Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 193 192 White Feather Dog Shrine

Chapter 193 192. White Feather Dog Shrine

The helicopter's wings rolled up into cyclones in the hurricane, and its engine roared tore through the silent night sky.Ying lowered the rope ladder, let all Chu Zihang's team board the plane, and then ordered the pilot to set the destination to the mountains in the north.

The undulating mountains stretched into the darkness, seemingly as far as the eye could see. The intercity highway connecting Kanagawa and Tokyo snaked through the mountains like a glowing snake.Chu Zihang and Caesar silently used their knives to help Lu Mingfei pick out the fragments of Deadpool's claws embedded in his muscles. Sakura looked forward, while Eriyi held Lu Mingfei's arms with both hands and leaned into the man's arms. Play a pixel-style Pokémon game on your phone.

The lights of Tokyo were left behind, and the world was desolate and lonely.

"You have to have confidence in me." Lu Mingfei touched Hui Liyi's hair skillfully. Chu Zihang slashed with a little more force. Caesar's face was full of horror, and he quickly squeezed the murderer next to him. aside.

Eriki held the phone screen down, thought for a moment, and nodded solemnly.

A few strands of her hair were blown up by the wind, tickling Lu Mingfei's nose and making her want to sneeze.

"We are now heading to the station in the suburbs. Genji Heavy Industries, the office center in Tokyo, was attacked by the demons after you left. It may be dangerous to rush back at this time." Sakura turned around and said, Caesar shrugged. It doesn't matter.

Lu Mingfei turned to look at Chu Zihang who had just stabbed him. The senior brother was holding Murasame and leaning against the window inside the back seat of the helicopter. He closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. His expression was calm but his lips were pursed. Standing up, the knuckles of the fingers holding the scabbard turned white.

"There is still a long way to go. I asked the people from the Kanagawa Executive Bureau to prepare a car. We will have to change transportation later." Sakura whispered, "That station is not in the city, but in the mountains. in the shrine.”

Eriki's eyes became brighter, her little head arched on Lu Mingfei's chest, she found a more comfortable position, and then she made a slight nasal noise like a coquettish one.

Every winter, Minamoto would take Eri to a shrine in the suburbs of Tokyo. The priest there would prepare a lot of chicken wings and beer, and Minamoto would light a bonfire by the pool to roast the chicken wings for Eri to eat.Sakura usually follows them, so she knows the exact location of the somewhat secretive mountain shrine. Sometimes Yasha and Crow will be together.

"Is it Minamoto's order to ask the head of the Uesugi family to help us?" The sound of bone fragments falling into the porcelain dish could not be heard. Caesar helped Lu Mingfei pick out the last fragment and then helped him apply medicine and bandage. At the same time, he asked, His eyes were not looking at Sakura.

Every qualified sophomore student at Kassel College is an excellent emergency response expert. In the field survival practice courses and practical courses, the professor will tell them in all directions what they should do after fighting a deadpool or a dragon. How to debridement, how to treat wounds to avoid inflammation and infection, how to perform emergency amputation...

Caesar and Chu Zihang are both outstanding in practical classes. Apart from Lu Mingfei, who has never taken any practical classes, no one in the academy can compete with them in this regard.

"Yes, the young master was originally on a mission in Osaka. When he learned that the VIPs were attacked, he was very worried about your safety, so he asked Miss Eriki to come and have a look." Sakura said respectfully.

The commissioner of this department was attacked by a group of Deadpools on the streets of Tokyo. The impact of this kind of thing on the secret party in the hybrid world was no less than that of American soldiers being ambushed by a group of North Korean soldiers on the streets of Seoul.

If nothing really happened to Chu Zihang's team, there would still be room for resolution through diplomatic channels.And if Chu Zihang's team really died here or Lu Mingfei couldn't hold back and made too much noise, then the Sheqi family would probably be doomed.

Therefore, Caesar guessed that Eriki must be supported by Minamoto Chisei or Tachibana Masamune. After all, based on their limited understanding of the internal system of the Snakekihachi family, there are only two people who have absolute control over this organization, respectively. They are the current Grand Master, Masamune Nagatachibana, and the current Young Master, Minamoto Shosei.With the authority of the other family heads, they should not be able to send the head of the Uesugi family out of Genji Heavy Industries.

"Our presence in Japan represents not just us as individuals, but the entire Kassel Academy, so the Snake Qihachi family has to give a reasonable explanation for this matter." Chu Zihang did not open his eyes, his beautiful face His pupils were thrown away and he didn't wear his sunglasses. Those golden pupils were so scary that he rarely showed them to others.

