle of the tatami, and sat down next to him.

Although the private room was small, it was not so close that they had to be next to each other. However, Lu Mingfei didn't say anything, thinking that the two senior brothers must have something to say.

"Hey, hey, why do you have to hide something from me!" Lu Mingfei shouted softly,

"I really don't think I have read the mission manual, damn! This is a learning mission, not a combat mission, so why do we need to report on the progress of the mission?"

"Junior brother is really smart as ice and snow." Caesar complimented with a smile, and Lu Mingfei held his hands and said to each other.

Chu Zihang cleared his throat and said, you don't want to talk about business, we are here for business.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Aunt Diao Chan whispered outside that drinks had been prepared for several guests. Chu Zihang looked at Caesar, and Caesar looked at Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei reluctantly got up and opened the door.

"Tea and soda are prepared for the guests, please use them slowly." Auntie had no intention of coming in. Lu Mingfei nodded with a smile. He took the tray and was about to go back, but Auntie blocked the door.

"By the way, Mr. Lu, do you and Mr. Gattuso really have sexy photos of Chu Zihang in their hands?" Diao Chan looked shy. She is really charming and moving. I felt pity for him. Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched. Shaking his head: "No, Caesar is joking with you. How could someone like Chu Zihang take any sexy photos?"

But for some reason, Lu Mingfei felt that this middle-aged lady looked familiar to her from this angle.

It seemed like I had seen him somewhere before, or he seemed to be somewhat similar to an old friend.

However, Boss Lu quickly shook his head and got rid of these unrealistic thoughts. He should have rarely known women of this size in his past and present lives. Even if his aunt's figure was graceful at best, it would not be the same as the word "wide body and fat body". Not relevant.

After Diao Chan turned around and left, Lu Mingfei returned to Caesar and Chu Zihang with a drink. They all looked at him, making Boss Lu a little shy.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering where to start." Chu Zihang said, Caesar stretched out his hand and pressed Brother Sha's shoulder: "I'll do it."

Chu Zihang showed a slightly relaxed expression.

In the art of speaking, ten Chu Zihangs combined cannot compare to one Caesar. This matter is not only recognized by the academy, but also by Chu Zihang himself.He is actually a very strong person and is unwilling to admit defeat in many things. After becoming the president of the Lionheart Club, he also tried to speak like Caesar, showing strong leadership and speech talents. However, in the first time During the internal meeting, this behavior was stopped by Lancelot, who had not yet fully handed over his responsibilities as president.

"If you want to compete with Caesar in the academy, then you have to talk less, because no matter how much you talk, you can't beat him, so it is better to create a strong and silent image." These are Lancelot's original words, Obviously this nobleman from Paris does not trust his chosen successor.

"Before coming to Japan, as someone with S-level authority, you should have already known about the Fierce Ghosts, right?" Caesar asked in a low voice.

Lu Mingfei said without changing his expression: "Yes, in my opinion, the fierce ghosts are the dark side of the Snakesaki family. They are the deepest darkness in the country of Japan. They are the hybrids who are regarded as 'ghosts' by the Snakesaki family." A deformed society composed together.”

Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other.

"Absolutely, it's almost the same as what we know, but this is because of the limitations of information. It is difficult for the secret party's power to penetrate into the country of Japan, because the Snakesaki Hachi family and Kaguya almost control the entire mixed-race society here. ." Caesar nodded, "The heads of the eight Snakesaki families, headed by Tachibana Masamune, do not want the academy to be too involved in Japanese affairs. After World War II, the Eight Snakesaki families have been seeking independence, and are getting closer and closer to it. In fact, they are independent, so in this case, they cannot let the fierce ghosts be completely exposed under the eyes of the secret party, at least they cannot let the academy know the true strength of the fierce ghosts."

Lu Mingfei nodded in approval.Kassel Academy is the continuation of the Camarilla. This organization continues the Camarilla's past style and code of conduct, and its tolerance for corrupted hybrids and dragons is almost zero.Of course, the school board can turn a blind eye to an insignificant degenerate mixed-race organization, provided that it is really insignificant and that the college can destroy it as long as it gets serious.But if the Demons are actually an organization that can compete with behemoths like the Snakezaki Hachi family, then the school directors will have to consider re-formulating a white paper on Japanese mixed-race society.

"The Demons we know are a fallen hybrid organization that runs around Japan and is often faced with being completely wiped out by the Snakesaki family. But the real Demons are very powerful. They can even fight with Snakes in various cities in this country. Eight families compete for control of the shadow society, and their shadows can be seen even in Tokyo," Caesar said.

Lu Mingfei took a sip of tea: "But what does this have to do with us?"

"The Snakesaki Eight Family have never known who led the Fierce Ghosts, but Chu Zihang and I have already met two of them." Caesar lowered his voice even lower, "They use the skills of shogi to The chess pieces are code names, and the people who lead the entire organization are Wang Jiang, Dragon King and Ryoma. Dragon King is a Kabuki who calls himself Kazama Ruri, which brings a very dangerous feeling to me and Chu Zihang. Ryoma is a very coquettish character. The woman named Sakurai Kogure is also very dangerous."

Lu Mingfei looked calm on the surface, but in fact, there was a turmoil in his heart.

Herzog has been setting out in Japan for many years, and there are two identities that are already known to him, namely Masamune Tachibana, the leader of the Snake Qihachi family, and Ogishang, the leader of the Fierce Demons.He controls the largest organization in Japan's mixed-race society in two different identities, and controls the fate of Minamoto and Minamoto at the same time.

According to Caesar and Chu Zihang, Fengjian Liuli, the pseudonym of Yuan Zhennu, had already met them, but Lu Mingfei didn't remember that their meeting in the last period of time would have happened in this time period. It was too early, even They have not yet reached the abyss.

Besides, why did Yuan Zhinu choose to contact people from the academy at this time? Has he already decided to take action against the king general?

At the same time, Lu Mingfei finally knew why Caesar and Chu Zihang insisted on discussing this matter at the former safe haven, now the executive branch of Kassel College in Tokyo.

If the whole of Tokyo is regarded as an airtight network, then this small Internet cafe is the only loophole in this vast network.

Kaguya's power cannot penetrate into this Internet cafe, and all the contents of their conversation will not be known to the Snake Qihachi family.

Obviously, looking at the attitudes of Chu Zihang and Caesar, Yuan Zhennu should have revealed some important information to them and made some kind of promise.

This so-called study group has a high degree of autonomy granted by the academy when it comes to actions. When necessary, they have the right to launch a secret party war against the Snake Qiba family.Therefore, choosing to contact the Fierce Ghosts is not a big deal for Caesar and Chu Zihang. The only thing they need to do now is to convince Lu Mingfei.

"So..." Lu Mingfei looked serious.

"We have obtained some information and need to tell you in advance, and will immediately carry out a temporary mission." Chu Zihang put Murasame on his knees, his expression was serious.

The roar of the engine sounded from all directions like a torrential rain at this moment. Silently, they were surrounded by an army.

(End of this chapter)

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