Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 190 187 Miss Hui Liyi

Chapter 190 187. Miss Eriyi

"Have the losses been calculated?" Although the text message sent by Yuan Zhisheng did not express too many personal emotions, Sakura still frowned slightly and repeatedly considered her words.

"Yes." She replied, "The attack from the Fierce Ghosts came very suddenly and swiftly. It took a total of 32 minutes from the time it invaded the drainage system of the Genji Heavy Industries Underground Iron Dome Temple to being repelled. We did not prepare in advance, and there was no one at the scene. There were too many combatants stationed, and we only had time to disperse the ordinary employees who had nothing to do with these matters. The Medical Department and the Rockflow Research Institute suffered huge losses, and the old people in the Strategy Department also suffered heavy losses. In addition, more than ten members of our family were killed or injured."

The attack of the Fierce Ghosts caught people off guard. I am afraid that no one would have thought that they would dare to attack Genji Heavy Industries, the administrative center of the Snake Qihachi family.This is as outrageous as Uncle Bin Laden letting his men fly a Boeing 747 to hit the Pentagon instead of the Empire State Twin Buildings.

The real losses that can be put on paper are already an unacceptable number. Sakura did not go into details here. Soon Kaguya will complete the statistics and send them to Minamoto's mobile phone.

"Can the Jiyuan Project still proceed smoothly?"

"I'm afraid it's going to be very difficult. The Yanliu Research Institute is a key target of destruction by the Menggui. Our underwater operating robots and underwater manned platforms have all been destroyed and cannot be repaired or used anymore." Sakura typed quickly, she The upper body is covered with a knee-length black windbreaker, and inside the windbreaker is a black tights that is close to the skin. Dozens of delicate and thin forged steel blades are tied to the tights with small rope buckles.She was opening a series of passes from the outermost periphery of the α layer to enter the interior. The wind brought by her walking lifted her long clothes like a black battle flag, and the sound of the heels of her high heels hitting the ground was clear and sweet.

The girl's pupils were cold, and the corners of her narrow and upward eyes revealed some murderous intent.She had just used her word spirit to control the sharp blades to cut the throats of two members of the Fierce Ghosts. Pillars of blood spurted out from their arteries like fountains, splashing onto the ceiling and onto the walls.

This is the residence of Eri Uesugi, and the family raises her like a monster.

When the demons invaded, the manpower Sakura had at her disposal was not enough to guard the entire building, so she chose to protect Miss Eriki.

This is not because of how transcendent Eri's status is in her heart, but simply because she knows what kind of devil is hidden in the body of that seemingly ignorant girl.

Sakura walked silently through the last section of the passage that outsiders were allowed to enter. This was a long and narrow corridor. The walls on both sides were hung with paintings by world famous artists, from Van Gogh and Monet to Rubens in the West, and then from the East to From Tang Yin and Qi Baishi to Bai Juyi, paintings with completely different styles blend harmoniously here without feeling out of place at all.

The heavy metal door slowly opened in front of Sakura, and the air flowed in with a sharp whistle, followed by the aroma of oxygen-rich and white sandalwood.

Sakura saw the girl kneeling on the tatami, staring intently at the TV screen, wrapped in a red and white miko uniform.

Eriki has a very tall figure, and she is actually quite well developed, but maybe the miko uniform is a little too wide, and it makes her back look like a little child.

Ms. Uesugi is using a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse to play Street Fighter online on the TV.Before Yuan Zhisheng agreed to equip Eriyi with a mobile phone, this TV was her only channel to communicate with the outside world, but it could not type or make calls. Eriyi could only judge whether the other party was a real person through operation.Sometimes Minamoto would come here to connect the second controller and play with Eri. A long time ago, that was what Eri looked forward to most.

Later she had people and things she looked forward to more.

In the past, Sakura would stand by when Minamoto was playing games with Eriki, so although she had never played this kind of game, she knew the rules and understood some of the details.