In fact, the senior brother's bloodline is not particularly outstanding. He may even be far inferior to Caesar when he first entered school, but his frequent use of violent blood has led him to the abyss step by step. As his bloodline is strengthened, he is also falling into hell.

The implementation of the Nibelung Plan stopped this process, but could not reverse the erosion that had been suffered on his body, so the pair of inextinguishable golden eyes were retained forever.

Caesar glanced at Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei lowered his head and watched Huili Yi playing games, and no one said anything.

Of course, they cannot be said to have been deceived by Ruri Kazama, the Dragon King of the Fierce Ghosts. They set up a bureau at the academy station to create an alibi, and attracted the defense force of the family at Genji Heavy Industries to go out to create an attack rock flow for Ruri Kazama. Institute Opportunities.

Chu Zihang and Caesar's political acumen are not top-notch, but they can figure out this kind of thing even if they think about it with the hair on their legs.

In short, the best choice is to shirk all responsibilities, let the Sheqi family handle this matter, let the academy and the Sheqi family confront each other, and at the same time remove Chu Zihang's group.

"While the distinguished guests were attacked, Genji Heavy Industries was also attacked with high intensity. We have reason to believe that all this is planned by the fierce ghosts behind the scenes, but we still don't know what the hidden purpose of this organization is." Sakura. He stepped forward and immediately followed Chu Zihang's intention.

"However, after all, the commissioners of our headquarters were attacked in Tokyo, and we have the obligation to take responsibility for this matter."

Obviously Minamoto Chisei or Tachibana Masamune had anticipated such a situation, so they had made relevant explanations to Sakura in advance.

"We left behind videos and pictures during the battle. All those who attacked us were artificial Deadpools with snake-like distortions. Miss Sakura should also know that even if there is an external force to induce it, the direction of Deadpool's distortions cannot be so unified. , which means that the number of hybrids being tested on humans by the Menggui is actually far greater than what we see today." Chu Zihang's expression was serious and his tone was quite stern,

"This is an act that seriously violates the blood contract of Abraham. Since the Demons are a huge and deeply entrenched organization in Japan, my team members and I do not have the ability to judge and deal with them, so I will keep the situation here as it is. Report it to the college. Professor Schneider and President Angers will immediately convene a school board meeting, and as expected, the college’s task force will arrive in Tokyo within seven days.”

"For this, my young master would like to express my sincere apologies to all of you. However, Mr. Nagasamune and the head of the branch, the Inuyama family, have already boarded a private plane to Chicago. Princess Kaguya will inform you of the follow-up matters as soon as possible." Sakura. She said that although she had not enrolled in Kassel College, she did spend a lot of time understanding the operating rules of this institution.

The college actually only has legislative power over each branch but no law enforcement power. That is to say, even if the Japanese branch commits some acts that violate the Abrahamic blood contract, or an institution appears in Japan that seriously violates the current rules of the mixed race world, The Executive Department also has no power to directly launch a war against the Sheqi Eight Family.

The usual law enforcement process is very lengthy. First there is diplomatic wrangling, then mutual shirking of responsibility, and then the college orders the Japanese branch to find the real culprit and hand it over to the college's executive department. After three orders, but no results are achieved, a commissioner is dispatched to investigate. If after the investigation, Only when it is discovered that the matter is actually closely related to the Sheqiba family or is seriously hindered during the investigation process will the war process be initiated.

Sakura is not the real core figure in the Jakiba family. She is just a retainer of Minamoto. Although she is not qualified to know the family's next strategic focus, she also knows that Mr. Masamune has absolutely no intention of starting a war with the secret party in the short term.Therefore, this time Tachibana Masamune and Inuyama Ga go to Chicago to negotiate with the school board and may make huge concessions, but the school is also likely to be unable to send commissioners to Japan as they wish.

Chu Zihang also knew that there was no point in struggling with Ying here at this moment, so he closed his eyes again, leaned against the window of the helicopter, and fell asleep deeply.

A group of people rushed from Shinjuku to a shrine in the suburbs, changing modes of transportation along the way, and it took less than two hours in total. Eryi fell asleep in Lu Mingfei's arms, while Caesar and Chu Zihang were in the Hummer's back. One person in the last row takes a seat and closes his eyes to meditate.

The roads in the mountains are rugged and there are no road signs. If you are not a commissioner of the Executive Bureau, it may be difficult for others to find this place.

