Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 189 188 Serpentine Deadpool

Chapter 189 188. Snake Deadpool
A black Hummer with a Kyoto license plate was speeding on the Tomei Expressway. It was fashionable and it was not late at night, but there were very few vehicles passing by. Looking to the left and right, the undulating mountains looked like a girl's graceful beauty under the ignorant rain. The curves are so beautiful.It was obviously the same day. Tokyo was still very dry, but Osaka was raining heavily. The bright car lights cut through the endless torrential rain, and walls of water as high as a person were splashed on both sides of the wheels.

There were only two people in the car, namely Minamoto Chisei and Tachibana Masamune, and it was obviously the former who was driving. Both of them had sullen faces, and the atmosphere was solemn and chilly.

In recent times, the activities of the Oni Sect have become more frequent, and a mafia organization under the family's rule has passed on conclusive information to the family, believing that they have seen signs of a large-scale gathering of Oni Oni members in the mountains of Osaka.

The Snake Qihachi family has always had a low tolerance for degenerate hybrids with the blood of the White King flowing in their bodies. The demon slayers of the Executive Bureau can even go across the entire Japan to hunt down an out-of-control demon and insert a long knife into his heart. .At this time, I heard that the demons appeared in the mountains of Osaka. As the director of the Executive Bureau, I had to go to check it out for justice or my own responsibilities. He was also accompanied by the elite cadres of the Executive Bureau and crows, The two retainers of Yaksha.As the head of the family at this time, Masamune Tachibana could have sat at Genji Heavy Industries and paid attention to this exploratory operation. However, the old man told Genji that his friends in Osaka were already very old. If he did not seize the opportunity this time, he One look, and maybe there will never be another chance to drink together again.

Yuan Zhisheng has always been strong and confident in front of the family heads, and seems to always be able to take the initiative in any action.All the ghosts he targets will always be killed even if they run to the ends of the earth. Spider Che has already drunk the blood of the fallen.But those are actually appearances. Minamoto Zhisheng sometimes feels like a Pinta Island tortoise raised by his family. In fact, his biggest responsibility is not to fulfill Amaterasu's duties and become the most powerful in the world. The ghost slayer is like a stallion in a stable, constantly mating with various women to give birth to outstanding heirs for the family, and passing on the great royal blood in his body.

His character is actually more like a tortoise, cautious, cautious, and a little indecisive.

According to Yuan Zhisheng's own ideas, he and Tachibana Masamune should not appear in the same place at the same time. Although no one has ever made it clear, the senior leaders of the entire Sheqiba family have vaguely formed a consensus.

A Japanese underworld political circle with Tachibana Masamune as the core and Minamoto Chisaki as the crown prince has been formed many years ago. From the perspective of ancient countries, Tachibana Masamune is like the emperor of this shadow empire, and Minamoto Chisaki is the emperor. According to his orders, he is the well-deserved crown prince of this country.

Of course, the emperor and the prince cannot stay together. If they are ambushed by fierce ghosts in the mountains of Osaka, the entire family will immediately fall into the embarrassing situation of being leaderless. The order that the Snake Qihachi family has finally established in the decades since the war has been It will disappear in an instant.

But when facing Tachibana Masamune, Yuan Zhisheng always felt that he was still the ignorant and reckless boy in the mountains who was fifteen or sixteen years old. Dad didn't even need to say much, he only needed to tell Yuan Zhisheng that he wanted to go. He will definitely be able to go along.

The close relationship between the current head of the family and the future head of the family is a good thing in the eyes of the family heads. This means that if one day Masamune Tachibana needs to give up his position as the head of the Jakaki Eight Family, the transfer of power will not It's as bloody as ever.

So when Masamune Tachibana told Minamoto that he wanted to go to Osaka together, Minamoto agreed without hesitation.

But soon, they realized that this was a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Before the Executive Bureau's convoy even arrived in Osaka, Kaguya heard the news of the attack on Genji Heavy Industries, followed by a series of calls into Tachibana Masamune and Genji's mobile phones.

