Dragon Clan: Thought So Far.

Chapter 199 198 The little female dragon in Kassel College

Chapter 199 198. The little female dragon in Kassel College

The news that a large group of deadpools appeared on the streets of Tokyo and attacked the headquarters commissioners spread at an alarming speed through every institution under the Cassel Academy. The mixed-race world, which had not yet emerged from the shadow of the Earth and Mountain King incident, became boiling again overnight. .

A huge number of war preparation instructions were personally signed by the big shots on the school board from the central dispatch room of Kassel College and spread to every branch around the world.

Some people have begun to associate this incident with the human trafficking incident of wild mixed-breeds in Rio de Janeiro earlier this year. Whether it is the artificial creation of Deadpool or the trafficking of mixed-race human beings, it is a heinous crime in the Abraham Bloodline Treaty, which is enough for a secret party to launch a war. Commissioners of the Executive Directorate stationed in branches around the world are already on standby. Director Abdullah and Deputy Director Carr said that the weapons arsenal of the Equipment Department will provide unlimited ammunition and equipment support to the Commissioners of the Executive Directorate. Professor Schneider, Director of the Executive Department is considering whether to issue a war mobilization order.

At the same time, when the academy was sharpening its sword and preparing to use force to defend the legality of the Abrahamic blood contract, those mixed-race families with roots in Europe and America also swarmed in like sharks that smelled blood. Whether it is the secret party or the North American hybrids, Japan is definitely an unexplored blank area. The Sheqi Hachi family has an outrageous control over this land, relying on infiltration and asset mergers. The method can only allow them to insert their spies into the Japanese mixed-race society under the rule of the Sheqi Hachi family, but it does not allow them to truly extend their power to this country.

These large, deep-rooted families need to plunder wealth from all over the world to support themselves. Now that the cake of wealth in the lands they can touch has been divided, Japan is an unexplored new continent for these people. They are eager to plunder the wealth of Japan's mixed-race society.

The emergence of a group of deadpools on the streets of Tokyo gave the secret party a reason to start a war, and also gave the North American and European hybrids the opportunity to completely penetrate Japan.

The North American hybrids have even formed a powerful army under the leadership of the Henkel family, and are always ready to intervene in Japan's affairs and take a piece of the pie from the Secret Party and the Eight Snake Riders.

Of course, the turmoil in the outside world does not affect the normal operation of Kassel College. The appearance of the Deadpool group can at most be regarded as adding some sauerkraut to the increasingly busy senior students in the baroque style cafeteria. Great conversation piece while braised elbow.

After all, Kassel College is a well-deserved elite training institution in a mixed-race society. The students who enter here all harbor heroic dreams of killing the Dragon King. However, most of these heroic dreams will be completed after participating in the first social practice in the second semester of their junior year. Beaten to pieces.

The students were doing whatever they were supposed to do, but there were a lot of posts on the Night Watch forum about Chu Zihang's group's trip to Japan. Fingel has been missing for a while, which has made the forum atmosphere a bit dull. This guy is like a husky that jumped into a pack of wolves. He usually doesn't feel much. Without him, there seems to be a lot less fun. .

It was early in the morning, and the September sunshine in Chicago was already quite fierce. There was a thin white mist under the window on the top floor of the principal's office. It was ice crystals suspended in the air when the cooling effect of the central air conditioner was turned to maximum.

Xia Mi looked around curiously. The furnishings here have really not changed much from the past. They have a sense of Hilbert Jean Ange's favorite British style, which is lazy and warm. The sunlight in the patio is mottled through the leaves. As it fell, two red squirrels held the nuts that the girl threw over and gnawed them with their big fangs.

"I have been looking forward to inviting outstanding students like you to my principal's afternoon tea again. Unfortunately, as the principal of this college, I am too busy with my official duties. I may be in Chicago in the morning and have to attend a meeting in New York in the afternoon. I still need to attend a dinner party in Moscow in the evening." Deep red water with a strong aroma of tea gurgled from the tilted bone china teapot and then poured into the porcelain cup in front of Xia Mi. The dense white steam rose and silently crashed into the air. of cold fog.

