Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 198 Chapter 197

Chapter 198

"Unfortunately, we don't have much time." Yuan Zhennu said. He unconsciously glanced out the window. The slender fingers that were resting quietly on his knees trembled slightly. He shook his head and stood up.

"Anyway, remember what I said, gentlemen, the king is an evil ghost who came out of hell. I am still investigating his true identity, but if I don't kill him, he will definitely be happy to bring something to this world. A new order.”

"You seem to be talking about the common villains in some American hero movies who want to take over the world." Caesar said.

"Maybe, but I don't care. I just want to kill him. If I kill him, I will be free." Yuan Zhennu chuckled and said, his eyes would always be like the wind blowing behind Lu Mingfei. of painted pear clothes.

"Your bloodline is very good, right? You are the young master of the Fierce Ghosts. Even you can't beat the king?" Chu Zihang asked.

"My brother is called Amaterasu in the family, and the head of the Uesugi family is Tsukuyomi. If you follow this order, I should be Susanoo." Minamoto Naomi put her right hand to her mouth and slapped it. He yawned for a long time, "The Sheqiba family calls people like my brother their emperor. As far as I'm concerned, he should be regarded as the emperor among ghosts."

"I also tried to kill the general, but failed." Yuan Jingnu seemed to think of something terrifying, her whole body trembled, and she hugged her shoulders with her hands. She was slender and looked like a girl pretending to be a priest. He said, "The evil ghost in my body and I rarely reach an agreement, except for the matter of killing the king. We always have the same idea, but he is afraid of that person, just like the elk in the forest is afraid of the tiger in the mountains. Several times we overcame the fear and chopped off the general's head, but the next day he would always appear at my door as usual, wearing the mask of the minister on his face and saying good morning to me."

Caesar and Chu Zihang shuddered slowly.

When they met Kazama Ruri for the first time, they already knew that Wang Jiang was a figure among the fierce ghosts similar to the patriarch of the eight Snake Qi families. However, he was very mysterious, powerful and strange. He rarely appeared in front of outsiders and always wore the official crown. Mask, passionate about...some dangerous and disgusting human experiments. But Yuan Zhennu didn't talk about these experiences last time.

Can someone really recover after their head is chopped off?

Chu Zihang looked at Lu Mingfei, his eyes were a little scrutinizing and a little doubtful. President Lu is the only designated nanny of Kassel College now. He can use the method of temporarily overdrafting the life force of the cured to cure those who cannot imagine it. The damage can be called a miracle. For example, Nono's whole body was burned and almost carbonized during the Kuimen operation in the Three Gorges. Another example is Professor Mance, whose heart was pierced and all his organs were almost completely destroyed, but he still managed to retain a breath.

Lu Mingfei raised his eyebrows, then shook his head at Chu Zihang. He thought to himself that he was indeed a team nanny in a sense, but he was definitely not a paladin with his own resurrection skills. Cutting off his mother's head and still being able to bounce around and come back the next day wasn't called healing, that was called a dream.

But there were some things he didn't say. All those killed by Yuan Jingnu were Herzog's puppets. Although he didn't know how many such puppets there were, he thought they must be in huge numbers, so as to create the illusion of resurrection from the dead.

"In short, our goals are actually the same in the end. Wang Jiang and the Snake Qiba family are both looking for God. The difference is that the former wants to kneel before God to pray for gifts, while the latter wants to kill God and get everything from God." Yuan Zhinu Walking outside, he stopped in front of the dripping water curtain from the eaves of the door and looked back sideways, "The King believes that genetic technology and alchemy technology have reached their peak today. With the help of God, we can become pure-blooded dragons. For this reason, he conducted a lot of experiments to create evolution drugs. The ghosts who used these drugs gained temporary power, but also accelerated their fall. I think he hoped to get the help of God to develop the perfect evolution drug. Fierce ghosts Others in the crowd feel the same way. But I don’t trust him, because he is the one who has exclusive power. How could he allow humble servants to share the throne.”

After he finished speaking, he was about to leave when Caesar suddenly stopped the handsome young man.

"Hey." Caesar said, "I can't believe you either. You Japanese are all bastards like our Gattuso family. I can imagine that if you were replaced by my uncle, he would definitely kill the king and inherit his legacy. Then he controls the gods and occupies such a divine throne."