At this time, Miss Eri's character was Chun Li, her favorite character, and her opponent chose Gu Lie. When Sakura came in, Chun Li was jumping between Gu Lie's sonic hand swords, constantly using the wall to bounce, When he landed, he used powerful leg skills to kick up and down. Gu Lie's Soul-Slaying Knife was repeatedly dodged by Chunli. Chunli used powerful throwing skills to knock Gu Lie flying all over the screen.

The TV was turned up so loud that the sound of fists, feet and wind could be heard outside the metal door.

Thinking about what happened at Genji Heavy Industries just now, Eriki didn't take it to heart. She was always so ignorant and calm, as if all the changes in the outside world had nothing to do with her.

Sakura thought that the original child had told her before that he said Eriki was very beautiful and a big girl, but her eyes were always misty, like a deep pool in the mountains on an October morning.There aren't many things in the world that can cause emotions in Eriki's eyes. Sakura thinks that the only one who can do this easily is the child named Lu Mingfei.

Eriki turned around and tilted her head to look at Sakura.Her eyes were bright, but they were not spiritual, but reflected the colorful light from the TV. They were as beautiful as crystal full glass balls, but as scary as cold, like delicate dolls.

"Miss Eriyi, Mr. Lu is in danger." Sakura bowed slightly and whispered.At this time, the Snake Qi Hakkai really didn't have many effective forces in Tokyo. Although the operators in Edogawa immediately discovered that the Deadpool group was besieging the headquarters commissioners, even if everyone who stayed behind in the Executive Bureau was dispatched, it would not have much effect. .

The defense capabilities of snake-like deadpools are extremely strong. The scales covering their bodies are almost as strong as those of pure-blood dragons, and can even withstand large-caliber bullets head-on.But if you want to use heavy weapons to clear out the Deadpool group, the movement will never be too small, and it may attract the attention of the Self-Defense Forces.

As a result, there are few options for rescuing the commissioners.During the phone call, Minamoto Zhisheng did not give Sakura any instructions to use Eri, but he conveyed this information through text messages.

Thinking about it, he probably didn't want Tachibana Masamune to know about this.Sakura had started to follow Minamoto no Tatsuo many years ago. She knew Minamoto Tatsuo and everyone around Minamoto Tatsuo. Mr. Masamune's feelings for Miss Eriki were more like a father's feelings for his daughter. If he spoke directly on the phone Saying it to his face may cause objections.

But now that the power of the Eight Sheki Family in Tokyo is weak, the only person who has the ability to solve this matter is Eriki.Minamoto Chisheng is very aware of this matter. He is a person who is more loyal to justice than his own life. He has to make such a choice even if he knows that it may worsen Eriki's health.

Sakura's slightly bowed body didn't have time to straighten up again, and her soul seemed to start to tremble at this moment.

Eriki's eyes were originally covered with a thin mist, but now she seemed to be alive. The golden tide slowly rose in her crimson pupils, and great majesty came to this world through those eyes.

She seems to have become the core of power at this moment. At this moment, Sakura has no doubt that even Minamoto Chisei cannot suppress Miss Eriki based on blood.

The girl lowered her head, writing in a small notebook, and then showed what she had written to Sakura.

"Come with me, okay."

It was clearly asking, clearly looking up to her, but Sakura did not have the courage to refuse this request, because although the head of the Uesugi family still looked like a girl at the moment, the evil spirit that even the family's Amaterasu was afraid of seemed to be awakening in her body.

Sakura nodded.

She still doesn't know what Miss Eriki's word spirit is, but since it is considered by the family owners as a weapon that can fight against gods, it must be a very dangerous ability.If you can fight against gods, you can naturally deal with those miserable evil spirits.

A slender, warm palm clasped Sakura's wrist. She was shocked. The hand was cold, and the blood vessels on the back of her hand had bulged out like thin black snakes.

Miss Eriki's bloodline is very unstable, and this instability will fluctuate with fluctuations in her mental state.