When the Hummer slowly stopped in front of the ancient building in the forest, drizzle was already falling in the sky.Eriki had just briefly activated her bloodline, triggering elemental turbulence over Shinjuku District and Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture. Although this awakening was short-lived and the elemental tide dissipated quickly, the gathering rain clouds did not. would disappear out of thin air. The dark clouds as thick as mountains were blown away by the wind from Tokyo Bay, and then spread to the whole of Tokyo, forming a thin layer. At this moment, it actually started to rain lightly.

As soon as the Hummer came to a stop and before the car door was opened, a priest ran out from the shrine and opened a big black umbrella for the visiting commissioners and distinguished guests.Erika was in a hurry when she went out and didn't have time to put on her shoes. At this time, her feet were still tightly wrapped in plain white cotton socks. The red hem of the miko uniform was raised, revealing her crystal white, slender and tight calves, which were so beautiful that they seemed to be photographed. Light up the night in the mountains.

Lu Mingfei looked at Hui Liyi, and Hui Liyi looked at Lu Mingfei. Both of them blinked, and a faint blush appeared on the girl's earlobes. Lu Mingfei took a peek at Caesar and Chu Zihang, the two senior brothers. He seemed to have some foresight. He had already disappeared under the leadership of the priest, so he hugged the girl and got out of the car.

Sakura looked at the tall girl curled up like a baby in Lu Mingfei's arms.

Miss Eriki buried her head in the man's chest like a hugged cat. The open door of the shrine revealed mottled light and shadow, and they walked in facing the light and shadow.

Sakura hesitated for a moment, said nothing, and entered the shrine accompanied by the priest.During this time, Minamoto Tatsumi told Sakura about the family's internal views on the connection between Eri Yi and Lu Mingfei. Several family heads with foreign surnames actually did not have much say in this matter, mainly Minamoto Tachibana and Tachibana Masamune. idea.Mr. Masamune was quite optimistic about Mr. Lu and Miss Eriki, and thought that the head of the Uesugi family could be entrusted to that young man.

A young man wearing a priest's costume led the way. Because Sakura informed the shrine manager in advance that a distinguished guest was coming, she didn't see many unnecessary people along the way. The wooden corridor was also cleaned to make it visible, and a gentle-looking man The old priest pushed a copper basin for several people to rinse their mouths and hands, and prepared wooden clogs for them. After Eryi put on the wooden clogs, she stood behind Lu Mingfei with her head lowered. The priests looked at her with some suspicion.

"I think Lu Mingfei is very courageous. If the head of the Uesugi family goes crazy, he can kill millions of people in Tokyo. He is like making an atomic bomb." Caesar was quite emotional, feeling that his romantic past was on the way. The boss's lust and forgetfulness are nothing, and he can't help but want to recite a saying in the Yangtze River: the waves behind push the waves ahead.

Chu Zihang walked beside him with a cigarette in his mouth. He didn't say anything, but silently stared at the backs of the people in front of him.

"Speaking of which, how are you and Susie doing?" Caesar pushed Chu Zihang with his shoulder.

"What?" Chu Zihang was confused and shocked.

"There is talk on the Night Watch forum that you and Susie seem to be dating. I think Fingel's words are clear and reasonable, and it doesn't look like he is making them up." Caesar frowned slightly, "And the girl didn't refute it."

Chu Zihang remained silent and just touched his face.

"You are guilty," said Caesar.

Chu Zihang glared at him.

In fact, what Caesar said was right. The kendo girl was indeed the one who captured the killer embryo during the summer vacation.At that time, Lu Mingfei led Xia Mi, Nono and Constantine to wander around various scenic spots in the country. Caesar and Isabella went on a breakup trip in Europe. Chu Zihang accepted the Nibelungen plan first and started to travel during the summer vacation. Participated in inhumane special training.Su Qian did not go home at that time, but chose to stay in school. She drove to pick up Chu Zihang every day and cooked him many nourishing meals.

Originally, Chu Zihang probably also had a good impression of Su Qian. The two had been together for a long time and had a tacit understanding with each other. They naturally held hands. As for whether they would get closer, only Chu Zihang himself knew.

Others always think that Chu Zihang is an emotionless face, but this is not the case.On the contrary, his emotions are very delicate and he is also very sensitive to other people's love and liking. Chu Zihang has known that Susie likes him a long time ago.

He is not a person who is in tune with this world. Chu Zihang has always felt that he will never fall in love with anyone in this life. At most, he does not dislike Su Qian, but likes her a little.In fact, this is enough, there is already a basis for being together.

