Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 191 The highlight moment of Boss No. 190

Chapter 191 190. Boss Lu’s highlight moment

"Brother, headphones."

"Wired or Bluetooth?"

"Bluetooth earphone."

"Oh, I didn't bring it."

"Damn, what the hell are you asking?"

"I want to know your needs and then give you a solution." Chu Zihang had a serious look on his face. At the same time, Murasame, who was originally holding the knife sheathed close to his waist, suddenly pulled it out, and black flames clung to it and burned. Standing up, using the natural flow of mind and body, the blade was drawn forward, backward, left, right and horizontally. The high-temperature flames tore through the air with the blade and let out a scream. Then the blade twisted in the last step of the swing, severely chopping up the sudden spontaneous attack. A hideous head poked out of the darkness.

The sound of bones and flesh breaking together sounded harsh and thunderous in the dead silence at this moment.

As several piles of broken and charred corpses fell to the ground with a dull sound, the divine sword that had experienced the divine battle had been returned to its sheath.

A pair of headphones was handed over by Chu Zihang from behind. Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, caught it with his free left hand that was not holding Lu Lu, and inserted it into the phone's interface. "Thanks," he said.

"It was originally prepared for you. Caesar also has it. Do you want it now?" Chu Zihang said calmly.

"No." Caesar refused to accept it. They all knew that Eryi sent a text message to Lu Mingfei just now, which meant that the signal had been restored. Now the situation here must have been clearly seen by Norma through the spy satellite.

In this case, there is no need for Mr. Gattuso to call the school board. Soon Frost will angrily demand an online school board meeting, and the power of the Gattuso family will enter after 24 hours. In Japan, the fierce ghosts will pay a heavy price within a week.

Today, Kassel College is no longer as keen on using bloody and iron-blooded methods to deal with problems as the Camarilla in the past, but both today's college and the Camarilla in the past have some common bottom lines. Obviously, using living people Creating Deadpool was definitely part of that untouchable bottom line.

Even the Secret Party, which has enjoyed the highest say in the mixed-race world for thousands of years, has never thought of using fallen hybrids to give birth to a controllable Deadpool. If you are spurned, you will go to hell after death.

Chu Zihang stopped talking, and Caesar stopped talking. Before that, they underestimated the power of dragons. The legend of the older generation Hilbert Jean-Ange and the new generation of dragon-slaying hero Lu Mingfei both Living in front of them, both Caesar and Chu Zihang are very proud people. They both firmly and stubbornly believe that even if fate is a high mountain, they can be carried on their shoulders. Even if the things they carry are heavy and hot, they can't. Able to cross that long and bumpy road.

This is especially true for Chu Zihang. His enemy is Odin, the god who rides on the eight-legged horse. Kungunir, the holy spear of destiny, can always bring irreversible death to all those who disobey the god.He has suffered ten times and a hundred times more than ordinary people, and his requirements for himself are far more stringent than anyone else. When Chu Zihang saw Odin for the first time after his father's death, his overwhelming anger and deep-seated hatred It almost completely swallowed up this man who was on the edge of life and death.

Chu Zihang was never as proud as Caesar who believed that he was born better than others. He believed more in the skills he had honed in the battle of life and death.But at this moment, he finally realized how irreparable the gap between bloodlines was.

So far, Lu Mingfei has not been joining Cassel Academy for more than a year, and the secret party has achieved results that have never been achieved in thousands of years on the battlefield of dragon slaying.Lu Mingfei's achievements were brilliant enough to shine through the entire history of dragon slaying. His enemies were the four great monarchs, gods, and the next generation of dragons who had been at the core of power in the dragon civilization.

What appeared in front of them today was just a group of snake-like deadpools that were not even third- or fourth-generation species. Even against such an enemy, Chu Zihang felt that he was still powerless, and Caesar felt the same at this moment. His face was solemn.

They accepted the Nibelungen Plan during the summer vacation, which not only allowed them to absorb some strange substances from the Norton Dragon Bone Cross, but also carved a powerful alchemical matrix into their bodies.

The blood in Caesar and Chu Zihang's bodies was activated, and the part belonging to the dragon was more active than ever before, but they still seemed unable to stand on the battlefield fighting against the gods.

"Did the Snake Qi Eight Family actually send out the Uesugi family head?" Caesar looked solemn.

