Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 196 195 Kazama Liuli

Chapter 196 195. Kazama Liuli
  The black helicopter flew over the mountains and over the troughs. A man in a black trench coat stood by the open door with a cigarette in his mouth. The wind blowing against his face lifted his forehead, revealing his slender and strange hair. eyes.

Yuan Zhisheng's expression was neither sad nor happy. He quietly looked at the brightly lit Tokyo, like a moth lost in the darkness looking at the light that could burn it to ashes.

Behind him, a heavy aluminum alloy box lay there quietly, containing some kind of heavy weapon that could even kill dragons, along with two sheathed ancient knives.

One hand is cut by a spider, and the sword is inscribed with the spider mountain, which is fierce and lurking at night. The other sword was probably not an ordinary ancient sword, but an alchemy sword that had been used to slay demons.

"Sakura, are you sure?" Yuan Zhisheng's voice was low, but as sonorous as an iron spear. He inhaled the last puff of smoke into his lungs and searched for the cigarette box in his trouser pocket again.

The lid of the box was open, and there was only wrinkled tinfoil inside.

"Wind, for a second, I can't feel the wind." Sakura, who was supposed to be waiting at the intersection at the bottom of the mountain, actually appeared behind Yuan Zhisheng. Her expression was cold, and the fragrance of cherry blossoms lingered in with the cold wind. Originating from the naive nasal cavity.

"A certain word spirit is working, and the commissioners of this department have quietly stepped into the evil ghost's trap." Yuan Zhisheng said, "I think I should know that evil ghost."

Sakura said nothing.

She heard the boy's laughter in the mountains. The laughter was familiar and distant, like an old friend forgotten in the depths of memory singing to you over the long years.

It wasn't until she left the mountain that she finally remembered that it was the young master's laughter.

"I once cut a spider into his heart, and then buried the evil ghost in a dry well. Now he comes to me for revenge." Yuan Zhisheng said softly, his voice was so gentle, and there were golden flakes like molten iron in his eyes. But it was like a star exploding.

Sakura held two ancient swords and stood behind Yuan Zhisheng with her head bowed. She felt that the young master's expression was so tired, but also inexplicably as strong as a diamond. The majesty that could not be resisted burst out from his body, accompanied by such as Sadness like a turbulent wave.

As if fearing to disturb the ghosts and gods in the sky, the helicopter flew very low, and the huge cone-shaped light beam cast a round spot of light in the dense black forest. The howling of the wind was like the wail of evil spirits.

There used to be many villages in the suburbs of Tokyo, but most of them were destroyed in earthquakes. The government built resettlement houses in the north of Kanagawa for the villagers who lost their homes, so most of the country people went there. Nowadays, these mountains are inaccessible. It's like hell at night.

The pilot lowered the altitude again at Minamoto's signal. We were less than five kilometers away from the Shiroyu Dog Shrine. Among the ruins and ruins of villages, weeds as tall as a person grew freely, and only black remains of withered summer flowers remained. The platycodon is like a withered claw stretching towards the sky.

From a high altitude, you can see that the houses in the mountains that collapsed due to the earthquake seemed to be dead, with their beams and rafters rotting away.

A long time ago, that village was the only way to go from Kanagawa to Shiroha Dog Shrine. Now it is abandoned and the road has sunk into the underground river due to unstable foundation.

Minamoto remembers that when he first came to Tokyo, a city that is so addictive, Tachibana Masamune took him to stay overnight in this village. At that time, there were still a few old people here who had not moved out, and government staff every day They would come to express condolences every week and bring some rice, flour, tea oil, and occasionally mackerel caught from Tokyo Bay. But when I went back last year, the last old man died in that rather cold winter.

Sakura stood next to Yuan Zhisheng. She looked down at the ruins, her eyes indifferent, but a dim light suddenly reflected in her dark pupils.

The light spots were like fire tearing apart the curtain, gradually spreading.

It turned out to be a clean shrine dedicated to the gods of this mountain. In front of the shrine, there were candles all over the small courtyard.

In such an inaccessible mountain, the light and fire are blown by the wind and sway in the direction of the shrine like a pilgrim.

"There is an empty stone courtyard in the village, please land there." Yuan Zhisheng said to the pilot. In fact, he and Sakura were not worried about the safety of the headquarters commissioners. In the world, Lu Mingfei and Eri could be threatened at the same time. The person wearing clothes may not have been born yet, but Sakura was still a little surprised.

"Why don't we go to the White Feather Dog Shrine first? I'm worried that the ghost will irritate Miss Eriki," she said.

Gen Zhisheng shook his head, "There are always restrictions on the use of spiritual speech spirits, and blood is the only measure of this restriction. There will be no human in the world whose blood can surpass Eri, and she will not be in danger." He said.

The helicopter was hovering three meters above the ground. Yuan Zhisheng first threw the aluminum alloy box down, then took two ancient swords from Sakura's hands, and finally jumped down, like an eagle spreading its wings. Sakura followed closely behind, and the wind seemed to lift the girl's body, as light as a dandelion dancing in the air.

