Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 194 193 The mountains and winds in this world are lonely

Chapter 194 193. The mountains and winds in this world are lonely
There was a natural hot spring in the back room of the Japanese-style room, but the spring was very small. The priests prepared three one-meter-high wooden barrels for Chu Zihang's team. They threw spices and dried daisy flowers into the barrels and poured the hot spring water into the barrels. It was introduced into a wooden barrel to make bath soup.When Lu Mingfei soaked in it, he thought it was like making a vat of chrysanthemum tea, and the taste was very similar.

The four walls of the bathroom were covered with pine boards. Two solemn-looking priests helped them find clean linings and suits, and also prepared a kimono for each person. Then they left in small steps with their heads lowered.

Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei and Caesar took turns chopping wood and adding fire to reheat the wooden barrels for the three people to bathe in. Steam filled the small bathroom. The small window faced the courtyard, and Lu Mingfei was naked. The arm groaned as he chopped wood, then threw a few logs into the fire under Chu Zihang's barrel, picked up a few more and threw them into the fire under Caesar's barrel.The figures of the senior brothers were looming in the steam. The two chatted about what happened tonight. Lu Mingfei felt like a monster steaming the fat monk.

"Miss Sakura said that during the attack by the fierce ghosts on Genji Heavy Industries, the girl named Miyamoto Luoye from the Kanto branch was unfortunately killed." Chu Zihang said.After chopping the firewood, Lu Mingfei was climbing back into his barrel. When he heard these words, he paused and his pupils shrank.

On the way to the shrine, Sakura had already explained the current situation to Chu Zihang's team. The fierce ghosts launched an attack on Genji Heavy Industries. The family suffered heavy losses, the Yanliu Research Institute was completely paralyzed, and one-third of the facilities of the Medical Department were destroyed. The number of people killed has not yet been fully calculated, but it is conservatively estimated to be no less than 15 people.

Miyamoto Rakiha, the leader of the Kanto branch who was recuperating at the Genji Heavy Industries Medical Department after being injured, was also on the list of victims.

"Yeah." Lu Mingfei responded with his head lowered.

Chu Zihang said, "What did she tell you?" Caesar yawned and looked over.

Lu Mingfei looked out the window. It was quiet in the night and the rain was still pattering.

This shrine was probably built a long time ago, and the sound insulation effect is quite poor. The sound of raindrops falling on the tiles can be clearly heard.

"Nothing, I just asked Akechi why Asuya came to trouble me." Lu Mingfei said, Chu Zihang nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, Lu Mingfei had doubts in his mind. The medical department of Genji Heavy Industries was neither adjacent to the Yanliu Research Institute, nor close to Kaguya's main computer floor, and it was even further away from the α floor where Eriki was.If the purpose of the Oni's attack on Genji Heavy Industries was to destroy strategic targets or to abduct Eri, which the Snake Kihachi family regarded as a tactical nuclear weapon, then they must have conducted detailed investigations in advance, even if they were not sure exactly where Kaguya's host was. On any floor, it is impossible to break through the defense line composed of the cadres of the Heqihachi family who are guarding Erika's safety, but he should not target the medical department, which is not as important to the Heqihachi family.

Moreover, Miyamoto Luoye obviously knew something that even Lu Mingfei didn't know, and the time of her death was too strange.

It was as if someone deliberately didn't want Miyamoto Luoye to tell others the truth about certain things.

Although he was not the owner of a profile like Nono, Lu Mingfei had an inexplicable feeling that this time the attack by the fierce ghosts on Genji Heavy Industries was certainly intended to destroy the Yanliu Research Institute by Kazama Ruri, but it was also mixed with other elements. Some unknown conspiracy.

And the center of this conspiracy's whirlpool is the seemingly insignificant Miyamoto Luoye.

Just as Lu Mingfei was lost in thought, Caesar had already emerged from the tub wrapped in a bath towel. "I'm a little hungry, or let's grill chicken wings." He said, while looking at Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei who were still soaking in the water.

Chu Zihang nodded: "High-intensity fighting will accelerate the consumption of physical strength. I am really hungry at this time."

So they walked to the door wrapped in bath towels and each put on clean kimonos. The clothes were very simple and without extraneous decorations. Lu Mingfei lifted his crotch and thought to himself, are all Japanese clothes so tight in the crotch?