"The heads of the Inuyama family and the Fuma family, who are good at dealing with emergencies, were entrusted to go to Hokkaido a day ago to try and punish local gang leaders who violated the rules. The only ones left in Tokyo are the Ryoma family, the Miyamoto family, and the Sakurai family. The Ryoma family He once served in the Self-Defense Forces and has strong combat experience, and there is no doubt about his personal ability. However, the head of the Miyamoto family and the head of the Sakurai family are not strong combatants. They cannot give Ryoma any protection against the attack of the fierce ghosts. The head of the family has given me too much help." Masamune Tachibana cast his gaze out the window. In the rearview mirror, he could see the roaring motorcade behind the rain curtain, forming a long snake and speeding on the highway. The wildly flowing water curtain was smashed, and the continuous The headlights are like a swarm of bees.

The Sheqi Eight Families Executive Bureau is one of the most powerful mixed-race armed forces in the world. This organization is nominally affiliated with the Japanese branch of Kassel Academy. Its members are all the most elite warriors of the Sheqi Eight Families. , every one of them who is stuffed into Kassel Academy can be directly rated as B-level or above by virtue of their own blood. The executive board composed of these people is united under the strong iron-fisted rule of Minamoto Chisei and Tachibana Masamune. , both execution and destructive power can crush most of the effective forces of Cassel Academy branches in the world.

But their enemies are ghosts who are even much stronger than these ghost slayers in terms of blood.The war between the Menggui clan and the Snake Qiba family often means huge economic losses and casualties. The power of the Executive Board is sometimes even stretched in Japan.

Usually there are not too many members of the executive board staying at Genji Heavy Industries in Tokyo. This time Masamune Tachibana and Minamoto Chisei went to Osaka to almost completely drain this part of the combat force.In other words, the defensive power of Genji Heavy Industries is very empty at this time, and there is no problem if it is completely undefended.

"Sakura and some Fuma family ninjas who were handed over the task by Genji Heavy Industries today temporarily built a defense line on the floor where Kaguya's main machine is placed. The old people from the Strategy Department also joined the battle, temporarily resisting the attack of the Demons on Eri. Outside the floor where Yi is. The traitors of the family sneaked in through the Iron Dome Temple, and there were not too many of them. Moreover, these people were very restrained and did not attack the ordinary people working there. It is impossible for them to know the existence of the Shadow Wall Layer. Therefore, except for the destruction of several important laboratories of the Yanliu Research Institute, we will not suffer much loss." Yuan Zhisheng held a lit cigarette in his mouth, and the color of molten iron flowed from the corners of his narrow eyes. The sleeves were rolled up, and the veins on his arms were like dormant angry dragons. The ancient alchemy knife called Spider Cut was lying on his knees, and the black scabbard faintly exuded a cold breath.It was obvious that he was not as calm as he appeared when he spoke.

This is as it should be.

Genji Heavy Industries is now not only the office center of the Snakekihachi family in Tokyo, but also a place regarded as a holy place by the entire Japanese underworld.It is equivalent to the forbidden area of ​​​​the ancient imperial city. Such a core location was attacked, but the intelligence system of the Snake Qiba family did not receive any information in advance. It is self-evident what this means.

The family's attacks on the evil ghosts over the years do not seem to have the desired effect. This organization, which has been following the evil ghosts like maggots attached to bones like shadows since ancient times, seems to be taking root in the darkness to draw nutrients, and is getting more and more The bigger it gets, the harder it is to eradicate.They even extended their tentacles to Tokyo. The family and Maruyama Construction Co., Ltd. obviously had people loyal to the Fiend Demons, otherwise their attack and invasion would not have gone so smoothly.

"I'm not overly worried about Eri's safety. She is our Tsukuyomi. In the cycle of fate, she is destined to kill God. If the fierce ghosts disturb her, she may suffer a devastating blow. ." Tachibana Masamune hesitated and said,

"What I'm really concerned about is the attack by the demons on Kaguya and the Iwanyu Research Institute. The former is our foundation for the underworld that rules Japan. As for the latter..." He did not continue, but Minamoto had already I understood what Tachibana Masamune meant.

"The Miyamoto family is leading the final work on the research on underwater operating robots and manned platforms, and is also improving and inspecting the functionality of electronically controlled delayed blasting of nuclear bombs. The academy does not yet know what is hidden under the Jiyuan, but We know it, and the fierce ghosts also know it. The ancestors of the eight Snake Qi families who have been sleeping there for thousands of years are the kingdom of gods, and it is Gao Tianyuan. That embryo is probably the embryo of a god. The family wants to destroy him, but the fierce ghosts want to destroy it. Protect him." Yuan Zhisheng spit out the cigarette butts out the window, the wind brought the rain in, Tachibana Masamune looked serious.

