Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 197 196 Source Girl

Chapter 197 196. Source Girl

Yuan Zhi looks like a child when she smiles. He does look very similar to Yuan Zhi, but the younger brother's body is more slender, while the older brother looks upright and strong.

At this time, the whole mountain was silent, as if all the birds, insects, and snakes were dead, and the rain was endless. The rustling sound of rain echoed between the two mountains covered with trees and weeds.

No one spoke. When they first met Kazama Liuli, Caesar and Chu Zihang realized that it was a very dangerous opponent. When facing that boy who was even a bit girly, they sometimes felt that they were facing someone directly. king.

Eriki timidly hid behind Lu Mingfei, grabbing the corners of his clothes with both hands, only exposing her head on one side of her shoulders to quietly look at the boy who looked very much like her brother.

Lu Mingfei stood under the eaves, and the water curtain dripping from the corners of the eaves seemed to have become a rippled gauze. He was holding a cigarette, and now he took a strong sip from the cigarette in his hand.

This puff seemed to have sucked half of the cigarette into his lungs. Lu Mingfei raised his head slightly and flicked off the cigarette butt. The ancient alchemy knife named Lust was held by him with his right hand. His wrist shook and the blade buzzed. Then the man finally He blew out the long, seemingly headless cigarette.

It’s been a long time, long time no see, Yuan Zongnu.

he said in his heart.

He stared into the eyes of the gentle young man standing in the rain. There was not much emotion in his eyes, and the expression on his face did not change much. Only the blade of the blade reflected the cold light.

After many years, the violent storm that swept through Tokyo caught up with him again. Lu Mingfei felt that his ears were so noisy, including Deadpool's dying cry, the buzzing of swords, and the thunderous gunshots. , and the sound of wind whistling in my ears.

But nothing could compare with that last overlook. The young man named Yuan Zongnu stood silently in the water that submerged his knees. He watched the water rushing in Gao Tianyuan take away the killed Deadpool. . Lu Mingfei still remembers the cowardice and incompetence that took over his body at that time. This helpless feeling of wanting to fight but not having the strength to hold a knife still tortures him in his dreams to this day. The ghosts of many people often appear in his dreams. The depths of his memory called out, but there was nothing he could do.

Lu Mingfei had forgotten many details, but he could still think of the innocent girl's eyes when she finally raised her head. There was no trace of warmth left in those pupils, and the boy's hoarse voice said: "Farewell, Mr. Lu... this Once, I bet you to win!"

This was the last farewell between this gentle mountain boy and Lu Mingfei. When the young girl walked towards the boundless darkness, the banging sound that made him feel fear and pain never stopped. The evil girl named Kazama Liuli The ghost is finally free.

The man's back was actually very blurry in his memory. Lu Mingfei knew from the beginning that Yuan Zhennu was sending him to a dead end. He screamed and cried bitterly as he walked. The evil spirit tore at the cage while the young man in the mountain huddled in the corner in pain. Struggling. Lu Mingfei thought at that time that this was really sad and painful. He was clearly just a child but he was dancing with evil spirits every minute and every second. Now the child is going to die because Yuan Zhimu believes that he, Lu Mingfei, can kill the king.

Yes, on the grand stage of Japan, how many tragedies have already been written by the devil named Herzog?
  At a certain moment, Lu Mingfei's soul seemed to be echoing with mourning songs from the past.

"This is the first time we meet. I am Kazama Liuli. Please take care of me." The beautiful young man in the rain tilted his head and looked at Lu Mingfei with a smile on his face.

His whole body was ethereal, and his miko uniform was also very light. It didn't look like he could hide weapons, but everyone present knew that Kazama Ruri didn't need weapons because he was the sharpest knife in the world.

"You and Genzhi grow up very much." Lu Mingfei turned sideways to let Kazama Ruri walk in. He was still wearing the miko uniform that was almost exactly the same as Eri's, but when he stepped across the rain curtain falling from the eaves, he seemed to With divine strokes, the red and white women's clothes slowly transform into white hunting clothes with the rising ink-like wadding.