When they were separated, Sakura told them that if they were hungry, they could go to the kitchen in the backyard to grill chicken wings, and there would be unlimited beer. The three of them walked into the drizzly courtyard surrounded by each other, chatting in low voices.

It was actually very late at this time. The time was 02:30 in the morning. The wind in the mountains was cool and strong, and it was still a bit chilly on Lu Mingfei's body.The priests were probably asleep, and not a single soul could be seen in the courtyard. Oil lamps were lit in the stone lanterns beside the road, and there was a warm light every few steps.

"Caesar, when you first came here, did you hear a child laughing in the mountains? He should be a teenager." Lu Mingfei wrapped his clothes tightly. His healing ability far exceeded that of any S-class hybrid, and he could be called a humanoid. Dragon King, the dense wounds that were all over his body just now have completely healed and scabbed, and no scars will remain for probably a day or two at most.

Caesar's speech spirit was originally Kamaitachi, and his hearing was top-notch even among hybrids. Lu Mingfei was now wondering whether it was his own hallucination, or whether there was indeed a child laughing in the mountains.

Caesar glanced at Lu Mingfei in surprise, with doubts in his eyes. He raised his hand and put the back of his hand against Lu Mingfei's forehead.

"Did you hurt your brain?" Caesar frowned, and the corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched, "I'm not kidding," he said.

"No." Caesar said. Young Master Gattuso seemed to be hesitant and hesitant to speak. Then he lowered his voice and said, "Lu Mingfei, have you ever heard of Master Bachi?"

Lu Mingfei's face was full of horror, "Young Master Gattuso also likes this tone?" His pupils were shaking, and he felt that his world view had been affected.

Caesar wondered: "What tune? I mean there are many similar mountain rumors spread among Japanese folk. Ghost legends are not uncommon in this country."

Lu Mingfei curled his lips and said nothing.These hybrids received authentic materialist education at Kassel College. They firmly believe that all supernatural events in the world are related to dragons, so they naturally do not believe in ghosts and gods.

Passing through the corridor and bypassing the courtyard, the shrine's kitchen is not far from the room where Eriki is staying.Although it is already late at night, the lights in the shrine will not be extinguished. This is to guide the way for ghosts and gods who have gone out and have not returned.

Lu Mingfei shook his shoulders and shook off the water drops on his body. He used the dim light from the scented oil lamp in front of the Buddha to find the oil lamp on the wall. After lighting it, he and Chu Zihang Caesar entered the kitchen.

There was actually a fire burning all the time in the stove. A rather handsome boy in a priest's uniform was leaning against the wall and snoring softly in the flickering firelight. He was probably a trainee priest of the White Feather Dog Shrine, and he was arranged to keep vigil in the kitchen.

Lu Mingfei woke him up when the others came in. Seeing that they were some distinguished guests from the headquarters, he yawned and rubbed his eyes before leaving.Caesar found boxes of frozen chicken wings from the freezer, marinated them with ready-made seasonings, wrapped them in tin foil and threw them into the stove. They were roasted until they were fragrant and oily, and there was a crackling sound in the fire. Chu Zihang came from the shelf on one side. After finding cumin powder and chili powder, Lu Mingfei went to get beer. The three of them sat around, their faces felt warm when the firelight fell on them.

They opened the window, and outside was the mountain behind the shrine, with mountains like creeping giants. At first glance, there seemed to be no fire at all, which was completely different from the night view of Tokyo.After the chicken wings were roasted, Chu Zihang forked them with an iron fork, tore off the tin foil, sprinkled cumin and chili pepper, and then distributed them to Lu Mingfei and Caesar. The three of them drank beer while the three of them were roasting the chicken wings.

"Christina said that she applied for a place in the next group to study in Japan. I asked my uncle to say hello to Professor Schneider. There shouldn't be any problem." Caesar said, it's a bit boring to drink alcohol and eat grilled chicken wings. Young Master Gattuso had never participated in civilian activities such as drinking beer. Seeing that neither Lu Mingfei nor Chu Zihang had the intention to speak, he raised the topic.