"This is a provocation from the fierce ghosts to the family. They are undoubtedly provoking a new war." The old man said.Yuan Zhisheng did not speak anymore. He was also aware of this. If he were an iron-blooded leader, he would have ordered an all-out war with the enemy at this time, but Yuan Zhisheng knew what this meant.

If a war breaks out, many of them will die.

The power of the Fierce Ghosts has accumulated to a terrifying level today. Even if all the Snake Qiba Family is used up, it may be difficult to wipe out this organization.

Moreover, the Japanese mixed race was originally the blood descendant of the White King. The Snake Qihachi family integrated these blood descendants, but was unable to eradicate the curse buried deep in the blood. As long as they are not extinct, evil spirits will always emerge in endlessly.

Tachibana Masamune's prestige alone is far from enough to start this war to destroy the fierce ghosts. He needs the support of Minamoto Chisheng, and he also needs to convince other family heads at internal meetings within the family.The status of the three inner and outer five families of Sheqi is completely different, but the rights of the family heads in internal meetings are the same.

War is not a child's play. In the last war, the Sheqi Ba family suffered heavy losses. To this day, this huge family still has not recovered its strength.If Tachibana Masamune wants to start a war with the fierce ghosts, then he must obtain the support of the eight family heads, and at the same time obtain more than two-thirds of the votes from the remaining members of the family.

In fact, Minamoto Chisei has always known what Tachibana Masamune was thinking. He has been forging a famous sword all year round, and often told Minamoto Chisheng that while forging the sword, he was also forging himself, hoping that one day he would be able to make a sound in the world when he unsheathed it. , slaying demons.

Now the time to destroy Gao Tianyuan is just around the corner. They finally found the burial place of God, but the fierce ghosts want to prevent this from happening. Those evil ghosts who are not accepted by the family are trying to subvert everything.

Then Tachibana Masamune thought it was time to unsheath his sword.In fact, he had thought about launching a war to completely destroy the power of the demons in Japan a long time ago, but there was no suitable time yet.

Now that the time has come, the evil spirits have taken the initiative to provoke a war with the demon slayers. This is what Tachibana Masamune wants. The heads of the families will not oppose him, and the members of the family will be carried away by anger.

But at this moment, Yuan Zhisheng calmed down.He knew that it would be very difficult to end the war once it started. The current situation of the Snake Qihachi family was not good. Kassel Academy was keeping a close eye on them. The European and North American hybrids had never given up on extending their power to In this country, She Qi Ba Kuai seems to be brilliant, but in fact it is like walking on thin ice. If you make a wrong step, you will fall into the abyss of eternal destruction.

Tachibana Masamune didn't get a response from Yuan Zhisheng, so he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Dad, I think we need to think carefully about eradicating the fierce ghosts." Yuan Zhisheng said calmly, "For thousands of years, the relationship between the eight Sheqi families and the fierce ghosts has been very good. It's complicated. If we want to destroy them, we have to hit ourselves hard. In today's troubled times, the family can no longer withstand such hardships. However, we can increase the intensity of the attack on the fierce ghosts, train more cadres, and expand the establishment of the executive bureau. Use more powerful means to compress the living space of the fierce ghosts."

Minamoto's methods are gentler and more suitable for today's mixed-race Japanese society. Masamune Tachibana also lit a cigarette for himself. He closed his eyes, seeming to be dozing off and thinking.

The cell phone rang suddenly. Yuan Zhisheng glanced at the caller ID and hesitated to answer the call.

"How is the situation now?" He asked in a low voice.

"The attack has been repulsed. The Fierce Demons failed to break through the floor where Princess Kaguya's host is located, and they also failed to contact Miss Eriki. However, the Rockflow Research Institute was completely destroyed, and the Medical Department also suffered huge losses." Sakura's voice was calm, but she spoke quickly,
"In addition. At the intersection of Edogawa and Urayasu City in Chiba Prefecture, near an Internet cafe named Ibi, the commissioners of the headquarters were attacked by a group of deadpools."

Yuan Zhisheng's pupils suddenly shrank, the veins on his forehead popped, and his face became ferocious.

"Initiate support immediately! These people must not die in Tokyo!" His voice was unexpectedly calm, but the gold flowing in his evil eyes was as bright as a torch in the wasteland.

Tachibana Masamune also sat solemnly. The conversation between Minamoto and Sakura did not deliberately avoid him, and the car was very quiet, so it completely fell into the old man's ears.