After landing and standing firm, Yuan Zhisheng took out his wallet, opened it and handed it to Sakura.

Sure enough, like everyone else, there was a photo sandwiched there. The background was a rather old and deserted shrine. There was a light helicopter parked in front of the shrine. The boys in white hunting clothes sewn from linen were leaning on the helicopter together. One boy is slightly older, handsome and tall, and is clearly a smaller version of Yuan Zhisheng. The other is slightly smaller, more feminine and handsome, but as beautiful as a girl.

Since the Kamakura period, samurai robes have been worn by priests during rituals. They are similar to the clothes worn by ministers. It can be seen that Minamoto Chisei probably once worked as a trainee priest.

"I spent my childhood and teenage years in the mountains of Kobe. To this day, I still don't know where my biological parents are or whether they are still alive." Yuan Zhisheng said softly, waving to the pilot. Drive the helicopter away from here, and then lead Sakura towards the direction of the shrine.

Minamoto rarely told anyone about these things. Sakura, Crow and Yasha were the few people who knew about it, and only Masamune Tachibana knew about it.

Sakura just listened quietly without speaking. She knew that maybe today she would be exposed to some secrets that Yuan Zhisheng had buried deep in her heart.

"The one in the photo is Shikatori Shrine, which is quite big in the mountains of Kobe. Many people come to visit it every year. The villagers make a living by selling souvenirs. My brother and I live in the house of my adoptive father, who does not work. , living by adopting children from the city and receiving relief funds from the rich." Yuan Zhisheng said,
  "At that time, all the boys in the town had to take turns to study at Shikatori Shrine. My grades were always the best. Miyaji said that I could take over his class, and in the future, young girls could also work at the shrine to support themselves."

Sakura was a little shocked. She never knew that the young master had a younger brother. Then she suddenly realized something and her expression was a little moved.

"I told him that I was going to a big city to work hard, and he could hand over the position of Palace Secretary to Zhinu. But Zhinv died." Yuan Zhisheng said, and he stood in front of the candlelight that was coming like mountains and seas. , holding the handles of Spider-Cheer and Doji-Chere, all the strength in their bodies was stirring, as if they were trying to chop up the darkness that was not illuminated by the candlelight in front of them.

"The childish girl died. I killed him with these two knives because he degenerated into a ghost. I was already serving in the Executive Directorate at that time, and he was the first ghost I killed."

Sometimes Yuan Zhisheng would tell Crow and Yaksha about his childhood in the mountains. In these stories, he would conceal the name of the mountain town, and never mention the person who Chen once wanted to move to the position of the shrine's palace minister. passed down to his old man.

Of course, there is no mention of the young man buried deep in his memory, his younger brother Yuan Zongnu. "The child's bloodline is far better than mine, but it's not stable, so the emperor in the family is not him but me. If the laughter you hear in the mountains really looks like mine, it's probably him. ." Yuan Zhisheng's voice was low. He exhaled a long breath and walked towards the shrine by candlelight.

"I have watched the video sent by Princess Kaguya of the attack on Genji Heavy Industries by the Oni. The young man who destroyed the Rock Flow Research Institute looks very familiar. Maybe it was too long ago, or maybe it happened in my memory. Deviation, but I always feel that I did not recognize the wrong person, that is him, the young girl came back to seek revenge on me."

Sakura is alert to possible attacks from any direction. She is the young master's retainer and is determined to die for Yuan Zhi. Now Yuan Zhisheng told her that there were still ghosts in the world whose bloodline was far stronger than his, which really made Sakura's hair stand on end.

Yuan Zhisheng was probably the most powerful man Sakura had ever seen besides Lu Mingfei, but even so, he still admitted that there was some evil spirit crawling in the night chanting his words with gnashing teeth. name.

This is really unbelievable, this is really... appalling.

The candles swayed when the mountain wind blew, but they never went out, like ghosts who had re-emerged from the land of the dead reveling in front of the shrine.

Yuan Zhisheng was bowing, with both swords at his waist. It was obvious that he was not as calm as he looked. Not only was he not calm, he looked like a liger on the hunt.

His muscles arched, and golden light could be seen flowing on his fair face in the candlelight. It was the ignited golden pupils that reflected the man's cheeks.

In front of the shrine is a thick gauze curtain, which was probably newly hung by the person who lit the candles. Yuan Zhisheng lit a match and threw it up, and the gauze curtain caught fire, actually burning very quickly. The wool curled up and gave off the disgusting smell of protein denaturation. , the huge hole spreads around from the center where the match fell.

The ancient alchemy knife split into cold arcs in the blazing light and fire. The spider cutter and the boy cutter were unsheathed at the same time, but there was nothing dangerous in the shrine.

Not even a statue of the god.