They now know that Eri Uesugi is actually one of the core secrets of the Snake Qihachi family.Although she looks like a gentle and cute girl, she is actually a dangerous dragon-slaying weapon.

Although there is no other information about Eriki Uesugi, she may be so valued by the Snake Qihachi family. It is assumed that her ability is very powerful and can solve the current predicament.

"The spirit of Huiliyi is judgment." Lu Mingfei said.

Both Caesar and Chu Zihang were restrained.Even a noble son like Caesar, who was regarded as unlearned and unskilled in the academy, could recite the list of words and spirits by heart.That table contained a total of 121 kinds of word spirits, arranged in a form similar to the periodic table of elements. It was finally completed in 1972. The word spirit of Judgment was ranked 111th on the sequence list, and it was the lowest among the world-destroying word spirits. There are no more than five recorded owners of the dangerous Holy Word ability in history, and these people are all famous dragon-slaying heroes.

Compared with the trial, Jun Yan, who is ranked 89th on the periodic table of eyes, words and spirits, used by Chu Zihang, seems to be less dangerous.

In the past 200 years, no strong man with the word spirit of judgment has been born in the mixed race world known to the secret party. Although Chu Zihang and Caesar, who are slightly petrified, have not seen the terrifying scene when this word spirit is released, they can't. Know how amazing it can be.

There are records in the relevant textbooks of Kassel College about the word spirit of Judgment. It can issue death orders to all substances in the world. Only those hybrids with a bloodline so good that it is close to the ancient dragon have the opportunity to awaken this word spirit.There are two trial owners who have left their names in history. They are the third Flamel mentor who was born in France. He used this word spirit to kill metal to imitate what Nibelungen, the kingdom of the dead, could do. The impact on metals, more than 20% of the precious pure recycled metals in the world came from the hands of this Flamel mentor. He laid the foundation for the subsequent rise of the Camarilla and their successive victories on the dragon-slaying battlefield.The second one is a general from the Qin Dynasty in China. During the period of King Qin Zhao, Tu Baiqi, who killed [-] Zhao soldiers, was killed.

This word spirit is one of the most powerful large-scale destructive word spirits that humans can control, and is known as the Death Scythe comparable to Rhine.

"If the head of the Uesugi family has such a power that can be called the god of death, then she may really be able to resolve the crisis here." Caesar said.

Lu Mingfei said nothing. He knew far better than Caesar how terrifying the power Eryi controlled was. He had relied on Lu Mingze's power to briefly possess the word "Judgement" in the Nibelungs of the Mountain King of the Earth. The authority to use the spirit is a holy word that controls the rules of the world like a king. As long as the order of death is given, a huge number of heroic spirits and immortals will disappear in an instant.And Eriki's control over this word spirit is even more frightening. Minamoto once even said that 24 hours is enough for her to destroy Tokyo.

But so what, Lu Mingfei still remembers the last time he saw Eliyi using Judgment and what terrible things happened to her.

Presumably, Sakura directly told Eriki that he was in danger, right?
She was not smart to begin with, but she became really stupid after she fell in love with someone. She knew clearly that using the word spirit would cause her body to deteriorate and become more unstable, but she still hurried here because she was worried about the road. There will definitely be accidents.

Perhaps in Eri Yi's still immature heart, Lu Mingfei was not a dragon slayer who could compete head-on with Kagome.Minamoto Zhisheng has always protected Eri very well, but he did not cultivate and care for her as a girl, but more like a precious weapon.

Within a certain defined range, the Snake Qihachi family will meet all Eri's requirements.She wanted to eat cod from the Arctic, tangerines from Taiwan, and yams from Yunnan. She made the request in the morning, and a private plane carrying these items landed at Narita Airport in the afternoon.If Eri wants to play a console game that Nintendo has not released yet, the head of the Sakurai family can spend a huge sum of money to help her get it.

But this girl who has been living in Tokyo since she was a child has grown up day by day. Before Minamoto was even aware of it, Eriyi had become slim and graceful.She no longer looked like a pet kept in a cage as before, but the heads of the Sheqiba family still treated her as before.Eriki's travel will be restricted. Not only must she be accompanied by Minamoto or Sakura, but there are also executive bureau elites who are nominally protecting but actually decapitating and erasing around her. Contact with the outside world is not allowed, and the only The way to know the outside world is to watch TV and network with others to fight Street Fighter.