Lu Mingfei's heart was moved, and he thought that he didn't know who the next batch of exchange students would be. Considering the old slut of the principal, he would definitely want to throw a nuclear bomb over and connect the Snake Qi family with the fierce ghosts. Exploded together.Nowadays, the only strategic-level weapon in the academy is Xia Mi. So the junior sisters will also come with the next batch of study groups?
"There was an attack by Deadpool last night. The college should increase the number of dispatched personnel for the next batch of study groups." Chu Zihang said, if Tachibana Masamune and Inuyama Ga had already rushed to Chicago and solved the school's problem through diplomatic means. Doubts, the Executive Department may not be able to obtain the next batch of declaration of war permission from the school board, so sending more commissioners will become an option for the college.

"The situation in Japan is a bit confusing. Chen Motong has a strong profiling ability and may be assigned." Caesar said, his brows furrowed, "In addition, Qilan may also be assigned." Qilan's words Ling is a prophet, and the profile of Nono is very suitable for their current situation in Japan.

Lu Mingfei watched the flames rise in the stove, and the oil on the chicken wings in the tinfoil dripped into the fire, making a crackling sound. "I'm going to ask Eri to come and eat grilled chicken wings together." He stood up with a chicken bone that had not yet been chewed clean in his mouth. He still held half a can of beer in his hand. His eyes were drooped and he looked very lethargic.Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other. Chu Zihang nodded and said, "By the way, let's see if Miss Ying is back. If she is back, we can call her together."

Sakura drove them away after sending them to the shrine and settling Erii. She was going to go down the mountain to wait for Minamoto at the intersection.

On such a windy and rainy night, Caesar was a little worried about letting Ying leave alone, but after Chu Zihang exposed his audacious plot, he was unable to get on Ying's Hummer.Lu Mingfei nodded and said nothing.

He opened the door and left the kitchen, then closed the door behind him.When Caesar and Chu Zihang talked about the next batch of commissioners, Lu Mingfei was a little confused. He guessed that there was a high probability that Xia Mi and Nono would be in the study group next time he came to Japan. He didn't know what he should do. How to face what is going to happen next.

He didn't know how to see Xia Mi, nor how to explain this matter to Eri, although the junior sister didn't seem to care.

But he cares.

The garden was very quiet. In front of the stone Jizo in the corner, there was a glass lamp with a certain age lit. The candle was dim and dim. Lu Mingfei drank the remaining half of the can of beer, then flattened the empty can in his hand and threw it in accurately. In the trash can in the other corner.

After passing the white courtyard garden and the torii gate, you enter the back garden of the shrine. Here, several rows of wooden houses that look older than Lu Mingfei's mother are hidden in the shade of the trees.

There was still a faint candlelight swaying in the room where Li Yi was painted, and the rain falling on the glazed tiles made a crisp sound.

Lu Mingfei stood under the torii gate, soaked in the rain, and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Hey, Lu Mingze." Lu Mingfei called the little devil in a low voice. He had a lot of doubts and felt a little confused. It seemed that those things couldn't be shared with Caesar, Chu Zihang and the others. At this time, all he could think of was Lu Mingze.

But no one responded to him in the patter of rain. The continuous raindrops fell slantly under the caress of the mountain breeze, beating the petals of daisies, like elves swaying in the rain.

Lu Mingfei let out a deep sigh. He took a puff of the cigarette, then spit it out, and threw the half-burned Gentle Seven Star into the rain.

He lowered his footsteps and slowly approached Eryi's room. This was at the back of the room and there was no way to knock on the door. Lu Mingfei hesitated and knocked lightly on the window.

Eriki's sleep has always been very light. Sakura said that as long as there is a little disturbance outside, she will wake up from her sleep.But in fact, Lu Mingfei didn't feel this way. When he and Eriyi slept in the same room, he always felt that the girl seemed to be sleeping very deeply. Sometimes they would sleep until midnight. The old street outside was bustling with people, and there were no Seeing Eri wake up.

A few seconds later, the window was pushed open from the inside. Eriyi was wearing white cotton pajamas, holding the Rilakkuma doll she bought when she and Lu Mingfei went out last time. She was still a little sleepy, with long eyelashes hanging down. He came down, leaving a faint row of shadows in his crimson eyes. His cheeks were fair, but the left side of his face was still slightly red. It was obvious that he had been sleeping on his side just now.

She yawned, rubbed her eyes, and saw the person standing outside the window clearly, her eyes suddenly brightened.

"Have you drunk hot milk?" Lu Mingfei rubbed Eliyi's hair and asked with a smile.

Eriki found her little notebook on the small table behind her, squatted down and wrote down, "After drinking, Miss Sakura brought it to me."