Eriki showed Sakura the note she wrote: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

She pointed to the metal box on the small table not far away, and Sakura breathed a sigh of relief.That box contained a serum sent by the Medical Department that could suppress the out-of-control bloodline in Eri's body for a short period of time.When Eriki was younger, her mood was not as stable as it is now. Sometimes she would lose her temper. Whenever this happened, the blood in her body would boil. It was these serums that suppressed the manic dragon blood in Eriki's body.

Then Eri took Sakura and turned around and walked into the walkway outside the door. There were wooden boards under their feet and wooden sliding doors on both sides. Candles were lit behind the sliding doors. The warm candlelight cast a grid shadow on Eri's face. On the body.

The scent of white sandalwood reminds Sakura of many things, those that are gentle, those that are lively, and those that deserve to be loved.

Sakura has never seen Miss Eriki look like this now. Only in this way does she look like a living girl, ignorantly knowing love and being loved, and learning to care and worry. This is how she lives in this world.

Eriki seemed to be a very quiet girl, but at this moment she was holding Sakura's wrist with frightening strength. Her body temperature was also rising. It was obvious that the dragon's blood was getting more violent and boiling in her body.

"Go upstairs. There is a helipad on the top floor of this building. The driver was already in place 5 minutes ago!" Sakura trotted to keep up with Eri. Fortunately, Yabuki Sakura is also a tall girl with slender legs. , not worse than Eriyi, so that we can keep up with the girl's footsteps.High heels are not suitable for fighting or running. Unfortunately, the boots she wore during the fight were stained with blood and had been thrown away by Sakura. At this time, she could only take off the high heels and hold them in her hands. Her feet Very beautiful, the nail caps are as crystal clear as polished shells, shining in the light and fire.

Eri's feet were only wearing white cotton socks. They walked through the wooden plank walkway. Each wooden plank that made up this corridor had fine and regular lines. It was frosted to the point of reflecting light, and it was as bright as a mirror. Spotless.

Sakura felt a little chilled when she stepped on the floor with her bare feet. Her figure was slim and beautiful. Looking up, she felt that the back of Miss Eriyi was exquisite and convex. In the dim light of the candle, the witch-like dress looked like clouds. The clothes seemed to become transparent, and the girl's skin showed a faint golden color in this hazy light.

The lattice shadows kept passing over their bodies, just like the autumn sunshine passing through the bamboo forests in the mountains from early morning to dusk, and the shadows of those bamboos passed from in front of them to behind them.Sakura suddenly laughed silently. She had never experienced such feelings as longing, but at this moment she noticed in Eriki this emotion that even the girl herself didn't know how to describe.

As one of the few people in the Sheqi Eight who have truly witnessed Lu Mingfei's power, Ying is actually not worried about the safety of Chu Zihang's group.What she is really worried about is that they cannot completely eliminate those dead servants. The secret of the dragon clan is even comparable to the safety of Miss Eriki to the Snake Qihachi family.
The suit custom-made for President Lu from the Savile Row tailor shop in London, paid for by the Dragon Blood Society, seems to be a little tight on his body now, especially in the current battle, and the collar seems to be suffocating him.

After all, it was customized by Lu Mingfei when he entered school a year ago, and his teenage body is growing all the time.

Lu Mingfei then breathed slowly, opened this rather stylish suit, and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.While recovering his strength, he took off the long windbreaker that Miss Ying had ironed and handed to him. It was already stained with stains of blood. Every drop of blood was in a sharp arc, which meant that the blood was pumped out of the blood vessels. At that time, the blood pressure was so high that every cut by Lu Mingfei could cut off Deadpool's arteries. The blood rushed five meters high like water sprayed from a high-pressure water gun, turning into tiny blood-colored ice crystals and blending into the white mist.

The snake-like Deadpool is definitely the most difficult opponent Lu Mingfei has ever encountered, except for real dragons. Their hearts are stronger than ever before, and when the blood rushes through their blood vessels, they are like migrating hornets on the African continent. The strength of a herd of horses and a single individual in ancient times was at least on the level of a monster like Dian Wei, the tiger madman, who was invincible in foot combat and could tear a liger apart.