"It doesn't matter, Gattuso-kun will always believe me." Yuan Zhimu said with a smile. He stretched out his hand, and the water flow separated to both sides like a curtain on a stage. It was really a miraculous ability, but it shouldn't happen. In reality,

"I'm not interested in strength or power. I just want to live as myself in a place where no one knows me." The young man said, but suddenly his smile stopped at this moment, and the waves of red gold were like a torrent slowly but surely. The ground welled up in those narrow eyes.

From the direction of the torii came the sound of a sharp blade tearing the air and then cutting open the wooden door.

That sharp knife was far faster than the speed of sound. Lu Mingfei could even imagine how dangerous it was.

The whole world collapsed in front of Yuan Zhennu and Chu Zihang's team, as if a knife had chopped the illusion into pieces, as if cracks appeared in the transparent glass covering the eyes, and the cracks gradually expanded with a soft crackling sound.

The strength of Eryi's grip on Lu Mingfei's wrist turned out to be stronger. He looked in the direction of the girl's gaze and saw that Yuan Jing's body was also covered with cracks.

Lu Mingfei chuckled, and then he saw Yuan Zhisheng walking in the rain carrying a spider. The man's eyes were filled with light like molten iron.

Yuan Zhennu slowly turned her head at this moment, and their eyes met across the drizzle and strong wind. Both of them were silent, with murderous intent and hatred in their eyes.

After many years, brother and brother will finally meet again.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't make any move, because the boy wearing hunting clothes suddenly shattered completely, turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared out of thin air.

Yan Ling. Dream tapir.

But even the emperor among evil spirits like Yuan Zhennu cannot use this word spirit to completely pull everyone present into a deep dream, so what Chu Zihang's team experienced just now was just a shallow dream created by everyone. Dreamland.

In other words, the young girl who appeared in front of them was just an illusion.

Lu Mingfei touched Hui Liyi's hair, smiled and said your brother is coming soon. Erika blinked. Continue to drink sake in small sips.

In the last period of time and space, the Tokyo mission report recorded in detail the words and spirits of the important figures who appeared in this incident, such as Minamoto's royal power, Sakura's Yinliu, and Inuyama Ga's Setsuna. Of course, the dream tapir owned by Yuan Jingnu was also recorded. This word spirit is a very rare pure spiritual system and a true direct line of the White King. If it is used with all its strength, it will be difficult for people in the field to escape from the nightmare, even if they are conscious This is just a dream.

But obviously this time, Yuan Zhennu had no intention of fighting Chu Zihang's group. The speech spirit he used was not powerful. He just created a dream similar to an illusion. Everything that happened in this dream was secret and could not be understood. known to outsiders.

The general played by Herzog definitely has some way of monitoring Yuan Zhinu or the evil ghost named Kazama Ruri at all times. The last meeting between him, Chu Zihang and Caesar was actually considered After a test, Wang Jiang knew all the contents of their conversation, and even supported Yuan Jingnu's actions.

In the eyes of Yuan Jingnu, Wang Jiang is like a real evil ghost crawling out of hell. He is not even afraid that Yuan Jingnu is planning how to kill him completely.

This time Yuan Zhennu met Chu Zihang's team in a dream. In the end, Wang Jiang was just Herzog's puppet. He may have powerful hypnosis methods, but he did not have the ability to read minds. In fact, this word spirit named Meng Tapir had already started to take effect when Lu Mingfei and the others stepped into the White Feather Dog Shrine.

Both Lu Mingfei and Eryi heard the boy's laughter, which was actually the sound of the words being recited.

Lu Mingfei once tried to call Lu Mingze under the torii gate. He rarely did this, but unless he was really entangled by something, Lu Mingze would always respond to his call. But everything was lonely at that time, and Lu Mingze didn't show up. Lu Mingfei had already realized that what he was probably not living in was pure reality. At this time, Lu Mingfei looked at the place where the beautiful boy put down the porcelain cup when he left. It was indeed empty, with nothing there.

The mountains seemed to have finally come to life at this moment. There was no longer just the sound of wind and rain, but also the chirping of birds and various other noises. Yuan Zhisheng stood under the torii gate. He leaned on the ground with a long knife and kept silent for a long time. language.

The White Feather Dog Shrine was too quiet tonight. Even though Minamoto and Sakura had approached with torches, the priest in charge of the warning still did not make any move.

If it weren't for the fact that the air was only filled with the smell of soil and leaves, without the smell of blood at all, Yuan Zhisheng would have even suspected that this place had fallen.

