Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 188 187 Fallen Leaves and Gongqing

Chapter 188 187. Fallen Leaves and Gongqing (2)

The leaders of the Guandong branch often compared their family backgrounds. They despised the cowardly and corrupt big shots in their families, but they were very proud of their bloodline.For example, Akechi Asuka's grandfather was once the Wakazu of the Inuyama family. When Inuyama Ga was away, he would use the old man's orders to guide the family forward. Unfortunately, many years ago, Asuka's grandfather was able to protect Asuka during the demon-slaying operation. Killed by a young man.For another example, Kotetsu actually came from the Fuma family. When he was very young, he was judged to be of dangerous blood, but it was later discovered that he was misjudged, so he was brought back to the family to be retrained, but he had been left with serious psychological trauma in the nursing home.

The blood of the Miyamoto family flows in the bodies of Luo Ye and Xiao You. Miyamoto Shixiong should be regarded as their closer elder, but they have never crossed paths.The family doesn't care how hard they are to survive in a dark world. The family only cares about justice, and only cares about Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.

There are some things that Luo Ye can no longer remember. Those dark and unbearable past always make people fall into nightmares every night and cannot extricate themselves.She just still remembers her mother.

Like Luo Ye and Xiao You, their mother is also a member of the same family, but their grandfather is Korean and their grandmother is from the Sakurai family.

Luo Ye didn't know why she thought of her mother at this time. Perhaps the fire of revenge had burned for too long and burned away everything worth remembering in this world, leaving only the last one, the only one who really loved them. people.

My father was not like that many years ago. He didn’t like drinking or gambling. He just liked and was keen on drinking tea.My mother is also very good. She is a beautiful woman, very gentle, and she does not look like she is going to become a ghost.Luo Ye and Xiao You were actually very happy when they were children. In the family system, they were probably considered very lucky children.

Mom always loves to laugh, and Luo Ye and Xiao You both like the octopus balls made by her.They still remember that their mother had shallow pear dimples when she smiled, her silky hair was tied into a high bun with hairpins made of hickory wood, and she always liked to wear a white and peach turtleneck sweater. She looks petite, but she is actually a very strong woman.

Luo Ye didn't know what the word "Miyamoto" in her name meant until a long time later. She only knew that her father worked in the government department and came home very late every day. When he came home, he always looked tired, like First hug the mother, then pick up the fallen leaves and little lobsters, and prick the girls’ delicate faces with their stiff beards.

They lived in an apartment in Banqiao at that time. Looking north at night was not the gleaming night view of the city, but the continuous mountains with continuous trees. In the summer, the chirping of cicadas and the stars in the sky together formed those memories that are deeply remembered. at night.When my mother likes to cool off on the rooftop at night, she holds her daughters and points to the mountains, saying that her mother lived in the mountains of Osaka before she came to Tokyo. There are chubby civet cats and red wild fruits in the mountains, and the water flows down from the mountains and flows into the river. It's very clean. My mother would use this water to bathe when she was little.

At this time, Luo Ye would think about what a chubby civet cat looked like. Xiao You bit her nails and hugged her mother's neck, pressing her little face against her mother's face and asking, "Are the red wild fruits delicious?"
The mother pinched Xiaoyou's face and said with a smile that it was a little sour but mostly sweet. When her mother was very young, she had a brother with whom she had a close relationship. The brother would bring back a lot of wild fruits every day. Others were envious of her mother.

Later, when Japan's economy was in recession, my father was fired from his job and started his own business, but he failed to make any money. From then on, he began to drink heavily. The kind father who used to be kind came home every night covered in bruises. Due to alcohol, he changed from a gentle husband to a violent alcoholic. After the failure of his business, the family's financial situation became more and more severe. Luo Ye could always see his father hiding on the rooftop and smoking alone.But suddenly one day it was different. The family seemed to have made a fortune. Dad bought a new house in Shinjuku District and moved in with his mother and Luoye Xiaoyou. The titanium black building was right next to Luoye every night when he looked up. Wherever she could see, she could overlook the city, and she had become a member of the city, but she could no longer see the mountains north of Banqiao and the starry sky that was not polluted by city lights.