In this case, Eriri would not be as knowledgeable about the situation in the world of secret parties and hybrids as Minamoto or Sakura. She would not know how majestic Lu Mingfei was this time, killing the bronze and fire people. The king also killed the king of the earth and the mountain. She would not know what earth-shattering changes the political structure of the mixed-race world was undergoing.Lu Mingfei almost hurriedly unlocked his phone.He realized that maybe in Eryi's eyes, he was still like the white moonlight that happened by chance in the previous period of time and space, the illusory distance, and the boy next door who was not strong and even a little timid.

Because he was originally such a person, and now he just put on a layer of armor called strength.

The timid, humble Lu Mingfei who was afraid of losing everything was still hidden in his soul, but he had to carry too many things and had no choice but to wear armor.In fact, Lu Mingfei often thinks about erasing all memories of himself today. Going back to the wine cellar in Takamagahara on that rainy night many years ago, would he still make the same choice?In the face of fear, will he still use alcohol to numb himself?When faced with someone's liking, will he still have low self-esteem and run away timidly?

In fact, the answer lies in his heart, but he is unwilling to believe or admit it. He is a man who wants to be the enemy of fate. How can he admit his humbleness.

Suddenly, he didn't even dare to face himself. He felt that after so many years, he still hadn't grown up. He seemed to still value his life very seriously.

The arrival of Ke Hui Liyi made him uneasy.That girl actually knew everything. How much burden using the word spirit would put on her body, how much pain and fear she would face, but when she knew that Lu Mingfei needed her, she still came without hesitation. .For the child-like Eri, the fear of pain and the fear of death should be equal. She may even not know the concept of death at all. She doesn't know what death feels like, so she may not Not afraid of death.

The snake-like dead waiters stood upright, twisting their long tails together with those of their companions restlessly, and surrounded Chu Zihang's group with strange postures, as if they were performing some evil ritual.

Pairs after pairs of evil-like golden pupils shone in the darkness. These golden pupils were connected in the surroundings, like the ever-bright lamps lit in front of the Buddha statues in abandoned Buddhist niches.

The lights of Tokyo in the distance are so bright, and the huge black bird is getting closer and closer. The scream of the helicopter wings tearing the air is like someone waving a sharp sword in the sky. The dead waiters look at Chu Zi greedily. In the Hang Group, the snake-like forked tongue stretched out to lick the ferocious facial bones on the lips, and the turbulent golden pupils were filled with greed and bloodthirsty desire.

No one in the trio was injured just now, and none of their blood was exposed, so these snake-like deadpools still don’t know what Chu Zihang’s group means to them, but even though they are separated by a body of flesh, they can still faintly see it. Feel the turmoil from deep within your soul.

The Deadpools wanted to rush up and tear the prey into pieces, but they instinctively felt that some deadly threat was approaching.

Lu Mingfei finally found the account in the chat software where Hui Liyi sat down and took a selfie as his avatar. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately clicked to request a video.

"It's me!" Lu Mingfei whispered as the video was quickly picked up.The opposite person was indeed Eri Yi. They looked at each other across the mobile phone. The pupils of the two people were filled with magnificent gold. But when they looked at each other, the majestic color suddenly rippled and then faded away at the same time like the tide on the seaside. .

Eriki was obviously wearing the red and white miko uniform that was equivalent to home clothes for her. A trace of anxiety could be seen on the girl's face, and her forehead was lifted by the wind, revealing her smooth and jade-like forehead.A subtitle flashed on the screen, Eri Yi said, "Are you okay? Nothing happened. I'm playing a game. Sakura said you were in danger and I ran over immediately."Lu Mingfei smiled and replied, "I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry, Eriki. I'm very powerful. Even Ultraman can't beat me."Eriyi said that if Ultraman comes to fight me one day, he must come to protect me.Lu Mingfei promised that I would protect you, but you must not use the spirit of speech now. I can solve the problem here. If you use the spirit of speech, your body will not be able to bear it.Eriyi shrugged the tip of her nose and made a sullen expression. She said you are not allowed to lie to me again.

Lu Mingfei was stunned.She was clearly an ignorant girl, but he always felt that every word Eryi said could penetrate into his heart, which was not guarded against her in the first place.

"Tell Miss Ying not to come here again, we will handle the matter here." Lu Mingfei said.

"I'm worried about you." Eriki bit her lower lip stubbornly.