With the ability of the fierce ghosts, it is almost impossible to capture the White Feather Dog Shrine where the headquarters commissioners and Eriki are currently stationed, unless they use large-scale heavy weapons, but the movement is very loud, and it is very quiet here.

"The large army of fierce ghosts may not have appeared here, but I think there may be an important member here." Sakura's eyes flickered. In fact, in the wars for hundreds of thousands of years, the Snake Qiba family has very It is difficult to completely crush the fierce ghosts in single combat. The bloodlines of the cadres are stable, but the price is that the bloodlines are far inferior to the evil ghosts. The family even once lost ground in the war. This situation continued until the establishment of the Executive Bureau. The first director of the Executive Bureau, Inuyama Ga, the head of the Inuyama family, used his iron-blooded skills and powerful strength to cause the fierce ghosts to suffer a huge blow.

But the truly powerful evil spirits among the fierce ghosts have not been killed, and some of them may have strength comparable to the emperor of the family.

"The commissioners of the Kanagawa Executive Bureau are rushing here." Sakura said that the quality of the Executive Bureau definitely exceeded the average level of family cadres, and fighting evil spirits was their forte.

Although the White Feather Dog Shrine is closer to Tokyo Genji Heavy Industries, the office center of the headquarters has just been attacked by fierce ghosts at this moment, and the Executive Bureau commissioners need to stay on various important floors of the building. Although there are quite a few cadres in the family with good pedigrees and strong fighting abilities, due to lack of training, they are unable to play much role in the real battlefield against fierce ghosts.

With Minamoto's immature hearing, he can capture the direction of Tokyo. In addition to the howling mountain wind and the roar of helicopter wings, there are many helicopters that the Snakekihachi family can call upon in Tokyo. In an emergency, they can even use Ryoma strings. Ichiro called on contacts in the Japan Air Self-Defense Force to transport strategic supplies and personnel.

The closer to the White Feather Dog Shrine, the more intense the sense of dead emptiness became. Minamoto Chisheng slowly drew out the Spider Sword, and the light of the sword was wrapped in the cold wind, creating a gorgeous arc like a long river.

In a daze, both Yuan Zhisheng and Sakura seemed to hear some kind of... deep roar, mixed with the distant laughter of a young man, coming from all directions, like a waterfall echoing in the mountains and deep valleys crashing against the stone wall, this sound did not It was neither harsh nor deafening like thunder. It was even pleasant to hear, but it shook the outer walls of all the shrine courtyards like a cannonball, causing lime to rustle down.

Sakura's expression became a little ugly. The sound and the dead silence of the shrine made her feel like she had come to some strange and colorful ghost story, as if an ancient coffin was pushed open from the inside in the mountains, and was bound by iron ropes to be killed. The boy who was buried alive, now that boy has returned from death, his soul is trembling. There is both the unwilling scream of the evil spirit and the ignorant joy of the boy.

Yuan Zhisheng pursed his lips, and a bright golden light escaped from his evil eyes. Sakura's bloodline is already very powerful, and she is even qualified to become the head of the Kanto branch, replacing Akechi Asaya, but Minamoto's childish bloodline is much stronger and more powerful than hers. So to Sakura, it sounds like evil spirits crying and laughing in the coffin, but to Yuan Zhisheng, it sounds like a delicate voice reciting high-pitched words in the mountains!

At this time, Sakura's expression suddenly changed from frightened to a little weird. Under her windbreaker, she was originally wearing a black tights that could completely outline the curves of her body. The rope buttons on the tights were full of blades that were as light and imperceptible as butterfly wings.

The girl suddenly took off her coat quietly, leaving only the pitch black and extremely thin black clothes. Her eyes were moving silently, and the candlelight in front of the Buddhist niche outside the shrine reflected her figure as beautifully as a green mountain in spring. Unexpectedly, the ancients said that when I saw how charming the green mountains were, it must have reminded me of the beautiful figures I had seen before.

Looking at Sakura through the candlelight of the Buddhist altar, her skin was slightly shiny, as white as raw silk, and her long black hair was originally scattered in the wind, but now it was tied into a ponytail with a hair tie around her wrist. The enchanting palace beauty immediately became a chivalrous heroine wielding swords in the world.

Sakura also looked at Yuan Zhisheng, she smiled slightly, and her plain white skin became as if it was being swayed by the moonlight at this moment. Yuan Zhisheng's heart moved, and suddenly she realized that the girl who rarely talked to her had also grown up. She must be so slim and graceful.