My mother's health seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. My father would bring her colorful imported medicines that were said to be precious every day, but my mother's condition was still getting worse.Soon after, Luo Ye and Xiao You were not allowed to visit their mother. She was put in a room alone. Sometimes Luo Ye would sneak in when his father was not around, and her mother would pick Luo Ye up and put her on the bed, touching her. Touch her cheek and touch her hair.Luo Ye said, "Mom, when will you get better?" My sister and I wanted to see my grandma in Osaka, and we also wanted to see the fat civet cats and wild fruits in the mountains.My mother smiled and scratched her nose and said that my Luo Ye was a good boy. She would get better soon. When summer comes, grandma will drive to Tokyo to pick us up. We can go to the mountains to see civet cats and eat wild fruits. Take a bath with mountain spring water.

But before that winter was over, a group of men in black suits broke into the house. They wanted to take away their already very weak mother. Luo Ye and Xiao You had just returned from kindergarten and were still carrying small schoolbags. They rushed over and cried. I stood in front of them and said, don't touch my mother. My mother also cried and begged, saying, please let me see my daughters again.

The first time Dad got angry, he was not angry at the men who broke into the house. He slapped Luo Ye in the face and asked Xiao You to go to the room and kneel down to the wall. Men in suits stood at the door and tied Mom with nylon ropes. Tied up and watched coldly.

After that day, Luo Ye and Xiao You never saw their mother again. Their father became very wealthy and would bring different women to his home every day. Later, he fell in love with gambling. He won some money at first, and then the more he gambled, the bigger the money became. Goddess of Luck He won't always favor the same person, and finally one day he loses everything.

In the summer of the next year, Luo Ye’s grandmother in the mountains of Osaka also died. It is said that when she went to a shrine to pray for her daughter, she accidentally fell down the hillside and was pierced through the heart by a withered piece of wood.Mother originally said that the old man would drive to Tokyo this summer to pick them up and go to the mountains to see fat civet cats and wild fruits.

Later, Luoye and Xiaoyou went to the mountains to see the fat civet cat. In fact, it was not as cute as they imagined. It was a bit mean and liked to stand up and grab food from other people's hands.They have also eaten wild fruits from the mountains of Osaka, but most of them are not sweet as their mother said.

Very sour and astringent.
In the light of the sword, Luo Ye's heart felt like stillness. She suddenly felt at peace. This world was not gentle. She didn't like this world. It would be good if she died here. She was already very tired and her spine was being bent.

There are very few Japanese killing swords that use double swords and long swords. Luo Ye has never been considered a swordsman genius. She only charges without fear of death with the help of the word spirit named Guisheng.

But today, she actually waved her swords as if dancing a graceful ballet, and the hem of her red evening gown bloomed as the woman rotated.

Everything about her was beautiful. In the mist from the fire sprinklers, she looked like a gorgeous elf in the forest. She was so charming, but her eyes were so fierce, like a lioness trying to fight for her life.Luo Ye's hand holding the knife was very steady. She had always been able to hold the knife steadily. The two slender knives were as bright as the cold moonlight, and each knife was aimed at the king's throat and heart.But the old man under the mask of Gongqing was not panicked. His pupils were frighteningly bright. Compared with him, the golden pupils of fallen leaves were like fireflies and stars.

The simple ancient sword held tightly by the dry palm like an ancient tree was probably the imperial sword enshrined in a remote shrine. It was pitch black. After it was unsheathed, it was actually somewhat similar in appearance to Chu Zihang's Murasame. In the hands of the general Flexible beyond imagination, fast and furious.Every blade of Luo Ye is a fight that burns life and soul, and can even split granite, but the imperial sword only blocks, and little sparks fly, like a counter-flowing galaxy, illuminating Luo Ye's face, and also illuminating the The pale face of the minister.

The king kept blocking the blows of the beautiful woman in front of him. His bloodline was far better than Luo Ye's, ten times better, a hundred times better!In the Cassel Academy's grading system, Luoye and Xiaoyou are both excellent hybrids that can be rated as A-level. As for Wang Jiang, if he is sent to Cassel Academy, his bloodline will not be rated, and he will directly Being judged as Deadpool or Ancient Dragon, the only result waiting for him is to be executed or killed.