Lu Mingfei smiled: "We are roasting chicken wings, and there is sake in the cabinet. Do you want a midnight snack?"

"Yeah!" Eriyi nodded vigorously.Lu Mingfei smiled: "Then change your clothes. My two senior brothers are here too, so don't go there in pajamas."

Eriki stuck out her tongue, hesitated, then reached out to rub Lu Mingfei's wet hair, then trotted and hid behind the screen to change clothes.

Lu Mingfei touched his head and smiled.While Eri went to change clothes, he looked into the Japanese room. It was indeed a girl's room. The decoration was very simple, not luxurious, but very clean. The furniture was made of aged cherry wood, which was just a set of tables and chairs. There is a bed, a clothes rack, a dressing table and a screen. In the middle of the room is probably a desk for some small things. On it sit the dolls of Master Yoda and Ultraman. The dolls are surrounded by water-red veils. candlestick.The vertical clothes rack is next to the bed. The priest's witch costume during the day has been taken away for cleaning. At this time, a new set hangs there, still red and white, with white long clothes and crimson hakama.

As long as Lu Mingfei closed his eyes, he could imagine Eli Yi wearing it on his body, and he couldn't help but laugh when he thought about it.

At this time, a little head poked out from behind the screen, and Eriyi held up a small book with a vigilant look on her face. On it was written "No peeking except for you."

Lu Mingfei was speechless. He waved his hand quickly: "I didn't peek. Please change your clothes quickly."

Eriki is indeed growing, but at a slightly slower pace, but at least now she has begun to realize the differences between men and women.Sakura said that love is indeed the most magical emotion in the world, and it can change many things that seem to never be changed.

A slender arm stretched out from behind the screen and quickly took off the miko costume.Lu Mingfei turned around and looked up at the sky. Thousands of raindrops were falling in that direction. For some reason, he recalled the first night he and Eriki spent together in that love hotel many years ago. That day He was still very frightened, feeling that he was not accompanying a beautiful little girl but a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

He didn't know at that time that love had begun to sprout in the girl's heart a long time ago... maybe it didn't sprout gradually, but in the face of the sun and rain, the buds broke through the outer wall of the seed and grew grandly.That was truly an incredible miracle. This miracle was so insignificant in the torrent of fate, but it followed him through two entire lives.

There was a rustling voice behind him. Lu Mingfei did not look back, but just looked at the rainy night sky in a daze. He was thinking, can he really change his destiny? Can he really fight against such a macroscopic thing as fate? ?

Yes, of course he can. Didn't he change Xia Mi's ending? Didn't he change Fenrir's ending?
But did you really go against fate, Lu Mingfei, did you really do it?
A voice said in his ear, have you really done it?
That voice was very familiar. After recalling the voices of many people, he finally realized that it was his own voice.It was as if some timid and lonely ghost had embraced him fiercely again across a long time and space.

Lu Mingfei shivered for no reason. He turned around suddenly to see if there was really a ghost exactly like him hiding behind him, but all he saw was a pair of deep red eyes as fragrant as wine. , as well as the delicate and soft touch on the lips.

Eryi's face was so close that her clean and clear pupils almost overflowed with spring water. She quietly came up behind Lu Mingfei. She probably wanted to give him a surprise, but the man suddenly turned his head. What a coincidence. Qiao kissed her on the lips, both of them were in a daze, and then Lu Mingfei immediately ran away like a frightened rabbit, but Ke Huiliyi reached out and held his head.

At this moment, their eyes met each other, and the wind blew the candlelight in the shrine in the corner swaying, as if all the glitz and glamor of the world had been condensed into the eyes of the man and the girl staring at each other.

There's no escape for you, Sakura.
This time I got you.

Her eyes were beautiful, staring unblinkingly at the man close at hand, while Lu Mingfei's eyes were evasive, but he didn't know how to push the girl away.

Erika's lips were soft but slightly cool.The girl's fragrance also hit my face, as if we were actually on the streets of Seoul at the end of spring, eating the same vanilla ice cream together under the crabapple tree that didn't actually exist.

When the kiss ended, the sound of wind in the mountains was so distant, and this lonely world no longer seemed so cold and lonely.Eryi knelt on the tatami by the window. Lu Mingfei still didn't turn her head back, but she buried her head deeply and pressed her smooth forehead against the man's broad and hard back for a long, long time.

(End of this chapter)

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