Sakura's presence around Yuan Zhisheng has always been very low. She is a child who was picked up, and she just needs to do what she should do. When Yuan Zhisheng wants to travel, she is a full-time driver. When Yuan Zhisheng is sick, she is a professional nurse. If Yuan Zhisheng wants to kill someone, she can also be the best killer in the world. But Ying rarely spoke, which made Yuan Zhisheng somewhat ignore her existence. But at this time, the man's heart was inexplicably throbbing. He thought that it would be good to take Ying with him when he went to France after retirement, but he didn't know that she was willing. Not willing.

"There is a mouse quietly following us." Yuan Zhisheng said. He stopped looking at Sakura and just waved his hand.

"Get rid of him."

As the words fell, the silver sharp blade slid out along the knot. A large number of delicate blades slowly fell against Sakura's skin, but the falling momentum stopped in an instant. They were suspended in the dim light, their blades flickering. Dangerous light. These silver blades are quenched with toxin extracted from the liver of puffer fish, and only a small amount can incapacitate a buffalo.

Sakura is a qualified killer. She frequently traveled in the dangerous Middle East when she was very young, earning bounties by killing people. Nowadays, she rarely shows her ferocious side, but this does not mean that she has forgotten that time. How to kill someone.

The effect of the Yin Current is to accurately control the air flow. It is not a high level among the Word Spirits of the Wind King series, but it is a very powerful assassination Word Spirit. In some senses, it is not inferior to the Sword Controller who controls the magnetic field. Even worse.

At this time, the realm of the word spirit was fully expanded, and the wind in the mountains seemed to be held by Sakura in her hands. She danced her palms like the most graceful conductor, and dozens of densely packed exquisite blades danced like butterflies. .

Their material is hard and tough. The Rock Flow Research Institute spent a long time creating these things. The heaviest of them only weighs 30 grams. The blade has been treated with nanometers. Under Sakura's control, it can even cut pure blood along the gaps in the scales. Dragon skin and muscle tissue.

As Minamoto stepped towards the closed door of the shrine, these dangerous butterflies suddenly slowly rotated and flew in the same direction, accompanied by the fishy wind of death.

"Stay here, the emperor's war, you people will only be torn into pieces if you participate in it." Yuan Zhisheng said. He noticed that Sakura was following him, so he shouted to stop,

"It's your job to find that rat and get rid of it."

"Yes, young master." Sakura lowered her head slightly and said softly. She has absolute confidence in Yuan Zhisheng, and there are no more than three people in the world who can defeat him.

The blade reflected the cold light and swayed on the cherry wood door. The wind and rain slapped on the plain white sunny doll above the door frame. Yuan Zhisheng turned the handle of the knife, and the spider was cut in his hand as light as a gust of wind. The blade Cut through thick cherry wood.

Two seconds later, the door collapsed in front of the man, and the smell of decay blew into his face along with the cold wind, lifting his forehead that had been wet by the rain.

Here you enter the courtyard and corridor. At the end of the corridor is the torii gate. On one side of the torii gate is the kitchen of the shrine, and on the other side is the room where Eri usually stays. He stepped into the rain with a knife in his hand and walked towards Eriki's room.

But when he walked under the torii gate, the hot dragon blood in Yuan Zhisheng's body seemed to suddenly solidify. The poisonous snake spitting out the letter swam into his blood vessel, and the scales as cold as ice took away the blood from his body bit by bit. temperature.

At a certain moment, it seemed that the world had become lonely, leaving only the mountain wind and rain, and the young man standing sideways at the door of the kitchen.

The hunting clothes were plain white, and the person wearing it was slender and lonely. The gold in his eyes was like lava filled with blood, and he was more majestic than the evil ghost from a thousand years ago!

They stared in the rain until a man's voice suddenly came from outside the shrine.

He turned out to be a very aggressive guy, not like a stalking rat, but like an ancient general who would never give up. This guy yelled, "Taijun, spare your life, I am a great citizen!" At the same time, he jumped out of the grass. His muscles as fierce as a liger undulated under his loose raincoat, but he looked like a pit bull with his tail between his legs. The rat scurried toward the shrine.

Yuan Zhisheng was stunned for a moment, and the handsome young man who had been away for many years disappeared from his eyes, leaving only the pair of golden eyes that still seemed to light up in the desolation.

(End of this chapter)

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