An almost crazy anger flashed in his eyes, but the expression on his face did not become ferocious, but filled with indignation. "The fierce ghosts want to disrupt the structure of this country!" He roared angrily.

Chu Zihang's team, who came all the way from the Kassel Academy headquarters, were attacked by a group of deadpools under the nose of the Snake Qiba family. First of all, you can imagine how bad the impact this incident will have on society will be. Tomorrow The front page news of the Tokyo Daily News will be headlines such as "Godzilla's roar is suspected to appear on the streets of Edogawa" and "A shootout occurred late at night in Chiba Prefecture, with heavy casualties on the scene." The secrets of the Dragon Clan are likely to be forced to be exposed to the world. In the eyes of mainstream countries, mixed races will no longer be able to hide themselves.

Secondly, how angry would the Kassel Academy be?This organization originally evolved from the secret party. Their predecessors were iron-blooded and war-like. If Chu Zihang's team all died on the streets of Tokyo, what would greet the Snake Qiba family would be Hilbert Jean Ange's thunderous and comprehensive force. war.Taking a step back, even if Chu Zihang's team was not fatally injured by the Deadpool attack, the internal situation in Japan would be exposed to the eyes of Kassel Academy, and Angers would know that there is a group of uncontrolled Corrupted hybrids are active in Japan, and these hybrids also have a large number of deadpools in their hands.This will also lead to large-scale infiltration of the academy. The power of executive departments from all over the world will completely take over and replace the eight Sheqi family executive bureaus in a short period of time. This family will become a huge puppet.

No matter what the situation is, it is never a good thing for the Snake Qihachi family, and the same is true for Herzog hiding in the darkness.


The people who controlled the group of deadpools to besiege Chu Zihang's group didn't care whether what happened here would be exposed to the eyes of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, but Chu Zihang, Caesar and Lu Mingfei couldn't care less.They are students of Kassel College. Although they sometimes sneer at some of the contents of the Abraham blood contract, they also try to abide by the universal rules. The secrets of the dragon family cannot be exposed to the eyes of ordinary people. This is the rule for all mixed races. consensus.

These Deadpools are obviously under the control of the Fierce Ghosts, but this block is originally located in a remote area. They were probably expelled by the Fierce Ghosts not long ago. There are no ordinary people wandering around. As long as the movement is not too big, there should be no attracted the attention of the warning department.If this place is burned down afterwards, then tomorrow it will occupy a small position in the corner section of the newspaper at most, and the on-site reporter will reveal that there was a fire in Edogawa and there were no casualties.

The gunfire from the two Desert Eagles in Caesar's hands was sporadic. Although it was as violent as thunder, it was difficult to attract too many people's attention in the noisy night of Tokyo. However, the guns were only equipped with ordinary steel core bullets, not equipment. The department provides mercury-core alchemy bombs capable of causing fatal damage to Deadpool and dragons.

The oncoming air with the smell of sea made Caesar's long windbreaker rustle, and blazing flames suddenly burned in his pupils, followed by Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei, who rushed out with knives and jumped high into the air. He jumped up, swooped like a black falcon, and when the windbreaker spread out like wings, he swung the gun and fired continuously. Each bullet chased back and forth along a fixed trajectory and pierced into the dense fog where he couldn't even see his fingers.Dazzling sparks immediately burst out in front of Caesar, and the clang of bullets hitting metal was very close to his eyes.

Caesar crossed his hands and inserted two Desert Eagles into his waist, and then the Dictado, a short hunting knife made with the most exquisite alchemy technology, was held by the man with one hand.

The realm of the vampire sickle suddenly opened up, and the blood-hungry fairies screaming in the wind spread around like waves. Everything in the fog was captured by Caesar's perception.

The fog in front of him was torn apart by huge claws, and the bullet hit actually was a male snake-like Deadpool who was much larger than his kind. His whole body was covered in muscles. Caesar saw purple-black blood veins like groups of thin snakes. Extending from Deadpool's arteries to the whole body, thin blue-black scales covered the surface of the thing's body like armor forged from ancient steel. Bullets fired by the Desert Eagle that could shatter the skull of an African elephant could not even penetrate these scales. It just left shocking white marks on it.

The rugged face was filled with ferocity and bloodthirsty desire, the demon-like facial features were twisted, and the golden pupils were as distant as an abyss.