In the execution department's task list, any such snake-like deadpool appearing in the outside world can be ranked as a high-risk task above B level. With Caesar and Chu Zihang's current physical strength and strength, it is actually very difficult for them to do it. Take advantage when fighting more than three snake-like Deadpools alone at the same time.

Chu Zihang hasn't used his word spirit yet. Now that the power of his senior brother's Junyan has been greatly increased, if he uses it without any scruples, it will definitely achieve miraculous results. But although this ghost place is not a bustling city, it is also on the edge of Tokyo. It can be used here. The impact of Jun Yan burning Deadpool is no less than shooting Godzilla with a mortar outside Tokyo.

There was nothing to worry about when using Caesar's vampire scythe, "It's just a little unsuitable for dealing with the current enemy." Lu Mingfei said helplessly, the white fog was dissipating, and evil ghosts stood up from those people in the fog. The figure cast a huge shadow on the ground and in the fog.

In the past, the vampire scythe was a word spirit that Caesar could use by strengthening his own bloodline through the taboo technique of violent blood. It evolved from the sickle and weasel. The serial number in the word spirit sequence list listed by the academy is 71. The effect is to turn the kamaitachi originally used as a messenger in the field into a highly offensive blood-sucking scythe. He can release a large number of dense wind blades centered on himself in all directions to cut the enemy.It is said that the wind blade is actually a small and fast whirlwind that creates a vacuum area to cut the enemy. This attack method will be miraculous against ordinary deadpools or the heroic spirits in Odin's Nibelungen, just like using the Sun Flame Armor. , their skin is no tougher than humans in the face of vacuum cutting.But when faced with an enemy like the snake-shaped Deadpool whose body covering strength is comparable to the armor scales of a light tank, it is a little dwarfed.

"I'm really sorry that I'm not a human-cutting machine. Next time I see my dad, I'll ask him why he didn't turn me into Iron Man in the first place." Caesar rolled his eyes and leaned slightly. Gong, leaning against Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang behind him, was panting heavily from exhaustion and was using this method to temporarily recover.

"You can fight anytime. Why don't you two young heroes save a little energy now?" Chu Zihang said.

The three stood back-to-back to defend themselves against Deadpool, who could attack from all directions and from any angle.

Going from indoors to outdoors is not a matter of losing one's mind. It is the best plan that Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei thought of at the first time. Their combat experience and practice amount exceed that of Caesar, so they are slightly faster than Caesar to make such a plan. choose.

The academy is located in a four-story building that was built around the 80s and [-]s. It is a reinforced concrete structure that is very common in Japan, but the walls are fragile. Even if it is replaced by any B-level hybrid who is good at strength, It can be easily pushed down here, and it cannot stop the snake-like Deadpool's attack at all. It cannot be a good barrier, let alone a shelter.

In that case, if you are still indoors, you will face difficulty in vision. The enemy may jump out from behind any wall, making them tired to deal with it. On the contrary, the outdoor vision is wide, and Chu Zihang's team's ability is not impossible. By gaining a foothold in the onslaught of the Deadpool swarm, you can focus more on dealing with the enemies in front of you.

At this time, Chu Zihang's trio fought fiercely among the Deadpools for 10 minutes, with no bunker for a short recuperation and no support from aircraft such as heavy machine guns, anti-tank rockets and mortars. Every second of the battle was like burning blood. Even Caesar, whose endurance had always been stronger than Chu Zihang's, was beginning to fail, not to mention the state of Chu Zihang, who had always taken high mobility as his advantage.

Lu Mingfei, as the only one among the three who was still almost at his peak, stood on the side with the most Deadpools. He made a gesture of hiding the knife, and thick black blood flowed along the clamp. The blade of lust flowed from the armpit, dripping onto the ground, splashing bloody water.

"You are worthy of being hailed as a person like Principal Angers. Lu Mingfei, your endurance reminds me of a camel." Caesar complimented.

"Senior brother, can you please stop wasting your energy? If you compliment me like a swift, I will admit it. Do you Italians like to compliment others like a camel?" Lu Mingfei couldn't help complaining.