In this way, the young man immediately changed from the most beautiful witch in the world to the devout priest in the shrine.

He smiled and nodded to Caesar and Chu Zihang, and then stood in front of the stove rather shyly, not knowing whether to sit down or continue to stand.

Eriki looked curiously at the shy young man reflected in the light. She pulled the corner of Lu Mingfei's clothes, and Lu Mingfei said to Yuan Zhinu: "Please sit down."

"My real name is Yuan Zhisheng, the second son of the Yuan family, and Yuan Zhisheng is my elder brother." Fengjian Liuli's voice was distant and clear. He and Yuan Zhisheng did look similar, but upon closer inspection, there were big differences. It was different, so it didn't feel scary in the eyes of Chu Zihang and Caesar.

The young man did not sit down. The mountain breeze blew the hem of his white hunting coat and stirred it up. The young girl's long hair had just been wet by the drizzle and was now shining black in the firelight. Everyone present, including Eri Yi, looked at the smiling boy in the light seriously. The gazes of Caesar and Chu Zihang were even very aggressive. Caesar originally thought that Yuan Zhennu was a boy who was almost as beautiful as a woman, but when he saw his true appearance, he couldn't help but be shocked by Yuan Zhennu's cleanliness and gentleness.

Probably due to the cold, the young man's skin was almost sickly pale. He did not light up his golden eyes, so he did not look like when the evil ghost named Kazama Ruri was in charge of his body. Although he was wearing the clothes of a priest, The hunter's clothes are as light as water, and anyone will feel close to him.

But Caesar and Chu Zihang were not deceived by Yuan Zhennu's appearance. They knew very well what kind of organization the Fierce Ghosts were, and what powerful and dangerous forces were gathered in that organization. How could Yuan Jingnu, who was in a high position among the fierce ghosts, act so gentle and cowardly?

What's more, they were deceived not long ago by Minamoto no Nai. They were tricked by him to the junction of Tokyo and Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, and then they were attacked by the snake-shaped deadpool controlled by the fierce ghosts. If it weren't for Lu Ming If they were not there, they might have to use Chu Zihang's Jun Yan if they wanted to leave safely.

However, the speech spirit of Jun Yan is not stable in the first place, and it is very difficult for the user to control it. After Chu Zihang accepted the Nibelung Plan, he became even more manic, and the movement in the urban area was no less than a Mortars were firing.

Deadpool's roar may not reach the residential area, but the explosion caused by Jun Yan and the sky-high light and fire can shake the entire Shinjuku.

"I'm glad to see Gattuso and Chu are still alive." Yuan Zhimu said with a smile. Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other and each clenched their weapons.

Of course, dozens or hundreds of snake-like deadpools transported to Tokyo by vans are very difficult to deal with, but even without Lu Mingfei, they are confident that they can break out of the encirclement.

They felt angry not only because of betrayal and deception, but also because of Kazama Ruri's sin.

As the person who made the plan and invited them to the academy, as the Dragon King, Kazama Ruri is undoubtedly the most qualified person among the fierce ghosts to control a dangerous weapon like the snake-shaped Deadpool, so it is the seemingly harmless person in front of him. The young man killed so many innocent people and created a snake-like Deadpool who will never be forgiven by the academy.

"You are a member of the Fierce Ghosts, so three of the eight Snake Qi families are not without the birth of ghosts." Caesar held Dictado's knife handle, his guard and hostility undisguised.

This cannot actually be considered a problem, because the Fierce Ghosts have always only accepted those members who are not recognized by the Snake Qi Eight Family, and each of them is burdened with heavy sins. Caesar is a very conceited person. He is never afraid of strong enemies. Even when he faced the only S-class Lu Mingfei in decades, he did not flinch. However, the intelligence network between the Gattuso family and the academy was completely intact. Open to them, both Caesar and Chu Zihang knew what kind of monster Yuan Zhisheng was.

The young master of the Sheki Hachi Family hid his bloodline level when he was studying at Kassel Academy. He relied on Kaguya to pass the 3E exam. After the assessment at that time, this guy's bloodline was just very ordinary. A-level mixed-bloods can be considered to be on the stage in the academy, but they are not the figures who can lead an era like Caesar and Chu Zihang before Lu Mingfei entered the school.