"Wuyishan Dahongpao, Mingfei used to be my favorite tea here." Angre said with a smile.

"Please don't add sugar, thank you, and I don't want any milk either." Xia Mi folded his arms and looked like if you don't explain it to me clearly, I want you to look good.

“Do normal people really add sugar and milk to their tea?”

The corners of Ange's eyes twitched, and he retracted his hand that was reaching for the sugar bowl with a dry laugh. "Mingfei also said something similar." He said.

"The husband sings and the wife follows." Xia Mi hummed twice, "Do you have any Haagen-Dazs?"

"Yes, yes, I'll get it for you." The principal stood up and went to the freezer behind him to get Haagen-Dazs. The old principal was actually quite cautious.

"Principal, you said that senior brother will not be in danger when he goes to Japan, right?" Xia Mi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the mottled sunlight in the patio reflected through the glass into the pair of bright pupils. The girl put her hands on the table and leaned forward, as if she was protecting Cat with cubs.

The air was filled with the faint fragrance of tea and ancient wood, and the girl's nose twitched. The oily color of the old wood in the sunlight looked very stylish, like the color that a British private library should have.

The books piled on the two-story, ceiling-to-ceiling bookshelf seemed to be completely the same as when Xia Mi came here last time. Each book was still placed where it should be. It seemed that Angers was not lying. He was indeed very busy, so busy that he didn't even have time to look through the collection of books here.

The sun shone through the frosted glass on Xia Mi and Ange's bodies, making both of them feel warm.

"If the air conditioner is turned on so much, why won't you freeze to death?" Xia Mi glanced at Angers and said.

"I occupy part of the Wind King's power, although not all of it, but the dragon's blood is still boiling in my body." Angers shrugged, "The body temperature is too high. If not, I would be very uncomfortable."

The principal's office is Norma's restricted area. No monitoring method in the world can break through the defense of this office, so Angers can unscrupulously expose what he owns here.

"You have to give me an explanation. Japan is definitely not a good place, right?" Xia Mi's eyes were even more dangerous. Her skin was almost transparent in the sunlight, but her eyes seemed to be flowing with desolate flames.

Angers hesitated for a moment, then took a sip from the porcelain cup. He slowly raised his eyes and looked into Xia Mi's eyes. The iron-gray pupils unique to the Aryans met the golden pupils of the king. After a few seconds, Xia Mi became cold. He groaned and looked away.

"The Snake Qiba Family and the Fierce Ghosts are all descendants of the White King." The principal said, his expression could not be said to be solemn, or even serious.

"Impossible!" Xia Mi grinned, revealing two small tiger teeth that were as white as pearls in the midsummer sunshine. "When the rebellion ended, the Black King killed all the descendants of the White King!" King of the Earth and Mountains Mengjia was very confident that they, the kings who had lived from ancient times to today, knew more secrets. Although she had never seen the high priest who once shared the world with the emperor and had no chance to participate in that super-ancient war, she My life is so long, and I have witnessed so many facts and falsehoods in my long life.

At least during the period of history when the King of Earth and Mountain was most active, Xia Mi had never seen the blood descendants of the White King.

"How is your relationship with Chu Zihang?" the principal asked suddenly, shrugging.

Xia Mi was stunned, narrowed his eyes and said viciously: "Generally speaking, I think he is like my love rival. Lu Mingfei used to often tell me that Chu Zihang is so good, why doesn't he be with Chu Zihang when he is so good? Senior brothers are together?" The younger junior sister was a little angry when she said this, her cheeks puffed up like a hamster.

At this moment, Ange laughed in a low voice. Xia Mi crossed his arms and glared at him. The principal stopped laughing: "You dragon kings are also afraid of love rivals?"

"Hey, what do you mean you are the Dragon King? Principal, aren't you considered the Dragon King now? I am definitely right to expose our identities after the game, but you also have to take two Tomahawk missiles, okay?" Xia Mi yelled in a low voice. , her eyelashes drooped, like neat and thick curtains, and the shadows were cast in the golden eyes that had not been extinguished, shining like two bays of clear water.