Deadpool let out an excited roar, and the corners of his mouth split open, revealing the thorn-like teeth inside, and the lust in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

After Caesar accepted the Nibelungen Project, his bloodline has far exceeded A-level. His blood is a very tempting delicacy for Deadpool. At this time, this monster close to the ancient dragon is salivating and wants to eat him alive.

But Caesar's eyes were cold, and he raised his right arm high. Dictado was held by one hand, and he actually did not flinch when facing the deadpool who could tear a liger apart. Confronting each other head-on, Dictado tore through the air and dense fog and let out a sharp roar.

If Chu Zihang or Lu Mingfei were paying attention to this place at this time, they would definitely find that this Italian actually used a short hunting knife that was incompatible with Japanese swords to demonstrate the Satsuma style, which is known for its violence even in Japanese swordsmanship!

Raise the knife overhead and slash downward diagonally!

This is the sword technique that Caesar used to fight against Lu Mingfei in One Day of Freedom. It is a school founded by Togo Shigei. He is not afraid of death and uses his overwhelming power to crush everything.

At this time, he used the big cassock to slash in the air. It was a knife that risked his own life. Dictado was unable to stop him. The deadpool who pounced had already felt the oncoming death. He screamed in horror, raising his arms and crossing them. , using the hardest scales and wrists to block Caesar's knife.

But Togo, who created the Satsuma Serenryu, was just an ordinary person, but Caesar was an outstanding strongman even among mixed races. His one-shot robe slash was far more dangerous than the Satsuma Serenryu performed by anyone. It was all violent. When it fell, the blade chopped off Deadpool's wrist bones and his sternum, and then completely split the behemoth, which was more than five meters long with its tail, in two from the air. Flesh, flesh, and internal organs were splashed and fell. The snake's tail was still twisting wildly in the fog, and several smaller deadpools were shot away and immediately shot away.

Dickut's strength did not diminish, and he was slashed to the ground by Caesar's hands. The concrete empty space was smashed, and his windbreaker was stained with blood. He was breathing heavily when he stood up.

The snake-shaped Deadpool is a branch form of Deadpool. It can also be said to be a certain evolutionary direction of the ordinary Deadpool. Similar to the Dragon-shaped Deadpool, it is a further evolution and is closer to the real pure-blood ancient dragon. , but only has the power of a dragon but not the heart of a dragon. The body is stuffed with the soul of a despicable fallen person.

The intermediate state of Deadpool's evolution from human to dragon is extremely uncertain. Their mutations are usually not limited to snake or dragon forms, and sometimes there will be immortals similar to those trained by Cassell Academy. Such distortions in various parts of the body.

With Caesar's control over Kamitachi, he could easily detect the appearance of the group of snake-like dead servants besieging them. Their distortions were so standard that it was almost as if someone was inducing them.

In this case, things will get serious.

Although the conjecture that Deadpool can be controlled has not yet been verified by Cassel Academy, there is an academic consensus. It is not incredible that this technology has been mastered by the Japanese in advance.According to Caesar and Chu Zihang's guess, the Deadpools who appeared here should be samples captured or purchased by the Fierce Ghosts through illegal channels. But if this is the case, then their distorted forms should be diverse.

But they are all snake-like Deadpools, just like industrial products coming off the same assembly line. This can only mean that someone has carried out some kind of transformation on the hybrids who have not yet been transformed into Deadpools. In the hybrid society and even the entire society A cruel experiment that would never be tolerated in human society, this experiment induced their transformation into a snake.The Abraham blood contract does not include the penalty of death, but anyone who dares to do such a thing will eventually have his head blown off by a large-caliber revolver. There will never be any mixed race in the world who can tolerate such a thing. occur.

Caesar immediately thought of the mission carried out in Rio de Janeiro led by North American hybrids in the first half of the year. At that time, even the most famous strongman in the hybrid world came forward. Angers and Henkel came hand in hand to capture a self-proclaimed man. A B-class hybrid of Neo the Boar.That operation was actually very secretive, and even the mission report afterwards was not made public. However, as one of the people involved, Caesar knew most of the inside story.

Neo the boar created a criminal empire whose main business was human trafficking. All the people he trafficked were wild hybrids from South America and Mexico. In the final records, all of these people were transported to Japan. And was bought by a big shot in the underworld, and then completely disappeared from the world.