But Norma’s diary of afternoon tea in the principal’s office can be read through the entire four years from 2003 to 2006, and the original students were invited as many as [-] times. This is a quite astonishing number. You must know that being invited by the principal to participate in his afternoon tea at Kassel College is a great honor for students. Only the best students can get this honor, even if they are as outstanding as Chu Zi So far, Hang has only received two invitations from the principal.

Of course, Principal Angers’s afternoon tea is indeed precious to students, but if it is the vice-chancellor’s night watchman, it seems quite cheap. Fingel is a frequent visitor to Flamel’s tutor’s office. These two are simply worth mentioning. They often conspired to overthrow the brutal rule of Principal Angers in the name of drinking afternoon tea, and privately promised many student leaders that if Angers could be sidelined, the night watchmen would organize two bikini beauty contests every semester.

In short, when Minamoto was admitted to Kassel Academy, he had already shown his extraordinary qualities, but for some reasons he had to hide it. The reason why he needed to rely on Kaguya to pass the 3E exam was I think it was because of what Genkazema Ruri said when they met Chu Zihang last time, that Japanese mixed-races are all descendants of gods, and what flows in their bodies is not the gift of the Black King, but the blood of the White King.

The word spirit used in the 3E exam is the exclusive word spirit emperor of the Black King. However, in ancient times, before the White King betrayed the Supreme, he used the word spirit called Oracle to his descendants, so the descendants of the white king will not be affected by the word spirit emperor. the call.

Coupled with the vague oppression that Yuan Zhisheng brought to Caesar and Chu Zihang, they have reason to believe that this is a super hybrid that has exceeded the critical blood limit, and may not even be inferior to the normal ones. Lu Mingfei.

In other words, Minamoto Chisei is likely to be an S-level hybrid, so what about Minamoto Chisei, whose bloodline is even stronger than that of Minamoto Chisheng and who has degenerated into a ghost?
  Is his bloodline close to that of a pure-blooded dragon?

Young Master Gattuso, who accepted the Nibelung plan, once felt that he was the only one in the world and that no one except the Dragon King and Lu Mingfei could be his opponent. But during this period, he suddenly realized that there are still super hybrids in the world. Things are inevitably a little disheartened.

Nowadays, when facing a Saiyan-level hybrid that may be even more powerful than a super hybrid, one will naturally be extremely vigilant.

"People always have their shadows, Gattuso-kun. The shadows of the Snake Qiba family are the fierce ghosts. Of course I am the shadow of my brother." Yuan Jingnu said with a smile. The fire in the stove was warm. He was very happy. Familiarly, he found the instant coffee that was probably prepared by the night-watch priests from the kitchen closet. It looked like it was exactly at home. He then brewed it in a porcelain cup and looked at Caesar while drinking the coffee.

His smile was very light, and his expression was not ferocious. He did not look like a ghost, nor was he as domineering and arrogant as that day in Ginza Kabukicho. In the warm light, there were velvet hairs on the side of his face. hair, skin seems transparent.

"Those dead waiters were created by you." Chu Zihang cherished his words as always. He seemed to be kneeling on the tatami, his eyes hidden in the darkness, but the bright gold in his pupils was scattered in the air, but There is no way to hide it.

"It's not me, I just can control them." Yuan Zhennu said. The boy gently shook the porcelain cup in his hand and took two sips of coffee before his face finally turned rosy.

"The one who really possesses evil spirits is my teacher Wang Jiang." He lowered his eyes and his voice was as gentle as a gurgling stream.

Lu Mingfei said nothing. He remembered that Caesar had heard the sound of the clapper being struck when he was attacked by the Deadpools. Herzog's method of controlling Minamoto and Minamoto is also to use the sound of clappers to control the personality transformation after pons split surgery. As a cautious careerist, he will definitely not control Deadpool in this way. Leave it to Minamoto Girl to use.