"I want to ask, do you know that Chu Zihang also has the skill of violent blood?" Ange raised his hands in surrender after being defeated. There was a gentle and kind smile on the old man's face, and his eyes under the brown lenses were as deep as It was a glance at a pool of water, "So we are grasshoppers on the same rope. No one can tell the other's identity."

"I know. Lu Mingfei told me that if Chu Zihang continues to advance on the road to becoming a god while fighting, he may not live past thirty." Xia Mi nodded.

"Do you understand this technology?"

"Well, I've been beaten with blood before." Xia Mi flattened his mouth like a duck. Angers covered his face: "I mean, do you know the sequelae of violent bloodshed?"

"It's so strange to have fallen into a deadpool. You humans are always thinking about stealing the power of the dragons. You don't even care that there is an abyss in front of you. If you take one more step, you will fall." Xia Mi said. The principal leaned back, and the World Tree school emblem on his chest shone in the sun: "What did you say just now, 'Hey principal, are you not the Dragon King now?' How come you have become us humans again?"

"Schrödinger's Dragon King can be either a dragon or a human, so the positioning is more flexible." Sitting opposite Angers, Xia Mi hummed and dug into Haagen-Dazs with a spoon.

"In short, the use of this technology by hybrids is like opening Pandora's box. They will eventually degenerate into Deadpool, unless they use the Nibelung Plan like Caesar and Chu Zihang do today, or get a second-generation species. The golden holy liquid above completely transforms the bloodline. The reason why violent blood corrupts people is because this technology will gradually awaken the part of the hybrid body that belongs to the dragon, and the dragon's genes gradually replace the human genes. But when this When the species replacement reaches the final step, the human part cannot be eliminated no matter what. At this time, the hybrid gene collapses and degenerates into a deadpool." Angers drank the red tea and said in a deep voice,

"Theoretically, hybrids whose bloodline originates from the four monarchs are subject to this rule, but the descendants of the White King will not, because the North Sea Scroll records that the White King is a king who controls the spirit, and her blood flows in her body. The power of the spirit, the will of the dragon cannot be awakened, and it will not fall."

"Although I really want to refute you by using the example of the Snake Qihachi Family and the Fierce Ghosts being an organization that gathers hybrids and corrupted hybrids respectively, principal, please continue." Xia Mi lazily had blue-white ice cream on the corner of his mouth. say.

"The White King's bloodline has become very thin after many generations of dilution. Now those spiritual elements are not stable in the bodies of Japanese hybrids. Those extremely unstable ones will cause the dragon's will to gradually overpower the human will and become a ghost. Those who are relatively stable are no different from other hybrids, while those who have atavism and strong spiritual elements will be very strong and are super hybrids that can break through the critical blood limit and ensure that they will not fall." Angers explained

Xia Mi's eyes narrowed: "Super hybrid?"

"Similar to what we define as S-class, but maybe even stronger than S-class." The mist rising from the porcelain cup enveloped the principal's face, and he yawned, "I've met him before. If it hadn't been for Time Zero, I might have been there by now. I can’t stand in front of you anymore.”

"So fierce? Aren't senior brothers and the others very dangerous in Japan?" Xia Mi glared at Ange.

"The last super hybrid is no longer in trouble. They won't be in any danger with Lu Mingfei, but Japan is indeed not peaceful today. There is something hidden under the water, like an ancient evil spirit coveting the world. "The principal frowned, "I will feel at ease only if I put Mingfei there."

Xia Mi fell silent, the girl's beautiful eyebrows furrowed, and the golden color in her eyes faded, but they were still shining.

"By the way, Principal, you have also used the bloodshot, right? Why are you okay?" Xia Mi leaned forward, her eyes looking very confused.

Violent Blood Lu Mingfei told her that it was a technology of the Lion Heart Club, and its original meaning was to release the Lion's Heart. Anger, as the last member of the first generation Lion Heart Club, had no reason to not use Violent Blood. But according to his own words, as long as the technique of violent blood is used, it is equivalent to getting on the train bound for hell.

Seeing that the old guy is still alive and kicking at the age of [-], he doesn't look like he's going to die or degenerate into a Deadpool.