The academy had originally speculated that there was an evil hybrid organization in Japan that was comparable to the Snakesaki Hachi family and was purchasing wild hybrids for human experiments. The officials of the executive department had also been infiltrating and investigating the demons, but the Japanese hybrids The species is very exclusive and it is difficult to place people.

Everything that appeared in front of Caesar at this moment confirmed the academy's guess. Those hybrids that were transported to Japan from South America and Mexico were probably all sent to the hands of the demons and transformed into the snake-like Deadpool that appeared now. .

The white fog seemed to be billowing with life. Next to Caesar was a torn van. He had already realized what the fog was. It was probably what the coolant looked like after it evaporated, because there was something in the cargo box. There were many unscrewed metal cans, and white smoke was still coming out of these cans, which was bitingly cold.

Deadpools are not originally cold-blooded animals. Like humans, they don't like cold, but they will not lose their ability to move in cold conditions. However, the snake-like Deadpools are different. These are deformed monsters that inherit some characteristics of snakes. , they are far more ferocious and dangerous than ordinary Deadpools, but while gaining strength like Titanoboa, they also inherit the weakness of snakes, these things can hibernate.

So this is the method used by Menggui to transport these things, low-temperature transportation.

It's quite similar to the Immortal.

The mist in front of him stirred, and the ferocious cheek suddenly poked out at a weird angle. The thing stood upright against the snake's tail and was at least four meters high. At this moment, it was suddenly threatening from a high position, staring into Caesar's eyes with devil-like golden pupils. Two sharp claws protruded from both sides, and the back of the hand was covered with dense blue-black scales.

Caesar's domain is the kingdom of vampire scythes. These legendary spirits appear in the form of whirlwinds and attack the creatures they encounter with their sharp scythe-like claws. The skin of the person being attacked will be cut with long wounds. , but does not feel pain at all, and then his blood will be plundered. When the person feels the pain, the blood in the whole body has been drained.At this moment, there were hundreds of spirits within three meters of his body. They felt the intrusion of Deadpool, screamed and pounced on him, cutting small wounds and getting in from the wounds, and then the blood flowed out. It turned into mist and overflowed from the tiny cracks in Deadpool's skin.

Deadpool's ferocious facial bones became more and more distorted, and the mouth that opened like a giant python was horrifyingly wide, as if he wanted to swallow Caesar whole. Then a thunderstorm of gunshots sounded, and two Desert Eagles The muzzle of the gun was stuffed into Deadpool's mouth and he fired continuously. The steel core bullet was sent into the thing's skull, and he then collapsed softly.

Caesar kicked him away, and then two figures flashed out of the white mist and came to his side.

Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang were both very powerful melee combat experts. The ancient alchemy knives in their hands had killed far more dangerous things than the snake-like Deadpool, but they were still panting at the moment.

"It's difficult to deal with. According to the academy's classification, it should be above level A. To deal with one alone requires a three-person team from the execution department." Chu Zihang said calmly. He was adjusting his breathing. Murasame was holding the hand in his hand. Burning black flames are the effect of Jun Yan attached to the still life.High temperature is one of Deadpool's nemesis. The oil in these things is different from humans and is extremely flammable. Chu Zihang took advantage of this weakness and killed more than five Deadpools with his superb sword skills.

These snake-like deadpools are different from naturally occurring deadpools. They are obviously raised by humans. They are extremely strong, well-nourished, and huge in size. They are also extremely ferocious and fearless of death. They will continue to charge even if one of their arms is chopped off. With Chu Zihang's current physical strength, he actually showed signs of exhaustion after killing five snake-like deadpools.

Lu Mingfei didn't speak. He had no chance to fight against these snake-like deadpools cultivated by Herzog in the last period of time and space, and he didn't know how difficult they were. The head-on battle at this time was really frightening.If it were Caesar and Chu Zihang before accepting the Nibelung Plan, with their physical fitness and fighting skills at the time, it would probably be difficult for them to face such a number of snake-like deadpools at the same time in an open area.It is unimaginable what kind of life and death crisis the two senior brothers experienced at Genji Heavy Industries in the past period of time and space.

Compared with the snake-like deadpool trained by Herzog, the heroic spirit in Odin Nibelung is as weak as a baby.

Without using the dragon bone state and violent blood skills, it would be difficult for Lu Mingfei to kill all the dozens or hundreds of snake-like deadpools here. But once one of these things escapes and is missed in other neighborhoods of Tokyo City, then It will be an unimaginable disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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