Then there is only one explanation. Yuan Jingnu thinks that those deadpools are under her control, but in fact, although the purpose of what he wants to do is different from Herzog, the process does not conflict, so it seems that Yuan Jingnu While controlling the snake-like Deadpool to besiege and attack Chu Zihang's team, it was Herzog who actually did it.

Eriyi sat obediently next to Lu Mingfei, eating the roasted minced beef in small bites. Her fair cheeks were a little red from drinking sake. At this time, she raised her head and looked at Lu Mingfei, and then He quickly buried his head again.

"You want to kill us, but you dare to show up here at this time?" Caesar used the tip of Dictado's knife to point the tatami and made a clear sound. Yuan Zhennu chuckled softly: "Of course I don't want to kill you. , it’s just part of the plan.”

"You never told us about any plans to dispatch such a number of snake-like Deadpools. As one of the leaders of a hybrid organization, you should know if any of these things escape from there and enter the city of Tokyo. What an astonishing commotion will it cause?" Caesar stared into the girl's eyes. Yuan Zongnu is actually older than them, but his bones are too slender and his skin is too fair. On the contrary, he looks more like an underage boy. His eyes are clear and moving. At this time, Caesar stared at But it also felt like a deep pool. Although it was clean and transparent, it was deep and cold, so dark that even light could not be reflected.

Yuan Jingnu still had the same submissive expression. He held the porcelain cup in both hands and gently put it down. He tilted his head and looked at Caesar: "If the commissioner of this department can't even deal with such prey, how can he become my companion? ? What we are talking about killing is not a fragile thing like Deadpool, but a general."

The snake-like deadpool is not lower than level A in the academy's danger level classification, but he has become a fragile prey in the eyes of Yuan Jingnu. But neither Caesar nor Chu Zihang felt it was unexpected. Instead, they thought it was natural. Although they had never fought against a virgin, as long as they sat in front of this man, they felt as if they were facing a strong man like the principal.

"You are a madman," Caesar said coldly.

"You have no idea what the King is like. He is an evil ghost more dangerous than a god. I have to do whatever it takes to kill such a thing." Yuan Jingnu said, "It's not enough just for you to be attacked. Sayre College will not fully interfere in Japan's affairs because of such a trivial matter. We have to muddy the water and let the college know what is hidden here, so that they can send real troops." He obviously believed that the power of the college could destroy The fierce ghosts can also destroy the eight Sheqi families, and Yuan Zhisheng has a clearer understanding of her own strength than Yuan Zhisheng and the heads of the eight Sheqi families.

What he said made sense, but Lu Mingfei suddenly frowned.

If the serpentine deadpools are controlled by Herzog to attack Chu Zihang's team, even Yuan Jingnu knows that this level of attack cannot truly threaten the safety of this team, then...

What does Herzog want to do?
  Exposing that there is someone among the ghosts who can control Deadpool will arouse the vigilance of the secret party. The Abraham blood contract has always been the cornerstone of the academy's standing in the mixed-race world. As a tyrant, Angers will definitely defend this rule, even today Tachibana Masamune and Inuyama Ga went to Chicago hand in hand and could not prevent the academy from sending more forces to Japan. But what good does this do to Herzog? Why did he do what he did?
  Based on Lu Mingfei's familiarity with the old dog, it is almost certain that he is a cautious careerist. Although he has crazy ideas, he has never been a lunatic. Before the god was found, he touched the bottom line of the academy and caused the entire The eyes of the hybrid world were on Japan, which did little good to Herzog's plans.

"You really hope that the power of the academy can set foot in this land." Chu Zihang said.

Yuan Zhennu shook her head: "I don't care who is the ruler here, I only care about my freedom."

"You always talk about freedom, but we don't know what it means yet. I'm surprised. If you want to escape, you can go to any corner of the world with your ability and the assets obtained by relying on the fierce ghosts. ." Caesar asked with a frown.

Yuan Zhennu suddenly looked out the window, and a large flock of birds suddenly appeared in a certain direction in the mountains.

"Evil ghosts always associate with evil ghosts." He said,
  "There is an evil spirit hiding in my body that obeys the king's orders."

(End of this chapter)

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