Angers was speechless for a moment, as if recalling some unbearable past events, the expression on his face became a little solemn. He then shook his head and showed his right arm to Xia Mi.

In Xia Mi's dark eyes, the pupils suddenly shrank into needles. The principal's arms are old but not dry. The muscles wrap around the bones and look like water. At this moment, tiny hairs suddenly grow through the skin. They are the intersection of white and cyan. Each of these hairs is shield-shaped. It has lines like growth rings, and the tip is as sharp as a sword.

They tore the old man's skin, as if they were sucking blood and growing, rotating, twisting, converging, and biting tightly, and actually biting together became more and more obvious in the shape of scales.

The strong smell of blood permeated the small space. The blood flowed down Ange's arm, boiling and rising into white steam. The new scales intersected with green and white. The ferocious blood intertwined with the cold metal scales. Under the sunlight, There was a cold light underneath.

The steel-cast scales grew to the size of silver coins. As the powerful heart pumped blood to the end of his right hand, each one closed, opened, closed, and opened again. The flesh and blood under the scales is extremely hot, evaporating the blood and turning it into fine blood-red steam.

"Why...you have white scales?" Xia Mi took a deep breath, seeming to suppress the extreme unrest in his heart.

Colors have special significance in the civilization of the Dragon Clan. Black scales and white scales are exclusive to the two supreme beings. Angers' bloodline originates from the Wind King. Even if his bloodline exceeds the critical blood limit, he should not be able to grow white dragon scales. .

"I already showed it when I killed Norton, but you didn't see it." Angers took off the striped suit on the stand and wrapped the bloody and scaly arm with a calm expression, "College I once obtained a genetic sample of a super hybrid and used it as a basis to create a strengthening potion. I am half a descendant of the White King, so I can minimize the impact of bloodshed."

"Why don't you let others use such a good thing? If everyone in Cassel Academy can use the third degree of violent blood, then you will have nothing to fear even if the Supreme returns."

"Because of its instability, the success rate of this medicine is too low. There were more than three digits of people who participated in that experiment many years ago, but I was the only one who survived." Anger took a sip from the porcelain cup. His facial features were as hard as rock, and he could hardly make any stretching movements.

"Bloodline and will are both indispensable. I was the only S-class person willing to undergo experiments at that time. I lived for revenge. My will is stronger than the mountains, so I was able to survive such pain."

"When will the next team leave? I'm going to Japan." Xia Mi curled her lips and said. The White King is the supreme being older than the four great monarchs. Who knows what things she left behind in Japan, she is worried.

"That's exactly what I want to tell you." Angers clapped his hands and stood up, "Go to the ice cellar?"

"Can I do it too?" Xia Mi had little stars in his eyes and crossed his hands on his chest in anticipation, "I heard there are a lot of good things there, including Norton's Dragon Bone Cross."

Angre's brows raised, and he didn't know why he always felt like he was luring a wolf into the house.

"Yes, there is, but that thing is now the property of the college..."

"Humph, it's not all the assets of the college. How shameless your school board is, principal. Our senior brother Mingfei is the one who contributes the most, okay!" Xia Mi curled his lips and yelled in a low voice.

"Well... Judging from the results of the school board's resolution, Lu Mingfei does have half of the ownership rights to Dragon Bone Cross, but..."

"Give me a taste, principal. I'll take a small sip." Xia Mi raised his right hand and put his index finger and thumb almost together, then closed one eye and looked at Angers through the small gap.

The principal's expression was not very good.

"No." he said,

"Absolutely not possible on this matter!"

Norton's dragon bone cross is stored in the "Well of Oblivion", which is the lowest level of the ice cellar. According to mythology, it is here that the three goddesses of fate weave, stretch and cut the thread of life. This is the place where everything is obliterated. What protects it is the most powerful alchemical matrix in the world and the most advanced automatic weapons on earth. Even so, Angers was still worried, so he built an elevator in the office leading directly to the Well of Annihilation, just because he was worried that a certain female dragon would go crazy. I want to secretly taste it.

(End of this chapter)

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