There was only a standing wooden clothes hanger, with a blood-red hunting robe hanging on it. Behind the hunting robe was the totem of Shikatori Shrine, a leaping sacred deer.

The smell of blood hit his face. The clothes were not originally blood red, but were dyed this color by a huge amount of blood. Yuan Zhisheng pursed his lips and slowly put away the knife.

At this time, the wind blew from behind, and the candlelight like mountains and seas began to extinguish one by one from far to near, and darkness spread like a sea wave. The hunting clothes hanging in the shrine were dancing in the wind. Sakura suddenly felt frightened. She thought she saw a certain enchanting young man wearing this blood-red hunting clothes, dancing gracefully in the shrine, singing a sad and sad song with a chuckle.

In the depths of the darkness, Yuan Zhisheng stared at the hunting clothes, and after a long silence, he sighed deeply.

He was here, but he left again.

Yuan Jingnu should be working among the fierce ghosts now. He should be the emperor recognized by the evil ghosts, right?

Yuan Zhisheng finally raised his head, and then he noticed that there was still thin and sparse rain falling in the sky. He just stood silently in the rain, and the smell of embers was like the smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Young girl, you..."

"Are you really back?"
  The whole world was filled with the rustle of falling rain, and the distant chuckle of the young man in the mountains. Chuzi Aviation Police felt like a cheetah being ambushed. His thin body became hard and dangerous in an instant, and his muscles were like stone. Under that loose kimono, it undulated like a flowing tide.

Caesar's reaction was even more exaggerated. He originally lowered his head to taste a piece of Chu Zihang's roasted chicken wings and drank a beer that was almost indifferent to him, but at this time, his originally light blue eyes changed from He rose from the shadows, and the indifferent golden color burned in his pupils like wildfire in the wilderness. At the same time, the howling wind changed its direction, and countless screaming monsters swooped in all directions with the Italian man as the center. The sound of sharp beaks and claws tearing the air could be clearly heard by everyone except Caesar.

The vampire scythes were summoned, and their nests in the wind were as numerous as corals in the sea. At this moment, Caesar was the one most likely to find the intruder among the four.

At the same time, the Vampire Scythe is different from the dangerous instantaneous word spirit such as Jun Yan. It does not consume too much of the user's physical strength. At the same time, when the domain is fully opened, there is no need to continue reciting dragon texts.

Suddenly there was light in the courtyard of the shrine. All the shrines, all the stone Jizos, and all the candles were lit.

Everyone looked over, and both Chu Zihang and Caesar felt frightened, as if they had seen an evil ghost coming out of the candlelight.

I don't know when a girl appeared in the courtyard wearing the same witch uniform as Eri's. Her bun was loose, her body was as white as jade, and her long hair was shiny black, like dots of ink, slender and lonely. She clearly looks like a child, but she is even more coquettish than an adult singer.

When the witch in the courtyard dances, she stands tall and graceful, like willow catkins blown by the wind or crane mist in the clouds. She is beautiful but not enchanting, and her brows and eyes are full of graceful grace.

Eliyi hugged Lu Mingfei's arm tightly. She suddenly began to tremble, fear and panic, as if she had seen an evil ghost crawling out of the grave after many years. However, Eliyi clearly just thought she saw her brother in the courtyard. . Although she didn't know why her brother became like this. His eyebrows were slender, the corners of his eyes were crimson, and his eyebrows were actually dotted with cherry blossom patterns, making him look like a peerless beauty. But you shouldn’t be afraid.

Lu Mingfei patted the back of the hand of the girl next to him. He had already recognized who it was. It was Kazama Liuli who appeared in female form, Yuan Zhisheng's younger brother, Yuan Zhisheng.

He is clearly a man, but he is more graceful and beautiful than a woman. His body is tall and straight, and his flesh and bones are well-proportioned.

The man in the courtyard slowly approached. He was dancing with his body. He was truly the most beautiful woman in the world. However, Caesar and Chu Zihang only felt that there was danger. Death-like danger was approaching. Their hearts were beating like drums beating on the battlefield in ancient times, their blood was boiling in their bodies, and the light of their swords was as cold as snow.

The girl's pupils changed between gold and black, as if two golden lights flashed out in the darkness. Lu Mingfei sighed and stood up with lust. He opened the door and stood in the rain blown by the wind. In just a moment, the terrifying sense of oppression disappeared from Caesar and Chu Zihang's bodies.

Only then did they realize that they had actually seen the person in front of them.

The fierce ghosts, the dragon king, and the glass in the wind.

"You are worthy of being a man who has killed gods, Mr. Lu." Yuan Zhennu stood in front of Lu Mingfei, and he gave him a polite gift, with a girl-like fragrance wafting from his body.

Lu Mingfei was leaning against the door. He slowly raised his head. His eyes were pitch black, and the golden pupils didn't even light up. But at a certain moment, Yuan Zhennu still seemed to see an angry dragon dormant in those dark pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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