The crimson evening dress was torn by the sword and was covered in scars, but the king seemed to have deliberately not harmed the woman's fair skin. He was blocking the stabbing blade in a fashionable manner and could leisurely appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Those blades that can cut through granite are like cutting on diamonds when they hit the blade of the royal sword in the king's hand. The king didn't even use much force. His movements were precise and dangerous, like inserting a knife into flowing water. gap.

The moonlight and the swirling lights of Tokyo condensed at this moment, the ivory white sandpaper curtains were blown up, and the wind neighed like a red horse galloping in the sky and passed over this titanium black building. Genji Heavy Industries seemed to Gunshots were heard everywhere, and dragon blood boiled in Luo Ye's body. Now was the most powerful time in her life. She was so powerful that she seemed to hold the greatest power in the world. When she looked around, her golden eyes As if looking for his own throne made of steel.

But in front of the king, her extreme strength was as weak as a baby. She could neutralize all attacks with a swing of her sword. The humid air buzzed and trembled due to the collision of metal, and the water mist jumped like an elf.

This smart woman quickly realized this. She had realized that she seemed to be being insulted. The king would not kill her, but just cut her clothes open with a knife, revealing her fair skin and girlish body that exuded fluorescence. The crimson golden eyes under that uncomfortable mask of a public official revealed joy and desire.King General is just a code name, but no matter who is hidden behind this code name, he is no longer a human being. Perhaps an evil ghost is more suitable to describe him.

Being stared at by such eyes, Luo Ye only felt that she had no way to escape or retreat. She gritted her teeth. The light of the sword and the scream of the air being torn were reflected in the water curtain. He slashed with all his strength and finally defeated the evil king general for the first time. A faint laugh came from his mouth, but Luo Ye had already jumped back and assumed a completely different starting position from before.

She stepped back with her left foot and moved her right leg forward. She held the knife in front of her chest with the blade pointed at the king, and held the knife behind her back as if to hide all murderous intent.This is a variation of the Enmei-ryu's starting stance created by the sword master Miyamoto Musashi. Usually, the right hand holds a tachi forward to kill the enemy, and the left hand holds a small dachi to pierce armor and cut the throat. Very few humans can break through the limits of the body and use it like Fallen Leaf. The two swords of equal length are used in the swordsmanship of Enmei Ryu when fighting.

"What's wrong? My good boy, you still can't remember who I am?" The king's breath slowly became silent, and his voice suddenly became deeper, and there seemed to be a joking smile on the corners of his lips. The crimson golden pupils were indistinguishable from two huge torches burning in the darkness.

Luo Ye didn't speak. She breathed heavily, trying to regain her almost exhausted strength.

The Snake Qihachi family will never tell the Kanto branch any forbidden techniques that can improve their bloodline. These crazy young people have learned how to squeeze their potential to the limit. They fall into desperate situations when fighting, and burn themselves in desperate situations. of blood.

Luo Ye and Xiao You are by no means the most powerful people in the Kanto tribe, but they can always force themselves into more terrifying desperate situations. They are keen on creating miracles and are good at creating miracles.

The king seemed to be in no rush to kill Luo Ye, so Luo Ye looked for hope in a desperate situation.

The calm seemed to last only for a moment. The king did not leave Luo Ye much time to recover his strength. He let out a contemptuous smile, held the handle of the imperial sword in his right hand, clamped it under his arm, and walked towards Luo Ye step by step. Go, his timbre and tone are very seductive, not unpleasant, but like a sharp knife, piercing into the soul of fallen leaves.

She actually remembered who the owner of this voice was.

The crazy wind blew the city's buildings swaying like a forest in the mountains, and the fallen leaves bit her lower lip so hard that blood spilled out. She was so angry that she screamed like a female leopard, and she whirled and slashed at the king's general with her two swords. Throat and chest, but the king is as flexible as the most elegant dancer. He is far faster than the fallen leaves, spinning around her, as light as if he was blown by the wind, with shadows connected, and under the light and fire, he is like the most ornamental person in the world. ballet.

It was clearly Luo Ye who was attacking, but it was General Wang who was guiding the rhythm of attack and defense.The knife in the woman's hand was suddenly taken away, and her expression was shocked, then turned to disgust.