Lu Mingfei also often told him how good Sister Su Qian is, a good wife and mother, and her cooking is delicious. Senior brother, do you know that every time you fight with Caesar, Sister Su Qian is paying attention to you silently? She said that if If you can't beat Caesar, she will call Nono at night and together they will knock Caesar unconscious and hang him on the door of Amber Hall.

Chu Zihang used to feel that he didn't cooperate with anyone. His life was short. People like him lived for revenge. He would walk up to his enemy alone like a principal and then come out with a knife and chop at Odin until Killing Odin or being hacked to death by Odin is his end.The hidden dangers left by the violent blood technology are always like a volcano about to erupt in his body. As long as one day is not suppressed, he will die.In that situation, Chu Zihang felt that how could he be with anyone? It would only increase his sadness.

But the Nibelung Plan changed him. The special substance extracted from Norton's Dragon Bone Cross made the blood in his body no longer violent. Chu Zihang could clearly feel that his body was becoming clean again, and his mind Those violent and angry thoughts are being eliminated, and only then can he add some luster to his life.

This was obviously a very old building. Chu Zihang and Caesar didn't say anything behind it. Lu Mingfei didn't know it. He observed the surrounding environment and subconsciously looked for a place to hide or escape in case of an attack.

There is a stone Jizo enshrined in the corner of the courtyard outside the corridor, which is covered with moss that has turned into dark green. The lamp in front of the Buddha is covered with a glass lamp. It is obvious that someone cleans it from time to time. It is obviously an old thing, but it is still there. It is very clean and transparent, and you can see the scriptures engraved by the craftsmen on it.

The priest who led the way would stop and use the match in his hand to light the oil lamp on the wall every time he walked through a short corridor. The light flickered dimly, but it didn't look coquettish, just peaceful.There is a faint smell of benzoin in the air, and it is obvious that there is a profession similar to the prophet in this shrine.Lu Mingfei is no stranger to the smell of benzoin. Every time Nono needs to go into in-depth profiling, he will use this powder that witches used to cast spells in the Middle Ages. It helps to stabilize the mind and can also be used under certain circumstances. Create shallow illusions.

"This is the White Feather Dog Shrine. All the elders of the past dynasties were buried here after their death. Some elders died without their bodies intact, so they built tombs to enshrine their memorial tablets here. The priests are all trustworthy people," Sakura said. She is obviously very familiar with this place and can always point out where a Japanese room is hidden at the right time, whether it can be entered and what is inside.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment: "So we're staying here tonight?" He looked at Ying with some suspicion.

Sleeping with your ancestors?
"Yes, this is the safest place in Japan. Few people in the Snake Qiba family know the true location of this shrine. The fierce ghosts can't find it here. The young master will also drive directly to here. Please The distinguished guests are resting in peace," Sakura said.

Lu Mingfei nodded, saying this to his heart: I hope your ancestors are not all weird old men, but preferably some beautiful girls in kimonos.

The priest led them to the corner of the corridor and opened a rather hidden door. Behind it was a Japanese room with bedding and pillows, and two brand-new laptops on the tatami.

Chu Zihang's team followed Ying and walked in. The young priest said: "Every distinguished guest can stay here at night. The bedding and pillows are all clean. They have not been used since they were bought. We will take them out when the sun comes out." Sunbathe."

He was still a little shy when he spoke, not daring to look directly at those fierce-looking guys with blood on their bodies.

Sakura stood at the screen and pushed it open with a smile: "It's actually three connected Japanese rooms. You can allocate them yourself. There are many stand-alone games installed on the computer. The priest occasionally relaxes in this way, but it can't be done. Please forgive me for being online.”

"It doesn't matter, we are very tired today, and we probably don't have the energy to play games anymore." Caesar said, he looked at Lu Mingfei, "Junior brother, do you choose first?"

"I don't care." Lu Mingfei was staring out the window in a daze. The patter of rain made the Japanese room full of people seem a little quiet. Outside the window was a courtyard. In the courtyard was a garden. Opposite the garden was a torii gate. At the back are several wooden houses, with winding corridors connecting the courtyard and the wooden houses.

Lu Mingfei was looking at the flowers in the garden. They were domestic chrysanthemums in full bloom. They were bright yellow and looked very festive.

There seemed to be a young man's laughter in the mountains. It was too distant and too light, like an illusion.Lu Mingfei picked his ears and his laughter disappeared again. He looked at Eli Yi, who also looked a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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