Lu Mingfei covered his face, and said through his earphones that you should let the helicopter pilot hover in the sky. These deadpools can jump very high. If the altitude is lowered, you will be in danger.

He knew that Eriki was actually a very stubborn girl, and she would definitely do whatever she wanted to do in many cases, such as the wars between the family that almost never succeeded in the previous period of time and space, and Snakesaki in this period of time and space. The eight families finally gave her some permission to leave Genji Heavy Industries.

The helicopter was getting closer and closer, and the Deadpools realized that something that could kill them in an instant was also approaching with the thing in the sky. They were fearful and greedy, unwilling to leave and did not have the courage to attack, Caesar It's okay to say this, so that we can starve them to death.

Chu Zihang said, look at those Deadpools, each of them has a bloated abdomen, which means they store a huge amount of fat in their bodies. If we spend a week like this, we will starve to death first, and we don’t have much time. We can neither let go of any deadpool nor delay it until the early morning when the Metropolitan Police Department resumes patrols, unless the Gattuso family is prepared to represent the college as new energy itself at the next United Nations Summit on New Energy Applications.

Caesar shuddered as he imagined that scene.

"Are you really not going to trick that little girl into killing all those monsters through trial?" Caesar asked seriously, and Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment: "I don't want Eryi to do it, she is not in good health. "

The gunshots roared like thunder. Caesar suddenly drew his gun and threw out six steel-core bullets. These bullets disappeared into the darkness and then splashed out with dazzling sparks not far away. After being hit, Deadpool, who was about to lurk, howled in agony because of the severe pain. The voice was sharp, like a cat in heat, which gave people goosebumps.After he was discovered, he no longer hid, and swam towards Chu Zihang's group with his long tail, but Lu Mingfei stretched out his hand to pull Caesar behind him, and the two people exchanged positions within half a second, Lu Mingfei held it with his right hand The hilt of the knife was abruptly pulled out from the left armpit. The sword's light was like the moon, and the mythical weapon screamed. The real roar caused the Deadpool, who had originally intended to attack suddenly, to freeze.

There was a sound of bones being torn apart, accompanied by thick black blood that was spread out in the shape of a moon arc by lust. The neck bone of the snake-shaped deadpool was cut off along with the spine, and the head drooped, killing him immediately.

At this moment, a huge beam of light fell from the sky, like a god opening his eyes in the clouds. This sword-like light enveloped Chu Zihang's group.

The helicopter's rotors ripped through the oncoming wind in the night sky, and a huge roar echoed everywhere.

Lu Mingfei raised his head and saw that the cabin door was open and the hem of the red and white witch costume was fluttering in the wind.

At the last moment, the vague banging sound in Caesar's perception suddenly became urgent, and the last fear of the Deadpools was shattered. They roared, they roared, and they waved their sharp claws like a black tide to devour everything!
Lu Mingfei unplugged his earphones. Before he hung up the call with Eliyi, the man brought the phone's microphone close to his lips, and his deep voice exploded like thunder.

"Don't use your ability, Eriyi, watch it."

His already dim pupils seemed to be flowing with molten iron at this moment!Such majestic and majestic majesty rose from the ground together with the sound of something breaking that seemed to come from his body!

The strong wind blew open the skirt of his suit at this moment, and the expensive clothes fluttered backwards like a battle flag. The sound of bones exploding could be heard endlessly, and the keel state was fully activated!
"Me too..." Lu Mingfei growled in a low voice. He held the blade of lust in his hand. Blood slid down the spine of the blade. The pair of pupils seemed to be emitting golden-red light, and the light and fire were reflected in the river like a river. On the man's majestic facial bones at this moment, he breathed slowly, as if he wanted to suck the world into his lungs, and the blood fell drop by drop. His blood was more attractive to Deadpool than dragon blood. Now So that they don't run away out of fear.

The ribs drew a huge arc in the air, the blade extended along the blade light, and the thing immediately came to life, like a dragon being held in the hand.

He suddenly moved forward. This step was like thousands of troops behind him, and the concrete ground under his feet was completely cracked.Scales harder than steel covered every inch of Lu Mingfei's skin in an instant. The phone was raised and dropped, and the last few words passed into Eliyi's ears.

"Very! Strong!"

The galloping Lu Mingfei was like an unstoppable raging wave, colliding hard with the surrounding Deadpool!

(End of this chapter)

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