Chu Zihang said seriously: "Strictly speaking, there are no camels in Italy."

The snake-like Deadpools were wandering around, neither attacking nor retreating, just circling around the three men.The same is true for wolves or lions before launching an attack. They surround their prey all day and all night, waiting for the frightened animals to reveal a flaw, and then the wolves or lions swarm them and tear them into pieces.

The ferocity of Chu Zihang's team left an impression on these Deadpools, who were probably involved in a real battle for the first time. They already knew that these were difficult opponents. At this moment, the fog was getting lighter and thinner, and the limbs were broken and twisted. Corpses with strange shapes lay scattered in a pool of blood.Not far away, a solid spherical sculpture that was abandoned before it was completed casts a shadow in this direction. That thing was probably originally intended to be shaped into the shape of the earth, but was abandoned for various reasons. At this time, a ferocious-looking sculpture was five meters long. The deformed Deadpool with more than four arms was nailed to the main body of a rusty metal frame that had been discarded. There were deep visible bone wounds all over his body. This thing should be a mutant species of the snake-shaped Deadpool. It grew into the appearance of the naga in the myths and legends of some Southeast Asian countries. His tail was wrapped around the sphere in a horrifying manner, and the blood completely soaked the abandoned sculpture into black and red.

"They are looking for our flaws, but things like Deadpool are not fearless living dead. When they find that they can't kill us, they will start to flee. The consequences of such things entering Tokyo can be imagined." Lu. Ming Fei said that at this time, the dead guards, who were like wolves on the hunt, suddenly became manic. They looked up to the sky and roared, their sharp teeth protruding, just like dozens or hundreds of evil ghosts howling.

"If it comes to that level, I will use Jun Yan." Chu Zihang said.

"Senior brother, do you really think you can emit Zapeliao light and kill anyone you touch? Can your Junyan really burn them to death?" Lu Mingfei attacked.He was telling the truth. Now Chu Zihang's speech spirit has definitely been strengthened, but strengthening is not super evolution. There is no reason that a Nibelung plan can turn Jun Yan, who is still slightly more realistic, into a god who can break through the dimensional wall. How is Luo Tianzheng?Besides, if you can really use Shinra Tensei, can you use it here?Are you really not afraid that tomorrow's news will be "Japan is hit by a nuclear explosion again after 65 years"?

Chu Zihang stopped talking.

"How are you recovering your physical strength? I'm going to bleed out if it doesn't work anymore." Lu Mingfei said. Now he really bleeds out whenever he disagrees. After all, a bleedout has no side effects for this guy, only a second bleed. Only violent blood would put a burden on his physical strength. As for advancing the road to becoming a god to the third and fourth degrees, it is a very dangerous behavior. Even Lu Mingfei himself was affected, causing him to ignite the Golden Eyes. Full of next-generation redness.

In fact, Lu Mingfei was not willing to use his trump card at this time. Heavy blood and dragon bone status were both his trump cards. Although these things were clearly written in his information, Herzog still had many unclear details.

For example, no one knows that Lu Mingfei can turn on the dragon bone state and get violent blood at almost no cost.

Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other and saw solemnity in each other's eyes.This battle came too suddenly, and they were unprepared. If there was support from the equipment department, these two killer embryos would be confident to deal with all the deadpools here, but the current situation is that they may not have support at all if they fight alone. In this case it is best to make a quick decision.

They had seen Lu Mingfei's appearance when he turned on the dragon bone state and used violent blood. It was comparable to the next generation of pure-blood dragons. In that state, Lu Mingfei could definitely cope with the situation in front of him.


Suddenly all the Deadpools became quiet again.

They stood neatly and looked up.

The howling wind was getting closer and closer, and in the direction of Tokyo's Shinjuku district, a big black bird lit up its ferocious eyes, projecting a beam of light like a huge sword falling from the sky in this direction.

It was a helicopter.

Lu Mingfei felt his phone vibrate, and he quickly took it out to check while the deadpools were not paying attention.

Eriyi: "I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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