Wang Jiang stood completely in front of her, holding Luo Ye's slender waist. The old man under the mask of the public minister really retained the vitality of a young man. He stared condescendingly into the girl's eyes, with golden pupils and golden pupils shining with majesty. He With the skill of Argentine tango king Carlos Gardel, he grasped the fallen leaves and started to spin. The hem of the evening dress flew up, and the silver light swirled on the shoes. The sound of the heels hitting the ground was symphonic, clear and sweet, accompanied by the not so harmonious. There was a sound of flesh and blood being cut, and Luo Ye's eyes gradually lost their luster.At the end of the tango-like attack and defense, Wang Jiang inserted the imperial sword into the heart of Luo Ye, pulled it out, and inserted it again, smoothly and smoothly, without affecting the elegance of the almost dancing posture.

Fallen Leaf gradually rested her chin on the old man's shoulder, and what hit her face was the smell of cigars that had appeared many times in her dreams. This smell was not annoying, but every time it appeared in her dreams, it was a nightmare.

"If I remember correctly, your word spirit is Guisheng. Such a death is not painful for you. You didn't have to die so early, but you chose to betray. No one on the throne will tolerate betrayal." Wang Jiang said in Luo Ye's ear.

Luo Ye laughed softly. With Gui Sheng's help, she really couldn't feel the pain, but all the strength in her body was passing away. She seemed to be saying something, but Wang Jiang couldn't hear clearly. He stopped his movements and let go of Luo Ye's waist. Limbs, the woman went limp, so that he finally knew what she was talking about.

"It turns out it's you, it turns out it's you, King General, Tachibana Masamune, it turns out it's you who did all this..."

Luo Ye finally completely remembered that sound and those smells. They were the most unbearable part of her dark past. The person who was violent to Xiao You that year was the person who took her mother away when she was very young.

"It's a pity that when you knew the truth, you had already stepped into hell with one foot. In this feast of dividing power, you and your sister are insignificant figures. What can you do if you know it at this time?" Gong Qing The mask was taken off and held in his hand. Underneath was a distorted face full of grooves.

Tachibana Masamune's face.

Luo Ye pressed the hilt of the knife inserted into her heart, coughing up blood when she laughed, "The king is Tachibana Masamune, it was you who faced Xiao You that year..." As she said this, her life was passing by, but between her teeth It's like biting steel, hateful and sharp.

"It's me. Your sister is great. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to spend a good night with you." Tachibana Masamune knelt down and patted Luo Ye's pale face. There was an even crazier smile on his lips.

"And your mother, do you still remember the medicine your father gave her? It was a very expensive injection, a Molotov cocktail. Unfortunately, she was not the lucky one who could tolerate the effects of the medicine. She was made in my hands. Now that you have become Deadpool, don’t worry, your mother is qualified to serve in front of the throne.”

Luo Ye still held the handle of the knife, staring into Tachibana Masamune's eyes with faded golden eyes, as if he wanted to remember this man's face in his heart even if he was going to hell.

She has died, but the fire of hatred is still burning. Before she died, she had guessed that the tragic past of everyone in the Kanto branch was probably controlled by the king, or Masamune Tachibana, but they had no way to resist their own fate. .

Fate, like a raging river, drowned her at this moment, making this tired woman finally suffocate.

In the end, she just thought that her mother was right. The wild fruits in the mountains of Osaka are very sweet. Although some are sour, most of them are still sweet.

A distant wind blew up from the corner of the room, and Tachibana Masamune's clothes and hair were blown back. He pulled out the knife from Luo Ye's heart and watched her really die. The smile on his old face gradually faded. .He lit a cigar, took a deep puff in the water curtain, and then threw out the lighter that spit out blue flames. The ivory white curtains burned, and the fire spread as if it would not be extinguished by the water, wrapping the fallen leaves' corpses. , he finally blew out a puff of blue smoke, put on his mask of public minister again, turned around and left.

 I wrote [-] words today, but the other [-] words are a bit incompatible with this chapter, so I will leave them in tomorrow’s chapter, so let’s just say [-] words tomorrow.

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(End of this chapter)

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